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my:asset Private Car Package Policy Wordings

Whereas the insured by a proposal and declaration dated as stated in the Schedule which shall be the basis of this contract and is deemed to be incorporated herein has applied to the Company for the insurance hereinafter contained and has paid the premium mentioned in the schedule as consideration for such insurance in respect of accidental loss or damage occurring during the period of insurance. Now This Policy Witnessed: That subject to the Terms Exceptions and Conditions contained herein or endorsed or expressed hereon;

Section I. Loss Of or

amage to the !ehicle Ins"red

1. The Company will indemnify the insured against loss or damage to the ehicle insured hereunder and ! or its accessories whilst thereon i. ii. iii. i . . i. ii. iii. ix. x. by fire explosion self ignition or lightning; by burglary housebrea"ing or theft; by riot and stri"e; by earth#ua"e $fire and shoc" damage%; by flood typhoon hurricane storm tempest inundation cyclone hailstorm frost; by accidental external means; by malicious act; by terrorist acti ity; whilst in transit by road rail inland&waterway lift ele ator or air; by landslide roc"slide.

Subject to a deduction for depreciation at the rates mentioned below in respect of parts replaced; .or all rubber ! nylon ! plastic parts/ tyres and tubes/ batteries and air bags .or fibre glass components .or all parts made of glass *-+ 0-+ (il

'ate of depreciation for all other parts including wooden parts will be as per the following schedule. #ge of !ehicle (ot exceeding ) months Exceeding ) months but not exceeding 1 year Exceeding 1 year but not exceeding , years

$ of

e%reciation (il *+ 1-+

Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding

, years but 0 years but 1 years but * years but 1- years

not not not not

exceeding exceeding exceeding exceeding

0 years 1 years * years 1- years

1*+ ,*+ 0*+ 1-+ *-+

,. The Company shall not be liable to ma"e any payment in respect of & a% Conse#uential loss/ depreciation/ wear and tear/ mechanical or electrical brea"down/ failures or brea"ages; b% 2amage to tyres and tubes unless the ehicle is damaged at the same time in which case the liability of the Company shall be limited to *-+ of the cost of replacement. c% 3ny accidental loss or damage suffered whilst the insured or any person dri ing the ehicle with the "nowledge and consent of the insured is under the influence of intoxicating li#uor or drugs. 0. 4n the e ent of the ehicle being disabled by reason of loss or damage co ered under this policy the Company will bear the reasonable cost of protection and remo al to the nearest repairer and redeli ery to the insured but not exceeding in all 's.1/*--!& in respect of any one accident. The insured may authori5e the repair of the ehicle necessitated by damage for which the Company may be liable under this policy pro ided that6 a% The estimated cost of such repair including replacements/ if any/ does not exceed 's. *--!& b% The Company is furnished forthwith with a detailed estimate of the cost of repairs; c% The insured shall gi e the Company e ery assistance to see that such repair is necessary and the charges are reasonable. S"m Ins"red & Ins"red's eclared !al"e (I !)

The 4nsured7s 2eclared 8alue $428% of the ehicle will be deemed to be the 9S:; 4(S:'E27 for the purpose of this policy which is fixed at the commencement of each policy period for the insured ehicle. The 428 of the ehicle $and accessories if any fitted to the ehicle% is to be fixed on the basis of the manufacturer7s listed selling price of the brand and model as the ehicle insured at the commencement of insurance!renewal and adjusted for depreciation $as per schedule below%. The schedule of age&wise depreciation as shown below is applicable for the purpose of Total <oss ! Constructi e Total <oss $T<!CT<% claims only.

The Sched"le of

e%reciation for *i+ing I ! Of The !ehicle $ Of e%reciation *or *i+ing I ! Of The !ehicle *+ 1*+ ,-+ 0-+ 1-+ *-+

#ge Of The !ehicle (ot exceeding ) months Exceeding ) months but not exceeding 1 year Exceeding 1 year but not exceeding , years Exceeding , years but not exceeding 0 years Exceeding 0 years but not exceeding 1 years Exceeding 1 years but not exceeding * years

428 of the ehicle beyond * years of age and of obsolete models of the ehicles $i.e. models which the manufacturers ha e discontinued to manufacture% is to be determined on the basis of an understanding between the insurer and the insured. 428 shall be treated as the 9;ar"et 8alue7 throughout the policy period without any further depreciation for the purpose of Total <oss ! Constructi e Total <oss $T<!CT<% claims. The insured ehicle shall be treated as a CT< if the aggregate cost of retrie al and ! or repair of the ehicle/ subject to terms and conditions of the policy/ exceeds =*+ of the 428 of the ehicle.

