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1. Definition 03 2. Types of Soil Pollution

.. 03 3. Causes of Soil Pollution

04 4. Indiscriminate 0 . Indiscriminate use of pesticides! insecticides and "er#icides. . 0 $. Dumpin% of Solid &astes use of fertilizers..

0$ '. Deforestation .. 0$ (. Pollution Due to )r#anization .

.. 0'

*. Pollution




.. 0' 10.Pollution of )nder%round Soil

. 0( 11.+ffects of Soil Pollution

.... 0* 12.+n,ironmental 0* 13.Control of Soil Pollution .. .... 10 14.-atural .and Pollution lon% term effects of Soil Pollution

. 12 1 .Correcti,e /ctions .... .. 12 1$.0eference .. 12 1'./ppendi1 .. 12

Soil pollution is defined as t"e #uild2up in soils of persistent to1ic compounds! c"emicals! salts! radioacti,e materials! or disease causin% a%ents! 3"ic" "a,e ad,erse effects on plant %ro3t" and animal "ealt".

Soil is t"e t"in layer of or%anic and inor%anic materials t"at co,ers t"e +art"4s roc5y surface. T"e or%anic portion! 3"ic" is deri,ed from t"e decayed remains of plants and animals! is concentrated in t"e dar5 uppermost topsoil. T"e inor%anic portion made up of roc5 fra%ments! 3as formed o,er t"ousands of years #y p"ysical and c"emical 3eat"erin% of #edroc5. Producti,e soils are necessary for a%riculture to supply t"e 3orld 3it" sufficient food.

T"ere are many different 3ays t"at soil can #ecome polluted! suc" as6

7 Seepa%e from a landfill 7 Disc"ar%e of industrial 3aste into t"e soil 7 Percolation of contaminated 3ater into t"e soil 7 0upture of under%round stora%e tan5s 7 +1cess application of pesticides! "er#icides or fertilizer 7 Solid 3aste seepa%e

T"e most common c"emicals in,ol,ed in causin% soil pollution are6

7 Petroleum "ydrocar#ons 7 8ea,y metals 7 Pesticides 7 Sol,ents

Types of Soil Pollution:

7 /%ricultural Soil Pollution i9 Pollution of surface soil ii9 Pollution of under%round soil

7 Soil pollution #y industrial effluents and solid 3astes I 9 Pollution of surface soil ii9 Distur#ances in soil profile

7 Pollution due to ur#an acti,ities I 9 Pollution of surface soil ii9 Pollution of under%round soil

Soil sustains all life on eart". 0oots of plants %ro3 in t"e soil and a#sor# nutrients and 3ater 3"ic" is used durin% t"e p"otosynt"esis process! and also for t"e %ro3t" and de,elopment of t"e plants. Consumers! li5e "er#i,ores and omni,ores! eat plants. 8er#i,ores are eaten #y carni,ores and omni,ores in t"e food 3e#! so nutrients t"at are a#sor#ed from t"e soil 3ill #enefit all or%anisms. Soil pro,ides a "a#itat for many or%anisms. &"en people a#use t"e land t"rou%" careless acts! irresponsi#le #e"a,ior! %reed and pollution! t"e soil is "armed and so too all t"e or%anisms t"at directly and indirectly re:uire fertile soil to sur,i,e. ;orms of soil pollution are litter! dumpin% of to1ic 3aste! deforestation etc.

