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Secret TPP treaty: Advanced Intellectual Property chapter for all 12 nations with negotiating positions

WikiLeaks release: November 13, 2013 keywords: treaty, trademark, patent, copyright, enforcement measures, censorship, geographical indications, pharmaceuticals, generics, circumvention, DRM, pay television, encryption. CDA, DMCA restraint: This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information MODIFIED HANDLING AUTHORIZED title: Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Intellectual Property [Rights] Chapter Consolidated Text date: August 30, 2013 group: Trans-Pacific Partnership author: Trans-Pacific Partnership IP group country negotiators link: pages: 95

This is the confidential draft treaty chapter from the Intellectual Property group of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks between the United States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei Darussalam. The treaty is being negotiated in secret by delegations from each of the 12 countries, who together account for 40% of global GDP. The chapter covers proposed international obligations and enforcement mechanisms for copyright, trademark and patent law, and includes the combined positions of all of the parties as they were by the end of August 2013. The document was produced and distributed to the Chief Negotiators on August 30, 2013, after the 19th Round of Negotiations at Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter )* August +*1)



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


For the $ur$oses of this Cha$terI te$$ect)#$ *"o*e"t+, refers to a%% categories of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& that are the su./ect of 0ections 1 through 1 of Part II of the TRIP0 Agreement ')(2

A"tic$e QQ'A',!


'N#3CL3PE34N35N3M630!3CA73M89 $ro$ose: "03;P o$$ose- The o./ecti<es of this Cha$ter area2 Enhance the ro%e of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& in $romoting economic an= socia% =e<e%o$ment, $articu%ar%& in re%ation to the ne> =igita% econom&, techno%ogica% inno<ation, the 'PE- generation,( transfer an= =issemination of techno%og& an= tra=e: .2 re=uce im$e=iments to tra=e an= in<estment .& $romoting =ee$er economic integration through effecti<e an= a=e?uate creation, uti%i@ation, $rotection an= enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights, taAing into account the =ifferent %e<e%s of economic =e<e%o$ment an= ca$acit& as >e%% as =ifferences in nationa% %ega% s&stems:

+ ) J 7 9

0ection an= Artic%e tit%es an= hea=ings a$$ear in this teBt on a >ithout $re/u=ice .asis2 Parties ha<e agree= to =efer consi=eration of the nee= for, an= =rafting of, 0ection an= Artic%e tit%es an= hea=ings2 0uch tit%es or hea=ings that a$$ear in .races Ci2e2, DE FGH are inc%u=e= for genera% reference an= information $ur$oses on%&2 NegotiatorsI Note- N#30! su$$orts a =efinition for Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& >hich mirrors TRIP0 Artic%e 12+ su./ect to confirmation of treatment of $%ant <arieties rights2 'A"3PE- For the $ur$ose of this Cha$ter Dinte%%ectua% $ro$ert&G a%so inc%u=es rights in $%ant <arieties2( NegotiatorsI Note- A" su$$orts inc%u=ing o./ecti<es .ut is sti%% consi=ering the =rafting an= sco$e of this artic%e2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA su$$orts this $ro<ision in $rinci$%e, .ut is re<ie>ing the $ro$osa%2 NegotiatorsI Note- M8 >i%% ref%ect further on the a==itiona% su.$aragra$hs CgH an= ChH2


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

c2 maintain a .a%ance .et>een the rights of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& ho%=ers an= the %egitimate interests of users an= the communit& in su./ect matter $rotecte= .& inte%%ectua% $ro$ert&2 =2 $rotect the a.i%it& of Parties to i=entif&, $romote access to an= $reser<e the $u.%ic =omain: e2 Ensure that measures an= $roce=ures to enforce inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights =o not themse%<es .ecome .arriers to %egitimate tra=e: f2 Promote o$erationa% efficienc& of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& s&stems, in $articu%ar through ?ua%it& eBamination $roce=ures =uring the granting of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights2( 'N#3CA30!3CL3M634N $ro$ose2 g2 The $rotection an= enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights shou%= contri.ute to the $romotion of techno%ogica% inno<ation an= to the transfer an= =issemination of techno%og&, to the mutua% a=<antage of $ro=ucers an= users of techno%ogica% Ano>%e=ge an= in a manner con=uci<e to socia% an= economic >e%fare, an= to a .a%ance of rights an= o.%igations2 h2 0u$$ort each Part&Is right to $rotect $u.%ic hea%th, inc%u=ing .& faci%itating time%& access to affor=a.%e me=icines2( [A"tic$e QQ'A',bis: {P"i ci*$e&}

'N#3CA30!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- 12 Each Part& ma&, in formu%ating or amen=ing its %a>s an= regu%ations, a=o$t measures necessar& to $rotect $u.%ic hea%th an= nutrition, an= to $romote the $u.%ic interest in sectors of <ita% im$ortance to its socioKeconomic an= techno%ogica% =e<e%o$ment, $ro<i=e= that such measures are consistent >ith the $ro<isions of this Cha$ter2 +2 Each Part& ma& a=o$t or maintain a$$ro$riate measures, $ro<i=e= that the& are consistent >ith the $ro<isions of this Cha$ter, to $re<ent the a.use of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights .& right ho%=ers or the resort to $ractices >hich unreasona.%& restrain tra=e or a=<erse%& affect the internationa% transfer of techno%og&2 )2 Each Part& ma& a=o$t or maintain, consistent%& >ith the other $ro<isions of this Cha$ter, a$$ro$riate measures to $re<ent or contro% $ractices or con=itions that ma& in $articu%ar cases constitute an a.use of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights ha<ing an a=<erse effect on com$etition in the re%e<ant marAet2((


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A"tic$e QQ'A'0!

{Ge e"#$ P"o%i&io &}

Each Part& sha%% gi<e effect to the $ro<isions of this Cha$ter2 A Part& ma&, .ut sha%% not .e o.%ige= to, $ro<i=e more eBtensi<e $rotection for, an= enforcement of, inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights un=er its %a> than is re?uire= .& this Cha$ter, $ro<i=e= that such $rotection an= enforcement =oes not contra<ene the $ro<isions of this Cha$ter2 Each Part& sha%% .e free to =etermine the a$$ro$riate metho= of im$%ementing the $ro<isions of this Cha$ter >ithin its o>n %ega% s&stem an= $ractice2 A"tic$e QQ'A'/! {Dec$#"#tio o t1e TRIPS A2"ee3e t # 4 P)-$ic He#$t1}

The Parties affirm their commitment to the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health CLT3MINC*1H3DEC3+H2 A"tic$e QQ'A'5! {U 4e"&t# 4i 2& Re2#"4i 2 Ce"t#i P)-$ic He#$t1 6e#&)"e&7}

The Parties ha<e reache= the fo%%o>ing un=erstan=ings regar=ing this Cha$terCaH The o.%igations of this Cha$ter =o not an= shou%= not $re<ent a Part& from taAing measures to $rotect $u.%ic hea%th .& $romoting access to me=icines for a%%, in $articu%ar concerning cases such as I43AID0, tu.ercu%osis, ma%aria, '"0 o$$ose- chagas( an= other e$i=emics as >e%% as circumstances of eBtreme urgenc& or nationa% emergenc&2 Accor=ing%&, >hi%e reiterating their commitment to this Cha$ter, the Parties affirm that this Cha$ter can an= shou%= .e inter$rete= an= im$%emente= in a manner su$$orti<e of each Part&Is right to $rotect $u.%ic hea%th an=, in $articu%ar, to $romote access to me=icines for a%%28 C.H In recognition of the commitment to access to me=icines that are su$$%ie= in accor=ance >ith the Decision of the !enera% Counci% of )* August +**) on the Im$%ementation of Paragra$h 0iB of the Doha Dec%aration on the TRIP0 Agreement an= Pu.%ic ea%th CLT3L37J*H an= the LTO !enera% Counci% ChairmanIs statement accom$an&ing the Decision C;O5C*)H3111, LT3!C3M38+ H '0!35N34N3PE3CL3CA3M63N#3"03A"M3M83;P- , as >e%% as the Decision on the Amen=ment of the TRIP0 Agreement, a=o$te= .& the !enera% Counci%, 9
1 8 M

NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is ref%ecting further on this $aragra$h2 NegotiatorsI Note- A" is sti%% consi=ering the =rafting an= sco$e of this $aragra$h2 NegotiatorsI Note- A" is consi=ering the =rafting of the %anguage2


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +**7 "03M6 $ro$ose- an= the LTO !enera% Counci% Chair$ersonIs statement accom$an&ing the Decision CLT3!C3M31**H( Cco%%ecti<e%&, the DTRIP03hea%th so%utionGH, this Cha$ter =oes not an= shou%= not $re<ent the effecti<e uti%i@ation of the TRIP03hea%th so%ution2 CcH Lith res$ect to the aforementione= matters, if '"0 o$$ose- an& >ai<er of an& $ro<ision of the TRIP0 Agreement, or an&( '"0 $ro$ose- an( amen=ment of the TRIP0 Agreement, enters into force >ith res$ect to the Parties, an= a Part&Is a$$%ication of a measure in conformit& >ith that '"0 o$$ose- >ai<er or( amen=ment '"0 o$$ose- is contrar& to the o.%igations of( '"0 $ro$ose- <io%ates ( this Cha$ter, the Parties sha%% imme=iate%& consu%t in or=er to a=a$t this Cha$ter as a$$ro$riate in the %ight of the '"0 o$$ose- >ai<er or( amen=ment2 A"tic$e QQ'A'8! {E9i&ti 2 Ri21t& # 4 O-$i2#tio & / I te" #tio #$ A2"ee3e t&}

12 '"0- Further to Artic%e NAA2+,( the Parties affirm their eBisting rights an= o.%igations >ith res$ect to each other un=er the TRIP0 Agreement 'CL3PE- an= an& other mu%ti%atera% agreements re%ating to inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& to >hich the& are $art&( 'M8 $ro$ose- The TRIP0 Agreement is incor$orate= into an= ma=e $art of this Agreement, mutatis mutandis2('CA Pro$ose- 12 EBce$t as other>ise $ro<i=e= in this Cha$ter, nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% .e construe= as a %imitation to the f%eBi.i%ities, eBce$tions an= %imitations set out on the TRIP0 Agreement an= an& other mu%ti%atera% agreement re%ating to inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& to >hich the& are $art&2( 'CL3N# $ro$ose: "03A"3;P3M8 o$$ose- +2 Nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% =erogate from eBisting rights an= o.%igations that Parties ha<e to each other un=er the TRIP0 Agreement or other mu%ti%atera% agreements, such as those conc%u=e= or a=ministere= un=er the aus$ices of the Lor%= Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& Organi@ation CLIPOH, the Lor%= ea%th Organi@ation CL OH an= "nite= Nations E=ucationa%, 0cientific an= Cu%tura% Organi@ation C"NE0COH2(1* 'CA $ro$ose: M83"0 o$$ose- +2 EBce$t as other>ise $ro<i=e= in this Cha$ter, the Parties sha%% inter$ret this Cha$ter in such a >a& as to .e 'com$%ementar& to 3 com$ati.%e >ith( their rights an= o.%igations un=er mu%ti%atera% treaties conc%u=e= or a=ministere= un=er the aus$ices of the Lor%= Tra=e Organi@ation CLTOH, the Lor%= Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& Organi@ation CLIPOH, the Lor%= ea%th Organi@ation CL OH an= the "nite= Nations E=ucationa%, 0cientific an= Cu%tura% Organi@ation C"NE0COH to >hich the& are $art&, es$ecia%%& >ith regar=s to measures aime= at $rotecting $u.%ic

