Beware of Anti-Tesla Hecklers

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By William Lyne
(A letter to the forum, 7/25/09)

This paper is called for to clear the air regarding recent flamers and
organized hecklers—of whom Clark R. Daniel (“bobdee1001") is one—who roam the
Internet apparently looking for valid information to suppress. You might call them
“the agents of chaos,” since their comments have been consistently false,
impertinent and hostile to the subject at hand in this case, which is Nikola
Tesla’s electric flying machine technology and Tesla research in general. This
subject relates to my books, Occult Ether Physics andPentagon Aliens.
There are those who also claim that Nikola Tesla “knew nothing about
physics”, etc. But I ask them to name another scientist for whom it can be said
that “the contents of his safe, two truckloads of papers and apparatus from his
hotel room and laboratory occupying a whole floor, and another 75 packing crates
and trunks in a storage facility, and another 80 large storage trunks in another
storage facility” (say FBI papers released under the FOIA, 252 pages) have been
concealed by the government for over 66 years to date, since Jan., 1943. Not one
page of this huge quantity of documents and apparatus has been declassified since
1943, excepting a couple of steamer trunks of “historical” documents (150,000
pages) which were released to Tesla’s Yugoslavian heirs which represents the
document collection of the present Tesla Museum in Belgrade.
Not to brag, just stating facts, I am the leader of “true” UFO research
(Tesla invented the UFO). So I am naturally like a lightening rod to such
hecklers. Gradually we work toward the truth, avoiding blind alleys, gaining more
valid information. Though it may sound strange, only those following in my
footsteps will find the ultimate truth regarding UFOs. This is by default, because
no one else of sufficient diligence has emerged, and I don’t retreat from the
truth or give in to intimidation, regardless of attacks by hecklers and organized
Internet thugs or their dupes. I stand by all that I have said when I wrote it,
and revise my views as the case may demand by availability of new information when
and if that occurs. I may not be quite there yet, but I know that I am on the
right track and am closer than anyone else.
The rest is lies, mistakes, misinformation and confusion. The thing about
Tesla’s statements which renders them more vulnerable to varied interpretation or
obfuscation by the hecklers—mostly relativists—is that Tesla not only sailed close
to the wind, but also wrote in proper “Edwardian” English, which so few today can
clearly understand. He sometimes put out misinformation and was secretive to
protect his most closely held discoveries at particular times. The reason I
consider myself better than most at interpreting Tesla’s writings is that I began
reading college-level literature and classics at the age of six (1944) which were
written in Tesla’s time or earlier, so that was really my introduction to
literature. Tesla was a non-relativist completely. Most of the errors made today
by relativists derive from the fact that they rely too much on math and fail to
develop adequate mechanical visualizations or observational skills to determine
what is actually happening in reality. Tesla was very mechanical and said that he
was more of a mechanical engineer than anything else, and just look at what he
While a small handful of doctrinaire relativists or knuckle-dragging,
retarded, psychotic bottom-feeding cretins may infiltrate and try to sabotage our
efforts, they only reveal themselves for what they are—confused, ignorant, stupid,
disloyal, fraudulent, weak semi-literate spies, dupes, saboteurs, vandals and
ingrate deceivers, intent on defacing the good, the true, the valuable and the
rare, hard-to-get suppressed valid information, amid a jungle of lies, including
theirs’. Interpreting Tesla requires some special talents, and these Bubbas just
don’t have it.
For example (from Flunking the Debunker, (Scribd) Wm. Lyne, my oscillating
electromagnetic dipole statement from The Electromagnetic Interaction) the words
“...A dipole which is tuned to 3/8 (or 1/4, the same) will continue to throw out
energy even when conditions are reversed, because there is a time lag between
changes in charge and current distribution”, has nothing to do with the “time
reversal” fantasy of the relativists, as some have imagined. It simply relates to
the fact that changes in charge and current do not obey the theoretical “C” (are
slower), due to the velocity factors involved, and so are not in proper sync. At
sufficiently high frequencies, the charges, which lag even further behind the
current distribution, are still being thrown out when the current is supposed to
be reversed according to the wave mechanical graphic, which gives a false
impression in this case. We have the “theory” and the wave mechanical graphic,
then we have the reality of the electrostatic “D.C.” discharges. “Time reversal”
does not exist, because “time” is merely an artificial human system of measurement
of the rate at which events occur. Those who actually believe that time is some
sort of entity which can “reverse” in a coil are definitely deluded or confused by
relativist “theory”. As Leonardo da Vinci said, “The supreme misfortune is when
