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Prof.dr.Rahman Nurkovi University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science Department of eo!

raphy "#$$$ Sarajevo, %maja od &osne '(, &osnia and )er*e!ovina e+mail,

URBANIZATION AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA .n the paper importance and influence of contemporary transformation of ur/anisation and rural development 0ithin &osnia and )er*e!ovina, as 0ell as their positive effects on space itself and population are analysed. 1s /earers of contemporary transformations, the settlements, population, social, traffic and other accompanyin! infrastructure are distin!uished. .n this manner, 0ith comparative analysis performed, development and hetero!eneity of &osnia and )er*e!ovina has come to li!ht as 0ell as possi/ilities of further development. 2he mentioned processes stron!ly affect the contemporary ur/an and rural development in &osnia and )er*e!ovina. Key words, ur/ani*ation, rural development, &osnia and )er*e!ovina, economic activities Introduct on .mportance of studyin! the contemporary transformation of settlements, ur/an and rural development in many countries, and &osnia and )er*e!ovina as 0ell, has had primary importance for population issues of the specific spaces in the past decades. Development of ur/an and rural settlements and economic activities are in close relationship 0ith 3human factors 4, respectively 0ith kno0led!e of main characteristics of population 5Pak, #66"7. From the selection of indicators it is noticea/le that 0e have not dealt only 0ith population in the cities /ut also 0ith concentration of jo/s, the share of a!ricultural population that is poorly connected 0ith the city, and share of housin! units. Such form of ur/anisation 0ith certain specificities is characteristic of &osnia and )er*e!ovina. .t is thou!ht that economic forces have a dominant influence on ur/an and rural development of cities and settlements in !eneral. 2ransformation of rural spaces is most closely connected 0ith ne0 functions of 0ork, and certainly 0ith a level of socio+economic development 58ordan, 9$$67. 2oday, &osnia and )er*e!ovina is, like many countries in the 0orld, in the sta!e of more emphasi*ed polari*ed development. 2he effects of such development are e:pressed in many spatial processes and structures. .n this structure, a!riculture, protection of environment, plannin! the land use and economic plannin!, are treated as e;ual, /ut 0ith different development under responsi/ility of different !overnmental a!encies that are in contact 0ith different !roups for economic development. &osnia and )er*e!ovina is under the fundamental constitution reform that 0ill, amon! other issues, solve the /asic issue of its administrative+territorial or!ani*ation.

2his issue has a particular importance for &osnia )er*e!ovina /ecause on their solvin! it depends in 0hich measure it 0ill succeed to set a system that is compati/le 0ith the practices and principles of the <uropean Union, to 0hich it tends today= 0ith a num/er of unsolved issues of 0hich one of the essential is a ;uestion of the more /alanced re!ional development and urban development. .n this re!ard, Bosnia and Herzegovina lags behind the southeast Europes countries that have already performed regionalization, while the
others perform it very fast.

Po!"r #"t on o$ ur%"n "nd rur"! "re"s >e have already emphasi*ed the spatial and dynamically differentiated movement of population of &osnia and )er*e!ovina on the 0hole and its constituent parts. .n that sense, movement of population of ur/an, respectively rural areas is particularly important. .n period from #6?@ to #66#,
Bosnia and Herzegovina had, on the whole, increase in number of inhabitants of 26,6 . However, increase is spatially !regionally" e#tremely differentiated. $he population of urban settlements !urban areas" increased in the mentioned period by % 6&', and the population of other settlements !rural areas" decreased by ()*& . !$able '".

2he mentioned data speak on a much more comple:, more intensive and more dynamical population !ro0th of the urban areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which isnt always in accordance with general socio(economic progress
of the country on the whole, and some of its parts. +n the other hand, rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina are e#posed to constant depopulation of different intensity and time of duration. $he shown facts certainly indicate to clear polarization of the urban and rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. +n the one hand, permanent and increasingly stronger concentration of the population in the urban areas is present, mainly in large macroregional centres li,e -ara.evo, Ban.a /u,a, 0ostar and $uzla1 and on the other hand, a continuous emigration of almost entire population growth, and part of demographic basis from the remaining settlements.

