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Metals and Polymers: Stress-Strain and Visco-Elastic Responses Polymers: Stress-Strain Response


plastic YS = stress-max (necking) TS = fracture point


PMA polymethyl methacrylate

Type of polymer matters Strain-rate dependent Temperature dependent.

Calister, Ed. 6 (2003)

Polymers: Visco-Elastic Deformations

Semicrystalline polymer Load vs. Time ta = time of applied stress tr = time of released stress elastic




Calister, Ed. 6 (2003)

Polymers: Visco-Elastic Deformations

log-Er(t) vs log-t Relaxation Modulus Er(t) = !(t)/ "0 Er(t) vs T

Calister, Ed. 6 (2003)

Melting Tc

Glass Tg

Stress-Strain and Anelastic (t and T dependent) Responses

Adiabatic: specimen is loaded so quickly that there is no time for it to absorb thermal energy from surroundings Temperature of specimen will drop below surroundings by the time peak stress is reached!
A=adiabatic pt. I = isothermal pt. O-I: loaded so slowly that specimen remains isothermal with surroundings. A-I: If adiabatically stressed speciment is held at constant stress, it will, with passage of time, warm up and elongate by thermal expansion .
Thermally expand with time

(un)loaded in continuous cycle

Thermally contract with time Hayden, Moffat and Wulff (1965)

Stress-Strain and Anelastic Work

Elastic Work Dissipated = Work Done - Work Recovered

Hayden, Moffat and Wulff (1965)

Although elastic hysteresis loop may be very small, the elastic hysteresis effect is important if material is vibrated rapidly: total work = cycles * hysteresis-area/cycle!

Energy Dissipation versus Frequency

(un)load intermediate: Large dissipation! (un)load quickly: Purely adiabatic

(un)load slowly: Purely isothermal

Metals: Anelastic Snoek Effect (measure by friction) thermoelastic effect by stress-induced diffusion
Carbon interstitials occupy octahedral sites randomly. They slightly distort unit cell. Under stress, the unit cell elongates in direction of applied stress and, by the Poisson Effect, the edges of the unit cell perpendicular to stress contract, "z= - # "x. Contraction is more difficult at an edge $ to force until that atom jumps into edge || to force . If stress is applied slowly, C has time to diffuse, and, if released slowly, it has time to reassume random distribution. If stress is applied rapidly, C atom diffuses out of unfavorable site with passage of time, allowing a Poisson contraction and corresponding elongation with time. !" os like OAI, or hysteresis loop under cycling.

Polymers: Visco-Elastic Strain vs. Time

Hayden, Moffat and Wulff (1965)

" #" a= r u "r

Fraction of strain that lags Relaxation time directly measured: rise to 1/e of final value on loading. decrease to 1/e of its initial value on unloading.

" = "r (1 # ae#t / $ ) Loading " = a"r e #(t #t 1) / $ Unloading

Damping Capacity
Alternative to direct measurement of relaxation time is damping capacity as function of frequency of stressing. Forced vibration (beam or torsion pendulum. free vibration (decay of amplitude is measured). Energy Dissipated/Cycle
"U = & #d$ % M
2 #0

Total Stored Elastic Energy

' sin (

2' sin ( ) E$0

" 2 E#2 U= 0 = 0 2E 2

Dissipation Loop

Measure of damping (relative loss) ! "U % vs. f, fixed T # 2$ sin % % vs. T, fixed f U For free oscillation, amplitude decreases with time: track logarithmic decrement, strain in one cycle to next cycle: " = ln #1 $ 1 %u
2 u
" = " 0 sin#t $ = $0 sin(#t % & )
Hayden, Moffat and Wulff (1965)

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