NegotiatorsI Note- Parties to =iscuss $aragra$hs 1, + an= ) >ith %ega% grou$ to consi=er $ossi.%e re=un=anc& >ith !enera% Pro<isions an= recei<e a=<ice on reso%ution2


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

hea%th an= $rotecting e?ua% access to Ano>%e=ge an= foo=2( 'CL3N#34N35N3M63PE-11 )2 'EBce$t as other>ise $ro<i=e= in this Cha$ter,( Nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% .e construe= as a %imitation to the f%eBi.i%ities, eBce$tions an= %imitations set out on the TRIP0 Agreement an= an& other mu%ti%atera% agreement re%ating to inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& to >hich the& are $art&, es$ecia%%& >ith regar=s to measures aime= at $rotecting e?ua% access to Ano>%e=ge, foo= an= $u.%ic hea%th2(( '"03A" $ro$ose: CL3N#3M63PE35N34N3CA3;P3M81+ o$$ose-1) J2 Each Part& sha%% ratif& or acce=e to the fo%%o>ing agreements .& the =ate of entr& into force of this AgreementCaH C.H CcH C=H

Patent Cooperation Treaty C1M1*H, as amen=e= in 1M1M: Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property C1M91H: Berne Convention for the Protection of iterary and Artistic !or"s C1M11H: Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme#Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite C1M1JH: Protocol Relating to the $adrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of $ar"s C1M8MH: Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of $icroorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure C1M11H, as amen=e= in 1M8*: International Convention for the Protection of %e& 'arieties of Plants 'M8 $ro$ose- C1M91H as re<ise= in 1M1+, 1M18 or( C1MM1H C"PO4 Con<entionH: Singapore Treaty on the a& of Trademar"s C+**9H: !IP( Copyright Treaty C1MM9H: an= !IP( Performances and Phonograms Treaty C1MM9H2(






1+ 1)

NegotiatorsI Note- De%egations are consi=ering the re%ationshi$ .et>een this $ro$osa% an= the genera% nonK =erogation $ro<ision in Artic%e ' (2 Pro$onent =e%egations other than 4N are $re$are= to consi=er a==ition of the o$ening c%ause sho>n in .racAets if it ai=s in forming a consensus2 NegotiatorsI Note- M8 is f%eBi.%e if the o.%igation is on a .est en=ea<or .asis2 NegotiatorsI Note- 0! has no su.stanti<e o./ection to this $aragra$h an= >i%% fo%%o> consensus2


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'"03A"3N#3PE3CA3;P30!3M81J $ro$ose- 72 Each Part& sha%% notif& the LTO of its acce$tance of the Protoco% amen=ing the TRIP0 Agreement =one at !ene<a on 9, +**72( '"030! $ro$ose: CL3M63N#3PE334N35N3CA3;P3M8 17 o$$ose- 92 Each Part& sha%% maAe a%% reasona.%e efforts to ratif& or acce=e to the fo%%o>ing agreements .& the =ate of entr& into force of the Agreement'0! o$$ose- CaH

Patent a& Treaty C+***H: an=( ague Agreement Concerning the Internationa% Registration of In=ustria% Designs C1MMMH2(

A"tic$e QQ'A'7!

{N#tio #$ T"e#t3e t}

1192 In res$ect of a%% categories of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& co<ere= in this Cha$ter, each Part& sha%% accor= to nationa%s '11( of the other Part& treatment no %ess fa<ora.%e than it accor=s to its o>n nationa%s >ith regar= to the $rotection ' 18( 'N#35N3M63CA3;P30!34N o$$ose- an= en/o&ment of such inte%%ectua% $ro$ert&

17 19 11


NegotiatorsI Note- M635N =o not o./ect in $rinci$%e su./ect to further =omestic interna% consu%tations or $roce=ures an= greater c%arit& regar=ing <ie>s of other Parties2 0!3CL has no su.stanti<e o./ection to this $aragra$h an= >i%% fo%%o> consensus2 4N are continuing =omestic $roce=ures for consi=eration of the Protoco%2 NegotiatorsI Note- A" consi=ering =rafting of this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P reser<es its $osition $en=ing the outcome of Artic%e OO2A212 '"03A"30!3PE- For $ur$oses of Artic%es 'OO2A2121K+PPPCNT Q ;u=icia%3A=min Proce=uresH POO2D2+2aPPC!Is3Nationa%sH, an= COO2!21J21 Performers3Phonograms3Re%ate= Rights,( # #tio #$ o( # P#"t+ sha%% '"0 $ro$ose- inc%u=e( '"0 o$$ose- a%so mean(, in res$ect of the re%e<ant right, an entit& of that Part& that >ou%= meet the criteria for e%igi.i%it& for $rotection $ro<i=e= for in the agreements %iste= in 'Artic%e OO2A292J( an= the TRIP0 Agreement2( '"03A"30!3PE3M634N35N3N#3M83CL$ro$ose- For $ur$oses of $aragra$hs 1 an= + D$rotectionG sha%% inc%u=e matters affecting the a<ai%a.i%it&, ac?uisition, sco$e, maintenance, an= enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights as >e%% as matters affecting the use of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights s$ecifica%%& co<ere= .& this Cha$ter2 Further, for $ur$oses of $aragra$h 1'an= +(, D$rotectionG a%so inc%u=es the $rohi.ition on circum<ention of effecti<e techno%ogica% measures set out in Artic%e OO2!21* an= the rights an= o.%igations concerning rights management information set out in Artic%e OO2!21)( NegotiatorsI Note- 'CL30!3PE3M634N35N3N#3M8- reser<es its $osition >ith regar=s to the secon= sentence, =e$en=ing on the outcome of the techno%ogica% $rotection measure3rights management information( 'Parties to =etermine >hether this footnote sha%% refer to $aragra$h 1, or $aragra$hs 1 an= +2(


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

rights, an= an& .enefits =eri<e= from such rights2('N#34N35N3M63CL3PE3;P30! 1M $ro$ose+*: "03A"+1 o$$ose- of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert&, su./ect to the eBce$tions $ro<i=e= in the TRIP0 Agreement an= in those mu%ti%atera% agreements conc%u=e= un=er the aus$ices of LIPO2( 'CL3A"3N#35N3PE++ $ro$ose- Lith res$ect to secon=ar& uses of $honograms .& means of ana%og communications an= free o<erKtheKair ra=io .roa=casting, ho>e<er, a Part& ma& %imit the rights of the $erformers an= $ro=ucers of the other Part& to the rights its $ersons are accor=e= >ithin the /uris=iction of the other Part&2(+) '4N- Artic%es ) an= 7 of the TRIP0 sha%% a$$%& >ith necessar& mo=ifications to the $rotection of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& in this Cha$ter2( A Part& ma& =erogate from $aragra$h 1 'national treatment( in re%ation to its /u=icia% an= a=ministrati<e $roce=ures, inc%u=ing re?uiring a nationa% of the other Part& to =esignate an a==ress for ser<ice of $rocess in its territor&, or to a$$oint an agent in its territor&, $ro<i=e= that such =erogation is+2

CaH necessar& to secure com$%iance >ith %a>s an= regu%ations that are not inconsistent >ith this Cha$ter: an= C.H not a$$%ie= in a manner that >ou%= constitute a =isguise= restriction on tra=e2 'CL-) Paragra$hs 1 an= + =o( '"0- Paragra$h '8 national treatment)*udicial and administrative procedures( =oes( not a$$%& to $roce=ures in mu%ti%atera% agreements conc%u=e= un=er the aus$ices of LIPO re%ating to the ac?uisition or maintenance of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights2 A"tic$e QQ'A':! EMostKFa<oure=KNation TreatmentF

'PE3CL- Lith regar=s to the $rotection an= =efence of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& referre= to in this cha$ter, an& a=<antage, fa<our, $ri<i%ege or immunit& grante= .& a Part& to the nationa%s of an& other countr& >i%% .e accor=e= imme=iate%& an= uncon=itiona%%& to the nationa%s of the other Parties2 The eBce$tions to this o.%igation sha%% .e in conformit& >ith the $ertinent =is$ositions referre= to in artic%es J an= 7 of the TRIP0 Agreement2(
1M +* +1 ++ +)

NegotiatorsI Note- 0!3CL is f%eBi.%e on either a$$roach to Nationa% Treatment2 NegotiatorsI Note- N# notes its $ro$ose= teBt ma& not .e necessar& =e$en=ing on outcome of fo%%o>ing t>o $aragra$hs2 CA su$$orts in $rinci$%e an= is consi=ering further the =rafting of this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- A" can .e f%eBi.%e on either a$$roach to Nationa% Treatment2 NegotiatorsI Note- M630!3PE su$$ort in $rinci$%e2 CP3;P is consi=ering further2 NegotiatorsI Note- M8 is consi=ering its $osition in re%ation to the >ho%e $aragra$h2


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'4N- Artic%es J an= 7 of the TRIP0 sha%% a$$%& >ith necessar& mo=ifications to the $rotection of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& in this Cha$ter2( A"tic$e QQ'A';! {I3*$e3e t#tio o( t1i& C1#*te"}

