Billie's Busy Kids Child Care and Preschool, LLC Parent Handbook (Revised 11-13-13)

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Billies Busy Kids Child Care and PreSchool, LLC

Billie Quiring 425-359-9510

Table of Contents Table of Contents Training and Experience Billie s Bus! "ids #$ilosop$! %d&ission 'e(uire&ents and Enroll&ent #rocedures ) %ges of c$ildren *er+ed ) -ntroductor! .isit ) /eposits and 'egistration 0ees ) %d&ission 0or&s ) Transition #eriod 'ates and #a!&ent #lan ) 'ates 2 3

, , , , , 1

) /efinitions2 full-ti&e3 part-ti&e3 drop-in ) .acations and %bsences #a!&ent #lan3 #enalties3 and extra c$argers ) #a!&ent plan ) 5olida! pa! ) C$anging 6our *c$edule ) #a!&ent penalties ) Extra c$arges ) C$anging !our sc$edule Business #ractices ) %rri+al and #ic7-8p ) 9ig$tti&e Care and *taffing ) *taffing :$en #ro+ider is %bsent ) Bac7-8p C$ild Care ) Ter&ination of *er+ices ) 'eceipts and Taxes ) -te&s Broug$t fro& 5o&e ) -nsurance Co+erage 5ours of ;peration and /ail! %cti+it! *c$edule ) 5ours and /a!s of ;peration ) 5olida!s ) *a&ple /ail! *c$edule ) Tele+ision3 .ideo3 and Co&puter 8se ) *pecial %cti+ities #ets Transportation and 0ield Trips <eals and *nac7s ) <eals *er+ed = *a&ple <enu ) #olicies for 0ood Broug$t fro& 5o&e #er&ission for 0ree %ccess C$ild %buse 'eporting Be$a+ior <anage&ent and /iscipline 9on-/iscri&ination *tate&ent 'eligious %cti+ities Care of 6oung C$ildren ) *eparation ) /iapering #rocedure ) Toilet >earning 5ealt$ Care #ractices ) <edical E&ergencies ) <edicine <anage&ent ) -ll C$ildren ) Blood-Borne #at$ogens #lan ) 5and-:as$ing #ractices ) *aniti?ing and Cleaning ) -n@ur! #re+ention ) 0ood 5andling #ractices ) 9o *&o7ing #olic! ) /isaster 'esponse #lan Co&&unication ) #arent = #ro+ider Co&&unication C$ec7list of C$ild Care *upplies

1 1 4 4 4 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 4

10 10 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 13 10 11

13 13 15 15 15 15 1, 11 14 19 19 19 19 20 1, 13

Please read this handbook thoroughly. *o&e of t$e infor&ation pro+ided in t$is $andboo7 is re(uired b! licensing to be reported to parents in AritingB ;t$er ite&s include necessar! infor&ation about t$is c$ild care3 its business practices3 and t$e caregi+erB Billie s Bus! "ids $a+e a cop! of :as$ington s <ini&u& >icensing 'e(uire&ents a+ailable for re+ieAB <! $o&e $as been inspected b! a *tate >icensor and &eets t$e licensing re(uire&ent set fort$ b! :as$ington *tate >aAB

T$is $andboo7 Aas updated on 9o+e&ber 133 2013B My Training and Experience

5i &! na&e is Billie Quiring3 T$an7 !ou for considering Billie s Bus! "id s C$ild Care to &eet !our c$ild care needsB %fter 4 !ears as an in $o&e c$ild care pro+ider Ae are busting at t$e sea&s and read! to bring $ig$ (ualit! c$ild care and presc$ool to Cranite 0allsB - bring to !ou o+er 14 !ears of experience Aor7ing Ait$ c$ildren and fa&ilies in and around *no$o&is$ Count!B - a& a long ti&e resident of Cranite 0alls since 20003 and excited to be building &! business in t$e toAn t$at - call $o&eB *e+eral of &! !ears are experience $a+e been Aor7ing in a presc$ool en+iron&ent t$at speciali?es in Earl! -nter+ention3 for c$ildren t$at are t!picall! de+eloping3 and Aell as c$ildren Ait$ special needs3 and be$a+ior issuesB - pride &!self in being an obser+er in c$ildren s li+es to create en+iron&ents t$at are conduci+e to t$at c$ild s learningB T$ree of &! !ears Aere also spent Aor7ing Ait$ adaptations to en+iron&ents and to!s to ensure all c$ildren of all abilities can interact Ait$in t$e en+iron&ent3 for t$e *no$o&is$ Count! >ending >ibrar! also called TEC4TotsB T$e rest of &! experience $as been a &iss &as$ of >ead Teac$er in &ultiple classroo&s enric$ing t$e li+es of &an! c$ildrenB #rior to Aor7ing at <icrosoft in 2009 - spent a feA &ont$s as t$e interi& director for *$erAood >earning CenterB <! passions in Earl! >earning are open ended art acti+ities3 dra&atic pla!3 &usic and &o+e&ent as Aell as circle ti&eDo7 - lo+e it allE - $a+e Aor7ed collaborati+el! Ait$ suc$ progra&s as T$e 0at$erFs 9etAor73 >ittle 'ed *c$ool 5ouse3 Crandparent *upport Croup3 .isiting 9urses of *no$o&is$ Count!3 C$ild Care 'ecourse and 'eferral3 #la! Croups for EGCE>E3 T$erapeutic C$ild Care3 at *$erAood Co&&unit! *er+icesB - $a+e also collaborated as Aell as facilitated trainings around *- and ot$er ;T=#T issues3 *peec$ H >anguage /ela!3 earl! learning en+iron&ents as Aell as trainings for pro+iders in and around *no$o&is$ Count!B T$an7 !ou again for ta7ing t$e ti&e to read a little bit about &e3 - loo7 forAard to &eeting !ou and getting to 7noA !ou and !our fa&il!B Best I Billie :esson

Billies Busy Kids Philosophy %t Billie s Bus! "ids C$ild Care and #resc$ool &! co&&it&ent to eac$ c$ild is to create a fun and safe learning en+iron&ent t$at alloAs !our c$ild to nurture and explore at t$eir oAn uni(ue le+el of de+elop&entB <! goal is t$at e+er! c$ild Aill de+elop to t$eir fullest potential in all aspects of de+elop&ent3 groAt$3 and &eet t$eir oAn uni(ue needs and goalsB - belie+e t$at c$ildren are constantl! learning t$roug$ pla!B -t is our @ob to create an age appropriate and sti&ulating en+iron&ent for eac$ c$ild to 7eep learning3 and groAing3 at all le+els of groAt$ and de+elop&entB J6ou call it learning Ae call it funEK - Aill alAa!s &a7e e+er! atte&pt to Aor7 directl! Ait$ !ou as !our c$ildFs first teac$er to offer parenting support and co&&unicate !our c$ildFs de+elop&entB - also do t$is in t$e &ont$l! neAsletters and ot$er supporti+e &aterialB -f !ou s$ould e+er $a+e an! (uestions please do not $esitate to spea7 Ait$ &eB - Billie Quiring Admission e!uiremen"s and Enrollmen" Procedures

