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Siriya Joseph BA 3 Sem 121113

S Section V. Now when I had got about hal way up! I loo"ed behind me! and saw one coming a ter me! swi t as the wind# so he o$ertoo" me %ust about the place where the Settle stands. &hr. Just there! said &hristian! did I sit down to rest me# but being o$ercome with sleep! I there lost this 'oll out o my bosom. (aith. But good Brother hear me out. So soon as the man o$ertoo" me! he was but a word and a blow! or down he "noc"ed me! and laid me or dead. But when I was a little come to mysel again! I as"ed him where ore he ser$ed me so) *e said! Because o my secret inclining to Adam the (irst+ and with that he struc" me another deadly blow on the breast! and beat me down bac"ward! so I lay at his oot as dead as be ore. So when I came to mysel again I cried him mercy# but he said! I "now not how to shew mercy# and with that "noc"ed me down again. *e had doubtless made an end o me! but that one came by! and bid him orbear) &hr. ,ho was that that bid him orbear) (aith. I did not "now him at irst! but as he went by! I percei$ed the holes in his hands and in his side# then I concluded that he was our -ord. So I went up the *ill. &hr. .hat man that o$ertoo" you was /oses+ *e spareth none! neither "noweth he how to shew mercy to those that transgress his -aw. (aith. I "now it $ery well# it was not the irst time that he has met with me. 0.was he that came to me when I dwelt securely at home! and that told me! *e would burn my house o$er my head i I staid there. &hr. But did you not see the house that stood there on the top o that *ill! on the side o which /oses met you) (aith. 1es! and the -ions too! be ore I came at it+ but or the -ions! I thin" they were asleep! or it was about Noon# and because I had so much o the day be ore me! I passed by the 2orter! and came down the *ill. &hr. *e told me indeed that he saw you go by! but I wish you had called at the house! or they would ha$e shewed you so many 'arities! that you would scarce ha$e orgot them to the day o your death. But pray tell me! 3id you meet nobody in the Valley o *umility) (aith. 1es! I met with one 3iscontent! who would willingly ha$e persuaded me to go bac" again with him# his reason was! or that the Valley was altogether without honour. *e told me moreo$er! that there to go was the way to disobey all my riends! as 2ride! Arrogancy! Sel 4conceit! ,orldly 4 glory! with others! who he "new! as he said! would be $ery much o ended! i I made such a (ool o mysel as to wade through this Valley. &hr. ,ell! and how did you answer him) (aith. I told him! .hat although all these that he had named might claim "indred o me! and that rightly! 5 or indeed they were my 'elations according to the lesh6 yet since I became a 2ilgrim they ha$e disowned me! as I also

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ha$e re%ected them# and there ore they were to me now no more than i they had ne$er been o my lineage. I told him moreo$er! that as to this Valley! he had 7uite misrepresented the thing# or be ore *onour is *umility! and a haughty spirit be ore a all. .here ore said I! I had rather go through this Valley to the honour that was so accounted by the wisest! than chose the way which he esteemed most worthy our a ections. &hr. /et you with nothing else in that Valley) (aith. 1es! I met with Shame# but o all the men that I met with in my 2ilgrimage! he I thin" bears the wrong name. .he other would be said nay! a ter a little argumentation! 5and somewhat else6 but this bold aced Shame would ne$er ha$e done. &hr. ,hy! what did he say to you) (aith. ,hat8 why he ob%ected against 'eligion itsel # he said it was a piti ul low snea"ing business or a man to mind 'eligion# he said that a tender conscience was an unmanly thing# and that or a man to watch o$er his words and ways! so as to tie up himsel rom that hectoring liberty that the bra$e spirits o the times accustom themsel$es unto! would ma"e him the ridicule o the times. *e ob%ected also! that but ew o the /ighty! 'ich! or ,ise! were e$er o my opinion# nor any o them neither! be ore they were persuaded to be (ools! and to be o a $oluntary ondness to $enture the loss o all! or nobody else "nows what. *e moreo$er! ob%ected the base and low estate and condition o those that were chie ly the 2ilgrims o the times in which they li$ed# also their ignorance! and want o understanding in all Natural Science. 