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Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited. Stima Plaza Phase III. Kolobot Road. Parklands P.O Box 47936, Nairobi-Kenya Website:

November 2013


SECTION PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................2

SECTION A :INVITATION FOR TENDERS..............................................................................3

SECTION B : NSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS...............................4


SECTION D : SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT....................25 SECTION E :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................31 SECTION F: TECHNICAL SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS .......................37 SECTION G: BILL OF QUANTITIES - PRICE SCHEDULES............................................53 SECTION H : STANDARD FORMS ............................62

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The Company invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for Design, manufacture, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire protection systems for Turkwel power station whose specifications are detailed in the Tender Documents. Interested firms may obtain further information from, and inspect the Tender Document at the office of the Supply Chain Manager, Tel: (254) (020) 3666000, Fax: (254) (020) 3666200 Email:, c.c: Where the tender document may be collected upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KShs.1,000.00 paid in cash or through a bankers cheque at any KenGen finance office. The document can also be viewed and downloaded from the website, and the Bidders who download the tender document from the website must forward their particulars immediately for records and any further tender clarifications and addenda. Downloaded copies are FREE Tenders must be accompanied by a security of KES 1,000,000.00 as specified in the tender documents, and must be submitted in a plain sealed envelope marked Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and Commissioning of Fire Protection Systems for Turkwel Power Station and addressed/delivered to: Company Secretary/Legal & Corporate Affairs Director Kenya Electricity Generating Co. Ltd. 7th Floor, Stima Plaza Phase III Kolobot Road, Parklands P O Box 47936 - 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA On or before: 27th November 2013 at 11.00 a.m. There will be a MANDATORY SITE VISIT on 19th November 2013 at 10AM at Turkwel Power Station Tenders will be opened on before 27th November 2013 at 11.30 a.m. in the presence of the tenderers representatives who choose to attend at Stima Plaza III, Executive Committee Room, 7th Floor.


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Note: The tenderer must comply with the following conditions and instructions and failure to do so is liable to result in rejection of the tender. GENERAL 1. Definitions, Source of funds & Scope 1.1. Definitions (a) Tenderer means any person or persons partnership firm or company submitting a sum or sums in the Bills of Quantities in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Contract Parts I and II, Specifications, Drawings and Bills of Quantities for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a legally appointed representative. (b) Approved tenderer means the tenderer who is approved by the Employer. (c) Any noun or adjective derived from the word tender shall be read and construed to mean the corresponding form of the noun or adjective bid. Any conjugation of the verb tender shall be read and construed to mean the corresponding form of the verb bid. (d) Employer means Kenya Electricity Generating [hereinafter also referred as KenGen or Client] 1.2. Source of funds KenGen proposes to finance the Project from its own funds. 1.3. Scope of Contract The contract shall provide for Design, Supply, installation, Test and Commissioning of Fire Protection Systems for Turkwel Power station as detailed in the technical specifications. 2. Eligibility and Qualification Requirements 2.1. 2.2. This invitation to tender is open to all tenderers who wish to tender. To be eligible for award of Contract, the tenderer shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Employer of their eligibility as requested under Section F of this document and of their capability and adequacy of resources to effectively carry out the subject Contract. To this end, the tenderer shall be required to submit the following information:Company Limited

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Details of experience and past performance of the tenderer on the works of a similar nature within the past five years and details of current work on hand and other contractual commitments. The qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for administration and execution of the contract, both on and off site. Major items of construction plant and equipment proposed for use in carrying out the Contract. Only reliable plant in good working order and suitable for the work required of it shall be shown on this schedule. The tenderer will also indicate on this schedule when each item will be available on the Works. Included also should be a schedule of plant, equipment and material to be imported for the purpose of the Contract, giving details of make, type, origin and CIF value as appropriate. Details of subcontractors to whom it is proposed to sublet any portion of the Contract and for whom authority will be requested for such subletting in accordance with clause 4 of the Conditions of Contract. A draft Program of Works in the form of a bar chart and Schedule of Payment which shall form part of the Contract if the tender is accepted. Any change in the Program or Schedule shall be subjected to the approval of the Engineer. Details of any current litigation or arbitration proceedings in which the Tenderer is involved as one of the parties.







Joint Ventures Tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms as partners shall comply with the following requirements:(a) The tender, and in case of a successful tender, the Form of Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. One of the partners shall be nominated as being in charge; and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners. The partner in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture and the entire execution of the Contract including payment shall be done exclusively with the partner in charge. All partners of the joint venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization mentioned under (b) above as well as in the Form of Tender and the Form of Agreement (in case of a successful tender). A copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partners shall be submitted with the tender.





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3. Cost of Tendering The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his tender and the Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process. 4. Site Visit The tenderer is advised to visit and examine the Site and its surroundings and obtain for himself on his own responsibility, all information that may be necessary for preparing the tender and entering into a contract including assessment of the following: a) Examined all the information made available by the Employer for the purpose of tendering including the drawings, Specification, Schedule of requirements, Conditions of Tendering, diagrams, Contract conditions, and the like; b) Examined all information relevant to the risks, contingencies and other circumstances which could affect its tender, and which is obtainable by making reasonable inquiries; c) Examined the site and its surroundings, all visible existing conditions on and adjacent to the site and any condition relating to or relevant to the site, which could be determined by diligent inquiry; d) Conditions of access to, in and around the site; e) Location of all existing services on the site and adjacent to the site; f) Informed itself as far as practicable of all relevant physical conditions on the site, and the climatic conditions at or near the site; g) The nature and requirements of the work to be done; h) Terminal operational matters which could affect working conditions on the site; i) Satisfied itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of its tender for the Works under the Contract; j) Satisfied itself that the prices stated therein cover the cost of performing all its obligations under the Contract, and k) The Contract Sum is deemed to have taken into account (without limitation) the above considerations. 4.1. The tenderer and any of his personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Employer to enter upon premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the express condition that the tenderer, his personnel or agents, will release and indemnify the Employer from and against all liability in respect of, and will be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused, which but for the exercise of such permission, would not have arisen. The Employer shall organize a site visit at a date to be notified. A representative of the Employer will be available to meet the intending tenderers at the Site. Tenderers must provide their own transport. The representative will not be available at any other time for site inspection visits other than the date and time specified.


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Each tenderer shall complete the Certificate of Tenderers Visit to the Site, whether he in fact visits the Site at the time of the organized site visit or by himself at some other time. 4.3. For those Tenderers who will not visit the site, their bids shall be deemed non responsive. The costs of visiting the Site shall be the tenderers own responsibility. Site visit will be on 19TH, November 2013 at 10.00 AM

TENDER DOCUMENTS 5. Tender Documents 5.1. The Tender documents comprise the documents listed here below and should be read together with any Addenda issued in accordance with Clause 7 of these instructions to tenderers. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. 5.2. Form of Invitation for Tenders Instructions to Tenderers Form of Tender Form of Tender Security Statement of Foreign Currency Requirements Form of Performance Security Form of Agreement Form of Advance payment Bank Guarantee Schedules of Supplementary Information General Conditions of Contract Conditions of Particular Application Specifications Bills of Quantities Drawings Technical Schedules

The tenderer is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, forms, terms, specifications and drawings in the tender documents. Failure to comply with the requirements for tender submission will be at the tenderers own risk. Pursuant to clause 22 of Instructions to Tenderers, tenders, which are not substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents, will be rejected. All recipients of the documents for the proposed Contract for the purpose of submitting a tender (whether they submit a tender or not) shall treat the details of the documents as private and confidential.


6. Clarification of Tender Documents 6.1. A prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender documents may notify the Employer in writing or by telex, cable, e-mail or facsimile at the Employers mailing address indicated in the Invitation to Tender. The Employer will respond in writing to any request for clarification which he receives earlier than 28 days prior to the deadline for the submission of tenders. Written copies of the Employers response (including the query but without identifying the source of the inquiry) will be sent to all prospective tenderers who have purchased the tender documents.

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7. Amendment of Tender Documents 7.1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tenders the Employer may, for any reason, whether at his own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective tenderer, modify the tender documents by issuing Addenda. Any Addendum will be notified in writing or by cable, Email, telex or facsimile to all prospective tenderers who have purchased the tender documents and will be binding upon them. If during the period of tendering, any circular letters (tender notices) shall be issued to tenderers by, or on behalf of, the Employer setting forth the interpretation to be placed on a part of the tender documents or to make any change in them, such circular letters will form part of the tender documents and it will be assumed that the tenderer has taken account of them in preparing his tender. The tenderer must promptly acknowledge any circular letters he may receive. In order to allow prospective tenderers reasonable time in which to take the Addendum into account in preparing their tenders, the Employer may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of tenders.




PREPARATION OF TENDERS 8. Language of Tender 8.1. The tender and all correspondence and documents relating to the tender exchanged between the tenderer and the Employer shall be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the tenderer with the tender may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an appropriate translation of pertinent passages in the above stated language. For the purpose of interpretation of the tender, the English language shall prevail.

9. Documents Comprising the Tender 9.1. The tender to be prepared by the tenderer shall comprise: the Form of Tender and Appendix thereto, a Tender Security, the Priced Bills of Quantities and Schedules, the information on eligibility and qualification, the Technical Details of offered equipment, and any other materials required to be completed and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers embodied in these tender documents. The Forms, Bills of Quantities and Schedules provided in the tender documents shall be used without exception [subject to extensions of the schedules in the same format and to the provisions of clause 13.2 regarding the alternative forms of Tender Security].

10. Tender Prices 10.1. All the insertions made by the tenderer shall be made in INK and the tenderer shall clearly form the figures. The relevant space in the Form of Tender and Bills of Quantities shall be completed accordingly without interlineations or erasures except those necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer in which case the erasures and interlineations shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the tender.

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A price or rate shall be inserted by the tenderer for every item in the Bills of Quantities whether the quantities are stated or not items against which no rate or price is entered by the tenderer will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the rates for other items and prices in the Bills of Quantities. The prices and unit rates in the Bills of Quantities are to be the full [all-inclusive] value of the work described under the items, including all costs and expenses which may be necessary and all general risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the documents on which the tender is based. All duties and taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract or for any other cause as of the date 28 days prior to the deadline for the submission of tenders, shall be included in the rates and prices and the total tender prices submitted by the Tenderer. Each price or unit rate inserted in the Bills of Quantities should be a realistic estimate for completing the activity or activities described under that particular item and the tenderer is advised against inserting a price or rate against any item contrary to this instruction. Every rate entered in the Bills of Quantities, whether or not such rate be associated with a quantity, shall form part of the Contract. The Employer shall have the right to call for any item of work contained in the Bills of Quantities, and such items of work to be paid for at the rate entered by the tenderer and it is the intention of the Employer to take full advantage of unbalanced low rates.


The rates and prices quoted by the tenderer are subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract only in accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract. The tenderer shall complete the schedule of basic rates and shall submit with his tender such other supporting information as required under clause 47 of the Conditions of Contract Part II.

11. Currencies of Tender and Payment 11.1. 11.2. Tenders shall be priced in Convertible currency. Tenderers are required to indicate in the Statement of Foreign Currency Requirements, which forms part of the tender, the foreign currency required by them. Such currency should generally be the currency of the country of the tenderers main office. However, if a substantial portion of the tenderers expenditure under the Contract is expected to be in countries other than his country of origin, then he may state a corresponding portion of the contract price in the currency of those other countries. However, the foreign currency element is to be limited to two (2) different currencies.

12. Tender Validity 12.1. The tender shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the specified date of tender opening or from the extended date of tender opening (in accordance with clause 7.4 here above) whichever is the later. In exceptional circumstances prior to expiry of the original tender validity period, the Employer may request the tenderer for a specified extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by cable, telex or facsimile. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting his Tender Security. A


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tenderer agreeing to the request will not be required nor permitted to modify his tender, but will be required to extend the validity of his Tender Security correspondingly.

13. Tender Security 13.1. The tenderer shall furnish as part of his tender, a Tender Security in the amount stated in the Appendix to Instructions to Tenderers. The unconditional Tender Security shall be in the currency of Tender and be in form of a certified cheque, a bank draft, an irrevocable letter of credit or a guarantee from a reputable Bank approved by the Employer located in the Republic of Kenya. The format of the Security shall be in accordance with the sample form of Tender Security included in these tender documents; other formats may be permitted subject to the prior approval of the Employer. The Tender Security shall be valid till 26th May 2014 13.3. Any tender not accompanied by an acceptable Tender Security will be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive. The Tender Sureties of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as promptly as possible but not later than thirty (30) days after concluding the Contract execution and after a Performance Security has been furnished by the successful tenderer. The Tender Security of the successful tenderer will be returned upon the tenderer executing the Contract and furnishing the required Performance Security. The Tender Security may be forfeited: (a) (b) if a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity: or in the case of a successful tenderer, if he fails I. to sign the Agreement, or II. to furnish the necessary Performance Security if a tenderer does not accept the correction of his tender price pursuant to clause 23.





14. No Alternative Offers 14.1. The tenderer shall submit an offer which complies fully with the requirements of the tender documents. Only one tender may be submitted by each tenderer either by himself or as partner in a joint venture. 14.2. The tenderer shall not attach any conditions of his own to his tender. The tender price must be based on the tender documents. The tenderer is not required to present alternative construction options and he shall use without exception, the Bills of Quantities as provided, with the amendments as notified in tender notices, if any, for the calculation of his tender price.

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Any tenderer who fails to comply with this clause will be disqualified. 15. Pre-Tender Meeting 15.1. The tenderers designated representative is invited to attend a p re-tender meeting, which if convened, will take place at the venue and time stated in the Invitation to Tender. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage. The tenderer is requested as far as possible to submit any questions in writing or by cable, to reach the Employer not later than seven days before the meeting. It may not be practicable at the meeting to answer questions received late, but questions and responses will be transmitted in accordance with the following: (a) Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions raised and the responses given together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted without delay to all clients of the tender documents. Any modification of the tender documents listed in -Clause 9 which may become necessary as a result of the pre-tender meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively through the issue of a tender notice pursuant to Clause 7 and not through the minutes of the pretender meeting. Non attendance at the pre-tender meeting will not be cause for disqualification of a bidder.