'CL3N#34N3A"35N30!3PE3M63M83CA+J $ro$ose: "03;P o$$ose- 12 Nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% $re<ent a Part& from a=o$ting a$$ro$riate measures to $re<ent- CaH the a.use of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights .& right ho%=ers or the resort to $ractices that unreasona.%& restrain tra=e or a=<erse%& affect the internationa% transfer of techno%og&: an= C.H anticom$etiti<e $ractices that ma& resu%t from the a.use of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights:, $ro<i=e= that such measures are consistent >ith this Agreement2 'PE $ro$ose: CL3A" o$$ose- Nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% .e construe= to re=uce the $rotection that the Parties agree on or ha<e agree= on in .enefit of the conser<ation or sustaina.%e use of .io=i<ersit&2(( A"tic$e QQ'A'1<! {T"# &*#"e c+} 'N#3A"+73"030!+93M63PE34N3;P3M8 $ro$ose- 12 '"0- Further to Artic%e PPP CPu.%icationH, an= >ith the o./ect of maAing the $rotection an= enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights trans$arent,( Each Part& sha%% ensure that its %a>s, regu%ations an= $roce=ures '4N- or a=ministrati<e ru%ings of genera% a$$%ication( concerning the $rotection an= enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights '"0- are in >riting an= are( '"0 o$$ose- sha%% .e( $u.%ishe=' +1(, or >here such $u.%ication is not '"03PE o$$ose- $ractica%( '"03PE- $ractica.%e(, are ma=e $u.%ic%& a<ai%a.%e '"03A"3N#- in a nationa% %anguage in such a manner as to ena.%e 'A" o$$osego<ernments an= right ho%=ers( 'A"- intereste= $ersons an= Parties( to .ecome ac?uainte= >ith them2( '"03A"3N# o$$ose- in at %east the nationa% %anguage of that Part& or in the Eng%ish %anguage2((+8

+J +7

+9 +1 +8

NegotiatorsI Note- CA can su$$ort consensus on the first sentence2 NegotiatorsI Note- A"3N#3CL30!35N3M63;P is re<ie>ing this $ro<ision in %ight of =iscussion in Lega% an= Institution !rou$2 CA un=erstan=s that a simi%ar $ro<ision has a%rea=& .een agree= u$on in the Trans$arenc& cha$ter2 '0!3M6- Negotiators Note- 0u./ect to the acce$tance of $ro<ision concerning the =isc%osure of confi=entia% information that >i%% im$e=e %a> enforcement2( '"0- A Part& ma& satisf& re?uirement for $u.%ication .& maAing the %a>, regu%ation, or $roce=ure a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic on the Internet2( TeBt from Lega% an= Institution !rou$ inserte= for com$arison $ur$oses- +ach Party shall ensure that its la&s, regulations, procedures, and administrative rulings of general application &ith respect to any matter covered by this Agreement are promptly published or other&ise made available in such a manner as to enable interested persons and Parties to become ac-uainted &ith them.


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'N#3A"30!3M63CA+M3M83CL $ro$ose: 4N3PE o$$ose- +2 Each en=ea<our to maAe a<ai%a.%e on the Internet 'A"3N#-



CaH its %a>s, regu%ations, $roce=ures, an= a=ministrati<e ru%ings of genera% a$$%ication concerning the $rotection an= enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights: an=( C.H ';P o$$ose- those =etai%s of $atent, tra=emarA, =esign, $%ant <ariet& $rotection an= geogra$hica% in=ication a$$%ications that are o$en to $u.%ic ins$ection un=er nationa% %a>2(( '"03M8 $ro$ose: 5N o$$ose- J)*2 Nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% re?uire a Part& to =isc%ose confi=entia% information the =isc%osure of >hich >ou%= im$e=e %a> enforcement or other>ise .e contrar& to the $u.%ic interest 'PE o$$ose- or >ou%= $re/u=ice the %egitimate commercia% interests of $articu%ar enter$rises, $u.%ic or $ri<ate (2()1 A"tic$e QQ'A'11! EA$$%ication of Agreement to EBisting 0u./ect Matter an= Prior ActsF '"0 $ro$ose- 12 EBce$t as it other>ise $ro<i=es, inc%u=ing in Artic%e OO2!28PP C5erne 183TRIP0 1J29H, this Cha$ter gi<es rise to o.%igations in res$ect of a%% su./ect matter eBisting at the =ate of entr& into force of this Agreement that is $rotecte= on that =ate in the territor& of the Part& >here $rotection is c%aime=, or that meets or comes to meet the criteria for $rotection un=er this Cha$ter2)+( 'CL3N#3PE3M635N34N3CA3M8 o$$ose- EBce$t as other>ise $ro<i=e= in this Cha$ter, inc%u=ing Artic%e OO2!28PPPP C5erne 183TRIP0 1J29H,( a Part& sha%% not .e re?uire= to restore $rotection to su./ect matter that on the =ate of entr& into force of
+M )*



)+ ))

NegotiatorsI Note- CA su$$orts in $rinci$%e $en=ing c%arification of >hat is meant .& Do$en to $u.%ic ins$ectionG in su.K$aragra$h C.H2 Negotiators note- A"3M63CA3;P3M8- su$$ort inc%usion of a $ro<ision regar=ing =isc%osure of confi=entia% information .ut >ou%= $refer to see such a $ro<ision %ocate= in a cha$ter =ea%ing >ith genera% $ro<isions an= eBce$tions2 TeBt from LII !rou$ inserte= for com$arison $ur$oses- 'LII !rou$- A"tic$e CCC'8! Di&c$o&)"e o( I (o"3#tio ' Nothing in this Agreement sha%% .e construe= as re?uiring a Part& to furnish or a%%o> access to confi=entia% information the =isc%osure of >hich >ou%= im$e=e %a> enforcement, other>ise .e contrar& to the $u.%ic interest, or $re/u=ice the %egitimate commercia% interests of $articu%ar enter$rises, $u.%ic or $ri<ate2 FN- A"3N#3M6- For the $ur$oses of this $aragra$h, the $u.%ic interest inc%u=es, for eBam$%e, com$%iance >ith %egis%ati<e or constitutiona% $ro<isions regar=ing $ri<ac&2( NegotiatorsI Note- A"3N#3CL30!3PE3M635N34N3;P3M83CA3"0 reser<e $ositions $en=ing fina% outcome of Cha$ter2 A%% Parties agree to re<isit this $ro<ision at the conc%usion of this cha$ter2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P >i%% fo%%o> consensus on this $aragra$h2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

this Agreement has fa%%en into the $u.%ic =omain in its territor&2 )2 This Cha$ter =oes not gi<e rise to o.%igations in res$ect of acts that occurre= .efore the =ate of entr& into force of this Agreement2 A"tic$e QQ'A'1,! {I te" #tio #$ E91#)&tio o( Ri21t&} 'CL3M63N#34N30!35N3PE $ro$ose: "03A"3;P3M8 o$$ose- The Parties are encourage= to esta.%ish internationa% eBhaustion of rights2( A"tic$e QQ'A'10! {P)-$ic Do3#i } 'CL34N3PE $ro$ose- Each Part& sha%% en=ea<our to $ro<i=e re%e<ant information to =isseminate $u.%ic =omain, inc%u=ing a$$ro$riate too%s that he%$ to i=entif& the 'CLeBtension( '4N- eB$iration( of the terms of $rotection of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights2( 'CL34N $ro$ose- 12 The Parties recogni@e the im$ortance of a rich an= accessi.%e $u.%ic =omain for their societies an= the nee= that $u.%ic =omain materia% sha%% .e free for its use .& a%% $ersons2 +2 For $ur$oses of $aragra$h 1, each Part& sha%% en=ea<or toaH i=entif& su./ect matter that has fa%%en into the $u.%ic =omain >ithin their res$ecti<e /uris=ictions: .H $romote access to the $u.%ic =omain: an= cH $reser<e the $u.%ic =omain2 )2 Actions to achie<e the $ur$oses referre= to in $aragra$h +, ma& inc%u=e the =e<e%o$ment of $u.%ic%& accessi.%e =ata .ases of registere= rights, gui=e%ines an= other too%s to enhance access to materia% in the $u.%ic =omain2 J2 Each Part& sha%% maAe its .est efforts to $romote coo$eration among the Parties to i=entif& an= faci%itate access to su./ect matter that has fa%%en into the $u.%ic =omain an= share u$=ate= information re%ate= to right ho%=ers an= terms of $rotection2( 'CL34N A%ternati<e Pro$osa%12 The Parties recogni@e the im$ortance of a rich an= accessi.%e $u.%ic =omain for their societies an= the nee= that $u.%ic =omain materia% sha%% .e free for its use .& a%% $ersons2


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+2 For this $ur$ose, Parties ma& inc%u=e the =e<e%o$ment of $u.%ic%& accessi.%e =ata .ases of registere= rights, gui=e%ines an= other too%s to enhance access to materia% in the $u.%ic =omain2 )2 Each Part& sha%% maAe its .est efforts to $romote coo$eration among the Parties to i=entif& an= faci%iate access to su./ect matter that has fa%%en into the $u.%ic =omain an= share u$=ate= information re%ate= to right ho%=ers an= terms of $rotection2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

COOPERATION Note! =e 1#%e ot i t"o4)ce4 -"#ce& i to t1i& &ectio -ec#)&e *#"t+ #tt"i-)tio & #"e ot c$e#" -#&e4 o t1e te9t' Sectio >! Coo*e"#tio A"tic$e QQ'>'1! {Co t#ct Poi t&}

Each Part& sha%% =esignate at %east one contact $oint for the $ur$ose of coo$eration un=er this section2 A"tic$e QQ'>',! 'N#3CL30!34N3M635N3M8 $ro$ose- Coo*e"#tio i3*$e3e t#tio o( i te" #tio #$ #2"ee3e t& i t1e

'N#3CL30!35N3A"3M63PE34N3M8 $ro$ose- 12 'A"3"0 o$$ose- Lhere a Part& is a of an& of the fo%%o>ing agreements, that Part& sha%%, >here a$$ro$riate an= u$on re?uest .& another Part&, su$$ort that Part& in im$%ementing an& of the fo%%o>ing agreements( 'A"3CA3;P30!- A Part& ma& seeA to coo$erate >ith other Parties to su$$ort its accession to, an= im$%ementation of, the agreements 8K8 (CaH Patent Cooperation Treaty/ 'PE3CA o$$ose- C.H Protocol Relating to the $adrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of $ar"s/ CcH Singapore Treaty on the a& of Trademar"s/0 and C=H %ice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of 1oods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of $ar"s.( ';P30!3PE $ro$ose- CeH International Convention for the Protection of %e& 'arieties of Plants 234435 26P(' Convention5( 'A"- +2 Each Part& sha%% en=ea<or to $ro<i=e such coo$eration as a$$ro$riate an= u$on re?uest2( A"tic$e QQ'>'0 {Coo*e"#tio Acti%itie&}



