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Box 15692 ~ Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87506-15692 ~ (505) 424-6100

President Carol Johnson Secretary Cynthia Geder
1st Vice President Wanda Ross- Padilla Asst. Secretary Alex Downen
2nd Vice President Agnes Moses Treasurer Christine Johnson

August 2009

since the Legislature did not provide funds for the

Santa Fe 400 commemoration. Santa Fe 400, the
Branch and others are investigating potential
funding sources. Any ideas are greatly
appreciated. Members of the Branch met with Mr.
Katz after the meeting at Santa Fe 400 for lunch
and stimulating conversation. We will keep you
2009 marks the 100th Anniversary of the
informed as to the progress and plans for a
founding of the National Association for the
presentation by Mr. Katz in Santa Fe.
Advancement of Colored People. We are the
oldest Civil Rights Organization in America.
Congratulations to Christine Johnson, Bob Moses
and Wanda Padilla for their awards from the New
PRESIDENT’S LETTER – Carol Johnson Mexico Office of African American Affairs on June
13, 2009. They are well deserved. Thanks to
them for their continued hard work and
dedication to the NAACP and the community.

It has been a busy spring and summer for the

Branch. Read on for more details. We are sending
the newsletter electronically, by email and on
website, and will have printed copies at
meetings. If you would like a printed copy mailed
to you, please let us know. The cost of printing
and mailing the newsletter was becoming
prohibitive. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thanks for your support and dedication to the

mission of the NAACP.

I hope you are having a great summer. The ABOUT US

NAACP National Convention was held in New York
City, July 11-16, 2009. The theme was NAACP Protecting the diversity of culture, ethnicity, and
100 Years Bold Breams – Big Victories! Chris the rights of people under the law is at the heart
Johnson was our delegate; see her report for of the mission of the Santa Fe branch of the
highlights. NAACP. Bruce King, former New Mexico
governor declared, in 1979, that New Mexico is a
I accompanied William Katz, author of The Black multicultural state. The NAACP is about ensuring
West to meet with Libby Dover, Executive the political, educational, social, and economic
Director of Santa Fe 400 during his visit to Santa equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate
Fe in May. Santa Fe 400 would like to include Mr. racial hatred and discrimination.
Katz in their quatrocentenial lecture series which
will begin October, 2009. Funding is an issue
to and MUST DO in the next 100 years--starting
NAACP NATIONAL CONVENTION Tuesday, July 14th, at our Regional meeting met
with Miller Newman presiding--we elected Dr.
JULY 11-16, 2009 Ernest Johnson (La) as our Regional Nominee to
the Board of Directors. Our present Board of
Directors members gave their reports. The Youth
of Regional VI elected officers and they were
introduced. Sam Bone, Jr. (NM State Pres) gave
a detailed report of the Region VI's Leadership
Conference held in ABQ. In Feb, 2009. The
Conference made $1,311.82.

There were over 2,000 registered Delegates, and

5,000 attendees at this historical Convention--the
largest ever!!!

During the Legislative session, I was most

-Report by Christine Johnson. impressed with the young delegates who spoke
to and for different Resolutions on the floor, in a
The Annual NAACP National Convention was held concise, intelligent, researched, and committed
in New York City, July 11-16, 2009, the manner. Some notable Resolutions passed on
birthplace of the NAACP in February, 1909 and Tuesday, were: National Day of Non-
this was its 100th Anniversary. The Theme was Violence,April4,2010;anti-bullying and
BOLD DREAMS BIG VICTORIES. Harassment in schools; HIV/AIDS "The Way
Forward" in 2006 in collaboration with the Black
On Sunday, July 12th, I attended the Prayer AIDS Institute; Change the time of Annual
Breakfast/Memorial Service for deceased NAACP Financial Report from February to March; NAACP
Officers and members, the Rev. Al Sharpton was supports legislation to address Racial
the "Speaker" and he preached!!!! Later on in Discrimination and Disparities in Criminal Justice
the evening the Grand Ballroom was packed for Prosecutions.
the Opening Public Mass Meeting, which was very
ably presided over by the VP of the Board of Tabled Resolutions that will come before the
Directors, Roslyn Brock. Delegates on Thursday AM were: Combining the
Efforts of ACTSO of the mind and Back to School
All the dignitaries from NY State and City, State Stay in School program to assist in Demolishing
Senators and Representatives and the US House of High School Dropout Rates among African-
of Representatives Speaker of the House brought American students.
greetings. The Keynoter was Julian Bond,
Chairman of the Board. He was committed to We started all the Plenary and Legislative
what the NAACP stands for and insistent in what Sessions with this Call led by the President
MORE has to be addressed and done in the next FIRED UP--and we answered--READY TO
100 years. He announced that he will not be GO!!!! This was done three (3) times each
running next year for Chairman of the Board. louder than the first. WOW!!!!!