2a/le #, <stimation of num/er and share of ur/an population of &osnia and )er*e!ovina #6?@+9$#$
&osnia and )er*e!ovina Ur/an settlements Rural settlements #6?@ 9.(C?.'$@ '? ?.'6( Period #66# ?.'"". ''$ #.?(? 9."?6 9$$# ?.$9(.$$$ '.6@C #."'( 9$#$ ?.((9.#6@ ?.(@" #.'6( Relative indicator 5A, +7 #66#B9$$# 9$$#B9$#$ +'(9.''$ A9.('9 +#.$#? A(9".#6@ AC$# +'?$

Statistical Annual of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the State agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 2010

.ndustriali*ation of &osnia and )er*e!ovina has induced a/andonin! of the a!riculture as an economic activity 5dea!rari*ation7, 0hich initially did not cause more si!nificant chan!es of spatial distri/ution of population. )o0ever, due to une;ual spatial distri/ution of the offered jo/s in secondary and tertiary sector, increased mi!ration in direction villa!e+city 5derurali*ation7 occurred. 2his caused distur/ances in demo!raphic development, and depopulation of the rural areas and a!in! the population of depopulated 5rural7 *ones are its fundamental determinants. 1s the composition of population accordin! to a!e and !ender is one of the crucial factors of the population movement and represents an ade;uate reflection of the trend and stren!th of ur/ani*ation, respectively derurali*ation, it is indispensa/le to remind on its fundamental characteristics that lar!ely determine the further differentiated and polari*ed demo!raphic development of &osnia and )er*e!ovina 5Ptacek, 9$$@7. 1nalysis

of the mentioned data shows that changes of age structure of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina

contain two fundamental components !hese are the accelerated decrease in share of young population "0 # 1$ years%, which in 2010 ma&es only somewhat more than one fourth of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina "compared to 1$$1 when it made one third% and a distinct increase of old population share "more than '0 years %, which is higher than 1() *ith this, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not considered as the old population " !a+le 2 and ,igure 1%

2- Age groups of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of ur+an and other settlements, 2010
1!e !roups Ur/an settlements Rural settlements &E $+#6 9C,9D 9C,"D 9$+(6 (?,6D (@,'D C$ and more years #",?D #(,$D

./,1) 20,0) Source, Statistical 1nnual of &osnia and )er*e!ovina, the State agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 2010 Age groups of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of ur+an and other settlements "u )% in 1$$1
Fi!ure #-


the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina is even more e1pressed if ur+an and rural settlements are studied separately ,or rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not important only the decrease of their total num+er of population, +ut also e1tremely unfavoura+le change of the proportion of young, mature and old population 2n relation to Bosnia and Herzegovina on the whole , rural settlements have smaller share of young and mature population, and considera+ly +igger share of old population !he population of '0 and more years in rural settlements ma&es one fifth of total population today, with further negative trend At the same time, share of young population decreased "up to 20 years%, which endangered a +iological +asis for reproduction of population ,rom the mentioned viewpoint, ur+an areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina have more favoura+le age structure 2t is a reflection of progress of social and primarily economic processes and migration of young people "3ur&ovi4, 2010%
Unfavoura/le a!e structure of

"almost '0)% of ur+an settlements +elongs to full wor&ing age "20 # .$ years%, the share of elderly is only 1.), which is considera+ly fewer against rural settlements "20,0)%, and a higher +irth rate of population caused a commensurately high share of young population "+igger than the average of B5H Accordingly, population of ur+an settlements has a more favoura+le age structure than rural settlements 2t appears as a demographic e1pression of the socio#economic
1 lar!er part of population

structure, wea&ness and lagging the village +ehind the city, and the rural areas +ehind ur+an areas
<conomic and !eneral development of the areas 0ith small and scattered settlements re;uires a developed traffic infrastructure. 1 favoura/le traffic infrastructure in &osnia and )er*e!ovina still does not e:ist. 2here is an aspiration that the functions are separated spatially, as much as possi/le, durin! development of rural areas= respectively that functionally cleaner areas are created. Despite an effort of creatin! non+functional areas, in rural areas of &osnia and )er*e!ovina the functionally mi:ed areas are still dominant. Fhan!es in si!nificance of the rural areas 0ithin some country and sin!le functional areas in certain rural area, may /e noticed /y comparin! the num/er of inha/itants of the cities and rural areas or /y analysis of population structure 5Gor/er, 9$$67.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the period from 1$$1 to 2010, a num+er and share of ur+an inha+itants in total population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, increased from 0.,2) "1 /.6 .00 persons% to /',/) "2 /$( 002 persons%, and the num+er of inha+itants in rural areas decreased from (.,0) "2 (./ /02 persons% to //,2) "2 1/' 0.1 persons% 7hanges in relation of the num+er of inha+itants in cities and in agricultural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina are e1clusively the result of industrialization process and deagrarization caused +y it, respectively a+andoning the agricultural production +y significant part of agricultural population, and their orientation to other occupations !he num+er of the mi1ed settlements also increased so that in 2006 01) of the population of agricultural areas lived in them !he share of agricultural population in total population of agricultural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina has +een reduced to only 20,/), which means that only every fifth or si1th inha+itant deals with agriculture !he reason for such condition needs to +e sought, first of all, in dominance of the small and split agricultural holding with policultural varied production !he num+er of agricultural households that have an interest and a

