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First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet Editors W.A.D.A. wickramasinghe Editors W.A.D.A. wickramasinghe Editors W.A.D.A. wickramasinghe Editors W.A.D.A. wickramasinghe Sarath Bandara Sarath Bandara Sarath Bandara Sarath Bandara Tilakarathne Tilakarathne Tilakarathne Tilakarathne
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;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha
wka; cd,hg tlajQ m%:u isxy, fcHd;sI irdj - FirstSinhalaAstrologicaleMagazineintheinternet FirstSinhalaAstrologicaleMagazineintheinternet FirstSinhalaAstrologicaleMagazineintheinternet FirstSinhalaAstrologicaleMagazineintheinternet

mgqk / / / / Table of Table of Table of Table of Contents Contents Contents Contents

1. . . . fcHd;sI mdvu 1
v. ta. . ta. l%uisxy

2. .. . Suicide - A case study through Krishnamurti Padhdhati 6
Leslie Jayasinghe

3. .. . Nadi Astrology 11
Dr. Pemmaraju V. R. Rayudu

4. .. . Profession 20
Dr. S. C. Kursija

5. .. . KP Astrology Promotion 43
Pt Akash

6. . . . fcHd;sIhg ms%h lrk .%y fhda. 47
wd' t' ;s,lr;ak

fcHd;sI mdvu wxl 2 fldgi

v'ta''ta' l%uisxy
le<Ksh Yaj oHd,fha fcHd;sIh ms<sn| l;sldpdh


;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha
wka; cd,hg tlajQ m%:u isxy, fcHd;sI irdj - First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet

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All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of this this this this article. article. article. article.
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fcHd;sI mdvu wxl 2 fldgi

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Suicide Suicide Suicide Suicide - -- - A case study through KP A case study through KP A case study through KP A case study through KP

Sqn. Ldr. Leslie Jayasinghe
( ( ( ( Jyotish Visharath, Jyotish Vachaspathi KP Research Institute, India ) )) )
Raddolugama, Sri lanka.


;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha
wka; cd,hg tlajQ m%:u isxy, fcHd;sI irdj - First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet

Views expressed in this a Views expressed in this a Views expressed in this a Views expressed in this article are the authors own. rticle are the authors own. rticle are the authors own. rticle are the authors own. The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine
does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in this is is is article. article. article. article.
All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of this this this this article. article. article. article.

Sqn. Ldr. Leslie Jayasinghe is a retired officer in Sri lanka Air Force. He is awarded Jyotish
Visharath and Jyotish Vachaspathi titles from KP Research Institute, India. He has written many
articles on Astrology in Sinhala and English languages and published them in local and
international magazines and journals.
We are very greatful to him for his kind collaboration to our Thinetha eMagazine.
The board of editors
Suicide - A case study through Krishnamurti Padhdhati

Suicide is the deliberate taking of ones life. Suicide and Suicidal attempts are a
significant problem in Sri Lanka, especially among youth. Suicide in most often, the act
of an extremely isolated individual who feels estranged from the rest of the world.

The following planetary combinations leads to suicidal tendencies in the
traditional astrology.

1. Saturn and Moon in 8
and Mars in 4
or Sun in 7
th _
Suicide by Consuming

2. If Saturn in the Lord of the 10
navamsha suicide by consuming poison.

3. Malefics in 4
and 10
or in 5
and 9
and Mars with 8
Lord; Suicide by
consuming poison.

4. The 1
and 8
houses give assessment of longevity of a native, information if a
native is going to commit suicide or may make an attempt for.

5. If the lagna and 7
houses are occupied by planets which are in their fall.

6. If the lords of the Lagna and 7
houses are in their fall or is one lord is in its falls
and alter house receives an aspect of fall.

7. If the Lord of the 7
house and the Sun are in their fall and the Sun is afflicted
either by Mars and Saturn.

Let us discuss the suicidal tendencies in terms of Krishnamurti Padhdhati KP

The 8
cusp of a chart shows suicide. The sub lord of the 8
cusp must be
deposited in the constellation of a planet who is a significator of Badhakastana or
Marakastana and also the 8
house, and further the lord of constellation must have same
connection or other with Mars, then suicide is indicated. The above combination which of
exists in any horoscope produce suicidal tendencies.

Here is a horoscope of a girl who committed suicide by swallowing pesticide. The
native was born on 12
June 1980 at Monaragala. She was an employee of a reputed
Garment Factory at the Fee Trade Zone katunayake.

Astrological Analysis

In the above chart let us first see the longevity of the girl if the lagna sub lord is
the significator of badhakasthana or marakasthana or that of houses 6,8 or 12, the life
will be short (0 to 33 years).

If the ascendant (Lagna) is in a Movable sign (Chara rasi) The 11
house is the
badhakasthana. If the ascendant falls in a fixed sign(Thira rasi) 9
house is the
badhakasthana . If the ascendant falls in a common sigh (Ubaya rasi) the 7
house is the
badhakasthana 2
and 7
houses counted from the ascendant are Marakasthana to all.

Cuspal Positions Planetary Positions

Cusp Star Lord Sub Lord Planet Star Lord Sub Lord

01 Rahu Rahu Sun Mars Saturn

02 Saturn Moon Moon Mars Jupiter

03 Venus Venus Mars Venus Saturn

04 Moon Rahu Mercury Jupiter Saturn

05 Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Kethu Saturn

06 Saturn Mercury Venus Mars Kethu

II 11 50

III 14 10

IV 13 05
Moon 26 39
Sun 28 23

Ven 02 27
V 09 55
Mer 22 43

I 07 50
F 06 07

VI 07 19
Rahu 29 44

Ketu 29 44

XII 07 10

VII 07 50
Jup 09 55
Mars 21 56
Sat 27 05

XI 09 55

Nep 27 48

X 13 05

Ura 28 53

IX 14 10

VIII 11 50

07 Kethu Jupiter Saturn Sun Sun

08 Moon Mars Rahu Mercury Saturn

09 Rahu Mercury Kethu Mars Saturn

10 Saturn Rahu Uranus Jupiter Sun

11 Kethu Saturn Neptune Mercury Jupiter

12 Sun Kethu

In this chart the ascendant (Lagna) is Aquarius (Kumbha) fixed sign. As such
the badhakasthana is 9
house. Badhakasthana are more stronger in inflicting death to
a native. Her lagna sub lord is Rahu. It is in the constellation of Mercuy who is a
significator of Marakasthana & Badhakasthana denoted that the life is short. You see
how this Lagna Sub lord played the parting making the longevity as short as 25 years.
However planets only indicate and do not cause events in human life. They only reveal
what happens to us according to our own past deeds or Karma.

In this chart lagna sub lord Rahu posited in the sixth Bhava, who is in the
constellation of Mercury the owner of the 8
bhava. Hence the lagna sub lord Rahu is
a significator of 6
and 8
bhava, indicating an accidental death.

Cause leading to suicide

If the sub lord of the 8
cusp is deposited in the constellation of a planet who is a
significator of Badhakasthana & Marakasthana and if the lord of constellation is
connected with Mars then suicide indicated.

Your attention is drawn to the KP chart of this girl. Here, the sub lord of the 8th
cusp Mars is in the star of Venus significator of Badhakasthana & Marakasthana. Moon
the Star lord of 8
cusp is in the constellation of Mars indication suicide. It is very
interesting to note that this ascending being highly afflicted by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter.
All are death inflicting agents and they are all well connected with the 8
cusp and the
Maraka and Badhakasthana. This shows that death has been caused and brought about
by the native herself.

Causes leading to intake poison

Mars, Afflicted Moon, and Neptune indicates poisoning and Unnatural death
[Vide KP readers II Page 15]. The disposition of Mars has been explained in the earlier
paragraph. It should be noted that Moon is in the star lord of Mars, significator of Maraka
and badhakasthana. Moon was afflicted by the Saturn significator of Marakasthana. They
have all the powers on earth to poison and kill the native.

Death came to the girl o n 27
October 2005, at 18.30 hrs., when she was running
Jupiter Dasa, Saturn Bhuti, Saturn Anthara and Mars Sookshma. It should be noted that
the day is question was Thursday, ruled by Jupiter, who owns the 2
Marakasthana and placed in the 7
Bhava, again a Marakasthana, making Jupiter a strong
significator for the death.

The readers, will be interested to see the transit of planets at time of death, i.e on
27-10-2005 in this particular case;

Transit wise-
i. Moon had come to the 7
ii. Mars aspecting the 10
house and the natal Rahu.
iii. Rahu by transit aspecting the 8
iv. Transit Saturn was on Rahu.

It has been established that at the time of death and the transit planetary position
are of paramount importance in evaluating death. For further reference fcHd;sI mfhaIK
yd kd isoaOdka; By Mr.Athula Manchanayake, Former Director of Publications , National
Institute of Education and Researcher in Astrology.

The above analysis shows beyond doubt that Krishnamurti Padhdhati is a perfect
system of Prognostication and is really a boon to the astrological world.

I sincerely place on record my gratitude to Dr. N. Wijewardane M.B.B.S (SL),
M.R.C.P.(Lond), for the assistance extended to me in finding out the birth details of the

Nadi Astrology Nadi Astrology Nadi Astrology Nadi Astrology

Daivagnaratna,Jyotish Aradhakulu & Jyotish Kalidas
B BB B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French),Dr.of Astrology
International Consultant & Researcher- Astrology
Former Dy. Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India
Hyderabad - India.


;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha
wka; cd,hg tlajQ m%:u isxy, fcHd;sI irdj - First Sin First Sin First Sin First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet hala Astrological eMagazine in the internet hala Astrological eMagazine in the internet hala Astrological eMagazine in the internet

Views expressed in this article are the author Views expressed in this article are the author Views expressed in this article are the author Views expressed in this article are the authors own. s own. s own. s own. The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine
does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in this is is is article. article. article. article.
All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of this this this this article. article. article. article.

Sri Pemmaraju V. R. Rayudu retired as Senior Scientist & Deputy Director from Defense
Research & Development Laboratory,Govt. of India. He is an internationally recognized
Researcher and Lecturer on Astrology. He is the author of How to Read A Horoscope & How
to Match Horoscopes. He has recieved Shri Santhanam Award 2001, Ugadi Award 2006, Mother
Teresa Excellence Award 2010.
We are very greatful to him for his kind contribution to our Thinetha eMagazine.