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'A"3CL3N#3PE30!35N3M834N3M63"03CA $ro$ose- The Parties sha%% en=ea<our to coo$erate on the su./ect matter co<ere= .& this Cha$ter through a$$ro$riate cooor=ination, training an= eBchange of information .et>een the inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& offices, 'or other re%e<ant institutions()J, of the Parties2 Coo$eration ma& co<er such areas asCaH =e<e%o$ments in =omestic an= internationa% inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& $o%ic& C.H inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& a=ministration an= registration s&stems CcH e=ucation an= a>areness re%ating to inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& C=H inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& issues re%e<ant toa2 sma%% an= me=iumKsi@e= enter$rises .2 science, techno%og& Q inno<ation acti<ities'PE $ro$ose- , >hich ma& inc%u=e generation, transfer an= =issemination of techno%og&2( CeH $o%icies in<o%<ing the use of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& for research, inno<ation an= economic gro>th CfH such other areas as ma& .e agree= among 'A"3N# o$$ose- the( Parties2( A"tic$e QQ'>'/! {P#te t Coo*e"#tio }

''A"3CL3M63N#30!3PE34N3CA3M835N3;P $ro$ose- In or=er to im$ro<e ?ua%it& an= efficienc& in the PartiesI $atent s&stems,( The Parties sha%% en=ea<our to '"030! $ro$ose- coo$erate( '"0 o$$ose- esta.%ish a frame>orA for coo$eration( among their res$ecti<e $atent offices to faci%itate the 'A"3CL3M63N#30!3PE34N3CA3M835N3;P o$$ose- eB$%oitation( 'A"3CL3M63N#30!3PE34N3CA3M835N3;P $ro$ose- sharing an= use( of search an= eBamination >orA of other Parties2 This ma& inc%u=eCaH maAing search an= eBamination resu%ts a<ai%a.%e to the $atent offices of other Parties, an= C.H eBchanges of information on ?ua%it& assurance s&stems an= ?ua%it& stan=ar=s re%ating to $atent searching an= eBamination: ';P $ro$ose: CL3PE o$$ose- CcH im$%ementing an= $romoting the Patent Prosecution igh>a&:(

NegotiatorsI Note- CA is ref%ecting on the notion of the meaning of re%e<ant authorities2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'CL3A"3M63N#30!3PE34N3CA3M835N o$$ose- >hich ma&, among other things, faci%itate >orA sharing2()7()9 ';P $ro$osa%- +2 In the course of the coo$eration referre= to Paragra$h 1, the Parties are encourage= not to re?uire the a$$%icants to search an= eBamination resu%ts, inc%u=ing cite= =ocuments, ma=e a<ai%a.%e .& the $atent offices of other Parties, >ith a <ie> to re=ucing the $roce=ura% costs of the a$$%icants2( A"tic$e QQ'>'5! Coo$eration acti<ities an= initiati<es un=ertaAen un=er this Cha$ter sha%% .e su./ect to the a<ai%a.i%it& of resources, an= on re?uest an= on terms an= con=itions mutua%%& agree= u$on .et>een the Parties in<o%<e=2'4N $ro$ose- , inc%u=ing the technica% assistance for =e<e%o$ing countries2(

)7 )9

NegotiatorsI Note- "0 consu%ting eB$erts on >or=ing of $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- "0 an= ;P can go a%ong >ith the consensus2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

{TRADE6AR?S} {Sectio C! T"#4e3#"@&} A"tic$e QQ'C'1! {T+*e& o( Si2 & Re2i&t"#-$e #& T"#4e3#"@&}

'N#3"03A"3CL3PE30!3CA3;P3M6)1 $ro$ose- 12 '4N35N3M8 o$$ose- No( Part& ma& re?uire, as a con=ition of registration, that a sign .e <isua%%& $erce$ti.%e, '4N35N3M8 o$$ose- nor ma& a Part&( '4N35N3M8 $ro$ose- an=( =en& registration of a tra=emarA so%e%& on the groun= that the sign of >hich it is com$ose= is a soun= 'CL3CA3;P3M6 o$$ose- or a scent( 'CL3CA3M83M6 $ro$ose- Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e tra=emarA $rotection for scents(2( A Part& ma& re?uire a concise an= accurate =escri$tion, or gra$hica% re$resentation, or .oth, as a$$%ica.%e, of the tra=emarA2 A"tic$e QQ'C',! {Co$$ecti%e # 4 Ce"ti(ic#tio 6#"@&}

12 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that tra=emarAs sha%% inc%u=e co%%ecti<e marAs an= certification marAs2 A Part& is not o.%igate= to treat certification marAs as a se$arate categor& in its =omestic %a>, $ro<i=e= that such marAs are $rotecte=2 Each Part& ';P3M8 $ro$ose- ma&(' ;P o$$ose- sha%%( a%so $ro<i=e that signs that ma& ser<e as geogra$hica% in=ications are e%igi.%e for $rotection un=er its tra=emarA s&stem ')8()M'PE3N#3M83CL35N3A"3"03;P30! o$$ose: 4N $ro$oseJ*- A Part& ma& $ro<i=e that 0igns =escri$ti<e of geogra$hica% origin of goo=s or ser<ices, inc%u=ing geogra$hica% in=ication as =efine= in Artic%e ++ of the TRIP0 Agreement, ma& not .e $rotecte= as tra=emarAs other than co%%ecti<e an= certification marAs, un%ess the& ha<e ac?uire= =istincti<eness through use2( '"03PE3M8J130! $ro$ose: A"3N#3 4N35N3M63CL3CA o$$ose- +2 Pursuant to Artic%e +* of the TRIP0 Agreement, each Part& sha%% ensure that its measures man=ating the use of the term customar& in common %anguage as the common name for a goo= or ser<ice CDcommon nameGH inc%u=ing, inter a%ia, re?uirements concerning
)1 )8 )M

J* J1

NegotiatorsI Note- M6 su$$orts this artic%e su./ect to further =omestic im$%ementation2 ';P $ro$ose- For c%arit& a Part& ma& re?uire that a sign has ac?uire= =istincti<eness through use, >here the sign consists on%& of names of $%ace2( For $ur$oses of this Cha$ter, 2eo2"#*1ic#$ i 4ic#tio means in=ications that i=entif& a goo= as originating in the territor& of a $art&, or a region or %oca%it& in that territor&, >here a gi<en ?ua%it&, re$utation, or other characteristic of the goo= is essentia%%& attri.uta.%e to its geogra$hica% origin2 Consistent >ith this =efinition, an& sign or com.ination of signs sha%% .e e%igi.%e for $rotection un=er one or more of the %ega% means for $rotecting !Is, or a com.ination of such means2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA3M6 is f%eBi.%e on this $ro$osa%2 NegotiatorsI Notes- PE3M830! >i%% go >ith consensus on this $aragra$h2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the re%ati<e si@e, $%acement or st&%e of use of the tra=emarA in re%ation to the common name, =o not im$air the use or effecti<eness of tra=emarAs use= in re%ation to such goo= or ser<ice2 'J+((J)'JJ( A"tic$e QQ'C'0! {U&e o( I4e tic#$ o" Si3i$#" Si2 &}

Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that the o>ner of a registere= tra=emarA sha%% ha<e the eBc%usi<e right to $re<ent thir= $arties not ha<ing the o>nerIs consent from using in the course of tra=e i=entica% or simi%ar signs, 'PE3M634N3CA3M8 o$$ose J7- inc%u=ing geogra$hica% in=ications,( for goo=s or ser<ices that are re%ate= to those goo=s or ser<ices in res$ect of >hich the o>nerIs tra=emarA is registere=, >here such use >ou%= resu%t in a %iAe%ihoo= of confusion2 In the case of the use of an i=entica% sign, 'PE3M630!3CL3CA3M834N o$$ose J9inc%u=ing a geogra$hica% in=ication,( for i=entica% goo=s or ser<ices, a %iAe%ihoo= of confusion sha%% .e $resume=2 A"tic$e QQ'C'/! Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e %imite= eBce$tions to the rights conferre= .& a tra=emarA, such as fair use of =escri$ti<e terms, $ro<i=e= that such eBce$tions taAe account of the %egitimate interest of the o>ner of the tra=emarA an= of thir= $arties2 '4N $ro$ose: A"3"03N#30!3M63CL3PE3CA3;P35N o$$ose- The o>ner of a registere= tra=emarA sha%% not ha<e the right to $re<ent thir= $arties from using geogra$hica% in=ications or other signs =escri$ti<e of goo=s an= ser<ices e<en though the& are i=entica% or simi%ar to the tra=emarA un%ess such use >ou%= resu%t in confusion2(J1 A"tic$e QQ'C'5! {=e$$ ? oA T"#4e3#"@&}

12 No Part& ma& re?uire as a con=ition for =etermining that a tra=emarA is >e%%K Ano>n that the tra=emarA has .een registere= in the Part& or in another /uris=iction,
J+ J) JJ J7 J9 J1

'PE3"0 $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, the eBistence of such measures =oes not $er se, amount to im$airment2 ( NegotiatorsI Note- M8 is sti%% ref%ecting on this $ro<ision2 ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 '0! $ro$ose- this $ro<ision is not inten=e= to affect the use of common names of $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts in $ me=icine2( NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- M8 >i%% go >ith consensus >ith this $aragra$h2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

inc%u=e= on a %ist of >e%%KAno>n tra=emarAs, or gi<en $rior recognition as a >e%%K Ano>n tra=emarA2 +2 Artic%e 9bis of the Paris Con<ention for the Protection of In=ustria% Pro$ert& C1M91H sha%% a$$%&, mutatis mutandis, to goo=s or ser<ices that are not i=entica% or simi%ar to those i=entifie= .& a >e%%KAno>n tra=emarA,'J8( '5N o$$ose- >hether registere= or notJM,( $ro<i=e= that use of that tra=emarA in re%ation to those goo=s or ser<ices >ou%= in=icate a connection .et>een those goo=s or ser<ices an= the o>ner of the tra=emarA, an= $ro<i=e= that the interests of the o>ner of the tra=emarA are %iAe%& to .e =amage= .& such use2 )2 Each Part& recogni@es the im$ortance of the 7oint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of !ell#8no&n $ar"s C1MMMH as a=o$te= .& the Assem.%& of the Paris "nion for the Protection of In=ustria% Pro$ert& an= the !enera% Assem.%& of LIPO2 '"035N3CL3PE3M83CA3;P3N#30!34N $ro$ose: A"3M6 o$$ose- J7*2 Each Part& sha%% 'PE35N3M83CA71 $ro$ose- accor=ing to =omestic %a>s( $ro<i=e for a$$ro$riate measures to refuse or cance% the registration an= $ the use of a tra=emarA that is i=entica% or simi%ar to a >e%%KAno>n tra=emarA, '0!34N $ro$ose- as .eing a%rea=& >e%%KAno>n .efore the registration or use of the firstKmentione= tra=emarA,( for re%ate= goo=s or ser<ices, if the use of that tra=emarA is %iAe%& to cause confusion 'CA30!34N o$$ose-7+ or to =ecei<e or risA associating the tra=emarA >ith the o>ner of the >e%%K Ano>n tra=emarA, or constitutes unfair eB$%oitation of the re$utation of the >e%%K Ano>n tra=emarA2(( A"tic$e QQ'C'8! A&*ect&} {E9#3i #tio B O**o&itio # 4 C# ce$$#tio / P"oce4)"#$

Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e a s&stem for the eBamination an= registration of tra=emarAs >hich sha%% inc%u=e, inter alia9 CaH

$ro<i=ing to the a$$%icant a communication in >riting, >hich ma& .e e%ectronic, of the reasons for an& refusa% to register a tra=emarA:

JM 7* 71 7+

'"03CA3CL3M830!3N#34N35N3A"3M6 $ro$ose- Lhere a Part& =etermines >hether a marA is >e%%KAno>n in the Part&, the Part& nee= not re?uire that the re$utation of the tra=emarA eBten= .e&on= the sector of the $u.%ic that norma%%& =ea%s >ith the re%e<ant goo=s or ser<ices2( NegotiatorsI Note- M6 su$$ort su./ect to =omestic im$%ementation2 NegotiatorsI Note- Parties re<ie>ing the sco$e of this $aragra$h intersessiona%%&2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA is f%eBi.%e on this %anguage, su./ect to its fina% attri.ution of this $aragra$h2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


$ro<i=ing the o$$ortunit& for the a$$%icant to res$on= to communications from the com$etent authorities, to contest an initia% refusa%, an= to a$$ea% /u=icia%%& an& fina% refusa% to register a tra=emarA: $ro<i=ing an o$$ortunit& to o$$ose the registration of a tra=emarA or to seeA cance%%ation7) of a tra=emarA: an= re?uiring that a=ministrati<e =ecisions in o$$ositions an= cance%%ation $rocee=ings .e reasone= an= in >riting2 Lritten =ecisions ma& .e $ro<i=e= e%ectronica%%&2 {E$ect"o ic T"#4e3#"@& S+&te3}



A"tic$e QQ'C'7!

Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=eCaH C.H a s&stem for the e%ectronic a$$%ication for, an= maintenance of, tra=emarAs: an= a $u.%ic%& a<ai%a.%e e%ectronic information s&stem, inc%u=ing an on%ine =ata.ase, of tra=emarA a$$%ications an= of registere= tra=emarAs2 {C$#&&i(ic#tio o( Goo4& # 4 Se"%ice&}

A"tic$e QQ'C':!

Each Part& sha%% a=o$t or maintain a tra=emarA c%assification s&stem that is consistent >ith the %ice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of 1oods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of $ar"s CNice C%assificationH of ';une 17, 1M71(, as re<ise= an= amen=e=2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that'CA o$$ose- CaH registrations an= the $u.%ications of a$$%ications in=icate the goo=s an= ser<ices .& their names, grou$e= accor=ing to the c%asses esta.%ishe= .& the Nice C%assification 7J: an=( C.H goo=s or ser<ices ma& not .e consi=ere= as .eing simi%ar to each other on the groun= that, in an& registration or $u.%ication, the& are c%assfie=

7) 7J

For greater certaint&, cance%%ation for $ur$oses of this 0ection ma& .e im$%emente= through nu%%it& or re<ocation $rocee=ings2 Parties that re%& on trans%ations of the Nice C%assification are re?uire= to fo%%o> u$=ate= <ersions of the Nice C%assification to the eBtent that officia% trans%ations ha<e .een issue= an= $u.%ishe=2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

in the same c%ass of the Nice C%assification2 Con<erse%&, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that goo=s or ser<ices ma& not .e consi=ere= as .eing =issimi%ar from each other on the groun= that, in an& registration or $u.%ication, the& are c%assifie= in =ifferent c%asses of the Nice C%assification2 A"tic$e QQ'C';! {Te"3 o( P"otectio (o" T"#4e3#"@&}

Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that initia% registration an= each rene>a% of registration of a tra=emarA sha%% .e for a term of no %ess than 1* &ears2 A"tic$e QQ'C'1<55- No Part& ma& re?uire recor=a% of tra=emarA %icensesa2 to esta.%ish the <a%i=it& of the %icense: '"03CA3N#30!3;P3A" $ro$ose: 4N3M835N3PE3CL3M6 o$$ose- .2 as a con=ition for the right of a %icensee to /oin infringement $rocee=ings initiate= .& the ho%=er, or to o.tain .& >a& of such $rocee=ings =amages resu%ting from an infringement of the tra=emarA >hich is su./ect to the %icense: or c2 as a con=ition for use of a tra=emarA .& a %icensee, to .e =eeme= to constitute use .& the ho%=er in $rocee=ings re%ating to the ac?uisition, maintenance an= enforcement of tra=emarAs2( A"tic$e QQ'C'11! {I te" #tio #$ E91#)&tio o( Ri21t&} 'CL3N#30!34N3PE3M635N3A"3CA3M8 $ro$ose: "03;P o$$ose- The Parties are encourage= to esta.%ish internationa% eBhaustion of tra=emarA rights2 For this $ur$ose, the registration of a tra=emarA sha%% not entit%e the $ro$rietor to $ its use in re%ation to goo=s >hich ha<e .een $ut on the marAet in an& countr& un=er that tra=emarA .& the $ro$rietor or >ith his consent2( A"tic$e QQ'C'1,! {Do3#i N#3e& o t1e I te" et}

1279 In or=er to a==ress the $ro.%em of tra=emarA '4N3M8 $ro$ose- geogra$hica% in=ication an= tra=e name( c&.erK$irac&, each Part& sha%% a=o$t or maintain a s&stem
77 79

NegotiatorsI Note- A" su$$orts this artic%e a= referen=um2 NegotiatorsI Note- A" su$$orts this $aragra$h a= referen=um2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

for the management of its countr&Kco=e to$K%e<e% =omain CccTLDH that $ro<i=esCaH an a$$ro$riate $roce=ure for the sett%ement of =is$utes, .ase= on, or mo=e%%e= a%ong the same %ines as, the $rinci$%es esta.%ishe= in the "niform DomainKName Dis$uteKReso%ution Po%ic&, or that is- CiH =esigne= to reso%<e =is$utes eB$e=itious%& an= at %o> cost, CiiH fair an= e?uita.%e, CiiiH not o<er%& .ur=ensome, an= Ci<H =oes not $rec%u=e resort to court %itigation: C.H on%ine $u.%ic access to a re%ia.%e an= accurate =ata.ase of contact information concerning =omainKname registrants71: in accor=ance >ith each Part&Is %a>s regar=ing $rotection of $ri<ac& 78 an= $ersona% =ata2 7M +2 'PE30!3CL3A"3N#3M635N3CA o$$ose: "034N3;P3M8 $ro$ose- Each $art& sha%% $ro<i=e '4N- o$$ose a=e?uate an= effecti<e( '4N $ro$ose- a$$ro$riate( reme=ies against the registration trafficAing9*, or use in an& ccTLD, >ith a .a= faith intent to $rofit, of a =omain name that is i=entica% or confusing%& simi%ar to a tra=emarA '4N3M8 $ro$ose- , geogra$hica% in=ication or tra=e name(2(

71 78 7M 9*

NegotiatorsI Note- 5runei can acce$t this $ro<ision $en=ing com$%etion of its =ata.ase2 NegotiatorsI Note- "0 seeAs further c%arification on the sco$e of a$$%ication of $ri<ac& =ata2 NegotiatorsI Note- A"3CL3M63N#3"030!3;P su$$ort contingent on un=erstan=ing that TPP >i%% inc%u=e a genera% $ro<ision re%ate= to $ri<ac&3=isc%osure of information: issues2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P seeAs c%arification as to >hether DregistrationG is =eeme= to .e s&non&mous >ith Dac?uiring the right to useG an= reser<es its $osition $en=ing c%arification of the term DtrafficAingG2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

{GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS} {Sectio D! Geo2"#*1ic#$ I 4ic#tio &} A"tic$e QQ'D'1! {Reco2 itio o( Geo2"#*1ic#$ I 4ic#tio &}

The Parties recogni@e that '"0 $ro$ose: CL3PE3CA3M830!3M635N34N3;P o$$ose- , su./ect to Artic%e OO2C2+C1H,91 C1ls eligible for protection as trademar"sH( geogra$hica% in=ications ma& .e $rotecte= through a tra=emarA or sui generis s&stem or other %ega% means2 A"tic$e QQ'D',! Lhere a Part& $ro<i=es a=ministrati<e $roce=ures for the $rotection or recognition of geogra$hica% in=ications, through a s&stem of tra=emarAs or a sui generis s&stem, the Part& sha%% >ith res$ect to a$$%ications for such $rotection or $etitions for such recognitionCaH

acce$t those a$$%ications or $etitions >ithout re?uiring intercession .& a Part& on .eha%f of its nationa%s9+: $rocess those a$$%ications or $etitions >ithout im$osition of o<er%& .ur=ensome forma%ities: ensure that its regu%ations go<erning the fi%ing of those a$$%ications or $etitions are rea=i%& a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic an= c%ear%& set out the $roce=ures for these actions: maAe a<ai%a.%e information sufficient to a%%o> the genera% $u.%ic to o.tain gui=ance concerning the $roce=ures for fi%ing a$$%ications or $etitions an= the $rocessing of those a$$%ications or $etitions in genera%: an= a%%o> a$$%icants, $etitioners, or their re$resentati<es to ascertain the status of s$ecific a$$%ications an= $etitions: ensure that those a$$%ications or $etitions are $u.%ishe= for o$$osition an= $ro<i=e $roce=ures for o$$osing geogra$hica% in=ications that are the su./ect of a$$%ications or $etitions: an=




91 9+

NegotiatorsI Note- ';P is sti%% consi=ering this issue =e$en=ing on the outcome of =iscussions on Artic%e OO2C2+('A"3N#- >i%% go >ith consensus2( 0u.$aragra$h CaH sha%% a%so a$$%& to /u=icia% $roce=ures that $rotect or recogni@e a geogra$hica% in=ication2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


$ro<i=e for cance%%ation, annu%ment, or re<ocation of the $rotection or recognition affor=e= to a geogra$hica% in=ication9)