16. Format and Signing of Tenders 16.1. The tenderer shall prepare his tender as outlined in clause 9 above and mark appropriately one set ORIGINAL and the other COPY. The copy of the tender and Bills of Quantities shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the tenderer. Proof of authorization shall be furnished in the form of the written power of attorney which shall accompany the tender. All pages of the tender where amendments have been made shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the tender. The complete tender shall be without alterations, interlineations or erasures, except as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person of persons signing the tender.



SUBMISSION OF TENDERS 17. Sealing and Marking of Tenders


The tenderer shall seal the original and copy of the tender in separated envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as ORIGINAL and COPY. The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. However, in addition to the hard copies submitted bidders shall submit electronic CDROM copy of their bid

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The inner and outer envelopes shall be addressed to the Employer at the address stated in the Appendix to Instructions to Tenderers and bear the name and identification of the Contract stated in the said Appendix with a warning not to open before the date and time for opening of tenders stated in the said Appendix. The inner envelopes shall be indicated the name and address of the tenderer to enable the tender to be returned unopened in case it is declared late, while the outer envelope shall bear no mark indicating the identity of the tenderer. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as instructed above, the Employer will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the tender. A tender opened prematurely for this cause will be rejected by the Employer and returned to the tenderer.



18. Deadline for Submission of Tenders 18.1. Tenders must be received by the Employer at the address specified in clause 17.2 and on the date and time specified in the Letter of Invitation, subject to the provisions of clause 7.4, 18.2 and 18.3. Tenders delivered by hand must be in the office of the Employer before the deadline for Tender submission. Proof of posting will not be accepted as proof of delivery and any tender delivered after the above stipulated time, from whatever cause arising will not be considered. 18.2. The Employer may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of tenders through the issue of an Addendum in accordance with clause 7, in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and the tenderers previously subject to the original deadline shall thereafter be subject to the new deadline as extended. Any tender received by the Employer after the prescribed deadline for submission of tender will be returned unopened to the tenderer.


19. Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders 19.1. The tenderer may modify or withdraw his tender after tender submission, provided that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Employer prior to prescribed deadline for submission of tenders. The tenderers modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched in accordance with the provisions for the submission of tenders, with the inner and outer envelopes additionally marked MODIFICATION or WITHDRAWAL as appropriate. No tender may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of tenders. No tender may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of tenders and the period of tender validity specified on the tender form. Withdrawal of a tender during this interval will result in the forfeiture of the Tender Security.


19.3. 19.4.

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Subsequent to the expiration of the period of tender validity prescribed by the Employer, and the tenderer having not been notified by the Employer of the award of the Contract or the tenderer does not intend to conform with the request of the Employer to extend the prior of tender validity, the tenderer may withdraw his tender without risk of forfeiture of the Tender Security.

TENDER OPENING AND EVALUATION 20. Tender Opening 20.1. The Employer will open the tenders in the presence of the tenderers representatives who choose to attend at the time and location indicated in the Letter of Invitation to Tender. The tenderers representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. Tenders for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted, pursuant to clause 19, will not be opened. The Employer will examine the tenders to determine whether they are complete, whether the requisite Tender Sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the tenders are generally in order. At the tender opening, the Employer will announce the tenderers names, total tender price, tender price modifications and tender withdrawals, if any, the presence of the requisite Tender Security and such other details as the Employer, at his discretion, may consider appropriate. No tender shall be rejected at the tender opening except for late tenders. The Employer shall prepare minutes of the tender opening including the information disclosed to those present. Tenders not opened and read out at tender opening shall not be considered further for evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances.





21. Process to be Confidential 21.1. After the public opening of tenders, information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparisons of tenders and recommendations concerning the award of Contract shall not be disclosed to tenderers or other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award of Contract is announced. Any effort by a tenderer to influence the Employer in the process of examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders and decisions concerning award of Contract may result in the rejection of the tenderers tender.


22. Clarification Tenders 22.1. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders, the Employer may ask tenderers individually for clarification of their tenders, including breakdown of unit prices. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by cable, facsimile, e-mail or telex, but no change in the price or substance of the tender shall be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetical

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errors discovered by the employer during the evaluation of the tenders in accordance with clause 24. 22.2. No Tenderer shall contact the Employer on any matter relating to his tender from the time of the tender opening to the time the Contract is awarded. If the tenderer wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Employer, he shall do so in writing.

23. Determination of Responsiveness 23.1. Prior to the detailed evaluation of tenders, the Employer will determine whether each tender is substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents. For the purpose of this clause, a substantially responsive tender is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions and specifications of the tender documents without material deviation or reservation and has a valid bank guarantee. A material deviation or reservation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, completion timing or administration of the Works to be undertaken by the tenderer under the Contract, or which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the tender documents, the Employers rights or the tenderers obligations under the Contract and the rectification of which would affect unfairly the competitive position of other tenderers who have presented substantially responsive tenders. Each price or unit rate inserted in the Bills of Quantities shall be a realistic estimate of the cost of completing the works described under the particular item including allowance for overheads, profits and the like. Should a tender be seriously unbalanced in relation to the Employers estimate of the works to be performed under any item or groups of items, the tender shall be deemed not responsive. A tender determined to be not substantially responsive will be rejected by the Employer and may not subsequently be made responsive by the tenderer by correction of the nonconforming deviation or reservation.




24. Correction of Errors Tenders determined to be substantially responsive shall be checked by the Employer for any arithmetic errors in the computations and summations. Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows: (a) Where there is a discrepancy between the amount in figures and the amount in words, the amount in words will govern. Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will prevail, unless in the opinion of the Employer, there is an obvious typographical error, in which case adjustment will be made to the entry containing that error. The amount stated in the tender will be adjusted in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors and, with concurrence of the tenderer, shall be considered as binding upon the tenderer. If the tenderer does not accept the corrected amount, the



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tender may be rejected and the Tender Security may be forfeited in accordance with clause 13. 25. Conversion to Single Currency 25.1. For comparison of tenders, the tender price shall first be broken down into the respective amounts payable in various currencies by using the selling rate or rates of the Central Bank of Kenya ruling on the date for the submission of tenders. The Employer will convert the amounts in various currencies in which the tender is payable (excluding provisional sums but including Day works where priced competitively) to Kenya Shillings at the selling rates stated in clause 25.1.


26. Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders 26.1. The Employer will evaluate only tenders determined to be substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents in accordance with clause 23. (See Appendix on this clause) In evaluating tenders, the Employer will determine for each tender the evaluated tender price by adjusting the tender price as follows: (a) (b) Making any correction for errors pursuant to clause 24. Excluding Provisional Sums and provision, if any, for Contingencies in the Bills of Quantities, but including Day works where priced competitively.



The Employer reserves the right to accept any variation, deviation or alternative offer. Variations, deviations, alternative offers and other factors which are in excess of the requirements of the tender documents or otherwise result in the accrual of unsolicited benefits to the Employer, shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation. Price adjustment provisions in the Conditions of Contract applied over the period of execution of the Contract shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation. If the lowest evaluated tender is seriously unbalanced or front loaded in relation to the Employers estimate of the items of work to be performed under the Contract, the Employer may require the tenderer to produce detailed price analyses for any or all items of the Bills of Quantities, to demonstrate the relationship between those prices, proposed construction methods and schedules. After evaluation of the price analyses, the Employer may require that the amount of the Performance Security set forth in clause 29 be increased at the expense of the successful tenderer to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of subsequent default of the successful tenderer under the Contract.



AWARD OF CONTRACT 27. Award 27.1. Subject to clause 27.2, the Employer will award the Contract to the tenderer whose tender is determined to be substantially responsive to the tender documents and who has

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offered the lowest evaluated tender price subject to possessing the capability and resources to effectively carry out the Contract Works. 27.2. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annual the tendering process and reject all tenders, at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected tenderers of the grounds for the Employers action.

28. Notification of Award 28.1. Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity prescribed by the Employer, the Employer will notify the successful tenderer by cable, telefax or telex and confirmed in writing by registered letter that his tender has been accepted. This letter (hereinafter and in all Contract documents called Letter of Acceptance) shall name the sum (hereinafter and in all Contract documents called the Contract Price) which the Employer will pay to the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works as prescribed by the Contract. Notification of award and the Tenderers acceptance thereof will constitute the formation of the Contract. Upon the furnishing of a Performance Security by the successful tenderer, the unsuccessful tenderers will promptly be notified that their tenders have been unsuccessful. Within twenty eight [28] days of receipt of the form of Contract Agreement from the Employer, the successful tenderer shall sign the form and return it to the Employer together with the required Performance Security.




29. Performance Guarantee 29.1. Within twenty eight [28] days of receipt of the notification of award from the Employer, the successful tenderer shall furnish the Employer with a Performance Security in an amount stated in the Appendix to Instructions to Tenderers. The Performance Security to be provided by the successful tenderer shall be an unconditional Bank Guarantee issued at the tenderers option by an established and a reputable Bank approved by the Employer and located in the Republic of Kenya, or a foreign bank through a correspondent bank located in Kenya and shall be divided into two elements namely, a performance security payable in foreign currencies (based upon the exchange rates determined in accordance with clause 35.4 of the Conditions of Contract) and a performance security payable in Kenya Shillings. The value of the two securities shall be in the same proportions of foreign and local currencies as requested in the form of foreign currency requirements. Failure of the successful tenderer to lodge the required Performance Security shall constitute a breach of Contract and sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Tender Security and any other remedy under the Contract the Employer may award the Contract to the next ranked tenderer.



30. Advance Payment

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An advance payment, if approved by the Employer, shall be made under the Contract, if requested by the Contractor, in accordance with clause 33.1 of the Conditions of Contract. The Advance Payment Guarantee shall be denominated in the proportion and currencies named in the form of foreign currency requirements. For each currency, a separate guarantee shall be issued. The guarantee shall be issued by a bank located in the Republic of Kenya, or a foreign bank through a correspondent bank located in the Republic of Kenya, in either case subject to the approval of the Employer. 31. Tender & Performance Security Amount of Tender Security is 5% of the total Tender Value of the Works. The amount of Performance Security is 10% of the total Contract Value of the Works.

Appendix To Clause 22-Criteria To Evaluation and Comparison Of Tenders No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Item Company proof of incorporation (attach certified copy of Incorporation/ Registration) Evidence of payment for the tender document (official receipt if not downloaded) Tender Security/Bid bond of Kes. 1,000,000.00 Bank Guarantee valid for 180 days (26th May 2014) from date of closing of tender. Bankers cheque also acceptable. Duly completed Price Schedule, Signed and Stamped with date on every page. Duly completed Tender Form, Signed and Stamped with date. Copy of valid Tax Compliance Certificate (Local Suppliers) Notarized Power of Attorney for the person(s) signing the tender on behalf of the tenderer. Provide phone number (s) and email address (es) for the person(s) signing the tender on behalf of the tenderer. Physical Registered Office Address (Attach proof of ownership/lease/rental etc) Duly Filled and signed Mandatory Confidential Business Questionnaire Duly completed schedule of Technical Capability forms as provided in pages 76 to 86 in this Tender Document. Tick Where Provided

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Reports on financial standing of the company/firm including profit and loss statements, balance sheets and auditors reports reported within the last 3 Years of the date of the tender document. (For companies or firms that are registered or incorporated within the last one calendar year of the Date of the Tender Document, they should submit certified copies of bank statements covering a period of at least six months prior to the date of the tender document. The copies should be certified by the Bank issuing the statements. The certification should be original). Duly Completed Manufacturers Authorization Form from Authorized Manufacturers

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The General Conditions of Contract shall be Part 1 of the Conditions of Contract recommended by the Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) contained in the Yellow Book titled Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works including Erection on Site, Third Edition 1987 reprinted in May 1988 with editorial amendments. These Part I: General Conditions shall be incorporated in and form part of this Contract subject to the following amendments and additions thereto as set out below in the Preamble and in Part II: Special Conditions. The following documents shall be deemed to form the Contract:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) The Letter of Award and Acceptance thereof. The Preamble. The Special Conditions of Contract Part II. The General Conditions of Contract Part I. The Specifications. The Completed Form of Tender and Bill of Quantity-Price Schedules The Completed Details of Offered Equipment-Technical Schedules The Specification Drawings. The Contractors Drawings. The Contractors Tender.

Where there is a contradiction in any item in two of the above documents then the item in the earlier positioned document in order above shall take precedence over the item in the lower document, except where otherwise mutually agreed in writing. 1.2 PREAMBLE The Preamble to the General Conditions of Contract shall be completed as follows referring to completed schedules where appropriate: Sub-Clause 1.1.1 Commencement Date The date for commencement of the Works is the issue date of the letter of award of the tender, and acceptance thereof, subject to the conditions precedent to commencement set out in Part II, Special Conditions, having been completed. Sub-sub-clauses (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of Part I General Conditions are deleted. Sub-Clause 1.1.12 The Employer

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The Employer is the Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited [KenGen], P.O. Box 47936, Nairobi, Kenya, including its authorized representatives, successors and assigns. Sub-Clause 1.1.15 The Engineer The Engineer is Operations Manger, Western Hydros who has been appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purpose of this Contract, or such other person or persons who may be appointed by the Employer in place of the designated Engineer in accordance with Clause 2.8 of the Conditions of Contract. Sub-Clause 1.1.35 Time for Completion The Time for Completion shall be the time for completion entered by the Contractor in the Schedule of works and in the Tender form. Sub-Clause 5.1 Ruling Language The Ruling Language for this Contract is English and the English language version shall prevail over any other language. Sub-Clause 5.2 Day to Day Communications The language for day to day communications shall be English. Fluent English shall be spoken by an adequate number of the staff of the Contractor. Sub-Clause 12.1 Programme to be furnished The programme must be submitted within one month of Contract Award in the form set out in the Specification Part II, Clause 2.2 Sub-Clause 14.3 - Electricity, Water, Gas and Other Services The Employer will provide a limited three phase supply of electricity at 415V AC 50 Hz not exceeding 50kVA. The Contractor will provide his own distribution board with necessary electrical protection and switchgear. Treated water is available in the Power House. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement to supply gas and other services required at his own expense. Sub-Clause 14.4 Employers Equipment The only items of the Employers equipment that are available for use by the Contractor are the power station overhead travelling cranes. The Contractor should liaise with KenGen when they require to use the cranes. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing slingers for all his works.

