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Germany - IFMSA SCOPE Wiki

11/9/13 8:40 PM

From IFMSA SCOPE Wiki Germany bvmd


Participating cities (LC's)

Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle, Aquisgrn) Berlin Bochum Bonn Cologne (Kln) Dresden Dsseldorf Erlangen Essen Frankfurt Freiburg Gieen Gttingen Greifswald Halle Hamburg Hannover Heidelberg Homburg Jena Kiel Leipzig Lbeck Magdeburg Mainz Mannheim Marburg Munich LMU (Mnchen) Munich TU (Mnchen) Mnster Regensburg Rostock Tbingen Ulm Witten-Herdecke Wrzburg

Local Committees


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Germany - IFMSA SCOPE Wiki

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Language Time zone Number of Doctors and beds per 1000 people Member of IFMSA since... Number of incoming students per year Who are our NEOs Who are our NOREs Our official website

German Central European Time 3.73 1951 340 Marie-Luise Bschel (Outgoing) Christian Fischer Sille (Incoming) Hanna Sophie Mller (Outgoing) Christine Gebhardt (Incoming) (in German) Come for exchange!

[hide] [hide] 1 Welcome Note 2 Overview 2.1 Useful links about Germany 3 Our health care system 4 The hospitals 5 Our medical education 6 Cultural differences 7 Accommodation & Boarding 8 Social program 9 Local & National transportation 10 Weather 11 Social life 12 Exchange conditions 13 Cities offered for exchange

Welcome Note
Welcome to the wonderful world of SCOPE (Standing Commitee on Professional Exchange) and SCORE (Standing Commitee on Research Exchange) in Germany!

Germany is situated in the heart of Europe. Here you will find a high clinical and scientific standard in medicine to make your exchange - either clinical clerkship and research project - a highly valuable experience. In Germany you also find a huge cultural diversity. Wheather you will experience Prussian correctness or Bavarian Gemtlichkeit, you will have a great time! Just remember: Germany is the home country of some of the most influencial scientists in medical history, e.g. Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen (1845-1923, inventor of the Xray) and Robert Koch. Unlike other countries where there can be found a single city considered to be more important and more influential than all the others in the country, Germany has several distinctly important and influential cities and states within it. In accordance to this we have 36 local committes in Germany which are offering IFMSA
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Germany - IFMSA SCOPE Wiki

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exchange to you! Have a look at them before making your city-wishlist. There is not only Berlin and Munich, we have a lot more to offer. To enjoy the atmosphere of Germanys typical students towns you should consider going to Freiburg, Tbingen, Marburg or Gttingen, but EVERY city with a medical faculty in Germany has it's attractions. As we have a well established train system you can get around easily within Germany to visit all the places you want to explore.

World Cup 2006 in Germany

Useful links about Germany

Germany at Wikipedia Germany at Wikitravel German National Tourist Board Facts about Germany Germany

Our health care system

Almost all Germanys inhabitants have health insurance (88% on statutory and just under 12 % in private insurance schemes). Given total outlays on health of 10.7% of GDP, Germany is well above the OECD average of 9.0%

The hospitals
All our 36 medical universities have belonging teaching hospitals. Clerkships will be provided in one of these universities or an associated teaching hospital. Research Exchange will mostly be lokated at the university or an associated reseach center.

Our medical education

In Germany it takes 6 years to complete human medicine, we have a minimum of 2 years of preclinical studies and a minimum of 4 years of clinical studies including a 12 months lasting practical year. The admission for human medicine studies in Germany is restricted.

Cultural differences
Most Germans are punctual and expect others to be so too Casual wear is common Smoking in workplaces, bars and restaurants is prohibited, there are some exeptions Germany is the only country in the world with no speed limit on the freeways Culture of Germany

Accommodation & Boarding

Most of you will stay in a student dormitory, you may share a flat with other students (male and female), but youll have your own dormitory room. There will be a kitchen at your place you might want to bring a typical recipe of your region with you. There are canteens for lunch at most hospitals (providing also vegetarian food) and you will get some money for boarding upon arrival.

Social program
In some months we offer a national social program, lasting one week-end in another wonderful German town.

Local & National transportation

We have a well established train system, so that you can get around easily within Germany to visit all the places you want to explore. To check out train connections within Germany and also for international connections you should check the homepage of the German Railway: European residents can purchase an Interrail Ticket for Germany or the whole of Europe:


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Germany - IFMSA SCOPE Wiki

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Non European residents can buy a Eurail Ticket for Germany (one neighbouring country included) or the whole of Europe:

Germany's climate is almost as varied as its country. Winter temperatures can be quiet cold with snow and temperatures below 0C. Summer temperatures can get up to 20C - 30C, with rainfall also during the summer months. Frequent changes of weather make forecasting difficult. To be on the safe side, be sure to bring a sweater, warm socks and wet weather clothing with you.

Social life
In all the cities with an LC, there is plenty of social life with museums, parks, bars, restaurants, concerts, etc. Jest check out at the LC pages :-) Every day you can do something different. And if your city is not enough, you can visite an other one at the weekends, too.

Exchange conditions
Our exchange conditions can be viewed in the IFMSA database. All students going to Germany should read this exchange conditions pretty well. We have 36 Local Committees. Please note that we cannot place everybody in the biggest cities in Germany. Please go throughout our wikipages and read the nice information from all available cities. Please note that we only have exchanges between January and November.

Cities offered for exchange

Aachen Berlin Bochum Bonn Cologne Dresden Dsseldorf Erlangen Essen Frankfurt Freiburg Gieen
















Munich LMU

Munich TU








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