United Phosphorus LTD

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I have great pleasure in expressing my deep sense of gratitude to my institute GIDC Rajju Shroff Rofel Institute Vapi of management studies giving me an opportunity to learn practically about the different activities carried on in the United hosphorous limited! "irst of all I m than#ful to GRI$S and director of our college Dr! R!S!Shah for providing me such great opportunity! I am than#ful to $r!#anubhai Desai %vice president& and $r! '#hilesh Sharma %(!R! $anager& of U ) for granting me permission of summer training! I am also than#ful to my college guide rof! *ayshree tailore +ho have supported and guided me during my +hole training! I +ould also than#s to my external guide in U ) $r! $ayur shah, $iss!$en#a sigh, $r! arth and all the plant people +ho guided for valuable information +ith #ind support for giving me the re-uired data for completing my training and project report! 'nd last but not the least I +ould li#e to than# each and every person +ho directly and indirectly supported me in doing this +or#! 'nd also my family members and friends +ho encouraged and motivated for my project +or#!

0he #no+ledge of the practical implication of the management and its function in an organi1ation is very important for a management student! 0o get the real feel of this #no+ledge, I had undergone summer training in this organi1ation! 's a management student, it +as pleasure to undergo practical training and submit the report to our college! ' comprehensive understanding of this +ill increase my practical #no+ledge and decision ma#ing ability! I gathered all re-uired information from the organi1ation! It is earnestly hoped that this report +ill meet the educational re-uirements!


United hosphorus )td! is a part of the Shroff group, +hich has diverse interest in the crop protection chemicals! 0he year of commencement of business is started from 2343 to till! U ) is a leading global producer of generic crop protection products, intermediates, specialty chemicals and other industrial chemicals! 0he company ran#s 5th amongst the generic 'gro chemicals companies in all over the +orld! U ) has transformed itself into a multi6dimensional, multi6location company offering a comprehensive range of -uality products, efficient customer service and a +ide distribution net+or#! U ) is also the only 'grochemical Company in India, and amongst t+o or three companies in the +orld, to have successfully implemented S' 7R8 %.R & solution! 0oday the company +ith a modest beginning has gro+n and consolidated its strengths, s#ills and people to achieve a uni-ue enterprise! (ere the company's care s ra e!y "s o o##er $e er %a&'e o " s c's omers on (e pr"ce )'a&" y ma r"* an+ par "c"pa "n! "n (e"r pro!rams o +e&"%ery $e er %a&'e o (e c's omers!




PL 00 PL 01 PL 02 PL 03 PL 04 PL 05 PL 06 PL 07 PL 08


Corporate Mission And Vision

9e +ill be a 9orld Class :rgani1ation that .nhances Value to our Customers and other Sta#eholders by/ Caring for .mployees to +or# as a $otivated 0eam in an :pen and )earning .nvironment Setting Challenging ;e+ Standards of erformance "ocusing on 0otal <uality, Innovation and Responsible Care to+ards the .nvironment!

Mission statement
9e are in the business of/

$anufacturing and Supplying Crop rotection and Specialty Chemicals +orld6+ide roviding solutions to optimi1e farm productivity for the farmer through innovative and cost effective products to provide the customer better value for money!

UPL's Aim

Gro+ steadily focusing on 0otal <uality, Innovation and Responsible Care to+ards the .nvironment! Respond to ;e+ Standards of erformance! Diversify mar#ets!

UPL's Goals rovide customers +ith prime -uality products and services, bac#ed by efficient and courteous customer service! .arn enduring respect of customers and the community! Ran# among the tope five Crop rotection and Specialty Chemicals supplier in the region!


Year 2343 Ac("e%emen s "actory 2 / "ounded at Vapi Red hosphorus 23=@ 23B8 'grochemicals A $etal hosphorus Chlorides Synthetic yrethoid insecticides $ercury 23B@ 233C 233> Compounds :rgano phosphaten plasticisers 23B3 :rgano mercurial 0op .xport '+ard C(.$.ECI) 0op .xport '+ard C(.$.ECI) "irst .xport '+ard F 2338 C(.$.ECI) Innovative 0echnology '+ard for 0$ Indian Chemical $anufacturers 'ssociation Consistent .xport '+ard 6 2335 "!G!$!I 'ssociation Corporate .xcellence '+ard Dalal Street *ournal 0he 'nalyst '+ard 6 Investor "riendly Company 6C!"!'!I 0op .xport '+ard F 233@ C(.$.ECI) :utstanding .xport erformance '+ard 6 $inistry of Commerce 233@ :utstanding .xport erformance '+ard 6 $inistry of Commerce 2335 "actory @ / *hagadia "actory 4 / Gopipura 2338 "actory 8 / 'n#lesh+ar :rgano phosphorus insecticides 2332 233> 23BC 23B@ Year 23=> A.ar+s Gold Shield for Red hosphorus ?oard on '9'RDS for Import Substitution "actory > / 'n#lesh+ar bac#+ard integration 6 Dello+ phosphorus Certificate of $erits 'I , C), $inistry of Commerce, G:I 0ri methyl phosphite Synthetic pyrethoid intermediates 0op .xport '+ard C(.$.ECI) "actory 8 / 'n#lesh+ar :rgano phosphorus insecticides

'ccorded the status of 0rading 233@ (ouse!0op 0op 0ax ayers '+ard6 Central ?oard of Direct 0axes 233= Sutra Certificate of 'pproval6 <uality Standards IS: 233B 3CC>/2335 :utstanding .xport erformance '+ard by Industries Commissioner, 233B Government of Gujarat '+arded G Samman atra G for .xport erformance6 Commissioner ate :f Customs >CC5 $umbai Certificate of 'pproval6 <uality Standards IS: 3CC2/>CCC%V' I& >CC@ Certificate of 'pproval6 Chemo .lectronic )aboratory >CC@ IS: 3CC2/>CCC%V' I& "rost A Sullivan India $anufacturing .xcellence '+ard >CC5 >CC5 Gujarat State Safety and (ealth '+ard to (alol IC$' 'ditya ?irla '+ard for ?est Responsible Care Committed Company >CC86>CC5 >CC5 >CC5 >CC5 >CC2 233B 233B 2334 "actory =/ Vapi 6 $anufacture of ollution Control .-uipment! IS:625CC2 .nvironment $anagement System Certificate '+arded Certificate of a Super Star 0rading (ouse6Director General of "oreign 0rade 0he .conomic 0imes '+ards for Corporate .xcellence6;ominated for .merging Company :utstanding .xport erformance '+ard 6?asic Chemicals, harmaceuticals A Cosmetics .xport romotion Council, $umbai Gujarat State Safety and (ealth '+ard to Unit8, 'n#lesh+ar Gujarat State Safety and (ealth '+ard to *hagadia

Gro. ( , ra e!y
U ) has pursued a strategy of continuous expansion, bac#+ard and for+ard integration, branded product development, thrust on registration and aggressive mar#eting! 0hrough ac-uisitions, strategic alliances and subsidiaries, U ) has built a net+or# across the globe and operates across seven manufacturing sites, six in India and one in .urope, each +ith close support from on6site technical services and -uality control! Integration is the core strength of U )! 0his approach secures reliable ra+ materials for multi6site manufacturing through an extensive do+nstream range of products and services! U ) pioneered Gbac#+ard integrationG in agrochemicals and is one of the +orldGs fe+ companies to manufacture complex oregano6 phosphorus compounds starting from the basic ra+ material, roc# phosphate ore! 0his strategy has no+ been extended to other products, the most recent being an integrated caustic chlorine plant using the latest membrane technology, creating basic building bloc#s for agrochemicals and specialty chemicals! Company has pursued a strategy of Continuous .xpansion
?ac# A for+ard Integration

?randed roduct Development 0hrust on registration A 'ggressive $ar#eting


,/0Strength W/09ea#ness O/0:pportunity T/00hreats ,TRENGTH ioneered in H?ac#+ard A "or+ard integrationH In agrochemicals is the care strength of U )! Capability is applied R A D strategy is one of U )Gs major corporate strength! ' team of experienced professionals I0 specialists maintains 0he S' IR8 %.R & system! 0his made U ) one of the 'grochemical Company +orld+ide to have successfully implemented S' IR8 %.R & solutions! ' +orld +ide mar#eting net+or# across the globe in more than 2CC countries! WEAKNE,, 0he gro+th of agrochemicals sector is lin#ed to monsoon! ' good monsoon +ill see the gro+th, but a poor monsoon +ill negate the gro+th!

OPPORTUNITIE, 0he opportunities for gro+th are tremendous, both on local as +ell as export front! In India, the consumption of agrochemicals is very lo+ as Hcompared to countries li#e U!S!'!, *apan etc! In respect of exports, there is very good potential for the gro+th of agrochemicals! Some of the countries have stopped production of agrochemicals there and started outsourcing their re-uirements from countries li#e India! So overall scenario for exports is very encouraging!