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Sub-Clause 18.3 Working Hours The normal working hours at the site are between 7.45a.m and 5.00p.m on weekdays (five days per week). The Contractor may arrange to work any other periods he wishes between 7.00a.m and 7.00p.m to meet the contract programme. Work outside this period and weekend or public holiday working shall only be carried out where specifically approved by the Engineer. Where the Contractor chooses to work in excess of eight hours a day or to work at weekends there shall be no additional cost added to the contract price. Sub-Clause 27.1 Delay in Completion Failure to meet the Time for Completion, or any extended Time for Completion granted in accordance with Sub-Clause 26.1, entitles the Employer to a reduction in the Contract Price of 0.1% of the Contract Price per day of delay up to a maximum of 10%. Sub-Clause 27.2 Prolonged Delay If there is a Prolonged Delay in Completion and the Employer has become entitled to the maximum reduction in Contract price under Sub-Clause 27.1 and the Employer terminates the Contract under Sub-Clause 27.2, then the additional amount recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer shall be that part of the Contract Price which is attributable to that part of the Works which cannot by reason of the Contractors failure be to put to the intended use. Sub-Clause 33.1 Terms of Payment In addition to the provisions under Clause 33, the Terms of Payment shall be as set out below:Payment will be made through an unconfirmed Letter of Credit. The Contractor shall be required to meet the Letter of Credit charges in the Contractors country where applicable. Any extensions/ amendment charges that may result due to the Contractors delays or mistakes shall be to the Contractors account. Should the Contractor require a confirmed letter of credit, then all confirmation charges both in and outside Kenya shall be to the Contractors account. (a) (b) 60% of Contract Price on delivery of all materials. 30% of Contract Price upon successful erection and commissioning acceptable to the client for which a Taking Over Certificate has been issued in relation to the works. 10% of Contract Price on successful completion of the Defects Liability period and submission of all Documentation and as Built drawings.


Sub-Clause 35.1 Payment in Foreign Currency As per Letter of Credit terms and conditions. Sub-Clause 35.3 Rates of Exchange Rates on the Tender opening date as provided by the Central Bank of Kenya.
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Sub-Clause 42.2 Maximum Liability The maximum liability of the Contractor to the Employer shall be the Contract Price. Sub-Clause 43.1 Insurance The contractor is required to comply with the latest FIDIC specifications for insurance namely: General requirement for insurance Insurance for Works and Contractors Equipment Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property Insurance for Contractors Personnel Clause 47 Changes in Cost and Legislation Sub-Clause 47.1 Labour, Materials and Transport Not applicable. Sub-Clause 49.2 Notices to Employer and Engineers The address of the Employer for notices is:The Company Secretary/Legal & Corporate Affairs Director Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited Stima Plaza Kolobot Road, Parklands P. O. Box 47936 NAIROBI, KENYA Sub-Clause 51.1 Applicable Law The applicable law for this Contract shall be the law of the Republic of Kenya. Sub-Clause 51.2 Procedural Law for Arbitration The procedural rules for arbitration for this Contract shall be governed by the Arbitration Act Cap. 49 of the Laws of Kenya. Kenyan Courts shall have jurisdiction. Sub-Clause 51.3 Language and Place of Arbitration The language of arbitration is the English language. The place of arbitration shall be Nairobi, Kenya. 1.3 GENERAL CONDITIONS The General Conditions of Contract shall be Clauses 1 to 51 inclusive as published by FIDIC in Part I Third Edition 1987 Reprinted 1988 with amendments subject to the variations in the Preamble above. 1.4 CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES
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1.4.1 Responsibilities a) Conforming to the requirements of KenGen and to deviations therefrom which are specifically authorized and/or approved in writing by the Client Engineer. b) Approval of deviations will only be given for individual cases and such approval shall not be cited as a precedent for other cases. c) Quality of material, workmanship and apparatus comprising the complete work, shall be in accordance with the specifications and good practice. d) The strength, stability and durability of the Turbine Inlet valve equipment shall be assured when the Unit trips at full load on the generator under the maximum net head or sudden short circuit on the generator. e) Maintenance and updating of progress of the work in accordance with the approved schedules. f) The safety and protection of equipment and materials required for the work while under its sole risk as described in sub-clause (ii) hereunder. g) Bringing to the Client Engineers attention, subsequent to the award of contract, new developments, which the Contractor considers, may result in improvements to the work. Such developments will be considered by the Client Engineer and, if adopted, mutually acceptable terms will be arranged accordingly. h) The adaptability of all materials to the requirements. i) Rigid adherence to the tender specifications. authorized in writing by KenGen. 1.4.2 Sole risk The work shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor against loss or damage thereto up to and including the date of delivery to the delivery point. It shall in no way be implied or inferred that this arrangement limits the Contractors responsibility in respect to the materials supplied, workmanship and performance of the work. 1.5 CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION The following criteria will be used in Tender Evaluation (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Responsiveness to the Tender Compliance with Technical Specification Technical details of Offered Equipment Price Delivery and completion Periods Payment Terms. Unless deviations are specifically


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The Contractor warrants that goods supplied under the Contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The Contractor further warrants that all Goods supplied under this Contract shall have no defect, arising from design, materials, or workmanship (except when the design and/or material is required by the specifications) or from any act or omission of the Contractor, that may develop under normal use of the supplied Goods in the conditions prevailing in the country of final destination. This warranty shall remain valid for twenty four (24) months after the Equipment, or any portion thereof as the case may be, have been commissioned and take over certificate signed by both parties, or for thirty (30) months after the date of shipment from the port or place of loading in the source country, whichever period concludes earlier. 1.7 INSURANCE The Contractor shall insure, and keep insured to its full insurable value, the equipment and every part thereof against risk of fire, explosion, accident, or other damage until the work has been completed to the satisfaction of KenGen.

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The General Conditions of Contract in Part I shall be modified by the Special Conditions set out below:Sub-Clause 1.1.1 Conditions Precedent to Commencement The following financial and administrative requirements are conditions precedent to commencement: The issue of the Letter of Award under the hand of the Company Secretary of Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited and the acceptance thereof by the Contractor. The date for acceptance shall be not later than 14 calendar days from the date of the Letter of Award. Sub-Clause 1.1.11 Defects Liability Period The Defects Liability period is twenty-four calendar months. In these Conditions the expression Defects Liability Period shall mean a period of twenty-four months calculated from the date of Taking-Over in accordance with Sub-Clause 29.1. Sub-Clause 2.1 Engineers Duties The Employer will use his Engineer. The duties and actions of the Engineer will be: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Certifying additional sums under Sub-Clause 5.4, Determining an extension of time under Sub-Clause 26.2, Varying any of the Works under Sub-Clause 31.1, Entering into any agreement on adjustment of Contract Price under Sub-Clause 31.1, Issuing of Taking Over Certificates after commissioning under Sub-Clause 29.2.

Notwithstanding the obligation, as set out above, to obtain approval if, in the opinion of the Engineer, an emergency occurs affecting the safety of life or of the works or of adjoining property, he may, without relieving the Contract of any of his duties and responsibilities under the contract, instruct the Contractor to execute all such work or to do all such things as may, in the opinion of the Engineer, be necessary to abate or reduce the risk. The Contractor shall forthwith comply, despite the absence of approval of the Employer, with any such instruction of the Engineer. Clause 5.3 Priority of Contract Documents Delete the documents list 1-5 and substitute: The documents forming the Contract shall take precedence in the order in which they are set out in Section B, Clause 1 General, herein. Clause 6.6 Operation and Maintenance Manuals Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be in the English Language.

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Sub-Clause 6.7 Employers Use of Contractors Drawings The Contractors Drawings and Manuals may be used by the Employer for the purpose of completing, operating, maintaining, adjusting and repairing the Works, for interconnecting the Works with other plant and for training of personnel. Sub-Clause 8.1 General Obligations Facilities will be provided by the Employer as set out in Clause 2.9 of the Specification, part II. Electrical and water supplies as set out in Sub-Clause 14.3 of the Preamble herein. Sub-Clause 10.1 Performance Security Within 28 days of issue of the Letter of Acceptance the Contractor shall at his own expense obtain a Performance Security in the Form of Performance Bond given in the Tender. Documents from a reputable Bank approved by the Employer to be bound with the Contractor to the Employer for a sum equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price for the due Performance of the Contract. The Security shall be payable in the currency of the contract and shall be denominated in the types and proportions of the currencies in which the Contract is payable. The Employer may require an additional security if the value of the Contract is increased appreciably. The Contractor shall ensure that the Performance Security Bond is kept valid up to the date of issue of the last Defect Liability Certificate, or warranty period as set out in Clause 1.8 of the Specification part I, or end of maintenance period as set out in Clause 2.16 of the specification Part II, whichever period concludes later. Clause 15.1 Compliance with Statutes, Regulations Add the following: Without limiting the generality of the foregoing the Contractor shall strictly abide by the Kenyan regulations concerning safety on the site of the Works. Clause 18.1 Engagement of Labour Add the following: The Contractor is encouraged, to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ staff and labour with the required qualifications and experience from sources within Kenya. Sub-Clause 25.1 Time for Completion Time for Completion means the time for completing of the Works as tendered by the Contractor in the Bill of quantity, price schedules and Guaranteed Times for Completion and included in the Letter of Award. This period shall include up to the date of the Issue of the Taking-Over Certificate. Sub-Clause 27.1 Delay in Completion Delete the clause entirely and substitute the following:

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If the Contractor fails to comply with the Time for Completion in accordance with Clause 29.1, the whole of the works or, if applicable, any Section within the relevant time prescribed by Clause 25.1, then the Contractor shall pay to the Employer the relevant sum stated in Clause 27.1 of the Preamble as liquidated damages for such default and not as a penalty (which sum shall be the only monies due from the Contractor for such default) for every day or part of a day which shall elapse between the relevant Time for Completion and the date stated in a Taking-Over Certificate of the whole of the works or the relevant Section, subject to the applicable limit stated in the Clause 27.1 of the Preamble. The Employer may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of such damages from any monies due or to become due to the Contractor. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligations and liabilities under the contract. If, before the Time for Completion of the Works or, if applicable, any Section, a Taking-Over Certificate has been issued for any part of the Works or of that Section, shall, for any period of delay after the date stated in such Taking-Over Certificate, and in the absence of alternative provisions in the Contract, be reduced in the proportion which the value of the part so certified bears to the value of the whole of the Works or Section, as applicable. The provisions of this Sub-Clause shall only apply to the rate of liquidated damages and shall not affect the limit thereof. Sub-Clause 28.1 Tests on Completion The Tests on Completion shall include the 120 Hrs Reliability Run as detailed in the Specification. Sub-Clause 29.2 Taking Over Certificate On satisfactory completion of the Tests on Completion and the Reliability Test period, the Engineer shall issue a Taking Over Certificate. This shall show the effective date of Taking Over which shall be the date of commencement of the successful reliability test period. This shall be the date of commencement of the Defects Liability Period. Sub-Clause 29.3 Use Before Taking Over The Employer shall not use any part of the Works prior to the commencement of the Tests on Completion. The Employer may use any part of the Works during its Tests to suit the Tests. Such use shall not imply Taking Over unless all the tests on that part of the Works are successful. Sub-Clause 33.2 Method of Application for Payment Applications for Payment may be made by the Contractor to the Engineer as set out below: (a) The application in respect of the shipment shall identify the Equipment shipped, state the amount claimed and be accompanied by such documentation as the Engineer may require including: Original Invoice identifying the amount claimed against the appropriated subdivisions of the Schedule of Prices. Shipping Specification and Parking List. Original Bill of Landing or Air Waybill. Factory inspection Certificate. Clean report of finding.

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(c) The application in respect of work carried on site shall identify the work done, state the amount claimed and be accompanied by such documentation as the Engineer may require including: Original Invoice identifying the amount claimed against the appropriate subdivisions of the Schedule of Prices. Statement of Work showing the work done.

(d) Any other application for payment certificates shall identify the requirement for payment, state the amount claimed and be accompanied by such documentation including: Original Invoice identifying the amount claimed against the appropriate subdivisions of the Schedule of Prices. Supporting Documents such as copy Certificates where applicable. Sub-Clause 33.5 Payment Second line, delete 28 days and substitute 30 days. Sub-Clause 33.6 Delayed Payment The interest rate for delayed payment is simple interest at a rate of 3% above the Central Bank of Kenyas average rate for base lending prevailing as of the first day the payment becomes over due. Sub-Clause 43.1 Delete the first paragraph and substitute: The Contractor shall, prior to commencement of the Works, insure the Works in the joint names of the Contractor and Employer to their full replacement value thereof plus 10% thereon to allow for any additional costs and professional fees resulting from loss or damage with deductible limits not exceeding those stated in the Preamble. Add the following sub-clause: (c) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the insurer of any change in the nature and extent of the works and to ensure the adequacy of the insurance cover at all times in accordance with the provisions of this Clause. Add the following sub-clause: (d) Such insurance shall provide for compensation to be payable in the types and proportions of currencies needed to cover the loss or damage incurred.

