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West Africa Advanced School of Theology

15 November 2013

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!
Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city !cts "#$%&"', (I)*. In many Islamic countries, some public servants actually serve a higher MasterJesus. Many cannot speak of their faith, and they need our prayers to remain strong and wise as they seek the good of their people.*

Today's Prayer Requests: Focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
+uslims account for only "', of the population in D- .ongo, but their influence is growing. !n alumnus who serves as a church leader in /inshasa shares the following information and prayer re0uests$ Pray concerning the influ of Muslim pro!ects in eastern "#$. Pakistani and Indian %& peacekeepers in particular have opened the door for the construction of many mos'ues. In the (isangani area, Muslims offer employment to needy people and scholarships to young people to study in an Islamic nation. )hey have opened (oranic schools and are involved in social works in poor neighborhoods. Pray for discernment and boldness for believers, that they may warn and reach those who would be tempted. Pray for wisdom for pastors. Muslim scholars seek to publicly engage pastors in theological debate, comparing the (oran and the *ible. *ecause many pastors lack solid biblical training, they sometimes struggle to counter the arguments. Pray for efforts of the +ssemblies of ,od to establish a *ible school in each of the -. regions, and for the creation of lay/training schools. Pastors and church workers need to be firmly grounded in ,od0s 1ord in order to effectively disciple others. Pray that believers will thirst for and receive the baptism in the 2oly 3pirit, so they may be powerful and discerning witnesses.

From Global Initiative**

Pray for missionaries struggling as they witness to the %yghur Muslim peoples of $hina. +ost of .hina1s "" million 2yghur live in northwest .hina. 3heir Islamic faith is heavily influenced by animism. ! mere .'", claim to be evangelical .hristians. 4ray for perseverance for the few working among them. 3he 5ible is available in their language; pray that many will read its message of love. For more information and prayer points, see http455www..6/ days.net5muslims5muslims/in5asia/east5kashgar/china5 .

For Muslim Women***

Pray for female Muslim converts in the Maldives to grow in their faith in spite of the difficulties they face and their lack of *ibles and discipleship venues. 3he government of this island nation declares that all its citi6ens must adhere to Islam. 5ibles, .hristian literature, .hristian meetings, and, of course, conversion to .hristianity are illegal. 4ray that the 7oly 8pirit will fill and strengthen those who seek to follow 9esus.

Prayer Resources
:4raying for +uslims$ ! ;uide for <ffective Intercession offers many insights concerning Islam and a different prayer sub!ect each 7riday. )his week we pray for government officials who serve the true ,od4 http455bit.ly5-8m9:9g. **,lobal Initiative is a ministry of +ssemblies of ,od 1orld Missions, %3+. ;isit http455globalinitiativeinfo.com5 for information about praying for Muslims and weekly re'uests. ***Muslim women need your prayers< =ou can !oin a prayer network and receive regular re'uests at http455sayhelloinfo.com5. 7or a list of resources for prayer groups, see http455tinyurl.com5waast!umaa. 7ind information and prayer re'uests concerning Muslims around the world at http455www..6/days.net5. 2ow should we pray for those imprisoned for their faith> #ead http455www.elam.com5articles52ow/to/pray/for/those/in/prison5. 7or news updates concerning persecuted $hristians, visit http455morningstarnews.org5 and http455www.releaseinternational.org5. 7or prayer re'uests, visit http455www.opendoorsusa.org5pray5 and http455www.persecution.com5public5pray.asp . )o help you answer Muslims0 'uestions about Jesus and the *ible, e plore http455unchangingword.com5inde .php.

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