On Monday, July13th, we began having our Thank you for permitting me to represent the
Regional Meetings which begin (Mon, Tues, & Santa Fe Branch!
Wed. @8am) for Region VI (AR, LA, OK, NM, &
TX). Sam Bone, Jr. presided and I took
the minutes. The newly elected Officers 2009-
2010 are Chair: Miller Newman (OK), Vice Chair:
Gary Bledsoe (TX), Secretary: Twan Jones (OK),
Asst. Sec: Yolanda Smith (TX), Treasurer: Ora
Washington. The 1st Plenary Session had 5 of the
former Presidents/CEOs speak and then our
young Pres/CEO Benjamin Jealous gave the
Keynote address. He was energetic, forward
thinking and explicit in what this organization has
and refined in practice. The Commission sought
TRUTH & RECONCILIATION free confession and the renunciation of violence
IN SOUTH AFRICA by perpetrators, the incentive being the
possibility (not the promise) of amnesty. Cross-
examination, legal representation, the
-Report by Vikki Scott
determination of guilt, and the imposition of
sanctions were left to the Courts. The process
The end of apartheid in South Africa and the
was thought to reinforce democracy.
election of the first democratic government in
1994, was one of the defining events of the end
The experience of the TRC in South Africa and its
of the 20th century. After careful consideration,
role in facilitating the transition to a democratic,
the new government decided against instituting
nonracial South Africa continues to be evaluated
judicial proceedings based on the Nuremberg
and debated. The South African model is invoked
model to prosecute the perpetrators of human
where people seek to resolve conflict and expose
rights abuses under the Apartheid Regime. It
government abuse outside the limitations of the
was thought that to "judicialize" the process
judicial system. Here in the U.S., Senator Patrick
would by too costly in time and money for the
Leahy and Representative John Conyers have
young nation and the patience of her citizens to
proposed a "truth commission" to investigate, but
not prosecute, alleged crimes of the Bush
administration. It is appropriate for people who
Instead the South African Government under the
value democracy to understand the workings of
leadership of President Nelson Mandela, instituted
the South African Truth and Reconciliation
the first Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Commission in order to support the effective
(TRC) by statute, the Promotion of National Unity
implementation of the principle where needed.
and Reconciliation Act, No. 34 of 1995. Since
then Commissions have been set up to address
all sorts of government wrongdoing in countries FORT CRAIG REPATRIATION CEREMONY
from Argentina to the United States. These SANTA FE NATIONAL CEMETERY
Commissions have taken various forms and JULY 28, 2009
served different ends, but the South African
model remains foremost in the minds of people
the world over.

The remains of 64 soldiers and civilians exhumed

from Fort Craig Cemetery in central New Mexico
by the Bureau of Reclamation are now resting at
the Santa Fe National Cemetery. The last three of
An important objective of the Commission was to the soldiers were reburied following a memorial
discover the truth of what happened during the service at Santa Fe on July 28, 2009.
apartheid era. It was thought that an honest and
open examination of past events would foster The three identified soldiers, United States Army
informed public debate and an accurate public Privates Levi Morris, Thomas Smith and David
consciousness of shared history. The mandate of Ford and the other soldiers and civilians received
the Commission was limited to only two years. full military honors during the ceremony held on
National Buffalo Soldier Day. All three were
Distinctions between the function of the TRC and Buffalo Soldiers.
the judicial system were defined in the Statute
Cliff Shields, director of the Santa Fe National
Cemetery, was Master of Ceremonies; the FROM NAACP NATIONAL
Presentation of the Colors was performed by the AUGUST, 2009
New Mexico National Guard; the Eulogy was
given by retired U.S. Army General Julius Parker;
and other comunity leaders were on hand at the

NAACP Congratulates Supreme Court

Justice Sonia Sotomayor




(For more on the story go to following statement today on the confirmation of
ml) Judge Sonia Sotomayor as the next Supreme
Court Justice.

“The confirmation of the first Latina to join the

Supreme Court is a moment that our nation
should celebrate,” NAACP President and CEO
Benjamin Todd Jealous said. “It brings us one
step closer to the inclusive democracy that is the
hallmark and promise of our great nation. Judge
Sotomayor has the judicial track record, the
intellectual fortitude, and the life experiences
that will serve the Supreme Court and our nation

Said Jealous; “The NAACP applauds the U.S

Senate and the Judiciary Committee members
Senators Patrick Leahy, Benjamin Cardin, Charles
Schumer, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Lindsay
Graham for moving this process along in a swift
and judicious manner. Justice Sotomayor brings
more federal judicial experience to the Supreme
Court than any justice in 100 years and we are
proud to see her confirmed.”
“The United States Senate made history today,
and the NAACP is proud to stand with newly INTERNATIONAL VISITOR LEADERSHIP
confirmed Supreme Court Justice Sonia PROGRAM
Sotomayor. Justice Sotomayor’s historic
nomination and confirmation to the Court is an
AUGUST 11, 2009
excellent choice, and she will bring much needed
balance to Supreme Court,” stated Hilary O. At the August 11th monthly meeting, we will
Shelton, Director of the NAACP’s Washington have very special visitors present who are
Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy. participating in the International Visitor
Leadership Program sponsored by the State
“Justice Sotomayor’s decisions after 17 years on Department and hosted by The Council on
the federal bench show her to be thoughtful, International Relations. They are from Israel,
intelligent and extremely fair-minded with a including an Ethiopian student coordinator.
strong and proven commitment to civil rights
protection. As such, we have not seen a more The objective of their visit includes Examining
inspired nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court how grassroots organizations seek to influence
since the great Judge Thurgood Marshall,” human rights policy at the national, state, and
concluded Shelton. local level and Exploring citizen's rights and
HTTP://WWW.NAACP.ORG/ responsibilities in a civil society, particularly
minority rights.