1ea! he did hold me to it at that rate also! about a great many more things than here I relate# as! that it was a shame to sit whining and mourning under a Sermon! and a shame to come sighing and groaning home# that it was a shame to as" my Neighbour orgi$eness or petty aults! or to ma"e restitution where I had ta"en rom any. *e said also that 'eligion made a man grow strange to the great! because o a ew $ices 5which he called by iner names6 and made him own and respect the base! because o the same 'eligious (raternity. And is not this! said he! a shame) &hr. And what did you say to him) (aith. Say8 I could not tell what to say at irst. 1ea! he put me so to it! that my blood came up in may ace# e$en this Shame etched it up! and had almost beat me 7uite o . But at last I began to consider! .hat that which is highly esteemed among /en! is had in abomination with 9od. And I thought again! this Shame tells me what men are# but it tells me nothing what 9od or the ,ord o 9od is. And I thought moreo$er! that at the day o doom! we shall not be doomed to death or li e according to the hectoring spirits o the world! but according to the ,isdom and -aw o the *ighest. .here ore thought I! what 9od says is best! is best! though all the men in the world are against it. Seeing then that 9od pre ers his 'eligion! seeing 9od pre ers a tender &onscience! seeing they that ma"e themsel$es (ools or the :ingdom o *ea$en are wisest# and that the poor man that lo$eth &hrist is richer than the greatest man in the world that hates him# Shame depart! thou art an enemy to my Sal$ation+ shall I entertain thee against my So$ereign -ord) *ow then shall I loo" him in the ace at his coming) Should I now be ashamed o his ways and Ser$ants! how can I e;pect the blessing) But indeed this Shame was a bold $illain# I could scarce sha"e him out o my company# yea! he would be haunting o me! and continually whispering me in the ear! withsome one or other o the in irmities that attend 'eligion# but at last I told him! 0.was but in $ain to attempt urther in this business# or those things that he disdained! in those

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did I see most glory# and so at last I got past this importunate one. And when I had sha"en him o ! then I began to sing+ .he tryals that those men do meet withal! .hat are obedient to the *ea$enly call! Are mani old! and suited to the lesh! And come! and come! and come again a resh# .hat now! or some time else! we by them may Be ta"en! o$ercome! and cast away. <h! let the 2ilgrims! let the 2ilgrims then! Be $igilant! and 7uit themsel$es li"e men. &hr. I am glad! my Brother! that thou didst withstand this Villain so bra$ely# or o all! as thou sayest! I thin" he has the wrong name# or he is so bold as to ollow us in the Streets! and to attempt to put us to shame be ore all men# that is! to ma"e us ashamed o that which is good+ but i he was not himsel audacious! he would ne$er attempt to do as he does# but let us still resist him# or notwithstanding all his bra$adoes! he promoteth the (ool and none else. .he ,ise shall inherit glory! said Solomon! but shame shall be the promotion o (ools. (aith. I thin" we must cry to *im or help against Shame! that would ha$e us to be $aliant or .ruth upon the =arth. &hr. 1ou say true# but did you meet nobody else in that Valley) (aith. No not I# or I had Sun4shine all the rest o the way through that! and also through the Valley o the Shadow o 3eath. &hr. 0.was well or you# I am sure it ared or otherwise with me# I had or a long season! as soon almost as I entred into that Valley! a dread ul &ombat with that oul (iend Apollyon# yea! I thought $erily he would ha$e "illed me! especially when he got me down and crushed me under him! as i he would ha$e crushed me to pieces# or as he threw me! my Sword lew out o my hand# nay! he told me! *e was sure o me+ But I cried to 9od! and he heard me! and deli$ered me out o all my troubles. .hen I entred into the Valley o the Shadow o 3eath! and had no light or almost hal the way through it. I thought I should ha$e been "illed there! o$er and o$er# but at last day bra"e! and the Sun rose! and I went through that which was behind with ar more ease and 7uiet. /oreo$er! I saw in my 3ream! that as they went on! (aith ul! as they went on! (aith ul! as he chanced to loo" on one side! saw a man whose name is .al"ati$e! wal"ing at a distance besides them# 5 or in this place there was room enough or them all to wal"6. *e was a tall man! and something more comely at a distance than at hand. .o this man (aith ul addressed himsel in this manner. (aith. (riend! ,hither away) Are you going to the *ea$enly &ountry) .al". I am going to the same place. (aith. .hat is well# then I hope we may ha$e your good company. .al". ,ith a $ery good will will I be your &ompanion. (aith. &ome on then! and let us go together! and let us spend our time in discoursing o things that are pro itable.