Ages of children served: - ser+e c$ildren ages 12 &ont$s t$roug$ 12 !ears on full-ti&e basisB Toddler roo&

%cti+e and curious and o$ did - sa! acti+eL T$at is a toddler and t$at is A$at Ae lo+e about t$is age groupB 6our toddler Aill $a+e t$e opportunities to explore disco+er and &o+e in t$is roo&B #resc$ool

T$is is t$e roo& t$at is $all&ar7 to our sa!ingDK6ou call it learning and Ae call it funK3 t$at is t$e basis for our presc$ool progra&B T$e c$ildren are ta7ing n so &uc$ at t$eir le+el of learning t$at t$e! don t 7noA t$e! are learning because it is pla! t$at builds and strengt$ens a presc$ool c$ild s *c$ool age

% c$ild t$at is sc$ool age and in a center better $a+e so&et$ing fun to doE :e $ope to $a+e our :'%# progra& Ait$ t$e *no$o&is$ count! .;% set up in 20143 as Aell as a ton of su&&er full of acti+ities t$at Aill be supporting our sc$ool age progra&B - $ope to deli+er a $o&e aAa! fro& $o&eB % place for 7ids to co&e and relax3 groA3 and learnB Introductory Visit# :e at Billie s Bus! "ids Aant to encourage !ou to +isit Billie s Bus! "ids an!ti&e3 no appoint&ent is neededB :e Aant to offer !ou and !our c$ild so&e ti&e to explore t$eir neA en+iron&ent Ait$ !our c$ildB T$is Aill be A$ere Ae Aill care for !our c$ild A$ile !ou are aAa!B Billie s Bus! "id s reco&&end a pre +isit Ait$ parent=caregi+er t$en t$e first start da! can startB Deposits and Registration Fees: $eposi"# 6our c$ild s position is reser+ed upon receipt of tAo Aee7 s tuition depositB deposit Aill be applied to t$e first tAo Aee7s of careB T$is

egis"ra"ion %ee# :e re(uire a non-refundable annual registration fee of M50 per c$ild to co+er ad&inistrati+e and suppl! costsB T$is is a !earl! feeB Admission Forms: T$ere are se+eral for&s !ou are re(uired to co&plete prior to !our c$ild s attendanceB T$e! are as folloAs2 1B C$ild Care 'egistration for&3 A$ic$ includes a signed per&ission b! parent to aut$ori?e e&ergenc! &edical and dental care and associated transportationB % p$!sical exa& is re(uired to be Ait$in t$e last !earB Be sure to 7eep infor&ation currentB 2B Certificate of -&&uni?ation *tatus &T' BE KEPT (P$ATE$ AT ALL T)MES*+ ), "here is an exemp"ion "o immuni-a"ion, a separa"e ,orm mus" .e on ,ile and "he child may need "o .e excluded ,rom child care i, "here is an ou".rea/ o, a 0accine-pre0en"a.le disease "ha" your child has no" .een immuni-ed agains", un"il "he ou".rea/ is o0er+ 3B #er&ission %ut$ori?ation 4B C$ild Care %gree&ent 5B Co&pleted 8*/% food progra& enroll&ent for&B ransition Period: T$e trial period Aill be tAo N2O Aee7sB T$is period is used to obser+e t$e c$ild s ad@ust&ent to care and to tal7 about concernsB - Aill tal7 to !ou dail! about !our c$ild s da!B #lease contact t$e /irector if !ou $a+e an! concernsB %fter a 2-Aee7 transition period3 Ae Aill deter&ine if t$e c$ild care ser+ices are satisfactor! to e+er!oneB -f an! proble&s cannot be resol+ed3 t$e care is ter&inatedB Care can be ter&inated b! eit$er part! Ait$out notice during t$is trial periodB -f care is ter&inated b! c$ild care pro+ider3 !our tAo-Aee7 fee Aill be proratedB T$is pro+ision applies ;9>6 to t$e trial periodB a"es and Paymen" Plan Contracts and rates are e+aluated e+er! !ear and rates &a! be raised e+er! !ear on Panuar! 1st or as neededB % one-&ont$ notice Aill be gi+en for rate increasesB -f ot$er ad@ust&ents are needed3 a tAo-Aee7 notice Aill be gi+enB a"es are as ,ollo1ed# Age Per $ay Per 2ee/ Mon"hly ra"e &3 1ee/ mon"h*

Toddler roo& 12B5 &ont$s I 2B5 !rB #resc$ool 2B5 I 4B5 !rB

M34B50 per da!

M192B50 per Aee7

=M345B00 e+er! ot$er Aee7= M110B00 a &ont$

M32B50 per M325 e+er! ot$er Aee7=M,50 a M1,2B50 Aee7 da! &ont$ M21B50 per M131B50 per M215B00 e+er! ot$er Aee7= "indergarten da! Aee7 M550B00 a &ont$ M25B00 per M250B00 e+er! ot$er da! M125B00 per Aee7M500B00 a &ont$ or M140 M3B50 an 1st CradeQ Aee7 e+er! ot$er Aee7 or M240 a $our N1B00 a M10 a Aee7 &ont$ N2 $r a da! if space alloAsO da! &ini&u&O 4ou are paying ,or a slo" and "his slo" is no" "o exceed more and 56 hours o, care a day+