.itter is a ma<or pro#lem of modern society #ecause man2made materials! li5e plastic! %lass and tin! are non2#iode%rada#le. .itter results 3"en 3astes are not disposed in a re%ulated and proper manner. 0u##is" s"ould #e placed in disposal containers for collection and dumped in landfills t"at are co,ered 3it" soil. +1posed litter is t"e #reedin% %round for rats! mos:uitoes and flies! apart from #ein% unsi%"tly! un"y%ienic and a dan%er to animals and plants. To1ic c"emicals must #e disposed of in sealed containers t"at are #uried in special cemented landfills. If t"ese landfills are not mana%ed properly! containers may lea5. T"is 3ill result in streams and ri,ers #ecomin% contaminated! causin% people and animals t"at drin5 t"e 3ater! to #e poisoned. Crops may a#sor# t"e to1ins and 3"en eaten #y people! #irds and animals! cause diseases and to1ic poisonin%. )nscrupulous people ille%ally dump containers of to1ic c"emicals into t"e sea 3"ere t"e containers e,entually

$ corrode and lea5! releasin% t"e to1ic 3aste. T"is 3ill directly impact on t"e marine plant and animal life in t"e area.

.ocal %o,ernment a%encies 3or5 3it"in t"e policies and le%islation of t"e pro,incial and national %o,ernment. Special areas are analyses and demarcated for dumps of to1ic 3aste. &"en contra,ention of t"e /cts and la3s is suspected! local %o,ernment 3ill in,esti%ate t"e process 3it" t"e support of pro,incial and national departments. If people or companies are found to #e %uilty! t"ey mi%"t face ma<or fines and e,en imprisonment. Companies and factories mi%"t #e closed do3n.

Causes of Soil Pollution:

Soil pollution is caused #y t"e presence of man2made c"emicals or ot"er alteration in t"e natural soil en,ironment. T"is type of contamination typically arises from t"e rupture of under%round stora%e lin5s! application of pesticides! and percolation of contaminated surface 3ater to su#surface strata! oil and fuel dumpin%! leac"in% of 3astes from landfills or direct disc"ar%e of industrial 3astes to t"e soil. T"e most common c"emicals in,ol,ed are petroleum "ydrocar#ons! sol,ents! pesticides! lead and ot"er "ea,y metals. T"is occurrence of t"is p"enomenon is correlated 3it" t"e de%ree of industrialization and intensities of c"emical usa%e.

/ soil pollutant is any factor 3"ic" deteriorates t"e :uality! te1ture and mineral content of t"e soil or 3"ic" distur#s t"e #iolo%ical #alance of t"e or%anisms in t"e soil. Pollution in soil "as ad,erse effect on plant %ro3t".

Pollution in soil is associated with:

7 Indiscriminate use of fertilizers 7 Indiscriminate use of pesticides! insecticides and "er#icides 7 Dumpin% of lar%e :uantities of solid 3aste 7 Deforestation and soil erosion


Indiscriminate use of fertilizers:

Soil nutrients are important for plant %ro3t" and de,elopment. Plants o#tain car#on! "ydro%en and o1y%en from air and 3ater. =ut ot"er necessary nutrients li5e nitro%en! p"osp"orus! potassium! calcium! ma%nesium! sulfur and more must #e o#tained from t"e soil. ;armers %enerally use fertilizers to correct soil deficiencies. ;ertilizers contaminate t"e soil 3it" impurities! 3"ic" come from t"e ra3 materials used for t"eir manufacture. >i1ed fertilizers often contain ammonium nitrate ?-84-@39! p"osp"orus as P2@ ! and potassium as A2@. ;or instance! /s! =P and Cad present in traces in roc5 p"osp"ate mineral %et transferred to super p"osp"ate fertilizer. Since t"e metals are not de%rada#le! t"eir accumulation in t"e soil a#o,e t"eir to1ic le,els due to e1cessi,e use of p"osp"ate fertilizers #ecomes an indestructi#le poison for crops.

T"e o,er use of -PA fertilizers reduce :uantity of ,e%eta#les and crops %ro3n on soil o,er t"e years. It also reduces t"e protein content of 3"eat! maize! %rams! etc.! %ro3n on t"at soil. T"e car#o"ydrate :uality of suc" crops also %ets de%raded. +1cess potassium content in soil decreases Bitamin C and carotene content in ,e%eta#les and fruits. T"e ,e%eta#les and fruits %ro3n on o,er fertilized soil are more prone to attac5s #y insects and disease.

