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Excel Scavenger Hunt

1. How many ribbons are available in Excel? 7 2. Which ribbon has a section used to align text in a cell? Home 3. Autosum is available on two ribbons. What are the two ribbons? Home tab and formula tab 4. How do you move the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbons? Click the drop down arrow to the right of the toolbar, scroll down and click show below the ribbon. 5. Place the cursor in cell F17; what happens when you hold down Ctrl and press the right arrow button? It goes to the last cell in row 15 (Cell XFD 15) 6. Press Home, what cell does it go to? The cell at the beginning of the current row. 7. Place the cursor in cell A1, press Page Down; what happens? It goes to cell B1 8. Place the cursor in cell A1, press Alt + Page Down; what happens? displays the next full screen to the right 9. Press F5, in the cell reference type J400. What dialog box appears? Go to 10. In the name box, type A2:B19; what does it do? It goes to that cell. 11. At the bottom of the worksheet in the tabs, type Vacation in sheet 1; Disney in sheet 2; Beaches in sheet 3. What was the procedure you used to do this? Change to different sheets. 12. How do you select all rows and columns in a worksheet? Click the Select all button Or Ctrl+ A 13. Press shift+ spacebar what does it do? Select objects on worksheet 14. Press Ctrl+spacebar what does it do? Zoom out 15. Press Ctrl+; what does it do? Changes pages 16. Ctrl+ shift+; what does it do? Copy 17. Press F2 button; what does it do? Enables you to edit the cell. 18. Press shift+F3 button; what does it do? Use formulas 19. Change the Margins to Top: .7; Bottoms: .7; left: 1; Right: .5. Where did you go to do this? Page-layout

20. Add a Custom Header with your name in the left section, center section select page numbers; left section current date. What ribbon did you use to add the header? What view are you in when you are working in a header? Insert. 21. How do you change back to normal view? View Normal 22. List two ways to enter a formula in a spreadsheet. You can enter a formula in the formula bar or insert a function in the cell. 23. What is the symbol for a function? fx 24. Where is the help button? What does it look like? Top right corner below the close button. It is a small blue circle with a white question mark 25. Enter numbers or words in the range A5:C7. What is the shortcut to select all the active cells in that range? (Use the help menu) CTRL + ALT 26. Enter a in D14 and a in D15. Explain how you entered these symbols. Where did you find them? Insert- Symbols 27. Copy the range A5:C7 to A11:C14 using the drag and drop method. Explain how you did this. I highlighted the text, held it, and dragged it to the cell and released it. 28. Enter numbers in A20:A24. Without using formulas, explain how you would know the average and sum of those numbers. Use the ribbon 29. What ribbon would you use to add a chart to your spreadsheet? How will Excel know what you want in your chart? Located on the insert ribbon. You must select the cells you want used in the chart. 30. Can you do spell check in an Excel worksheet? If so, what ribbon do you use? Yes

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