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.al". .o tal" o things that are good! to me is $ery acceptable! with you or with any other# and I am glad that I ha$e met with those that incline to so good a wor"# or to spea" the truth! there are but ew that care thus to spend their time 5as they are in their tra$els6! but chose much rather to be spea"ing o things to no pro it# and this hath been a trouble to me. (aith. .hat is indeed a thing to be lamented# or what things so worthy o the use o the tongue and mouth o men on =arth as are the things o the 9od o *ea$en) .al". I li"e you wonder ul well! or your saying is ull o con$iction# and I will add! ,hat thing so pleasant! and what so pro itable! as to tal" o the things o 9od) ,hat things so pleasant) 5that is! i a man hath any delight in things that are wonder ul6 or instance! i a man doth delight to tal" o the *istory or the /ystery o things# or i a man doth lo$e to tal" o /iracles! ,onders! or Signs! where shall he ind things recorded so delight ul! and so sweetly penned! as in the *oly Scripture) (aith. .hat0s true# but to be pro ited by such things in our tal" should be that which we design. .al". .hat0s it that I said# or to tal" o such things is most pro itable# or by so doing! a man may get "nowledge o many things# as o the $anity o earthly things# and the bene it o things abo$e+ 5.hus in general6 but more particularly. By this a man may learn the necessity o the New 4 birth! the insu iciency o our wor"s! the need o &hrist0s righteousness! >c. Besides! by this a man may learn by tal"! what it is to repent! to belie$e! to pray! to su er! or the li"e# by this also a man may learn what are the great promises and consolations o the 9ospel! to this own com ort. (urther! by this a man may learn to re ute alse opinions! to $indicate the truth! and also to instruct the ignorant. (aith. All this is true! and am I glad to hear these things rom you. .al". Alas8 the want o this is the cause that so ew understand the need o aith! and the necessity o a wor" o 9race in their Soul! in order to eternal li e# but ignorantly li$e in the wor"s o the -aw! by which a man can by no means obtain the :ingdom o *ea$en. (aith. But by your lea$e! *ea$enly "nowledge o these is the gi t o 9od# no man attaineth to them by human industry! or only by the tal" o them. .al". All this I "now $ery well# or a man can recei$e nothing! e;cept it be gi$en him rom *ea$en+ all is o 9race! not o ,or"s+ I could gi$e you a hundred Scriptures or the con irmation o this. (aith. ,ell then! said (aith ul! what is that one thing that we shall at this time ound our discourse upon) .al". ,hat you will. I will tal" o things *ea$enly! or things =arthly# things /oral! or things =$angelical# things Sacred or things 2rophane# things past or things to come# things oreign or things at home# things more =ssential or things &ircumstantial# pro$ided that all be done to our pro it. (aith. Now did (aith ul begin to wonder# and stepping to &hristian 5 or he wal"ed all this while by himsel 6 he said to him! 5but so tly6 what a bra$e &ompanion ha$e we got8 Surely this man will ma"e a $ery e;cellent 2ilgrim. &hr. At this &hristian modestly smiled! and said! .his man with whom you are so ta"en! will beguile with this tongue o his! twenty o them that "now him not.

