Vector Quantization Vector Quantization

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Vector Quantization

Vector quantization

Aim and principle -What is a vector quantizer Distance measures Lloyds Lloyd s principle and algorithm Initialization

Aim of Vector Quantization

To reduce the size of the database

N features P V e c t o r s Q V e c t o r s N features


Principles of vector quantization

Project a continuous input space on a discrete output space

Principles of vector quantization

To define zones in the space, the set of points contained in each zone being projected on a representative vector (centroid) Example: 2-dimensional spaces

What is a vector quantizer ?

Vector quantizer =

1. A codebook (set of centroids, or codewords) m = {yj , 1 j Q } 2. A quantization function q d xi q(xi ) = yj Usually: q defined by the nearest neighbor rule (according ( g to some distance measure) )

Two-Dimensional Minimum Distortion Partition. The four circles are the code words of f a two-dimensional di i l codebook. d b k The Voronoi regions are the quadrants containing the circles.

The xs were p produced by ya training sequence of twelve two-dimensional Gaussian vectors. Each input vector is mapped into the nearest nearest-neighbor neighbor codeword, that is, the circle in the in the same quadrant. X = training vectors o = code words Pi = region i encoded d di into t codeword i

Distance measures

Least square error

r-norm error

Distance measures

Weighted least square error

If W = I least square error If W = -1 where is the covariance matrix of the inputs -1 = Mahalanobis distance

If W is symmetrical: W = PTP

Lloyds principle

3 properties: ti

1. The first one gives the best encoder, once the decoder is known 2. The second one gives the best decoder, once the encoder is known 3 There is no point on the borders between Vorono regions 3. (probability = 0) .

O ti l quantizer: Optimal ti properties ti are necessary, y, but not sufficient:

Lloyd: property #1

For a given decoder , the best encoder is given by:

nearest-neighbor rule .

Lloyd: property #2

For a given encoder , the best decoder is given by:

center-of-gravity rule.

Lloyd: property #3

The probability to find a point xi on a border

(between Vorono regions) is zero !

Lloyds algorithm
1. Choice of an initial codebook. 2. All points xi are encoded; EVQ is evaluated. 3. If EVQ is small enough, then stop. 4. All centroids yj are replaced by the center-of-gravity of the data xi associated to yj in step 2. 5. Back to step 2.

Lloyd: example
1. Initialization of the code boook

. X : data d t

yj :centroids

Lloyd: example
2. Encoding (nearest-neighbor)

. x : data d t

yj :centroids

Lloyd: example
4. Decoding (center-of-gravity)

Lloyd: example
2. Encoding (nearest-neighbor) new borders

Lloyd: example
4. Decoding (center-of-gravity) new positions of centroids

Lloyd: example
2. Encoding (nearest-neighbor) new borders

Lloyd: example
4. Decoding (center-of-gravity) new positions of centroids

Lloyd: example
2. Encoding (nearest-neighbor) new borders

Lloyds algorithm: the names

Lloyds algorithm Generalized Lloyds algorithm Linde- Buzzo-Gray (LBG) algorithm K K-means ISODATA All based on the same p principle. p

Lloyds algorithm: properties

The codebook is modified only after the presentation of the whole dataset . Th mean square error (EVQ) decreases The d at each h iteration i i . The risk of getting trapped in local minima is high . The final quantizer depends on the initial one

How to initialize Lloyds algorithm ?


Randomly y in the input p space p

2. The Q first data points xi

Use the first 2R vectors (code book vectors) in the training sequence as the initial codebook.

3. Q randomly chosen data points xi

select several widely spaced words from the training sequence. This approach is sometimes called random code generation.

How to initialize Lloyds algorithm ? (Cont.)

4. Product codes: the product of scalar quantizers

Collection of codebooks Ci, each consisting of Mi vectors. Then the product codebook C is defined as the collection of all Mp possible concatenations of m words drawn successively y from the m codebooks Ci.
5 Growing 5.

initial set:

a first centroid y1 is randomly chosen (in the data set) a second d centroid t id y2 is i randomly d l chosen h (in (i the th data d t set); t) if d(y1, y2) > threshold, y2 is kept a third centroid y3 is randomly chosen (in the data set); if d(y1, y3) > threshold and d(y2, y3) > threshold y3 is kept

How to initialize Lloyds algorithm ? (Cont.)

6. pairwise p nearest neighbor: g a first codebook is built with all data points xi the two centroids nearest one from another are merged (center-of gravity) Variant: the increase of distortion ( EVQ) is evaluated for the merge of each pair of centroids yj; the pair giving the lowest increase is merged

How to initialize Lloyds algorithm ?

7. Splitting a first centroid y1 is randomly chosen a second centroid y1 + is created; Lloyd algorithm is applied to the new codebook two new centroids are created by perturbing the two existing ones; Lloyd algorithm is applied to this 4 4centroids codebook



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