Indiscriminate Insecticides and

Use of er!icides:


Plants on 3"ic" 3e depend for food are under attac5 from insects! fun%i! #acteria! ,iruses! rodents and ot"er animals! and must compete 3it" 3eeds for nutrients. To 5ill un3anted populations li,in% in or on t"eir crops! farmers use pesticides. T"e first 3idespread insecticide use #e%an at t"e end of &orld &ar II and included DDT ?dic"lorodip"enyltric"loroet"ane9 and Camma1ene. Insects soon #ecame resistant to DDT and as t"e c"emical did not decompose readily! it persisted in t"e en,ironment. Since it 3as solu#le in fat rat"er t"an 3ater! it #ioma%nified up t"e food c"ain and disrupted calcium meta#olism in #irds! causin% e%%s"ells to #e t"in and fra%ile. /s a result! lar%e #irds of prey suc" as t"e #ro3n pelican! ospreys! falcons and ea%les #ecame endan%ered. DDT "as #een no3 #een #anned in most 3estern countries. Ironically many of t"em includin% )S/! still produce DDT for e1port to ot"er de,elopin% nations 3"ose needs out3ei%" t"e pro#lems caused #y it.

T"e most important pesticides are DDT! =8C! c"lorinated "ydrocar#ons! or%anop"osp"ates! aldrin! >alat"ion! dieldrin! furodan! etc. T"e remnants of suc" pesticides used on pests may %et adsor#ed #y t"e soil particles! 3"ic" t"en contaminate root crops %ro3n in t"at soil. T"e consumption of suc" crops causes t"e pesticides remnants to enter "uman #iolo%ical systems! affectin% t"em ad,ersely.

/n infamous "er#icide used as a defoliant in t"e Bietnam &ar called /%ent @ran%e ?dio1in9! 3as e,entually #anned. Soldiers4 cancer cases! s5in conditions and infertility "a,e #een lin5ed to e1posure to /%ent @ran%e. Pesticides not only #rin% to1ic effect on "uman and animals #ut also decrease t"e fertility of t"e soil. Some of t"e pesticides are :uite sta#le and t"eir #io2 de%radation may ta5e 3ee5s and e,en mont"s.

Pesticide pro#lems suc" as resistance! resur%ence! and "ealt" effects "a,e caused scientists to see5 alternati,es. P"eromones and "ormones to attract or repel insects and usin% natural enemies or sterilization #y radiation "a,e #een su%%ested.

Dumping of solid wastes:

In %eneral! solid 3aste includes %ar#a%e! domestic refuse and discarded solid materials suc" as t"ose from commercial! industrial and a%ricultural operations. T"ey contain increasin% amounts of paper! card#oards! plastics! %lass! old construction material! pac5a%in% material and to1ic or ot"er3ise "azardous su#stances. Since a si%nificant amount of ur#an solid 3aste tends to #e paper and food 3aste! t"e ma<ority is recycla#le or #iode%rada#le in landfills. Similarly! most a%ricultural 3aste is recycled and minin% 3aste is left on site. T"e portion of solid 3aste t"at is "azardous suc" as oils! #attery metals! "ea,y metals from smeltin% industries and or%anic sol,ents are t"e ones 3e "a,e to pay particular attention to. T"ese can in t"e lon% run! %et deposited to t"e soils of t"e surroundin% area and pollute t"em #y alterin% t"eir c"emical and #iolo%ical properties. T"ey also contaminate drin5in% 3ater a:uifer sources. >ore t"an *0D of "azardous 3aste is produced #y c"emical! petroleum and metal2related industries and small #usinesses suc" as dry cleaners and %as stations contri#ute as 3ell.

* Solid &aste disposal 3as #rou%"t to t"e forefront of pu#lic attention #y t"e notorious .o,e Canal case in )S/ in 1*'(. To1ic c"emicals leac"ed from oozin% stora%e drums into t"e soil underneat" "omes! causin% an unusually lar%e num#er of #irt" defects! cancers and respiratory! ner,ous and 5idney diseases.