!!! "our contract #ill specify your child$s days and hours of care. Definitions: %ull-"ime is &ore t$an 4 $ours in a da!=or less t$an 25 $rs a Aee7B B Par"-"ime is less t$an 4 $ours per da!=or less t$an 25 $rs a Aee7B T$is is onl! a+ailable if pro+isions $a+e been &ade and noted on !our contractB Vacations and Absences: 5+ 6ou are re(uired to gi+e 2 Aee7s ad+ance notice for +acationB 7+ #lease call and infor& t$e director A$en !our c$ild Aill not attend due to illness or so&e ot$er e+entB 8+ #lease ad+ise t$e director upon enroll&ent if !ou plan to re&o+e !our c$ild fro& c$ild care for an! lengt$ of ti&e NiBeB3 t$e su&&ers for sc$ool teac$ers or A$en !ou are on &aternit! lea+e Ait$ anot$er c$ildOB 3+ .acation and absence pa!2 0ull a&ount of pa!&ent is due for regularl!sc$eduled c$ildren e+en if absent for an! reasonB Payment Plan% Penalties% and &'tra (harges: Paymen" Plan# #arents are re(uired to pa! for t$e ti&e t$eir c$ild is sc$eduled to be in careB -n ot$er Aords3 parents are paying for a space whether their child is here or not. Paymen" ,or care is due on "he 59"h and "he 86"h o, "he mon"h or "he las" .usiness day o, "he mon"h+ 4ou 1ill .e in0oice mon"hly+ 4ou may pay in ,ull 1ee/ly: ;us" .e a1are "ha" all paymen"s mus" .e paid in ,ull .y "he 59 "h and "he 86"h or "he las" .usiness day o, "he mon"h+ N%s of 9o+e&ber 2013O -f !ou are late on !our pa!&ent !ou Aill be c$arged a M35B00 fee !ou Aill $a+e t$ree business da!s to bring t$e account up to date along Ait$ t$e feesB -f !ou cannot pa! !our bill in t$e 3 business da!s !our c$ild care Aill be ter&inatedB #a!&ent Aill still be due according to our contract and Aill be due upon return for careB *pecial pa!&ent ter&s are negotiable on occasion and Aill be defined in t$e contractB -f !our c$ild Aill not be attending A$en t$e pa!&ent is due3 please pa! in ad+anceB - Aill be $app! to $old !our c$ec7 until t$e due dateB <oliday Pay# 0ees are not reduced during Aee7s t$at $a+e $olida!sB Paymen" Penal"ies: 1B T$e fee for late pa!&ent is =89+66B -f fees re&ain unpaid after a period of 3 da!s3 !our c$ild Aill not be ad&itted until ALL fees are paid in fullB

2B T$e penalt! for 9*0 c$ec7s is =89+66 P)*+ any .an/ cos"s incurred .y meB Cas$ pa!&ent is re(uired for returned c$ec7sB 6ou &a! be put on a cas$ basis after t$e second 9*0 c$ec7B 3B >ate pic7-up fees are =56+66 per 5 minu"es or an! part t$ereofB -f late pic7-ups or earl! drop-offs continue N2 or &ore per &ont$O3 !ou Aill be sc$eduled a conference Ait$ t$e /irector and atte&pt to find a solution A$ic$ Aor7s for bot$ fa&iliesB #lease understand t$at &! goal is not to c$arge !ou o+erti&e=late feesB -f Ae practice &utual respect3 - & certain Ae Aill $a+e a successful relations$ipB Ex"ra Charges: 0ield trip fees Aill be c$arged A$en necessar!B 6ou Aill recei+e ad+ance notice of an! c$argesB (hanging "our +chedule: *$ould t$e need arise to c$ange !our sc$edule in an! Aa!3 !ou &ust c$ec7 Ait$ &e to &a7e sure t$e ad@ust&ent Aill Aor7 Ait$ bot$ our sc$edulesB -f an! rate c$ange is necessar!3 t$e rates Aould be t$e current ratesB -f !ou need occasional earl! drop-off or late pic7-up3 it &ust be arranged a$ead of ti&eB 6ou Aill be c$arged o+erti&e fees due at ti&e of pic7-upB If early drop off or late pick up is used on a regular basis% #e #ill re#rite your contract #ith a ne# fee arrangement. ,usiness Practices Arrival and Pick-*p: 1B :$en arri+ing3 t$e parent3 guardian3 or ot$er aut$ori?ed person &ust sign t$e c$ild in at t$e correct ti&e3 date3 and t$eir full signatureB #lease let &e 7noA at t$at ti&e $oA !our c$ild is feelingB 2hen pic/ing your child up, .e sure "o sign "he a""endance shee" 1i"h "he correc" "ime and your signa"ureB 2B #arents are responsible for dropping off and pic7ing up t$eir c$ildren according to t$e agreed-upon ti&es in t$e contractB 3B #lease identif! A$o is aut$ori?ed to pic7 up !our c$ildB T$e staff at Billie s Bus! "ids Aill not release !our c$ild to an! person Ait$out !our Aritten per&ission or a confir&ed telep$one call in t$e case of an e&ergenc!B T$e person pic7ing up !our c$ild &ust $a+e p$oto identification for +erification before - Aill release !our c$ildB 4B %n!one A$o appears to be under t$e influence of drugs or alco$ol arri+ing at t$e c$ild care to pic7 up a c$ild Aill be as7ed to call so&eone else to pic7 up t$at c$ildB -f a person lea+es Ait$ a c$ild A$ile t$e! appear to be under t$e influence3 we will call 911. +taffing : %ll staff and +olunteers at Billie s Bus! "ids c$ild care and presc$ool $a+e $ad a re(uired bac7ground c$ec73 0ingerprints if e&plo!ed after *epte&ber 20133TB test3 adult=infant c$ild C#' and 0irst aid3 5-. %ids= Blood borne pat$ogens3 and t$e re(uired 20 $ours basic *T%'* trainings to be alone Ait$ an! c$ild unsuper+isedB ermination of +ervices: 1B %fter t$e trial period3 !ou are re(uired to gi+e t$e director 2 Aee7s notice of !our intent to ter&inate careB T$e /irector Aill as7 !ou to fill out an exit (uestionnaireB -f !ou s$ould ter&inate !our c$ild s care Ait$out notice3 !ou Aill oAe t$e regular fee for t$e 2 Aee7sB 2B -f it is necessar! for Billie s Bus! "ids to ter&inate care after t$e trial period3 !ou Aill also be gi+en a Aritten 2-Aee7 noticeB

3B T$e folloAing are conditions t$at Aill cause c$ild care to be ter&inated b! &e2 aB continual late pa!&ents bB not respecting t$e c$ild care setting and policies Nc$ildren and=or parentsO cB continual late pic7-ups dB *e+ere be$a+ior issues and fa&ilies are not folloAing t$e outlined protocolB Receipts and a'es:

