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PIT AND THE PENDULUM Genre: Short story Tone: Tense, anxious, desperate, grim, straightforward Mood: Suspenseful,

nightmarish, terrifying Genre: Short story, horror Audience: (American) English speaking people( of that time) Diction: Semi formal, colloquial Theme: Torture, isolation Setting: Prison cell Point of View: 1s t person perspective Voice: Narrator Protagonist: Narrator Antagonist: Inquisition Conflict: Narrator versus Inquisition HISTORICAL CONTEXT The story is written with the Spanish Inquisition in mind. The Spanish Inquisition is a movement by the Spanish troops aiming to convert people into Catholicism. Those who do not comply with this goal are subjected to torture and subsequently, death, for refusing to convert. In TPATP, the Narrator is most likely one of those people. He refused to convert, therefore those white-robed judges condemned him to a prison cell fitted with various torture methods. CULTURAL Catholicism Torture methods Motif: Animal (rats) Characterization: Narrator has an ability to describe every minute detail very meticulously and somewhat exaggeratedly. Stream of Consciousness Synesthesia authorial intrusion -> poe break the 4th wall allusion - casual reference to a historical figure(pit and the pendulum -> inquisition) poe's aphorism ( gar_allan_poe.html) dystopia (pit and the pendulum) appealing to logic Appeals to Emotion (Pathos)

SOCIAL Torture

Hyperbole: but the a gony of my soul Delayed sentence: At lengthfirm floor of the prisonflatter and flatter grew the lozenge Consonance: loud, long, and final Rhetorical q: Might I have not knownurge me? Could I resist its glow? Inverted syntax: flatter and flatter grew the lozenge into the pit it was the object of the burning iron to urge me Personification: yawning gulf Invective: Fool! Trans Wds/expletive: if even that Imagery: glow yawning gulf burning iron closing walls seared and writhing body firm floor of the prisonfinal scream of despair Place setting: The prison cell Characterization: Doesnt give up easily H: Being pressured to give in to the torture and die for not obeying the Inquisition BURNING as a method of torture, very limited foothold, you slip you die >> burning at the stake. Tone: Urgency, desperation

Imagery: treacherous with slime Inverted syntax: no hope these researches Synecdoche: Quitting the wall PERIPHRASIS/CIRCUMLOCUTION endeavoring to cross in as direct a line as possible I had advanced some ten or twelve paces in this manner Hyperbole: treacherous with slime Characterization: Narrator is a curious person with a sense of cautiousness vague curiosity prompted me to continue them proceeded with extreme caution antithesis -> no hope - continue them asyndeton -> at first slime hyperbole -> fell violently

CULTURAL Prisoners are not given good clothes, in this case a long robe. curiosity is the fatal flaw of the protagonist Curiosity = disobedience to institution = the thing that placed the narrator in the cell in the 1 s t place

Expletives: the no!s Analogy/metaphor The gossamer web of some dream Periphrasis Arousing from the most profound of slumbers Anaphora: In the deepest slumber.In deathno! Repetition: the no!s Theme: never-fading memory, in and out of consciousness Characterization: Somewhat philosophical Else there is no immortality for man Motif: Swoon Delayed sentence: What of it there remained.all is not lost Hyperbaton: what of it there Imagery: I had swooned we break the gossamer web of some dream

Trans wds: Notwithstanding Repetition: again and again Diction: grandiloquent crescent fray the serge terrifically hissing vigor of its descent sunder these very walls of iron Parallel syntax: It would frayagainand again Circumlocution/amplification Personification: the hissing vigor of its descent Imagery I saw that the crescent the vibration of the pendulum terrifically wide sweep Consonance: the hissing vigor of its descent sufficient to sunder these very walls Delayed sentence: notwithstandingaccomplish I so dwelling Paradox/oxymoron: peculiar thrilling Onomatopoeia: hissing Cultural Cross my heart is a gesture of allegiance, of promise, and loyalty. The cross here is fatal. Common saying cross my heart and hope to die Historical Pendulum >> method of torture for slow and painful death

Expletive: oh! Most unrelenting! Imagery: the vapour of heated iron suffocating odor deeper glow richer tint of crimson glowing metal Tone: surprise, panic Figurative lang: a deeper glow settled each moment in the eyes that glared at my agonies Hyperbole: pictured horrors of blood most demoniac of men Anthromorphism: the breath of the vapour of heated iron Characterization: character remembers sensorial experiences very well. Diction: poetically descriptive richer tint of crimson pictured horrors of blood Consonance: pervaded prison deeper Conflict: man vs prison cell vs pit Parallel syntax: oh!most unrelenting-most demoniac of men! Irony: most demoniac of men while the Inquisition claims to fight for God COLOR SYMBOLISM CRIMSON = RED Color of danger, fire, blood and boldness.

