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Avoiding Astrologese How DO You Say It in English?

2006 y Donna !unningha"# $E%&er'ted (ro" Counseling Principles for Astrologers) an e oo*+ ,any astrology students and new 'ro(essionals don-t *now how to translate this sy" oli& language they-ve &o"e to s'ea* so (luently# How do you &hange astrologese into real 'eo'le-s language? You do that the sa"e way you get to !arnegie Hall# .ra&ti&e) 'ra&ti&e) 'ra&ti&e/ I( you-re 0ust starting) it-s hel'(ul to 'ra&ti&e English translations on your eleaguered (a"ily and (riends# !hoose the irreverent ones who will interru't strings o( astrologese with &o""ents li*e) 12hat-s easy (or you to say)1 or) 1whatever that "ay "ean#1

So"e students have said that they need to give the astrologi&al (a&tors out loud (irst) in order to egin to understand what is going on# It-s a little li*e learning a (oreign language and needing to translate word (or word inwardly 3 e(ore venturing a 'hrase or a senten&e# It-s (ine while you get "ore (luent in 'lain English# However) (ollow it with) 1and what that "eans is # # # 1 In those early days) ta*e &are o( that stage in the &hart 're'aration# Don-t do it in (ront o( the &lient) do it e(ore the &lient arrives# 4or*ing on the translation is 'art o( your 're'aration (or the session# 5ot down the stri*ing (eatures o( the &hart) (ollowed y si"'le notes a out what they "ight "ean# 6or instan&e) su''ose the &lient was &on&erned a out a la&* o( relationshi's) and the irth &hart had 7enus s8uare Saturn# You "ight write down) 17enus s8uare Saturn9 o sta&les to &o""itted relationshi's? As* &lient#1 I( you are 'u::led a out the "ethod o( &hanging a 'hrase li*e 7enus s8uare Saturn into English) that "ay e e&ause there-s no dire&t) word3(or3word English e8uivalent# 2he inter'retation o( an as'e&t doesn-t &o"e (ro" translating it into English) only (ro" translating it into ehaviors) e"otions) and history# As you egin to understand the *inds o( (eelings and a&tions this &o" ination

'rodu&es) you &an dis&over and &onvey its signi(i&an&e# In other words) translate it into living e%'erien&e that has "eaning (or the &lient# 2he English translation y the traditional) event3oriented astrologer "ay (o&us only on the e%ternal e((e&ts# 6or instan&e) 7enus s8uare Saturn so"eti"es 'lays out as an e%'erien&e o( re'eatedly eing loved and le(t# 2he &lient "ay eagerly agree with that e%'lanation331Yes) yes) they always DO leave "e/ So) Saturn-s &ausing that) is it?1 4e don-t want to translate only in ter"s o( e%ternal events) leaving &lients with the &onvi&tion that Saturn is res'onsi le (or their trou le# 2his a''roa&h ignores the inner states that &reate the 'attern33the &lient-s history and the *inds o( de&isions and &hoi&es arising (ro" that history# 2o get at the true "eaning in a way that will hel' the &lient understand and &hange the 'attern) loo* (or internal &auses and arti&ulate the"# It is use(ul to as* yoursel( 8uestions a out the &lient-s history) ehavior) and &hoi&es as you 're'are the &hart and delineate the salient as'e&ts# O( &ourse) you never *now the answers (or sure until you as* the &lient) ut you &an at least egin to s'e&ulate# 2he 8uestions vary with the as'e&t) ut (or 7enus s8uare Saturn) here are so"e that "ay e 'rodu&tive9 4hat re'eated 'ain(ul e%'erien&es in love "ight a 7enus s8uare Saturn 'erson have? 4hat *inds o( relationshi' &hoi&es does the 'erson "a*e that end u' this way? 4hat 'ersonal history &ould have sha'ed these &hoi&es? 4hat *inds o( ehaviors does he or she engage in that "ay result in eing loved and le(t? 4hat (eelings &ould sha'e these ehaviors?