1B 6ou Aill be gi+en a receipt A$en !ou pa! for c$ild careB 2B 6ou Aill recei+e an -nternal 'e+enue *er+ice N-'*O :-10 0or& reporting !our annual c$ild care expenditures for t$e applicable tax !earB Items ,rought from .ome: Billie s Bus! "ids c$ild care is not responsible for an! bro7en or lost ite&s or to!s broug$t fro& $o&eB - do not alloA to! Aeapons or action figuresB - do not alloA +ideo ga&es or $and $eld sB Lia.ili"y )nsurance >o"ice# My insurance is 1i"h Capi"ol )ndemni"y Corpora"ion T$is notice is pro+ided in accordance Ait$ :as$ington *tate 'C: 43B215B535B .ours of /peration and Daily Activity +chedule <ours and Days of /peration: T$is c$ild care progra& is open 5230 a& to ,200 p&3 <onda! t$roug$ 0rida!B #arents are Aelco&e to +isit t$eir c$ildren at an! ti&e during t$e da!B .olidays: T$is c$ild care is closed for t$e folloAing $olida!s2 Ndepending on t$e centers count Ae $a+e t$e option to close earl! t$e da! prior to a $olida! Ait$ alAa!s pro+iding ad+ance N3 Aee7sO noticeB $ay, $a"e, Commen"s Panuar! 1st T$e 0rida! before t$e $olida! as Aell as t$e >ast <onda! in <a! -ndependence /a! Pul! 4t$ st >abor /a! 1 <onda! in *epte&ber T$an7sgi+ing 5olida! >ast T$ursda! in 9o+e&ber Ht$e folloAing 0rida! C$rist&as 5olida! /ece&ber 243 253 2,3 21 <olidays do no" coun" as no ,ee days+ 4ou 1ill .e .illed ,or "hese days, unless you pro0ide 7 1ee/s no"ice "ha" you are going "o use your 0aca"ion "ime+ $aily Schedule# T$is da! care Aill pro+ide a safe and $ealt$! en+iron&ent to foster c$ildren s learning3 groAing3 and de+elop&ent b! pro+iding age-appropriate to!s3 &usic3 acti+ities3 and boo7sB BeloA is a sa&ple sc$edule for one of our classroo&s at Billie s Bus! "ids <oliday 9eA 6ear s /a! <e&orial /a!

Billies Busy Kids daily schedule

$aily Schedule# T$is da! care Aill pro+ide a safe and $ealt$! en+iron&ent to foster c$ildren s learning3 groAing3 and de+elop&ent b! pro+iding ageappropriate to!s3 &usic3 acti+ities3 and boo7sB 8

9#86 am ? @#66 am @#86am - B#66am B#86 am ? C#66 am

SleepingA$ressingABrushing "ee"hA %ree PlayATa.le Toys Brea/,as"A%ree Play open cen"ersADe""ing ready ,or SchoolA gross mo"orA,ine mo"orAou"side i, s"a,,ing allo1s C#66 am ? C#59 am De""ing ready "o lea0e ,or schoolA Transi"ion "o classrooms C#59 am ? C#86am ',, "o SchoolABrea/,as" 7 C#86 am ? E#66 am 'u"sideAopen cen"ers E#66 am -E#86 am Po""yA1ash handsAmorning circle "ime &s"ory-1ea"her-calendar* E#86 am ? 55#66 am small group ac"i0i"yA "a.le "op ac"i0i"ies ? "eacher direc"ed 55#66 am ? 55#86 am clean upApo""yA1ash handsAsnac/+ 55#86 am ? 57#66 pm 2ash handsA'u"side 57#66 pm ? 5#66pm po""yA1ash handsAclosing circleAlunch 5#66 pm ? 7#86 pm >ap TimeAFui"e Time# .oo/s and !uie" "a.le "op ac"i0i"ies, do1n s"airs ac"i0i"ies or ou"side &permi""ed ex"ra assis"an"s are presen"*+ 8#66pm ? 8#59pm up ,rom nap G !uie" "imeA1ash handsApo""yAclean ma"sAA,"ernoon snac/ 8#66 pm ? 8#86 pm 1ash handsA'u"side 8#86 pm ? 3#86 pm 'pen Cen"ers ? Ar"ASensoryA$rama"ic playAScience 'u"side ac"i0i"ies+ 9#66 pm ? @#66 pm s"ar" "o close do1n room as children lea0e ,or "he end o, "he day+ elevision% Video% and (omputer *se: T$e tele+ision &a! be used occasionall! on a li&ited basis for educational purposes and under t$e lead staff s super+isionB +pecial Activities: 6ou Aill be notified if Ae $a+e an! special acti+ities plannedB
Pe"s :e $a+e no petsB %ni&als Aill not be alloAed on t$e c$ild care pre&isesB -f t$is s$ould c$ange !ou Aill be infor&edB Transpor"a"ion and %ield Trips 1B #arents are responsible for transportation to and fro& t$e center at pic7 up and drop off of !our c$ildB 2B :e &a! go on field trips - Aill notif! parents in ad+anceB 3B C$ildren s &edical release for&s3 a first aid 7it3 and &! first aid=C#' certification Aill be ta7en on all field tripsB 4B #arents A$o +olunteer on field trips Aill not $a+e unsuper+ised access to t$e c$ildren Nexcluding t$eir oAn c$ildO unless t$e! $a+e been pre-(ualified Ait$ a cri&inal bac7- ground c$ec7B 5B Transportation to and fro& sc$ool Aill be b! +an or sc$ool bus Nfall 2013O

Meals and Snac/s Billie s Bus! "id s participate in t$e 8*/% 0ood #rogra& for $ealt$! &eals and snac7sB -t is !our responsibilit! to notif! Billie s Bus! "ids of an! allergies or ad+erse reactions !our c$ild &a! $a+e Ait$ certain foods or be+eragesB T!pical &enu ite&s are listed beloAB % snac7 Aill be ser+ed to all c$ildren arri+ing after sc$oolB 0eals +erved 1 +ample 0enu: Brea7fastDDDDC$eerios3 *liced banana3 <il7 <orning *nac7DBB:$eat crac7ers3 ;range slices3 deli $a&3 &il7 >unc$DBBBBDDDBC$ic7en tenders3 Creen *alad3 %pplesauce3 9oodles3 <il7 %fternoon *nac7DB6ogurt3 %pple slices3 crac7ers3 &il7