THREAT 0he major threat faced by this sector is the emergence of unorgani1ed sector, +ho indulge in production of spurious agrochemicals! 0his eats into the mar#et as +ell as margins of genuine producers! 'nother threat is the registration re-uired for agrochemicals, in India as +ell as abroad! 0o obtain registration for products is time consuming and cumbersome process, re-uiring data generation for a number of years and efficacy report for trials ta#en at various stages!


?eing a leading company in its industry and because of a nature of a product U ) al+ays try to satisfy the community +ith its practice! ?ecause of normal myth in the people surrounding U ) as U ) is one of the highest pollution ma#ing company, U ) al+ays try to improve its image in the mind of customer and surrounding community! 0he follo+ing are fe+ snap shot of U )Is activity to+ard fulfilling social obligation!

1(ar'c( En%"ronmen In#ras r'c 're L + 21EIL3/0 Certified under .nvironment $anagement System Standards IS: 25CC2!?.I) is a Company promoted by major industries in ?haruch District! United hosphorus )imited %U )& group of Companies holds major e-uity in the Company! ?.I) has developed a Centrali1ed Secured )andfill "acility at 'n#lesh+ar in 233=6 3B and so far, collected and disposed off more than >CCCCC $0 of Solid7(a1ardous +astes from member industries in this region! Salient "eatures of ?.I)/ 0he secured landfill facility is in operation since 233B! During the @ years of operation, the Company has collected and disposed off more that >, CC,CCC $0 of solid7ha1ardous +astes from member industries! 0+o cells have already been provided top coverage! "ollo+s the (a1ardous 9aste %$anagement and (andling& Rules >CCCJ and HCriteria for (a1ardous 9aste )andfillsH published by C C?! Implemented .$S IS: 25CCC6first such facility in India!

C(emo E&ec ron"c La$ora ory

Chemo .lectronic )aboratory is a result of U )Gs diversification strategy! .stablished in the year 2338, the Chemo .lectronic )aboratory is today one of the largest manufacturers of toxic gas detection devices in India ! 9e have a +ide range of products, all designed and developed in this laboratory! 9e are the only Indian manufacturer of chemical detector tubes! 9e produce intrinsically safe personal, portable monitors and flame proof fixed systems for detection of several toxic and flammable gases! :ur +orld+ide customers include large chemical and petrochemical industries, oil refineries, government establishments, fumigators,etc! company products are exported to countries such as U!S!'!, Germany, 'ustralia, Spain, $exico, South 'frica, 'rgentina, Israel and several other countries!

En%"ro Tec(no&o!y L + 2ETL3/

:perates a uni-ue Common .ffluent 0reatment lant +ith primary, secondary and tertiary treatment, at 'n#lesh+ar industrial estate, Gujarat! H"!(&"!( s o# ETL/ Uni-ue C.0 ! Capacity 2CCC $87day! 0reats Ra+ .ffluent from >>@ member industries! 0ransportation of effluent through rubber6lined tan#ers! rimary, Secondary and 0ertiary 0reatment Schemes!

)ime (andling "acility! De+atering of sludge +ith RVD"s! Sludge containing Calcium Sulphate being sent to Cement Industries! .xtensive laboratory facility! $inistry of .nvironment and "orests, ;e+ Delhi, entrusted .0) to conduct series at allavaram 0anners Industrial .ffluent 0reatment Co )td!, Chennai! "irst C.0 in India, getting IS:625CCC certification! roject cost6 Rs 4BC!CC lacs

)oan has been re6paid! Charging System based on effluent -uality and -uantity! Commissioned in December 2334! 'pplication of any amendment including .0) sludge tended to increase the yield of both 9heat as +ell as green gram!

GIDC Ra44' ,(ro## ROFEL Ins " ' e o# Mana!emen , '+"es 2GRIM,3
0he GIDC R'**U S(R:"" R:".) Institute :f $anagement Studies is a uni-ue partnership bet+een the Rotary "oundation for .ducation and )earning %R:".)&, Vapi and the State Industrial Development Corporation of Gujarat %G!I!D!C!&! "rom a sleepy village of the 23=CGs to the hub of the largest concentration of medium and small industries in 'sia 6 VapiGs infrastructure o+es itself largely to the initiatives of G!I!D!C, in building the Industrial infrastructure and in attracting young entrepreneurs from Gujarat and $aharashtra! .-ually the gro+th of the social infrastructure 6 School, Colleges, (ospital, vocational training 6 stems from the bold initiatives of the Rotary Club of Vapi! VapiGs strategic location has been a source of strength 6 on the route from ?ombay to 'hemedabad, 28 #ms to the east of sea resorts of Daman, 28 #ms to the 9est of the hilly forest reserves of Silvassa, close to the trading centres at Surat and ?aroda!


0he 0rust soon branched out to start the first 'rts A Commerce College in Vapi in 233C, follo+ed by a ?achelor of ?usiness 'dministration Course in 2334! 0his +as follo+ed further in 2333 by a $anagement Institute %G R I $ S& to conduct the course in ost Graduate )evel and a college of Science and College of harmacy! G R I $ S is a logical extension of these educational endeavors to the gro+ing need for managerial manpo+er in this region and indeed in the +hole country! 0hey even provide fund for organi1e the event called Ka#an#shaL, management meet organi1e by the student of GRI$S!

U ) is the largest producer in India of crop protection products +ith a +ide range of products that include fumigants, fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides and herbicides and has established a broad product line that caters to the crop protection needs of a plant during all stages of gro+th! 0his broad product range has given our company a competitive edge in terms of mar#et penetration! U )Gs -uality control %<C& approach is based on the clear target of HMero DefectH! .ach stage of production from ra+ material sourcing through manufacturing to post6 production are closely monitored! U ) has also committed substantial investment to maintain and improve high standard of environmental ;e+ products have been introduced virtually in every year of the companyGs history in response to the specific needs of changing mar#et! U ) offers Gtotal crop protectionG +ith a comprehensive product range and a sales support operation in every continent! U ) has developed more than 2CC insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, fumigants and rodenticides for every stage of the gro+ing cycle/

U ) manufacture number of products their product category consist of three major segments! 0hey identify their product in three6product category/

56 86 96

a!roc(em"ca&7 spec"a& y c(em"ca&7 an+ "n+'s r"a& c(em"ca&6

0hey manufacture t+o #ind of chemical,

56 86

ec(n"ca&7 an+ #orm'&a e+6

Very fe+ companies are in the area of technical chemical! 9hile the number of small player exist in the area of formulated chemical! 0hey purchase technical solution from U ) and produce formulated chemical from it! A!roc(em"ca&/ 0otal agrochemical product is divide in five category based on their function and objective! Insec "c"+es roduct ;ame Cypermethrin Cypermethrin 'lpha6Cypermethrin "envalerate ermethrin Dichlorvos $onocrotophos hosphamidon <uinalphos 0erbufos Cypermethrin 8O P <uninalphos >CO .c ?rand ;ame Ustaad Cyrux "astoxunitox @ .c "en#ill er#ill Doomdivap hos#ill Ninadon Ninalux (unter Viraat

Her$"s"+es roduct ;ame Chlorpropham Desmedipham Diuron Diuron $etamitron $etoxuron ;apropamide henmedipham yra1osulfuron .thyl F'n!"s"+es roduct ;ame $etalaxyl P $anco1eb $etalaxyl F'm"!an s/ roduct ;ame 'luminium hosphide $angnesium ,pec"a& y C(em"ca& U ) Industries +ith a strong technical strength and +ide range of specialty chemicals is all set to contribute in terms of export of its products! $ore than >C O of the total production of specialty chemicals from U ) +ill be exported! ?rand ;ame <uic#phosmestagas $agnaphos ?rand ;ame Meemil $1b 4BC 9p Rampart 8@C Sd :rrja :rrja Diuron BC 9p Diuron BC 9p Diuron BC 9p Naabu Devrinol henmedipham Saathi ?rand;ame

Specialty Chemicals >6(ydroxy <uinoxaline %>6(-& hosphorus Red %Rxp& Diethyl hosphite %Dep& 0riethyl hosphite %0epi& Dichloro henyl Isocyanate %Dcpi& 0rimethyl hosphite %0mp& (ydroxy .thylidene Diphosphonic 'cid Dimethyl $ethyl hosphonate %Dmmp& %(edp& hosphorus 0richloride % tc& 0ris Chloro Isopropyl hosphate %0cpp& $eta Chloro henyl Isocyanate %$cpi& 0riphenyl hosphite %0ppi& 0ris Chloro .thyl hosphate %0cep& 0riphenyl hosphate %0ppo& $eta henoxy ?en1aldehyde %$pbad& 0hio Diphenol %0dp& $eta 0olyl Isocyanate %$ti& hosphorus entoxide % po& henyl Isocyanate % i& hosphorus entachloride % pc& otassium $ercuric Iodide % mi& hosphorus :xychloride % oc& hosphorus entasulphide % ps& 0riethyl hosphate %0epo& D V 'cid Chlorine 7 Cypermethric 'cid Chlorine %Dvac 7 Cmac& In+'s r"a& C(em"ca& Industrial Chemicals hosphorus 0richloride % tc& hosphorus entachloride % pc& hosphorus entasulphide % ps& hosphorus entoxide % po& hosphorus :xychloride % oc& 0rimethyl hosphite %0mp& 0riethyl hosphite %0ep& >6(ydroxy <uinoxaline %>6(-& ;6 henyl $aleinic 'cid (ydra1ide hosphorus Red %Rxp& % mh& 0hio Diphenol %0dp& otassium $ercuric Iodide % mi& D V 'cid Chloride 7 Cypermethric 'cid Chloride %Dvac 7 Cmac&


'll manufacturing sites of U ) have achieved IS: 3CC2 >CCC certification for all of its products! 'part from this the Vapi plant has been certified for IS: 25CC2 %.$S& and also an IS: 2BCC2 certificates! U ) is currently implementing six sigma programs to ensure 1ero defect level in operation! In early year, U ) +as poised for rapid gro+th! 9ith a vie+ of sustaining this gro+th and also ensuring consistency in every thing it did! U ) 1eroed do+n on a business strategy focused on -uality management systems! If therefore, identified a +ell defined resource plan using systems approach, +hich led to the follo+ing initiatives!