4hile ea&h as'e&t in the &hart 'lays itsel( out in "ulti'le ways) one 'ossi le s&enario (or 7enus s8uare Saturn is that when a relationshi' gets &lose to &o""it"ent) one or oth 'arties "ay e&o"e a" ivalent or (rightened and ulti"ately rea* it o((# 2his "ay &o"e a out e&ause the 'erson &hooses 'otential 'artners who are a(raid o( &o""it"ent and who throw u' walls against inti"a&y #Su&h &hoi&es o(ten histori&ally ste" (ro" the relationshi' with the 'arent o( the o''osite se%) who "ight have een alternately there and not there# 6or e%a"'le) one "o"ent the daughter "ight have een Daddy-s little girl) ut the ne%t "o"ent Daddy "ight have een withdrawn and silentor drun*) sin&e 7enus3Saturn as'e&ts are o(ten seen in the &harts o( daughters o( al&oholi&s# One or oth 'arents "ay have also set u' di((i&ult &onditions (or the &hild to "eet in order to earn love# In adult li(e) the 'erson who is drawn to 'otential 'artners who ehave si"ilarly to that 'arent when it &o"es to love and who are 3 alternately there and not there# 4hy does getting &lose to &o""it"ent ring on a &risis o( a" ivalen&e in the relationshi'? 6or one thing) underneath it all) the 'erson is 0ust as (ear(ul o( &o""it"ent as the 'otential 'artner) or su&h a" ivalent 'eo'le wouldn;t e &hosen to egin with# Se&ondly) when a (or"al &o""it"ent loo"s) the 7enus3 Saturn ty'e "ay suddenly &hange the rules in the relationshi' to a "ore (or"ali:ed) traditional) and even rigid set o( e%'e&tations and ehaviors# As this was not what the 'artner signed on (or) he or she "ay (eel tra''ed and leave# In addition) the 'ossi ility o( &o""it"ent rings on a (ear o( loss or a andon"ent as well as evo*ing 'ain(ul 'ast losses# 2hus) the 'erson "ight suddenly e (ear(ul) &linging) and even de'ressed# 2he &hosen 'artner is o(ten the e"otionally unavaila le ty'e who does not res'ond well to de"ands li*e these and "ay well e&o"e "ore distant and &losed# 2hese are so"e 'ossi le answers to the 8uestions 'osed a ove# In the 're'aration) you &an s'e&ulate on 'ossi le &auses and e((e&ts o( a 'ro le") ut you &annot *now (or sure without (eed a&* (ro" the &lient# You need &onte%t and history in order to (ind the individuali:ed "eaning o( the as'e&t# I( you see a hundred 'eo'le with a 7enus<Saturn s8uare) they will have a hundred di((erent ut related 7enus3Saturn stories# You aren;t going to e a le to 'in'oint &lients'arti&ular e%'erien&es (ro" &hart analysis) only (ro" as*ing the" dire&tly# You &an give the overview) ut only they &an su''ly the &onte%t# $1I see that you have

7enus s8uare Saturn# ,any 'eo'le with that as'e&t have had a tough ti"e in love# 2hey see" to &hoose 'eo'le who restri&t the" in so"e way or who (eel restri&ted y the"# Has that ha''ened in your li(e) and how?1+ 6or si"'li&ity-s sa*e) we have (o&used on 0ust one 'art o( the translation o( 7enus s8uare Saturn# In a real &hart analysis) you would need to ta*e a'art the &o"'lete as'e&t# 4hat house and sign are 7enus in) and how does that (urther &lari(y the ehavior) (eelings) and history ehind the 'erson-s 'atterns in love? 4hat house and sign are Saturn in) and how does that "odi(y the 'i&ture? 7enus in Aries s8uare Saturn in !an&er ehaves di((erently and (or di((erent reasons than 7enus in S&or'io s8uare Saturn in A8uarius# 7enus in the =2 th s8uare Saturn in the >rd has a di((erent history and set o( &on&erns than 7enus in the ?th s8uare Saturn in the ==th# 2he total 'i&ture is "ore &o"'le% when you in&lude these (eatures# You get "ore 're&ise in(or"ation y analy:ing the signs and houses involved and) ulti"ately) y 8uestioning the &lient#

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