The board of editors
Most of the readers may be knowing by now about Nadi astrology, since many
articles have been published in magazines and newspapers. Some books were also
published and much exchange of information has been taking place through internet
and e-mail. For the benefit of those who are not familiar with this branch of astrology
I give a brief background of the same from the reliable literature. Nadi astrology was
written on palm leaves in ancient India. It is mostly prevalent in South India
particularly in the Tamilnadu State. Its main center is a place called
'Vaitheerswarankoil' near 'Chidambaram'in Tamilnadu State. It is also available in
some other places of Chennai, Kanchipuram, Salem, Hyderabad/Secunderabad,
Tirupati etc. There are many Nadi Grandhas and they are named after Hindu Gods,
Sages and Planets such as Mahasiva Nadi, Brugu Nadi, Kowmara Nadi , Koushika
Nadi, Vashishta Nadi Agastya Nadi, Sapta Rishi Nadi, SatyaNadi Chandra Kala Nadi
etc. They are available in the languages of Tamil, Sanskrit mainly. The palm leaves
are held by certain families who read the results from the palm leaves mostly by
taking the thumb impression and some from palm and birth data.
I also propose to discuss brief examples of actual readings from thumb prints or
otherwise from some nadi astrologers, their veracity with respect to past and future,
correlation with traditional astrological principles, my experiences, opinion of others,
doubts and questions, further research required on the same. This is based on my
collection of data and research for the last three decades

The origin of these leaves can be traced back to approximately 2000 years ago. It is
presumed that the Sapta Rishis (Seven Sages) had written the life patterns of each
person on palm leaves along with their types of names by their Yogic Powers. These
unique leaves were kept in the Saraswati Mahal' library of Tanjore city of Tamilnadu
State in India. Later during the British Rule the British were very keen to acquire
these types of ancient leaves dealing with herbal cure, alchemy, fortune-telling etc;
but left some of the astrological leaves to their loyalists. Some were put to auction
also. People belonging to a particular sect called Valluvar community who specialized
in astrology bought these leaves. Some of these were acquired by the astrology
families in Vaitheeswarankoil about 60 years ago from Thanjavur Saraswati Mahal
Library . The leaves were found lying idle in Vaitheeswarankoil by about 13th century
the forefathers found them realized their values and copied the contents on palm
leaves and made exact replica These leaves have been handed down over
generations to make predictions. They earned their livelihood through Nadi
Astrology. It is a hereditary profession for them. They got trained from their elders
to do Nadi reading. What is written on the leaves is read and explained by them. The
language is poetic and the script is also different. It is the same as in the ancient
temples. Some of the Nadis are available in the Oriental Manuscripts Library at
Chennai, India though in mutilated condition and the SaptaRishiNadi was published
in Tamil in six volumes lagna wise . The Sanskrit texts were translated and written
on palmyra or palm leaves in old archaic tamil language. There were some
nadigranthas translated into another South Indian Telugu language. Marata King
Sarabhoji and Chola Kings patronized this form of astrology and translations. It is
stated that Sage Agasthya has written in Tamil. They have a certain amount of
collection leaves. For each thumb print there will be 6 granthas. In each granthas
there will be 108 sizes and 12 parts according to Siva Nadi and 50 sizes in
Agastyanadi that means for one thumb print many stories of person can be read. In
Siva Nadi more details are given as discussion between Lord Siva and Parvati than in
Agastya Nadi . It seems that these Nadis were originally written on animal skins and
some leaves and later they were copied on palm leaves. They re preserved by
applying oil extracted from peacock's blood.
The Nadi readers say that natives whose leaves are there will somehow or other
comes to them at the appropriate age specified on the leaves from any corner of the
world. Leaves are there not only for Indian but for foreigners also belonging to other
religions. Who ever are desired to look into the leaves will go to them on his own
accord. They very word Nadi in Tamil mean (destined) to come own accord. Those
who are not destined may not even know such a type of astrology exists. Even the
very age when the native is destined to go to them is marked on the leaves. So they
say they do not adventure for their profession. Whoever is destined to come will
come faith is the root of their system. It is also stated that about 40% of the people
in the world only are likely to get these results as available.
The Nadi Astrologer is generally busy and one has to take an appointment with him a
month before approximately When you go there on the appointed day he checks his
dairy and take the three impressions of the right thumb for males and the left thumb
for females on a paper giving serial order number and ask you to wait till he calls
you. Then he goes inside his library room where the palm leaves are kept which is
not accessible to others. After an hour or so, sometimes quicker, he comes back with
an old palm leaf bundle called index leaves. After making himself comfortable he
carefully unwinds the long string which keeps the bundle in tact. He tells you to
answer yes or no to his questions. With great devotion he takes the first palm leaf
and starts reading on one side. The reading style is of funny accent in a poetic way,
not understandable to even Tamilians. After reading one or two lines or even less
sometimes he asks you some questions and you have to answer yes or no only. If
you say 'No' he proceeds to the other side of leaf or next leaf and continues his
questions. The questions are generally one or two at a time , such as whether y our
name is after some God /Goddess contains 3 or 4 or so letters or so, starts ends with
a particular letter in a Varga (series) of the Hindu alphabets, Similarly about the
names of parents and wife/husband whether anyone of them or both are alive or
dead, number of elder and younger brothers and sisters, number of children number
of uncles, type of profession, whether you are born in rainy season /summer etc.
whether you are born in moveable /fixed/dual Moon and lagna rasis, whether you are
born in a particular Moon Birth star whether you are born in a particular day in a
particular year whether your age is so and so etc. He says that h e does not know
what questions to ask unless he scans the leaves and that is why they generally
insist the concerned person or a person who knows every detail about the persons
consulted, should be present to answer the questions correctly, otherwise they say
the readings won't go wrong. They do no bother much of you cannot answer
questions about birth date month age, Moon rasi and star, lagna and they seem to
bother more about matching of your name names of parents and wife/husband. If he
gets 'No' answers to all the leaves of the first bundle which he goes back into his
library and brings another bundle. This process continues for an hour or so generally
covering generally up to bundles each consisting about 50 leaves or sometimes
quickly even in the first bundle till he and your are satisfied and the answers to all
the questions in a particular leaf are 'yes' only Concerning names, parents, wife
/husband, co-borns profession etc.
Then he goes inside and bring another particular bundle and reads in poetic style
your actual birth date month land year the astrological birth chart with position of
planets sometimes with lagna also exact names of yourself, parents, wife/ husband,
co-born, education, profession and gist of future predictions in a broad way and this
is called General Kandam (chapter) of first bhava. You can verify the chart given if
you know your birth chart he writes the concerned verses from the leaf in a note
book . Then he records the same in an audio tape with translation into common
understandable Tamil or some other languages with the help of a translator if
necessary . He generally charges a minimum of 300 rupees upto this General
Kandam Then he asks you whether you want to more details about any particular
aspect of your life such as marriage, profession, etc and if so he picks up
corresponding bundle and charges a similar amount extra for each aspect which he
calls it a separate kandam or chapter. Some chapters give details about previous
birth, remedial measures etc. At the end he hands over the note book and audio tape
to you with devotion and takes money generally at the place where the photos of
Gods /Goddess are there.
The details covered in each Kandam generally are as follows:-
Kandam 1 - To be found through thumb impression (gents right, ladies left or
sometimes by horoscope of the concerned person or palm, will contain name parents
and wife/husband's names brothers, sisters, maternal uncles, children, profession
and general list of future predictions for all the 12 houses.
Kandam 2 - Money family speech, eyes, education.

Kandam 3 - Brothers and Sisters

Kandam 4 - Mother ,House, Lands, Vehicles, Pleasures

Kandam 5 - Children Birth of children, reasons for not having children.

Kandam 6 - Enemies, Diseases, Debts, cases in court.

Kandam 7 - Marriage., Married life

Kandam 8 - Danger to life, longevity, period of death.
Kandam 9 - Father, Wealth, luck, Temple devotion to God ,Preaching from Holyman

Kandam 10 - Business, Job, Profession

Kandam 11 - Gain , Second Marriage.

Kandam 12 - Expenditure , Foreign visit, salvation,next birth.

Kandam 13 - Shanthi Kandam - Last Birth, Sins committed, remedial measures

Kandam 14 - Deekshakandam- Mantra Japam and wearing of talisman (Raksha)

Kandam 15 - Avushathakandam Medicines for long standing diseases.

Kandam 16 - Dasa Bhuktikandam prediction for the present major and subperiod of
the planet.
In addition to these, there is also a special chapter for 'Prasna' where any
query is answered.
Generally Remedial measures are like visiting particular temple, feeding the
poor etc, corresponding to sins the remedial measures re suggested. Suggestion of
giving alms to the Nadi reader.


Lines on the thumb are classified in 1008 types, some say 108 types. Palm leaves
are arranged according to these types. The Nadi readers identify the particular types
of lines on the thumb and the corresponding set of palm leaves is taken. For
example, a particular type is called Conch Shell with a circle. Among these there are
many sub-divisions based on the number of dots on the thumb. Impressions with 5
or more dots are very rare. The time duration to pick up your leaf depends upon the
identification of the thumb impression. Some impressions are identified easily and
the corresponding leaves are found soon, for legal purposes, the whole thumb is
studied minutely. But they concentrate only on the centre part of the thumb and the
sub-divisions therein.
According to the claim of Nadi astrologers the contents of the leaf are 99% accurate.
And it is the accuracy that has made people from diverse walks of life throng his
residence. Generally he insists on seeing only about 5 people a day on appointment,
which is usually fixed a month in advance. Without the truth and integrity, they
cannot survive for so many years and generations. Of course, there are places where
there are fake leaves. They will not be able to show the leaf with your name and
other details they have clients from USA, Canada , Japan, Hongkong, Singapore, Sri
Lanka, Malaysia and other places. Some even faxes their thumb impressions and
gets the predictions. They have translators with them to serve them their children
are also inherent in this profession and they are learning the old script and other
languages. With the blessings of their ancestors, they will continue for generations.
They have so many people benefited by the remedial measures and they get feed
back from the clients. Pleased with their service, they bring their friends and other
relatives for Nadi reading. They would like to tell the people that they are only 'Nadi
readers'. What is written on the leaves is read and explained by them. They
themselves do not add anything. Some clients get irritated when some of the facts
are unpleasant. They cannot help it. With utmost patience they clear their doubts.
Common people and VIPs (very important persons) from all walks of life have
consulted them. They show them the particulars of where the predictions for the
native are given. Some of their customers are able to read the leaves on their own.
Some even buys their leaves for preservation. They can even take photographs of
the names in the leaf. It is possible to train those who are interested in learning nadi
Jyotish in terms of Guru-Shishya parampapra (teacher-Discipline system)and
Sanskrit languages, and this knowledge of Nadi Jyotish could be acquired by those
who are totally dedicated lifelong to this Shastra (science).
However, the future of the leaves themselves seems to be uncertain. Though the
leaves are smeared with Ayurvedic act, the leaves would turn black after 100 years
or so. While they plan to save the contents of the leaf on the computer, they have
their own doubts about doing that. They will not feel the same reverence reading the
computer prints out as they do when they read the leaf.
I prefer to give below three Nadi Readings taken from me from different Nadis and
Readers, so that their veracity can be discussed authentically, since I cannot give
here all t e readings from various Nadis consulted at different places at different
times which also gave some correct future results.
My first encounter with a Nadi Grantha was on 22nd February 1968 (in my 29th
year) when my father -in-law Shri U.G.Krishna Murthy (Philosopher and World
traveler , popularly known as U.G.) having known my interest in the study and
research of astrology, took me personally to Kowmara Nadi astrologer (Shri
T.Chandrasekhar) in Madras (now Chennai) India, since h e knew Tamil also. I
happened to see the correct Kowmara Nadi Readings of my father-in-law much
earlier , which was given by the father of the present nadi reader.
The Nadi Reader asked whether I knew my date and birth chart and he said it would
be faster to pick up the concerned leaf. I gave him the same./ Then the procedure
was the same , he brought back some index cards and asked me questions to
answer yes or no leaf after leaf. Some of the questions whether my name and my
father's name were given after the name of Lord Venkateswara, whether I have one
sister and one son, whether my wife's name was after one of the names of wives of
Trimurthy's (Bhrahma ,Vishnu,Maheshwara) etc. I asked for my profession (10th
Kanda) and he wrote the readings in Tamil verses in a notebook and translated in
English as follows.
"After praying to Goddess Parvati , Vasista and Viswamitra are narrating the tenth
part of a person having following horoscope"- Ravi Buddha and Kuja in Simha, Guru
in Khumba, Ketu in Mesha , Chandra in Makara , Sani in Meena, Tula Linga, Sucker
and Rahu in Lagna. Name Venkata Ramana , Mother Annapurna, Father Venkat Rao.
The Lord of the 10th house being Chandra is deposited in kendra. Sukra is in his own
house and is expected by ketu. Guru and Sani are in parivartana. Kuja and Buddha
in the 11th house. For these reasons he will have average ancestral property. He will
have a very good start in his career and makes a great deal of progress in all his
enterprises. The details are as follows.
"He completes his education in 21st year and proficiency will be shown in vocational
education . He will be employed in the following year. He will be skillful in making the
necessary parts of machines and service will be rendered to a private commercial
firm. He will be paid adequately. Government will be helpful to him in the part of his
work from 23rd year . He will be engaged in the manufacture of defense articles He
will show his efficiency in planning and designing various equipments. He will have a
great name in 27th year. He will be occupied in the making of high explosives which
is planned by tube-like things and also things, which are useful shooting with the
intention damaging lives and properties. The practical work will be intensified in the
28th year. The scientific knowledge in the matter will be made full. His power will
raise. He will see whether the work is carried out properly . His skill will be
encouraged in the 30th year and he enriches his knowledge by scrutinizing and
analyzing the operation of various missiles. He will be engaged in miscellaneous kind
of activities his capacities for organization will be developed in the following three
years. His income will be satisfactory. He makes out various plans and executes . He
earned a good name in 35th year. Takes charge of various sub divisions The number
of tools and machines to be operated by him will be increased various departments
will come under his control . Good results will be achieved in 38th year. Work
relating to planning sketches will be on the increase. He will be well- known in
distant places or countries. He will be able to conduct and control all the affairs of
the department. New schemes will be prepared in the 40th year and the scale of pay
will be better than before. He is capable of giving training to others and will have
great name in the industrial circles. He offers advice in all matters of manufacture in
the following two years. He will show his strength in the technical side and he will
hold an extraordinary power. He will be honored by Central Government. He wins the
confidence of the administrators and works for them with greater enthusiasm.
Administrative responsibilities will be taken over by him in 48th year. His attention
will be concentrated on raw materials. He will be held in high esteem by an
association where scientific and technical people join together for promoting their
studies. His strength and efficiency will go in 50th year and makes necessary
arrangements for the development of the work he undertakes. He will be able to
manage the establishment more efficiently than ever and maintains his position
through out . When Maharishis said so Parvati remarked that those who are closely
associated with him in the work would hinder him . She said that he will get away
from the these evils by performing Karma Kanda."
I should comment that all the past and future details are correct, covering the birth
chart, exact names, engineering degree, first job in private paper mills, and latter in
central government in defense research and development laboratories in guns and
rockets., promotions, hidden enemies etc except the" maintaining this position
throughout" since I took voluntary retirement at my 52nd age and not work any
where subsequently having specific profession except pursuing my astrology and
philosophy hobbies. But strangely it may be noticed that no detailed profession was
given after 50th year. Some astrological discussions are made. I took karma kanda
also and the reading prescribed prayers to certain gods/goddesses each day in a
week along with certain diet for certain number of weeks etc, the details of which h I
do not give here due to problem of space. I did the prescribed remedial measures
and I cannot vouchsafe that they really helped me, but generally the profession was
all right with some usual disappointments. Subsequently I went to him after my
retirement but he said that my leaf of profession was not available which almost
confirmed that I will not have any job later.. The readings seem to be based on
Saturn transit of 2 year in each rasi. The readings are crisp and straightforward.