Section II & Lia,ility to Third Parties

1. Subject to the limits of liability as laid down in the schedule hereto the Company will indemnify the insured in the e ent of an accident caused by or arising out of the use of the ehicle against all sums which the insured shall become legally liable to pay in respect of > i. 2eath of or bodily injury to any person including occupants carried in the ehicle pro ided such occupants are not carried for hire or reward% but except so far as it is necessary to meet the re#uirements of ;otor 8ehicles 3ct/ the Company shall not be liable where such death or injury arises out of and in the course of the employment of such person by the insured. ii. 2amage to property other than property belonging to the insured or held in trust or in the custody or control of the insured.

,. The Company will pay all costs and expenses incurred with its written consent. 0. 4n terms of and subject to the limitations of the indemnity granted by this section to the insured/ the Company will indemnify any dri er who is dri ing the ehicle on the insured7s order or with insured!s permission pro ided that such dri er shall as though he!she was the insured obser e fulfill and be subject to the terms exceptions and conditions of this policy in so far as they apply. 1. 4n the e ent of the death of any person entitled to indemnity under this policy the Company will in respect of the liability incurred by such person indemnify his ! her personal representati e in terms of and subject to the limitations of this policy pro ided that such personal representati e shall as though such representati e was the insured obser e fulfill and be subject to the terms exceptions and conditions this policy in so far as they apply. *. The Company may at its own option > 3. 3rrange for representation at any 4n#uest or .atal 4n#uiry in respect of any death which may be the subject of indemnity under this policy and ?. :nderta"e the defense of proceedings in any Court of <aw in respect of any act or alleged offence causing or relating to any e ent which may be the subject of indemnity under this policy. #voidance of Certain Terms and -ight of -ecovery (othing in this @olicy or any endorsement hereon shall affect the right of any person indemnified by this @olicy or any other person to reco er an amount under or by irtue of the pro isions of the ;otor 8ehicle 3ct. ?ut the insured shall repay to the Company all sums paid by the Company which the Company would not ha e been liable to pay but for the said pro isions. #%%lica,ility of Limits of Indemnity 4n the e ent of any accident in ol ing indemnity to more than one person any limitation by the terms of the policy and!or of any Endorsement thereon of the amount of any indemnity shall apply to the aggregate amount of indemnity to all persons indemnified and such indemnity shall apply in priority to the insured.

Section III & Personal #ccident Cover for Owner &


1. The Company underta"es to pay compensation as per the following scale for bodily injury!death sustained by the owner&dri er of the ehicle/ in direct connection with the ehicle insured or whilst dri ing or mounting into!dismounting from the ehicle insured or whilst tra eling in it as a co& dri er/ caused by iolent accidental external and isible means which independent of any other cause shall within six calendar months of such injury results in6 Nat"re of In."ry i% 2eath ii% <oss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye iii% <oss of one limb or sight of one eye i % @ermanent total disablement from injuries other than named abo e @ro ided always that 3. Compensation shall be payable under only one of the items $i% to $i % abo e in respect of the owner&dri er arising out of any one occurrence and the total liability of the insurer shall not in the aggregate exceed the sum of 's. , <a"hs during any one period of insurance. ?. (o compensation shall be payable in respect of death or bodily injury directly or indirectly wholly or in part arising or resulting from or traceable to $1% intentional self injury suicide or attempted suicide physical defect or infirmity or $,% an accident happening whilst such person is under the influence of intoxicating li#uor or drugs. C. Such compensation shall be payable directly to the insured or to his!her legal representati es whose receipt shall be the full discharge in respect of the injury to the insured. ,. This co er is subject to a% The owner&dri er is the registered owner of the ehicle insured therein; b% The owner&dri er is the insured named in the policy Scale of Com%ensation 1--+ 1--+ *-+ 1--+


c% The owner&dri er holds an effecti e dri ing licence/ in accordance with the pro isions of 'ule 0 of the Central ;otor 8ehicle 'ules 1ABA/ at the time of accident.

/eneral 0+ce%tions
$3pplicable to all sections of the @olicy% The Company shall not be liable under this policy in respect of 1. 3ny accidental loss or damage and!or liability caused sustained or incurred outside the geographical area ,. 3ny claim arising out of any contractual liability; 0. 3ny accidental loss damage and!or liability caused sustained or incurred whilst the ehicle insured herein is $a% ?eing used otherwise than in accordance with the 9<imitations as to use7 or $b% ?eing dri en by or is for the purpose of being dri en by him!her in the charge of any person other than a dri er as stated in the 2ri er7s Clause. 1. $i% 3ny accidental loss or damage to any property whatsoe er or any loss or expense whatsoe er resulting or arising there from or any conse#uential loss $ii% 3ny liability of whatsoe er nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from ioni5ing radiations or contamination by radioacti ity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. .or the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self&sustaining process of nuclear fission. *. 3ny accidental loss or damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapons material. ). 3ny accidental loss damage and!or liability directly or indirectly or proximately or remotely occasioned by contributed to by or traceable to or