A"tic$e QQ'D'0! Each Part& sha%%, >hether $rotection or recognition is $ro<i=e= to a geogra$hica% in=ication through '0!3CA3M6 o$$ose- its =omestic measures( '0!3CA3M6 $ro$ose- the s&stem referre= to in artic%e OO2D2+( 'CL3PE3M630!34N35N3CA3M8 o$$ose9J- or $ursuant to an agreement >ith another go<ernment or go<ernment entit&(, $ro<i=e a $rocess that a%%o>s intereste= $ersons to o./ect to the $rotection or recognition of a geogra$hica% in=ication, 'CA o$$ose- an= for $rotection or recognition to .e97 refuse= annu%%e=99 or, 'A" $ro$ose- >here a$$ro$riate,( cance%%e=( 'M634N30!3M8 o$$ose91- , at %east on the fo%%o>ing groun=sCiH

the geogra$hica% in=ication is %iAe%& to cause confusion >ith a tra=emarA or geogra$hica% in=ication that is the su./ect of a $reK eBisting goo= faith $en=ing a$$%ication or registration in the territor& of such Part&'98(: '5N o$$ose- the geogra$hica% in=ication is %iAe%& to cause confusion >ith a $reKeBisting tra=emarA or geogra$hica% in=ication, the rights to >hich ha<e .een ac?uire= in accor=ance >ith the Part&Is %a>'9M(:( an=


CiiiH the geogra$hica% in=ication is a term customar& in common %anguage as the common name for such goo=s or ser<ices in that Part&Is territor&2(( A"tic$e QQ'D'/! '"0 $ro$ose:1* CL3PE3N#3A"30!3M63M83CA35N34N o$$ose- No Part& sha%%, >hether $ursuant to an agreement >ith a go<ernment or a go<ernmenta%
9) 9J 97 99 91 98

9M 1*

NegotiatorsI Note- Parties are consi=ering the =ifferent terms use= in this $ro<ision a%ong >ith simi%ar issues that ha<e cro$$e= u$ in C9 an= D)2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this %anguage2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision =e$en=ing on the meaning of this Artic%e2 NegotiatorsI Note- su./ect to %ega% c%arification on consistenc& of the term cance%%ation etc2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision inc%u=ing Note to CiH an= CiiH2 '"03N#35N $ro$ose: CL3PE30!3M83M6 o$$ose- For greater certaint&, the Parties acAno>%e=ge that a geogra$hica% in=ication that is %iAe%& to cause confusion >ith a $reKeBisting tra=emarA or >ith another geogra$hica% in=ication shou%= .e refuse= $rotection, e<en if that geogra$hica% in=ication is a trans%ation or mo=ification of a geogra$hica% in=ication that the Part& a%rea=& $rotects2( '"0 a%ternati<e $ro$ose: PE3M83 0!3M63CL o$$ose- For greater certaint&, the Parties acAno>%e=ge that, >here a trans%ation or a mo=ification of a geogra$hica% in=ication is %iAe%& to cause confusion >ith a $reKeBisting tra=emarA or geogra$hica% in=ication, it shou%= .e refuse= $rotection2( '"03A" $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, the Parties acAno>%e=ge that the $rior tra=emarAs referre= to in Artic%e OO2D2) inc%u=e >e%%KAno>n tra=emarAs2( NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

entit& or other>iseCaH in the case of geogra$hica% in=ications for goo=s other than >ines or s$irits, $ thir= $arties from using or registering trans%ate= <ersions of the geogra$hica% in=ication:'11( or C.H $ thir= $arties from using a term that is e<oAe= .& the geogra$hica% in=ication2( A"tic$e QQ'D'5! 'N#3A"35N3"0 $ro$ose:1+ 4N3PE30!3CL3M63CA3M8 o$$ose- A Part& ma& $ro<i=e the means to $rotect a geogra$hica% in=ication against use in trans%ation .& thir= $arties on%& if such use >ou%=, >ith res$ect to a geogra$hica% in=ication for goo=s other than >ines an= s$iritsCaH C.H CcH gi<e rise to a %iAe%ihoo= of confusion >ith a $rior tra=emarA or geogra$hica% in=ication in the territor& of that Part&: mis%ea= the $u.%ic as to the geogra$hica% origin of the goo=: or constitute an act of unfair com$etition >ithin the meaning of Artic%e 1*.is of the Paris Con<ention C1M91H2

A"tic$e QQ'D'8! '"03N#3A"3CL30! $ro$ose:1) M834N3PE3M6 o$$ose- If a Part& grants $rotection or recognition to a geogra$hica% in=ication through the s&stems =escri.e= in Artic%e OO2D2+ or through an agreement >ith another go<ernment or go<ernment entit&, such $rotection or recognition sha%% commence no ear%ier than 'CL o$$ose- CiH the fi%ing =ate in the Part&'1J(,( CiiH the =ate on >hich such agreement enters into force, or CiiiH if a Part& im$%ements such $rotection or recognition on a =ate after entr& into force of the agreement, on that %ater =ate172( A"tic$e QQ'D'7!

'N#3A"3"0 $ro$ose:19 PE3CL34N30!3M635N3CA3M8 o$$ose-

1+ 1) 1J 17 19

'"0- For greater certaint&, nothing in this Agreement sha%% $ a Part& from .arring thir= $arties from using or registering trans%ations of geogra$hica% in=ications if- C1H such uses gi<e rise to a %iAe%ihoo= of confusion ';P o$$ose- , an= C+H the geogra$hica% in=ications .ecame $rotecte= through means other than an agreement .et>een a Part& an= a go<ernment or go<ernmenta% entit&(2( NegotiatorsI Note- ;P $ro$oses to mo<e this footnote .efore su.$aragra$h CaH, so that it co<ers su.$aragra$h C.H as >e%%2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 'N# $ro$ose- for greater certaint& the fi%ing =ate reference in Artic%e OO2D29 inc%u=es the $riorit& fi%ing =ate un=er the Paris Con<ention, >here a$$%ica.%e2( NegotiatorsI Note- CA to consi=er: 5N can go a%ong >ith consensus- 4N35N maintains o$$osition to reference to agreement >ith another go<ernment, etc2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

No Part& sha%% $rec%u=e the $ossi.i%it& that a term that it recogni@e= as a tra=emarA or geogra$hica% in=ication ma& .ecome a term customar& in the common %anguage as the common name for the associate= goo=s or ser<ices2( A"tic$e QQ'D':! 'CL3PE3A"3"03N#3M83CA34N3;P $ro$ose 11 : 5N o$$ose- In =etermining >hether a term is the term customar& in the common %anguage as the common name for the re%e<ant goo=s or ser<ices in a Part&Is territor&, a Part&Is authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to taAe into account ho> consumers un=erstan= the term in that Part&Is territor&2 Factors re%e<ant to such consumer un=erstan=ing ma& inc%u=e '0!3CL3PE3M834N $ro$ose- if a$$ro$riate(CaH >hether the term is use= to refer to the t&$e of $ro=uct in ?uestion, as in=icate= .& com$etent sources such as =ictionaries, ne>s$a$ers, an= re%e<ant >e.sites: ho> the $ro=uct reference= .& the term is marAete= an= use= in tra=e in the territor& of that Part&: an= 'CL3PE3M83CA o$$ose18- >hether the term is use= in re%e<ant internationa% stan=ar=s to refer to a c%ass or t&$e of $ro=uct(2(


A"tic$e QQ'D';! 'N#3A"3"034N35N3CL $ro$ose1M: PE3M63M8 o$$ose- An in=i<i=ua% com$onent of a mu%tiKcom$onent term that is $rotecte= as a geogra$hica% in=ication in a Part& sha%% remain a<ai%a.%e for the $u.%ic to use in that Part& if the in=i<i=ua% com$onent is a term customar& in the common %anguage as the common name for the associate= goo=s2( '0! $ro$ose8*- For greater certaint&, nothing in this section sha%% re?uire a Part& to a$$%& its $ro<isions in res$ect of an& in=i<i=ua% com$onent containe= in a !I for >hich that in=i<i=ua% com$onent is i=entica% >ith the term customar& in common %anguage as the common name of such goo=s in the territor& of that Part&2( A"tic$e QQ'D'1<! '"0 $ro$ose:81 A"3CL30!3PE3M63N#35N34N3M83CA o$$oseThe eBistence of a geogra$hica% in=ication sha%% not .e a groun= u$on >hich a Part&
11 18 1M 8* 81

NegotiatorsI Note- CA reser<es its right to re<isit this artic%e once the !eogra$hica% In=ication $ro<isions ha<e .een agree= u$on2 M630! sti%% consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA is ref%ecting on .oth $ro$osa%s2 ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- M63PE su$$orts 0! $ro$osa% in $rinci$%e .ut is ref%ecting on %anguage2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ma&CaH C.H refuse a tra=emarA o>nerIs other>ise $ermissi.%e re?uest to rene> the registration of its tra=emarA: or refuse a tra=emarA o>nerIs re?uest to register an other>ise $ermissi.%e mo=ification of its registere= tra=emarA2(

A"tic$e QQ'D'11! 'CL30!35N34N3M8 $ro$ose8+: A"3PE3"03N#3CA3;P o$$oseLi&t o( Geo2"#*1ic#$ I 4ic#tio & The terms %iste= in AnneB 'R( are recogni@e= as geogra$hica% in=ications of the res$ecti<e Part&, >ithin the meaning of $aragra$h 1 of Artic%e ++ of the TRIP0 Agreement2 0u./ect to =omestic %a>s '8)(, in a manner that is consistent >ith the TRIP0 Agreement, such terms >i%% .e $rotecte= as geogra$hica% in=ications in the territories of the other Parties2( A"tic$e QQ'D'1,! {Ho3o +3o)& Geo2"#*1ic#$ I 4ic#tio &} 'N#3CL34N3M635N30!3M8 $ro$ose8J: PE3"03A" o$$ose- 12 Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e $rotection to homon&mous geogra$hica% in=ications2 Lhere a Part& $ro<i=es $rotection to homon&mous geogra$hica% in=ications, that Part& ma&, >here necessar&, %a& =o>n the $ractica% con=itions of use to maAe a =istinction .et>een the homon&mous geogra$hica% in=ications, taAing into account the nee= to ensure e?uita.%e treatment of the $ro=ucers concerne= an= that consumers are not mis%e=2( 'CL $ro$ose: A"3"03PE3N#34N30!3M635N3M83CA3;P o$$ose- +2 The Parties recogni@e the geogra$hica% in=ication Pisco for the eBc%usi<e use for $ro=ucts from Chi%e an= Peru2( 'CL30!35N3M8 $ro$ose: A"3PE3"03N#3CA3;P o$$ose- A Geo2"#*1ic#$ I 4ic#tio &] A"tic$e QQ'D'10! {Co) t"+ N#3e&}
8+ 8)

e9 [C] Li&t& o(


NegotiatorsI Note- 4N su$$orts su./ect to this %ist of !Is in the AnneB2 'CL35N30! $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, the Parties acAno>%e=ge that geogra$hica% in=ications >i%% .e recogni@e= an= $rotecte= in the Parties on%& to the eBtent $ermitte= .& an= accor=ing to the terms an= con=itions set out in their res$ecti<e =omestic %a>s2( NegotiatorsI Note- CA is continuing to ref%ect on this $ro<ision .ut notes concerns regar=ing sco$e an= o$eration2 ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'CL3A"3N#30!35N34N3M63PE3CA3M83;P $ro$ose87- The Parties sha%% $ro<i=e the %ega% means for intereste= $arties to $re<ent commercia% use of countr& names of the Parties in re%ation to goo=s in a manner >hich mis%ea=s consumers as to the origin of such goo=s2( A"tic$e QQ'D'1/! '"0 $ro$ose89: CL3PE34N3M63CA o$$ose- Each Part& sha%% $ermit the use, an= as a$$ro$riate, a%%o> the registration, of signs or in=ications that i=entif& goo=s other than >ines or s$irits, an= that reference a geogra$hica% area that is not the $%ace of origin of the goo=s, un%ess such use is mis%ea=ing, >ou%= constitute an act of unfair com$etition, or >ou%= cause a %iAe%ihoo= of confusion >ith a $rior tra=emarA or geogra$hica% in=ication that i=entifies the same or simi%ar goo=s2 The foregoing sha%% not .e un=erstoo= to $re<ent a Part& from =en&ing registration of such a sign or in=ication on other groun=s, $ro<i=e= such =enia% =oes not =erogate from the $ro<isions of the Paris Con<ention an= the TRIP0 Agreement2(