theory outstrips performance.” This brings to mind some pathetic dupe sitting in
his “time machine” in his home workshop, waiting for his “time trip” to begin. Any
time now.....
When I wrote my books, I knew there would be the inevitable cheap
imitators, government toadies and stooges, and just plain ignorant scum-bag
hecklers, coming up from the dark bottom like a tangled mass of turd-gobbling
worms, feeding on pseudo-intellectual rot in a cesspool of lies. They are always
there, opportunistic sociopathic lurkers who reveal their lowly characters, their
limited, lying, stupid, ignorant, unworthy and impotent selves. Easily misled and
confused, these weak and evil cowards usually attack in groups like hyenas. They
are always present like death, and will pick and even eat your bones when you die.
A person of evil intent (a sociopath, a criminal) will always try to come
up with a false (therefore flawed) argument, to get around the truth. Usually it
is not even an argument, but only an unsubstantiated denial which is really a
disguised lie. For example, a lie told by a man (“”)
going by the name of “Sam” —that J. J. Thomson followed the “solid-as-steel”
theory of the ether—was without existent documentary evidence or any presented, so
there is “no way in hell” that he could know this to be true, so we can assume
this to be a witting lie, especially since he claims to be such a know-it-all. As
I state in the frontispiece of Occult Ether Physics, quoting the German
philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, “Truth can come from lies but lies cannot come
from the truth.” The truth coming from Sam’s lies is that he is a liar. Once a
liar, always a liar. You can never trust what he says. He has no credibility.
A truth I learned early in life is that the bully is usually a coward, who
attacks only when other thugs open the way or back him up, or when he thinks he
can win against a helpless opponent without any harm to himself. When you get him
alone you can intellectually whip his ass if he will fight at all.
So what kind of people are these pathetic Internet troublemakers and
flamers, really? Something like a dogmatic relativist, a lackluster failed
“engineer”, a brain-damaged paranoid schizophrenic on pension for mental defects,
or an illiterate ignoramus who doesn’t even read English beyond the level of a
third-grader, who asked the stupidest questions I’ve ever read on all the years
of this forum. And all of them cruising and abusing the Internet (like Clark
Success in working toward the truth cannot be prevented by such people.
They only strengthen resolve. They are like an annoying swarm of stinking flies in
Summer, planting and hatching their eggs in dung then dying off in the cool,
cleansing breezes of Fall. Like worms and maggots necessary to the process of
disposing of necrotic organic waste, they live in the excrement cesspool of their
own lies. But they will never, ever rise to the top to achieve anything worthwhile
in the light of day. They are forever banned to the ranks of skulking malcontents
sitting on the sidelines looking always for weakness like the sociopaths they are.
And they fall by the wayside like dead flies, to be eaten by other flies or ants
as we move toward the truth.
When Tesla took J. J. Thomson to task and asserted the superiority of
rapidly-varying electrostatic discharges over the electrodynamics favored by
Thomson (Note by Prof. J. J. Thomson, London Electrician, July 24, 1891) in regard
to the fluorescent reactions of gases at low pressures in glass tubes, this
argument actually related to Tesla’s longitudinal electrostatic pressure waves in
the ether, which also related to an improved electromagnetic momentum theory (or
perhaps more properly, an “Electrostatic Momentum Theory”). When Thomson agreed,
stating “As a matter of fact, it is very much easier to get the luminosity when
these electrostatic effects are operative than when they are not.”, this was
tantamount to Thomson’s agreement to the gaseous ether concept and an affirmative
rejection of the “solid-as-steel” concept of the ether, since longitudinal
electrostatic pressure waves cannot be propagated in a solid ether (because
transverse waves are produced in a solid).
As for Tesla’s statements regarding experiments with “rapidly-varying
electrostatic discharges” (sometimes phrased as “rapidly alternating electrostatic
discharges”), such discharges cannot be produced by an electrostatic generator
such as Van de Graaf, a Wimshurst or a Wommelsdorf. In Tesla’s time, they could
only be produced with a Tesla coil (there being no other way to “rapidly-vary” the
output of an electrostatic generator). We have seen, with all the
available Tesla bibliography at their disposal, some idiots actually deny that
Tesla’s oscillating electromagnetic dipole tuned to 1/4 wavelength produces
negative, rapidly-varying electrostatic (“D.C.”) discharges. Did it ever occur to
such nincompoops as to how Tesla produced the electrostatics he did so many
experiments with? Did it ever occur to them why electrostatic generators were
nowhere to be seen in Tesla’s labs?
Here comes the coup de grace. As Tesla stated—writing about the huge
M.I.T. electrostatic generator (Possibilities of Electro-Static Generators,
Scientific American, Mar. 1934) (emphasis mine)—