The following are the readings given by Sri I T.Ravi nadi reader in Vasistha nadi in
Vaitheeswarankoil on 27 June 1991(age 52) after the thumb impression and initial
usual questions for general kanda ,profession kanda and shanti kanda.


"Vasishta is narrating. Tamil year Vegudhanya, Tamil 22nd day, Wednesday, thula
lagna, Lagna Sukra Rahu, Shravana Star, Makara Chandra, Meena Starun, Jupiter
Khumba, Mesham Ketu, Surya Kuja Budha in Leo, this is planet position,Birth place
Andhra Brahmin, father mother died, one borther one sister, your are graduate, no
ancestral property, now house, male one son, now 71/2 year Sani, so results will be
dull, longevity 75, son and wife Deergha Ayushu (long life) brother , sister
deerghaayushu. Jeevanakarara Moon in kendrasthana in Makara - Government job
engineering job, retired and then get money from government, ever after retirement
you will get money through other subsidiary (not permanent) jobs, temporary
business and also possible , son good education , got married and living with his
wife, now in present period the problems due to curse in last janma, the troubles are
restlessness, not peaceful, in order toward off curses, parihara is to be done in a
religious way, from 55 you are having good life name and fame are assured, as
Saturn transit keeps on happening you will get improvement towards end of life will
have enough wealth, by 60 you will be able get several lakhs of rupees, at 60 you
may get nervous trouble, there is no gandam (life danger) the assets will be basically
of permanent nature and you will not lose them, in family God's blessings are
everlast, wife also will get often health problems, kalatrakaraka in 7th and Mars and
sun in one place it gives problems to wife, even though some troubles due to Sani
dasa once coming succeeding dasa will give prosperity to him, father nameVenkata
Rao, mother name Annapurna, wife name Bharathi, your name Venkata Ramana
Rayudu, you will have good life only after end of sani all obstructions will be over,
after that desires will be fulfilled.

"Vasishta bowed to Eshwari and then telling about Jeevana sthana, good education,
good job, you have retired, after marriage wife is there one son, now 71/2 year Sani,
in this you will have some troubles and dejection, because Jeevanasthana got spoiled
even after retirement from government service there is no business life, now your
are doing subsidiary jobs, now y our doing new type latest jyothisham even in that
you will get some obstructions, you won'' get much income on that only after Jupiter
transit August 7th you will find improvement in your new astrology, you will be
making the use of computers, after 7th August foreign travel is likely with wife, your
visit abroad will give a link with astrology, after this foreign visit there is a chance for
publishing a book on astrology, because of this publication you will get a good name,
at 55 you will get many more successes and fame, you will be employing lot of
people (assistants) lot of people will come in search of you, that also you get through
God's blessing after that you will have establishment with foreign countries vehicles
etc, at 58 you will be really in the much more advance stop of your career, you can
gain famous only through your new astrology because of this you will gain lot of
income after 58 you will build a new house, after Sani period your foreign travels will
be quite often you will derive happiness in your mind for your achievements. You will
be a torch bearer for others to lead a good life, you will get good concentration God's
Bhakti without any lack your life will be prosperous and you will be always thinking
about God also at 62d you will establish good contacts with holy people and big
political and influential people without any fear you will lead good life, God's
blessings will ever continue, but Pariharam is a must, Jnanamarg can be achieved
due to your planetary position, your name will be remembered in many countries,
you will earn money through many sources by 70 you will a mass wealth . Always
you will live comfortably with wife, son children family.

"Vasishta is naratting, next poornima in Tanjore district, Ananda Mangalam Place,
temple Anjaneya, deepam, archana, feeding poor people then come to nadi place,
three fruits, three flowers, clothes to one male (Dhoti towel and shirt) and female
(saree and blouse) Rs.324/-to Nadi person and get his blessings, this dosha will
vanish, future life prosperous, comforts in rest of life, reciting God's name as well as
new astrology will give peace of mind, people will be surprised to see such a nice life
to you, never you will lose the property, you will never be in debt, no separation in
family if pariharam is done religiously then without fear the above phalas will

I should comment again almost all the past and future events till now are correct
covering birth date 7th Sept,1938, Shravana star, Thula Lagna) birth chart names
retirement, new research computer astrology, first foreign trip to USA in June 1992
with wife as astrology to give lecture in the conventions of American Federation of
Astrologers , Publishing of book "How to read a Horoscope A scientific model of
predictions based on benefic and malefic analysis of planets and bhavas "by
M/s.Motilal Banarsidass Publisher of Delhi, India, assistants helping in computer
astrology print outs, people coming in search of me, extension of present house,
more research in astrology, meditations, nervous trouble wife's ill health etc, except
for some funny astrological statement of "Kalatra Karaka in 7th and Jeevanakaraka
Moon in Kendrasthana Makara Government job and engineering job "you will gain lot
of income through y our new astrology" Since I get only very limited amount only.
Here also the stress of the reading s seems to be more from transits of Saturn and
Jupiter though touching the main dasa periods. The readings are again very crisp
and straightforward. ".I hope that further future readings will also agree. The
remedial measures prescribed certain place and God in Tamilnadu and to give money
and clothes to Nadi Reader. This seems of a bit of manipulation of reading. I did not
do the, specifically since I go usually to Anjaneya temple nearby my house. The
future results are given from the date of consultation at certain ages and the timing
of past events are not given.

To be continued..

Profession Profession Profession Profession

Jyotish Visharad
Dr. S.C.Kursija
General Secretary of all Indian Federation of Astrologers Societies


;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha
wka; cd,hg tlajQ m%:u isxy, fcHd;sI irdj - First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet

Views expressed in this article are the authors own. Views expressed in this article are the authors own. Views expressed in this article are the authors own. Views expressed in this article are the authors own. The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine
does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in th does not endorse the views expressed in this is is is article. article. article. article.
All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of this this this this article. article. article. article.

Dr. S. C. Kursija is a graduate of Delhi University and Meerut University. If he is a Homeopathic
medical proffessional,He is a member of the faculty of Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan and has taught
astrology for ICAS, Madras Delhi Chapter-1. Dr. Kursija is General Secretary of all Indian
Federation of Astrologers Societies. He has written many books on Astrology in English and
Hindi languages. His popular books on Astrology are "Predictions through Horary" and
Horoscope Matching (Made Easy).
We are very thankful to him for his kind corporation to our Thinetha eMagazine.
The board of editors


The astrology is a social science such as psychology, political science or social science etc. It mainly
depends on statistical methods. But it has (a) methodology to calculations, (b) cause and effect and (c)
replication. It is sciences of science. It calculates Time. No other science can calculate Time. But it is the
science of tendencies and prediction do not imply fatalism or predetermination. It can guide for the
aptitude or leaning for particular occupation. It can ascertain the metal, intellectual, and physical ability of
the native for the particular occupation.

In the olden days it was very to determine the profession of the native. It was divided in four categories by
our savants (i) Shatriya, (ii) Vaishya, (iii) Brahmin and (iv) Shoodra
The Shatriya were those who protect the property and trade and administer society.
The Vaishya were those natives who were involve in trade and pay tax to the King.
The Brahmins were those people who work for the society and were advisor to people in general. They
form code of conduct for the society and were teachers. They command high respect in the society and
were advisor to the king also.
The Shoodra were those people who were in service to above people and do all type of work required by
them. They performed laborer work for the society such as iron smith, agriculturist, gardeners, sweepers

The determination of profession of the native is not easy in the modern social set-up and changing
circumstances, when there are vast opportunities and multiple directions. To simplify the profession I
have divided the profession in eight categories:


Intellectual Sector: Those natives, who earn through applying their mind and knowledge
such as consultant, philosophers, doctors, lawyers, judges, and teachers etc.
Corporate Sector: Those natives who earn through industries, mill owners, manufactures,
factory owners, builders, or are owners of some institutes and big concern. All come under
this group.
Politicians and Bureaucrat: They have decision taking authorities and are government
employee such as IAS, IPS and other officer, and others government officers. They are
members of parliament and assemblies.
(d) Artists: Musicians, actors, singers, dancers, dramatist and cinema workers. The writers are
also included in the this group because they also reflect the finer feelings of the public.


Traders: it consist of those peoples who deal in small commodities such as grocers,
shopkeepers, stationers etc.
Commission Agents: These are the persons who work for the benefic of two parties and
charge their commission for the services rendered such as properties brokers, franchise,
share brokers etc.
Routine workers: includes large numbers of clerks, shop assistants, general staff in offices


Labourers: includes agriculturist, factories workers, carpenters, mechanics, and rickshaw
pullers etc.

General speaking Jupiter and Mercury represents Intellectual group. The Sun, Mars and Moon
represents Corporate group. Venus is prominent in artists group. Mercury is in traders group,
Saturn in laborer group and Rahu and Ketu to routine group. Mercury is very important for
creative or frictional writing if influenced by Jupiter or Venus. But the all these are general
indications. The strength and benefic influence on Mercury and Moon is necessary to face the
critical and decision making situations. The aspect of Saturn or Rahu on Moon or Mercury
makes it difficult to face the critical situation.
These planets should have their influence on some particular house to show its effect. Which
house should be influenced is point of controversy. According to some scholars and savants 10

house and 10
lord (Karma) should be influenced by these planets and according to others Lagna
and lagna lord (Self) should be influenced and so on.