I,O ;<<5/8<<<
0he tas# force assigned to this -uality initiative commenced activity in early year! 's a first stage IS: certificate +as obtained and registered by -uality registrars ?V<I for the Vapi plant! Currently, U )Gs Vapi, 'n#lesh+ar plants and sales and mar#eting net+or# are all functioning +ith the, IS: 3CC2/ >CCC certification for the follo+ing! 0he entire IS: documentation and -uality records are on electronic media and U ) is already reaping the benefits of this IS: consolidation +ith improvements +hich have lead to benefits li#e uniform +or# flo+, -uality assurance and high customer satisfaction and rapid sales gro+th!

I,O 5=<<52EM,3
0he Vapi plant +as accredited for IS: 25CC2 %.$S& under .nvironment $anagement System standard! Dour company has ta#en various measures to improve the overall condition +ith respect to protection of .nvironment! ?oth the units of the company at Vapi and *hagadia in Gujarat are certified under .nvironmental $anagement System Standard IS: 25CC2! 0o improve the environmental performance the company is monitoring emission levels +ith respect to air, +ater and solid +astes +ith improvements in .nvironmental performance! 0he company had participated in the Green Rating roject conducted by Center for Science and .nvironment, ;e+ Delhi, and bagged 0(R.. ).'V.S R'0I;G '9'RD! 0he company has ta#en membership of ?ahruch .co '-ua Infrastructure )td, a company formed for collection, treatment disposal of the effluent!

OH,A, 5><<5
0he company has become leader in :CCU '0I:;') (.')0( A S'".0D $';'G.$.;0 SDS0.$ S0';D'RDS by getting certificate under :(S'S 2BCC2! 0he company is the first Chlor 'l#ali unit in 'sia getting the :(S'S 2BCC2 certification and the first chemical industry in India getting such prestigious certification! U ) has committed to safeguard the health A safety of all its employees! eriodic preventive maintenance of e-uipment is being carried out! 'll staff and +or#ers are trained in safe operation 7 maintenance of the plant and e-uipment and safe method of production and handling various chemicals as +ell as provided suitable personal protective e-uipment to do their job safety! ?oth the units of the company at Vapi and *hagadia in Gujarat +ere audited by 0'0 ' 'IG RISN $';'G.$.;0 S.RVIC.S )0D!, $U$?'I to revie+ the effectiveness of the safety system to assess the ris#s and evaluate the improvement!

United hosphorus )td! is a very huge company +hich is performed various functions of the business activity so that it is not possible to performed all the +or# +ith a time therefore the (ead of Department is decided that the functions of the industry 're assigned to different department! In this company each department +ise the various functions and responsibility of a particular +or# is to be assigned to the department and in this +ay the burden of the +or# is assigned to the different department and the (ead of the department gets the particular +or# responsibility to utili1e his ability.

0he main objective of the departmentation is to separately divide the +or# burden of the company and also maintaining the coordination amongst different departments! "ollo+ing are the )ist of department/ ersonnel Department

(!R! Department "inance Department $ar#eting Department lanning Department urchase Department

Stores Department roduction Department

.xcise A Dispatch Department 'ccounts Department Safety Department <uality 'ssurance and Control Department Research A Development Department

$ax! ro! Department .ngineering Department roject Department

)iaison Department System Department

Personne& Depar men

$ajor "unctions of ersonnel Department at U ) are as follo+s/ Record #eeping $anpo+er planning Industrial Relation )iasoning +ith government officials Statutory re-uirements 0ime office Salary and +age administration 9elfare activities 'dministration o 0ransport o 0ic#et boo#ing o (ouse#eeping

Recor+?eep"n! 'll the records are maintained by the personnel department in different registers! ' joining report is prepared +hen an employee joins U )! 'll the documents are verified such as -ualification certificates, medical reports etc! Induction training is given to the ne+ly joined employee! unching card of the ne+ employee is also prepared so that arrival and exit record of the employee can be #ept then 'ppointment letter is prepared! erformance of the ne+ employee is evaluated in the probation period and according to the performance extension or confirmation letter is prepared!

'n employee individual file +ith gratuity, provident fund, .SIC nomination form is prepared! In+'s r"a& Re&a "on )abour are the most important part of the company! So that it is the companyGs responsibility to ta#e care of the )abour and to give them some facilities so that the )abour can be satisfied +ith their contribution to the company! ersonnel Department tries to maintain healthy relations +ith employers and employee! Disciplinary actions such as Sho+ cause notice or +arning notice is issued to the employee for the misbehavior or misconduct! Domestic en-uiry is also conducted to find the root cause of the issue! If an employee is found faulty then punishment such as suspension or termination is given to the employee U ) did 8 year settlement +ith Q0(.V')S'D *I))' ?('R0ID' N'$D'R S';G(L to avoid disputes bet+een management and employees! , a ' ory Comp&"ance @ L"ason"n! ." ( Go%ernmen Depar men Various 'ct defined by the government for the establishment and smooth functioning of the factory! U ) follo+s the entire act defined by the government and performs all the necessary activities according to the 'ct! 'ccording to the "actory 'ct leave card register, I card register, fine register, 'ccident register is maintained! U ) also ta#e all type of permission and certificate +hich is necessary for company! 'ccording to the Contract 'ct contract registration is done! :ver time register, .mployment register, Visit boo# is also maintained! 'ccording to the Gratuity 'ct employees +ho +or#ed for U ) @ yrs or more than @ yrs and then left the job for any reason are given 2@ days gratuity! 'ccording to the ?onus 'ct employee are given minimum bonus of B!88O and maximum bonus of >CO

rovident "und account of each employee is maintained! .very month 2>O employee salary is deducted and same is contributed by the company and deposited in the provident fund account! 'ccording to the 'pprenticeship 'ct every year training is given to people +ith stipend and pay register is also maintained for the same! T"me O##"ce Card punching system is used in U ) to get the direct attendance! 9henever an employee +ants a leave he has to fill details regarding his leave in the leave card! Salary details are also #ept if any employee has ta#en loan then per month a certain percentage is deducted from his salary! 'bsenteeism details are also #ept! )ate comer details are also #ept and to reduce the late comer, U ) made one rule! .mployees +ho comes late by 2@minutes for more than 5 days their R day salary is deducted! "ull and "inal details of the employee are also #ept!! ,a&ary an+ Wa!e A+m"n"s ra "on Salary to the staff and +age to the +or#ers is paid by the personnel department! .very month a salary statement or pay role statement is prepared by the personnel department and submitted to the accounts department! 0his statement goes to the head office and then they send che-ues and these che-ues are received by the accounts department and then salary and +age is paid to the staff and +or#er! U ) pay salary to the +or#er according to the government )a+! We&#are Ac "%" "es Company done t+o type of +elfare activity/6 2! Statutory >! ;on Statutory , a ' ory/ ", ?onus, Gratuity, Non s a ' ory/

Social +elfare, .mployee +elfare Schools Colleges (ospitals (igh+ay ?eautification Rail+ay station development Uniform to employees "amily training Canteen 0ransportation $edical chec# up $il#, ?anana A Soda!

9henever an employee is retired or expired Rs! @C is deducted from the salary of all employees and Rs! 2CC is contributed by the company for +elfare of the retired or expired employee! U ) also adopted t+o villages and given electricity and +ater facilities to the household in these villages! A+m"n"s ra "on 0ransport and tic#et boo#ing facility is given to employees! 0elephone bill, mobile bill and car maintenance is also responsibility of personnel department! U ), vapi has presently only 8 car in this 8 cars they manage all the employee needsJ It is also a big tas#! $anage house #eeping is also a responsibility of personnel department! ersonnel department loo# after all thing related to house #eeping! 0hey are rene+ing the contract of house #eeping! ersonnel department also handles the activity of canteen! U ) provide canteen facility to all the employee at cheapest Rate! Canteen carries the responsibility of personnel department! Manpo.er , a 's/ 0here total 42C employees and including contract labours there are 2>CC employees!

