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Dr. W. Davis, Teacher, Ed.D., ED.S., M.Ed.


.Building: North, Rm:C360 Planning Period: P2 College Summit Periods 4, 5 Grade 12

School Year, 2013-2014

College Summit Periods, P4, P5 Grade 12 Course Syllabus 2013-2014 Dr. W. Davis, Business Education Teacher Email: Email: Building: North, Rm: C360 Planning Period: P2 Course Description: College Summit provides districts with a strategy and tools to transform college enrollment throughout the district. College Summit provides such a structure by giving students methods and materials to ensure that each student who can make it in college makes it to college. Course Objective: The objective of this course is to help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Have an understanding of how to strategize for postsecondary planning and can apply to college. 3. Connect career goals to education, matching colleges to their needs, registering for tests. 4. Learn about financial aid, filing financial aid forms, applying for scholarships, submitting applications. 5. Get teacher recommendations, writing a personal statement, and much more. 6. Launch the Internet to get information and guidance on career preparation. 7. Apply for jobs and internships, writing rsums and cover letters, interviewing, job shadowing, etc. Course Outline, Semester 1 Unit 1 (August-September): Plan Unit 2 (September-October): Reflect Unit 3 (October-November): Apply Unit 4 (January-February): Finance Course Outline, Semester 2 Unit 5 (February-April): Adapt Unit 6 (April-May): Commit Unit 7 (May): Take Action

This course outline will be modified if necessary. National Standards Assess personal skills, abilities, and aptitudes and personal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to career exploration and development. Utilize career resources to develop a career information database that includes international career opportunities. Relate the importance of workplace expectations to career development. Develop strategies to make an effective transition from high school to postsecondary school/career. Relate the importance of lifelong learning to career success. Prerequisites: Senior students only Textbooks: Navigator Students Edition Teachers Textbooks: Navigator Advisors Edition

Required Reading: Required readings will be posted on the board and consist of book chapters.

Supplies/Equipment/Software Needed: Textbooks and other supplemental material; Computer with appropriate software; Printer; Pen or Pencil; Folder (for handouts); Scanner; Smart Board; Overhead Projector; Digital Camera /Video Camera; VCR/Television; Flash Drive (4 to 8 gigabyte). Attendance Policy: Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are expected to notify the school regarding a students absence on the day of the absence. See Student Handbook. Attendance: All students are expected to attend all classes daily. Attendance and participation are critical to academic success. See Student Handbook Make-up Policy: Students will be given two days for each day missed to make up work. The time allowed for makeup work may be extended at the discretion of the classroom teacher. See Student Handbook. Tardiness: Tardiness is a students initial appearance in an assigned area at any time after the designated starting time. Students have seven (7) minutes between classes. See Student Handbook. Grading Policy: A semester grade will be determined by a compilation of the percentage of actual points earned, against the maximum points possible for the entire semester. See Student Handbook. Grade Point Scale Grade Percentage Grade Point A 90-100 4.0 B 80-89 3.0 C 70-79 2.0 D 60-69 1.0 F 59 and below 0 Note: 1st Offense = Students will receive a 5% deduction from their grade if caught using any electronic device during class time. 2nd Offense = Students will receive an additional 10% deduction from their grade if caught using any electronic device during class time. 3rd Offense = Students will receive an additional 20% deduction from their grade if caught using any electronic device during class time. School Uniforms The Normandy School District requires all students to wear required school uniforms. Class Expectations (See Attachment B) Student Signature: ________________________________ Parents Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________ Date: _________________

Mission Statement The Normandy School district will provide a quality education for all students by creating a learning community with high expectations for academic achievement.

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