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Apollo Mina English 4-B Footnote to the youth By: Jose Garcia Villa

1. Who is/are the character/s in the story? The lead character in this story is Dodong, A young seventeen year old farmer which his mind could not properly process whats right from wrong surrounding on his upcoming marriage to Teang. Teang is Dodongs bride to be, a short girl with straight glossy hair and who is also as young as he. Dodongs Parents, His Father who is also a farmer albeit more silent than his own son he also has tooth decay and His Mother who does all of the household work. Blas who is Dodongs curious first son and Lucio the supposed suitor of Teang. Other characters include the Carabao, the worm and Dodongs other six children. 2. How were the characters characterized? They were usually characterized surrounding the perspective of Dodong who tries to analyze the feelings of the people around him. Dodong was characterized as a hard-working farmer but also couldnt properly distinguish right from wrong. Dodongs eagerness and forcefulness to marry is an example of how his decision making skills havent come yet into full bloom. Teang was noted to be brown, pretty, and emotional she was said to secretly have a second suitor, the older Lucio but instead chose Dodong due to his younger age. The Father was characterized to be silent, hard working, and afraid to visit the dentist due to his tooth decay. The Mother was noted to be weak but would strive to support her family. Blas is characterized under his development within the story from an innocent baby to an eighteen year old teenager. Animals were also characterized, the carabao was referenced to be loyal and dumb and the worm was noted to be annoying. Characterization of the story also relates to aging where time was fast paced and the environment for the characters which was the province also helps serves for the characters physical struggles and emotional dispositions. 3. If you were the author the author, how would you revise the story? Would you change the descriptions given? If Yes or No. Explain. No, I would not revise the story. Why? Well if I was the author I would be already happy by making a relatable story that has meaning such as Footnotes to youth which shows that teenagers should make second decisions in life before planning to do the desired objective. If I would change any single description in the story then I would give more importance to the animals, sure they can be useless but they can make statements or references to the modern day life. I shall make the story as intact as possible the animals wont have interference within the story as a whole but they can help relate to the topic/ theme of the story.

4. Are the characters in the story the same as the people today? Explain. Yes definitely, Dodong, Teang, and Blas showed that we should be aware of our decisions and to help consult our parents due to the situations they are into now. I noticed that that there has been an increase of teenage pregnancies and this should be taken into action, since this story is entitled Footnote to Youth due to the worm squirming on the foot of Dodong it shows that sometimes life can be annoying and when shaking that annoyance of by solving problems it can help in your development as a whole. Yet how did the worm reach his foot? I could presume that Dodong was careless. Dodongs parents showed skepticism to Dodong as their child such as some parents, if they couldnt find their child they would wonder what happened to them and on Dodongs part like most of us teens, we would worry about being busted. Teang also is a reference to heartbreak when choosing someone be sure you are in a mature enough age and you analyze his/her flaws many people right now are just curious and dont take into consideration what would happen next. The character of Lucio showed that due to having an appropriate age you could have enough understanding to discern from whats right and whats wrong ,Jose references Lucio to the readers about how Older people can have better decision making abilities because for people as young as Dodong their brain is still developing. Therefore, I conclude, that Jose intended to relate the characters of his story to his own environment to prove that he could show the teenagers right now to not marry at a young age. 5. How do you think the author came up with that story? He must have come up with that story because of the environment he was experiencing that time. Jose must have analyzed the increase of poverty (the 7 children of Dodong and Teang), teenage marriage and its outcome (The decisions of teenagers in their late stages and how Teang worn out due to both of them unaware of what would happen afterwards), and carelessness (Dodong avoiding eye contact and what would happen from what he has done and letting Blas marry). He must want to address that story to the teens and its noteworthy because since we are fourth years right now and the increase of peer pressure from having a girlfriend/boyfriend. It was entitled a Footnote to the youth because it was for us teenagers to rethink our decisions.

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