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(aith. 3o you "now him then) &hr. :now him8 1es! better than he "nows himsel . (aith. 2ray what is he) &hr. *is name is .al"ati$e# he dwelleth in our .own+ I wonder that you should be a stranger to him! only I consider that our .own is large. (aith. ,hose Son is he) And whereabout doth he dwell) &hr. *e is the son o one Say4well# he dwelt in 2rating 'ow# and is "nown o all that are ac7uainted with him! by the name o .al"ati$e in 2rating 'ow# and notwithstanding his ine tongue! he is but a sorry ellow. (aith. ,ell! he seems to be a $ery pretty man. &hr. .hat is! to them who ha$e thorough ac7uaintance with him! or he is best abroad! near home he is ugly enough+ 1our saying that he is a pretty man! brings to my mind what I ha$e obser$ed in the wor" o the 2ainter! whose 2ictures shew best at a distance! but $ery near! more unpleasing. (aith. But I am ready to thin" you do but %est! because you smiled. &hr. 9od orbid that I should %est 5though I smiled6 in this matter! or that I should accuse any alsely+ I will gi$e you a urther disco$ery o him+ .his man is or any company! and or any tal"# as he tal"eth now with you! so he will tal" when he is on the Ale4bench# and the more drin" he hath in his crown! the more o these things he hath in his mouth# 'eligion hath no place in his heart! or house! or con$ersation# all he hath lieth in his tongue! and his 'eligion is to ma"e a noise therewith. (aith. Say you so8 .hen am I in this man greatly decei$ed. &hr. 3ecei$ed8 you may be sure o it# remember the 2ro$erb! .hey say and do not+ but the :ingdom o 9od is not in word! but in power. *e tal"eth o 2rayer! o 'epentance! o (aith! and o the New4birth# but he "nows but only to tal" o them. I ha$e been in his (amily! and ha$e obser$ed him both at home and abroad# and I "now what I say o him is the truth. *is house is as empty o 'eligion as the white o an =gg is o sa$our. .here is there neither 2rayer! nor sign o 'epentance or sin# yea! the brute in his "ind ser$es 9od better than he. *e is the $ery stain! reproach! and shame o 'eligion! to all that "now him# it can hardly ha$e a good word in all that end o the .own where he dwells through him. .hus say the common people that "now him! A Saint abroad! and a 3e$il at home. *is poor (amily inds it so# he is such a churl! such a railer at! and so unreasonable with his Ser$ants! that they neither "now how to do or! or spea" to him. /en that ha$e any dealings with him! say 0tis better to deal with a .ur" than with him# or airer dealing they shall ha$e at their hands. .his .al"ati$e 5i it be possible6 will go beyond them! de raud! beguile! and o$er4reach them. Besides he brings up his Sons to ollow his steps# and i he indeth in any o them a oolish timorousness! 5 or so he calls the irst appearance o a tender conscience6 he calls them ools and bloc"heads and by no means will employ them in much! or spea" to their commendations be ore others. (or my part I am o opinion that he has by his wic"ed li e caused many to stumble and all# and will be! i 9od pre$ent not! the ruine o many more. (aith. ,ell! my Brother! I am bound to belie$e you# not only because you say you "now him! but also because li"e a &hristian! you ma"e your reports o men. (or I cannot thin" that you spea" these things o ill will! but because it is e$en so as you say. &hr. *ad I "nown him no more than you! I might perhaps ha$e thought o

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him as at the irst you did# yea! had he recei$ed this report at their hands only that are enemies to 'eligion! I should ha$e thought it had been a slander+ 5a lot that o ten alls rom bad men0s mouths upon good men0s names and pro essions#6 but all these things! yea and a great many more as bad! o my own "nowledge I can pro$e him guilty o . Besides! good men are ashamed o him# they can neither call him Brother! nor (riend# the $ery naming o him among them! ma"es them blush! i they "now him. (aith. ,ell! I see that saying and doing are two things! and herea ter I shall better obser$e this distinction. &hr. .hey are two things indeed! and