According to Phaldeepika the 10
house and its lord should be seen from the Lagna or Moon which
ever is strong. He gives three parameters:


When the 10
is not occupied, then the profession is seen from the Navamsha lord of the 10

When the 10
is occupied by one planet, then the profession is seen from the nature of that
planet and Navamsha lord of that planet.
When the 10
is occupied by more than one planet, then the profession is seen from the
strongest among the planets and Navamsha lord of that planet.
The nature of the planet gets changed with the association and conjunction of some other planet.

According to sage Parashar profession should be determined from Sudharshan Chakra.

The same aphorism with slight variation has been given in other classic works also. It suggests that
the origin of the aphorism is some other classics and is important.

The above principles are very simple and do not work in present scenario of profession for all natives.
For determination of profession Lagna and 10
house and their lords are certainly very important, but
may more aspects are needed to be gone into. The qualification of the native have become essential,
so 2
house comes into play. The 2
house is also house of accumulation of wealth so earning. 4
also the house of learning and in opposition to 10
, so it has its role also. The 9
house is house of
higher learning, so it also plays its role. The 5
house shows the mental ability of the native and his
intellect, his inclination and purva punya i.e. inherent qualities of the native since birth. 9th house, 5

from 5
, also indicates inherent quality of the native. Again 5
is 9
from 9
. So 5
and 9
houses are
very important houses for the determination of professions. We should not forget that the 7
which is 10
from 10
house and 6
house is part of the Artha trikona and Upachaya house and 9

house from 10
. We can not do if we do not analyze 11
the house of gain. So there are many
criteria popular among the astrologers to determine the profession of the native.

The scholar and Guru like Sh.K.N.Rao gives importance to Karkamsha lagna. The role of Amatya
Karaka in determination of profession is not to be ignored. The disposition and strength of Amatya
Karaka should be taken into account.

According to others, the strongest planet in the chart of the native determines the nature of the

According to my observations the profession should be seen from Lagna and 10
house, 10
and the Navamsha lord of the 10
lord, planets posited in Lagna and 10
house. If there is no planet
in 10
, the navamshesh of 10
Lord indicates the profession. The rasheesh of 10
Lord and the
Karaka planets also influence the profession of an individual The dasha and bhukti running at the

time of joining the profession also has bearing on the profession. The transit has its influence at the
time of joining a profession.

Before judging the profession, it is necessary to judge the strength of the Lagna, Moon, and Sun,
physical, mental, and intellectual abilities of the individual. The importance of strength and
disposition of lagna and 10th and their lords is not less. The importance of strength and
disposition of Mercury and Jupiter should also be taken in account.

The planet in 10
house is more powerful than 10
lord. The nakshatra lord of the planet posited in 10

house is more important than the planet posited in 10
house. The nakshatra lord of 10
lord is more
important than the 10
lord. The planet posited in the nakshatra of lord of 10
lord has also bearing on

How to analyze the chart:
The lagna and Lagnesh should be in strength otherwise all yoga become ineffective and also see the
strength of Moon and her dispositor..
Locate the signs in trine (one Tatva) which contain the maximum number of planets. The profession will
be according to the Tatva of the planets. It is also to be seen from the Karaka as karaka for profession is
Saturn. See the planets from Saturn in its trine, in 7
, 2
and 12
.The Karaka for education is Mercury.
See the planets in trine, 7
, 2
and 12
from Mercury.
Look at the Jupiter and Rahu and Ketu for Self. The planets in its trine are to determine the interest of the
individual and his success in profession.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fiery signs indicates East direction, and Dharma (Duties). One has to serve
his family, society and country.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are Earthy signs, South direction and indicates trading and Artha.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Airy signs, Western direction and indicate desires and Karma.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are watery sign, North direction and indicate Moksha and renunciation and
un-attachment and unwillingness.
The planet located in one direction results in one combination.
The retrograde planets have effect from the previous house also.
The exalted planet indicates High and planet in debilitation indicates small or low. The planet in his own
house indicates high.

Sun: Government service, minister, politician, doctor, chemist, professor, clerk, astrologer, agriculturist, or
a manager in a company, wool, and woolen clothe and herbs etc. He does mental work, if posited in 10
The native starts progress in work at the age of 22
or 70years. If Sun is debilitated, the native work as
Moon: Educationist, writer, sailor, nurse, business with material from water, clothe, medicine, ornaments,
agriculture and service to women. If Moon is posited in 10
, the native will serve the ordinary person. The
native starts progress in work at the age of 24
or 43 years. If Moon is debilitated, the native is sick, poor,
and unlucky
Mars: Engineer, dealer in metal, chemist, scientists, police, excise, sports man, wrestler, surgeon,
minerals, fire, fire arms, manufacturer of fire arms, motor parts, factory, lawyers, politicians etc. The native
starts progress in his profession at the age of 28, 58, year. If Mars is debilitated, the native has bad
company, bad deeds, and bad habits.
Mercury: Mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, writer, teacher, journalist, accountant, businessman,
social worker, service, book seller, pundit, priest, publication, printing, orator, etc. The native starts his
profession at the age of 12
, 32nd, or 42 years. If Mercury is debilitated, the native is cruel, and enemy to
Jupiter: religious, teacher, priest, judge, doctor, politician, statesman, gold, salt, elephant, hoarse, service
to priest, clothe merchant, pundit, doctor, and professor etc. The luck rises at the age of 16
, 34
, or 50th,
If Jupiter is debilitated, the native is full of sorrow, poor, and jealous.
Venus: Educationist, politician, painter, businessman in jewel, artist, poet, dance, drama, luxurious
products, female using products, building furniture, decorator, etc. The luck rises at the age of 25th, or
year. If Venus is debilitated, the native is without spouse, no character, and many relations with

Saturn: Politician, lawyers, social worker, deals with machinery, oil, mine, laborer, agriculture, iron smith,
carpenter, taxi driver, engine driver, peon, herbal doctor, homeopath or any work requiring concentration
of mind such as sanyasi, etc. He gains fame among poor people. The luck rises at the age of 36, 42, 72,
or 83 years. If Saturn is debilitated the native is poor and one eyed.
Rahu: Chemist, doctor, engineer, politician, computer, iron, minerals, contractor, wooden work, clerk, etc.
The luck rises at the age of 42 years. If Rahu is debilitated, the native is lazy, and angry
Ketu: Secret service, criminals, terrorists, thefts. It is flag indicates government service, small, hair like
objects like wire, thread etc. The has no interest in his job and does not progress till the Ketu is strong
and aspected by lord of the sign or lord of trine. The native does not cordial relations with father and gives
trouble to his mother. If Ketu is debilitated, the native is without support, no home to live in, does not like
to work, and full of sorrow.

The 6
house indicates the profession which the native have to do against his will for earning.

Saturn is causative factor for career (profession). According to Sage Parashar Sun, Saturn, Mercury and
Jupiter are the Karakas for profession. But the experience indicates that Saturn is main Karaka for
profession and next comes Mercury. Otherwise every planet can give profession according to his nature.
Sun, Moon, Mars and Ketu are enemy of Saturn. Sun and Saturn are not major enemy. It only indicates
misunderstanding as between father and Son.
Saturn (work) and Moon (mind) combination indicates fluctuating mind or repetition, so enemy to each
Saturn (work) and Mars (egoism), a worker having ego will not be able to work so enemy. Any native
having Saturn and Mars combination will change his career and will be able to overcome his enemy also.

Aries: Activities, metals, machines, factories, engineering type of work, connected with central govt.,
higher department or authority. He fights to finish. Profession requiring courage as army men, police men,
sales men, surgeon are associated with the sign. It is a fiery sign, so profession as trade union leader,
politician, sports-men with a fighting spirit. Central government, stone, battle field etc, are also indicted.
Taurus: Money or luxury, earning through soft or luxury goods. Profession concerning the sign is
banking, financier, accountants, auditors etc. It is know for doggishness and patience. Being 2
sign of
zodiac, gives voice to sing sweetly.. The ruler being Venus as lord, gives artistic tendencies. The sign
being earthy, is very practical by nature. Dealing in fruits, food grain is also indicated..
Gemini: Airy and intellectual sign. Stands for communication. Intellectual work, business, social or
general activities. The profession like reading, writing, poetry, learning and auditing are indicated. It
represents intellectual profession rather than business tendencies. Gambling house, balcony.
Cancer: It is a watery sign involving traveling, water, dairy, hotels, or liquid profession. It causes
inconsistency of work and commitments and causes worries. It represents North direction, so preacher,
teacher, nursing religious people etc are also indicted. It indicates nursing also.
Leo: Royal sign indicating authority and power. Earning through government or administration or surgeon
specially heart surgeon. This sign denotes sternness So administrator and executives are associated with
this sign. He is always sincere in his work. It represents government employee.
Virgo: It is a commercial sign associated with business men. The business of all type such as intellectual,
commercial, accountancy, trader, retailers, brokers etc fall under this sign. He is polite talker. Place of
amusement. Place of learning. Ground where there in no stone, coins.
Libra: It is balancing sign associated with banking, money and judiciary. Saturn the planet of justice gets
exaltation in this sign. It is more outwardly sing than Taurus. It is capable sign for actors, directors,
models, and other cine-artists. If association with malefic planets gives tendencies for gambling, drinking.
Scorpio: It is a mysterious and secretive sign. It is indicated for astrologers, occult practitioners and
philanthropist. Mars being its lord indicates machinery and metal and mines minerals, engineering,
agriculture, electric, interior. Saturn is not happy in these signs of Mars. So native works under some one.
It gives tendencies for occults sciences like astrologers, philanthropists and researchers. Ketu is exalted
in this sign so associated with clandestine activities.
Sagittarius: Being a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter sports men, advisor and lawyer come under this sign. It
gives battle field, forest, wood, service, spiritual societies. One has business like approach in any
profession. He has disturbances in career. Place of armory,

Capricorn: It is a movable and earthy sign. He produces hard working people moving from one place to
other place. The executive posts requiring patience and repetition work comes under this sign. The
business dealing with agriculture products geology, services, traveling, food, manure, water, type of
department comes under this sign. It indicates place of guard, if afflicted.
Aquarius: It is airy and intellectual sign and is associated with researchers and advisors. They are born
as expert in advise, psychology and science and technology, have secret knowledge. A good
administrator, teacher, manager, guide, ideal and intellectual worker, gives astrologers and philosophers.
Pisces: It gives conventional professions, doctors, lawyers, accountants, religious preachers, teachers,
good master, administrator, priest, saint etc.

For the profession success in life the native should have strength and benefic influence on lagna and
lagna lord. If the lagna lord is weak and afflicted, it is hard to rise in life.