:e at Billie s Aill not pro+ide nutrient concentrates or supple&ents N#edisure3 Ensure3 etcBO3 a &odified diet or an allerg! diet except Ait$ t$e Aritten per&ission of t$e c$ild s $ealt$ care pro+iderB :e do pro+ide alternati+es for dair! and gluten free &ealsB %lternati+e &ig$t include goat c$eese3 rice &il73 or so! &il7 t$at is appro+ed b! 8*/%3 as Aell as gluten free breads3 crac7ers3 and noodlesB Policy Regarding Food ,rought from .ome: *ac7 lunc$es are discouragedB 5oAe+er if alloAed food &ust be labeled Nna&e and dateO3 for c$ild s personal consu&ption3 and onl! if it is for $ealt$ reasonsB 0ood broug$t for special occasions &ust be store-purc$ased and in unopened pac7ageB #lease c$ec7 Ait$ t$e /irector firstB 9o gu& or $ard cand! is alloAed in t$e da! careB Permission ,or %ree Access# 6ou are Aelco&e to +isit or drop-in unannounced to obser+e !our c$ild at Billie s Bus! "idsB #lease be conscious of t$e fact t$at during lunc$ and napti&e3 a parent s +isit could be +er! disrupti+e for c$ildren as t$e! &a! t$in7 t$e! are being pic7ed up earl!B #lease sc$edule ti&e in ad+ance if !ou Aould li7e to $a+e a &eeting Ait$ &eB Child A.use and neglec" and epor"ing# %n! instance A$en staff $a+e reason to suspect t$e occurrence of an! p$!sical3 sexual3 or e&otional c$ild abuse or neglect3 c$ild endanger&ent3 or c$ild exploitation as re(uired under 'C: c$apter 2,B443 a report is filed b! t$e indi+idual directl! in+ol+ed Ait$ t$e c$ildB T$e c$ild s file is on $and A$en placing t$e callB Call 1-4,,-E9/5%'<3 N1-4,,-3,3-42,1O or t$e local CB#B*B office at 425339-1430B T$e Aitnessing indi+idual Aill &a7e t$e call3 Ait$ t$e assistance of t$e pro+ider if neededB T$e pro+ider Aill contact t$e licensor i&&ediatel! after a report of abuse is &adeB -f t$ere is an i&&ediate danger to a c$ild3 a report is &ade to local laA enforce&entB *igns of c$ild abuse or neglect are recorded and 7ept in eac$ c$ild s fileB N:%C 110-29,%-2300 and -,215O Beha0ior Managemen" and $iscipline *pan7ing or an! for& of corporal punis$&ent3 p$!sical or &ec$anical restraint3 t$e Ait$$olding of food3 or an! for& of e&otional abuse is pro$ibited b! an!one on t$e pre&ises3 including parentsB T$is includes biting3 @er7ing3 s$a7ing3 slapping3 span7ing3 $itting3 7ic7ing3 or an! ot$er &eans of inflecting p$!sical painB To &anage be$a+ior3 Ae at Billie s Bus! "ids Aill first be sure t$e c$ildren 7noA &! expectationsB :e at Billie s Bus! "ids belie+e in #ositi+e discipline and in redirection and loo7ing to a+oid be$a+iors before t$e! $appenB 6oung c$ildren need ti&e and guidance to de+elop self-estee& and selfcontrolB -f a c$ild is about to $urt $i&self3 so&eone else3 or be destructi+e3 Ae Aill inter+ene and explain A$! t$is is not acceptableB :e &a! also use redirection b! ta7ing


$i&=$er to anot$er acti+it!BB -f ti&e out is needed3 &! standard is no &ore t$an 1 &inute for eac$ !ear of ageB % c$ild re(uires ti&e and patience to de+elop a positi+e attitude in a group settingB :e &a! also as7 parents for assistance in reinforcing positi+e attitudesB <ost be$a+iors can be corrected (uic7l! A$ile ot$ers ta7e 30 to ,0 da!s to see progressB -f a c$ild A$o is $a+ing a 7noAn be$a+ior issue t$is is t$e protocol2 Ae Aill first and fore&ost do so&e obser+ationsBB %fter doing se+eral obser+ations of t$e c$ild3 Ae Aill sc$edule a one to one +isit Ait$ !ou so Ae can $a+e a feA &inutes alone to discuss an action planB T$is Aill be (uic7 and eas! and &ostl! to see A$at is going on in t$e c$ild s life to &a7e t$is en+iron&ent &ore co&fortable for t$e&B T$is action plan Aould be in place for 30 da!sB %t t$e end of t$e 30 da!s if Ae are still $a+ing issues Ae and t$e parents are being proacti+e Ae can &a7e a second agree&ent for 30 da!s pro+ide so&e outside resources for assistance in ruling out ot$er factors t$at &ig$t be contributing to t$e be$a+iorsB :e at Billie s Bu!s "ids $ope to 9E.E' re&o+e a c$ild fro& care unless necessar!B -f !our c$ild is placed on an action plan and t$ere is lac7 of in+ol+e&ent fro& t$e parent and t$is is @ust not t$e place for !our c$ild t$en at t$is ti&e Ae Aould explore ter&ination of place&entB :e Aant to specif! t$at t$is Aould be after all resources and $elp $ad been offered t$en Ae Aould need to find alternati+e care !ou and !our c$ildB >on-$iscrimina"ion S"a"emen"# :e at Billie s Bus! "ids do not discri&inate in enroll&ent and $iring practices or in t$e care of c$ildren because of race3 color3 creed3 et$nicit!3 national origin3 gender3 &arital status3 +eteran s status3 sexual orientation3 age3 socio-econo&ic status3 religion3 differing p$!sical or &ental abilities3 use of a trained dog or ser+ice ani&al b! a disabled person3 co&&unication and learning st!lesB eligious Ac"i0i"ies# 9o religious doctrine is taug$t or expected of t$e c$ildren in t$is progra&B :e respect all religionsB :e Aill decorate for t$e $olida! s $oAe+er Ae Aill do t$is Ait$ t$e up &ost respect to t$e fa&ilies t$at Ae ser+e in &indB -f $olida! t$e&ed acti+ities are a+ailable3 Ae Aill %>:%6* $a+e an alternati+e for t$ose c$ildren A$o do not participate in $olida!sB Care o, 4oung Children# +eparation: :e at Billie s Bus! "ids Aill co&&unicate Ait$ !ou dail! on $oA !our c$ild s da! $as goneB -t is nor&al for !oung c$ildren to $a+e so&e separation anxiet! in a neA setting3 but it s$ould lessen (uic7l!B - $a+e a 5oA Aas &! da! for& t$at !ou Aill be pro+ide Ait$ to indicate diapering and feedings as Aell as $oA !our c$ild s da! AentB Diapering Procedure: #arents are to pro+ide disposable diapers and AipesB -f !ou pro+ide clot$ diapers t$ese Aill be sent $o&e soiled in separate plastic bags and it Aould be re(uired t$at !ou ta7e t$e soiled diapers $o&e dail!B PR/P&R DIAP&RI23 /F "/*23 (.I)DR&2 0*+ + AFF A2D PAR&2 + /iapers are c$anged at t$e c$anging area onl!B T$e diaper c$anging area2 $as a nearb! sin7 Ait$ $ot and cold running Aater A$ic$ is not used for food preparation or clean up N:%C 110-29,%-1250-2aO $as a &oisture-i&per+ious surface N:%C 110-29,%-1250-2bO $as a foot-operated garbage can is separate fro& an! area A$ere food is stored3 prepared3 or ser+ed N:%C 11029,%-1250-1O does not $a+e safet! belts T$e proper diaper c$anging procedure is as folloAs2 ,& F/))/4&D A A)) I0&+ ,"