H'man Reso'rce Depar men

O$4ec "%e/ lanning, organi1ing, directing and controlling of human resources to achieve organi1ational goal as +ell as individual goal!

D' "es an+ Respons"$"&" "es o# HR mana!er/ 2!0o provide +ell6trained and +ell6motivated employees! >!0o improve s#ill and #no+ledge of employees! 8!Satisfying +or#ing relationship among all the members! 5! rovide training for the development of employees! @!$aintain high morale and good human relation +ithin the organi1ation! 4!Satisfying individual needs by offering appropriate monetary and non monitory incentives! F'nc "ons o# Hr Depar men / $anpo+er planning! Recruitment Selection 0raining A development erformance 'ppraisal

Manpo.er p&ann"n!/ $anpo+er planning is done for the personnel retired, transferred to another plant! *ob rotation, job scheduling of personnel is done to ma#e personnel feel comfortable and to avoid ma#ing their job monotonous! Recr'" men /

"ollo+ing are the sources of recruitment for U! !)!

In erna& ,o'rces/ Relatives of present employees romotion and transfer E* erna& ,o'rces/ 'dvertisement .ducational institutions lacement agencies )abour contractors Recruitment at factory gate :+n database

,e&ec "on/ Selection is done on the basis of position for +hich person is re-uired! *ob profile varies +ith the position! S#ills, abilities and competencies of the person are matched against job profile!

,e&ec "on proce+'re/ Company follo+s different procedure for different *ob! In general they follo+ follo+ing procedure!

Co&&ec "on O# App&"ca "on


,ec'r" "Aa "on O# App&"ca "on

In er%"e.

Me+"ca& C(ec?'p Appo"n men )etter In+'c "on Tra"n"n! P&acemen

Tra"n"n! @ De%e&opmen /0 ?efore imparting training areas in +hich employee needs training is identified! 0raining is given to employees by internal and external faculty! 9hen the training is given by the external faculty it is #no+n as In6house training! 0he #ey focus of training and development in U ) is #no+ledge, s#ill, and attitude! Documentation of 0raining rocedure is necessary at U )! ?enchmar#ing on 0raining $an6days7'nnum is as follo+s/ Staff A above F @ $an days 9or#ers F > $an6days 0raining ;eed Identification of all employees is done by various (:D! 'ccording to the need identification 0raining $odules are designed and developed! 'nnual A $onthly 0raining lanner is maintained it contains information regarding the training to be given +ith in a month or a year! 0here are major three categories of training program at U ) 0echnical F rogram Internal, In6house A .xternal 0raining rograms ?ehavioral 0echnical rogram/ 0echnical training programs is imparted in t+o +ays 2! 0hrough Suppliers A Vendors >! 0hrough Internal "aculties 2! 0hrough Suppliers and Vendors/ Suppliers and vendors give training to U ) employee regarding its product use! "or example boilers, steam ejector, reactors, motors etc >! 0hrough Internal "aculties Internal faculty gives t+o types of training!

I! $'E0R'I;%+or#er s#ill up gradation program& $'E0R'I;/ Various (:DS are called for the meeting! ?rainstorming session is conducted bet+een these employees and 8C topics for discussion is listed out and among them 2@ topics are prioriti1ed! 'ccording to the topics faculty is chosen! "aculty prepare themselves on the topic and gives presentation on that topic and solves the -ueries related to that topic! S'".0R'I;/ 's U ) is a chemical company Safety training is must at U )! 0he training regarding safety is given it is #no+ as S'".0R'I; in U )! :utdoor $anagement Development rogram/ .mployees are ta#en to a hill station or any outdoor place +here team spirit and many other concepts are learned through experience! De6briefing Sessions/ 9hen employees comes from outdoor management development program they brief their experiences +ith other employees

Per#ormance Appra"sa&/ erformance management is done at U ) to raise the performance level of the employees to the expected level! ?alanced Score Card/ 0he ?alanced Scorecard can be an effective tool to help execute, manage and communicate organi1ational vision and strategy >=C degree performance appraisal/ >=C degree performance appraisal method is used! In this method performance is evaluated by the superior, subordinate! Or!an"Aa "on s r'c 're/ :rgani1ation structure is flatter so that people feel more empo+ered and to ma#e communication more effective!

In+'c "on/ Induction of every personnel is necessary in U ) so that they become familiar +ith organi1ation! Induction period is from 4 to 2C days! Career p&ann"n!/ Carrier lanning is done in t+o +ays 2! Individual level planning/ career planning for the individual is done through promotions! >! organi1ation level planning/ Persona& Co'nse&"n!/ If the performance of any employee is going do+n 0hen the reason for poor performance is found out through face to face interaction +ith the employee! romoting learning culture/ Ac("e%emen Ce&e$ra "ons/ 9henever U ) achieves extraordinary performance then that achievement is Celebrated through decorating canteen, giving feast to all its employees! Re.ar+ @ reco!n" "on/ 9henever performance of any individual is outstanding than that employee is appreciated through re+ards and recognition! E*" In er%"e./ 9henever any employee leaves the organi1ation then intervie+ of that employee is ta#en to find out the plus and minus points of the #no+n through these intervie+s ,a&ary , r'c 're/ ?asic P D' P .ducation P 0ransport P ?onus P " P )0' P $edical Reimbursement 1as"s #or Trans#er/ ' transfer is a hori1ontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job to another job in the same level of hierarchy +ith the same level of responsibility status and pay!

Pro+'c "on +epar men

Upl produces +orldIs largest aluminum phosphate! 'luminum phosphate is a chemical in form of solid form to avoid insect in the +heat and paddyIs and also avoids or #ills rats but for rats it is very rare case! Ra. ma er"a& 'luminum po+der and +hite phosphorous are its ra+ material! 'mmonium carbamen is made by mixture of ammoniaPco> Carbon6di6oxide avoids flashing 9ax is used for bending! Graphite po+der for shininess in the material! Mioxstride for preflo+ movement! It ta#es about approx! >> hours producing one metric tone and after that every three hours +e get tones of material! Ho. " ?"&&s (e "nsec B In this phosphing gas releases +hen the +heat or paddy is stored in a pac#ed area +here no moisture is allo+ed and at that time this phosphate releases and it doesnIt allo+s the insect to spread! It has -uic# reaction +ith moisture disintegration starts if moisture is found and it results in burning! ?itrine is a poisonous gas and +ith consumption of this gas it may #ill the person and this happened many times that the people +ere using this phosphate as a suicide tool but later the producers lessened the proportion of this gas by 2@O first it proportion +as 4CO! In 4CO it directly #illed the person but no+ due to 2@O it only has effect of vomiting and all gas comes out! ?atch process is underta#en!

'luminum phosphide are made in t+o forms by upl / 0ab late form o+der form )et us see in detail about these t+o forms/ 0'? )'0. ":R$ / 0ablets are pac#ed in tubes and plastics! It is pac#ed in three different +eights they are/ C!4 grams pallet 8 grams round tablet 8 gram flat tablet 8 grams flat tablet is manufactured only for domestic mar#et and rest 8 grams round tablet and 8 grams flat tablet is for export purpose! :9D.R ":R$ /

It is pac#ed in 85 gram of pouch and pouch is made of paper so dust disposal is easy! Cost is very high for po+der form! $onthly production of aluminum phosphate is >CC metric tone and more production is done if re-uired or as per order! Safety stoc# is #ept up to 4CO! 0his can cover 2C days of production! ?rand names vary from country to country! <uic# phos! Is the brand name for domestic mar#et! .xport for the last year +as BBO and 2> O +as in domestic mar#et!! $anpo+er in this plant is 8CO of upl! >>@ are permanent employee and others on contract!

'll this +or# is done manually !Recently they are +or#ing for automation li#e (igh speed tableting machine, automatic +eight, pac#ing, leveling and strapping! Re4ec "on/ Rejections are mainly for purity and in this case they blend it and ma#e it pure! Rejections come in case +hen/ ac#ing is not proper 'l phosphate gas is more in -uantity! > ppm gas is maximum allo+ed +hen dispatched more then this then it can be rejected or not allo+ed! Ma er"a& (an+&"n!/ $aterial handling cost is BC to 3C paisa per #g! simple lorry is used for handling! ,a#e y meas'res/ Censors and online systems are #ept! Dust mas# (elmets are compulsory Compressed breathing air are made available 0raining and a+areness program are held! Discussion on the occurrence or accidents +hich are already occurred or +hich can be occurred is discussed

Mee "n! #or sa#e y/ :nce in +ee# meeting is held by ship officer! :nce in a month all plant members meeting is held! Complains from Customer li#e/ :pening of pac#ing Smell of ammonia and phosphide .xcessive dust "lash of material ?last 9rong printing .xcessive tightness La$e&"n!/ )abeling is done according to country +ise and approval! Was a!e/ 9astage is decontaminated in +ater or gives to scrap contractor!

