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Method study

to improve methods of production

Work measurement
to assess human effectiveness

Giving improved
Planning & control and better use of material Plant & equipment manpower

Output data Giving improved Estimating prod planning incentive scheme

Method study
British standard 3138:1969 defines method study as : The systematic recording and critical examination of the factors and resources involved in existing and proposed ways of doing work , as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing costs Many situations arise in construction work which can be identified and improved by the introduction of method study and might manifest themselves typically in the following symptoms : 1. Recourse to excessive labour overtime. 2. Bottlenecks in the flow of materials. 3. High materials wastage. 4. Frequent plant breakdowns. 5. Fatiguing work. 6. Late programmer. 7. Poor quality and workmanship. 8. Delays to and by sub-contractors. 9. Excessive errors and mistakes. 10. Shortages of resources. 11. Insufficient information. 12. Site congestion. 13. Bad working conditions. 14. Cost overrun. 15. High labour turnover 16. Poor design of temporary works. 17. Poor site layout.

The method study procedure is used to analyse and reduce the incidence of such problems in a series of steps which may be summarized as :

1. Defining the problem. 2. Recording the facts. 3. Analyzing the data. 4. Proposing a course of action. 5. Putting the proposals into effect. 6. Monitoring the consequences.

Recording techniques :
1. Use of flow charts and diagrams A. Flow diagram B. Process chart Man/machine type to record what happens to the machine or operator. Material type to record what happens to the materials handled by the operator. 2. Multiple activity chart. 3. String diagram.

4. Foreman delay surveys. 1) It provides a link between management and foremen and facilitates discussion of problems and means of solution. 2) Delays to particular groups of workers are immediately highlighted. 3) Information is provided on particular aspects , such as materials , subcontract interference , drawing information , plant availability ,etc. 4) The whole project can be readily monitored. 5) The survey is inexpensive to carry out , can be done regularly and by untrained personnel . 6) The information is current . 5. Time-lapse film

Work measurement or time study

BS 3138 defines Work measurement as : The application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of performance. The applications of work measurement data are extensive and can be used in: 1. Determining suitable manning levels on construction activities. 2. Setting standards of machine utilization and labour performance 3. Providing the basis for sound financial incentive targets . 4. Providing a basis for cost control by fixing standard performance targets. 5. Determining the most economic from alternative methods.

BS 3138 defines Standard Rating as : The rating corresponding to the averge rate at which qualified workers will naturally work at a job , provided they adhere to the specified method and provided they are motivated to apply themselves to their work . The scale is divided in 5 point graduations with 100 representing standard ration Thus : 125:: Very quick ; high skill ; highly motivated . 100:: Brisk ; qualified skill ; motivated . 75:: Not fast ; average skill ; disinterested. 50:: Very slow ; unskilled ; unmotivated .

Calculation of basic time The basic or normal time for a job = observed time x Factors affecting the rating : a) The observer should guard against malpractices . whereby workers being timed . b) While the observer must be aware of such practices , he must also try to assess the true effort required for the task . c) Factors which can influence the observed time but not necessarily the rating include: i. Quality of tools used ii. Type and quality of material worked on iii. Working conditions iv. Learning period required before task becomes familiar v. Interruption of supply of materials vi. Quality of working drawings vii. Supervision viii. Quality specification.

d) Factors attributable to the worker, which affect the observed time and therefore should be removed in the rating assessment include: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Intelligence and education Attitude and motivation Skill and training Personal discipline and organisation Health Level of fatigue.

Standard time The need for workers to have rest periods over a working shift of several hours has been ignored until now in calculating the basic time for an element. To establish the standard time it is therefore necessary to include some relaxation allowances plus a contingency. Thus: Standard time = basic time + relaxation allowances + contingency Standard performance BS 3138 defines standard performance as follows: The rate of output which qualified workers will naturally achieve without over-exertion as an average over the working day or shift provided they are motivated to apply themselves to their work .

Allowances Allowances are extremely difficult to assess and for construction work there appears to be no rational basis as yet for determining such. Relaxation allowances are given as percentages of basic time and Fig. 3.20 illustrates examples, which may be considered.

To obtain the final standard time it is usually prudent to include additional time, which cannot be determined accurately but which will almost certainly occur. The following contingencies are typical and can either be added as a Percentage to the basic time or as absolute time itself. a) Adjustment and maintenance of tools b) Waiting time caused by subcontractors, machine breakdowns, lack of materials, etc. c) Unexpected site conditions, e.g. bad ground, high winds, bad weather d) Learning time e) One-off tasks f) Design changes

Performance =

Synthetical Estimating

The work into suitable elements

A suitable basic time from recorded data for each element

The relaxation allowances and determine the

For contingencies to establish the

For the defined work

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