Soil +rosion occurs 3"en t"e 3eat"ered soil particles are dislod%ed and carried a3ay #y 3ind or 3ater. Deforestation! a%ricultural de,elopment! temperature e1tremes! precipitation includin% acid rain! and "uman acti,ities contri#ute to t"is erosion. 8umans speed up t"is process #y construction! minin%! cuttin% of tim#er! o,er croppin% and o,er%razin%. It results in floods and cause soil erosion. ;orests and %rasslands are an e1cellent #indin% material t"at 5eeps t"e soil intact and "ealt"y. T"ey support many "a#itats and ecosystems! 3"ic" pro,ide innumera#le feedin% pat"3ays or food c"ains to all species. T"eir loss 3ould t"reaten food c"ains and t"e sur,i,al of many species. Durin% t"e past fe3 years :uite a lot of ,ast %reen land "as #een con,erted into deserts. T"e precious rain forest "a#itats of Sout" /merica! tropical /sia and /frica are comin% under pressure of population %ro3t" and de,elopment ?especially tim#er! construction and a%riculture9. >any scientists #elie,e t"at a 3ealt" of medicinal su#stances includin% a cure for cancer and aids! lie in t"ese forests. Deforestation is slo3ly destroyin% t"e most producti,e flora and fauna areas in t"e 3orld! 3"ic" also form ,ast tracts of a ,ery ,alua#le sin5 for C@2.

Pollution Due to Ur!anization:


Pollution of surface soils:

)r#an acti,ities %enerate lar%e :uantities of city 3astes includin% se,eral =iode%rada#le materials ?li5e ,e%eta#les! animal 3astes! papers! 3ooden pieces! carcasses! plant t3i%s! lea,es! clot" 3astes as 3ell as s3eepin%s9 and many non2 #iode%rada#le materials ?suc" as plastic #a%s! plastic #ottles! plastic 3astes! %lass #ottles! %lass pieces! stone E cement pieces9. @n a rou%" estimate Indian cities are producin% solid city 3astes to t"e tune of 0!000 2 (0!000 metric tons e,ery day. If left uncollected and decomposed! t"ey are a cause of se,eral pro#lems suc" as

7 Clo%%in% of drains6 Causin% serious draina%e pro#lems includin% t"e #urst E lea5a%e of draina%e lines leadin% to "ealt" pro#lems.

7 =arrier to mo,ement of 3ater6 Solid 3astes "a,e seriously dama%ed t"e normal mo,ement of 3ater t"us creatin% pro#lem of inundation! dama%e to foundation of #uildin%s as 3ell as pu#lic "ealt" "azards.

7 ;oul smell6 Cenerated #y dumpin% t"e 3astes at a place.

11 7 Increased micro#ial acti,ities6 >icro#ial decomposition of or%anic 3astes %enerate lar%e Fuantities of met"ane #esides many c"emicals to pollute t"e soil and 3ater flo3in% on its surface.

7 &"en suc" solid 3astes are "ospital 3astes t"ey create many "ealt" pro#lems6 /s t"ey may "a,e dan%erous pat"o%en 3it"in t"em #esides dan%erous medicines! in<ections.

Pollution of Underground Soil:

)nder%round soil in cities is li5ely to #e polluted #y

7 C"emicals released #y industrial 3astes and industrial 3astes

7 Decomposed and partially decomposed materials of sanitary 3astes many dan%erous c"emicals li5e cadmium! c"romium! lead! arsenic! selenium products are li5ely to #e deposited in under%round soil. Similarly under%round soil polluted #y sanitary 3astes %enerates many "armful c"emicals. T"ese can dama%e t"e normal acti,ities and ecolo%ical #alance in t"e under%round soil

Causes in !rief:

7 Polluted 3ater disc"ar%ed from factories

7 0unoff from pollutants ?paint! c"emicals! rottin% or%anic material9 leac"in% out of landfill