Lagna Lord in different houses

Lagna lord in Lagna: The native will become famous in his own community and country. He will like to
do his own business and rise by dint of his self. If lagna lord is weak and afflicted the results will be
2nd House: The native will be ambitious and dutiful to his family. He will like to do his family business or
hotel, restaurant or earn though his speech such as lawyers, judges, teachers or counselors.
house: The native is courageous and fortunate, and respectful. If the lagna lord is well disposed, the
native rises with the help of his co-born and like to do his own business or writer, publisher or other type
of communications work.
House: There will be happiness from his parents and will be well behaved. He will earn through
agriculture, landed properties, water or vehicles, i.e. significations of 4
house. He may have favour from
House: The native will be short tempered, the first child will not survive and there will not be
happiness from his children. If the 5
lord is strong, the native will be absorbed in service to other,
diplomatic service. The native will win the favor of government.
House: The native will be courageous, fortunate, and respectable. If the 10
lord is strong and not
aspected by malefic planet, the native will join army at high position or head of medical institution or
health services, or a physician or surgeon.
There will be debt or litigations or quarrels if the lagna lord is afflicted.
House: If the lagna lord is strong and aspected or conjuncted with benefic planet, the native will spend
most of his time in foreign country. He will spent licentious life or will be puppet of in-laws.
House: The native will be learned, gambler, interest in research If 8
lord is strong, he will help
others, has number of friends, religiously inclined. He will have peaceful life and sudden death.
House: The native will be fortunate, religious and help others. He will be good orator, judge,
happiness on account of wife and children. The native will inherit paternal and ancestral property and
father will be famous, philanthropic and god fearing.
House: The native will have professional success and famous. He will earn honour. The native will
have specialization in some branch of knowledge. He will desire his own business.
House: He will like to do his own business and have gain out of it. He will have number of friends
and gain from them. He will do some type of financial business such as lending money or working in
House: The native will suffer many loses in his own business. He will be religious minded and
learned. He will like to take risk in financial matters such as speculation or gambling. He may be a
smuggler and visits foreign countries. He may join secret services or be a head of the health institute or
prison. He should always take care of Government.
Lord indifferent house:

One should assess the strength and benefic influence of the 10
lord and 10
house for high prospects in
life. If the 10
lord is weak and afflicted there will be obstacles and the profession will be ordinary and

Lagna: `1f the 10
lord is in lagna, native rises in life by dint of self employment. If the 10
lord and lagna
lord conjuncted in lagna, the native engaged in social work and establishes social institutions.
2nd house: The native is fortunate. The native is engaged in family trade, or earns by use of intellectual
and speech such as lawyers, judges, teachers, counselors, or karma kandi pundits etc, but Mercury
should be strong and 10
house should be influenced by benefic planets and 10
lord should be strong..
The 2
house also indicates food and mouth, so the native gets prosperity in catering, restaurant or hotel
business. The malefic influence on 10
and 10
lord causes losses in business.
house: The native have to travel on short journey. He will be good writer or speaker if the 10
lord is
strong and under benefic influences. His siblings will help him to rise in profession. If the 10
lord is
posited in trik houses in Navamsha chart or in enemy nakshatra or afflicted, the rise in career will be slow.
If the 3rd lord is afflicted, there will be rivalry between siblings and may lead to reversals, obstacles or
losses in career of the native.
house: The native will be generous and famous in learning and will be lucky. If the 10
lord is strong
and has benefic influence he will receive respect and government favor. He will deal in immovable
properties, agriculture, vehicles etc depending on the nature and strength of the planet.
If the 4
, 9
and 10
lords are strong and beneficially disposed and related to one another, the native will
be great politician, authority, president or head of the institute. If the 10
lord is afflicted or conjuncted with
malefic planet or the lord of trik houses or posited in trik houses in navamsha, the native will be
depressed and serve others.
house: Since the 10th lord is in the 5th, the native will excel in real estate deals as a broker and in
speculation. They are inclined to Religion and Philosophy and lead a simple life with prayer and
meditation. They are interested in learning from early childhood and adhere to Truth. They will be
blessed with all the comforts of life. They will have powerful friends. As the 5th is 8th from the 10th, they
will have reverses in profession and may be subjected to vicissitudes. They will have powerful
enemies also who will try to block their progress and development. He may become head of the
orphanage or remand home if the 10
lord is in trik house in Navamsha.
house: Since the 10th lord is in the 6th, the native will shine in occupations which are connected
with the judiciary, hospital or prison. They will hold responsible posts. They will be known as impartial
men and will be held in high esteem for his character. There may be transfers and changes in their
environment. They will subject to trouble through enemies. As the 6th is 9th to the 10th, they will have
professional luck and people will recognise them as professionals. They will wield political power and
have wealth beyond the dreams of avarice The lucky breaks come to them automatically.
If Saturn aspects or conjuncted with 10
lord in 6
, he may have to work in a low-paying job with not
much respect. If benefic planet aspects or conjuncted with 10
lord, he may have post of authority. If
Rahu or afflicted malefic is conjuncted with 10
lord, he may suffer disgrace in his career. He may be
exposed to criminal action and face imprison.
house: Since the 10th lord is in the 7th, this is a powerful position for professional life. Their IQ will
be above the average & they will be renowned for their communication skills. They will be blessed with a
partner who becomes a cause for their career development. They may travel abroad for business. Their
managerial abilities are well known as they fill their targets in time. They believe in people and in
delegation. Hence all ventures initiated by them prove to be successful. As the 7th is 10th from the
10th, their professional fame will surpass all boundaries.
If the 10
lord is afflicted in 7
, the native will be sexual perverted and indulged in every kind of vice.
house: Since the 10th lord is in the 8th, changes or breaks in career are to be expected. Anyway
they will have a regal status in their profession. They may become mystics & choose the path celestial.
They will be blessed with good longevity. They are noble-minded & high principled and uphold lofty
principles. They will be well appreciated by their juniors & associates. As the 8th is 11th from the 10th,
they will have high gains via profession. Their brothers also ascend the ladder of success.
If the 10
lord is afflicted in 8
, the native will have criminal propensities and commits criminal acts.
If the Jupiter influences 10
lord in 8
, he become mystic or spiritual teacher.
If Saturn influences the 10
lord in 8
, the native earns through service in burning-ghats or graveyard.

House: Since the 10th lord is in the 9th, the native will become a sage & a mystic. They will
become exemplars and guides to those who walk the path celestial. Fortune will favour them generally
and they will be well off. A hereditary profession will be taken up by them viz that of a teacher, preacher
or healer. Their father will play a dominant role in their development and they will prove dutiful to him.
They are basically altruists and charitable. They will shine as psychological counselors. They will have a
regal status and bearing and will be respected for their talents.

house: Since the 10th lord is in the 10th, the native will shine in their profession as this position is
conducive to professional brilliance. They may turn to asceticism during a particular stage in life. They
respect their seniors and get respected thereby. People will find them trustworthy and they always prove
to be good assistants who can be depended on. They can wield immense political power & always have
contact with those in the Government. A powerfully posited 10th lord confers professional
enhancement & reputation. People will look up to them for guidance.
If the 10
lord s weak and afflicted, the native will not have self respect and cry for help and favor. He will
be dependent on other all through his life. He will be fickle minded. If the 10
lord is posited in 6
, 8
in Navamsha, the native career will be routine and ordinary.
house: Since the 10th lord is in the 11th, the native will earn merit & reputation along with money.
They display a happy exterior always and show bonhomie and geniality. This earns them good reputation
good will among the public. They will be in a position to give employment opportunities to many a people.
And this makes them the most sought after individuals with many friends. As the 11th is 2
from the 10th,
profession will fetch them immense largesse. Fame and reputation will be theirs. The professional
enhancement is indicated.
If the 10
lord is afflicted in 11
, his friends will become his enemy and cause him every sort of hardship
to him.

House : Since the 10th lord is in the 12th, the native is likely to reside abroad and will be beset
with many problems and obstacles. He will have to work in far-off place. He will face many difficulties in
life and will not have comfort. They will be after Self Actualization. They should be cautious in matters
of tax or when dealing with government organizations. Beware of involvement with politicians which will
result only in major loss for them. They may have a vocation linked to rituals and religion. Income, may
be from ecclesiastical sources. They may have many enmity & problems in profession. They are advised
to turn to remedial measures for problem solution.

According to eminent astrologer R.G. Rao Profession from the position of planets and
Sh.V.Raghuraman Vedic Nadi Astrology and career have stated in their book that profession should be
seen from the position of Saturn. Saturn is the karaka for profession. Jupiter and Rahu and Ketu are self
and gives independent career, Saturn is Karma-profession and hard work or struggle, or activity, Mercury-
education trade, law, authorship, relatives or writing, Sun father or government or authority, Moon-mind
or mother or traveling, Mars-brother or courage,



The planets posited in the same direction results in one combination such as planets posited
in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (fiery sign) gives results in combination. Similarly for other
We should take in to account the friendship of the planet in combination, their strength and
disposition, and their friendship and enmity from the angle of profession.
Planets in 12
from the planet under consideration will push that planet and will have comfort
levels with the planet.
The planet in 2
from the planet under consideration will assist or obstruct that planet.
See the planets in opposite direction to the direction of the planets under consideration such
as planets in East direction (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) examine planets in West direction
(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) also. If the planets are in South direction (Taurus, Virgo and
Capricorn) see also planets in North direction i.e. planets in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces So
the planets are face to face i.e. in 7
Sun is friend of Mars, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury and enemy of Saturn, Venus and nodes.
Moon is friend of Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and enemy of Saturn, Venus and nodes..

Mars is friend of Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu and enemy of Saturn, Mercury and Rahu.
Mercury is friend of Sun, Rahu, Saturn, Venus and enemy of Mars, Moon, Jupiter and Ketu.
Jupiter is friend of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, and enemy of Venus and Mercury.
Venus is friend of Saturn, Mercury, Rahu and Mars and enemy of Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Ketu
Saturn is friend of Venus, Mercury, Rahu and Jupiter and enemy of Sun, Moon, Mars and Ketu

The above classification of friendship and enmity is different from classical friendship and enmity. In
classics Moon has no enemy but we have give four enemy of Moon. This classification is given on the
basis of Nadi Astrology. From the angle of nativity Moon has no enemy but from angle of profession
above friendship hold good.

Saturn in Aries: Saturn is debilitated in this sign. The native will have success in machinery, factories,
metal, engineering type of work, or connected to central government, or higher department
Saturn is Taurus: points to finance related matters such as treasury, and banking or earn by soft work.
Or luxury goods are concern.
Saturn in Gemini earn through intellect, commercial transactions, business, accountancy, auditing and
communication work. It indicates cooperation from friends.
Saturn in Cancer: It indicates artistic work, travel, water, milk, liquid, and wine.
Saturn in Leo: It indicates government employment or benefited from government authorities or some
authoritative or administrative work. Sun the ruler of the sign is enemy to Saturn. Therefore one has to
struggle hard in professional matter unless Jupiter, Venus or Mercury associated or aspect Saturn.
Saturn in Virgo: earn through intellectual and commercial work, accountancy, real estate, and
brokerage. The native is very practical in his business.
Saturn in Libra: Saturn is exalted in this sign and is capable to give strong profession unless combined
or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Lawyers and judges are known to have Saturn in Libra. The lawyers will
have the combination of Saturn, Mercury and Venus, or/ and Ketu. The judge will have Saturn, Mercury
and/or Jupiter or Ketu. The aspect of Jupiter is must for judges to discriminate. The earning through
banking or luxury or soft work or cine-artist is also indicated. If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is posited in 2
, or in trine to Saturn, one will enjoy regular flow of money and very comfortable profession.
Saturn in Scorpio; Scorpio is battle field where as Aries is Kingdom. Saturn will never benefit in these
two signs. It may indicate metal, machine or factory.
The native will work in concern dealing in mines, minerals, engineering, and agriculture department. The
native can work in interior or electric work.
Saturn in Sagittarius: The native will enjoy prestigious profession related to law or forest. The native has
argumentative skill. The native will earns through forest, wood, service, spiritual societies.
Saturn in Capricorn: Service, traveling or movement, sales job, liaison work are good career. The native
may earn through water and food concern business.
Saturn in Aquarius. Makes the native expert in psychology, have secret knowledge, administrative,
manager, teacher, research scientist, astrologers, advisor, psychologist or guide. The native is
independent in all its works.
Saturn in Pisces: The native is lawyer, medicines, history, religion good master, administrator, doctor,
priest, teacher, guide, holy place. Have good circle of friends. The native will enjoy respect in his

