Codi M Childs Art Piece Final

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Mouser 1 Childrens Art Analysis and Research Paper Childs Art Piece

Mouser 2 Childrens Art Analysis and Research Paper Codi Mouser LTC 4020 Smith 16 September 2013

Childrens Drawing Analysis and Research Paper

The Childrens drawing analysis activity was designed for pre-service teachers to be able to recognize various stages of a childs art development and through research be able to give an educated guess of the developmental stage of a childs drawing. The drawing I analyzed had very large motions to it. This drawing is also huge; the person takes up the entire page almost with a large body and proportionately small head and feet. The body is represented by a large scribbled oval, but there was a face with eyes, a nose, and mouth present and feet were also present. The child seems to be drawing a person. I would say that this child is between two stages, the Scribbling stage the Preschematic stage. This would make the child somewhere between the age of 2 to 7, but because I believe the student to be so close to the Preschematic stage I would guess they were more likely to be 4 or 5. (Beginning stages) The student is starting to draw human characteristics and according to Lowenfeld at the beginning of this stage, head-feet symbols grow out of scribbles, much like the head and feet in the drawing I am analyzing. Lowenfeld also suggest that near the beginning of this stage people appear head on and are usually.( Lowenfeld )In my picture the person is indeed facing head on to the viewer and would appear to have a smile on their face.

Mouser 3 Childrens Art Analysis and Research Paper I am hesitant to say that the child is fully in the Preschematic stage because although human characteristics start to appear from the scribble, the body is still so misshapen and could be drawn this way to show motion. Lowenfeld says that near the end of the stage a childs scribbles will become more refined and drawn in such a way to show motion (Lowenfeld) The large size of the body and the bending lines to me seems to convey a motion; perhaps the person is bending over or spinning around. This assignment has taught me how to recognize stages of development within childrens artwork. I think it is important for teachers to be able to recognize these stages because armed with this knowledge you as a teacher will be able to choose age appropriate art projects for your students and know developmentally where you kids are. Expecting too much or too little of a child can be very detrimental. Over all this assignment was very beneficial to me because now as a future educator I will be able to better understand what and how to teach my students at their specific grade level. My students will also benefit because they will be learning grade level appropriate material that will help them develop and reach their true potential. Also my students will benefit from developing visual literacy through artwork which is an important skill to have. This can help students with things like communication skills to critical thinking. Learning this is beneficial because if a teacher doesnt know what is grade level appropriate for a child and where a child that age should be achieving at, they could potentially be too critical of a childs work or expect too much or even too little. Also this class and paper taught me by showing students art work from notable or even local up and coming artists could be really inspirational to the student artist. This would be a great way to encourage young artist to keep creating and really get those creative juices flowing. Over all I think it is very beneficial for teachers to know how to properly analyze and assess their students artwork.

Mouser 4 Childrens Art Analysis and Research Paper


Lowenfeld, V., & Brittain, W. L. (1970). Creative and mental growth. New York, NY: Macmillan, Co., 22-25, 474-479.

Maryland Board of Education of Baltimore County. (1974). Beginning stages of visual expression of young children. In Art Experience, Development of Visual Perception, 1-4.

Pink, D. (2006). A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. New York, NY: The Berkeley Group. (ISBN: 1594481717)

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