:as$ $andsB N:%C 110-29,%-1300-4O (optional) #ut on disposable glo+es Cat$er necessar! &aterials and $a+e t$e& in reac$B #lace c$ild on t$e c$anging area and re&o+e diaperB Clean c$ild s botto& Ait$ diaper AipesB :ipe fro& front to bac7B 8se onl! one sAipe per diaper AipeB 'e&o+e disposable glo+es and use t$e& to Arap up dirt! ite&sB /iscard all dirt! ite&s in designated garbage containerB #ro+ider Aipes oAn $ands Ait$ a Aet AipeB /iaper and dress t$e c$ildB :as$ t$e c$ild s $ands N:%C 110-29,%-1250O Ait$ soap and AaterB 0or infants !ounger t$an , &ont$s3 a diaper Aipe can be used to Aipe off t$e c$ild s $andsB 'eturn c$ild to a safe areaB Clean c$anging surface Ait$ soap! Aater3 and t$en rinse Ait$ AaterB /isinfect t$e c$anging table and an! e(uip&ent or supplies !ou touc$ed Ait$ NA$at I bleac$ Aater solution3 na&e of ot$er disinfectantOB N:%C 110-29,%-3925-13 and -1250-3O %lloA tAo &inutes of contact ti&e Ait$ t$e disinfectantB :as$ $ands Ait$ soap and AaterB N:%C 110-29,%-1250-4O

C$ildren are not left unattended during t$e diaper c$anging procedureB N:%C 110-29,%1300-1cO 9ot$ing but t$e c$ild3 c$anging pad3 and diaper supplies is placed on t$e c$anging tableB T$e c$anging surface is not used for ot$er acti+ities3 including AritingB N:%C 110-29,%1250-5O /iapers are disposed of in a designated Aaste container separate fro& t$ose used for ot$er $ouse$old tras$B T$is container &ust $a+e a tig$t co+er3 be lined Ait$ a plastic tras$ bag3 and be Ait$in ar& s reac$ of t$e diaper c$anging areaB N:%C 110-29,%-1215-1O /isposable diapers are re&o+ed fro& t$e c$ild care dail! and &ore often if necessar!B T$ese diapers are disposed of Ait$ curbside garbageB N:%C 110-29,%-1215-2O Eac$ diaper c$ange is recorded on a na&e on t$e Jdiaper c$artK or if !ounger t$an 2 !ears old &ar7ed on c$ild s J$oA Aas &! da!K Note: remove if reusable diapers are not used. 'eusable diapers are not rinsed3 are indi+iduall! bagged3 and are NA$at I gi+en to a co&&ercial ser+ice3 sent to a laundr!3 or returned to t$e parent or guardianO dail!B N:%C 110-29,%-1215-3O *oiled clot$ing is not rinsed3 is indi+iduall! bagged3 and is returned to t$e parent or guardianB *oiled diapers and clot$ing &ust not be placed Ait$ t$e c$ild s ot$er belongingsB N:%C 110-29,%-1215-4O oilet )earning: :$en !our c$ild is read! to start training3 it is +er! i&portant t$at Ae Aor7 toget$er on t$isB #lease put !our c$ild in clot$es t$at t$e c$ild can pull up and doAn on t$eir oAnB :e Aill discuss progress Ait$ t$e parents and get appro+al before an! actionsB .&A) . (AR& PRA( I(&+ 0edical &mergencies: 1B T$e staff a Billie s Bus! "id s $a+e first aid3 c$ild C#'3 and blood-borne pat$ogens trainingB 2B <inor cuts3 bruises3 and scrapes Aill be treatedB #arents Aill be notified upon arri+alB :it$ so&e &inor in@uries3 parents Aill be called to $elp decide A$et$er t$e c$ild s$ould go $o&eB


3B -n t$e e+ent of a serious in@ur! or e&ergenc!3 Ae Aill call 911 and ad&inister first aid or C#' if neededB :e Aill t$en notif! !ou as soon as possible and tell !ou A$ere !our c$ild is being treatedB 4B -f in@ur! results in &edical treat&ent or $ospitali?ation3 Ae are re(uired to i&&ediatel! call and sub&it an J-n@ur!=-ncident 'eportK to t$e /epart&ent of Earl! >earning licensor and t$e c$ild s social Aor7er3 if an!B T$e parent Aill also be gi+en a cop!B 0edicine 0anagement: <edication Aill be ad&inistered as stated in t$e 5ealt$ Care #olic!B Ill (hildren: T$e pro+ider Aill c$ec7 all c$ildren for signs of illness A$en t$e! arri+e and t$roug$out t$e da!B -f t$e folloAing signs of a possibl! contagious illness are present3 a c$ild Aill not be ad&itted t$at da!3 or Aill be excludedB T$e parent Aill be called to pic7 up t$eir c$ildB T$e c$ild Aill be 7ept in an unoccupied licensed area3 aAa! fro& ot$er c$ildren until t$e parent arri+es and be cared for b! t$e secondar! or t$ird a+ailable assistant if a+ailableB t is you the parent to find alternative care for your child or pic! up as soon as possible. "ou are re#uired to pay for your time in care per our signed agreement. C$ildren and staff Ait$ t$e folloAing s!&pto&s Aill be excluded up to 44 $ours s!&pto& free2 N:%C 110-29,%-3210-3O te&perature of at least 100R 0 under ar& Naxillar!O or 101R 0 orall! %9/ A$o also $a+e one or &ore of t$e folloAing2 o $eadac$e o earac$e o sore t$roat o ras$ diarr$ea Nincreased fluidit! and=or fre(uenc! of boAel &o+e&ents relati+e to t$e personFs usual patternO Ait$in 24 $oursS or an! blood! stool an! suspected co&&unicable infection of t$e s7in or e!es suc$ as i&petigo3 <'*%3 pin7e!e3 scabies3 pus or &ucus drainage fro& t$e e!e3 or a ras$ not associated Ait$ $eat3 diapering3 or allerg! open or oo?ing sores3 unless properl! co+ered and 24 $ours $a+e passed since starting treat&ent3 if treat&ent is necessar! fatigue3 irritabilit!3 or confusion t$at pre+ents participation in regular acti+ities3 suc$ as sleeping or resting &ore t$an usual for t$at c$ild3 not Aanting to eat3 or &ultiple cold s!&pto&s t$at 7eep t$e c$ild fro& regular acti+ities lice or nits Nfor $ead lice3 c$ildren and staff &a! return to c$ild care once no li+e lice are +isible I or I once no li+e lice or nits are +isibleO #lease see t$e 5ealt$ #olic! <anual for furt$er infor&ationB ,lood-,orne Pathogens Plan: :e at Billie s Bus! "ids &a! be exposed to blood-borne pat$ogensB Bodil! fluid spills including blood3 feces3 nasal3 and e!e disc$arge3 sali+a3 urine3 and +o&it Aill be cleaned up according to t$e $lood%$orne &athogens &anualB .and 4ashing Practices: C$ildren Aill be assisted or super+ised in $and Aas$ing2 N:%C 110-29,%-3,15-2O upon arri+al at t$e c$ild care

