Draft Parent Forum Minutes Monday 23rd September

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Draft Parent Forum minutes Monday 23rd Septmeber Present: Ellie Thomas, Jim Eaton-Terry, Joyce Smith, Ruth

h Cheesman, Dawn Gray, Karen Hill, Karen Beaver, Katie James, Janet Lewis, Kate Harrison, Jenny Wood, Malcolm Elliott (Headteacher), David Perkins (Deputy Head), William Tee (Governor), Julie Cotton, Diane Hughes Apologies Gill Moger-Taylor Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as accurate Matters Arising *Swimming pool One payment was preferred by parents. The 9 per half term suggestion meant that we would consider 5 this would be 1 a month. The forum thought this represented good value. This will be a voluntary contribution. *Outside classroom We have not had this confirmed as yet. East Devon District Council are completing various surveys. We are due to know for certain soon and this will go in to the newsletter. *Headteacher award These are now not published Communication Still the odd letter coming home at short notice. New parents seem impressed with the amount of communication. Joyce Smith possible twinning of St Peters Budleigh Budleigh is twinned with a village in the Central Massif which is a large trek. Joyce is involved with Otterton twinning and involved with the Mission as Voluntary Aided schools. Previously twinning was discussed with school Heads. This resulted in several problems - English parents didnt want children staying with families, but in hostels. French didnt want children to come to England due to threat and involvement of terrorism. Otterton is in the process of twinning via email. Y6 children are due to go to France and attend school as part of the experience. There are quite few retired teachers in the area still with valid CRB documentation. The Community College has a vehicle which is able to transport to Portsmouth for ferry before 40 minute drive the other side. They tried to get this off the ground in January, but heavy snow disrupted proceedings. As regards St Peters could we begin with email. There are quite a few families in France who want to twin with families in England. There is a certain family in contact with Joyce who would like to be paired with a family over here. This would be for individual families pairing with individual families. It was mentioned that children of Primary age maybe too young to go to France. Primary blogger may be a good way to link our children to children to France.

There may be some possible avenues for some families pairing with families. If you are interested please email Joyce. ACTION: Synopsis on school website and in newsletter with Joyce Smith contact details joyce.keslake@googlemail.com tel 442782 DP to explore blogging or email link with school We will advertise social events in community pages of Newsletter School performance data analysis ME shared the results of KS1 and KS2 SATS assessments along with the results of the Y1 Phonic Screening Test. The following comments were made: KS1 Reading data is very strong ME stated that the KS1 data is the best ever We would have liked to have seen a higher number of L3 in Maths There are high levels of L5 children in KS2 The new SPaG test didnt phase the children We showed a large improvement in Phonic Screening Test this year

School Improvement Plan The main areas for school improvement were shared by ME. The overriding aim to raise the attainment in learning and embed improvements already achieved in 2012-13. This means using attainment targets which are ambitious. We are trying to achieve Outstanding through consistent excellent achievement without any dips in 3 year period. This will involve the process of triangulation observing teaching, looking at learning in books and analysing levelled assessed learning. This is the same way that ofsted evaluated the school. This will be done in a supportive and motivating way. To achieve more consistency in approach of General Teaching Assistants and to increase the impact on attainment standards. This was begun in the previous year and is continued this term. This is also a responsibility of teachers managing their assistants. Exmouth Local Area Community have agreed to try and raise the level of teaching ad have invested as a group of schools in IRIS cameras. This allows teachers to become more reflective in their practice. This will not be used for appraisal or assessment purposes. This is also an opportunity to film good practice and share it. The long term aim is to move towards sharing this good practice across the learning community. SIAMS is the Anglican and Methodist schools inspection. As a Voluntary Aided school we are confident of our collective worship and Spirituality of children. The school is focussing on RE teaching this year in preparation.

The New National Curriculum will be introduced in September 2014 and we must prepare to make the most of the opportunities it presents. This may result in more topic focuses over the course of each year. British History will be taught chronologically and lead from the Bronze and Iron age up to the Norman conquest. Subject leaders will be given time to read in the Autumn term and Spring term will feature planning and resourcing. There will be an open parent meeting about the new curriculum. There is more French being taught ad is timetabled consisting of a half hour lesson and parcels of 10 minutes here and there. Interventions set to continue from last year and implementation of THRIVE based on child brain development and a knowledge of areas of development and how to rectify this development where it is interrupted. We have children who struggle with school because the approach at school may not match their current level of development. THRIVE aims to fill the gaps in this development. Beverley Cawthera is cascading this approach out to all staff from her 9 days training. All school staff need to have a knowledge of this approach so provision is consistent. Early indications are that this is looking to be a highly effective approach. The Behaviour Support team are also THRIVE trained. There are several things begun last year that need to be embedded and sustained such as phonics, SPaG and the improvements within sport and music. Headteacher Appointment There is an advert in the national Times Educational Supplement for a new Headteacher of the school. So far within the first week 21 application packs have been sent out. Several people have been shown around the school. Interviews will take place in mid November with Governors including our School Improvement Officer, an additional officer and a officer from the Diocese to evaluate the church of England ethos. This will be a 2 day process. If the Governors wish to not appoint they will start the process again with a view to making the appointment in the Spring term. ME will stay as long as necessary. ME is not allowed to play any role the appointment of his successor. Items from the suggestion box Chocolate and crisps in packed lunches There is feeling about the banning of these items in packed lunches. There is a wide variety in the provision of packed lunch boxes. This is difficult considering that a school dinner can consist of chips and other less healthy options. There are some children who have very unhealthy packed lunches each day. Parents should be allowed to make that choice Some children have a worry of time out if they have crisps or chocolate. It was agreed that as Headteacher healthy diet should be encouraged and schools are pressured to challenge.

ACTION Guidance to healthy packed lunches to be issued in newsletter and crisps to be allowed on Fridays to match the health gauge of the school meal. It is about informing children and encouraging balance. Information to topics in Early Years There may be too big a gap of information given between Foundation and Y1. This would be quite an ask of teachers to complete each week. Our Homelearning is differentiated 3 ways and to explain/describe would be complexed and time consuming. The Next Week and class notices parts of the class sheet seem very useful and would be of great benefit to parents. ME - we could share the document produced by EALC schools on calculation in school. ACTION Mrs Harrison to explore whether we can link this to the website. ACTION school to explore possible ways of producing the weekly notices or timetables. This could be done in the newsletter. Confirm date of next meeting: Monday 18th November 2013 Agenda items for next meeting Swimming pool update

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