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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter November 12, 2013

Pastors Notes: On behalf of our entire staff and our families, we wish to thank you for the words of kindness and love on Sunday morning. You expressions of cards, words, hugs and facebook messages are so much appreciated. We all count it such a joy and honor to labor among you. This is the best church ANYWHERE and we are privileged to labor with you. While we thank God for where we have been, we also want to thank God for where we are going. We believe the Lord has not changed His mind about our future and what He desires for us to do. As we labor together, there is no limit to what can be accomplished. Let us continue to pray, fast and work to see the kingdom of God advanced here in Woodruff S.C. With Thanksgiving being in the month of November, what better time to spend on focusing on being thankful. So for the next 2 Sunday nights, we are going to have some special services to reflect on being thankful. This coming Sunday night (17th), we are going to have an old time "testimony meeting". We will sing some and testify some. We want to hear the testimonies from the saints on how God has blessed and shown His favor on you. Please, NO TESTIMONIES ABOUT THE DEVIL! We want everyone to be in church Sunday night to share what God has done in your life.

On Sunday night, November 24th, we will be participating in a communion service. Our whole focus will be on remembering the sacrifice of the Lord and being thankful for his broken body and His shed blood. What a great way to go into the holiday week! Make your plans to be involved with us.

Sunday Morning, November 24th, is an opportunity for baby dedication. If you have a child that needs to be dedicated to the Lord, call the church office and give the necessary information to the secretary. Remember, dedication is as much, if not more so, about the parents/guardians as it is the child. For that reason, at least one of the parents/guardians must be a born again believer. In advance, thank you for the church to be part of this important step in your and your child's life.

As pastor, I want to encourage you in two things during this holiday season: 1) be faithful & consistent in your attendance to the Lord's House. With so many things going on in our lives, it is easy to allow those things to take precedent in our lives. We need to remember to keep on focus on the Lord and doing everything we can to continue to build our relationship with him. Sunday night services are just as important as Sunday morning. Wednesday nights are just as helpful as Sunday night. Every time we gather together, we do so to gain more knowledge of the Word and to fellowship with the Lord. 2) be faithful & consistent in your financial giving. With all the pressure to give as much as you receive, we often look for places to find that extra money. If you aren't a "sold out" believer in tithing and giving to the Lord, that money may seem like a good place to find some extra money. Always remember that the "tithes" is the Lord's already. It's simply a matter of whether or not you will release it to Him. You will always come out better honoring the Lord with what is His than if you don't. I also want to encourage some others who may not yet know the joy of tithing to start now. What better time to start giving than in the season some call the season of giving. God is always faithful. Are we? Community Thanksgiving Service will be held Tuesday night, November 26th at Cavins Baptist Church. We will be transferring our service to over there. PLEASE....everyone join us there. Pam Garrett will be singing and I will be bringing the message. Let's join together with our brothers & sisters and give thanks unto the Lord!

Saturday November 16 : Extreme Kidz and Acts Student Ministry will be serving Thanksgiving Meals to needy families in the community. If you have signed up to fix a dish for this meal please have it at the church at 9:00 am on Saturday morning. We will began fixing place at 9:00 and start delivering at 10:30. Thank you for all your support!

Prayer List

AMERICA, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Darryl Crowe, Michael Edmond, The Smith Family, Paula Beck & Family, Kayla Lister, Jackson Knight, Vickie Wyatt, Dreya Aiken, Derrick Crooper, Mavis Blackwell, Tiffany Cartee, Odell Jenkins, Sammy Watson, Houston Cobb, Ammie Wyatt, Rudell Frazier, Jerry Knight, Annette Lanford, Steve Lida, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

Thank you so much for all the cards, gifts, sweet messages, and kind words that were given to us this past weekend! We appreciate your kindness to us more than you will ever know. What an honor to serve the Lord at the Woodruff Church of God! -Todd and Vickie There will be no choir, praise team or band practice on Sunday morning, 11/17. Choir will wear Black this Sunday.

Thank you for all you have done to support our "Miracle on Poole Street" Christmas project. We appreciate so many classes donating to this. We have several classes that have adopted a Christmas tree to decorate. We have one class that is donating all of the ham for the dinner! What a blessing! We have enough toiletries at this point, but we still need men's items - small flashlights, tape measures, work gloves, etc. If you have any questions at all or are interested in helping us on Dec. 7, please let Todd or Vickie know right away! It's 'going to be a wonderful night of ministry! Here's a list of what we still need: (5) 5-6 Ft. Christmas Trees 8 Storage Bins 2 more families or groups to adopt a Christmas tree to decorate Work gloves, small flashlight, tape measure, etc. for 150 gift bags 25 coloring books 150 Small boxes of crayons Lots of Christmas candy Other items that can be given away in a drawing (TV, pocket book, gift cards, bicycle, anything that can be donated)

Our Joy Club for the month of November has been moved up one week. This is due to Thanksgiving coming on our regular fourth Thursday meeting night. Please make sure you go by and sign up for this meeting. The attendance sheet as well as the food sheet are both already on the bulletin board. Go by this week and get signed up. We look forward to seeing you there on Thursday Nov. 21 at 6:30 PM.

Toy Closet items for this week: Movies & DVDs Thanks for all who participated in the Belk Charity Sale. We made $210.00. Pat Chappell sold the most tickets and Jeanette Bragg came in close behind her.

Saturday November 30th we will be watching the Clemons/Carolina Game on the Big Screen in the youth building. Sign up on the Bulletin Board in the Hallway.

P&W Practice at 5:45pm Wednesday Night. Drama Practice Sunday at 4:45pm

Drama practice for 6-12 year old Sunday @ 5:00. Christmas Play Practice @ 6:00 for ages 2-12. Thank you for all the kind words and gifts that you gave for Pastor's Appreciation. We are very blessed to be a part of WCOG! Ms. Deanna and Ms. Tabitha's Wednesday night class need gallon milk jugs for a project they are doing on November 20, if you would like to donate your milk jugs please see to Ms. Deanna or Ms. Tabitha. Upcoming Events: November 23: Extreme Kidz Skating

Just a reminder this Sunday we will be selling different kinds of Tacos for our Building Project. Three Tacos and a soda for $5.00, this event will be held at the Youth Building. Come and join us. God Bless and have a wonderful week Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- John & Jeanne Nemitz Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & John Nemitz Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Michael Brown, Harold Chesney, Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, & Kenny Waddell Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip Pruitt Bus Take Home: Clint and Donna Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take home: Garren and Craig Van 2 Take home: Tim and June Wednesday Night Late Workers: Lynette & Patsy NurseryWednesday-Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & Tanya Tumblin PM: Ann Knight Music- Wednesday- Doug Deakin PM-Adam & Brooke Jones Praise Team- Maroon Computer Chas Guitar Korey, Freddie, Greg

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