are as di$erse as are the Soul and the body# or as the Body without the Soul is but a dead &arcass! so Saying! i it be alone! is but a dead &arcass also. .he Soul o 'eligion is the practic" part+ 2ure 'eligion and unde iled! be ore 9od and the (ather! is this! .o $isit the atherless and widows in their a liction! and to "eep himsel unspotted rom the world. .his .al"ati$e is not aware o # he thin"s that hearing and saying will ma"e a good &hristian! and thus he decei$eth his own soul. *earing is but as the sowing o the Seed# tal"ing is not su icient to pro$e that ruit is indeed in the heart and li e# and let us assure oursel$es! that at the day o 3oom men shall be %udged according to their ruits. It will not be said then! 3id you belie$e) but ,ere you 3oers! or .al"ers only) and accordingly shall they be %udged. .he end o the world is compared to our *ar$est! and you "now men at *ar$est regard nothing but ruit. Not that anything can be accepted that is not o (aith# but I spea" this to shew you how insigni icant the pro ession o .al"ati$e will be at that day. (aith. .his brings to my mind that o /oses! by which he describeth the beast that is clean. *e is such an one that parteth the *oo and cheweth the &ud+ not that parteth the *oo only! or that cheweth the &ud only. .he *are cheweth the &ud! but yet is unclean! because he parteth not the *oo . And this truly resembleth .al"ati$e# he cheweth the &ud! he see"eth "nowledge! he cheweth upon the ,ord# but he di$ideth not the *oo ! he parteth not with the way o sinners# but as the *are! he retaineth the oot o a 3og or Bear! and there ore is unclean. &hr. 1ou ha$e spo"en! or ought I "now! the true 9ospel sense o those .e;ts+ And I will add another thing# 2aul calleth some men! yea and those great .al"ers too! sounding Brass and tin"ling &ymbals# that is! as he e;pounds them in another place! .hings without li e! gi$ing sound. .hings without li e! that is! without the true (aith and 9race o the 9ospel# and conse7uently things that shall ne$er be placed in the :ingdom o *ea$en among those that are the &hildren o li e# though their sound! by their tal"! be as i it were the tongue or $oice o an Angel. (aith. ,ell! I was not so ond o his company at irst! but I am as sic" o it now. ,hat shall we do to be rid o him) &hr. .a"e my ad$ice! and do as I bid you! and you shall ind that he will soon be sic" o your company too! e;cept 9od shall touch his heart! and turn it. (aith. ,hat would you ha$e me to do) &hr. ,hy! go to him! and enter into some serious discourse about the power o 'eligion# and as" him plainly 5when he has appro$ed o it! or that he will6 whether this thing be set up in his *eart! *ouse! or &on$ersation. (aith! .hen (aith ul stepped orward again! and said to .al"ati$e! &ome what chear) *ow is it now)

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.al". .han" you! well. I thought we should ha$e had a great deal o tal" by this time. (aith. ,ell! i you will! we will all to it now# and since you le t it with me to state the 7uestion! let it be this# *ow doth the sa$ing 9race o 9od disco$er itsel ! when it is in the heart o man) .al". I percei$e then that our tal" must be about the power o things+ ,ell! 0tis a $ery good 7uestion! and I shall be willing to answer you. And ta"e my answer in brie thus+ (irst! ,here the 9race o 9od is in the heart! it causeth there a great out4cry against sin. Secondly 4 (aith. Nay hold! let us consider o one at once+ I thin" you should rather say! It shews itsel by inclining the Soul to abhor its sin. .al". ,hy! what di erence is there between crying out against! and abhorring o sin) (aith. <h8 a great deal# a man may cry out against sin! or policy# but he cannot abhor it! but by $irtue o a godly antipathy against it+ I ha$e heard many cry out against sin in the 2ulpit! who yet can abide it well enough in the heart! house! and con$ersation. Joseph0s /istress cried out with a loud $oice! as i she had been $ery holy# but she would willingly! notwithstanding that! ha$e committed uncleanness with him. Some cry out against sin! e$en as the /other cries out against her &hild in her lap! when she calleth it slut and naughty girl! and then alls to hugging and "issing it. .al". 