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Contract Lifecycle Management transforms the traditional Source to Settle process into a fully integrated solution from acquisitions

planning through contract closeout, with full transparency and visibility.

Deloitte has configured their Fed.ROITM environment with a CLM solution that is fully integrated with Oracle R12.1.3 Federal Financials. Current efforts are now in progress for an upgraded 12.2 configuration.


What is CLM?
Contracts Lifecycle Management (CLM) is an application module within the Oracle e-Business Suite (EBS) that supports the federal acquisition process. From acquisition planning and requisition creation through award closeout, CLM can provide extensive capabilities for the federal contract process including the generation of contract documents, interface functionality to external systems such as FBO and FPDS, and capture of procurement action lead times (PALT).

Integration between Acquisitions and Finance functions Built on the existing Oracle Advanced Procurement suite of applications; CLM integrates with Oracle Federal Financials modules on Oracle EBS R12 Process efficiencies and automated workflow CLM can provide increases in productivity with automated workflow and enhancement to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) alignment, compliance, and overall business process capabilities. Reduced cost on a platform built for growth Integrated procurement and finance ecosystem reduces dual entry, costly interfaces, and promotes collaboration The Deloitte difference: Value to our clients
Deloittes Enhancements to Contract Lifecycle Management
Standard Functionality
Requested updates to standard contract forms to allow additional fields to be populated Configured complex PIID numbering and contract clause imports Optimized acquisitions planning functionality and award integration

Contract Lifecycle Management

The integration to the Oracle EBS with CLM can help federal organizations in their efforts to reduce challenges such as: Little transparency across acquisition and finance functions. Lack of clear auditability due to maintenance of multiple systems of record for procurement procedures. Deficiencies in reporting and data analysis. Use of manual methods to meet mandatory governmental requirements. CLM allows the organization to perform inter-related processes, both internally and externally, within one system: Generation of contract documents, consisting of standard forms and clauses. Award document approval, utilizing Contracting Officer electronic signature including document routing to COR and Legal for review. Standard interface capabilities to meet and track federal requirements.

Deep Knowledge in Procurement and Contract Management
Implementation Experience
Effectively completed the first ever implementation of CLM Network of clients available to obtain fresh perspectives and leading practices Dan Collins Deloitte Consulting LLP +1 571 814 7150 Jeff Berger Deloitte Consulting LLP +1 704 887 2088 Jonathan Campbell Deloitte Consulting LLP +1 937 443 5482 Pete Cannistraci Deloitte Consulting LLP +1 617 437 2643

Deloittes Alliance Relationship with Oracle

Direct Interaction
Deloitte has worked closely with the Oracle CLM development team to continuously improve application functionality Working closely with Oracle CLM leadership to suggest future product enhancements Collaboration with Oracle has allowed Deloitte to influence resolution timelines to meet client preferences

Community of Practice
Deloitte has created a venue for practitioners to share and develop leading practices in procurement and federal contracting based on practical work and implementation experience

Custom Development
Created and implemented interfaces to CCR, FPDS-NG, and IPP Developed a supplier addition page to add new suppliers from CCR

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Deloittes perspectives strengthen the relationship between acquisitions and finance Transforming procurement operations Contract Lifecycle Management: Aligning Acquisitions and Finance for Improved Performance Promotes Agency-wide education and accountability through transparency and control

Helping Federal clients achieve more today while building a stronger foundation for tomorrow
Partnered with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to streamline their procurement process by implementing CLM the first implementation of the CLM solution, anywhere along with the Oracle EBS suite of procurement, financials, and manufacturing modules.

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