Saturn with Sun: Father son relation i.e. though there is lack of under standing, but there is less
opposition. It indicates government service, politics. The success comes after great struggle. The native
may come to lime light if there is aspect of Jupiter, or Venus or Mercury or strong Moon.
Saturn and Moon: repeated changes in career and involve traveling, not interested in hard work, have
interested in arts, literature, liquids, water and wine, traveling, we can see astrologers, accountants,
religious head etc. It may give cheating tendencies if afflicted. Fluctuation of mind and cannot finish his
He is not supposed to have good understanding with his wife and Mother. He will not stay with his father.
He is man of imagination.
Saturn and Mars: They are enemy to one another. Mars is causative planet of egoism. Due to ego he will
not be able to finish his work. He will change his work. He has great struggle in his career of metal,

machinery, engineering, factories. If Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or strong Moon is related to the combination
one will enjoy not only money but also land and property.
.Saturn and Mercury: It gives profession related to trade, writing or law and authorship and do well in his
career due to intellect and ability to handle the situation tactfully. The aspect of Jupiter or Venus makes
easy earning. He is soft and calm.
Saturn and Jupiter: great personalities. Even if the person is to take begging, he will be the king of
beggars. It gives independent career or any employment. The person will have lot of respect in the
society. The transit of Saturn or Jupiter over this combination or trines or 7
there from, give prosperity to
the native.
Saturn and Venus: This is a fortunate combination. The native have success after marriage and enjoy
good fortune in field of money i.e. banking, accountant, or good business organizations, will have house
and conveyance. The transit of Saturn, Jupiter or Venus over the combination or trines or 7
there from
will gives prosperity by change in career with substantial rise in income, housing property, conveyance or
marriage if unmarried.
Saturn with Rahu: Subordination to other person. Rahu means wheel. Any thing moves like wheel, film,
vehicle, printing press, laborer class of work. However If Jupiter or Venus were to be in 2
, or combined
Rahu in trine, after initial subordination, the native may come out with self employment. It gives masking
ability so acting is best career. Rahu is big.
Saturn and Rahu also indicate door-keeper, servant of low category.
Saturn and Ketu: Ketu is inimical to Saturn. It indicates maximum work and minimum salary. The native
will pursue his job detached from the fruits of labor. His will work as writing or ordinary worker and have
saintly thoughts.
The combination of Saturn, Jupiter/Mercury and Ketu either together or in trine makes famous lawyer.
Ketu is flag, i.e. government. He is saint i.e. detached.
.Ketu indicates lanes, hairs, rope, thread, sexual organs, penis vagina, temple, prayers, charity, church,
hospitals and small or government service.
e.g. Saturn + Venus + Rahu in Taurus indicates Rahu (big) Saturn (work) Venus (money) the native will
work in big financial concern. The same combination in Cancer indicates that the native will work in arts,
drama, dance or film or photography in big concern
The Saturn with Ketu (small) indicates that the native will work in small concern or scarifying concern i.e.
Jupiter with Ketu and Moon in cancer or Pisces indicates that the native will visit holy places or born at
holy place or have divine virtues from past life.
Sun with Venus and Rahu indicates that the father of the native will meet an accident at the age of 18
year of life of the native, or the father has amassed wealth by fraud and cunning means. This causes
death by evil methods-black magic or due to females.
Saturn, Sun and Moon: Sun and Moon is enemy to Saturn so rise in career is full of obstacle. He follows
the work of his father. Moon indicates constant worries and travel.
Saturn, Sun and Mars: indicate frequent breaks in career. However the aspect of Jupiter or Venus the
native will be able to earn well but his prospects of promotion are rare. Since Sun and Mars are fiery
planets, indicate career in police, army or government.
Saturn, Sun and Mercury: Good profession through government contacts though initial difficulties. The
transit of Saturn over the combination or 7
or trines there from will bring wealth and prosperity.
Saturn, Sun and Jupiter: The native will get name, fame and prosperity.
Saturn, Sun and Venus: The native earn name, fame and prosperity through government contacts.
Saturn, Sun and Rahu: break in career and subordination. The native may engaged in shady deals with
governments but loss also.
Saturn, Sun and Ketu: The native will face initial difficulties in profession. He will settle in legal
department of government.
Saturn, Moon and Mars: worried mind and causes blame and hardship in profession. There will be an
enemy who will constantly harass him. He may have profit from dealing in land.
Saturn, Moon and Mercury: It represents Saturn (profession) + Moon (art or imagination or
communication) + mercury (intelligence) writing and authorship related profession.
Saturn, Moon and Jupiter: The professions related to this combination are teaching, counseling,
astrology, law, medicine etc with name and fame. If Ketu joins the combination or is in 7
or in trines, the
native will be an astrologer.

Saturn, Moon and Venus: represents the luxurious career with art or trading. If Jupiter joins the
combination, the prospect of teaching technical subjects is very high. This combination may give
employment in some financial institute also.
Saturn, Moon and Rahu: It gives blame to the native on account of his professional dealings. This
combination represents profession + art + mask. The native is expert in photography, or acting. The Moon
(mind) being in between Saturn and Rahu, the native can be smuggler and expert in deceit.
Saturn, Moon and Ketu: combination indicates renunciation and religious activities. It is quite possible
that the native may deal in thread (Ketu). This combination gives subordination unless aspected by
Jupiter or Venus.
Saturn, Mars and Mercury: indicates that the profession would be hindered by constant quarrelling since
Mars and Mercury are deadly enemy. It indicates trading, brokerage, real estate, machinery related work.
Saturn, Mars and Jupiter: indicates career related to finance, banking, own business related to
machinery, engineering. The fiery sign gives surgeon.
Saturn, Mars and Venus: indicates manufacturing or trading in luxury articles or cosmetic articles or
trading in share market. The native may encounter break in profession on account of Mars. But things will
be set right by Venus.
Saturn, Mars and Rahu: This is surely to give upset in profession due to shady people and encounter
subordination. He may enter in clandestine deals to make money. The native may work in factory.
Saturn, Mars and Ketu: Rahu may help Saturn. But Ketu and Mars are sure to displace the native from
his career by giving legal dispute. The prospect to marriage is remote. He would adopt an attitude of
renunciation in his profession.
Saturn, Mercury and Rahu: indicates big business or trading. The native may be deceitful in business.
He may be having business with other counties.
Saturn, Mercury and Ketu: gives business in thread, clothing or lawyer if the combination is in
intellectual sign i.e. airy sign.
Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu: It makes expert in his career (Jupiter + Rahu), specialization. After initial
difficulties in his business, the native prosper after his 24
Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu: indicates spiritual profession like astrology or other occult sciences, priests,
monks or philanthropists.
Saturn, Venus and Rahu: indicates big business in financial sector. The native may have black money
and money out side the country. The native may have business in hotel or catering.
Saturn, Venus and Ketu: It indicates disputes and breaks in hid career. The native has skill in his job.
The pilots and airborne persons are seen to born in this combination.

With the above back ground let us have some practical examples. The native was born of Jan 2,
1943, at 0230 hrs IST, Ranchi Jharkhanda.

The lagna is Scorpio and lord is Mars which is going to be exalted. So lagna lord is strong The
Moon is 9
lord and posited in 10
and associated with Rahu. So Moon is afflicted. Therefore
examine the chart from 10
from Lagna. The lagna is aspected by Saturn. The 10
house is
occupied by Moon and Rahu. The Moon is posited in Navamsha of Venus. The Venus is 7

lord. Therefore Venus being 10
from 10
, plays her importance in determination of
profession. Venus is posited in Navamsha of Sun. So the association of Sun and Venus gave him
the service of government and in the dasha of Sun/Venus as IAS officer in government.

Example 2. The native was born on Oct 25, 1967, at 13:30, Meerut U.P

The 10 lord from Lagna is Venus and is posited in 8
from Lagna which is Upachaya house
from10th i.e. 11
.. Moon herself is posited in 6
is afflicted and aspected from Ketu. So the
lagna is strong. 10
from Lagna is Libra and its lord is Venus. The 10
house is occupied by
Mercury (R), Ketu and Sun. Venus is posited in her own Navamsha in Navamsha Chart. The
Venus is posited in the sign of Sun and Sun is posited in 10
house. The combination of
Mercury, Ketu and Sun gave him Computer engineers service in government department.
Chart 3rd

The native is born in Hydrabad on 23-7-1937at 18-12 hrs.
Lagna lord Jupiter is retrograde and posited in lagna . The lagna is strong than others.. There is
no planet in 10
from lagna. The 10
lord Mercury is posited in 2
with Rahu in Navamsha
chart. Rahu indicates poison. Rahu is posited in 12
in Rash chart with Mars, the lord of 12

house. The native is famous surgeon
Chart 4


The native is born in Delhi on 10-01-1975 at 11-15
The lagna lord Jupiter is posited in 12
in the sign of Saturn. The Moon is posited in friends
house Sagittarius with Sun. Moon is weak in paksha bala. Therefore we have to analyse the chart
from the lagna The 10
house from lagna is occupied by Sun and Moon and aspected by Saturn.
He started his higher studies when Sun dasha was running. The Sun is 6
lord. Sun is posited
with Rahu in Navamsha. He has completed his MBBS education and studying in MD.

Chart 5

The native is a female. She was born in Delhi on 5-10-1981 at 10-15
The lagna lord is posited in 9
and is debilitated and associated with Rahu. Therefore Mars is
afflicted. The Moon is posited in friends sign Sagittarius and hemmed in between Ketu and
Venus, enemy. So Moon is afflicted. Moon is posited in enemy sign and Mars is posted in
friends sign in Navamsha. Therefore we have to analyse the chart from Lagna. The 10
from lagna is not occupied by any planet. We have taken 10
lords Navamsha lord. The
Navamsha lord of 10
is Mercury. The Mercury has Venus in 2
from him and Jupiter, Sun and
Saturn in 12
from himself. Mercury is posited in the trine 4
house. The Venus and Jupiter
influence gave her lecturership and Sun and Saturn gave her lecturership in political science. She
is lecturer in political science.

Lord indifferent house:

One should assess the strength and benefic influence of the 10
lord and 10
house for high
prospects in life. If the 10
lord is weak and afflicted there will be obstacles and the profession
will be ordinary and routine.

Lagna: `1f the 10
lord is in lagna, native rises in life by dint of self employment. If the 10
and lagna lord conjuncted in lagna, the native engaged in social work and establishes social

2nd house: The native is fortunate. The native is engaged in family trade, or earns by use of
intellectual and speech such as lawyers, judges, teachers, counselors, or karma kandi pundits etc,
but Mercury should be strong and 10
house should be influenced by benefic planets and 10

lord should be strong.. The 2
house also indicates food and mouth, so the native gets prosperity
in catering, restaurant or hotel business. The malefic influence on 10
and 10
lord causes losses
in business.

house: The native have to travel on short journey. He will be good writer or speaker if the
lord is strong and under benefic influences. His siblings will help him to rise in profession. If
the 10
lord is posited in trik houses in Navamsha chart or in enemy nakshatra or afflicted, the
rise in career will be slow. If the 3rd lord is afflicted, there will be rivalry between siblings and
may lead to reversals, obstacles or losses in career of the native.

house: The native will be generous and famous in learning and will be lucky. If the 10
is strong and has benefic influence he will receive respect and government favor. He will deal in
immovable properties, agriculture, vehicles etc depending on the nature and strength of the
If the 4
, 9
and 10
lords are strong and beneficially disposed and related to one another, the
native will be great politician, authority, president or head of the institute. If the 10
lord is
afflicted or conjuncted with malefic planet or the lord of trik houses or posited in trik houses in
navamsha, the native will be depressed and serve others.

house: Since the 10th lord is in the 5th, the native will excel in real estate deals as a broker
and in speculation. They are inclined to Religion and Philosophy and lead a simple life with
prayer and meditation. They are interested in learning from early childhood and adhere to
Truth. They will be blessed with all the comforts of life. They will have powerful friends. As
the 5th is 8th from the 10th, they will have reverses in profession and may be subjected
to vicissitudes. They will have powerful enemies also who will try to block their progress and
development. He may become head of the orphanage or remand home if the 10
lord is in trik
house in Navamsha.