1ou lie at the catch! I percei$e. (aith. No! not I# I am only or setting things right. But what is the second thing whereby you would pro$e a disco$ery o a wor" o 9race in the heart) .al". 9reat "nowledge o 9ospel /ysteries. (aith. .his sign should ha$e been irst# bur irst or last! it is also alse# or "nowledge! great "nowledge may be obtained in the mysteries o the 9ospel! and yet no wor" o 9race in the Soul. 1ea! i a man ha$e all "nowledge! he may yet be nothing# and so conse7uently be no child o 9od. ,hen &hrist said! 3o you "now all these things) and the 3isciples had answered! 1es# he added Blessed are ye i ye do them. *e doth not lay the blessing in the "nowing o them! but in the doing o them. (or there is a "nowledge that is not attended with doing# *e that "noweth his /aster0s will! and doth it not. A man may "now li"e an Angel! and yet be no &hristian! there ore your sign o it is not true. Indeed to "now is a thing that pleaseth .al"ers and Boasters# but to do is that which pleaseth 9od. Not that the heart can be good without "nowledge# or without that the heart is naught. .here is there ore "nowledge and "nowledge. :nowledge that resteth in the bare speculation o things! and "nowledge that is accompanied with the 9race o aith and lo$e! which puts a man upon doing e$en the will o 9od rom the heart# the irst o these will ser$e the .al"er# but without the other the true &hristian is not content. 9i$e me understanding! and I shall "eep thy -aw# yea I shall obser$e it with my whole heart. .al". 1ou lie at the catch again! this is not or edi ication. (aith. ,ell! i aou please propound another sign how this wor" o 9race disco$ereth itsel where it is.

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.al". Not I! or I see we shall not agree. (aith. ,ell! i you will not! will you gi$e me lea$e to do it) .al". 1ou may use your liberty. (aith. A wor" o 9race in the soul disco$ereth itsel ! either to him that hath it! or to standers4by. .o him that hath it thus+ It gi$es him con$iction o sin! especially o the de ilement o his nature and the sin o unbelie 5 or the sa"e o which he is sure to be damned! i he indeth not mercy at 9od0s hand by aith in Jesus &hrist6. .his sight and sense o things wor"eth in him sorrow and shame or sin# he indeth moreo$er re$ealed in him the Sa$iour o the world! and the absolute necessity o closing with him or li e! at the which he indeth hungrings and thirstings a ter him! to which hungrings! =c. the promise is made. Now according to the strength or wea"ness o his (aith in his Sa$iour! so is his %oy and peace! so is his lo$e to holiness! so are his desires to "now him more! and also to ser$e him in this ,orld. But though I say it disco$ereth itsel thus unto him! yet it is but seldom that he is able to conclude that this is a wor" o 9race# because his corruptions now! and his abused reason! ma"e his mind to mis%udge in this matter# there ore in him that hath this wor"! there is re7uired a $ery sound Judgment be ore he can with steadiness conclude that this is a wor" o 9race. .o others it is thus disco$ered+ 1. By an e;perimental con ession o his (aith in &hrist. 2. By a li e answerable to that con ession! to wit! a li e o holiness! heart4holiness! amily4holiness! 5i he hath a (amily6 and by con$ersation4holiness! in the ,orld# which in the general teacheth him! inwardly to abhor his sin! and himsel or that in secret! to suppress it in his (amily! and to promote holiness in the ,orld# not by tal" only! as an *ypocrite or .al"ati$e person may do! but by a practical sub%ection! in (aith and -o$e! to the power o the ,ord+ And now Sir! as to this brie description o the wor" o 9race! and also the disco$ery o it! i you ha$e ought to ob%ect! ob%ect# i not! then gi$e me lea$e to propound to you a second 7uestion. .al". Nay my part is not now to ob%ect! but to hear! let me there ore ha$e your second 7uestion. (aith. It is this. 3o you e;perience the irst part o this description o it) and doth your li e and con$ersation testi y the same) or standeth your 'eligion in ,ord or in .ongue! and not in 3eed and .ruth) 2ray! i you incline to answer me in this! say no more than you "now the 9od abo$e will say Amen to# and also nothing but what your conscience can %usti y you in# or! not he that commendeth himsel is appro$ed! but whom the -ord commendeth. Besides! to say I am thus and thus! when my &on$ersation and all my Neighbors tell me I lye! is great wic"edness. .al". .hen .al"ati$e at irst began to blush! but reco$ering himsel ! thus he replied! 