Imagery: startled and terrified Forth from the well they hurried in fresh troops Consonance: vain upon their voracity , Observing smelt at the surcingle. This seemed the signal forth from..fresh Asy ndeton: they shrank..the well Characterization: Narrator is cautious I remained without motion Denotation: Well Delayed sentence: Forth fromtroops Asyndeton this seemed (to be) the signal for two of the boldest (animal) leaped Delayed sentence: Forth from the well they hurried in fresh troops Anaphora: at the change at the cessation

[198] I saw clearly the doom which had been prepared for me, and congratulated myself upon the timely accident by which I had escaped. Another step before my fall, and the world had seen me no more. And the death just avoided, was of that very character which I had regarded as fabulous and frivolous in the tales respecting the Inquisition. To the victims of its tyranny, there was the choice of death with its direst physical agonies, or death with its most hideous moral horrors. I had been reserved for the latter.
Euphemism: The world had seen me no more Consonance: to the victims of its tyranny Circumlocution: congratulated myself...escaped Anthropomorphism: death..character..fabulous Allusion: INQUISITION

[286] A slight noise attracted my notice, and, looking to the floor, I saw several enormous rats traversing it. They had issued from the well, which lay just within view to my right. Even then, while I gazed, they came up in troops, hurriedly, with ravenous eyes, allured by the scent of the meat. From this it required much effort and attention to scare them away.
Imagery: a slight noise saw several enormous rats Expletive: looking to the floor Trans wd: and, even then Anthropomorphism: ravenous eyes Delayed sentence: a slight noisetraversing it Consonance: saw several enormous rats traversing

THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO Genre: Short story Tone: Mood: Genre: Short story, horror Audience: (American) English speaking people Diction: Semi formal, colloquial Theme: Vengeance, payback, punishment Setting: Italian town, Montresor family residence Point of View: 1s t person perspective Voice:Montresor Conflict: Montresor vs Fortunato, as perceived by Montresor Characterization: Montresor is a man determined to avenge and Fortunato is a wine connoisseur prideful of his taste, which became his fatal flaw. Stream of Consciousness HISTORICAL Catacombs are underground burial places where bodies of the deceased are interred in the walls of the catacomb in a stacked fashion. For Montresors family to have a private catacomb means that he is a wealthy man of considerable lineage. TUBERCULOSIS -- virginia CULTURAL Festivals are huge deals in Italy. Wine is also a huge deal in Italy. Wine connoiseurship is very prized and well thought of. SOCIAL The Italians also seem to be huge on the idea of vendetta, vengeance and vigilantism, probably affected by the Mafia culture and the clash between families. The idea of an eye for an eye is very apparent in TCOA.

Onomatopoeia: the Ughs Asyndeton: rich, respected, admired, beloved Lito te: For me it is no matter Consonance: You will be ill Connotation: You are a man to be missed. Euphony: beloved Characterization: Narrator seems to be a considerate person we will go back, your health is precious Dramatic Irony Foreshadowing: You are a man to be missed My poor friend found it impossible to reply for many minutes Repetition: the Ughs Anaphora: You are richas once I was. You are a man to be missed

Time frame: Dusk, evening CULTURAL: Carnival madness, Italian party clothing, custom of drinking at festivals, social drinking Imagery: it was about dusk he had on a tight -fitting parti-striped dress Connotation: motley = colorful Delayed sentence It was about duskI encountered my friend Diction: Sophisticated accosted surmounted motley Characterization: he accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much

CONNOTATION/Cultural Context: Virtuoso = a master Setting: ITALY Expletive: as was my wont Polysyndeton: I continued.immolation Characterization: Fortunato: He prided himself on his connoiseurship in wine in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared Narrator: Careful, crafty It must be understoodwill Good actor to smile in his face, and he did not perceive.. Juxtaposition: respected and even feared

Dor = of gold/golden. Foot dor = golden foot. Nemo me impune lacessit = no one attacks me with impunity. Denotation: arms Cultural Context Arms = coat of arms, familial symbol. Belongs to prominent families or royal houses or orders. Extensive faults = extremely well to do family. SYMBOLISM Gold = wealth, abundance, glory. Foot = lowest part of human body, the serpent biting the foot might imply that enemies will attack the lowest part because they can only do that much Heel = might be ALLUSION to the Grecian myth, the Achilles heel. Achilles is a Grecian hero, son of the Nereid Thetis.

Serpent biting the heel = enemies trying to attack the vulnerable parts of the Montresor family, or a Montresor. Therefore the serpent must be crushed before its venom can spread. Serpents symbolism is a Bibliomancy. In Genesis, the Serpent is the one whose fatal flaw was its talkativeness. So is Fortunatos. his words made him punished. It is also the one who brought Eve to sinning, leading to Adam and Eves punishment. Fortunatos words led montresor to sin. Serpents mouths are VENOMOUS just like Fortunatos, as perceived by Montresor. Fortunatos venom attacks Montresors weak point, so he must punish him for that. Inverted syntax: in a field azure serpent rampant Consonance: serpent rampant

When he was little, to protect him from harm, Thetis held him by his heels and submerged him in river Styx, the river of Hades (Underworld). Because his heels were not touched by the water, they are not protected. That heel became his weak point, because it is the only part of his body that is not immune to physical harm.

Foreshadowing: later Fortunato would be punished in impunity for being the rampant serpent biting Montresors foot.