house: Since the 10th lord is in the 6th, the native will shine in occupations which are
connected with the judiciary, hospital or prison. They will hold responsible posts. They will be
known as impartial men and will be held in high esteem for his character. There may be
transfers and changes in their environment. They will subject to trouble through enemies. As the
6th is 9th to the 10th, they will have professional luck and people will recognise them as
professionals. They will wield political power and have wealth beyond the dreams of avarice The
lucky breaks come to them automatically.
If Saturn aspects or conjuncted with 10
lord in 6
, he may have to work in a low-paying job
with not much respect. If benefic planet aspects or conjuncted with 10
lord, he may have post of
authority. If Rahu or afflicted malefic is conjuncted with 10
lord, he may suffer disgrace in his
career. He may be exposed to criminal action and face imprison.

house: Since the 10th lord is in the 7th, this is a powerful position for professional life.
Their IQ will be above the average & they will be renowned for their communication skills.
They will be blessed with a partner who becomes a cause for their career development. They
may travel abroad for business. Their managerial abilities are well known as they fill their targets
in time. They believe in people and in delegation. Hence all ventures initiated by them prove to
be successful. As the 7th is 10th from the 10th, their professional fame will surpass all
If the 10
lord is afflicted in 7
, the native will be sexual perverted and indulged in every kind of

house: Since the 10th lord is in the 8th, changes or breaks in career are to be expected.
Anyway they will have a regal status in their profession. They may become mystics & choose
the path celestial. They will be blessed with good longevity. They are noble-minded & high
principled and uphold lofty principles. They will be well appreciated by their juniors &
associates. As the 8th is 11th from the 10th, they will have high gains via profession. Their
brothers also ascend the ladder of success.
If the 10
lord is afflicted in 8
, the native will have criminal propensities and commits criminal
If the Jupiter influences 10
lord in 8
, he become mystic or spiritual teacher.
If Saturn influences the 10
lord in 8
, the native earns through service in burning-ghats or

House: Since the 10th lord is in the 9th, the native will become a sage & a mystic. They
will become exemplars and guides to those who walk the path celestial. Fortune will favour
them generally and they will be well off. A hereditary profession will be taken up by them viz
that of a teacher, preacher or healer. Their father will play a dominant role in their development
and they will prove dutiful to him. They are basically altruists and charitable. They will shine as
psychological counselors. They will have a regal status and bearing and will be respected for
their talents.

house: Since the 10th lord is in the 10th, the native will shine in their profession as this
position is conducive to professional brilliance. They may turn to asceticism during a particular
stage in life. They respect their seniors and get respected thereby. People will find them
trustworthy and they always prove to be good assistants who can be depended on. They can
wield immense political power & always have contact with those in the Government. A
powerfully posited 10th lord confers professional enhancement & reputation. People will look
up to them for guidance.

If the 10
lord s weak and afflicted, the native will not have self respect and cry for help and
favor. He will be dependent on other all through his life. He will be fickle minded. If the 10

lord is posited in 6
, 8
or 12
in Navamsha, the native career will be routine and ordinary.

house: Since the 10th lord is in the 11th, the native will earn merit & reputation along with
money. They display a happy exterior always and show bonhomie and geniality. This
earns them good reputation and
good will among the public. They will be in a position to give employment opportunities to
many a people. And this makes them the most sought after individuals with many friends. As the
11th is 2
from the 10th, profession will fetch them immense largesse. Fame and reputation
will be theirs. The professional enhancement is indicated.
If the 10
lord is afflicted in 11
, his friends will become his enemy and cause him every sort of
hardship to him.

House : Since the 10th lord is in the 12th, the native is likely to reside abroad and will be
beset with many problems and obstacles. He will have to work in far-off place. He will face
many difficulties in life and will not have comfort. They will be after Self Actualization. They
should be cautious in matters of tax or when dealing with government organizations. Beware of

involvement with politicians which will result only in major loss for them. They may have a
vocation linked to rituals and religion. Income, may be from ecclesiastical sources. They may
have many enmity & problems in profession. They are advised to turn to remedial measures for
problem solution.

According to the eminent astrologer R.G. Rao Profession from the position of planets and
Sh.V.Raghuraman Vedic Nadi Astrology and career have stated in their book that profession
should be seen from the position of Saturn. Saturn is the karaka for profession. Jupiter and Rahu
and Ketu are self and gives independent career, Saturn is Karma-profession and hard work or
struggle, or activity, Mercury-education trade, law, authorship, relatives or writing, Sun father
or government or authority, Moon-mind or mother or traveling, Mars-brother or courage,




The planets posited in the same direction results in one combination such as planets
posited in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (fiery sign) gives results in combination.
Similarly for other Tattva.
We should take in to account the friendship of the planet in combination, their
strength and disposition, and their friendship and enmity from the angle of profession.
Planets in 12
from the planet under consideration will push that planet and will have
comfort levels with the planet.
The planet in 2
from the planet under consideration will assist or obstruct that
See the planets in opposite direction to the direction of the planets under
consideration such as planets in East direction (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) examine
planets in West direction (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) also. If the planets are in
South direction (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) see also planets in North direction i.e.
planets in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces So the planets are face to face i.e. in 7
Sun is friend of Mars, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury and enemy of Saturn, Venus and
Moon is friend of Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and enemy of Saturn, Venus and nodes..
Mars is friend of Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu and enemy of Saturn, Mercury and
Mercury is friend of Sun, Rahu, Saturn, Venus and enemy of Mars, Moon, Jupiter and
Jupiter is friend of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, and enemy of Venus and Mercury.
Venus is friend of Saturn, Mercury, Rahu and Mars and enemy of Sun, Moon, Jupiter
and Ketu
Saturn is friend of Venus, Mercury, Rahu and Jupiter and enemy of Sun, Moon, Mars
and Ketu

The above classification of friendship and enmity is different from classical friendship and
enmity. In classics Moon has no enemy but we have give four enemy of Moon. This
classification is given on the basis of Nadi Astrology. From the angle of nativity Moon has no
enemy but from angle of profession above friendship hold good.

Saturn in Aries: Saturn is debilitated in this sign. The native will have success in machinery,
factories, metal, engineering type of work, or connected to central government, or higher

Saturn is Taurus: points to finance related matters such as treasury, and banking or earn by soft
work. Or luxury goods are concern.

Saturn in Gemini earn through intellect, commercial transactions, business, accountancy,
auditing and communication work. It indicates cooperation from friends.

Saturn in Cancer: It indicates artistic work, travel, water, milk, liquid, and wine.

Saturn in Leo: It indicates government employment or benefited from government authorities or
some authoritative or administrative work. Sun the ruler of the sign is enemy to Saturn.
Therefore one has to struggle hard in professional matter unless Jupiter, Venus or Mercury
associated or aspect Saturn.

Saturn in Virgo: earn through intellectual and commercial work, accountancy, real estate, and
brokerage. The native is very practical in his business.

Saturn in Libra: Saturn is exalted in this sign and is capable to give strong profession unless
combined or aspected by Mars or Ketu. Lawyers and judges are known to have Saturn in Libra.
The lawyers will have the combination of Saturn, Mercury and Venus, or/ and Ketu. The judge
will have Saturn, Mercury and/or Jupiter or Ketu. The aspect of Jupiter is must for judges to
discriminate. The earning through banking or luxury or soft work or cine-artist is also indicated.
If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is posited in 2
, 7
, or in trine to Saturn, one will enjoy regular
flow of money and very comfortable profession.

Saturn in Scorpio; Scorpio is battle field where as Aries is Kingdom. Saturn will never benefit
in these two signs. It may indicate metal, machine or factory.
The native will work in concern dealing in mines, minerals, engineering, and agriculture
department. The native can work in interior or electric work.

Saturn in Sagittarius: The native will enjoy prestigious profession related to law or forest. The
native has argumentative skill. The native will earns through forest, wood, service, spiritual

Saturn in Capricorn: Service, traveling or movement, sales job, liaison work are good career.
The native may earn through water and food concern business.

Saturn in Aquarius. Makes the native expert in psychology, have secret knowledge,
administrative, manager, teacher, research scientist, astrologers, advisor, psychologist or guide.
The native is independent in all its works.

Saturn in Pisces: The native is lawyer, medicines, history, religion good master, administrator,
doctor, priest, teacher, guide, holy place. Have good circle of friends. The native will enjoy
respect in his profession.

Saturn with Sun: Father son relation i.e. though there is lack of under standing, but there is less
opposition. It indicates government service, politics. The success comes after great struggle. The
native may come to lime light if there is aspect of Jupiter, or Venus or Mercury or strong Moon.

Saturn and Moon: repeated changes in career and involve traveling, not interested in hard work,
have interested in arts, literature, liquids, water and wine, traveling, we can see astrologers,
accountants, religious head etc. It may give cheating tendencies if afflicted. Fluctuation of mind
and cannot finish his work.
He is not supposed to have good understanding with his wife and Mother. He will not stay with
his father. He is man of imagination.

Saturn and Mars: They are enemy to one another. Mars is causative planet of egoism. Due to
ego he will not be able to finish his work. He will change his work. He has great struggle in his
career of metal, machinery, engineering, factories. If Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or strong Moon is
related to the combination one will enjoy not only money but also land and property.
Saturn and Mercury: It gives profession related to trade, writing or law and authorship and do
well in his career due to intellect and ability to handle the situation tactfully. The aspect of
Jupiter or Venus makes easy earning. He is soft and calm.

Saturn and Jupiter: great personalities. Even if the person is to take begging, he will be the
king of beggars. It gives independent career or any employment. The person will have lot of
respect in the society. The transit of Saturn or Jupiter over this combination or trines or 7
from, give prosperity to the native.

Saturn and Venus: This is a fortunate combination. The native have success after marriage and
enjoy good fortune in field of money i.e. banking, accountant, or good business organizations,
will have house and conveyance. The transit of Saturn, Jupiter or Venus over the combination or
trines or 7
there from will gives prosperity by change in career with substantial rise in income,
housing property, conveyance or marriage if unmarried.

Saturn with Rahu: Subordination to other person. Rahu means wheel. Any thing moves like
wheel, film, vehicle, printing press, laborer class of work. However If Jupiter or Venus were to
be in 2
, or combined Rahu in trine, after initial subordination, the native may come out with
self employment. It gives masking ability so acting is best career. Rahu is big.
Saturn and Rahu also indicate door-keeper, servant of low category.

Saturn and Ketu: Ketu is inimical to Saturn. It indicates maximum work and minimum salary.
The native will pursue his job detached from the fruits of labor. His will work as writing or
ordinary worker and have saintly thoughts.
The combination of Saturn, Jupiter/Mercury and Ketu either together or in trine makes famous
lawyer. Ketu is flag, i.e. government. He is saint i.e. detached.

.Ketu indicates lanes, hairs, rope, thread, sexual organs, penis vagina, temple, prayers, charity,
church, hospitals and small or government service.

e.g. Saturn + Venus + Rahu in Taurus indicates Rahu (big) Saturn (work) Venus (money) the
native will work in big financial concern. The same combination in Cancer indicates that the
native will work in arts, drama, dance or film or photography in big concern
The Saturn with Ketu (small) indicates that the native will work in small concern or scarifying
concern i.e. lighting
Jupiter with Ketu and Moon in cancer or Pisces indicates that the native will visit holy places or
born at holy place or have divine virtues from past life.
Sun with Venus and Rahu indicates that the father of the native will meet an accident at the age
of 18
or 38
year of life of the native, or the father has amassed wealth by fraud and cunning
means. This causes death by evil methods-black magic or due to females.

Saturn, Sun and Moon: Sun and Moon is enemy to Saturn so rise in career is full of obstacle.
He follows the work of his father. Moon indicates constant worries and travel.

Saturn, Sun and Mars: indicate frequent breaks in career. However the aspect of Jupiter or
Venus the native will be able to earn well but his prospects of promotion are rare. Since Sun and
Mars are fiery planets, indicate career in police, army or government.

Saturn, Sun and Mercury: Good profession through government contacts though initial
difficulties. The 2
transit of Saturn over the combination or 7
or trines there from will bring
wealth and prosperity.