possi+ility of further dealing with agricultural production are commensurately small However, +y systemic measures and financial funds, such households should +e ena+led to increase their properties unlimitedly and to manage them in accordance with mar&et conditions, i e +y supply and demand "3ur&ovi4, 2010%
Ur%"n #"t on o$ rur"! sett!e&ents "nd de'e!o(&ent o$ ur%"n #ed "re"s .n the

process of socio 8economic restructuring of rural population, in rural settlements around the centre of wor&, part of population moves to centres of wor&, and part remains in rural settlement However, it should +e emphasized that this population that also stayed in the rural settlement, and commutes to wor&, starts to live with so called 9ur+an: lifestyle, which results in physiognomic and functional change of the whole settlement ;hysiognomic changes, that follow the mentioned social restructuring the population, are the most noticea+le in the new forms of the houses, in their sizes, appearance and e<uipment, and in other morphological characteristics of the whole settlement !he main functional change in this process is that such settlement predominantly +ecomes a place of living ,urthermore, such settlement develops necessary service functions that are re<uired +y ade<uate lifestyle "*oods, 200.% 2n such settlement, roads are asphalted, water and sewerage system are constructed, environment is arranged etc
.n that manner, differences /et0een such rural settlements and the city are decreasin!, therefore 0e may say that such settlement is /ein! ur/anised. However,

in reality there are different levels of the mentioned changes, so that the settlements regarding ur+anisation level may differentiate into several categories

as well as the development of cities and ur+anized zones is most tightly connected with the development of non# agricultural activities, respectively with development of industry and service activities, and strengthening the wor& function of particular settlements ";oto=ni& Slavi=, 2010% 2n 1$$1, in Bosnia and Herzegovina small centres of wor& were dominant >ver (0) of the separated 1.0 centres had up to 0 000 of employed wor&ers ,or development of continuous ur+anized zones, particular importance has stronger centres of wor& According to our analysis, these are centres with 20 000 or more employed people 2n 1$$1, there were only si1 such centres, and ten years earlier five !hese are large cities and some medium#sized cities 2n 2010, in Bosnia and Herzegovina $ cities had over 1$ 000 of the employed people according to num+er of employed people 2n 2010, Sarajevo was the largest center of wor, with more than #$6.C'6 of employed people, 2u*la with @$.999, %enica with (0 $16, Banja ?u&a with '0 000 and @ostar with /0 '.. in pu+lic sector "!a+le 0 and ,igure 2%
.t should /e particularly emphasi*ed that social restructurin! of rural population

!a+le 0- 7entres of wor& according to num+er of wor&ers in pu+lic sector, 1$$1#2010 Fentres ) ) Num/er of Num/er Num/er of 0orkers of 0orkers 1$$1 9$#$ 0orkers
2001 Sarajevo &anja Guka &iha Distrikt &rHko Do/oj oraIde 9$#.#99 C(.$9C #6.$@C #".@?# 9#.@"$ #$.9@@ ?#,' #',' ',6 ',C ?,? 9,# @(.@6C C9.9($ ''.9"C ?.C($ '.6@? ?.?6" 99,9 #C,$ @,C #,9 #,$ #,# #$6.C'6 C'.$$$ ''.C9@ '.$$$ '.9(# ?.(C@

9C,@ #(,? @,9 $," $," #,#

(0 1$0 16, (0 $16 1(, 1 0 A&upno 06' '6 10 /06 661 10 2 0 0 Source: Statistical Annual of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 2010
2hree remainin! macro re!ional centres considera/ly la! /ehind as per 0ork function. .n centre structure a lack of the centre 0ith 0ork function of #(.$$$ and more employed people is noticed. 1 lack of si!nificant 0ork centres in east &osnia and )er*e!ovina, 2i3egrad, 4ora5de, 6o7a, communities of the
municipalities 8evesin.e 4ac,o and some other areas should be particularly emphasized. $his reflected, as it has been emphasized, on the low level of urbanization of those areas. -ome rural settlements around the centres of wor, or those in which industrial facilities are established, owing to employment of part of population change, gradually, their socio(economic, physiognomic and functional characteristics. 6or these settlements we can say that they are being urbanised gradually. 9ynamics of this transformation depends on the employment opportunities in noneconomic activities. -o, we can notice that around stronger centres the connected urbanised zones appear.