1ou come now to =;perience! to &onscience! and 9od# and to appeal to him or %usti ication o what is spo"en+ .his "ind o discourse I did not e;pect# nor am I disposed to gi$e an answer to such 7uestions! because I count not mysel bound thereto! unless you ta"e upon you to be a &atechiser! and! though you should so do! yet I may re use to ma"e you my Judge. But I pray will you tell me why you as" me such 7uestions)

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(aith. Because I saw you orward to tal"! and because I "new not that you had ought else but notion. Besides! to tell you all the truth! I ha$e heard o you that you are a man whose 'eligion lies in tal"! and that your con$ersation gi$es this your /outh4pro ession the lye. .hey say you are a spot among &hristians! and that religion areth the worse or your ungodly &on$ersation! that some ha$e already stumbled at your wic"ed ways! and that more are in danger o being destroyed thereby# your 'eligion! and an Ale4house! and &o$etousness! and ?ncleanness! and Swearing and -ying! and $ain &ompany4"eeping! =tc... will stand together. .he 2ro$erb is true o you which is said o a ,hore! to wit! .hat she is a shame to all ,omen# so you are a shame to all 2ro essors. .al". Since you are ready to ta"e up reports! and to %udge so rashly as you do! I cannot but conclude you are some pee$ish or melancholy man! not it to be discoursed with# and so adieu. &hr. .hen came up &hristian! and said to his Brother! I told you how it would happen# your words and his lusts could not agree# he had rather lea$e your company than re orm his li e. But he is gone! as I said# let him go! the loss is no man0s but his own! he has sa$ed us the trouble o going rom him# or he continuing 5as I suppose he will do6 as he is! he would ha$e been but a blot in our company+ besides! the Apostle says! (rom such withdraw thysel . (aith. But I am glad we had this little discourse with him! it may happen that he will thin" o it again# howe$er! I ha$e dealt plainly with him! and so am clear o his blood! i he perisheth. &hr. 1ou did well to tal" so plainly to him as you did. .here is but little o this aith ul dealing with men now a days! and that ma"es 'eligion to stin" so in the nostrils o many! as it doth# or they are these .al"ati$e (ools whose 'eligion is only in word! and are debauched and $ain in their &on$ersation! that 5being so much admitted into the ellowship o the godly6 do pu@@le the ,orld! blemish &hristianity! and grie$e the sincere. I wish that all men would deal with such as you ha$e done+ then should they either be made more con ormable to 'eligion! or the company o Saints would be too hot or them. .hen did (aith ul say! *ow .al"ati$e at irst li ts up his 2lumes8 *ow bra$ely doth he spea"8 *ow he presumes .o dri$e all be ore him8 But so soon As (aith ul tal"s o *eart4wor"! li"e the /oon .hat0s past the ull! into the wane he goes. And so will all! but he that *eart4wor" "nows. .hus they went on tal"ing o what they had seen by the way! and so made that way easy! which would otherwise! no doubt! ha$e been tedious to them# or now they went through a ,ilderness. Now when they were got almost 7uite out o this ,ilderness! (aith ul chanced to cast his eye bac"! and espied one coming a ter them! and he "new him. <h8 said (aith ul to his Brother! ,ho comes yonder) .hen &hristian loo"ed! and said! It is my good riend =$angelist. Ay! and my good riend too! said (aith ul! or 0twas he that set me the way to the 9ate. Now was =$angelist come up unto them! and thus saluted them+ =$an. 2eace be with you! dearly belo$ed! and peace be to your helpers.