87 89

NegotiatorsI Note- "0 su$$orts the $rinci$%e ref%ecte= in this Artic%e, .ut has concerns a.out %imiting the Artic%e /ust to names of countries2 NegotiatorsI Note- A"3 N#3 0!3 5N ref%ecting on reformu%ate= $ro$osa%2 ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

{PATENTS/ UNDISCLOSED TEST OR OTHER DATA/ TRADITIONAL ?NO=LEDGE} {Sectio E! P#te t& / U 4i&c$o&e4 Te&t o" Ot1e" D#t# / T"#4itio #$ ? oA$e42e} A"tic$e QQ'E'1! {P#te t& / P#te t#-$e S)-.ect 3#tte"}

12 0u./ect to the $ro<isions of $aragra$h + an= ), each Part& sha%% maAe $atents a<ai%a.%e for an& in<ention, >hether a $ro=uct or $rocess, in a%% fie%=s of techno%og&, $ro<i=e= that the in<ention is ne>, in<o%<es an in<enti<e ste$, an= is ca$a.%e of in=ustria% a$$%ication2 81 '"03A" $ro$ose: 88 CL3M63PE30!34N35N3N#3CA3M8 o$$ose- The Parties confirm thatCaH $atents sha%% .e a<ai%a.%e for an& ne> uses or metho=s of using a Ano>n $ro=uct(, '"03;P $ro$ose: CL3M63PE30!34N35N3A"3N#3CA3M8 o$$ose- C.H a Part& ma& not =en& a $atent so%e%& on the .asis that the $ro=uct =i= not resu%t in enhance= efficac& of the Ano>n $ro=uct >hen the a$$%icant has set forth =istinguishing features esta.%ishing that the in<ention is ne>, in<o%<es an in<enti<e ste$, an= is ca$a.%e of in=ustria% a$$%ication2( +2 Each Part& ma& eBc%u=e from $atenta.i%it& in<entions, the $re<ention >ithin their territor& of the commercia% eB$%oitation of >hich is necessar& to $rotect ordre public or mora%it&, inc%u=ing to $rotect human, anima% or $%ant %ife or hea%th or to a<oi= serious $re/u=ice to nature or the en<ironment, $ro<i=e= that such eBc%usion is not ma=e mere%& .ecause the eB$%oitation is $rohi.ite= .& their %a>2 )2 '"0- Consistent >ith $aragra$h 1( each Part& '"0 $ro$ose: A"3N#34N35N3CL3PE3M630!3CA3M8 o$$ose- sha%% maAe $atents a<ai%a.%e for in<entions for the fo%%o>ing( 'N#3CL3PE3M63A"34N35N30!3CA3M8 $ro$ose- ma& a%so eBc%u=e from $atenta.i%it&(CaH $%ants an= anima%s, 'N#3CL3PE3M63A"34N35N30!3CA3M8 $ro$oseother than microorganisms(:


For $ur$oses of this '0ection( Artic%e, a Part& ma& =eem the terms Din<enti<e ste$G an= Dca$a.%e of in=ustria% a$$%icationG to .e s&non&mous >ith the terms DnonKo.<iousG an= Dusefu%G, res$ecti<e%&2 In =eterminations regar=ing in<enti<e ste$ Cor nonKo.<iousnessH, each Part& sha%% consi=er >hether the c%aime= in<ention >ou%= ha<e .een o.<ious to a $erson sAi%%e= or ha<ing or=inar& sAi%% in the art ha<ing regar= to the $rior art2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

';P o$$ose- C.H =iagnostic, thera$eutic, an= surgica% metho=s for the treatment of humans or anima%s '"0 $ro$ose: A"30!3M63N#3CL3PE34N35N3CA3M8 o$$ose- if the& co<er a metho= of using a machine, manufacture, or com$osition of matter(: 'N#3CL3PE3M63A"34N35N30!3CA3M8 $ro$ose-( an= CcH essentia%%& .io%ogica% $rocesses for the $ro=uction of $%ants or anima%s, other than an= $rocesses for such $ro=uction2( 'M8 $ro$ose- C=H an= the =iagrams, $%ans, ru%es an= metho=s for carr&ing out menta% $rocesses, $%a&ing games or =oing .usiness, an= mathematica% metho=s as such: soft>are as such: metho=s to $resent information as such: an= aesthetic creations an= artistic or %iterar& >orAs2( 'N#3CA30!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- A T )2 Each Part& ma& a%so eBc%u=e from $atenta.i%it&CaH =iagnostic, thera$eutic an= surgica% metho=s for the treatment of humans or anima%s: an= C.H $%ants an= anima%s other than microorganisms, an= essentia%%& .io%ogica% $rocesses for the $ro=uction of $%ants or anima%s other than nonK .io%ogica% an= $rocesses2 o>e<er, Parties sha%% $ro<i=e for the $rotection of $%ant <arieties either .& $atents or .& an effecti<e sui generis s&stem or .& an& com.ination thereof2( A"tic$e QQ'E',! {P#te t#-$e S)-.ect 6#tte"}

Each Part& sha%%8M =isregar= at %east information containe= in $u.%ic =isc%osures use= to =etermine if an in<ention is no<e% or has an in<enti<e ste$ if the $u.%ic =isc%osure' M*( 'M1(M+8M M*



NegotiatorIs Note- N#34N acce$t ad referendum $en=ing confirmation on sco$e of $u.%ication an= =uration of grace $erio=2 'CA30!3;P $ro$ose- A Part& sha%% not .e re?uire= to =isregar= information containe= in 'ga@ettes re%ate= to inte%%ectua% $ro$erties or( $atent a$$%ications ma=e a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic .& a $atent office un%ess erroneous%& $u.%ishe= or un%ess the a$$%ication >as fi%e= >ithout the consent of the in<entor or their successor in tit%e .& a thir= $art& >ho o.taine= the information =irect%& or in=irect%& from the in<entor2( For greater certaint&, a Part& ma& %imit a$$%ication of this $ro<ision to =isc%osures ma=e .& or o.taine= =irect%& or in=irect%& from the in<entor or /oint in<entor2 'PE3"03M630!3A" $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, a Part& ma& $ro<i=e that, for $ur$oses of this artic%e information o.taine= =irect%& or in=irect%& from the $atent a$$%icant ma& .e information containe= in the $u.%ic =isc%osure that >as authori@e= .&, or =eri<e= from, the $atent a$$%icant2( NegotiatorsI Note- Parties >i%% continue to >orA to reso%<e the =rafting of footnotes 91 Q 9+ C+ n= sentenceH intersessiona%%&2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

CaH >as ma=e .& the $atent a$$%icant or .& a $erson >ho o.taine= the information =irect%& or in=irect%& from the $atent a$$%icant, an= C.H occurre= >ithin 1+ months $rior to the =ate of fi%ing of the a$$%ication in the territor& of the Part&2 A"tic$e QQ'E'0! '"0- Lithout $re/u=ice to Artic%e 7A C)H of the Paris Con<ention,( Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that a $atent ma& .e cance%%e=, re<oAe= or nu%%ifie= on%& on groun=s that >ou%= ha<e /ustifie= a refusa% to grant the $atent2 A Part& ma& a%so $ro<i=e that frau=, misre$resentation, or ine?uita.%e con=uct ma& .e the .asis for cance%%ing, re<oAing, or nu%%if&ing a $atent or ho%=ing a $atent unenforcea.%e2 'A"3CL3M63N#35N3CA3M834N $ro$oseM): "03;P o$$ose- A Part& ma& a%so $ro<i=e that a $atent ma& .e cance%%e=, re<oAe= or nu%%ifie= on the .asis that the $atent is use= in a manner =etermine= to .e antiKcom$etiti<e in a /u=icia% '4#3CA3M8 $ro$ose- or a=ministrati<e( $rocee=ing( 'A"3CL3CA3M8 $ro$ose- "0 o$$ose: consistent >ith Artic%e 7AC)H of the Paris Con<ention2( A"tic$e QQ'E'/- MJ A"tic$e QQ'E'/! {O**o&itio to G"# t o( P#te t}

'N#3CA30!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e a $roce=ure for thir= $ersons to o$$ose the grant of a $atent, either .efore or after the grant of a $atent, or .oth2( A"tic$e QQ'E'5! {E9ce*tio &}

Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e %imite= eBce$tions to the eBc%usi<e rights conferre= .& a $atent, $ro<i=e= that such eBce$tions =o not unreasona.%& conf%ict >ith a norma% eB$%oitation of the $atent an= =o not unreasona.%& $re/u=ice the %egitimate interests of the $atent o>ner, taAing into account the %egitimate interests of thir= $arties2 A"tic$e QQ'E'5bis: {Re2)$#to"+ Re%ieA E9ce*tio } 'N#3CA30!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- Consistent >ith 'Artic%e OO2E27 CEBce$tionsH(, each Part& ma& $ro<i=e that a thir= $erson ma& =o an act that >ou%= other>ise infringe a $atent if the act is =one for $ur$oses connecte= >ith the co%%ection an= su.mission of =ata in or=er to com$%& >ith the regu%ator& re?uirements of that Part& or another