arising out of or in connection with war/ in asion/ the act of foreign enemies/ hostilities or warli"e operations $whether before or after declaration of war% ci il war/ mutiny rebellion/ military or usurped power or by any direct or indirect conse#uence of any of the said occurrences and in the e ent of any claim hereunder the insured shall pro e that the accidental loss or damage and!or liability arose independently of and was in no way connected with or occasioned by or contributed to by or traceable to any of the said occurrences or any conse#uences thereof and in default of such proof/ the Company shall not be liable to ma"e any payment in respect of such a claim.

The Company shall not be liable for each and e ery claim under Section &1 $loss or damage to the ehicle insured% of this policy in respect of the deductible stated in the schedule.

The @olicy and the Schedule shall be read together and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this policy or of the Schedule shall bear the same meaning where er it may appear. 1. (otice shall be gi en in writing to the Company immediately upon the occurrence of any accidental loss or damage in the e ent of any claim and thereafter the insured shall gi e all such information and assistance as the Company shall re#uire. E ery letter/ claim/ writ summons and !or process or copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Company immediately on receipt by the insured. (otice shall also be gi en in writing to the Company immediately the insured shall ha e "nowledge of any impending prosecution/ in#uest or fatal injury in respect of any occurrence which may gi e rise to a claim under this policy. 4n case of theft or criminal act which may be the subject of a claim under the @olicy/ the insured shall gi e immediate notice to the police and co&operate with the Company in securing the con iction of the offender. ,. (o admission offer promise payment or indemnity shall be made or gi en by or on behalf of the insured without the written consent of the Company which shall be entitled if it so desires to ta"e o er and conduct in the name of the insured the defense or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the insured for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or otherwise and shall ha e full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings or in the settlement of any claim and the insured shall gi e all such information and assistance as the Company may re#uire.

0. The Company may at its own option repair/ reinstate or replace the ehicle or part thereof and!or its accessories or may pay in cash the amount of the loss or damage and the liability of the Company shall not exceed6 $a% .or total loss ! constructi e total loss of the ehicle > the 4nsured7s 2eclared 8alue $428% of the ehicle $including accessories thereon% as specified in the schedule less the alue of the wrec". $b% .or partial losses/ i.e. losses other than Total <oss!Constructi e Total <oss of the ehicle >actual and reasonable costs of repair and !or replacement of parts lost!damaged subject to depreciation as per limits specified. 1. The insured shall ta"e all reasonable steps to safeguard the ehicle from loss or damage and to maintain it in efficient condition and the Company shall ha e at all times free and full access to examine the ehicle or any part thereof or any dri er or employee of the insured. 4n the e ent of any accident or brea"down/ the ehicle shall not be left unattended without proper precautions being ta"en to pre ent further damage or loss and if the ehicle be dri en before the necessary repairs are effected any extension of the damage or any further damage to the ehicle shall be entirely at the insured7s own ris". *. The Company may cancel the policy by sending se en days notice by recorded deli ery to the insured at insured7s last "nown address and in such e ent will return to the insured the premium paid less the pro rata portion thereof for the period the policy has been in force or the policy may be cancelled at any time by the insured on se en day7s notice by recorded deli ery and pro ided no claim has arisen during the currency of the policy/ the insured shall be entitled to a return of premium less premium at the Company7s short period rates for the period the policy has been in force. 'eturn of the premium by the Company will be subject to retention of the minimum premium of 's.1--!& $or 's/ ,*!& in respect of ehicles specifically designed !modified for use by blind!handicapped!mentally challenged persons%. Where the ownership of the ehicle is transferred/ the policy cannot be cancelled unless e idence that the ehicle is insured elsewhere is produced. ). 4f at any time of occurrence of an e ent that gi es rise to any claim under the policy there is in existence any other insurance co ering the same liability/ the Company shall not be liable to pay or contribute more than its rateable proportion of any compensation/ cost or expenses.


