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EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

1. Introduction
In this handout, we are going to study some of the application of PLC and use the concepts and programming skills we have acquired so far. The application covered here are as follows: a. Storage area with counter and comparator b. Priority Determination Design c. Packaging Line Control d. Automatic Control of Warehouse Door e. Car Park Control We will now illustrate each application in detail.

Application 1: Storage area with counter and comparator

Figure 1 shows a system with two conveyor belts and a temporary storage area in between them. Conveyor belt 1 delivers packages to the temporary storage area. A photoelectric barrier at the end of conveyor belt 1 near the storage area determines how many packages are delivered to the storage area. Conveyor belt 2 transports packages from the temporary storage area to a loading dock where trucks take the packages away for delivery to customers. A photoelectric barrier at the end of conveyor belt 2 near the storage area determines how many packages leave the storage area to go to the loading dock. A display panel with five lamps indicates the fill level of the temporary storage area.

Figure 1

EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

Network 1: Counter C1 counts up at each signal change from 0 to 1 at input CU and counts down at each signal change from 0 to 1 at input CD. With a signal change from 0 to 1 at input S, the counter value is set to the value PV. A signal change from 0 to 1 at input R resets the counter value to 0. MW200 contains the current counter value of C1. Q12.1 indicates storage area not empty.

Network 2: Q12.0 indicates storage area empty.

Q 12.0

Network 3: If the current counter value is greater than or equal to 50, the indicator lamp for storage area 50% full is lit.

Network 4: If the counter value is greater than or equal to 90, the indicator lamp for storage area 90% full is lit.

Network 5: If the counter value is greater than or equal to 100, the indicator lamp for storage area full is lit.

EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

Application 2: Priority Determination Design

In this application, we are going to discuss a game scenario depicted in Figure 2. The game buzzer control requirement is as follows: 1. After the Host has finished the question. 2. The 3 players will press the switch in front of them to be the first to answer the question. 3. The buzzer will sound for 10 sec after any one of the players has pressed the switch. 4. The light indicator in front of each player will light up and can only reset by the Host switch.

Figure 2

Input/Output Assignment Device Push button 1 Push button 2 Push button 3 Push button 4 (Reset) Operation The operation of the circuit is as follows: 1. Whichever player presses its switch first will automatically disable the other players switches and only his light will turn on. 2. The light will turn on a buzzer with a 10 second timer. 3. The reset switch controlled by the host will turn off the light. Input I 0.1 I 0.2 I 0.3 I 0.4 Device Buzzer Player 1 light Player 2 light Player 3 light Output Q1.0 Q1.1 Q1.2 Q1.3

EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

LAD The ladder diagram for the above mentioned operation is given below. Network 1: Who pressed first?
I0.1 Q1.2 Q1.3 I0.4 T1 Q1.0








Network 2: Buzzer timer

Q0.1 T1 SE S5T#10S

Network 3: Player 1 Network

I0.1 Q1.2 Q1.3 I0.4 Q1.1


Network 4: Player 2 Network

I0.2 Q1.1 Q1.3 I0.4 Q1.2


Network 5: Player 3 Network

I0.3 Q1.1 Q1.2 I0.4 Q1.3


EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

Application 3: Package Line Control

This application illustrates how two conveyor belts operate to package an item in boxes.

Figure 3

Operation When Start push button PB1 is pressed, the box conveyor moves. Upon detection of the box, the box conveyor stops and apple conveyor starts. Part sensor will count up to 10 apples. The apple conveyor stops and box conveyor starts again. Counter will reset and operation repeats until push button PB2 is pressed.

Input/Output Assignment Device Push button 1 Push button 2 Part sensor Box sensor Input I 0.1 I 0.2 I 0.3 I 0.4 Device Output Apple conveyor Q1.0 Box conveyor Q1.1

EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

LAD The ladder diagram for the above mentioned operation is given below. Network 1: Start Condition
I0.1 I0.2 I0.4 Q1.1

Network 2: Apple Conveyor

Q1.1 Q1.0

Network 3: Counter



Network 4: Box Conveyor

EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

Application 4: Automatic Control of Warehouse Door

This application deals with automatic control of warehouse door.

Figure 4

Operation The input is an ultrasonic switch to detect the presence of an approaching vehicle. A separate photoelectric detects the passing of a vehicle by the interruption of the light beam. In response to these signals, the control circuit controls the output that drives the motor of the door for opening and closing. Input/Output Assignment Device Ultrasonic switch Photoelectric switch Door upper limit switch Door lower limit switch Input I 0.1 I 0.2 I 0.3 I 0.4 Device Motor to raise door Motor to lower door Output Q1.0 Q1.1

EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

LAD The ladder diagram for the above mentioned operation is given below. Network 1: Raise door
I0.1 I0.3 Q1.1 Q1.0


Network 2: Lower door

T1 I0.4 Q1.0 Q1.1


Network 3: Photoelectric sensor

I0.2 T1 SP S5T#1S

EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

Application 5: Car Park Control

This is a simple car park control system that allows only a maximum of 100 cars parking space. Every time a car goes in, the PLC automatically add one through sensor S1. Any car that goes out will automatically be subtracted through the sensor S2. When 100 cars are registered, the car park full sign will be lighted to inform oncoming vehicles not to enter.

Figure 5

Input/Output Assignment Device Sensor S1 Sensor S2 Input I 0.1 I 0.2 Device Car Park Full Sign Output Q1.1


EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

LAD The ladder diagram for the above mentioned operation is given below. Network 1: Counter update
I 0.1 I 0.2

Network 2: Full Sign indicator



EEET 208 PLC Hand out # 18 Semester 122

Mr. Syed Muhammad Asad

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