Dramatic irony: a Mason (Freemason Fortunato) buried behind Masonry. Hyperbaton: in a great measure worn off Colloquial lang: Masonry = stone. Refers to the bricks used to wall-bury Fortunato. Delayed sentence: I had scarcely laidgreat measure worn off Setting: Inside the catacomb. Symbolism: sat down upon the bones Trans Wds: during which Polysyndeton: I laid the second tier .of the chain Characterization: Narrator takes pleasure in Fortunatos act of rebellion I might hearken to it with the more satisfaction

Setting: vaults o f the catacombs of the Montresor Consonance: several suites of rooms Amplification: long and winding Denotation: foot bowed Parallel syntax: I passed down .followed Imagery: damp ground of the catacombs

[233] No answer still. I thrust a torch through the remaining aperture and let it fall within. There came forth in return only a jingling of the bells. My heart grew sick; it was the dampness of the catacombs that made it so. I hastened to make an end of my labour. I forced the last stone into its position; I plastered it up. Against the new masonry I re-erected the old rampart of bones. For the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them. In pace requiescat!
Synecdoche: my heart Imagery: only a jingling of the bells Setting: catacombs Periphrasis: I hastened to make an end of my labor: Asyndeton: I forced plastered it up Anaphora: I hastenedI forced Consonance: thrust a torch through the

[219] "Ha! ha! ha! he! he! he! a very good joke, indeedan excellent jest. We will have many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo he! he! he! over our winehe! he! he!" "The Amontillado!" I said. "He! he! he! he! he! he! yes, the Amontillado. But is it not getting late? Will not they be awaiting us at the palazzo, the Lady Fortunato and the rest? Let us be gone.
Onomatopoeia: Hahaha hehehe Expletive: a very good joke, indeed Cultural context: palazzo Connotation: gone Amplification: a very good joke, indeed, an excellent jest.

TELL TALE HEART Genre: Short story Tone: confident, triumphant (in the beginning) Mood: Suspenseful, nightmarish, terrifying Genre: Short story, horror Audience: (American) English speaking people Diction: Semi formal, colloquial Theme: Revenge, Setting: Prison cell Point of View: 1s t person perspective Voice: Narrator Protagonist: Narrator Antagonist: Inquisition Conflict: Narrator versus Inquisition Characterization: Narrator has an ability to describe every minute detail very meticulously and somewhat exaggeratedly. Social: Evil in the World, Pride, Good vs. Evil Historical: Poes life:connect to John Allan Cultural: taking care of old people

repetition: very, very dreadfully Anaphora: not destroyednot dulled I heard all thingsI heard many things.. Juxtaposition: in the heaven and in the earth Rhetorical Q: How, then, am I mad? Imagery: very dreadfully nervous I had been and am.. above all was the sense of hearing acute Inverted syntax: hearing acute Connotation: heaven hell Hyperbole: I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. Characterization: Narrator has super-sensitive sensory skills above all was the sense of hearing acute

Anadiplosis: stone, stone dead onceonce only Imagery: I then smiled gaily :it would not be heard through the wall stone, stone dead loud yell Euphemism: the old mans hour had come the deed so far done Characterization: I then smiled gaily Repetition: stone, stone dead; once, once only Trans wd: however Consonance: in an instant I dragged him find the deed so far done Colloquial lang: deed done

repetition: searchsearch well Asyndeton: treasures, secure, undisturbed Paralellism: The shriek, I saidabsent in the country Imagery: I showed them his treasuresI brought chairs into the room very spot beneath which reposed the corpse of the victim Hyperbole: in the wild audacity of my perfect triumph Anaphora: The shriek..The old man Characterization: Fearless madman for what I had to fear?, glib liar The old man..absent in the country

Anthromorphism It haunted me day and night Hyperbole it haunted me day and night Delayed sentence: Object there was none. Passion there was none for his gold I had no desire Repetition: Object there was none. Passion there was none Anaphota: He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult Synecdoche: thus rid myself of the eye forever Paralellism:Object there was.never given me insult Imagery: the eye of a vulture, a pale blue eye.. Hyperbole: my blood ran cold Characterization: I loved the old ma n. He had never wronged me. MOTIF: Animal VULTURE

Repetition: very, very little stealthily, stealthily Simile: like the thread of the spider Denotation: shot from out Consonance: fell full upon the vulture Suspense: you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily Oxymoron: dim ray Simile: like the thread of the spider

[89] And have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over acuteness of the senses? now, I say, there came to my ears a low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I knew that sound well, too. It was the beating of the old man's heart. It increased my fury, as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier into courage.
Analogy: as the beating.courage such as a watch..cotton Asyndeton: low, dull, quick sound Logos: have I not told you senses? Rhetorical q: And have isenses? Imagery: came to my ears sound

Repetition/anaphora: With what caution, with what foresight, with what dissimulation Repetition: very, very closed, closed Allegory: light shone out Characterization: I was never kinder Oxymoron: Dark lantern Bildungsroman: guilt growing, madness Logos: Madmen know nothing Foreshadow: before I killed him Anadiplosis: You should have should have seen Expletive: very, very slowly oh so gently Consonance: night about midnight Connotation: old man = dad. Plot: opened the door and sneaked in

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