,TAGE, OF AL PHO,PHATE/ 2st stage/ $ixing procedure 'llumiumP+hite phosphate 8 hours for 2 metric tone, temp B to 3 centigrade 8!@ to @ for cooling

>nd stage/ 9ax coating

8rd stage/ *a+ crashing operating >!@ hours

5th stage/ ?lending and se+ing 5 hours

@th stage/ 0ablets and pac#ing = to B hours

En!"neer"n! +epar men /

.ngineering 'ctivities 2! >! 8! 5! @! 4! Chemical .ngineering $echanical .ngineering Civil .ngineering Instrumentation .ngineering .lectrical .ngineering rocurement

0ype of rojects 2! >! 8! 5! @! 4! .xpansion of .xisting lants rocess $odification lant set up for ne+ product ?atch to continuous process Cost reduction projects Safety,(ealth and .nvironment

'udits/ 4 months audit for IS: 3CCC for -uality IS: 25CCC for environment IS: 2BCCC for safety


Ra+ material

.nergy Utility

2CC .UI $.;0

finished product

$achine $anpo+er

$aintenance/ 0here are 8 types of maintenance/ reventive maintenance redictive maintenance/ ?rea#do+n maintenance/ Generate report and send to $umbai! 'll details are as#ed by $umbai head-uarter!

9or#s in different areas li#e/ ;e+ molecule development Improvement in existence product Support to registration activities 0rouble shooting activities ;e+ molecule development procedure / ?rief literature search Selection of the route aper costing

Initial and elaborative lab! 9or# ?rief +or#7 experative +or# rocess scale up to 2 #g Generation of the project data

rocess scale up to 2CC6>CC#g ilot trials Commerciali1ation

In the first stage they find the route for ma#ing the product! 0here are several routes found by them and after finding they select the route the most convenient to them! 'fter the route is found they do paper +or#s i!e! cost estimation of the production, +hat +ill be the total cost of the product! 0hen initial lab! 9or# is done that is in +hich -uantity +hat product +ill be needed, "or e!g! S C PD it means that for ma#ing aPb ho+ much -uantity c and d re-uires! 0hen experative +or# 7brief +or# is done and manufacturing of 2 #g of the product is made and if approved by the R A D section production up to 2CC 6>CC#g is manufactured! 't last as per the mar#et demand the product is produced! Impro%emen "n e*"s ence pro+'c / (ere in this after the product is produced and if any defect is found or any complains is there then improvement is made as per! ,'ppor o re!"s ra "on ac "%" "es/ 9henever the upl member produces a product they have to submit impurities preparation and there are @ batch analyses for a ne+ molecule! 'lso preparation of the documents related to registration! Tro'$&e s(oo "n! ac "%" "es/ (ere they support the plant people and give solution and corrective measures during the manufacturing for process related problems!*R" %jai research foundation& generate registration! 0here 're @ RAD centers/

2! >! 8! 5! @!

R T D V' I R T D ';N).S9'R R T D *'G(DID' R T D (')):) R T D 0(';. %$U$?'I&

0hane does the basic +or# and registration activities

Acco'n +epar men

O$4ec "%es/ rime objective of accounts department is to record and maintain all monetary transactions of company "ollo+ing activities are underta#en in accounts department/ 563 CA,H MANAGEMENT/ Re-uirement of cash for day to day activities is met! ' certain level of cash is maintained for +or#ing capital re-uirement! 0he amount of cash maintained in the company should be neither too high nor too lo+! If itIs too lo+ then day to day activities can be hampered and if itIs too high there is a ris#! D"spersemen / (ere they find out the re-uirement of cash Pe y cas(/ Cash for minor expenses are #ept! Wor?"n! cap" a& Day to day expenses li#e salary, In upl minimum amt of cash is #ept because it is ris#y to #eep more cash! 0hey #eep abt 2 la#h only! -en+or reconc"&"a "on/ If any payment is due even after the due date then ledger balances is reconciled if money is not received by the vendors!

I o.e yo'/ (ere in U ) after 8/8C giving of cash is closed so I:U starts +hich means I :9. D:U +hatever cash may be! , a ' ory Paymen s/ Statutory payments li#e G.? bills, +ater bills, and .0 %effluent treatment plant&bills are also made by the accounts department! F'n+ mana!emen / (ere accounts department #eep the record of fund needed in any plant and as per inform in the head office! 863 ACCOUNT, PAYA1LE MANAGEMENT/ In%o"ce -er"#"ca "on/ 'ccounts department chec# +hether all the details mentioned in the invoice is matching +ith purchase order in the system! 'nd also chec# +hether the full credit of exercise is being ta#en by the excise department! Invoice verification is the final procedure +hich closes the activities relating to invoice! paymen sc(e+'&e/ 0hey do payments on 2Cth and >Cth of every month! $an? reconc"&"a "on acco'n / (ere they verify the ban# boo# and pass boo#! P(ys"ca& s oc? %er"#"ca "on/ (ere they go for the audit of the stoc# in any plant at any time and if found less then necessary actions are ta#en!

963MI, 2mana!emen "n#orma "on sys em3/

In $anagement information system designed for accounts department follo+ing activities Cos s(ee /

Cost of production is set for every year for every product! 0he actual cost of production is calculated and it is matched against the standard cost! 0his helps to find out +hether the plant is more efficient or less efficient! 0he actual cost incurred is presented to plant people on 2@th of every month so that get to #no+ about their position! O%er(ea+ e*pense s'mmary/ 0raining, seminar, uniform and all other expenses related to the product are made! 1ypro+'c cos "n! repor / (ere they find out +hat is the actual amt of byproduct and original! So ta#e up some decision +here if by adding necessary ingredients if byproduct can be lessened and can get more -uantity of original product! Co$ .or? cos "n! repor / Some products are made outside U ) under the name of U )! .xpenses incurred of producing outside and revenue received from that is chec#ed!4 job +or#er are existing! D"spa c( Repor / ' product +ise dispatch report is prepared every month! It contains the details about the product sold in that particular month and various duties charged on it! 1'+!e / 0+o types of budget/ 1"&& o# ma er"a&6 Re%en'e $'+!e 6 1"&& o# ma er"a& / (ere the expenses for 2 metric tone is find out and accordingly for >CC metric tones they find the cost and the ma#e the report! Re%en'e $'+!e /

(ere there are some fixed expenses +hich are related indirect related to the product, budgets are made

$ax pro stands for maximum profit! It is for process development! 0he main objective of max pro department is cost reduction by ma#ing improvements in process! $ax pro department tries to simplify the process so that cost can be saved and maximum profit can be gained! )atest B projects in max pro department/ Cyper pro4ec / (ere they are ma#ing the changing the batch production to continuous production! 'lso improving color and reducing cost! 0his project has been implementing since one and half year and if succeeded they +ill save about =C to =@ la#hs per year on this product! ocl8 distillation Salt recovery improvement/ ma#ing improvement till 3@O! I";' yield improvement / improving yield from =8 to =BO yridine recovery U ( N!salt filtration ?C0 reduction/ from 8> hours to >> hours! S?C2 filtration capacity enhancement / 2>mt to >C mt INI drying ?C0 reduction/ 24 0: @ hours!

, eps #or a?"n! 'p pro4ec s/ Identifying problems Data collection plant Data generation by experimentation Data analysis Solution by engineering inputs

$odel designing S: %standard operation procedure& preparation

Commissioning in plant

"ollo+ing is the procedure for improvement in process/ Identifying the problems in the process Data is collected regarding the ongoing process such as temperature, pressure, reactor si1e, flo+ rate! Data is generated by doing experimentation for the improvement in the process Data 'nalysis is done for the improved process 'fter analy1ing the data solution is given by the engineering personnel $odel is designed according the solution If the model is approved standard operating procedure is prepared Commissioning in plant! ,'!!es "on/ We (a%e !"%en (em s'!!es "on #or a' oma "on .("c( co'&+ ma?e (e"r .or? eas"er an+ ("s .as a!ree+ $y (em (a " ."&& ma?e (e"r cos s an+ manpo.er &ess $' #or a' oma "on (ey are no !e "n! perm"ss"on #rom (ea+ o##"ce6

0he main objective of the project department is handling the activities related to erecting and commissioning of e-uipments! 9hen there is rise in demand assessed by the mar#eting department +hich canIt be met by current production facilities! ' ne+ project is started and arrangement of all production facilities re-uired for producing that much product is made! "or that purpose process flo+ diagram, process e-uipment diagram is prepared by the projects department!

0he management is committed to safety, health A environment for all and to comply +ith all relevant statutory re-uirements! 0he company believes that safety concern A statutory compliance override all activities including production target and that all accidents are preventable!

