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57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes

Class Notes
Fall 1999

Prepared by: Professor Fred Stern Typed by: Stephanie Schrader

57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes Professor Fred Stern Typed by Stephanie Schrader Fall 1999

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Fluids Fluid mechanics is the science of fluids either at rest (fluid statics) or in motion (fluid dynamics) and their effects on boundaries such as solid surfaces or interfaces with other fluids. Definition of a fluid: a substance that deforms continuously when subjected to a shear stress Consider a fluid between two parallel plates, which is subjected to a shear stress due to the impulsive motion of the upper plate
u=U Fluid Element u=0 t=0

No slip condition: no relative motion between fluid at boundary, i.e., fluid in contact with lower plate is stationary and in contact with upper plate moves at speed U.


Fluid deforms, i.e., undergoes strain due to shear stress

57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes Professor Fred Stern Typed by Stephanie Schrader Fall 1999

Chapter 1

Newtonian fluid:

& = rate of strain t & t = = coefficient of shear viscosity

This behavior is different from solids, which resist shear by static deformation (up to elastic limit of material)


Elastic solid: = strain = G G = shear modulus

t=0 t=t

Both liquids and gases behave as fluids Liquids: closely spaced molecules with large intermolecular forces retain volume and take shape of container

Gases: Widely spaced molecules with small intermolecular forces take volume and shape of container


57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes Professor Fred Stern Typed by Stephanie Schrader Fall 1999

Chapter 1

Recall p-v-T diagram from thermodynamics: single phase, two phase, triple point (point at which solid, liquid, and vapor are all in equilibrium), critical point (maximum pressure at which liquid and vapor are both in equilibrium). Liquids, gases, and two-phase liquid-vapor behave as fluids.

57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes Professor Fred Stern Typed by Stephanie Schrader Fall 1999

Chapter 1

Continuum Hypothesis In this course, the assumption is made that the fluid behaves as a continuum, i.e., the number of molecules within the smallest region of interest (a point) are sufficient that all fluid properties are point functions (single valued at a point). For example: Consider definition of density of a fluid

(x , t )=

lim M V V V*

x = position vector t = time

V* = limiting volume below which molecular variations may be important and above which aggregate variations may be important V* 10-9 mm3 for all liquids and for gases at atmospheric pressure 10-9 mm3 air (at standard conditions, 20 C and 1 atm) 7 contains 3x10 molecules such that M/ V = constant = Note that typical smallest measurement volumes are about 10-1 100 mm3 >> V* and that the scale of macroscopic variations are very problem dependent

57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes Professor Fred Stern Typed by Stephanie Schrader Fall 1999

Chapter 1

Exception: rarefied gas flow

57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes Professor Fred Stern Typed by Stephanie Schrader Fall 1999

Chapter 1

1.2 Flow Classification Hydrodynamics: flow of fluids for which density is constant such as liquids and low-speed gases. If in addition fluid properties are constant, temperature and heat transfer effects are uncoupled such that they can be treated separately. Examples: hydraulics, low-speed aerodynamics, ship aerodynamics, liquid and low-speed gas pipe systems

Gas Dynamics: flow of fluids for which density is variable such as high-speed gases. Temperature and heat transfer effects are coupled and must be treated concurrently. Examples: high-speed aerodynamics, gas turbines, high-speed gas pipe systems, upper atmosphere

1.3 Historical Note 1.4 Significance of Fluid Mechanics 1.5 Trends in Fluid Mechanics

see text and as per following discussion

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