Saturn, Sun and Jupiter: The native will get name, fame and prosperity.

Saturn, Sun and Venus: The native earn name, fame and prosperity through government

Saturn, Sun and Rahu: break in career and subordination. The native may engaged in shady
deals with governments but loss also.

Saturn, Sun and Ketu: The native will face initial difficulties in profession. He will settle in
legal department of government.

Saturn, Moon and Mars: worried mind and causes blame and hardship in profession. There
will be an enemy who will constantly harass him. He may have profit from dealing in land.

Saturn, Moon and Mercury: It represents Saturn (profession) + Moon (art or imagination or
communication) + mercury (intelligence) writing and authorship related profession.

Saturn, Moon and Jupiter: The professions related to this combination are teaching,
counseling, astrology, law, medicine etc with name and fame. If Ketu joins the combination or is
in 7
or in trines, the native will be an astrologer.

Saturn, Moon and Venus: represents the luxurious career with art or trading. If Jupiter joins the
combination, the prospect of teaching technical subjects is very high. This combination may give
employment in some financial institute also.

Saturn, Moon and Rahu: It gives blame to the native on account of his professional dealings.
This combination represents profession + art + mask. The native is expert in photography, or
acting. The Moon (mind) being in between Saturn and Rahu, the native can be smuggler and
expert in deceit.

Saturn, Moon and Ketu: combination indicates renunciation and religious activities. It is quite
possible that the native may deal in thread (Ketu). This combination gives subordination unless
aspected by Jupiter or Venus.

Saturn, Mars and Mercury: indicates that the profession would be hindered by constant
quarrelling since Mars and Mercury are deadly enemy. It indicates trading, brokerage, real estate,
machinery related work.

Saturn, Mars and Jupiter: indicates career related to finance, banking, own business related to
machinery, engineering. The fiery sign gives surgeon.

Saturn, Mars and Venus: indicates manufacturing or trading in luxury articles or cosmetic
articles or trading in share market. The native may encounter break in profession on account of
Mars. But things will be set right by Venus.

Saturn, Mars and Rahu: This is surely to give upset in profession due to shady people and
encounter subordination. He may enter in clandestine deals to make money. The native may
work in factory.

Saturn, Mars and Ketu: Rahu may help Saturn. But Ketu and Mars are sure to displace the
native from his career by giving legal dispute. The prospect to marriage is remote. He would
adopt an attitude of renunciation in his profession.

Saturn, Mercury and Rahu: indicates big business or trading. The native may be deceitful in
business. He may be having business with other counties.

Saturn, Mercury and Ketu: gives business in thread, clothing or lawyer if the combination is in
intellectual sign i.e. airy sign.

Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu: It makes expert in his career (Jupiter + Rahu), specialization. After
initial difficulties in his business, the native prosper after his 24

Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu: indicates spiritual profession like astrology or other occult sciences,
priests, monks or philanthropists.

Saturn, Venus and Rahu: indicates big business in financial sector. The native may have black
money and money out side the country. The native may have business in hotel or catering.

Saturn, Venus and Ketu: It indicates disputes and breaks in hid career. The native has skill in
his job. The pilots and airborne persons are seen to born in this combination.

With the above back ground let us have some practical examples. The native was born of Jan 2,
1943, at 0230 hrs IST, Ranchi Jharkhanda.

The lagna is Scorpio and lord is Mars which is going to be exalted. So lagna lord is strong The
Moon is 9
lord and posited in 10
and associated with Rahu. So Moon is afflicted. Therefore
examine the chart from 10
from Lagna. The lagna is aspected by Saturn. The 10
house is
occupied by Moon and Rahu. The Moon is posited in Navamsha of Venus. The Venus is 7
lord. Therefore Venus being 10
from 10
, plays her importance in determination of
profession. Venus is posited in Navamsha of Sun. So the association of Sun and Venus gave him
the service of government and in the dasha of Sun/Venus as IAS officer in government.

Example 2. The native was born on Oct 25, 1967, at 13:30, Meerut U.P

The 10 lord from Lagna is Venus and is posited in 8
from Lagna which is Upachaya house
from10th i.e. 11
.. Moon herself is posited in 6
is afflicted and aspected from Ketu. So the
lagna is strong. 10
from Lagna is Libra and its lord is Venus. The 10
house is occupied by
Mercury (R), Ketu and Sun. Venus is posited in her own Navamsha in Navamsha Chart. The
Venus is posited in the sign of Sun and Sun is posited in 10
house. The combination of
Mercury, Ketu and Sun gave him Computer engineers service in government department.

Chart 3rd

The native is born in Hydrabad on 23-7-1937at 18-12 hrs.
Lagna lord Jupiter is retrograde and posited in lagna . The lagna is strong than others.. There is
no planet in 10
from lagna. The 10
lord Mercury is posited in 2
with Rahu in Navamsha
chart. Rahu indicates poison. Rahu is posited in 12
in Rash chart with Mars, the lord of 12

house. The native is famous surgeon

Chart 4

The native is born in Delhi on 10-01-1975 at 11-15
The lagna lord Jupiter is posited in 12
in the sign of Saturn. The Moon is posited in friends
house Sagittarius with Sun. Moon is weak in paksha bala. Therefore we have to analyse the chart
from the lagna The 10
house from lagna is occupied by Sun and Moon and aspected by Saturn.
He started his higher studies when Sun dasha was running. The Sun is 6
lord. Sun is posited
with Rahu in Navamsha. He has completed his MBBS education and studying in MD.

Chart 5

The native is a female. She was born in Delhi on 5-10-1981 at 10-15

The lagna lord is posited in 9
and is debilitated and associated with Rahu. Therefore Mars is
afflicted. The Moon is posited in friends sign Sagittarius and hemmed in between Ketu and
Venus, enemy. So Moon is afflicted. Moon is posited in enemy sign and Mars is posted in
friends sign in Navamsha. Therefore we have to analyse the chart from Lagna. The 10
from lagna is not occupied by any planet. We have taken 10
lords Navamsha lord. The
Navamsha lord of 10
is Mercury. The Mercury has Venus in 2
from him and Jupiter, Sun and
Saturn in 12
from himself. Mercury is posited in the trine 4
house. The Venus and Jupiter
influence gave her lecturership and Sun and Saturn gave her lecturership in political science. She
is lecturer in political science.

K KK KP PP P Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology - -- - Promotion Promotion Promotion Promotion

Pt Akash (Jyotish Shiromani) ( BE Electronics )
Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer
Bhopal - India.


;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha
wka; cd,hg tlajQ m%:u isxy, fcHd;sI irdj - First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet

Views expressed in this article are the authors own. Views expressed in this article are the authors own. Views expressed in this article are the authors own. Views expressed in this article are the authors own. The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine The board of editors of this magazine
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All rights reserved by the autho All rights reserved by the autho All rights reserved by the autho All rights reserved by the author of r of r of r of this this this this article. article. article. article.

Pt Akash is prominent Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer. He has written many articles
on Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology and published them in local and international
We are very thankful to him for his giving valuable article to our Thinetha eMagazine.
The board of editors

Om Gan Ganapataye Namah

Time and again , i have found the principles of KP Astrology easy and straight
forward without any ifs and buts. Everyone in this world is doing his job in order to
establish his place in society and to earn a livelihood. Most of these professionals
always ask about their promotions and increments in their life. Here i discuss a similar
case of my client regarding his promotion. The 10th house in any horoscope indicates
ones own livelihood and profession. While considering about promotion in job we
need to analyse 6th and 10th cusp and also 2nd for increase in income and 11th for
fulfillment of desires. However 6th and 10th are the primary cusp to be checked for
promotion. The client works in a big private firm Secure Meters and is my student of
KP Astrology.

Query : Promotion
Horary No : 219
( 1 249)
Date : 24-04-2011
Time : 13:55:30
Place : Nakshatra Jyotish 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocentric )
Ayanamsa : KP Original 23:55:29


1. Promotion is the realisation of ambition of fame , name , prosperity and
popularity. Hence 11th and 10th bhavas are considered.
2. As promotion results in increase in income 2nd and 6th house also be
3. Cuspal sublords of 6th and 10th house must signify 2nd , 6th , 10th and 11th
4. 1
house is most of the time being considered as negative for 2
house which i
believe needs to be reconsidered. If lagna is connected to 2nd and 10th house
then also it indicates increase in finance and status . 6th house is also for
winning in competition, promotion is also a sort of competition. Lagna is the
individual himself so it must connect to the related houses , as 2
, 10

and 11th house independently without connecting to lagna will be nothing.

Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries , So one should only
proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sublord signify the houses under
consideration. Here in this case Moon is the cuspal sublord of the 10
house which
indicates the querist is thinking about his professional status, Also Moon is placed in
the 11th house . So Moon is connected to the houses under consideration. Let us now
look at the Ascendant Sublord which is Sun. Sun is placed in 2
house and so it is
also connected. Now we will analyse further.


2nd Cusp -- Pisces 25:44:26 ( Ju Me - Ra )
Rahu is the cuspal sublord of the 2nd house , it is placed in the star of Ketu , Ketu itself
is placed in the 4
and Rahu is placed in the 10
house . Rahu is not conjoined any
planet and is not aspected by any planet considering Vedic aspects. Rahu being in the
sign of Jupiter will act as agent of Jupiter. Jupiter is placed in 2nd house and is in the
star of Mercury which is placed in the 1
house. So Rahu is strongly signifying 4, 10,
2 and 1 house. So Rahu is favourable for the considered cusp and also connecting to
the primary cusp for promotion.

Cusp Cancer 14:12:52 ( Mo Sa Ra )
Rahu is the cuspal sublord of the 6th house .As discussed above it favours the query.

Cusp Scorpio 23:08:33 ( Ma Me -- Mo )
Moon is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house , it is placed in the 11th house .It is in
the star of Sun which is placed in the 2nd house . So it strongly signifies 2nd house
and 11
house . So being significator of 2
and 11
, we can interpret it to be good
for the querist .However the final decider is the sublord of Moon which is Rahu .
Rahu is also the cuspal sublord of the 6 th house and 2nd house , signifying 10th house
which indicates favour for the querist.

11th Cusp Sagitarius 17:33:04 ( Ju-- Ve Ma )
Mars being the cuspal sublord of the 11th house is placed in the 1st house and is in the
star of Mercury which is placed in the 1
house hence Mars strongly signifies 1

house. So whenever 11th cusp is connected to 1st house it indicates fulfillment of
desires . Hence it also favours promotion of the client .


As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgement
Lagna Signlord
Lagna Starlord
Lagna Sublord Mars
Moon Signlord Saturn
Moon Starlord Sun
Moon Sublord Rahu
Daylord Sun

As Sun signifies 2nd and 4th house strongly, Ketu signifies 1st and 4th house strongly ,
Ketu is in the sign of Mercury so it acts as agent of Mercury which strongly signifies
1st house. Mars is also signifying 1st house , Saturn is in the star of Moon which is
placed in the 11
house , so Saturn signfies 11
house . As discussed above Rahu is
favourable , So all the Ruling Planets are favourable.

As per the analysis shown above it is predicted that the querist will get promotion. As
the result will be declared in a months time , there was no need to time the event. On
25th May 2011 around 1300 hrs , the client informed me that he got promoted as per
the analysis . Moon is in the star of Rahu , Sun in the star of Sun itself and the rising
lagna was Simha whose lord is Sun. So Ruling Planet played there part here also.
My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji.

fcHd;sIhg ms%h lrk .%y fhda.

wd' t' ;s,lr;ak


;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; ;sfk; Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha Thinetha
wka; cd,hg tlajQ m%:u isxy, fcHd;sI irdj - First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet First Sinhala Astrological eMagazine in the internet

fuu ,smsfhys ish ysl fuu ,smsfhys l;=jrhd iska wjqrd we;.
All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of All rights reserved by the author of this this this this article. article. article. article.
fcHd;sIhg ms%h lrk .%y fhda.

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