"ollo+ings are policy of safety A health/ 0he company shall ensure necessary standards of safety in process, engineering, design, fabrication, installation, commissioning and operation of plants by follo+ing responsible care initiatives! 0he company shall ma#e due arrangements for informing, educating, training, and retaining all company employees at different levels +herever re-uired! 'rrangements for +or#er involvement in safety activities shall be encourage In factory +e have to +or# +ith different machines! Some machines are simple to use buts some are totally different and ne+ to us so +e should be careful +hile using the machines and should ta#e precautions to avoid accident! 0o avoid accidents +e should maintain discipline and should be careful!

Emer!ency ,"ren Co+e/ 2! "ire siren 2C second :; 2C :"" for three times! >! Gas )ea#age 2@ seconds :; 2@ :"" for four times!

8! :ff Site >C seconds :; >C :"" five times 5! 'll Clear Siren :ne6minute continuous!

D' "es o# Emer!ency Response Team ?e alert on hearing emergency siren! )ocate place of accident and +ind direction and #eep your gas mas#, S?' set, and thin# about route of approach! 9hen advised report to site control7shift in charge at the site of emergency (elp site controller in emergency control activities such as rescue, fire goals lea#

,a#e y E)'"pmen s/ (elmet Safety Goggles .ar $uff $as# Rubber Gloves Safety Shoes 'prons

, ores +epar men /

R is initiated by the respective departments and submitted to the store for comparing or chec#ing of the stoc# of the

product! 9hen the product is in stoc#, stores shall record the level of stoc# in the R and for+ard to the unit head! 0he units head shall revie+ the comments of the stores and shall ta#e decision for the -uantity to be ordered and approve the R non approval R shall be cancelled! (ere after they deal +ith challans!they receive the goods +hich come on the due date of po !+hen the goods enters the gate, the stores are responsible for chec#ing the goods i!e! as per po and chec# the lorry number and goods receipt is made! 'fter that +eightment is done and if found proper they are sent to <C and if selected then GIR %goods in+ard receipt is made& +hich means goods have entered and <C has approved! 'nd if rejected by <C then they pass the movement 2>5 i!e! goods are rejected and send bac#!

P'rc(ase +epar men /

O$4ec "%e o# Depar men 0o search and place orders +ith vendors 0o purchase -uality material at optimum price

urchase department handles three types of materials 2! R$ >! $ 8! Consumables! Rate selection and Vendor selection of R$ and $ is done by the head office! Consumables and spares is dealt by the respective unit! R$ and $ re-uirement is understood in general meetings! 'ccording to the decision ta#en in the general meetings monthly targets for the production is set and entered in the S' ! 'ccording to the norms set in the S' , it gives details regarding the amount of R$ and $ re-uired for the meeting the monthly targets and based on urchase re-uisition is raised! Scheduling for R$ and $ purchase is based on
2! >!

lant storage capacity Daily consumption

8! 5!

'vailability of material lace from it comes %domestic or export&

Proce+'re #or P'rc(ase urchase of imported materials is planned one month before! Imported li-uid materials are stored in Nandla %Gujarat& and o+der form is stored in *; 0 %$umbai& because storage facility is not available in vapi! Godo+n and truc#s are ta#en on rent! "or consumable goods annual rate contract is made therefore purchase order is not made every time! urchase for a year is made based on the last yearIs re-uirement! Consumables and spares are not approved by <'!

urchase re-uisition

Proce+'re o# P'rc(ase
R$ $ .;G7Consumable

$onthly lanning to (:

: based on conformation

Re-uest for confirmation

o from (:

Release from (:

0echno commercial discussion

Schedule from factory %.mail7 0elephone&

o to vendor %"ax7 courier7.mail&


:% : Release& Receipt by Stores Sing on hard copy

o to vender %"ax7Courier7.mail& 'ccepted <uality chec# Rejected 'ccept on prorata Inform to vender %email7telephone& Return materials Call for joint analysis

ETP 2E##&'en Trea men P&an 3

0he main objective of effluent treatment plant is to #eep the environment clean and health and minimi1e the ha1ards due to disposal of +astes! "or attaining its objective .0 have an e-uali1ation tan#! 9astes from various plants disposed through pipes in e-uali1ation tan#! "or normali1ation of +astes, lime is added in the +aste and sent to the clarifier! In the clarifier sludge is separated from the +ater! 0hen the +aste is sent to the bio reactor +here bacteria eat up the organic present in the +astes! 'fter passing from bio6reactor +aste is passed through secondary clarifier +here sludge is again separated! ( level of +ater is chec#ed +hich should be bet+een 4!@ to B!@!

P&ann"n! Depar men

:n >8rd of every month (: gives the target to planning department and accordingly they plan to achieve those targets! lanning for the production is made for t+o purpose 2! firm orders >! "orecasted orders

"irm orders are those +hich are received from the permanent customers every month "orecasted order are those +hich mar#eting analy1e in the mar#et lanning is done after considering firm orders, forecasted orders and closing stoc#! "or example/ "irm orders S @C "orecastedS@C Closing stoc#S >C 0hen production for the monthSBC C's omers 2! .xport >! Domestic 8! Captive Steps for planning 2! (ead office meeting >! ost 0" meeting%planning tas# force& 8! urchase re-uisition Daily production report/ .very plant head receives a production report so that he can chec# +hether production is going according to plan or not! If any loopholes are found corrective action can be ta#en! D"spa c( BCO of the product is exported and >CO of the product is domestic! (: is informed about the dispatch before 2C days and according to the intimation received by various units (: boo#s the container! If the production is not on the time schedule then various units have to inform (: about the delay so that (: cancels the container!

:'a&" y Ass'rance

;early >CC ra+ materials +ith different specification comes to the -uality 'ssurance department! Ra+ material sample is sent to the -uality assurance Department if the -uality is according to the specification then only it is sent 0o the plant other+ise it is sent bac# to the supplier! During processing, at each stage of production sample is sent to <' department 'nd it is tested if it is approved then it is passed for next stage of production :ther+ise 2! Reprocessing >! ?lending Reprocessing/ 0he material is reprocessed if it is not according to the specification ?lending/ blending of the material is done +ith the other material +hose purity Is more than the re-uiredU "or example/ if the re-uired purity level is 3>O and purity of tested material Is 3CO then it is blended +ith material +hose purity level is 35O! $ajor e-uipments used in <' department are/ ( )C V(igh erformance )i-uid ChromatographyW


F'nc "on o# E*c"se Depar men /0

"ollo+ing are the main function of the excise department of U! !)!Vapi! 0o registered +ith central excise department 0o give intimation for registration of the ne+ product of the company A its procedure to the central excise A custom department! 0o prepare monthly $!I,S! report A submit to deputy general manager commercial 0o ta#e C.;V'0 credit on all the inputs +hich is used for manufacturing of final product 0o pay excise duty of final product of the U! !),Vapi! 0o prepare all the registered A return as per the central excise A custom act A submit those return to the central excise department! 0o submit the monthly return .R6I to the excise department! 0o arrangement of transport for local dispatch 0o prepare all the document of goods for dispatch in domestic or export 0o handling job +or# procedure of U! !)! +ith vendor 0o give instruction for stuffing of material related thing li#e fumigation, ta#e photograph of the material +hile stuffing! 0o give intimation to the central excise department for stuffing of material in container before t+o or three days! 0o do all type of +or# +hich are directly or indirectly related +ith the excise A dispatch!! , r'c 're o# E*c"se @ D"spa c( Depar men /0

Manager commercial

Asst. manager commercial (Excise)

Excutive commercial (Excise)

E !"#$%& !'((&)!$*+ ,E !$-&.

Peon 2

.xcise duty/6 .xcise duty is a duty on production or manufacture of goods! It is a tax levied on manufacture of goods and the liability to pay excise duty arises immediately on manufacture or production of goods! In India, excise duty is levied in accordance +ith the provisions of 0he Central .xcise 'ct, 2355! C.;V'0/6 $:DV'0 scheme came into existence in 23B4 and over a period of >C years a number of amendments too# place and procedural relaxations

announced +hich finally resulted in renaming the scheme as C.;V'0 effective from 2656>CCC! 0he term C.;V'0 refers to excise duty under section 8 of the central .xcise 'ct, 2355! C.;V'0 is a scheme under Central .xcise and service 0ax la+ +hich enables manufactures to ta#e credit of the specified duties paid on eligible inputs and capital goods as +ell as service tax paid on notified input services +hich are received +ith specified duty7tax paying documents and used in or in relation to manufacture and clearance of dutiable final products! .xcise department has authority to utili1e C.;V'0 credit for payment of excise duty on final product! .x! If company produce A sale product6EDM for manufacturing this product company paid excise duty on inputs Rs!2CC A companyIs product6xy1Is cost is Rs!2CCC on this company have to pay 24O excise duty it is Rs!24C A company ta#e credits on inputs of Rs!2CC A actual duty payable on product is Rs!4C%value addition&! C.;V'0 is available on all #inds of material +hich is getting used in manufacturing directly or indirectly! Company ta#e C.;V'0 credit 'll Ra+ $aterials, ac#ing material, Consumables, .ngineering items, Capital Items Company! :n Capital items C.;V'0 to be availed in > years i!e!, @C O in first year of procurement and rest @CO in next year! "ollo+ing chart sho+ record #eeping of C.;V'0 credit!



