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A Trip to Parapat Last Saturday was a public holiday. The students of SMP 1 Medan took a trip to Parapat.

They hired three buses. They were new and luxurious. In the morning the students woke up early. Their mothers prepared some food, drinks and fruits for them their parents took them to the school. The buses were already there. Some students were in the buses. Their parents were waiting on both sides of the street. At six oclock the buses left their school. The students looked very happy and started to sing. At nine oclock they reached Parapat. The students hurriedly got out of the buses and carried their things and food. They gathered under a big tree. After they took a rest, they had their meals. At about ten oclock some of the students changed into their swimsuits and ran into a boat for a sail. At three oclock the teachers called the students together because it was time to go home. In summary, the trip was very enjoyable. This place is so impressive with its beautiful panorama and boat ride. Choose the best answer! 1.They were new and luxurious. The word they refers to a. the students b. the buses c. their mothers d. their things 2. This animal cannot run. But it can hope very fast. What animal is it? a. donkey b. giraffe c. deer d. kangaroo 3. X: do you visit your grandparents? Y: once a year every Lebaran day a. how fast b. how long c. how soon d. how often 4. Lina : Did the boys study after class? Rina : no. Lina : What did they do? Rina : They football. a. play b. played c. plays d. will play

5.Anisa : The weather is very hot today. Would you like a drink? Bagas : I am in a hurry to go to work. a. sure, thanks b. no, thank you c. yes, please d. certainly, Id love to 6. What type of the text is it? it is a text. a. descriptive b. recount c. narrative d. report 7. What is the structure of this text? a. orientation, complication and resolution ( narrative ) b. general classification and description ( report ) c. orientation, events and re-orientation ( recount ) d. identification and description ( descriptive ) 8. What is the purpose of this text? a. to describe something in general ( report ) b. to amuse the reader ( narrative ) c. to inform a particular thing (descriptive ) d. to retell about past events (recount ) 9. How many buses did the students hire? a. one bus b. two buses c. three buses d. four buses 10. How long did they spend in Parapat? They spent for . In Parapat. a. four hours b. five hours c. six hours d. seven hours

Fill in the blanks with the right words from the box!

1. Look at my beautiful shells I collected them from the beach. 2. We can rent a boat at the beach and go fishing at the sea. 3. On weekends, Firman and his sister usually go climbing at the hills near their town

4. Theslope at the mountain is usually very cold. So, dont forget to wear your jacket. 5. It is also exciting to spend a holiday at home. I can read my favorite books as many as I want to. 6. I like to sit on the beach and watch the running wave 7. The sky on the beach looks white and clean. 8. From the mountain, we can see the beautiful escape of our town down there. 9. There were a lot of animal at the zoo. The zoo became more crowded than usual. 10. I dont want to spend my holiday at home again. I want to go to enjoy my holiday at a village where my grandparents live. Essay

1. Write three sentences for things you have already done today. a.. b.. c..

2. Complete the dialogue with the suitable utterances. A : Would you like some drink? B :. Im very thirsty.

A : Would you like some biscuits? B : Im still full.

3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verbs between the brackets! a. The boys .. to the beach last Sunday. (cycle) b. Shinta a film two days a go. (see)

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