+o&iting Ait$in t$e past 24 $ours

before and after &eals3 snac7s3 or coo7ing acti+ities after toileting or diapering N*taff &a! Aipe t$e $ands of a c$ild under t$e age of , &ont$s Ait$ a diaper Aipe after diapering instead of a $and Aas$O


after outdoor pla! after co&ing in contact Ait$ bod! fluids after touc$ing ani&als as needed

%ll $and Aas$ing sin7s are stoc7ed Ait$ Aar& Aater N45T0 - 120T0O N:%C 110-29,%-4100 and -4,15O 3 li(uid soap3 and paper toAels or % single use clot$ toAelsB *ingle use clot$ toAels are Aas$ed and saniti?ed after eac$ useB N:%C 110-29,%-3,25-2 and -3O C$ildren are able to access $and Aas$ing sin7s b! t$e&sel+es b! using a step stool or t$e assistance of a staff &e&berB N:%C 110-29,%-4,15-2O -nfants $ands are Aas$ed b! being $eld up b! t$e pro+iderB T$e use of $and saniti?ers is not per&itted at t$is c$ild care on t$e c$ildrenB *taff &a! c$oose to use $and saniti?er after Aas$ing and dr!ing $ands as an extra precautionB 5and saniti?er &a! be used on c$ildren o+er 24 &ont$s old and onl! Ait$ Aritten parent per&ission A$en $and Aas$ing facilities are not a+ailableB T$e use of $and saniti?er is 9;T a replace&ent for $and Aas$ingB N:%C 110-29,%-3,50OB

Sani"i-ing and Cleaning# BeloA is t$e cleaning sc$edule t$at Ae Aill folloA as suggested b! t$e /E>B <! sc$edule is $eld to a $ig$er regard t$an t$e &ini&u& state re(uire&entsB ()&A2I23 +(.&D*)& his child care$s minimum schedule for general cleaning is:

Tables3 $ig$c$airs3 and counters used for food ser+ice Aill be cleaned and saniti?ed
before and after eac$ &eal or snac7B N:%C 110-29,%-3925-2O

Bat$roo&s Aill be cleaned and disinfected dail!B T$is includes sin7s3 toilets3 counters3
door7nobs3 and floorsB Toilet seats Aill be cleaned and saniti?ed t$roug$out t$e da! and as neededB N:%C 110-29,%-3925-11312 and -4,50O Carpeting and rugs Aill be +acuu&ed dail!B N:%C 110-29,%-3925-3O Carpets Aill be cleaned &ont$l! or as neededB Carpet cleaning Aill be done b! Billie Quiring b! using a carpet s$a&poo &ac$ineB *pot cleaning Aill be done as necessar!B .acuu&ing and &opping Aill not occur A$ile c$ildren are present carpet sAeepers are o7 to useB N:%C 110-29,%-3100O 5ard floors Aill be sAept and &opped Ait$ a sAifter and toAel and use a bleac$ Aater solution to saniti?e t$e floorsB N:%C 110-29,%-3925-1O To!s Aill be Aas$ed3 rinsed3 saniti?ed3 and air-dried or to!s t$at are dis$Aas$er safe can be run t$roug$ a full Aas$ and dr! c!cleB T$is is done Aee7l! or &ore often if necessar!B N:%C 110-29,%-3415-1cO To!s t$at c$ildren place in t$eir &out$ Aill be saniti?ed betAeen uses b! different c$ildrenB T$e folloAing s!ste& for ongoing rotation of &out$ to!s Aill be i&ple&ented2 %s t$e c$ild is done &out$ing t$e to! t$e to! Aill be placed in t$e dirt! to! been located in t$e pla! areaB %t eac$ transition t$e to! bin and ot$er to!s pla!ed Ait$ are placed Aas$ed3 rinsed3 saniti?ed3 and air-driedB N:%C 110-29,%3415-1aO ;nl! Aas$able to!s Aill be usedB :$ile t$ese to!s are dr!ing anot$er round of to!s are used for pla!B T$e cleaning c!cle continues as needed t$roug$out t$e da!B :ater tables Aill be e&ptied and saniti?ed after eac$ use or &ore often as neededB C$ildren Aill Aas$ $ands before and after pla! and be closel! super+isedB 9ap &ats Aill be cleaned and saniti?ed dail! after use3 or betAeen uses b! different c$ildren3 or after a c$ild $as been ill3 and as neededB N:%C 110-29,%-3150-4O T$e! Aill be stored in t$e cabinet at t$e end of t$e $allBB N:%C 110-29,%-3150-1O Ceneral cleaning of t$e center is done dail! and &ore often A$en c$ildren or staff &e&bers are illB /usting is done dail! To! s$el+es are cleaned and saniti?ed dail! or


as neededB /oor 7nobs are cleaned and saniti?ed dail! and &ore often A$en c$ildren or staff &e&bers are illB :astebas7ets Aill $a+e disposable liners and are e&ptied dail! or &ore often if necessar!B N:%C 110-29,%-3925O )A*2DR"

>inens and bedding are Aas$ed b! t$e c$ild care on a Aar& or $ot c!cle Ait$ bleac$
or ot$er product in t$e rinse c!cleB N:%C 110-29,%-3450O T$is &ini&u& sc$edule for laundr! is2 :ee7l! or dail! if t$e c$ild is sic7B

>inens and bedding are Aas$ed Aee7l! or &ore fre(uentl! as neededB N:%C 11029,%-3115-5O

Clot$ to!s and dress up clot$es are laundered Aee7l! or &ore often if neededB -f t$e!
cannot be Aas$ed in t$e Aas$ing &ac$ine3 t$e! Aill be $and Aas$ed in Aar& soap! Aater3 rinsed3 t$en dipped into bleac$ or ot$er product solution for 30 second and alloAed to air dr!B Bedding Aill be stored in a large ?ip loc7 bag Ait$ eac$ c$ild s indi+idual na&e and stored in t$e sa&e cabinet as t$e &ats N:%C 110-29,%-3115-,O C$ildren s coats and ot$er personal ite&s Aill be stored separatel! N:%C 110-29,%4150O and not touc$ during storageB