Sub-Clause 43.3 Third Party Liability In the second line after personal injury add the words to any person including any employee of the Employer and the Engineer. Add the following paragraph: The third party liability insurance should be in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor with an extension of a cross liability cover so that the insurance shall apply to the Contractor and to the
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Employer as separate insured. The cover shall include the property of the Employer other than the Works. Sub Clause 48.1 Customs and Import Duties For the purpose of this Contract, the Employer will clear and pay at port of entry all the Custom duty and taxes and deliver the Equipment to the site. Sub Clause 50.2 Arbitration The rules of arbitration shall be those contained in the Arbitration Act of the Laws of Kenya. Add New Clause 56 Shipping Arrangements Add New Sub-Clause 56.1 Pre-Shipment Inspection Kenyan regulations require that all imported goods be inspected prior to shipment to verify quality and quantity. The names of the Inspection Agencies appointed by the Kenyan authorities to act under this Contract will be notified to the Contractor on the Import Declaration Form, which is obtained by the Employer. The pre-shipment inspection authorizes the Contractor to ship the goods. The Contractor should establish contact and liaise with the Inspection Agencies immediately upon learning of their names. The cost of presentation of the Goods to the Inspection Agencies, unpacking, handling etc. shall be paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall give at least 21 days notice before shipment to the Inspection Agency indicating the place where the Goods may be inspected and the expected time of shipment. When requesting for pre-shipment inspection the Contractor shall provide the Inspection Agency with a copy of the proforma invoice, Contract and any other document relevant to the execution of the inspection. On completion of inspection the Inspecting Agency will issue a report of finding which will be either: A Clean Report of Finding if the inspection yields a satisfactory result, or a Non-negotiable Report of Findings if the inspection reveals deficiencies. In the case of a Clean Report the Contractor shall provide the Inspection Agency immediately after shipment with a non-negotiable copy of the Bill of Landing or Air Waybill and a copy of the final invoice covering the Goods. When these documents have been received the Clean Report of findings will be issued. The Contractor is warned against the shipment of Goods, which have not been inspected, or goods for which a Non-negotiable Report of Findings has been issued by the Inspection Agency. The inspection of Goods does not relieve the Contractor of its contractual obligations to the Employer, and may reject items if they fail to meet the requirements of the Contract even though the Inspection Agency for shipment has cleared them. Add New Sub-Clause 56.2 Delivery and Documents

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Upon shipment, the Contractor shall notify the Employer by cable, telex or facsimile the full details of the shipment including description of Goods, quantity, the vessel, the bill of landing number and date, port of loading, date of shipment, port of discharge, etc. The Contractor shall mail or courier the following documents in two copies to the Employer Supplies Manager: The Contractors invoice showing Goods description, quantity, unit price, total amount; Non-negotiable bill of landing; Packing list identifying contents of each package; Manufacturers/Contractors warranty certificate; Inspection certificate (Clean Report of Findings) issued by the nominated inspection agency; Contractors factory inspection report; and Certificate of Origin. The above documents shall be received by the Employer at least two weeks before arrival of Goods at the port and, if not received, the Contractor will be responsible for any consequent expenses (including any demurrage). This is to provide time to obtain exemption for shipment. ADDRESSES The Equipment shall be marked with the following Shipping marks:KENYA ELECTRICITY GENERATING COMPANY LIMITED ORDER No. ------- (FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS FOR TURKWEL POWER STATION) C/O KENGEN, NAIROBI - KENYA. Packing lists, inspection reports, material reports, etc as indicated above shall be sent to:Supply Chain Manager Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited P.O. Box 47936 Nairobi, Kenya Attention: Mr Patrick Kimemia Tel : (254) (020) 3666000 Fax: (254) (020) 3666200 Email: Cc:

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3.1 GENERAL TECHNICAL CONDITIONS The Fire Protection System shall be designed to ensure continuity of operation under all working conditions and to facilitate inspection, maintenance and repairs. All reasonable precautions shall be taken in the design of equipment to ensure safety of personnel concerned with the operation and maintenance of the equipment. All components shall be adequately rated/ sized for their most onerous duty and the specified ambient temperature. Due account shall be taken of any heat generated by the equipment therein and the components shall be appropriately selected, rated or derated as necessary to suit the most onerous operating temperature within the equipment. Hand railing and protective barriers shall be provided where ever necessary to protect operation or maintenance personnel from hazards, and work shall comply with BS 6180 and Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007 including its subsidiary legislations.

3.2 TENDER BID DOCUMENTATION BY TENDERER The drawings and information to be submitted to the Client in accordance with the requirement of this clause shall cover the complete scope of work as defined by the specification and shall include, but not be limited, to the following: General assembly drawings of the equipment to be supplied together with sufficient sub-assembly drawings, Details, control and wiring diagrams to demonstrate fully that all parts will conform to the provisions and intent of the contract documents.

This documentation will be a guide to the client during the tender evaluation. They may not be comprehensive at that stage. The Tenderer shall submit along with the tender bid a comprehensive [summary] work program, showing all the activities and duration required, from tender award stage to full commissioning of the Equipment.

3.3 PROJECT WORK PROGRAM The contractor shall formulate a work programme which shall take into account the following activities as undertaken by the Client: Clearing from port of entry and delivering of Fire protection system equipments and accessories to site. Clearing and bonding of the erection and commissioning tools & equipment.
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The above two activities will start as soon as the client receives the shipping documents. The Contractor shall allow a period of 3 weeks [21 days] or appropriate time for these activities in the overall programme. Upon approval of the schedule by the Client, it should thereafter be referred to as the Approved Construction Programme and shall become a part of the Contract. In executing the Approved Construction Programme of this Contract, the Contractor shall co-operate with the Client in order to effect the timely completion of the works as a whole.

3.4 INSTRUCTIONS ON DRAWINGS AND DATA TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER TENDER AWARD All drawings and data supplied by the Contractor subsequent to the date of contract, which cover changes in the work, extra work, or which supplement existing drawings and data shall, upon approval by the Client Engineer, form part of the contract documents. A copy of each drawing and item of data will be returned to the Contractor marked Approved, or Approved as Noted, or Not Approved. Drawings and data requiring revision shall be promptly dealt with and resubmitted as aforementioned. Thereafter, changes shall NOT be made in the Contractors drawing without written permission of the Client Engineer. The above procedure shall be repeated for all authorized changes. All drawings are to be dimensioned using metric units. All documentation shall be provided in English language. To expedite the delivery and return of the required drawings, scanned drawings shall be used and sent to the following KenGen E-mail addresses The work shall be in accordance with the approved drawings and data and shall not be commenced until such approval has been obtained. Subsequent changes contemplated by the Contractor shall be indicated on revised drawings and data resubmitted for approval. The Contractor shall make any changes in the design, which are considered necessary to make the work conform to the provisions and intent of the specification without additional cost to KenGen. Before design, supply and installation of the equipment, dimensioned drawings and data showing all significant details of the equipment and materials to be used shall be submitted simultaneously to the Client for approval. Approval of the Contractors drawings and data shall in no way construe or imply relief of the Contractor from responsibility for any error or omission therein or from any obligation under the Contract.

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These drawings shall be submitted within the times mentioned here under from the Date of tender award. Time shall be allowed to permit changes to be made if required by the Client. The drawings shall be modified as necessary if requested by the Client, and resubmitted for final approval. When the Contractor prepares his work programme, as required herein, he shall make allowance for the drawing approval time and indicate it on the programme. A period of at least one week should be allowed for such approval. Claims or extensions of time will not be approved if they are related to the late submission of drawings to the Client or if they involve delays caused by drawings not being approved by the Client. The Contractor shall supply 1 copy of Drawings for approval and 1 copy of the approved drawings to the Client. All drawing submitted for approval or sent to the Client for any other reason shall be sent by courier. After all items of the work have been manufactured and erected, sets of prints and softcopies of the AS BUILT drawings shall be furnished as indicated below: Complete set of Soft copies[reproducible] Complete set of bound prints 1 Set 3 sets

The Contractor shall provide Preliminary arrangement [location] drawings of cabling support to the Client within the first two months after the Date of tender award. 3.5 STANDARDS, CODES AND QUALITY ASSURANCE The work shall conform to the applicable standards and codes of the authorities and technical organizations listed hereunder in their full and abbreviated titles, and of any that may be listed or referred to elsewhere in this document. This Specification shall have precedence and govern over all items listed below: (i) United States Sources (a) (b) (c) (ii) American National Standards Institute (ANSI will also be used as the reference for standards issued formerly under USA and USAS) ANSI. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Relevant Test Codes and Appendices ASME. American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM.

Other Sources (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) International Organization for Standardization- ISO. International Electro-technical Commission IEC. Japanese Industrial Standards JIS. Japanese Electro-technical Commission JEC. German DIN European standards - AEN Equivalent standards in other jurisdictions may be quoted.

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The Contractor shall base the Tender on the applicable standards and codes, which are in effect at the time of submission of the Tender.

3.6 TEST PROCEDURE AND INSTRUCTIONS 3.6.1 Site test programs and procedures During the construction and after the installation of the Fire Systems, tests shall be performed, as necessary, to establish the accuracy of the installation and to prove the adequacy of the materials and the workmanship and that specified requirements have been met. The Contractor shall submit to the Client, during or immediately following the submission of drawings, testing programs describing each test to be performed during commissioning and the performance tests. The program shall establish the sequence of the tests, the equipment preparation and operation procedures to be followed and the detailed procedure for conducting each test. The program shall also contain performance guarantees, design values, technical particulars, or other criteria for the evaluation of each test. These programs shall be submitted for approval and distributed in the same manner as the drawings. All tests and test procedures with test recording sheets shall be submitted to the Clients Engineer 3 days to the execution of the Tests. The clients Engineer may review and incorporate amendments to the procedures and tests. 3.6.2 Performance tests After the Fire Protection systems have been installed and tested successfully the Contractor shall carry out the performance tests in the presence of the Client Engineer to demonstrate that all guarantees and technical particulars as listed in the Tender and Contract Documents have been satisfied and that the entire Equipment is properly installed, free from objectionable defects and correctly adjusted to operate as specified. The proof tests shall include testing of at least one CO2 cylinder for each generator.

3.7 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING SERVICES Lump-sum charges for installation & commissioning of the Equipment into operation under the following conditions shall be indicated in the tender: The installation of all the equipment parts and commissioning shall be done by the Contractor. The Contractor will avail all materials, labour, tools and equipment necessary for /installation and commissioning works. The Client will be responsible for clearing and bonding [with Kenya Customs Department] of the erection and commissioning tools & equipment on receipt of Airway bill or Bill of Landing, list of tools & equipment with serial numbers, PFI (proforma invoice) clearly marked Value for Customs Purposes Only and must show the price of each tool & equipment and extension thereof. The Contractor shall meet the cost of shipment The tests and commissioning will be performed according to standard test procedures.
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Two Clients Engineers will be available during the commissioning period.

3.8 ACCOMMODATION & TRANSPORT FOR CONTRACTORS EMPLOYEE Accommodation during the installation and commissioning work for the contractors employees shall be the responsibility of the contractor Transport (including local airport connection) at the site during the works will be the responsibility of the Contractor.

3.9 EQUIPMENT APPROVAL All equipment proposed and planned for use in this project must be formally approved by at least two of the following internationally recognized product certification ognanizations: UL FM BS LPC Underwriters Laboratories Factory Mutual Insurance Co. British Standards Institution Loss Prevention Council USA USA UK UK

Equipment and materials not complying with the required standards shall not be acceptable and shall result in rejection of the tender. Tenderers are required to submit a Certificate of Inspection together with their bids as documentary evidence that the equipment and controls to be used in this Contract complies with the mentioned standards.



It is a condition of this contract that the maintenance period is 12 months. All spares and malfunctioning items during the Maintenance period shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. 3.11 TRAINING

The contractor shall after the completion of the Contract, and before the Handing over Certificate is issued, provide a trainer to instruct the system operators and maintenance personnel for a period of one week. During that time the trainer shall go through all the problems that are likely to occur during the System operation including the steps to be taken to reduce damage in case the system malfunctions. Live demonstration will be conducted to the trainees, including simulation of fire situation. All the costs pertaining to the training and demonstrations shall be borne by the Contractor.
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The following documents shall be provided with the tenderers offer: References Brochures. Test reports



An authorized representative of the equipment manufacturer shall supervise the installation, testing and commissioning of the fire systems. The tenderer shall provide all the necessary staff, tools and materials to complete the installation, test and commissioning. As built drawings shall be provided immediately after commissioning.



SITE VISIT IS MANDATORY and shall be held on site on 19th November 2013 starting at 10.00 a.m. It is important that tenderers visit the site before submitting their bids to ascertain the specific project requirements. Failure to visit the site will result in rejection of tender.



Tenderers must show proven financial and technical ability to deliver the project as demonstrated from financial statements, qualification of project staff and list of past projects with contact persons for reference. The tenderer must have successfully undertaken similar project to completion, proof of which must be provided. One such project must have been of value of more than KES 70million.

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Turkwel Power Station is situated 22KM off the Kitale-Lodwar Road, 180KM from Kitale and approximately 600km from Nairobi. The following general information apply for the Stations Fire protection systems tender:

0.1 Facilities design The fire protection facilities shall be designed, installed and tested in accordance with NFPA requirements and recommendations. In particular, the requirements of NPFA 850 shall apply to the design of the Plant. The fire system shall also comply in all respects with the requirements of all local requirements and standards. The Contractor shall conduct a risk assessment study and fire protection design report for the station. This report shall detail the design criteria and calculations for the proposed fire protection system. Reference to the relevant clauses of the applicable codes and standards shall be provided for each design parameter. The fire protection design report shall include description of all fire hazard areas. Adequate escape routes shall be provided for all personnel working in buildings; in accordance with the appropriate parts of BS 5588. The escape routes and exit points shall be clearly marked with LED green chargeable directional signs and provided with emergency lighting. They shall be routed away from hazardous areas and protected by floors and doors to allow safe escape for personnel, and safe access for firefighting personnel. Where possible, more than one significantly different escape route shall be provided. Staircases on escape routes shall, where appropriate, be provided with smoke vents. The Contractor shall provide the drawings depicting Evacuation Routes/Escape Routes and Fire Exit Doors for all areas, all floors and all buildings supplied under the Contract. These drawings shall be clearly displayed in appropriate locations.

