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Ericson D.

Pendoy Speaking



B. My Own Example

The Officials Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage [Mt. 9:18 !"# 1$th Wee% of Ordinar& Time Monda&' (ul& 8' !)1*
Dear Brothers and Sisters in hrist!

CourageYour faith has saved you. [cf. Mt. 9:22] "he Gospel #or today talks about t$o di##erent stories o# t$o di##erent persons! $hose #aith e%periences in &esus gi'e the( the graces o# healing and the raising back to li#e. )ne! a $o(an su##ering #ro( se'ere bleeding #or t$el'e years! is co(pletely healed o# her sickness by the (ere touch on the cloak o# &esus. "he other! o# a high standing being a synagogue o##icial! belie'es that &esus can raise his child #ro( the dead. "he #aith o# these t$o persons * representing t$o #aces o# society! poor and rich alike- opens the (ercy o# &esus! the healing o# e'ery person+s $oundedness. ,n #aith! it is in &esus+ $oundedness that each one+s $ounds are healed. Each o# us has our o$n e%periences o# $oundedness -it could be pains o# sickness or disease and su##erings. , re(e(ber the ti(es in (y parish especially during prayer (eetings o# the St. Padre Pio De'otees o# Baclayon. E'ery #irst -riday and .3rd day o# the (onth! people #locking to the church! attending healing (asses! are increasing in nu(bers. No$ and then! one can hear se'eral accounts and stories o# (iraculous healing #ro( incurable sickness! diseases and e'en unsol'ed proble(s in the #a(ily -ga(bling and $o(ani/ing husbands! $i'es not taking care o# the #a(ily! children succu(b to 'ices and drugs! disputes on estates! etc. 0nd all o# the( attributed their indi'idual healings to their #aith in the 1ord &esus hrist through the intercession o# St. Pio --aith! so pro#ound! that bring healing to anyone. 2ho a(ong us here is sick3 ,s ha'ing pains o# incurable diseases3 ,s $ounded by #a(ily and (arital proble(s3 4ou are called to belie'e! co(pletely trusting in the 1ord5s (ercy and kindness. E'eryone is challenge to #aith. "his challenge poses on each one to rene$ daily our #aith e%periences $ith the 1ord especially in this 4ear o# -aith. Pope -rancis! in his encyclical 1u(en -idei 6"he 1ight o# -aith7 re#ers this year as a time of grace which is hel i!g us to se!se the great "oy of #elievi!g a!d to re!ewso as the! to rofess that faith i! its u!ity a!d i!tegrity$ faithful to the memory of the %ord a!d sustai!ed #y his rese!ce a!d #y the wor&i!g of the 'oly ( irit. ,n response to the Pope+s call! there is really such a need to ask onesel#8 2here a( , today $ith the 1ord3 Did , gro$ in #aith $ith 9i(3 )n the other hand! did , #alter a$ay #ro( 9i(! the source o# all possibilities3 Brothers and sisters! the greatest challenge no$adays is on ho$ one $ill li'e his:her o$n li#e $ith respect to $hat the $orld is li'ing $ith-anger! resent(ent! ha'ing no concern #or one another! greed and the ;<E alone; kind o# thinking. St. &a(es said8 =-aith $ithout action is dead!> each one has the task o# letting others

kno$ the #aith in God through doing. Each one o# us is called not to be ?ust by na(e but acti'e participant o# the hurch+s (ission.


, re(e(ber one ti(e! in (y (inistry $ith the parish! an old $o(an. , had (e(ori/ed her #ace because she has been al$ays in the church! attending <ass and other church acti'ities. 9er de'otion is so noticeable! ho$e'er! , disliked one thing in her. She is al$ays gossiping about her neighbors or her co-(e(bers in the church. She is #ond also o# thro$ing bad and i(proper $ords. ,# things are not on her #a'or! she al$ays shout to her con#reres. ,s this the kind o# belie'er the 1ord $ants o# us! (y brothers and sisters3 , challenge e'eryone $ho has house helpers to ser'e the( one ti(e! to eat $ith the(! pro'iding the( ?ust $ages because this is $hat our #aith (eans. , challenge the rich to gi'e their treasures to help the poor ones! in gi'ing the( #ood or pro'iding the( $ork. , challenge husbands to lo'e their $i'es instead o# hurting and battering the( like dogs and to $i'es like$ise be #aith#ul to your husbands. , challenge children to respect parents by obeying the( and doing $hat household chores their parents gi'e the( and parents like$ise nurture the( to the #aith. 0s $e lea'e ho(e today! let us bring the peace o# God recei'ed in this Eucharist to other people instead o# gossips and ill-(anners. 1et us bring the s(ile o# hrist to others especially to the poor and su##ering. "his is $hat our #aith (eans8 to lo'e others and this is $hat brings us healing. , re(e(ber a story about a $o(an riding in the 1@" going to $ork. Since it $as in the rush hour o# the (orning! all the seats $ere already occupiedA So the $o(an $as #orced to stand in the (iddle o# the aisle. 0 young (an noticed the lady and o##ered her his seat8 ;<iss! you can sit on this seat.; Suddenly the $o(an #ainted and collapsed. 2hen she $as already ).B.! she $as asked $hy she #ainted. She said that seldo( or Cuite a #e$ only o##ered his:her seat to othersA then the $o(an said to the young (an8 ;"hank 4ou.; Dpon hearing these! the (an #ainted and collapsed. Brothers and sisters8 4ou (ight laugh at this story! but this is the reality no$adays. 2e are all challenge to rene$ our #aith daily by doing. 1et us do and $alk the talk! li'ing si(ply. 1et us re#lect on $here $e are no$ in our li'es. 0s $e go to sleep tonight! recall back $hat has happened in the day! $hether $e ha'e gro$n in #aith $ith our dealings in our ho(es! in $ork and $ith $hoe'er $e had (et. -or! this is $hat #aith (eans. 2e are all like the $o(an and the synagogue o##icial in the Gospel. 2e are all $ounded. 2hat $e need is #aith in the 1ord &esus. <ay the 1ord bless us all al$aysE 0(en.

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