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&hr. ,elcome! welcome! my good =$angelist! the sight o thy countenance brings to my remembrance thy antient "indness and unwearied laboring or my eternal good. (aith. And a thousand times welcome! said good (aith ul+ .hy company! < sweet =$angelist! how desirable is it to us poor 2ilgrims8 =$an. .hen said =$angelist! *ow hath it ared with you my riends! since the time o our last parting) ,hat ha$e you met with! and how ha$e you beha$ed yoursel$es) .hen &hristian and (aith ul told him o all things that had happened to them in the way# and how! and with what di iculty! they had arri$ed to that place. =$an. 'ight glad am I! said =$angelist! not that you ha$e met with trials! but that you ha$e been $ictors# and that you ha$e 5notwithstanding many wea"nesses6 continued in the way to this $ery day. I say! right glad am I o this thing! and that or mine own sa"e and yours+ I ha$e sowed! and you ha$e reaped# and the day is coming! when both he that sowed and they that reaped shall re%oice together# that is! i you hold out+ or in due time ye shall reap! i you aint not. .he &rown is be ore you! and it is an incorruptible one# so run that you may obtain it. Some there be that set out or this &rown! and a ter they ha$e gone ar or it! another comes in! and ta"es it rom them# hold ast there ore that you ha$e! let no man ta"e your &rown. 1ou are not yet out o the gun4shot o the 3e$il# you ha$e not resisted unto blood! stri$ing against sin# let the :ingdom be always be ore you! and belie$e stead astly concerning things that are in$isible. -et nothing that is on this side the other world get within you# and abo$e all! loo" well to your own hearts! and to the lusts thereo ! or they are deceit ul abo$e all things! and desperately wic"ed# set your aces li"e a lint# you ha$e all power in *ea$en and =arth on your side. &hr. .hen &hristian than"ed him or his e;hortation! but told him withal! that they would ha$e him spea" arther to them or their help the rest o the way! and the rather! or that they well "new that he was a 2rophet! and could tell them o things that might happen unto them! and also how they might resist and o$ercome them. .o which re7uest (aith ul also consented. So =$angelist began as olloweth+ =$an. /y Sons! you ha$e heard! in the words o the truth o the 9ospel! that you must through many tribulations enter into the :ingdom o *ea$en. And again! that in e$ery &ity bonds and a lictions abide in you# and there ore you cannot e;pect that you should go long on your 2ilgrimage without them! in some sort or other. 1ou ha$e ound something o the truth o these testimonies upon you already! and more will immediately ollow# or now! as you see! you are almost out o this ,ilderness! and there ore you will soon come into a .own that you will by and by see be ore you# and in that .own you will be hardly beset with enemies! who will strain hard but they will "ill you# and be ye sure that one or both o you must seal the testimony which you hold! with blood# but be you aith ul unto death! and the :ing will gi$e you a &rown o li e. *e that shall die there! although his death will be unnatural! and his pain perhaps great! he will yet ha$e the better o his ellow# not only because he will be arri$ed at the &oelestial &ity soonest! but because he will escape many miseries that the other will meet with in the rest o his Journey. But when you are come to the .own! and shall ind ul illed what I ha$e here related! then remember your riend! and 7uit yoursel$es li"e men! and commit the "eeping o your souls to your 9od in well4doing! as unto a aith ul

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&reator. .hen I saw in my 3ream! that when they were got out o the ,ilderness! they presently saw a .own be ore them! and the name o that .own is Vanity# and at the .own there is a (air "ept! called Vanity (air+ it is "ept all the year long# it beareth the name o Vanity (air! because the .own where 0tis "ept is lighter than Vanity# and also because all that is there sold! or that cometh thither! is Vanity. As is the saying o the wise! All that cometh is Vanity.

Ne;t+ 2ilgrim0s 2rogress+ 2art <ne! Section VI.

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