RG/1 RG/1

RG/23 RG/23 PART/1 PART/1




1001 1001 !"))&2# 3&*)

501 501 !"))&2# !"))&2# 3&*) 3&*)


E*c"se re!"s ere+/0 R6G6056/0 R!G!62 is #no+n as daily stoc# account registered! In this registered only finished goods are recorded! It is compulsory to prepare A submit to the central excise on a monthly basis! In this registered +e see the stoc# of particular product on particular day! R6G6890A Par 0I/0 R!G!>86' part6I is mainted for inputs %R!$, !$,& on a daily basis! It is also called as the inputs stoc# account! In this registered all the inputs in +hich +e +ant to ta#e C.;V'0 credit are recorded! R6G6890A Par 0II/0 0his is #no+n as C.;V'0 credit account for inputs! 9hen +e ta#e credit on material, this registered has all the record of those items date +ise as +ell as serial ;umber +ise! "orm the art6II +e can #no+ ho+ much CR.DI0 +e ta#e in the +hole month or in the some specific period!

R6G6890C Par 0I/0 R!G!6C art6I is maintained for capital goods on a daily basis! It is also called as the capital stoc# account! In this capital item on +hich +e +ant to ta#e C.;V'0 credit are recorded! R6G6890C Par 0II/0 R!G!>86C art6II is #no+n as C.;V'0 credit account for capital goods! 9hen +e ta#e credit on inputs items, it +ill be recorded in this registered! Ta*es on Inp' s @ cons'ma$&e/0 "ollo+ing are the taxes on inputs or capital goods of U! !), vapi!

Taxes on R % & % Engg. 'oods% consu a($es )n#ut

)nter *nit


N% Excise 2% Education Cess on excise 1% H.E.C.

N% Custo dut! 2% Education Cess on custo 1% H.E.C. on custo N% CV" on #rice 2% Education Cess on excise 1%H.E.C. On Excise 4% additiona$ custo dut! Anti du #ing dut!

No dut!

"o estic
N% Excise 2% Education Cess on excise 1% Higher Education CessOn Excise 3% C.S.T OR 4% VAT

) #orted

*&, Va#i

Ta*es .(en +"spa c( o# #"n"s(e+ Goo+s/0 "ollo+ing are the taxes +hich U! !)! paid +hile dispatching of final product!

Taxes on Dispatch of finished goods

)nter *nit
1-% Excise


"o estic
1-% Excise 2% Education Cess on excise 1% H.E.C.On Excise 3% C.S.T OR 4% VAT

2% Education Cess on excise No dut! 1% H.E.C.

1-% excise dut! 2% education Cess on excise 1% higher education Cess

*&, Va#i

L"a"sons Depar men

O$4ec "%e/ 0he main objective of liaison department is to meet the basic statutory re-uirements regarding license and registrations! F'nc "on o# L"a"son +epar men /0 "ollo+ing are the Various functions of liaison department are as follo+s/ 0o get the license according to the various "actories 'ct defined by the government! 0o meet all the norms set by IS: 3CC2, IS: 25CC2, :(S'S 2BCC2! 0o loo# after all the legal matters of the company in consultancy +ith the legal department! 0o loo# after all the registration activities

,Y,TEM DEPARTMENT Systems department generally handles day to day maintenance related to hard+are, soft+are and configuration! S' is being used in U ) since >CC5! 'll the transactions related to every department are recorded in S' ! urchase order, purchase re-uisition, Goods In+ard is prepared using S' ! (ead office can #no+ the +or#ing of the Vapi branch through its online data on S' ! 0here is a separate portal for U ) #no+n as uplonline!com for +hich employees have separate email id! In +hich U ) employees can access their salary slip and get the latest ne+s about U )! U ) also have employee chatting s7+ in +hich employee of any department, plant can chat +ith other employee this soft+are is #no+n as SI! 0here are total 28@ pcIs and among them in @C pcIs +indo+s is being used and in BC pcIs )inux is being used because of its lo+ cost and maintenance!

-en+or E%a&'a "on

O$4ec "%e o# (e s '+y/ 'naly1ing existing vendor base and finding out the critical R$, $, C:;V, and .;GV and ascertain the item +ith less or single vendor! Initiate to establish step +ise procedure for vendor +hich shall increase the entry of ne+ vendor! Reason #or ne. pro+'c E%en+or +e%e&opmen / ;e+ mar#et demand/ 9henever there is ne+ mar#et demand for the product there is possibility of ne+ vendor! Recommendation from RTD6yield increase, -uality/ (ere +hen RTD recommends that by getting some other ingredients in the product +hich +ill increase the yield i!e! if a finished product +e is yield is @CO and by adding some ingredient if +e get =CO then there can be also ne+ product 7vendor development! ;on6performance of existing product7vendor/ If the existing product7vendor is not reaching as per our re-uirement then to there is possibility of development of ne+ vendor! Cost6cutting/ If by using another product +ith e-ual -uality +e can save our cost then +e +ill s+itch off to the ne+ vendor7product!

C'rren -en+or ana&ys"s/ 0op @C vendors in value term are rated on the follo+ing 5 parameter/ rice <uality Delivery General service / (ere they ran# for the readiness for supply of the vendor at the time of emergency and also some innovation made! S' system does the vendor analysis t+ice a year! C'rren %en+or e%a&'a "on/
;e+ vendor .valuation



Sample for testing

Sample for approval 's per Specification


Commercial Discussion

Vendor visit

0echno commercial discussion

Vender Registration

0echno commercial discussion

Vender Registration

urchase :rder

Vender Registration

urchase :rder

0rial :rder

Commercial order

C'rren -en+or e%a&'a "on proce+'re/ For RM an+ PM/ (:D does the search for R$ and $! Vendor detail for introduction of ne+ vendor is received from (:D! 'ccordingly after searching the vendor the vendor is as#ed for the sample of the product for testing and if found as per -uality they re-uest for the visit to vendorIs plant and according to the visit procedure they go ahead and submit the report to (:D and commercial discussion i!e! vendor are called for the negotiation and also discuss the specification of the product! 'fter the all the negotiation vendor registration form is filled up and here after the : is raised! For en!"neer"n! an+ cons'ma$&e !oo+s/ U ) can search the vendor in case of engineering and consumable goods! (ere R"< %re-uest for -uotation& is as#ed and ma#e the comparison and also visit the vendorIs plant and -uality control system is chec#ed such as IS: 3CC2, IS: 25CC2 and :(S'S 2BCC2 and then technical commercial discussion is there and hence if satisfied vendor registration form is filled up and here after the : is raised!

-I,IT PROCEDURE/ roduct planning Vendor search Inform for visit Date for visit Stores, <', plant visit to vendor plant )icense Details about product "0 R %first time past rate& <$S, .0 , S'".0D and IS: roduction capacity Report and approval

roduct planning is the done in the first stage by the plant and purchase, after that vendor search starts through the net and as per recommendations of (: in $umbai! (ere after they finali1e the date to visit the vendor industry and one person from purchase, <C and plant visit the vendors industry! 0hey chec# the license, certification and capacity of the plant! 0a#e all the details of the product and chec# out the "0 R %first time pass rate& +hich means that +hether the product in the end stage gives the material as the re-uired manner by the U ) !'fter the "0 R, they chec# the <$S %-uality management system& .0 %effluent treatment plant& and also the production capacity of the plant +hether larger or bigger! $a#e all surety about the legal procedure and the -uality tests and after that ma#e a report, +hich is send to (: and if (: approves, the vendor starts the delivery! Data analy1ed in plant/ $ost critical items for R$, $, .GV and C$V "ound the number of existing vendors! Difficulties faced by U ), +here there less then t+o or one vendors! urpose/ 0o recommend at least three vendors to minimi1e the delays ta#ing place! ;o delay ta#e place and Dispatch is made on time!

Data analy1ed/

)';0 $ ?'D

5&26&+ 7$8$7&

R$ V.;D:RS
3 %&27') G9*+$') !8&($!*+ I(:')#&7 V$2&)3 2 %&27')

7&:&27&2# 2' !*:*!$#3

C":*)$'"- !8+')$7&

C*"-#$! :'#*-8 ;+*<&-

2 %&27') R=<= E2#&):)$-& P*)$<8 !8&($!*+-


'luminum chloride

K"(')$* !8&($!*+ G">*)*# *+<$&5$8*) !*"-#$!-


A+"($2"( P'97&)

2 V&27') M*8*)*-#)* P'97&) M&#*+ P'97&) C'(:=


W8$#& P8'-:8')'"C'2

I(:')#&7 F)'( C8$2* P)*("<8 E2?$2&&)$2? S$<8 S$?(* U2$%&)-*+ M&#)' C*(

;o issue #eep safety stoc# ;eed to increase

A"*+$#3 I--"& $2 B'#8


@$2! P'97&)


C*)B'2 P&#)* C8+')$7& A!)3 L' A!$#' N$#)$2&

2 V&27'),I(:')# C L'!*+. 2 V&27'),I(:')# C L'!*+. 2 V&27'),I(:')# C L'!*+.

8 days stoc# is #ept but still to be developed

'CNI;G $'0.RI') )';0 ')

A+"($2"( T"B&-

H$27 C'( T"B& S#':&)

$ V.;D:RS
1 VENDOR 5$2&) P+*-#$!