Jostar 2u*la %enica

??.#9? (#.@9(

6,$ #$,C

?".99@ "?."##

#9,9 #6,'

?$.C(( @$.999

6,6 #6,C

11, 0 /6' 1(0 100

./ $$1

Fentres of 0ork according to num+er of wor&ers in pu+lic sector 1$$1#2010

Fi!ure 9,

:uthor; 8ur,ovi<, =. 2&''

Bosnia and i Herzegovina Sarajevo is the major centre of wor& !he ur+anised area of Sarajevo has e1tremely stellar form 3arrow ur+anised zones stretch from Sarajevo along the major traffic lines, more e1actly, along the railroad trac&s towards the satellite centres- BogoC4a, ;ale, 2lidDa, respectively, HadDi4i, !ar=in, ;azari4, toward 2lijaC, Eiselja&, then to Breza , and toward Ea&anj, Biso&o and Fenica 2n its west and northwest sector the ur+anised area is the +roadest 2n northwest Bosnia the largest ur+anised area was created under influence of Biha4 !his ur+anized area has even more e1pressed stellar shape than the other areas At Biha4, a narrow zone of the settlements around the city is ur+anised,
2he lar!est ur/anised areas spread around our lar!est cities. .n central

and the settlements along the traffic lines to 7azin, Beli&a EladuCa, Sans&i @ost and toward the east

)onc!us on

last +ut one decade of the 20 th century, Bosnia and Herzegovina mar&s in addition to general demographic stagnation a polarized demographic development, +est noticea+le in spatial redistri+ution of population, movement of the num+er of inha+itants and characteristics of demographic structure of ur+an and rural areas Spatial differentiation of the demographic processes appears as a reflection "indicator% of the increased differences +etween the main regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina "hilly#mountainous, seashore and plain %, and ur+an and rural areas " ur+an and rural settlements % !he previous socio#economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina caused an e1cessive concentration of population in cities, which affected the demographic impoverishment and almost complete population a+andonment of the considera+le part of the state territory, with simultaneous worsening the demographic structures "age#gender etc % and natural fall of population "negative population growth% with insufficient socio#economic development *ithout contemporary and very motivating population policy, it won:t +e possi+le either to stop further depopulation of B5H area, or to eliminate all negative influences of the war and post#war period on the further demographic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and thus on further corrosion of its demographic and ethnical +eing

Re$erences 8ordan, P. 59$$67, Development of Rural Space in post+Fommunist Southeast <urope after #6@6, 1 Fomparative 1nalysis, 8ournal for eo!raphy, ?+#, Special .ssue for the #"th 1nnual Follo;uium of the . U Fommision on the Sustaina/ility of Rural systems, 9$$6, @6+#$9 Gor/er, G. 59$$@7, Slovenian economy on the 0ay from independence to catchin! up avera!e economic development of <U K 9", 8ournal for eo!raphy, #+', Department of eo!raphy, Faculty of 1rts, University of Jari/or, #$6+#9' Nurkovi, R. 59$#$7, 1ctual chan!es in economic structure of a!ricultural production in rural settlements of &osnia and )er*e!ovina, in <urope, today, (.konferenca D1<S, Sodo/ni i**ivi menedImenta v a!roIivilistvu, Pivola, 9$#$, 9$"+9#( Nurkovi, R. 59$#$7; >nfluence of $ertiary :ctivities on $ransformation of the =ural settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
?ournal for 4eography, @(', -pecial >ssue for the 'Ath :nnual BolloCuium of the >4D Bommision on the -ustainability of =ural systems, 2&&E, 6A(A*

Pak, J. 5#66"7, eo!rafski elementi re!ionalne! ra*voja Spodnje!a Podravlja s Prlekijo. eo!rafski vestnik C@, Gju/ljana, #C#+#"? PotoHnik SlaviH, .. 59$#$7, Neoendo!enous .n+ and Lutput of Selected Rural 1reas, the Fase of <conomic Fycles in Slovenia, 8ournal for eo!raphy, (+#, Special .ssue for the #"th 1nnual Follo;uium of the . U Fommision on the Sustaina/ility of Rural systems, 2&&E, A@(FE Ptacek, P. 59$$@7, .nstitutional frame0ork and typolo!y of economic transition in postcommunist countries of Fentral and <astern <urope, the role of &retton >oods institutions, 8ournal for eo!raphy, #+', Department of eo!raphy, Faculty of 1rts, University of Jari/or, p. @#+69 >oods, J. 59$$(7, Rural eo!raphy, Sa!e Pu/lications Gtd., Gondon

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