0.2 Fire detection and alarm An automatic and manually activated fire alarm system with international approvals shall be provided to protect personnel and equipment within all buildings and areas of the Plant. The system shall include smoke/heat detectors, manual call points/pull stations, fire alarm horns/bells/strobes, local alarm and indicator panels located in the various plant areas (zones), cabling and a central fire alarm control and indicating panel. All system fire alarm and fault conditions shall be clearly reported at the central panel. The panel shall be at a convenient ground level location to be agreed with the Employer, accessible to the fire brigade and have indicators denoting the various zones protected. If not located within the CCR, all signals shall be repeated to the CCR. The smoke/heat detectors, manual call points/pull stations and fire alarm horns/bells shall be of the addressable type and suitable for the specific areas where they are installed. The health of the detectors, panels and other field devices shall be automatically checked at regular intervals. The design
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of the system shall be such that a malfunction in any of the zones or loops does not affect the normal operation of the rest of the system. The fire detection and alarm system shall be interfaced to the DCS to enable the summary alarms and system status information to be displayed on the operator workstations. The fire fighting system shall be interfaced to the building services control system to allow shut down of the forced ventilation in the event of a fire. Operation of a manual alarm call point or activation of an automatic detector shall cause an evacuation alarm in the building of origin. An early warning smoke detection system shall be provided to cover the engine building, CCR, control and electrical equipment rooms as a minimum requirement. The system shall be powered by a UPS source. A dedicated battery with charger shall also be provided as part of the system for standby power.

0.3 Fire water pumping system The fire water pumping system shall provide the source of water to the site fire hydrant ring main system, from which all fire fighting water supplies shall be derived. The fire water pumping system shall contain two electrically driven pumps and one diesel driven pump. Each pump shall be complete with an automatic starting system and shall be capable of providing the design hydraulic demand of the system. The diesel pump shall act as a standby to the electric pumps. A jockey pump shall be provided to maintain pressure within the ring main system. A control panel in the fire pump house shall be provided to facilitate maintenance and to allow the pumps to be controlled both manually and automatically.

0.4 Fire water ring main A fire water ring main system shall be provided. The ring main shall be arranged as a grid or ring system. The ring main shall be buried where necessary and divided into sections by accessible isolation valves so that any damage to one section of the ring main shall not compromise the fire fighting capability of the system. Anti-corrosion protection shall be provided on buried pipe work.

0.5 Fire water hydrants Fire hydrants shall be provided in specific locations identified and described both in Lot1 and Lot2. All the identified locations shall be within reach of hose streams from at least two hydrants. Each hydrant shall be provided with a cabinet containing hoses, fittings, tools and necessary equipment to operate the hydrants.

0.6 Portable fire extinguishers Portable fire extinguishers shall be located at strategic points throughout the plant. The classification of each plant area with regard to the type, number, capacity and location of portable fire extinguishers shall be detailed in the fire protection design report.
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0.7 Cabling, wiring, terminations and panel construction Permanent identification of all terminals wires shall be provided. A consistent system of wiring, numbering shall be used throughout the equipment. All Cables used shall be neatly arranged, well supported and labeled at the glanding or termination point. Wherever possible, long-radius cable bends shall be used. Adequate cable supports shall be provided to prevent vibration and movement in the line due to vibrations. All necessary studs, bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets and packing, cable supports, copper flexes and hangers required on site assembly of the cable system shall be furnished by the contractor. The Contractor will provide a system for supporting hangers to support cabling under primary concrete/metallic pillars; e.g., ceilings, walls and floors. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of the support system and shall provide such means of distributing concentrated loads as required to avoid overloading to the insert. The Contractor may provide his own anchorage system, but such system shall be subject to the Client Engineers approval. The contractor shall supply necessary (required) materials for installation of the Fire protection systems.

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The underground power house has two 58.05MVA vertical Francis turbine generators installed and associated control equipment with a combined output of 106MW Lot1 of this tender i.e. Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fire protection systems at Turkwel power station covers the following: a) Design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of new fire detection, warning and suppression systems for the two 58.05MVA generators located on generator floor. Each generator should have a dedicated system complete with accessories such that detection and mitigation of a fault in one generator or unit should not in any way interrupt operation of the other healthy unit. The contractor is expected to decommission and completely remove the current system in consultation with the Engineer b) Design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of new fire detection, annunciation and warning system to underground tavern power house and its environs. The contractor is expected to decommission and completely remove the current system in consultation with the Engineer. As a guide, the scheme covers: i. Draft tube and dewatering sump floor, ii. Turbine, compressor and cooling system floor iii. Generator and control panels floor iv. Battery room v. Turbine operators office vi. Medium voltage electrical switchroom vii. Cable gallery on turbine floor, main cable gallery, viii. Downstream surge tank including downstream surge tank cable gallery, ix. Power house roof, including 11KV generator cable gallery. c) Design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of fire hydrant system. d) Any other area may be recommended by contractor or identified by the Engineer on site.


DETECTION AND CONTROL 1. A six loop Analogue addressable fire detection, Alarm and agent release control panel complete with printer, charger and standby battery. i. A separate fire detection and suppression control panel for each of the two (2No.) 53.7MVA generators located in Power house. Each generator should have its own set of CO2 cylinders and an independent control system. ii. A Fire detection Control unit (FDCU) panel covering all power house points as listed in the introduction above except generators shall be installed at the Generator floor to replace the existing one.

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iii. The loops shall be utilized in the detection and CO2 extinguishing system for the two power generators and other loops shall be utilized for fire detection and alarms in the buildings. 2. A fire detection and alarm repeater panel shall be installed at Control Room to capture events at Power house. 3. Analogue addressable optical and ionization smoke detectors, manual call points, sounder combinations, etc shall be supplied and installed. Quantities to be installed are included in the bill of quantities. 4. Two toner sounders shall be used for the two generators so that there is a different sound for fire in the generator compartment as compared to the rest of the fire zones. 5. The sounders should be such that they are activated by detector/call point in the area of location only. 6. The contractor is expected to replace all existing fire detection cables except those linking heat detectors embedded in the generator windings. However all smoke detectors, manual call points, batteries and sounders shall be replaced with new ones. 7. Very early or incipient fire detectors shall be installed separately in the two (2No.) power Generators located in underground power house and a repeater control panel in surface control room. These detectors shall be, as VESDA, HART, HSSF, V.I.E.W. Fault shall be relayed to the control panel through loop input modules. Sampling points for the generator are to be located all round the generator which is enclosed. 8. The openings to the generator housing will be supervised by a magnetic lock with limit/micro switches connected to loop input modules such that in case of any opening the gas release will be inhibited and the information relayed to control panel and repeater panels. The doors will also be provided by a facility for disabling the magnetic lock to open the door using a key. There is one opening per generator. 9. One optical Beam detector shall be installed in the underground powerhouse and another in the surface control room. These units shall be interfaced to the control panel appropriately through loop input modules. 10. Conduits existing/used in the administration block walls shall be embedded in PVC pipes in the concrete. Only the manual call points shall protrude outside. 11. Supply and installation of CAT5e STP cable for communication between the control panel in the control room and the panels in the power house. 12. Three carbon monoxide gas detectors are to be replaced and linked to the existing system. These are located in the power house, and down-stream surge tank. The gas detector preferred is a double beam non-dispersive infra-red gas analyzer having a gas filled detector. It should be able to monitor either toxic or a flammable infrared absorbing gas in a wide range of applications e.g. leak detection, atmospheric monitoring, and heat treatment plants. The analyzer should provide the following facilities: (a) Continuous meter indication of gas concentration.
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(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

A linear analogue signal output for an external recorder. Visual alarm indication at two preset levels. Visual fault indication. Voltage free relay contact output for purposes of remote alarm indications. Voltage output for fault condition preferably 24V.


GENERATOR FIRE DETECTION AND SUPPRESSION SYSTEM 1.3.1 The existing CO2 system. The existing CO2 system consists of the following: (a) CO2 cylinders Existing system consists of 12 CO2 cylinders common to both generators: - 5 cylinders containing 45 kg of CO2 for an initial discharge. -7 cylinders containing 45 kg of CO2 for an extended discharge. -CO2 gas cylinders. -CO2 slow emission. -CO2 quick emission. (b) Detection The system consists of: Thermostatic heat detectors, Ionic Smoke detectors and ionic heat detectors. Detectors wiring is carried out using cables covered with self-extinguishing sheaths and there is a central alarm and control unit. Fire is detected when the thermostatic detectors which are normally in open position close when temperature reaches rated thresholds. The detectors are connected in parallel by a cable which is connected to a fire detection cabinet by means of a junction box. The detectors are distributed throughout the hot air circuit of the machine upper and lower part. The last detector, referred to as the end of line detector is equipped with a resistor permitting the passage of the guard circuit. The integrity of the charge is maintained by a safety bursting disk up to a pre-determined temperature level. Note: -The cables are covered with self-extinguishing sheaths -The fire detection cabinet is located near the cylinder bank outside the turbine Pit. (c) Extinguishing System The alternator is protected by a CO2 fire extinguishing system comprising double emission directed towards the stator winding through fans. The rapid distribution of the CO2 inside the generator is performed through nozzles arranged on a pipe located in the fresh air inlet circuit. This suppression is composed of two steps:

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1. Initial discharge in less than 2 minutes. This injection of CO2 is intended for quick smothering of the flame of the fire. 2. Extended discharge in about 20 minutes. This is intended for maintaining a 30% minimum concentrate during the slowing down period of the generator. The CO2 nozzles are connected by a suitable piping to the CO2 storage bank for each injection system. [i.e. initial or extended discharge.] The integrity of the charge is maintained by a safety bursting disk up to a pre-determined temperature level. The first two cylinders are opened by means of lever-actuated valves and the other cylinders are opened pneumatically. 1.3.2 The required CO2 system (a) The required system shall consist of two separate banks of CO2, each bank built up of 7 cylinders containing a total of at least 270kg of CO2. Each generator shall have a separate solenoid valve pilot cylinder, and the operation shall be such that the CO2 is discharged to only the particular generator whose sensors have operated. (b) The sensors shall be of two types - Smoke detectors and heat detectors. The CO2 ejection system shall be designed to operate only when both the smoke and heat detectors have operated. (c) A 26 No. 45kg CO2 cylinder assembly shall be supplied and installed for the fire protection of the 2NO. Generator sets. The cylinders shall be arranged such that each unit has cylinders as follows :-5No. Initial discharge and 8No. Extended discharge. The extended discharge should be activated automatically but after the initial ones have been exhausted. (d) 26 NO. CO2 measuring platforms shall be supplied and installed to monitor the amount of CO2 in each cylinder. These platforms shall consist of load cells calibrated in the appropriate range. The units shall be monitored by the control panel through loop input modules. CO2 Cylinder weight change of 10% shall be relayed to the control panel automatically. (e) The fittings for the CO2 cylinders shall be such that filling locally at BOC Kenya is possible. (f) A provision for sharing the cylinders between the two generators is to be provided but with manual control. (g) A provision for manually releasing the CO2 in case of automatic system malfunction/failure is to be provided. (h) Pipes used in the generator for CO2 discharge shall be seamless black pipes size 32mm schedule 4.

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IMPORTANT To enable the client undertake conclusive evaluation of the tenders, detailed technical description, drawings and brochures of each and every equipment for this project must be appended to the tender. Tenderers who fail to comply with this requirement fully shall have their tenders rejected. 1.4 LINEAR HEAT DETECTION CABLE

A linear heat detection system complete with interface units to the control panel shall be installed along the 11KV cable routes of generators 1, and2. The detection should be divided into ten zones such that the fault area can be located easily. The cable passes through four areas: Overhead cable trays, cable gallery to substation, cable shaft and then cable gallery to Generator area. The cables for generators pass through separate but adjacent channels all the way from generator to substation. The length of linear heat detection cable will be dependent of total length of cabling from substation to the Generator. CABLE SHAFT There are twelve cables per generator. The cables are arranged along the concrete wall for each generator in the vertical cable shaft. The linear heat detection cables shall be laid across all the cables in this area in a spiral manner and have a spacing of maximum 0.9 Metres. OTHER AREAS The other three areas (cable trench, cable gallery to substation and cable gallery to generator area) have a similar cable arrangement. The cables for each generator follow a different route. The cables are bundled in groups of threes as shown below. Therefore there are four bundles per generator.
Linear heat detection cable



The linear heat detection cable shall be arranged in a spiral manner round each bundle separately with maximum spacing of 0.5 metres- as illustrated in the sketch above. 1.5 POWER HOUSE FACILITIES FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM. 1.5.1 Position of each detector. a. Generator floor. Detectors shall be installed at the upper and lower parts of the generator. b. Turbine floor.
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c. d.


Detectors shall be installed on the outer body of the turbine housing. Draft tube floor Detectors shall be installed on the roof. Cable gallery Detectors shall be installed along the power cable gallery at both levels of the gallery and along the climbing wall between the two levels at intervals to be decided upon. Downstream surge tank Detectors shall be installed along the cable gallery and in the panel room.

1.5.2 Existing and proposed distribution of sensors in power house ,cable gallery and downstream surge tank. POWERHOUSE No. Location 1. Generators Existing arrangement 1 control box common to both generators 10 sensors 16 sensors 13 sensors 2 sensors 40 sensors nil 1 sensor nil nil Proposed arrangement Each of the generators to have own control box 10 sensors 16 sensors 13 sensors 2 sensors 40 sensors 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 2 sensors COMMENTS Shall cause discharge of CO2. Signal alarm, and trip, flashing light and sounder for alert and evacuation.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14

Generator Floor Turbine Floor Draft Tube Floor Cable galleryTurbine Floor Cable gallery Main Battery Room Turbine office Downstream surge tank panels Downstream surge tank cable gallery Electrical Room Power House roof C.B. Genset Manual call points

These will not cause discharge of CO2, but shall signal alarm, flashing light and sounder for alert.

