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Name: Class: Chapter Test: Transport in Plants 1 .

a) The figure above shows the cross section of a part of a plant. Name the part of the plant

b) Name parts A and B A B c) What is the function of parts: A B d) Describe two adaptations of part A to perform its functions

!" Total: #"

! .

a) The figure below shows a cell from a part of a plant. What is the name of the cell$

b) %abel parts A to &


' D &

c) (tate the function of the cell in figure above and e)plain how it is adapted to carr* out its function.

+" e) What are functions of the plant root$

!" Total: 11" 2

+ .

a)Define the term Transpiration

1" b)What is the use of the devise shown in figure below

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c) %abel ,arts A and B in the figure above A B

d) (tate two limitations of using the devise above to measure transpiration

d) Describe how transpiration under different conditions can be measured using the devise in -igure 1 for an* one named environmental factor.

." Total: 1/" . . The figure below shows stomatal opening and closing throughout a !. hour c*cle.



15.0 0



3.00 24.00


a) Describe and e)plain the difference between the stomatal guard cells in time 0one 1 and time 0one 2$


b) Name the t*pe of plant that shows this pattern of stomatal opening.

c) Describe the habitat that this plant t*picall* lives in.

1 " b) &)plain how this c*cle is advantageous to plants

. mar3s" c) Based on the stomatal opening at different times as represented in figure above draw a graph in the space provided below to show how percentage of stomatal opening changes at different times within a !. hour c*cle. 1"


stomatal opening/%

0 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10


time d) Draw a dotted line on the a)es provided above to show the 4 of stomatal opening in 5esoph*tes and 6*droph*tes 1" e) Describe two adaptations each for 5esoph*tes and 6*droph*tes

." Total 1." 7 .

The diagram above shows how a plant transport process can be studied. a) Name and define the plant transport process studied 6

!" b) What are the two main contents of the phloem sap$

b) Describe an alternative method to stud* the plant transport process named in 8a) and suggest possible outcome using drawings.

." Total: 9"

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