R.'S:;S D.)'D D.)'D


A+"($2"( F+*- C PP !*:

D)*!*2 P)$%*#& L#7 M&#*+ I(:*!# H$27 C'(= J'- R"BB&) S:*)&*?& 1 VENDOR 2 VENDORS

?ecause of t+o product same 8 vendor


N'# A- P&) A"*+$#3 N'# A- P&) A"*+$#3

T$25' &-

P)&($"( C*2& 0*-8 P*!<$2? S)$)*2?*


T&&2 -#)"!#")& :*!<$2?

A"*+$#3 T&&2

N&&7 T' I2!)&*-& I2 E :')#=


200 L$#)&- D)"(-

R$(:+& D)"(- N W*)&8'"-& A5C D)"?- A27 5&*)-

50 L$#)&-

.;GI;..RI;G G::DS )';0


S:*)&- F') R#( M*!8$2&-

.;V V.;D:RS
S"B)*2? E2?=

P'') A"*+$#3 R*#& I- H$?8

(IR. ' .;GI;..R $ ?'D

P$:$2? F*B)$*#$'2 T$+$2? F') R&:*$)$2? P"):'-& N&&7 ;') -#'!< S:'<&# W8&&+ H'"-$2? 5&*)$2? E*) 5' M'#')E S#*))&+E 5+*7& T$++&) L$2$2? J'BG+*-- L$2& S-FM- R&*!#') 5+*7&A8(&7*B*7


C:;SU$'?). G::DS/ )';0


P"2!8&- A27 D3&F') T*B+*#$2? B&*)$2? N"# B'+# V= B&+# C'":+$2? G*-?*# :$:&

M<2 S'2R*#*2 P8*)(*

R.'S:;S Short supply and -uality issue

(ere there are many materials +here even if there are three vendors then to vendors are re-uired and +here there one or t+o vendors I found that there is delay in dispatch! :bservation/ Delay in routine schedule! )oss to U ) )ess then > vendor

urpose of S: for vendor evaluation/ 0o recommend at least three vendors to minimi1e the delays ta#ing place! Dispatch on time! "inding/ 0here is no systematic procedure or any form for evaluations of the ne+ vendor7product! ;eed for S: to give step+ise procedure and also find out that on +hich stage the product is actually there!

F&o. c(ar #or (e ,OP/

Need stage

Fina stage

Hunt stage


Se e!tion and registration stage

Eva uation stage

S: for vendor evaluations form/ Nee+ , a!e

lant ;ame/ ;ame of the roduct ;eeded/ Reason for the ;eed of ;e+ roduct/ ?rief Specification of the product needed/ urity/ Color/ Dimensions/ Category/ R$ $ .GV C$V RAD

Demand 0ype/


Campaign oriented


$inimum <ty! Re-uired %p!m! 7 p!a!& Commercial stage/ 'vailable in the $ar#et ;ot 'vailable in )ocal $ar#et ;eed to be developed Suggested Source %if any&/

H'n , a!e
Selected $edia for In-uiry "loating/ 0otal ;o! of In-uiry "loated %R"<&/ 0otal ;o! Vendors Contacted/ Details of the Vendors Contacted/ ;ames/ )ocation/ Capacity/ "inancial Capability/ $ar#et Reputation/ ;o! of <uotations received/ (ighest %$in& <uote/ )o+est %$ax& <uote/

E%a&'a "on , a!e

Vendor Sample received roduct capability IS: certification FOR RM/ urity result/ Impurity result profile/ 'cidic material $oisture performance FOR PM/ li-uard )ength/ 9idth/ Diameter/ 0hic#ness/ erformance/ <$S/ .0


Suggestion 'ccording 0o <C/ <C test result/ 9hich vendor better 'pproved vendor/ Reason for approval/ "0 R/ C:$$.;0S/ Regulatory %)egal& Re-uirements/

,e&ec "on @ Re!"s ra "on , a!e

Vendor Selected/ %'cco! 0o <C& Vendor Selected/ %'cco! 0o urchase i!e! rice, Delivery, <ty! rod! Capacity,& 0otal capacity of items re-uired by upl/ Registration "orm Given to the Selected Vendor/ S' Registration Done/ :rder laced/ 0ype of organi1ation/ Des Des ;o ;o Des ;o

private )td! ublic ltd roprietary artnership

0ype of industry/

small scale )arge scale Govt! Contractor

0otal no! of person employed/


roduct/ Response of customer/ "eedbac# on -uality/ good good average average excellent excellent

1ene#" s/ Step+ise procedure ;e+ recruit person can understand easily! Defects can be traced

C(anne&"A"n! Comm'n"ca "on 1e .een Acco'n s Dep 6

2UPL7 -ap"3 an+ -en+or

0o inform the vendor about the deduction of amount! 0o #eep the record of those entire vendor lists +hose amount has been deducted! Me (o+o&o!y/ Understanding the procedures going on in U ) in case of deductions in the bills +hich are follo+ed by accounts department! ,'mmary/ Invoice is a document stating the negotiated details in the purchase order sent to the party! It has information li#e party name, bill no!, bill date item name, -uantity of the material, per unit rate, total amount payable, discount negotiated +ith the party, freight charges and exercise duty etc! 0hey are categori1ed into 5 type/ Ra+ material%R$& ac#ing material% $& .ngineering goods%.;GV&

Consumable goods%C:;V& 0hese invoices are verified and deductions ta#e place in t+o cases/ If any -uantity found less than +hat +as negotiated! If amount mista#es in amount are found i!e! if amount found more than +hat +as decided during negotiations!

Presen sys em "n UPL o# comm'n"ca "on o (e %en+ors/ In U ) there is no systematic system to inform the vendor! :nly sometime if huge amount is deducted then only they inform the vendor by giving a mail and that to it is in rare cases, other+ise no information is given! So because of the vendor is not informed for the deduction they call7mail the accounts department, and as# that +hy their amount is deducted! 'nd here after the accounts people by ta#ing invoice number search in S' system and give the reason for deduction! 'nd almost there are many cases for deduction and it becomes a hectic for them to search each and every time! So it is very necessary to have a record for deducted amount and reasons for it, +hich should also be mailed! ;o+ again every time +riting a mail to different vendor is hectic job, so it should be in such a +ay that all the information is recorded for deduction and automatically a memo should become ready for the vendor so that either it can be mailed or send through post! FINDING,/

'ccounts department does not inform the vendor at the time +hen they deduct the amount! ;o Standardi1ed procedure! 0hey inform in very rare cases only if huge amount is deducted Relation +ith the vendors may spoil! 0he vendor comes to #no+ +hen they receive the che-ue and ma#e a call7mail to the accounts department for as#ing the reason for deduction and here the problem starts and department has to go through the invoice number and find the reason in the S' system! ;ormally in the accounts department get

RECOMMENDATION/ 'ccounts department should #eep daily record if deduction ta#es place! Should inform as soon as the amount is deducted through mail or post! Should inform each and every vendor +hose deduction is made! Should #eep database of all those vendors +hose amount has been deducted +hich +ill be also helpful in the times of audits! Department can inform the entire vendor in the particular +ee# together by informing t+ice in a +ee#!

,UGGE,TED ,Y,TEM/ (ere I found out that there is a need to have database and also master of vendor +here necessary information can be stored and all those vendors record +hose deduction have been made! Suggested system +as in 'CC.SS +here in follo+ing activity ta#es place/

-en+or mas er/ "irst made the vendor master of the vendor and added field li#e code, name, address, email and all other information related to the vendor! In case +here vendor email address or phone number is changed, by editing it +ill automatically update in the particular vendor list! 'lso by applying a code in the vendor code +e can find out the particular vendor by their code and can ma#e any changes!

-en+or +e+'c "on &"s / (ere +e have fields li#e vendor code, invoice material name, bill amount, amount paid, remar#s! 9e can put the information about the deduction made and once entered it +ill be saved!

In%o"ce +e+'c "on repor / 0his report has been design in the reports in access! In invoice deduction the master table and the deduction table have been lin#ed so that the both information can be merged and vie+ed in a complete memo +ith all the information of deduction!

1ene#" s/ Regular and Standardised system for informing the vendor!

;o complain from the side of vendor for not informing about the deduction of amount! 't times of audit it +ill be easy to sho+ the records of master list of the vendor and deducted vendors!

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