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CE00382-2 HSSN2

Individual In-course Assessment

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Module Code and Name Lecturer Submission Requirement

: CE00382-2 Hardware, Software, Systems and Networks II : : Hardcopy and Softcopy

Assignment Learning Outcomes No Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the operation of current LAN & WAN standards, and explain and apply TCP/IP and associated protocols and applications. 2. Explain the operation of network management and network security software and hardware. 3. Explain the operation of programming language translator software. 4. Explain the operation of hardware used in multimedia computer systems and the facilities these provide to multimedia systems. Assignment Overview Conduct a thorough research on any one (1) protocol/device/technology that could enhance the management and/or security in a network. Your discussion could cover (but need not be limited to) the following areas - description of the protocol/device/technology, core components of the protocol/device/technology and how it works, strengths, weaknesses and the relationship between the selected protocol/device/technology and network management and/or security. Use any suitable programming language and/or multimedia tool to create a simple demonstration of how the selected protocol/device/technology works in relation to network management and/or security. Document the programming language and its translator or multimedia tool that was used to create your product.

Level 2

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


CE00382-2 HSSN2

Individual In-course Assessment

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Guidelines for the Report Document your research findings in a professional and systematic manner, in the form of a computerized report. Your report should not exceed 4000 words. Your documentation should include the following: 1. Assessment criteria (please include the table provided below in your assignment after your cover page) 2. Table of contents 3. Gantt chart 4. Introduction 5. Description of the protocol/device/technology 6. Core components of the protocol/device/technology and how it works 7. Strengths of the protocol/device/technology 8. Weaknesses of the protocol/device/technology 9. Relationship between the selected protocol/device/technology and network management and/or security 10. Conclusion (your personal input and should not be referenced from any source) 11. References (use Harvard referencing) 12. Appendix (please include documentation of your final product) **This assignment contributes to 30% of your final grade** Assessment Criteria Research and Investigation Documentation Presentation Critical Analysis Citation and Referencing Product TOTAL 20 % 10 % 20 % 20 % 10 % 20 % 100 %

Level 2

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


CE00382-2 HSSN2

Individual In-course Assessment

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Marking Criteria Distinction Thorough and in-depth research and investigation supported by evidence. Excellent level of knowledge and understanding reflected in discussion. Contents of documentation well organized and presented in a professional manner. Discussion has good flow. Confident and able to address most questions posed during presentation. Good analysis of research area conducted. Referenced materials well cited and references documented. Effective and fully functional final product to support area of research. Minor gaps in research and investigation conducted. Good level of knowledge and understanding reflected in discussion. Documentation Contents of documentation organized and presented in a professional manner with some minor issues. Sometimes lacking confidence but able to address most questions posed during presentation. Some analysis of research area conducted. Citation and references available in documentation but with minor issue. Final product has some relationship to the area of research and/or most features of the final product functional with some minor issues. Major gaps in research and investigation conducted. Satisfactory level of knowledge and understanding reflected in discussion. Contents of documentation disorganized and/or not presented in a professional manner. Lacks confidence and unable to address most questions posed during presentation. Minimal analysis of research area conducted. Citation and references are available in documentation but with major issues. Most areas of final product not related to the area of research and functionality of the product is limited.



Level 2

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


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