“My wireless tower on Long Island, erected in 1902, carried a sphere which
had a diameter of 67 1/2 feet and was mounted in this manner. It was to be charged

And what was this “simple device for supplying static electricity”? As
shown by Nikola Tesla’s patent #1,119,732, Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical
Energy (granted Dec. 1, 1914), the “device” was a Tesla coil, an oscillating
electromagnetic dipole tuned to 1/4 wavelength!
As Tesla stated in the text of the 1914 patent, page two, lines 35 to 38,
describing the tuning and action of the Tesla coil (emphasis mine), “ under
normal working conditions ONE QUARTER OF THE PERIOD or more for its transformation
from STATIC to KINETIC form...” (the “kinetic form” was the rapidly-varying
electrostatic form).
You see, the thing which these dolts fail to understand, is that a Tesla
coil produces longitudinal, rapidly-varying electrostatic pressure waves in the
ether, not truly “electromagnetic waves”. And that is what makes Tesla’s work so
Should we give credence to anyone pretending to be a serious Tesla
researcher who denies such an easily documented and most important fact? Of course
not! Such denials do not even deserve to be dignified by a response, as they are
the idiotic babble of ignorant phonies who do not understand Tesla’s work and
choose to misrepresent it, as proven by their stupid denials (in case anyone
wonders, I point this out only for the purpose of demonstrating the glaring
ignorance of the “Gang of Three”, “The Three Stooges”, on our forum, all of whom
have made the same denial of this central fact.
And we see by this collective denial that there is a method to the madness
of these three hecklers. As you can’t fail to notice, not only is what they say
not constructive—only destructive—and that they spew out a big, nasty smokescreen
of impertinent garbage, but also that the conspicuous point of all their actions
has always centered on denying the means for producing rapidly-varying
electrostatic discharges, a Tesla coil tuned to 1/4 wavelength, something Tesla
was most adamant about. In other words, their intent is to deny Tesla’s most
fundamental discovery leading to UFO propulsion, as well as to the wireless
transmission of electrical energy.
We see that these hecklers are not pro-Tesla, they are anti-Tesla, which
brings us to the question, why are such people appearing on our forum? Their
obvious main intent is not to attack me, personally, as the leader of true UFO
research—although that is undeniably part of their plan—but to sabotage and
torpedo our progress.
So what do we do? As the Union Admiral David Farragut exclaimed at the
Battle For Mobile Bay in the U. S. Civil War, “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed
ahead!” And he did, and he won the battle, and so will we, if we follow Farragut’s
advice. So I have damned the torpedoes. Time for full speed.

William Lyne

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