=. 4f any dispute or difference shall arise as to the #uantum to be paid under this policy $liability being otherwise admitted%/ such difference shall independent of all other #uestions be referred to the decision of a sole arbitrator to be appointed in writing by the parties to the dispute or if they cannot agree upon a single arbitrator within 0- days of any party in o"ing arbitration/ the same shall be referred to a panel of three arbitrators comprising two arbitrators one to be appointed by each of the parties to the dispute!difference/ and a third arbitrator to be appointed by such two arbitrators who shall act as the presiding arbitrator and 3rbitration shall be conducted under and in accordance with the pro isions of the 3rbitration and Conciliation 3ct 1AA). 4t is clearly agreed and understood that no difference or dispute shall be referable to 3rbitration as hereinbefore pro ided/ if the Company has disputed or not accepted liability under or in respect of this policy. 4t is hereby expressly stipulated and declared that it shall be condition precedent to any right of action or suit upon this policy that the award by such arbitrator!arbitrators of the amount of the loss or damage shall be first obtained. 4t is also hereby further expressly agreed and declared that if the Company shall disclaim liability to the insured for any claim hereunder and such claim shall not within twel e calendar months from the date of such disclaimer ha e been made the subject matter of a suit in a court of law/ then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to ha e been abandoned and shall not thereafter be reco erable hereunder. B. The due obser ance and fulfillment of the terms/ conditions and endorsements of this policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the insured and the truth of the statements and answers in the said proposal shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Company to ma"e any payment under this policy. A. 4n the e ent of the death of the sole insured/ this policy will not immediately lapse but will remain alid for a period of three months from the date of the death of the insured or until the expiry of this policy $whiche er is earlier%. 2uring the said period/ legal heir$s% of the insured to whom the custody and use of the ;otor ehicle passes may apply to ha e this policy transferred to the name$s% of the heir$s% or obtain a new insurance policy for the ;otor ehicle. When such legal heir$s% desire$s% to apply for transfer of this policy or obtain a new policy for the ehicle such heir$s% should ma"e an application to the Company accordingly within the aforesaid period. 3ll such applications should be accompanied by6&

a% 2eath certificate in respect of the insured b% @roof of title to the ehicle c% Criginal @olicy

No Claim 1on"s
The insured is entitled for (o Claim ?onus $(C?% on the own damage section of the policy/ if no claim is made or pending during the preceding year$s%/ as per the following table. Period Of Ins"rance $ Of NC1 On O Premi"m ,-+ ,*+ 0*+ 1*+ *-+ is renewed within A-

(o claim made or pending during the preceding full year of insurance (o claim made or pending during the preceding , consecuti e years of insurance (o claim made or pending during the preceding 0 consecuti e years of insurance (o claim made or pending during the preceding 1 consecuti e years of insurance (o claim made or pending during the preceding * consecuti e years of insurance (o claim bonus will only be allowed pro ided the policy days of the expiry date of the pre ious policy.



L 2 T /0N0-#L INS3-#NC0 CO4P#N5 LI4IT0 4OTO- INS3-#NC0 POLIC5. Im%ortant note:

@lease examine this @olicy including its attached Schedules ! 3nnexures if any. 4n the e ent of any discrepancy please contact the office of the Company immediately/ it being noted that this @olicy shall be otherwise considered as being entirely in order. @lease refer the Claims Settlement D Erie ance 'edressal procedure document attached herein for ready reference.

The Company will settle the claim under this policy within 0- days from the date of receipt of necessary documents re#uired for assessing the claim. 4n the e ent that the Company decides to reject a claim made under this policy/ the Company shall do so within a period of thirty days of the Sur ey 'eport or the additional Sur ey 'eport/ as the case may be/ in accordance with the pro isions of @rotection of @olicyholders7 4nterest 'egulations ,--,.

/-I0!#NC0 -0 -0SS#L P-OC0 3-0

8ide Circ"lar No. 67C#7/-!75P1789:88 dated ;<th ="ly ;989 / the 4'23 has defined the guidelines for Erie ance redressal by 4nsurance Companies and the same has been incorporated. .or any grie ance the 4nsured!4nsured @erson may write to6

The /rievance Officer: L2T /eneral Ins"rance Com%any Limited>

)-1&)-,/ )th .loor/ Trade Centre/ ?andra Furla Complex/ ?andra East/ ;umbai 1---*1 3lternati ely the 4nsured!4nsured @erson may also call the helpline number& GGtoll free noHH or write to The Erie ance Cfficer at GGabcIxy5.comHH for Erie ances relating to6& a% 2elay in settlement or against decision on any claim b% @remium c% (on&issue or 4nterpretation of @olicy terms d% or such other grie ances the 4nsured!4nsured person may be entitled to approach the 4nsurance Cmbudsman ha ing office at 3hmedabad/ ?hubaneshwar/ ?hopal/ Chandigarh/ Chennai/ Euwahati/ Fochi/ Fol"atta/ <uc"now/ Jyderabad/

;umbai and 2elhi. The details of the 4nsurance Cmbudsmen and their jurisdiction are a ailable on their website&!



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