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ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT ________________________________________________________________________ OUMH1303 ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION JANUARY 2013 ________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS

1. This assignment contains TWO (2) tasks that is set in the language of the printed module for the course. Answ ! ALL" 2. Answer in En#$%s&" 3. Download the language version of the 'ss%#n( n) ) (*$') concerned from the MyV ! for preparation and su"mission of your assignment. #our assignment should "e typed using 12 point Times $ew %oman font and 1.& line spacing. '. #our assignment should "e "etween 1+00 ), 2-00 w,!.s /0$1.%n# references. The num"er of words should "e shown at the end of your assignment. D, n,) copy the assignment (uestion and instructions to your answer. &. #ou must su"mit your assignment TO YOUR FACE2TO2FACE TUTOR. #ou are advised to keep a copy of your su"mitted assignment for personal reference. ). #our assignment must "e su"mitted "etween 23)& * 2+)& J1$4 2013 ,! T1),!%'$ 5" +u"mission '6) ! 2+)& J1$4 2013 ,! T1),!%'$ 5 will NOT "e accepted. ,. #our assignment should "e prepared individually. #ou should not copy another person-s assignment. #ou should also not plagiarise another person-s work as your own.

E7ALUATION This assignment accounts for 308 of the marks for the course mentioned and shall "e assessed "ased on )& R19!%0s ,! Answ ! S0& ( " #ou would "e informed of the assignment mark "efore the .inal +emester !/amination commences. :LAGIARISM ; MAR<S DEDUCTION W'!n%n# ; The su"mitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. 0f plagiarism is detected1 marks would "e deducted as follows2 Assignments with 10 2 30 8 ,= !$'* with others2 208 deduction from the total marks scored. Assignments with 31 2 -0 8 ,= !$'* with others2 508 deduction from the total marks scored. Assignments with (,! )&'n -08 ,= !$'* with others; > !, ('!? would "e given.


:UR:OSE This assignment is divided into two categories3 a4 a written assignment3 and "4 an oral presentation. The purpose of this assignment is to develop the learners- writing a"ility and apply specific skills that are re(uired in an oral presentation. @UESTION The use of 55TV 6close circuit television4 cameras in streets1 stations1 shops and other pu"lic places has increased rapidly in recent years. Although we are told that these cameras help in the fight against crime1 however some people are opposed to their use. They "elieve that everyone has a right to privacy. A) WRITTEN ASSIGNMNET (208) 7rite a persuasive essay on the a"ove situation. 8ive reasons for your answer and include any relevant e/amples from your own knowledge and e/perience. 7rite at least 19:: words and a"ove. B) ORAL :RESENTATION (108) 1. #ou need to prepare 9 ;12 M+ <ower<oint slides "ased on the content of your paper 6written assignment4 for a 1: minute talk 6oral presentation4. 2. =se phrases rather than whole sentences to write the te/t of your slides. =se num"ered>"ulleted lists to organi?e and present main>supporting ideas on a given slide. 3. Make your slides visually interesting "y using suita"le colours for the "ackground and em"edded sym"ols and pictures as appropriate. '. #ou can prepare a presentation slides using the guidelines "elow2 +lide : +lide : +lide 1 +elf;0ntro Title 0ntroduction

+lide 2 +lide 3 +lide ' +lide & +lide ) +lide , +lide 9 +lide A

0ntroduction 5ontent 1 @ e/amples 5ontent 2 @ e/amples 5ontent 3 @ e/amples View 1 @ e/amples View 2 @ e/amples 5onclusion 5onclusion


A) WRITTEN :A:ER (20 ('!?s); Ass ss( n) C!%) !%' (M'!?s A$$,)( n)) D s0!%*),!s M'!?s

7 !4 G,,. ), E/0 $$ n); +u"stantive and knowledgea"le development of assigned topic3 ideas are relevant to the topic3 ideas appropriately and interestingly selected3 ideas logically and coherently stated3 supported and se(uenced3 overall cohesiveness achieved. A= !'# ), G,,.; CONTENT A +ome knowledge of assigned topic3 ade(uate range of ORGANISATION ideas3 ideas are mostly relevant to the topic "ut lack details3 loosely organi?ed "ut main ideas stand out3 (12 ('!?s) limited support3 logical "ut incomplete se(uencing. :,,! ), F'%!; imited knowledge of the assigned topic3 ideas are of little su"stance and inade(uate3 ideas are somewhat confused or disconnected3 lacks logical se(uencing and development.




7 !4 G,,. ), E/0 $$ n); Very effective use of comple/ sentence structure3 sophisticated and effective range of voca"ulary3 appropriate register3 few grammatical errors. LANGUAGE (+ ('!?s) A= !'# ), G,,.; !ffective simple sentences3 ade(uate range of voca"ulary3 several grammatical errors "ut meaning not o"scured. :,,! ), F'%!; MaBor pro"lems in the use of simple sentences3 limited and repetitive choice of voca"ulary3 fre(uent grammatical errors causing unclear meaning. T,)'$ M'!?s






B) ORAL :RESENTATION (10 ('!?s); C,(*,n n) E66 0)%= :! s n) ! D s0!%*),!s !/cellent presenter who presents ideas coherently and clearly3 uses appropriate voice volume and intonation3 uses suita"le linguistic e/pressions3 communication is not at all affected "y minor errors3 natural and no reading of prepared slides. +atisfactory presenter who is a"le to present ideas coherently and clearly most of the time1 uses accepta"le voice volume and intonation3 uses some suita"le linguistic e/pressions3 communication generally not affected "y errors3 some reading from prepared slides "ut not too o"vious. ess than satisfactory presenter3 some ideas are lost or confused1 uses inappropriate voice volume 6too soft4 or intonation3 uses poor linguistic e/pressions3 communication sometimes affected "y maBor errors3 some reading from prepared slides. <oor presenter with little or no communication taking place3 shows ina"ility to perform tasks3 cannot respond to the audience3 incoherent and poor use of language features3 total reading from prepared slides. T,)'$ M'!?s S0,! s


G,,. :! s n) !


F'%! :! s n) !


:,,! :! s n) !


10 BTOTAL ACB D 30 ('!?sE

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