NORTH AFRICAN & CARIBBEAN CAFE Hope you are able to attend!
AUGUST, 2009
Jambo Cafe PASSES
Luis Rodriguez
1935 – 2009
North African and Caribbean influenced
restaurant will be having its grand NAACP Branch member, Luis Rodriguez of Santa
opening in Santa Fe! Fe and Las Vegas, passed away in the early
morning of Friday, June 26, after a brief struggle
with lung cancer. He died at home surrounded
Chef Amed Obe has a great menu
and supported by family and friends.
featuring his native foods.
Louis Alphonse Rodriguez, Jr. a.k.a. Luis
Jambo Cafe has good prices and a Rodriguez was born January 24, 1935, on Cerro
welcoming environment. Gordo Road near Two Mile Reservoir in Santa Fe.
He was 5 years old when he and his 2 brothers
were orphaned by the death of their mother from
Drop by and say “Jambo” (hello)! TB. His father left Santa Fe to serve in the Navy
during WWII. The brothers were raised by their
Lunch or dinner anyone? grandmother, Simona Ortiz Rodriguez. Grandma
Location: 2010 Cerrillos Road Rodriguez made tortillas by hand on their wood-
burning stove; they drew water from the acequia
and kept goats on the hills above. Grandma
Open 11am to 9pm taught him to roll and smoke tobacco at the age
of eight: he was a life-long smoker. Luis's
505-920-4803 for information experience growing up in pre war Santa Fe, in
Oakland, CA, and later in the US military, gave
him a keen sense of racial justice and social bias.
Only 15 percent of drug users are African-
American, yet 74 percent of all drug Luis is survived by daughters Audry Rodriguez of
offenders sentenced to prison are black Albuquerque and Yvonne Rodriguez of
Sacramento, California; companion of 20 years,
Victoria Scott of Santa Fe; her children Charles
Arianna Huffington on Sunday, July 26th, 2009 in
Mundy-Castle of Las Cruces; Jenny Mundy-
This Week with George Stephanopoulos
Castle, and daughter Salomé Castle-Verkouille of
Santa Fe.

The Santa Fe NAACP Branch 2009-10 Planning The principle objective of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Meeting was held March 10, 2009 during
shall be to ensure the political, educational, social
combined Executive Committee and Membership and economic equality of minority group citizens;
meetings. In this centennial year and the next, to achieve equality of rights and to eliminate race
we are planning productive and exciting prejudice among the citizens of the United States;
activities, which will increase our ability to to remove all barriers of racial discrimination
continue the struggle for civil rights for all. through democratic processes; to seek enactment
and enforcement of federal, state and local laws
securing civil rights; to inform the public of
Some of the activities planned include events to
adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek
increase membership and strengthening our its elimination; to educate persons as to their
partnerships with other organizations with like constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to
missions; speakers at monthly meetings; secure the exercise thereof, and, to take any lawful
Juneteenth and Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday action in furtherance of these objectives consistent
celebrations; participation in the 400th with the Articles of Incorporation.
anniversary of Santa Fe; a Walk for Family
Justice; a trip to Africa…

The following members have agreed to chair and

participate on the following committees:

Communications/Press & Publicity –

George Geder & Vikki Scott
Community Coordination –
Cedric Page
Education –
Rebecca Cecil & Carol Johnson
Finance/Fundraising –
Christine Johnson, Daran Moon & Carol Johnson,
Political Action –
Bob Moses & Reena Szczepanski
Youth Work –
Isaac Engelson
Health – Doris Fields NAACP – The Oldest Civil Rights
Membership – Cynthia Geder & Alex Organization in America
Downen Founded in 1909
Juneteenth – Nichoe Lichen & Karen Finney
Legal Redress – 100th Anniversary Celebration in
Karen Finney 2009
Chair and committee members are pending for
the following committees:
Armed Services/Veterans Affairs, Special thanks to the following members
Religious Affairs, Economic Development, who assisted in getting out this
Housing, Labor & Industry, newsletter:
and Martin Luther King Day.
Carol Johnson, Christine Johnson &
Volunteers are need for all committees. Your
participation will be greatly appreciated and will Victoria Scott.
increase our ability to continue the struggle for
civil rights for all. George Geder, Editor

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