2 sensors 9 sensors 2 sensors 27

2 sensors 9 sensors 2 sensors 27



All events including alarms and trip signals from the CO2 and fire detection system shall be monitored by, captured, and saved in, the existing SCADA system. The existing SCADA system is standard and open software that allows applications to be tailored in to satisfy particular needs and improve functionality in independent ways. The MODBUS protocol is configured to enable the SCADA to communicate with plant control systems.
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Two detection panels shall be installed, one in power house and another in the control room. They shall have an internal d.c. battery supply. They shall have battery health indicator, standby indicator, fault power indicator, battery fault indicator, supply fault indicator etc. The detection panel in power house shall indicate operation of each sensor in power house, and shall zone them according to floor levels in power house. The sensors along the cable gallery shall be on their own partition on the power house detection panel. All the events of Lot1 shall be captured and annunciated in FDCU located in power house. We shall have a repeater station in the control room, similar to that in the power house. Information captured by both detection panels shall be displayed and logged on the event list of the existing SCADA system. 1.8 FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM

Hydrant system will be applicable to both Lot1 and Lot 2 of this tender. The following will be requirement for fire hydrant in the power house (other than the Generators) (Lot1) and control room area (Lot2): (a) The hydrants will draw water from 50000L reservoir overhead tank located near the Substation at a head of 100m (with respect to the downstream surge tank). The reservoir water will be drawn from the downstream surge tank using either of the two electric driven pumps or a diesel driven pump used when conventional AC supply is unavailable. The pumps will be of 2500lpm, 10 bar rating. Jockey pump, pressure switches, pressure gauge, flow meter, nonreturn valves and piping shall be as indicated in the Bill of Quantities. (b) Water for manual fire suppression shall be discharged from stand pipes complete with twin landing valves and delivery hoses installed on three power house floors (Generator floor, Turbine floor and Dewatering floor), control building front parking yard and the Diesel generator area. (c) The system shall have fire hydrant cabinets to house 4No delivery hoses and 2No branch pipes. The cabinets will be fabricated from 16 gauge mild steel, finished with suitable primer and two coats of epoxy fire red paint, lockable door and key enclosure. (d) The same 50,000L tank will be used in the transformer fire suppression system (Lot 2 of this tender). (e) The Branch pipes will be 50mm size straight stream pattern with couplings of BS 336. (f) 65mm diameter folded delivery hoses, each of length 20m and made from high strength polyester with natural rubber lining certified for fire fighting to BS6391 Type 2 or equivalent; working pressure of 14bar, burst pressure 20 bar. (g) Any embedded pipework shall be suitably protected from corrosion and all surface pipework shall be painted with suitable primer and two coats of epoxy fire red paint.

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2.1 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE Turkwel Power Station is situated 22KM off the Kitale-Lodwar Road, 180KM from Kitale and approximately. There are two 40-49MVA, 11/220KV transformers conveying power through a ring network bus via protection and isolation accessories. The ring/common bus is brought out as outgoing high voltage transmission line to Lessos substation located 250km away near Eldoret. Lot2 of this tender is the Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fire protection systems for main Transformers & Control Building at Turkwel power station. It covers the following: a) Design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of new fire detection, warning (both audible & visual) and suppression systems for the two 49MVA step up transformers located in 11/220KV substation switchyard. Each step up transformer should have a dedicated system complete with accessories for fire detection, warning (audible and visible) and mitigation to suppress the fire to avoid or minimize risk and should not in any way interrupt operation of the other healthy transformer. b) Design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of foam fire detection and suppression system for the Diesel generator fuel tank c) Design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of fire detection and suppression (FM200/ Inergen) system at the server room. d) Design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of new fire detection, annunciation and warning (both audible & visible) system located on surface control building and its environs like Diesel Generator and fuel house. The contractor is expected to decommission and completely remove the current system in consultation with the Engineer. As a guide, the current scheme covers: i. entire control building offices ii. cable galleries located underground iii. diesel generator room iv. diesel fuel tank v. battery rooms vi. electrical control rooms (surface/220KV) e) Any other area may be recommended by contractor or identified by the Engineer on site. 2.2 2.2.1 MAIN TRANSFORMERS FIRE DETECTION AND SUPPRESSION SYSTEM: REQUIREMENTS Deluge system requirements The deluge system will be as per NFPA 13-2007 standard. The systems area of operation will be the entire surfaces of the two transformers. Pump capacity will be as per hydraulic design.
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(a) Releasing Devices The release system detection device itself will be thermostatic (fixed-temperature/rate-oftemperature-rise) and manual. The sprinkler nozzles will be of copper or other corrosion resistant material and adequately spaced. The activation temperature of the release system shall be lower than the activation temperature of the sprinkler to ensure that the releasing system will operate before the sprinkler system. NFPA 13 requires a supply of spare fusible elements (at least 2 of each temperature rating) to be provided for replacement purposes. The detection devices or systems will be automatically supervised (monitored). Warning devices- both audible (with LED lights) and visible alarms- will be installed. Flow Control will be by Flow Control Valve or Deluge Valve. (b) Device Compatibility All components of hydraulic or electrical systems shall be compatible to ensure that all system components function as an integrated unit. For example, in electrical systems, the solenoid valve must be listed with the deluge valve, and the fire detection system, including the control panel. Correct coordination of the detection devices is to ensure prompt and reliable operation of the system. (c) Manually-Operated Release System Manually operated release systems will be integrated into one of the other types of release systems. It will be a stand-alone arrangement as per NFPA 13 to ensure operation, regardless of the potential failure of the associated detection system. The system will incorporate a manual release at the valve, control room or other convenient locations to operate the system during a fire emergency. (d) Release Control Panel The release panel will be provided for system operation. (e) Devices for Test Purposes and Testing Apparatus Detection device will be provided on each circuit for test purposes at an accessible location. The device shall be connected to the circuit at a point that will ensure a proper test of the circuit. A means of producing the heat or impulse used to operate the detection device shall be available at the location. (f) Water Control Valves The automatic water control valve must be provided with hydraulic, pneumatic, or mechanical manual means for operation that is independent of detection devices and of the sprinklers. (g) Pressure Gauges Pressure gauges will be installed below the deluge valve as per NFPA 13 section 8.17.3 (h) Water Supply Water will be drawn from the 50,000L tank (suitable for minimum of 10 minutes continuous suppression) installed at a higher elevation with respect to the transformers (approximately 20m) in the area next to the transformers. A booster pump of appropriate rating (2500lph, 10bar or better) will be used based on static and residual water-pressure characteristics and spray nozzle pressures and flow rate.
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(i) Drainage Since the deluge system may produce a large volume of water/oil mixture after fire occurrence, containment will be provided to accommodate the total volume of mixture expected, to ensure proper drainage and, where necessary, collection. (j) Equipment Shut-Down Equipment will automatically shut down the affected transformer before actuation of suppression system. (k) Draft Curtains There is a draft curtain (bandwall) separating the two transformers to ensure in fire situation, suppression in one transformer will not affect the other transformer. (l) Explosion-Proof Electrical Equipment Since system protects area where explosive vapors may be present, explosion-proof electrical equipment is required. (m) Flow Control Valve/ Deluge Valve The deluge/ or flow control valve will be used for the deluge application. Deluge valves used will be with conventional trim, ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE) coating (for corrosion protection) complete with pressure gauge, priming line, emergency release, strainer, check valve etc. Flow control valve offering same operating features as a deluge valve in addition to ON-OFF remote control, may be used..


Other information (a) Once detection has been done at transformer, this information should be relayed to an intelligent module displaying the addressable location of the fire at control room manned by operators. Indication at Fire detection control unit (FDCU) should be through an audible alarm/ warning sound and a flashing signal appropriately displayed. (b) Water shall be drawn from downstream surge tank along powerhouse access tunnel, to the 50,000 litres steel water tanks, with, DN 100 piping; 50litres pressure vessel, pressure switch, panel and a control system to achieve automatic replenishment whenever level of the overhead tank reduces. (c) The transformer deluge system will be of minimum 44 nozzles as per the NFPA-15 standard, with total water flow of 2300lpm. There will be nozzle grid around transformer with the top row of nozzles aimed at top of transformer casing to extinguish flames from pooling transformer oil on top of transformer casing; A second row protecting main tank and radiator area of transformer casing and cascading fire. Other nozzles will be located to properly cover body of the transformer. (d) The transformer deluge system and the fire hydrants (described under Lot1) shall be designed to share the common water tank and booster pumps. The manual isolation for purposes of control and maintenance will be by use of gate valves.

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IMPORTANT: To enable the client undertake conclusive evaluation of the tenders, detailed technical description, drawings and brochures of each and every equipment for this project must be appended to the tender. The brochures must state all the technical specifications and standards, all specifically highlighted for evaluation. Tenderers who fail to comply with this requirement fully shall have their tenders rejected. 2.3 FOAM SYSTEM FOR DIESEL GENERATOR FUEL OIL TANKS The system will be for a horizontal diesel tank for the Diesel Generator, 25000L capacity. The foam system shall be automatic and manually operated, designed as per the NFPA 11 standard or equivalent, for low, medium and high expansion foams. The system will use medium expansion aqueous film-foaming foam (AFFF). There will be a dedicated control panel, detectors and sounders, all interfaced with the detection and control unit for lot2 to enable remote annunciation of events for the fuel storage.


REHABILITATION OF CONTROL BUILDING FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM 2.4.1 Integrated Heat and Smoke detectors Detectors shall be installed in each location as indicated on the table. These shall conform to International Standards and shall be of combined heat, smoke and CO (carbon monoxide) type (3 in 1 or combo detector). Sensitivity to CO will conform to EN50291standard; Sensitivity to smoke will comply to EN14604 standard. Each detector shall have a unique address that shall be monitored by, and saved in, the existing SCADA system. An operation of the sensor shall be logged on the event list of the SCADA system.

Existing and proposed distribution of sensors in control building. GROUND FLOOR AND BASEMENT. No. Location Existing arrangement 1. Switch Room 5 sensors 2. Air Con Room 1 sensor 3. Battery Room [48V] 1 sensor 4. Battery Room [110V] 1 sensor 5. Corridor 2 sensors 6. IT Superintendents 1 sensor office 7. IT technicians Office 1 sensor 8. Administration clerks 1 sensor office

Proposed arrangement 5 sensors 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 3 sensors 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor


Operation of any of these sensors shall be relayed to the fire detection control cabinet(FDCU) in the control room, and shall also be monitored by, captured, and saved in, the existing SCADA system

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 50 of 85

9 10. 11. 12. 13.

Underground cable room Transformer TX3 room Transformer TX4 room Transformer TX5room Fuel Tank

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

4 sensors 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor This will work with the foam suppression system described above Clean agent extinguisher, FM200 or Inergen gas shall be used for automatic fire suppression should the sensors in this room operate. Includes call point near fuel tank


IT workshop/ Server room.


2 sensors


Manual call points

FIRST FLOOR No. Location 1. 2. 3. Control Room Relay Room Corridor

Existing arrangement 2 sensors 5 sensors 4 sensors

Proposed arrangement 2 sensors 5 sensors 4 sensors

Comments Operation of any of these sensors shall be relayed to the detection cabinet in the control room, and shall also be monitored by, captured, and saved in, the existing SCADA system

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

PABX /Telecom room Protective Services office Administrative Office Tea Room Technical Services Office Mech. Supts office Tech. S. Engineers office Mech. Engineers office C. Eng.s Secretarys office Chief Engineers office Conference room Manual call points

1 sensor Nil 1 sensor Nil 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 3

1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 1 sensor 2 sensor 3 Operation of any of these sensors shall be relayed to the detection cabinet in the control room, and shall also be monitored by, captured, and saved in, the existing SCADA system


Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 51 of 85

No. Location 1. Manual call points

Existing arrangement nil

Proposed arrangement 1


2.4.2 Detection and control 1. This will consist of a six loop analogue addressable fire detection, alarm and agent release control panel complete with printer, charger and standby battery, battery health indicator, standby indicator, fault power indicator, supply fault indicator etc. The main panel shall be installed at the Control room. 2. Analogue addressable optical and ionization smoke detectors, manual call points, sounders, etc shall be supplied and installed in various parts of the building. 3. All the sounders should be such that they are activated by detector/call point in the area of location only. 4. Existing conduit and trunking system for cabling shall be maintained where necessary. Any additional conduiting and associated civil works will be done by the contractor. Manual call points shall protrude on the wall surface. 5. Supply and installation of CAT5e STP cable for communication between the control panel in the control room and the panels in the power house. 6. The detection panel in the control room shall indicate operation of each sensor in control building, and shall zone them according to floor level (i.e. ground floor or first floor) and room/office. 7. All the events of Lot2 shall be captured and annunciated in FDCU located in control room. We shall have a repeater station in power house, similar to that in the control room. Information captured by both detection panels shall be displayed and logged on the event list of the existing SCADA system.

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These Bills of Quantities are to be read in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract, Specifications and site plan drawings to be viewed on site visit. The quantities set forth in the Bills of Quantities are intended to represent the character of the work to be carried out. There is no guarantee to the Contractor that he will be required to carry out the quantities of work indicated under one particular item or group of items in the Bills of Quantities, though on the contract as a whole, the quantities are believed to represent the overall value of the works to be carried out. The prices and rates inserted in the Bills of Quantities are to include costs of the works described under the items, complete in place and accordance with the specifications, including costs and expenses which may be required in and for the construction of the works described, together with any temporary works and installations which may be necessary, and all general risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the documents on which the contract is based. Where risks, liabilities and obligations cannot be dealt with as above, then the price thereof is to be separately stated by the Contractor under Exception Report at the end of Bill of Quantities. The brief description of the items given in the Bills of Quantities are purely for the purpose of identification and shall in no way supersede the detailed descriptions given in the Conditions of Contract and Standard Specifications for the full directions and description of work and materials. A price of unit rate shall be inserted in ink against each item in the Bill of Quantities whether quantities are stated or not. If a tenderer omits to insert a price or unit rate for any item, his tender may be treated as nonresponsive and not progress to proceeding evaluation stages. No alteration shall be made to the Bill of Quantities and no extra item shall be inserted. The Tenderer shall satisfy himself that the Contract sum arrived at by pricing the quantities and the items given is sufficient compensation for constructing and maintaining the whole of the work in accordance with these Contract Documents. The abbreviations used in the Bill of Quantities are as follows:L - Linear SM Square Metres CM - Cubic Metres KG Kilogram No. - Number

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The numbering of the Bills is not consecutive, but is arranged to correspond to the sections in the Standard Specifications. These Bills of Quantities have been prepared in accordance with the Conditions of Contractor for works of Civil Engineering construction (Second edition) and the Standard methods of Measurements of Building Works (Second edition metric).