% c$ange of clot$es is a+ailable for t$e c$ildren and is pro+ided b! parentsB T$ese
clot$es are stored in eac$ c$ild s cubbies labeled for eac$ c$ildB

)n5ury Prevention: T$e staff a Billie s Bus! "id s Aill t$oroug$l! inspect t$e c$ild care on an ongoing basis for $a?ardsB %n! $a?ard or conta&ination found Aill be re&o+ed3 &ade inaccessible3 or repaired i&&ediatel! to pre+ent in@ur!B 5a?ards include3 but are not li&ited to2 safet! $a?ards Nbro7en to!s3 e(uip&ent3 droAning3 c$o7ing3 s$arp ob@ects3 etcO N:%C 110-29,%-4200 and -,,00O proper securit! of t$e c$ild care Nsecure doors3 proper super+ision3 etcO trip=fall $a?ards Nrugs3 cords3 uncontained to!s3 stairAa!s3 etcO N:%C 110-29,%4325 and 4350-3aO poisoning $a?ards Nplants3 c$e&ical storage3 art &aterials3 etcO N:%C 110-29,%4100 and -,,25O electrical $a?ards Nelectrical cords3 outlets etcO N:%C 110-29,%-4350O burn $a?ards Nfireplaces3 portable $eaters3 candles3 bare lig$t bulbs3 etcO N:%C 110-29,%-2,00O AindoA co+erings A$ic$ for& a loop N:%C 110-29,%-4300O entrap&ent $a?ards Nspaces greater t$an 3UJ and less t$an 9KO N:%C 110-29,%4325 and -4950-2O To!s Aill be age-appropriate3 safe3 in good repair3 and not bro7enB #ro+ider Aill re&o+e an! recalled ite&s as soon as t$e! beco&e aAare of t$e recallB N:%C 110-29,%-4200O T$e pro+ider Aill periodicall! re+ieA t$e C#*C Aebsite for recalled ite&s at AAABcpscBgo+B #la!ground e(uip&ent Aill be free fro& entrap&ents3 entangle&ents3 protrusions3 bro7en e(uip&ent3 and ot$er in@ur! $a?ards and Aill be c$ec7ed Aee7l! for t$ese $a?ards b! t$e pro+iderB 8nsafe e(uip&ent Aill be &ade inaccessible to t$e c$ildren until it is repairedB N:%C 110-29,%-5000-1O T$e area Aill also be c$ec7ed dail! before use for garbage3 ani&al conta&ination3 en+iron&ental $a?ards3 and areas of loA surfacing &aterial suc$ as at t$e ends of slides and under sAingsB N:%C 110-29,%-5015O >oose -fill surfacing &aterial Aill be ra7ed dail! as neededB #roper super+ision Aill be &aintained during all outdoor pla!B N:%C 110-29,%-5150O


Food .andling Practices: %ll staff Aill Aas$ $ands in t$e $and Aas$ing area in t$e 7itc$en Ait$ soap and Aater prior to preparing or ser+ing food3 e+en if food ser+ice glo+es are AornB N:%C 110-29,%-3,15-1a and 0:B 10O -ll pro+iders or staff Aill not prepare or $andle foodB N:%C 110-29,%-1,40-2b and 0:B 9O T$e pro+ider Aears glo+es or uses utensils A$en preparing and ser+ing read!-to-eat foodsB Clo+es are c$anged A$en t$e! beco&e conta&inatedB N:%C 110-29,%-1,50-2e and 0:B 12O :$en &eals are ser+ed fa&il!-st!le3 c$ildren use utensils to ser+e t$e&sel+esB *teps are ta7en to ensure c$ildren onl! touc$ t$eir oAn foodB C$ildren are super+ised so t$at t$e! do not touc$ eac$ ot$er s foodB 8tensils are replaced if t$e! beco&e conta&inatedB #ro+ider sits Ait$ t$e c$ildren during &eals and snac7sB N:%C 110-29,%-1,40 and 0:B 24OB %ood <andlers Permi"# T$e staff a Billie s Bus! "id s $a+e :as$ington *tate 0ood :or7er Card and ensure food is prepared and ser+ed in a safe &annerB -n t$e pro+ider s absence3 or if t$e pro+ider is not able to super+ise food preparation3 a secondar! indi+idual &ust $a+e a food $andler s cardB N:%C 110-29,%-1,15O #lease re+ieA t$e 5ealt$ Care <anual for &ore infor&ationB 2o +moking Policy: *&o7ing Aill not be per&itted on t$e pre&isesB #lease do not s&o7e in or around t$e center3 or A$ile c$ildren are in &! care or in t$e par7ing lotB Disaster Response Plan: n case of a disaster will follow the criteria listed in the 'amily (ome )hild )are )risis*+isaster ,esponse (andboo! for a specific disaster please review this material and become familiar with this information. ;ut-of-state contact2 Poni <e!er3 CousinVVV Nna&e = relations$ipO #$one nu&ber2 Communica"ion PA E>T A P 'H)$E C'MM(>)CAT)'># #lease let t$e staff at Billie s Bus! "id s 7noA eac$ &orning $oA !our c$ild is feeling or if an!t$ing is upsetting !our c$ildB T$e staff a Billie s Bus! "id s Aill let !ou 7noA at t$e end of eac$ da! $oA $is=$er da! $as goneB -f Ae need to discuss an!t$ing in greater detail or aAa! fro& t$e c$ildren3 Ae Aill sc$edule an appoint&entB Co&&unication is para&ount in &a7ing t$is a success for !ou and &! staffB -f !ou are feeling li7e !ou are not being co&&unicated Ait$ please feel free to set up a ti&e to tal7B C<ECKL)ST '% C<)L$ CA E S(PPL)ES# - #ro+ide 6ou #ro+ide I -te& /iapers and Aipes I I I /iaper oint&ent #acifiers Toilet training diapers Co&&ents -f !ou fail to pro+ide Aipes or diapers for !our c$ild !ou Aill be c$arged M40B00 a &ont$B 6ou &ust fill out a for& for us to ad&inister VVVVVVVVVV310-110-4195 Narea codeO p$one nu&b




C$ange of clot$es Blan7et and sleeping necessities *leeping &at=s$eet Toot$brus$ and toot$paste *unscreen

:eat$er-appropriate 0eel free to bring a special blan7et or s&all pilloA for !our c$ildB 6ou &ust fill out a for& for us to ad&inister


I look for#ard to #orking #ith you and your child in this very special relationship. hank you for choosing us as your care provider. ,illie 6uiring7 o#ner and Director of ,illie$s ,usy 8ids


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