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Renewal/Existing Member

For Office Use Only Receipt No. ________________ Date Received __ __ / __ __ /__ __ Date Approved

New Member

Kelab Sukan Komuniti Subang Jaya

Subang Jaya Community Sports Club (SJCSC) Reg. No.: 1155-05-07 Unity Service Family

Membership Application Form

1. Father/Mother/Guardian Details Name: ________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy) NRIC/Passport: _________________________________________________________ Nationality: Malaysian Others: _____________________________

__ __ / __ __ /__ __ Cash/Cheque ________________ Amount RM___________

Email: _______________________________________________ Handphone: __________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________ Post Code: ____________________________ City: __________________________________ Club Official 1 State: _________________________________ ________________ 2. Applicants Declaration I declare that the particulars stated above are true. If my application for membership is accepted, I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations as stipulated in the By-Laws and the Constitution of the Club, and also the terms set out in the League Registration Form. Signature of Applicant: __________________________ Date: ___________________ Club Official 2 ________________

Subang Jaya Community Youth Football League

Organised by the Subang Jaya Community Sports Club (SJCSC) & Unity Teamwork Sportsmanship Discipline Service Family

For League Use Only Division - Birth Year

Premier 2000-2001

2014 League Registration Form

1. 2. 3. Read, understand and acknowledge the Parents/Guardian Declaration and Commitment. Fill and complete the Subang Jaya Community Sports Club Membership Form. Players Details
Players Name: _______________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Division Number ______________


Parents/Guardian Details
Parent/Guardian Name (1): _____________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________

Im ready to volunteer as:


1 Child - RM250

Coach Assistant Coach Team Manager

2 Child - RM225 3 Child RM210 *Includes a new/renewal membership fee of RM25 per family, and a full set of jersey.


Handphone: _____________________ Home Phone: _______________________ Parent/Guardian Name (2): _____________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ Handphone: _____________________ Home Phone: _______________________

Referee/Linesman Team Volunteer Photographer News Reporter General Volunteer


Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct & Responsibility

I will fully support the core values of our league. I will make every effort to help my son/s attend the weekly training sessions and matches. Whenever possible I will attend the matches to support my son/s and his team. I will support the efforts of the teams coaches and other volunteers. I will equip my son with a football, boots and shin guards during the duration of the league. I will stand on the designated sidelines during matches. I will be on my best behavior throughout the duration of the League. I will make any complaints in WRITTEN FORM ONLY to the Leagues Leadership Team.

New Player Returning Player Select Team

I/We hereby give permission for the named player in this form (the player) to participate in the Subang Jaya Community Youth Football League (the League), and declare that I/We:i. ii. will assume all risk of personal injury, including death and damage to personal property sustained and/or suffered by the player during his participation and/or involvement in the League; agree to release the Leagues officials and/or its volunteers and the SUBANG JAYA COMMUNITY SPORTS CLUB (the Club) and its members, officers, agents, employees, peers, and any other party or parties related to organising the League (related parties), or the Ministry of Education, from any and all liability for any injury, death or damages, suffered by the player during the duration of the League or any events organized by the League or the Club, whether due to the negligence of the League, the Club, or its officers, agents, employees, peers and/or related parties; iii. will fully and effectively defend, indemnify and hold the League and the Club, its officers, agents, employees, peers and/or related parties harmless from and against any and all actions, suits, claims, demands, causes of action, proceedings, losses, costs, expenses including, without limitation, all legal fees and disbursements, damages, liability and fines or penalties, in any w ay arising out of, or relating to, connected with directly or indirectly, with the participation of the player in the League, regardless of whether there is active or passive negligence or fault on the part of the League and Club, its officers, agents, employees, peers and/or related parties. Signature of Parent/Guardian (1): ______________________ Date: _____________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian (2): ______________________ Date: _____________________


Players Declaration
I agree to accept this invitation to participate in the League and any of its events with the blessings of my parents/guardians, and agree to follow all regulations and instructions from the coaches and Team Managers. I commit myself to attending all training sessions and matches punctually. I will also not neglect my studies and preparation for examinations. Signature of Player: _____________________________ Date: _____________________

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