1.2 1.2.1


Detection and Control








2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8

9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


6 loop Analogue addressable Fire Detector, Alarm and Agent Release Control Panel complete with 10No. Sounder circuits and 2No. monitored Agent Release circuits 12HR, 24VDC Standby battery Event line printer for item No. 1 above Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Repeater Panels to be installed at the control room. Adequately rated automatic Voltage Regulator surge protection unit to power items 1 and 3 above. Manual call points located in powerhouse Analogue addressable Optical Smoke detectors complete with bases for powerhouse facilities exclusive of generators. Two lamp Extinguishing Discharge status units complete with mode select and manual release. Auto/Discharge Lamps, complete with Loop input/output modules for interfacing with panel detection Loop. Optical Beam smoke detectors complete with power supplies and loop input modules to interface to detection Loop. Local Alarm Annunciators 24VDC Fire audible alarms 24VDC Fire flashing lights 24VDC combined sounder and flashing for the generator system. (sound distinct from the rest of sounders) Loop output module complete with 24V Relay to trigger generator shutdown in event of fire. Addressable Manual Call Points or equivalent Loop input modules to interface Co2 weight monitoring platforms to control panel Loop input to monitor pressure discharge switch. Loop short circuit isolators 1.5mmSQ, 2C, Screened Fire Resistant Fire Alarm Cabling and Wiring Accessories as Firetuf or Equivalent. Cabling will have to be protected with appropriate conduits and HATARI/DANGER slabs to avoid accidental damage. CAT 5e STP cable


pc pc pc pc pc pc pc

2 1 1 1 27 110 2

pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc Pc pc LOT

2 4 1 5 2 2 27 12 2 30 1


Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 54 of 85


Fire escape signs with directions on both sides, in all escape routes- 6pcs powerful LED, green 1.2V 1000MAH, Ni-Cad Battery, IP 20 full charge approx 24hrs. Duration approx 90 min.




Addressable Digital manual call points complete with pc protective flip cover, surface mount, operating temp -10 to +50 degC, RH 95%, resettable (non breaking glass) via special key Linear heat detection cable interface units LOT


TOTAL COST Note Additional items in the bill of quantities are spares and should be supplied for storage by KenGen.


Carbon Dioxide Storage, Monitoring and Discharge System 1. Initial Co2 discharge Bank consisting of 3No. 45kg Co2 cylinders complete with mounting rack, discharge manifold, pipes, interconnecting discharge hoses and check valves, pneumatic actuators, discharge pressure switch and slave interconnectors for each of the two units. Extended Co2 discharge bank consisting of 5No. 45kg Co2 cylinders and the rest as specified in item 1 above, but to include in the manifold delay nozzle and Non Return valve for each of the two units. Co2 weight monitoring system comprising factory calibrated (2/3kg loss/gain) load cells complete with fault and normal LED and output relay contact. Alarm and fault output of these platforms shall be interfaced individually to the panel through suitable loop input modules specified elsewhere in these Bills. Loop output modules complete with 24V AC Relay for the control for Co2 discharge directional valve solenoids Loop input modules to interface Co2 weight monitoring platforms to control panel Analogue addressable Optical Smoke detectors complete with bases inside the 2No generators.(for each generator we have 4No smoke detectors in upper and none in lower side) Analogue addressable Heat Detectors complete with bases inside the 2No generators.(for each generator we have 4No heat detectors 4No in upper and 4No in lower side). Manual Release Signs Generator Door Entrance Warning Signs LOT 1






4. 5. 6.


1 1 8




8. 9. 10 Manual release valves 11. Proof test 12 Early incipient fire detectors 4 for each generator unit

pc pc pc LOT Pcs TOTAL COST

2 2 2 1 8

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 55 of 85


Fire Hydrant System (applicable for LOT 1&2) 1. 2 3. 4 5 Electric driven pump, Q=2500lpm @ 10bar, to deliver water to pc static head of 100m Diesel power driven pump, Q=2500lpm @ 10bar, to deliver pc water to static head of 100m Weather proof control panel, electric accessories for all pumps LOT including power connections Jockey / Hose reel fire pump 2.5lpm @ 10.5bar, complete with pc weatherproof control panel and cabling Pumps intake and discharge manifolds comprising 100 mm LOT diameter GI class C pipework for reservoir tank supply and hydrants, gate valves, nonreturn valves and all other necessary accessories Vertical pressure tank 50 litres, 10 bar rating pc Pressure switches, 4-20 bar rating pc Pressure gauges, radial entry, connection, 100mm diameter pc dial, 20 bar, QC approved. Pressure relief valves pc Flow meter, 1500-3500 LPM, TYCO make or equivalent, QC pc approved Water meter- DN100 pc Stand pipes complete with twin landing valves pc Outdoor Fire hydrant cabinets with lockable door and key pc enclosure to house 4No delivery hoses and 2No branch pipes. Cabinet to be numbered and fabricated from 16gauge mild steel and finished with suitable primer and 2 coats of epoxy fire red paint. Branch pipes, 50mm size, straight stream pattern with couplings pc of BS 336 to fit delivery hoses Delivery hoses, 65mm diameter DURA MOULD foldable, 20m pc length, made from high strength polyester with natural rubber lining certified for fire fighting to BS6391 Type 2 or equivalent. Working pressure of 14bar, burst pressure 20 bar- with couplings for jointing and to suit branch pipes Painting of all surface pipework with suitable primer and 2 coats lot of epoxy fire red paint Water tank, volume 50m3 made from MS sheet of minimum pc thickness 3mm with suitable overflows, drain outlet, level sensor/ control. The tank is to be appropriately mounted at elevated position in the transformer/ DG area and made corrosion resistant with appropriate coatings; and labelled with weather proof paint: FIRE RESERVOIR TANK on visible side. TOTAL COST 2 1 1 2 1

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

2 2 2 2 1

1 5 5

14 15

10 20

16 17


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No. Description Type/ Model Unit Price Cost



Total Cost to Turkwel Power Station Stores

Country of Origin Currency of Tender Delivery Period For Overseas Suppliers Total Cost Discount (%) if any Air / Sea freight charges to Nairobi / Mombasa Port Other Charges (if any)

Total Cost & Freight (CFR) Port of entry.

Country of Origin Currency of Tender Delivery Period Manufacturer Tenderers Name Tenderers Signature Date

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 57 of 85

1.3 1.3.1


Item Description Unit Qty Rate Total


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7



10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15.

16 17

6 loop Analogue addressable Fire Detector, Alarm and Agent Release Control Panel complete with 8No. Sounder circuits and 3No. monitored Agent Release circuits 12HR, 24VDC Standby battery Event line printer for item No. 1 above Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Repeater Panel to be installed at Power house. Adequately rated automatic Voltage Regulator surge protection unit to power items 1 and 3 above. Analogue addressable ionization Smoke detectors complete with Bases. Addressable Digital manual call points complete with protective flip cover, surface mount, operating temp -10 to +50 degC, RH 95%, resettable (non breaking glass) via special key Three lamp Extinguishing Discharge status units complete with mode select and Manual Release. Auto/Discharged Lamps, Complete with Loop input/output modules for interfacing to panel detection Loop. Optical Beam Smoke detectors complete with power supplies and loop input modules to interface to detection Loop. Linear heat detection cable interface units 24VDC Fire audible alarms 24VDC Fire flashing lights Loop input modules to monitor Linear Heat detection Interface units Loop short circuit isolators 1.5mmSQ, 2C, Screened Fire Resistant Fire Alarm Cabling and Wiring Accessories as Firetuf or Equivalent. All underground cabling will have to be protected with appropriate conduits and HATARI/DANGER slabs to avoid accidental damage. CAT 5e STP cable Fire escape signs with directions on both sides in all escape routes- 6pcs powerful LED, green 1.2V 1000 mAh, NiCad Battery, IP 20 full charge approx 24hrs. Duration approx 90 mins TOTAL COST


pc pc pc pc pc pc

1 1 3 1 50 9



LOT pc pc LOT pc LOT

1 2 5 1 30 1

LOT pc

1 5

Note The bill of quantities includes some spares for ionization smoke detectors, heat detectors, sirens and manual call points. These are to be supplied for storage by KenGen. 1.3.2 Server room fire detection and suppression

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

51 litre FM200 agent container assembly TPED, complete pc with Cylinder label 51litre & PED Compliance tag FM200 Gas initial fill kg Container brackets, 51 litre tank pc Removable Electric solenoid, 24Vdc,2A pc Manual strike actuator pc 710mm pilot hose pc Valve to pilot hose adaptor pc Discharge pressure switch pc Pressure switch adaptor pc Supervisory pressure switch pc Aluminum discharge nozzles, 20mm pc Entrance warning sign Pc Manual release sign Pc Smoke detector pc Sounder with flashing light pc Fire control panel, Pc Maintenance switch Pc Abort switch pc Manual release pc Discharge pipework and accessories lot Interface to detection and control unit for lot2 above to Lot enable remote annunciation of events in server room TOTAL COST

1 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Transformers deluge system 1 Thermostatic release device- fixed-temperature/rate-oftemperature-rise (including 2spares of each temperature rating) and manual as per NFPA 13 Warning devices both audible (with flashing lights) and visible alarms Deluge valves (VIKING or equivalent model) with conventional trim, ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE) coating complete with pressure gauge, priming line, emergency release, strainer, check valve etc Release Control Panel to accommodate systems for the two transformers Water headers (ring mains) GI pipe, class C, 6 supplying fixed piping networks with reductions and bends round the transformers at different levels; gate valves Water spray nozzles of conventional pattern as per NFPA 15, to accommodate supply pressure and flow rate- for both tranformers Pressure gauges, radial entry, connection, 100mm diameter dial, 20 bar, QC approved. Flow meter, 1500-3500 LPM, TYCO make or equivalent, QC approved Lot 1

2 3

pc pc

4 4

4 5

pc Lot

1 1



7 8

pc pc

3 1

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9 10

Water meter DN100 pc 1 Interface to detection and control unit for lot2 above to Lot 1 enable remote annunciation of events in transformer deluge system. TOTAL COST


Diesel Generator fuel tank foam system 1 2 Automatic and manually operated foam system as per Lot NFPA 11 standard or equivalent Medium expansion aqueous film-foaming foam (AFFF) pc sufficient for 25000L horizontal diesel tank Pipework, valves and other accessories Control panel with associated wiring and smoke/heat sensor Sounder with flashing light Interface to detection and control unit for lot2 above to enable remote annunciation of events for the fuel foam system Booster pumps for foam adequately rated for current DG fuel tank lot lot pc lot 1 1

3 4 5 6

1 1 1 1




2 3 4 5 6

7 8

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16% VAT TOTAL CURRENCY For local Suppliers Total Cost Discount (%) if any Local Taxes, e.g. Duty, VAT, GoK, etc Other Charges e.g. transport, handling

Total Cost to Turkwel Power Station Stores

Country of Origin Currency of Tender Delivery Period

For Overseas Suppliers Total Cost Discount (%) if any Air / Sea freight charges to Nairobi / Mombasa Port Other Charges (if any)

Total Cost & Freight (CFR) Nairobi Port

Country of Origin Currency of Tender Delivery Period Manufacturer Tenderers Name Tenderers Signature Date SUMMARY OF TOTALS No Schedule 1 LOT 1 2 LOT 2 Grand Total Transferred to Tender Form

Total Cost(Currency)

Authorized Signature:. Date: Company Rubber Stamp:..

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 61 of 85


INTRODUCTION The following schedules form the Contract Schedules and must be completed in their entirety by the Tenderer at the time of tendering. The technical details requested in Section C, part II, Clause 2.1 of this document shall also be submitted with the tender. The Performance Security and Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment forms are samples and shall be only completed by the Approved Tenderer. The Tenderer shall enter in the spaces on the tender form and bill of Quantity, price schedules the appropriate unit of currency to which he has tendered.

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 62 of 85


The Company Secretary The Kenya Electricity Generating Company Ltd P. O. Box 47936 NAIROBI KENYA Gentlemen and/or Ladies: 1. Having examined the Tender Documents including the Specification Drawings, Conditions of contract & Requirements, Specifications and Bill of Quantity Price Schedules for the execution of the above named contract, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, hereby offer to execute, complete and remedy defects in the whole of the works in conformity with the said document for the sum

[amount in figures] ___________________________________________________________________________ [state currency]

[amount in words] 2. We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to complete the whole of the Works comprised in the contract within a period of ___________________ calendar months, subject to the said Conditions. 3. We agree to abide by this Tender for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before the expiration of that period. 4. This Tender is submitted under our covering letter reference___________________ dated _____________________ and the complete tender documents and other information, required by the instructions to Tenderers, which are enclosed therewith all of which shall be read and construed as forming a part hereof. 5. Unless and until an agreement is prepared and executed, this Tender, your letter of Intent/Award, together with our written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding Contract between us. 6. If our Tender is accepted we will furnish a Performance Security issued by a Bank (to be approved by you) to be jointly and severally bound with us in an amount of 10% of the above named sum in accordance with the conditions of contract.

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 63 of 85

7. Commissions of gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Bid, and to contract execution if we are awarded this Bid, and to contract execution if we are awarded the contract, are listed below: Name and address of agent ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ (if none, state none) Amount and Currency __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Purpose of Commission gratuity _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

8. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender you may receive. Dated of..20.. Signaturein the capacity of .. .. duly authorised to sign Bid for and on behalf of: .. (in capital letters) Witness Address . Occupation ...

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 64 of 85


[Must be on the letter head of the Bank] Whereas ____________________________________________(hereinafter Called the Bidder) has submitted its bid dated ___________________________ for the design, supply, installation, test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power stations as per given specifications (hereinafter called the Bid).

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE _______________________________ ______________________of_______________________________________(hereinafter called the Bank), are bound unto Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (hereinafter called KenGen) in the sum for which payment will and truly to be made to the said KenGen, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this _________________________day of 2013_____

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: 1. If the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form; or 2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by KenGen during the period of bid validity: a) Fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required; or b) Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders; We undertake to pay to KenGen up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without KenGen having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand KenGen will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to 26th May 2014 and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date. _____________________________ (Signature and seal of the Bank)

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 65 of 85

THIS AGREEMENT, made the _________________ day of ________ 20 ______ between________________________________________________of[or whose registered office is situated at]__________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Employer) of the one part AND ________________________________________________________of[or whose registered office is situated at]_________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Contractor) of the other part.