7 @il and petroleum lea5s from ,e"icles 3as"ed off t"e road #y t"e rain into t"e surroundin% "a#itat

12 7 C"emical fertilizer runoff from farms and crops

7 /cid rain ?fumes from factories mi1in% 3it" rain9

7 Se3a%e disc"ar%ed into ri,ers instead of #ein% treated properly

7 @,er application of pesticides and fertilizers

7 Purposeful in<ection into %round3ater as a disposal met"od

7 Interconnections #et3een a:uifers durin% drillin% ?poor tec"ni:ue9

7 Septic tan5 seepa%e

7 .a%oon seepa%e

7 SanitaryE"azardous landfill seepa%e

7 Cemeteries

7 Scrap yards ?3aste oil and c"emical draina%e9 7 .ea5s from sanitary se3ers

"ffects of Soil Pollution:


7 0educed soil fertility

13 7 0educed nitro%en fi1ation 7 Increased +rodi#ility 7 .ar%er loss of soil and nutrients 7 Deposition of silt in tan5s and reser,oirs 7 0educed crop yield 7 Im#alance in soil fauna and flora

Industrial$ 7 Dan%erous c"emicals enterin% under%round 3ater 7 +colo%ical im#alance 7 0elease of pollutant %ases 7 0elease of radioacti,e rays causin% "ealt" pro#lems 7 Increased salinity 7 0educed ,e%etation

Ur!an$ 7 Clo%%in% of drains 7 Inundation of areas 7 Pu#lic "ealt" pro#lems 7 Pollution of drin5in% 3ater sources 7 ;oul smell and release of %ases 7 &aste mana%ement pro#lems

"n%ironmental &ong Term "ffects of Soil Pollution$

&"en it comes to t"e en,ironment itself! t"e toll of contaminated soil is e,en direr. Soil t"at "as #een contaminated s"ould no lon%er #e used to %ro3 food! #ecause t"e c"emicals can leec" into t"e food and "arm people 3"o eat it. If contaminated soil is used to %ro3 food! t"e land 3ill usually produce lo3er yields t"an it 3ould if it 3ere not contaminated. T"is! in turn! can cause e,en more "arm

14 #ecause a lac5 of plants on t"e soil 3ill cause more erosion! spreadin% t"e contaminants onto land t"at mi%"t not "a,e #een tainted #efore. In addition! t"e pollutants 3ill c"an%e t"e ma5eup of t"e soil and t"e types of microor%anisms t"at 3ill li,e in it. If certain or%anisms die off in t"e area! t"e lar%er predator animals 3ill also "a,e to mo,e a3ay or die #ecause t"ey4,e lost t"eir food supply. T"us it4s possi#le for soil pollution to c"an%e 3"ole ecosystems

"ffects of soil pollution in !rief:

7 Pollution runs off into ri,ers and 5ills t"e fis"! plants and ot"er a:uatic life

7 Crops and fodder %ro3n on polluted soil may pass t"e pollutants on to t"e consumers

7 Polluted soil may no lon%er %ro3 crops and fodder

7 Soil structure is dama%ed ?clay ionic structure impaired9

7 +rosion of foundations and pipelines

7 impairs soil sta#ility

7 may release ,apors and "ydrocar#on into #uildin%s and cellars

7 may create to1ic dusts

1 7 may poison c"ildren playin% in t"e area

Control of soil pollution:

T"e follo3in% steps "a,e #een su%%ested to control soil pollution. To "elp pre,ent soil erosion! 3e can limit construction in sensiti,e area. In %eneral 3e 3ould need less fertilizer and fe3er pesticides if 3e could all adopt t"e t"ree 04s6 0educe! 0euse! and 0ecycle. T"is 3ould %i,e us less solid 3aste. 0educin% c"emical fertilizer and pesticide use /pplyin% #io2fertilizers and manures can reduce c"emical fertilizer and pesticide use. =iolo%ical met"ods of pest control can also reduce t"e use of pesticides and t"ere#y minimize soil pollution.

