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Subject: National Treaty Implementation Process WHEREAS the Chiefs of Treaty No. 6, Treaty No. 7 and Treaty No.

8 (Alberta) are duly mandated to represent their individual First Nations politically regionally, and nationally and internationally; and WHEREAS the Chiefs have chosen to assemble collectively through the Assembly of Treaty Chiefs on issues and concerns that impact the three Treaty areas; and WHEREAS the Grand Chiefs were mandated to attend and represent the First Nations at the national meeting with Prime Minister Harper January 11, 2013 wherein the Prime Minister committed the federal government to a high level process moving to Treaty Implementation; and WHEREAS the three Treaty areas have assigned portfolio Chiefs on Treaty, being Chief Craig Makinaw for Treaty No. 6, Chief Darcy Dixon for Treaty No. 7 and Chief Rose Laboucan for Treaty No. 8 (Alberta) to represent the Rights and Title Holders of the three Treaty territories at the national level and to report back to the Chiefs in their respective territories, supported by the AFN (Alberta) Regional Chief Cameron Alexis and technical personnel assigned from the three PTOs; and WHEREAS it is recognized that there are alternate and parallel paths of work being undertaken on Treaty Implementation, including the national advocacy organization of the Assembly of First Nations, the Treaties 1 to 11 Movement and other advocacy groups at grassroots level and that these are all to be respected for bringing awareness and for working towards having the original Spirit and Intent as understood by our peoples, particularly as taught by our Elders, of the Treaties recognized and implemented within the successor state of Canada; and WHEREAS the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, particularly Preambular Paragraph 8 Recognizing the urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with states as well as Article 37(1) Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded with States or their successors and to have States honour and respect such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements. WHEREAS the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People in Article 18 outlines that Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision making in matters which would affect their rights, through representation chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision making institutions.

WHEREAS the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People in Article 19 outlines that States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the Indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their fee, prior and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them. WHEREAS the Government of Canada has proposed a Nation to Nation working group with representation from the Prime Ministers Office, the Privy Council, the AANDC Ministers Office and AANDC for Canada and on behalf of Treaty First Nations: (To be determined) for the purpose of engaging the Treaty First Nations regarding Treaty Implementation. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that: 1. The Chiefs maintain the position that the International Treaties entered into by the Indigenous Nations through sacred ceremonies be honoured, respected and implemented by the Government of Canada as the successor state on behalf of the Crown. 2. The Chiefs call upon the Elders to continue to hold sacred traditional ceremonies to pray for the work on Treaty implementation is guided in good faith by all Treaty partners. 3. As a sign of good faith the Federal Government should cease and desist on any current and pending legislation affecting Indigenous Treaty Peoples from being introduced into the House of Commons. 4. As a further sign of good faith, Canada should put a moratorium of any further funding cuts to Treaty First Nations, Aboriginal Representative Organizations, Provincial or Territorial Organizations and Tribal Councils. 5. The Treaty Portfolio Chiefs as identified and the Regional Chief be mandated to oversee the activities undertaken nationally to ensure the Chiefs of Treaty No. 6, Treaty No. 7 and Treaty No. 8 (Alberta) are kept informed and to attain further direction as required to ensure the Treaties are protected and enhanced for the benefit of the First Nation peoples they represent. 6. The Chiefs appoint the Regional Chief to represent the three Treaty territories on the Nation to Nation Treaty Implementation Working Group being proposed by the Government of Canada and facilitated through the Assembly of First Nations. 7. The Regional Chief work closely with the Treaty Portfolio Chiefs, report to and received directions from the Chiefs within each Treaty territory and at the Assembly of Treaty Chiefs regularly on the activities and progress of the working group.

8. This Resolution provides a mechanism for gathering of information for the benefit of making informed decisions collectively by the Assembly of Treaty Chiefs of Treaty No. 6, Treaty No. 7 and Treaty No. 8 (Alberta) while respecting the autonomy of the leaders of individual First Nations in their efforts of Treaty Implementation

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