WHEREAS THE Employer is desirous that the Contractor executes ________________________________________________________________________ (name and identification number of Contract ) (hereinafter called the Works) located at______________________________[Place/location of the Works]and the Employer has appointed ________________________ ___________________________ of/or whose registered office is situated at __________________________________ as the Engineer for the purposes thereof and has accepted the tender submitted by the Contractor for the execution and completion of the said Works and the remedying of any defects therein in the sum of _________________(amount in figures) ______________________________________(amount in words) (hereinafter called the Contract Price). NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH as follows: 1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and shall be read and construed as part of this Agreement i.e. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) The Letter of Award and Acceptance thereof. The Preamble. The Special Conditions of Contract Part II. The General Conditions of Contract Part I. The Specifications. The Completed Form of Tender and Bill of Quantity-Price Schedules The Completed Details of Offered Equipment-Technical Schedules A and B The Specification Drawings.

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(i) The Contractors Drawings. (j) The Contractors Tender. 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. 4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. IN WITNESS whereof the Parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written. The common Seal of _________________________________________________ Was hereunto affixed in the presence of ________________________________ Signed Sealed, and Delivered by the said ______________________________ Binding Signature of Employer ________________________________________ Binding Signature of Contractor _______________________________________ In the presence of (i) Name_______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Signature___________________________________ Date _______________________________________

[ii] Name _______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Date _______________________________________

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 67 of 85

[Must be on the letter head of the Bank]

To: Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited, Stima Plaza Phase III, Kolobot Road, Parklands, P.O. Box 47936, NAIROBI, KENYA. WHEREAS _______________________[name of Supplier] (hereinafter called the Contractor) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. __________________________ dated ______________________________20 ___ to_____________________________ ____________________________________________(hereinafter called the Contract). AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a reputable bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Contractors performance obligations in accordance with the Contract.

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor a guarantee:

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the Supplier, up to a total of _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________(words) ___________________(figures), and


undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Contractor to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of _______________________________________________________ as aforesaid, without your

needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the ________________ day of ___________ 2013 _________.

Signature and seal of the Guarantors __________________________________________________________________________________ _____ [name of bank or financial institution] ________________________________________________________________________ [address] ________________________________________________________________________ [date]
Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 68 of 85


To: Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited, Stima Plaza Phase III, Kolobot road, Parklands, P.O. Box 47936, NAIROBI, KENYA. TENDER FOR DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSION OF FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS FOR TURKWEL POWER STATION Gentlemen and/or Ladies: In accordance with the provision Conditions of Contract of the above mentioned Contract, _________________________(hereinafter called the Contractor) shall deposit with KenGen a bank guarantee, its proper and faithful performance under the said Clause of the Contract in an amount of _______________(figures)__________________________________________________(words) We, the [bank or financial institution] , as instructed by the Contractor, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as security merely, the payment to KenGen on its first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first claim to the Contractor, in the amount not exceeding _________________________________( figures) ________________________________________________________________________(words) We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between KenGen and the Contractor, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification. This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment received by the Contractor under the Contract until _________________(date). Yours truly, Signature and seal of the Guarantors ______________________________________________ [name of bank or financial institution] ______________________________________________ [address] ______________________________________________ [date]

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To: Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited Stima Plaza Phase III, Kolobot Road, Parklands P.O. Box 47936-00100 NAIROBI, KENYA

WHEREAS . [name of the Manufacturer] who are established and reputable manufacturers of Fire Protection systems having factories at [address of factory] do hereby authorize. [name and address of Agent] to submit a tender, and subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract with you against tender No.. [reference of the Tender] for the above goods manufactured by us.

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per the General Conditions of Contract for the Fire Protection Systems offered for supply by the above firm against this Invitation for Tenders.

[Signature for and on behalf of Manufacturer]

Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the Manufacturer and should be signed by a person competent.

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 70 of 85

Please fill in block letters. 1. Full names of tenderer 2. Full address of tenderer to which tender correspondence is to be sent (unless an agent has been appointed below) 3. Telephone number (s) of tenderer 4. E-Mail and Telex address of tenderer 5. Name of tenderers representative to be contacted on matters of the tender during the tender period 6. Details of tenderers nominated agent (if any) to receive tender notices. This is essential if the tenderer does not have his registered address in Kenya (name, address, telephone, telex) _______________________ Signature of Tenderer Make copy and deliver to:_____________________(Name of Employer)

Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 71 of 85


(Must be filled by all applicants or tenderers who choose to participate in this tender) Name of Applicant (S)

. You are requested to give the particulars in Part 1 and either Part 2 (a), 2 (b) or 2 (c), whichever applies to your type of business. Part 2 (d) to part 2(i) must be filled. You are advised that giving wrong or false information on this Form will lead to automatic disqualification / termination of your business proposal at your cost. Part 1 General Business Name:...... Certificate of Incorporation / Registration No. . Location of business premises: Country .... Physical address .Town .. Building Floor. Plot No. .Street / Road ... Postal Address Postal / Country Code. Telephone Nos Fax Nos. . E-mail address Website Contact Person (Full Names) Direct / Mobile Nos. .. Title Power of Attorney (Yes / No) If Yes, attach written document. Nature of Business (Indicate whether manufacturer, distributor, etc) .....

(Applicable to Local suppliers only) Local Authority Trading License No. Expiry Date .. Value Added Tax No... Value of the largest single assignment you have undertaken to date (US$/KShs) Was this successfully undertaken? Yes / No. .(If Yes, attach reference) Name (s) of your banker (s) .... Branches . Tel Nos. .. Part 2 (a) Sole Proprietor Full names ....... Nationality .. Country of Origin ...... *Citizenship details ..... Company Profile . (Attach brochures or annual reports in case of public companies) Part 2 (b) Partnerships Give details of partners as follows: Full Names Nationality Citizenship Details 1. . . ... 2. . .... 3. .. . 4 . . Company Profile .(Attach brochures) Part 2 (c) Registered Company
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Private or public . Company Profile .(Attach brochures or annual reports in case of public companies) State the nominal and issued capital of the Company Nominal KShs ... Issued KShs ... List of top ten (10) shareholders and distribution of shareholding in the company. Give details of all directors as follows:Full Names Nationality Citizenship Details Shares 1.. .. 2 . ...... 3 ...... 4 ...... Part 2 (d) Debarment I/We declare that I/We have not been debarred from any procurement process and shall not engage in any fraudulent or corrupt acts with regard to this or any other tender by KenGen and any other public or private institutions. Full Names .. Signature . Dated this .day of 2013. In the capacity of Duly authorized to sign Tender for and on behalf of .

Part 2 (e) Criminal Offence I/We, (Name (s) of Director (s)):a) ... b) .... c) d) have not been convicted of any criminal offence relating to professional conduct or the making of false statements or misrepresentations as to its qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period of three (3) years preceding the commencement of procurement proceedings. Signed . For and on behalf of M/s .. In the capacity of Dated this day of .2013. Suppliers / Companys Official Rubber Stamp . Part 2 (f) Conflict of Interest I/We, the undersigned state that I / We have no conflict of interest in relation to this procurement: a) b) c) d)
Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Test and commissioning of Fire Protection systems for Turkwel Power station Page 73 of 85

For and on behalf of M/s .. In the capacity of . Dated this day of .2013 Suppliers / Companys Official Rubber Stamp . Part 2 (g) Interest in the Firm: Is there any person / persons in KenGen or any other public institution who has interest in the Firm? Yes / No? .. (Delete as necessary) Institution . . (Title) (Signature) (Date) Part 2(h) Experience Please list here below similar projects accomplished or companies / clients you have supplied with similar items or equipments in the last two (2) years.

Company Name


Contract/ Order No.


1.. . ... 2. . ... 3. . .... Contact person (Full Names) . E-mail address. Cell phone no . (Note: The person should be at the level of director) *Attach proof of citizenship * Attach certified copies of the following documents: a) Previous orders from companies supplied before b) Certificate of Incorporation / Registration c) Tax Compliance Certificate (for local suppliers) d) VAT Certificate (for local suppliers) e) Audited Financial Statements / Accounts for the last two (2) years f) Valid Local Authority / Trade License (for local suppliers) *The above documents should be submitted if they are applicable to bidder. Part 2(i) Declaration I / We, the undersigned state and declare that the above information is correct and that I / We give Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited authority to seek any other references concerning my / our company from whatever sources deemed relevant, e.g. Office of the Registrar of Companies, Bankers, etc. Full names .. Signature. For and on behalf of M/s .. In the capacity of . Dated this day of .2013. Suppliers / Companys Official Rubber Stamp

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Historical Financial Performance

Bidders Legal Name: _______________________ JV Partner Legal Name: _______________________

Date: _____________________ Tender No.: __________________

To be completed by the Bidder and, if JV, by each partner Financial Historic information for previous ______ (__) years information in (US$ equivalent in ) US$ equivalent Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Year n Information from Balance Sheet Total Assets (TA) Total Liabilities (TL) Net Worth (NW) Current Assets (CA) Current Liabilities (CL) Information from Income Statement Total Revenue (TR) Profits Before Taxes (PBT)


Avg. Ratio

Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets, including all related notes, and income statements) for the years required above complying with the following conditions: Must reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or partner to a JV, and not sister or parent companies Historic financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted) Name, address, telephone, telex, fax numbers of the Tenderers Bankers who may provide reference if contacted by the Employer.

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AVERAGE ANNUAL TURNOVER (FORM FIN-2) Bidders Legal Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________________

JV Partner Legal Name: ____________________________ Tender No.: ______________ All individual firms and all partners of a joint venture are requested to complete the information in this form. The information supplied should be the annual turnover of the Tenderer (or each member of a joint venture), in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed, converted to US dollars at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported. Use a separated sheet for each partner of a joint venture. Annual turnover data Year 1. 2. 3. 4. *Average Annual Turnover Turnover US$ equivalent

This information is declared to be correct by (Tenderers authorised representative) Name Position in the Firm Signature Date

*Average annual turnover calculated as total certified payments received for work in progress or completed over the number of years specified in the tender documents divided by that same number of years.

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Financial Resources (FORM FIN-1))

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction cash flow demands of the subject contract or contracts as indicated Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Source of financing 1. 2. 3. 4.

Amount (US$ equivalent)

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General Experience (FORM : EXP-1)

Bidders Legal Name: ____________________________ Date: _____________________ JV Partner Legal Name: ____________________________ Tender No.: ________________ Starting Ending Month / Month / Year Year
______ ______

Contract Identification Years *

Contract name: Brief Description of the Works performed by the Bidder: Name of Employer: Address: Contract name: Brief Description of the Works performed by the Bidder: Name of Employer: Address: Contract name: Brief Description of the Works performed by the Bidder: Name of Employer: Address: Contract name: Brief Description of the Works performed by the Bidder: Name of Employer: Address: Contract name: Brief Description of the Works performed by the Bidder: Name of Employer: Address: Contract name: Brief Description of the Works performed by the Bidder: Name of Employer: Address:

Role of Bidder

Attach Letter of Award and completion certificate for each contract

















*List calendar year for years with contracts with at least Five (5) months activity per year starting with the earliest year

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Names of all partners of a joint venture 1. Lead partner: 2. Partner: 3. Partner: 4. Partner: 5. Partner: 6. Partner:

Total value of annual turnover, in terms of work billed to clients, in US$ equivalent, converted at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported: Annual turnover date (Installations and commission only; US$ equivalent) Partner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 1. Lead partner: 2. Partner: 3. Partner: 4. Partner: 5. Partner: 6. Partner: Totals

Year 4

Year 5

This information is declared to be correct by Lead Partner Name Position in the Firm Signature Date

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Name of Tenderer or partner of a joint venture Use a separate sheet for each contract. 1. Number of contract Name of contract Country 2. 3. Name of employer Employer address


Nature of works and special features relevant to the contract for which the tenderer wishes to bid



Contract role (check one) Sole contractor Subcontractor Partner in a joint venture Value of the total contract (in specified currencies at completion, or at date of award for current contracts) Currency Equivalent value US$ Date of award Date of completion Currency Currency

7. 8. 9. 10

Contract duration (years and months) ______years ______months 11. Specified requirements1

1Insert any specific criteria required for the execution of the contract.

This information is declared to be correct by (Tenderers authorised representative) Name Signature Position in the Firm Date
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Name of tenderer For specific positions essential to contract implementation, applicants should provide the names of at least two candidates qualified to meet the specified requirements stated for each position set out in Capabilities in the Instructions to Tender. The date on their experience should be supplied in separate sheets using one Form for each candidate. 1. Title of position: Head Office Project Manager Name of prime candidate: Name of alternate candidate: 2. Title of position: Installation Supervisor Fire protection system Name of prime candidate: Name of alternate candidate: 3. Title of position: Installation Supervisor Associated with power generating facilities Name of prime candidate: Name of alternate candidate: 4. Title of position: Commissioning Engineer Electrical or Equivalent Name of prime candidate: Name of alternate candidate:

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Name of Tenderer: Position Candidate information 1. Name of candidate 3. Professional qualifications

Candidate Prime 2. Date of birth


Present employment

4. Name of employer Address of employer Telephone Fax Job title of candidate Contract (manager/personnel officer) Telex Years with present employer

Summarise professional experience over the last 15 years, in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the Project. From To Company/Project/Position/ Relevant technical and management experience

I certify that the above information is correct. (Title) (Signature) .. (Date)

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Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture Tenderers and each partner to a tender should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion certificate has yet to be issued.

Name of contract

Name of Client

Total value in US Dollars

Value of Estimated outstanding completion work (current date US$ equivalent)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

This information is declared to be correct by (Tenderers authorised representative) Name Position in the Firm Signature Date

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Name of tenderer or partner of a joint venture

Tenderers, including each of the partners of a joint venture, should provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts executed in the last five years or currently under execution. A separate sheet should be used for each partner of a joint venture. Year Award For Or Name of client, cause of litigation, and Against matter in dispute Applicant Disputed amount (current value, US$ equivalent)

This information is declared to be correct by (Tenderers authorised representative) Name Position in the Firm Signature Date

I certify that the above information is correct. Title Signature Date

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Any deviations from specifications shall be clearly indicated and reasons given.

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