'educing of materials:

>aterials suc" as %lass containers! plastic #a%s! paper! clot" etc. can #e reused at domestic le,els rat"er t"an #ein% disposed! reducin% solid 3aste pollution.

'ecycling and reco%ery of materials:

T"is is a reasona#le solution for reducin% soil pollution. >aterials suc" as paper! some 5inds of plastics and %lass can and are #ein% recycled. T"is decreases t"e ,olume of refuse and "elps in t"e conser,ation of natural resources. ;or e1ample! reco,ery of one tone of paper can sa,e 1' trees.


Control of land loss and soil erosion can #e attempted t"rou%" restorin% forest and %rass co,er to c"ec5 3astelands! soil erosion and floods. Crop rotation or mi1ed croppin% can impro,e t"e fertility of t"e land.

Solid waste treatment:

Proper met"ods s"ould #e adopted for mana%ement of solid 3aste disposal. Industrial 3astes can #e treated p"ysically! c"emically and #iolo%ically until t"ey are less "azardous. /cidic and al5aline 3astes s"ould #e first

1$ neutralizedG t"e insolu#le material if #iode%rada#le s"ould #e allo3ed to de%rade under controlled conditions #efore #ein% disposed.

/s a last resort! ne3 areas for stora%e of "azardous 3aste s"ould #e in,esti%ated suc" as deep 3ell in<ection and more secure landfills. =uryin% t"e 3aste in locations situated a3ay from residential areas is t"e simplest and most 3idely used tec"ni:ue of solid 3aste mana%ement. +n,ironmental and aest"etic considerations must #e ta5en into consideration #efore selectin% t"e dumpin% sites. Incineration of ot"er 3astes is e1pensi,e and lea,es a "u%e residue and adds to air pollution. Pyrolysis is a process of com#ustion in a#sence of o1y%en or t"e material #urnt under controlled atmosp"ere of o1y%en. It is an alternati,e to incineration. T"e %as and li:uid t"us o#tained can #e used as fuels. Pyrolysis of car#onaceous 3astes li5e fire3ood! coconut! palm 3aste! corn com#s! cas"e3 s"ell! rice "us5 paddy stra3 and sa3 dust! yields c"arcoal alon% 3it" products li5e tar! met"yl alco"ol! acetic acid! acetone and a fuel %as.

Anaerobic/aerobic decomposition of biodegradable municipal and domestic waste is also being done and gives organic manure. Cow dung which releases methane into the atmosphere, should be processed further in 'goober gas plants' to produce 'goober gas' and good manure.


(atural land pollution:

.and pollution occurs massi,ely durin% eart" :ua5es! landslides! "urricanes and floods. /ll cause "ard to clean mess! 3"ic" is e1pensi,e to clean and >ay sometimes ta5e years to restore t"e affected area. T"ese 5inds of natural disasters are not only a pro#lem in t"at t"ey cause pollution #ut also #ecause t"ey lea,e many ,ictims "omeless.

Correcti%e actions can !e put in place to pre%ent soil pollution:

+ducate people to reduce! re2use and recycle 3astes #y pro,idin% containers to recycle paper! %lass! tin and plastic. +nforce le%islation to pre,ent dumpin% in unaut"orized areas 3it" strict fines. .ar%e fines le,ied 3"en people litter! e.%.! 8on% Aon%. )se only indi%enous trees for afforestation. +ducate farmers to ensure crop rotation. Pro,ide informal settlements 3it" proper 3aste remo,al. +nsure local %o,ernment pro,ides many dust#ins in to3ns and cities. ;orm action %roups in communities to clean up polluted areas.

19 "ttp6EEnsdl.niscair.res.inE#itstreamE1234 $'(*E**0E1ESoilHPollution.pdf 29 "$ 0(1E000014 *(3E000014* .ifeHScienceHIS"eetH1(.pdf 2E



The ta!le !elow shows the amount of solid waste generated in a town o%er a period of * years+

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