NegotiatorIs Note- PE an= 0! are f%eBi.%e >ith .oth o$tions2 "0 >ith=ra> Artic%e OO2E2J a= referen=um $en=ing confirmation from ca$ita%2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

countr&, inc%u=ing for $ur$oses connecte= >ith marAeting or sanitar& a$$ro<a%2( A"tic$e QQ'E'5ter: {E9*e"i3e t#$ U&e o( # P#te t} 'N#3CA30!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- 12 Consistent >ith 'Artic%e OO2E27 CEBce$tionsH (, each Part& ma& $ro<i=e that a thir= $erson ma& =o an act that >ou%= other>ise infringe a $atent if the act is =one for eB$erimenta% $ur$oses re%ating to the su./ect matter of a $atente= in<ention2 +2 For the $ur$oses of this Artic%e, eB$erimenta% $ur$oses ma& inc%u=e, .ut nee= not .e %imite= to, =etermining ho> the in<ention >orAs, =etermining the sco$e of the in<ention, =etermining the <a%i=it& of the c%aims, or seeAing an im$ro<ement of the in<ention Cfor eBam$%e, =etermining ne> $ro$erties, or ne> uses, of the in<entionH2( A"tic$e QQ'E'5quater: {Ot1e" U&e =it1o)t A)t1o"i&#tio o( t1e Ri21t Ho$4e"} 'N#3CA30!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- Nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% %imit a Part&Is rights an= o.%igations un=er Artic%e )1 of the TRIP0 Agreement or an& amen=ment thereto2( A"tic$e QQ'E'8! {P#te t (i$i 2} 1 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that >here an in<ention is ma=e in=e$en=ent%& .& more than one in<entor, an= se$arate a$$%ications c%aiming that in<ention are fi%e= >ith or for the re%e<ant authorit& of the Part&, an& $atent grante= for the c%aime= in<ention sha%% .e grante= on the a$$%ication '"034N3M8 $ro$ose: A"3N#3CL3M63CA3PE o$$ose- >hich has .een foun= to .e $atenta.%e an=( >hich has the ear%iest fi%ing or, if a$$%ica.%e, $riorit& =ate 'A"3N#3PE35N3CL3CA M7 $ro$ose:M9 "034N3M63M830! o$$ose- an= >hich is $u.%ishe=(2'"0- M1( A"tic$e QQ'E'7- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e $atent a$$%icants >ith at %east one o$$ortunit& to maAe amen=ments, corrections, an= o.ser<ations in connection >ith their a$$%icationsM82
M7 M9 M1


NegotiatorIs note- CA reser<es its $osition on Artic%es OO2E29,OO2E211 an= OO2E21+ $en=ing c%arification of the =efinition of $u.%ish3$u.%ishe=2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 '"0- A Part& ma& %imit a$$%ication of this $ro<ision to $atent a$$%ications in >hich there is at %east one c%aim to ne> su./ect matter fi%e= after the entr& into force of this Agreement2( NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e that such amen=ments =o not go .e&on= the sco$e of the =isc%osure of the in<ention as of the fi%ing =ate2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A"tic$e QQ'E':- '"03A"3PE34N $ro$ose:MM CL3M635N3N#3CA30!3M81** o$$ose- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that a =isc%osure of a c%aime= in<ention sha%% .e consi=ere= to .e sufficient%& c%ear an= com$%ete if it $ro<i=es information that a%%o>s the in<ention to .e ma=e an= use= .& a $erson sAi%%e= in the art, >ithout un=ue eB$erimentation, as of the fi%ing =ate2( A"tic$e QQ'E';- '"03PE3A" $ro$ose: 1*1 CL34N3M635N3N#3CA30!3M8 o$$oseEach Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that a c%aime= in<ention 'A" o$$ose- is( 'A" $ro$ose- sha%% .e( sufficient%& su$$orte= .& its =isc%osure 'A" o$$ose- if the =isc%osure reasona.%& con<e&s to a $erson sAi%%e= in the art that the a$$%icant >as in $ossession of the c%aime= in<ention( as of the fi%ing =ate2( A"tic$e QQ'E'1<- '"03A"3M8 $ro$ose:1*+ 0!3CL3M634N3PE35N3N#3CA o$$oseEach Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that a c%aime= in<ention is '"03A" $ro$ose- usefu%( 'M8 $ro$ose- in=ustria%%& a$$%ica.%e( if it has a s$ecific 'M8 $ro$ose- an=(, su.stantia%, 'M8 o$$ose- an= cre=i.%e( uti%it&2( A"tic$e QQ'E'11! {P)-$ic#tio o( P#te t A**$ic#tio &} 'A"3PE3N#3M63CL34N3"03CA3M83;P- 12 Each Part& sha%% $u.%ish '"03M8 o$$oseor maAe a<ai%a.%e for $u.%ic ins$ection( an& $atent a$$%ication $rom$t%& after the eB$ir& of 18 months from its fi%ing =ate or, if $riorit& is c%aime=, from its $riorit& =ate, un%ess the a$$%ication has .een $u.%ishe= ear%ier or has .een >ith=ra>n, or refuse= 'CA $ro$ose- , >ithout %ea<ing an& rights outstan=ing(2(1*) 'A"3PE3N#3CL34N3CA3M8 $ro$ose: M6 o$$ose- +2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that an a$$%icant ma& re?uest the ear%& $u.%ication of an a$$%ication $rior to the eB$ir& of the $erio= mentione= a.o<e2( A"tic$e QQ'E'1,! '"03A"1*J3CA30!3PE3CL3N#3;P $ro$ose: M635N34N3M8 1*7 o$$ose- For $u.%ishe= $atent a$$%ications an= issue= $atents, each Part& sha%% maAe a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic '"03PE3CA $ro$ose- at %east( the fo%%o>ing informationsu.mitte= '"030!3PE $ro$ose- to that Part&Is com$etent authorities( in accor=ance
MM 1** 1*1 1*+ 1*)

1*J 1*7

NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorIs Note- M830! are >i%%ing to acce$t the artic%e $ro<i=e= that the sentence D>ithout un=ue eB$erimentationG is =e%ete=2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorIs note- 0!35N3"03M6 is not fun=amenta%%& o$$ose=, .ut consi=ering ho> their concerns o<er eBce$tions >i%% .e a==resse=2 "0 su$$ort for this $ro<ision is contingent u$on reso%ution of eBce$tions un=er "202 %a>2 ;P is consi=ering the issue of eBce$tions2 NegotiatorIs Note- A" is consi=ering the issue of Din the $ossession of the com$etent authorit&G2 NegotiatorIs Note CA- Pu.%ish inc%u=es maAing a<ai%a.%e for $u.%ic ins$ection2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

>ith '"030!3PE $ro$ose- their( re?uirements '"030!3PE o$$ose- of the Part&Is com$etent authorities( 'A"3CA3CL $ro$ose- in their $ossession( '"030!3PE $ro$osean=( in connection >ith the $rosecution of such $atent a$$%ications an= $atentsCaH search an= eBamination resu%ts, ';P o$$ose- inc%u=ing an& re%e<ant $rior art search histories(: C.H '0!3PE3CL3"03N#3A"3;P $ro$ose- non confi=entia%(1*9 communications from a$$%icants: an= cH $atent an= nonK$atent re%ate= %iterature citations su.mitte= .& a$$%icants, an= re%e<ant thir= $arties2( A"tic$e QQ'E'X! {E91#)&tio o( Ri21t&}

'CL $ro$ose- The Parties are encourage= to esta.%ish internationa% eBhaustion of $atent rights2 For this $ur$ose, the registration of a $atent sha%% not entit%e its ho%=er to $re<ent thir= $arties from maAing, using, offering for sa%e, se%%ing or im$orting a $ro=uct $rotecte= .& that $atent, >hich has .een $ut in the marAet in an& countr& .& the $atent ho%=er or >ith his consent2( A"tic$e QQ'E'XX '"0 $ro$ose: CA3N#3;P o$$ose- Each Part&, at the re?uest of the $atent o>ner, sha%% a=/ust the term of a $atent to com$ensate for unreasona.%e =e%a&s that occur in the granting of the $atent2 For $ur$oses of this su.$aragra$h, an unreasona.%e =e%a& at %east sha%% inc%u=e a =e%a& in the issuance of the $atent of more than four &ears from the =ate of fi%ing of the a$$%ication in the territor& of the Part&, or t>o &ears after a re?uest for eBamination of the a$$%ication has .een ma=e, >hiche<er is %ater2 Perio=s attri.uta.%e to actions of the $atent a$$%icant nee= not .e inc%u=e= in the =etermination of such =e%a&s2 An& $atent term a=/ustment un=er this artic%e sha%% confer a%% of the eBc%usi<e rights of a $atent su./ect to the same %imitations an= eBce$tions that >ou%= other>ise a$$%& to the $atent a.sent an& a=/ustment of the $atent term2( A"tic$e QQ'E'101<7 1<:! {E9ce*tio & / Re2)$#to"+ Re%ieA E9ce*tio }
1*9 1*1 1*8

NegotiatorIs Note- A" is sti%% consi=ering >hether this >ou%= inc%u=e $ersona% information2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA3M83A" is sti%% consi=ering the o$tions in this $ro<ision2 'M8 $ro$ose- For greater c%arit&, the =uration of the regu%ator& re<ie> eBce$tion >i%% .e su./ect to each Part&Is nationa% %egis%ation2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'"03N#3PE3CA3M83;P $ro$ose- Consistent >ith $aragra$h 'OO2E27( C$atent eBce$tions an= %imitationsH, each Part& sha%% $ermit( 'CL30!3M63A"34N35N $ro$ose- Lhere a Part& $ermits( a thir= $erson to use the su./ect matter of a su.sisting $atent to '"03N#3PE3A"3M834N35N3;P( $ro$ose- generate information necessar& to( su$$ort an a$$%ication for 'A"3CA3M834N35N $ro$ose- regu%ator& or( marAeting a$$ro<a% 'CL3N#3PE30!3M63A"3CA3M834N35N $ro$ose- or sanitar& $ermit( of a 'A"3CA34N35N o$$ose- $harmaceutica%( $ro=uct 'PE $ro$ose- or agricu%tura% chemica% $ro=uct(, '"03N#3PE30!3M63M83;P $ro$ose- an= sha%% further( 'CL3A"3CA34N35N $ro$ose- that Part& ma& a%so( $ro<i=e that an& $ro=uct $ro=uce= un=er such authorit& 'CL3A"3CA34N35N $ro$osema& .e( '"03N#3PE30!3M63M83;P $ro$ose- sha%% not .e( ma=e, 'CA $ro$ose- constructe=,( 'CL3PE34N35N $ro$ose- offere= for sa%e(, 'PE34N35N $ro$ose- im$orte=,( use=, or so%= in its territor& '"03N#3PE30!3M63M83;P $ro$ose- other than( for $ur$oses re%ate= to '"03N#3PE3A"3M834N35N3;P $ro$ose- generating such information to su$$ort an a$$%ication for( meeting 'A"3CA3M834N35N $ro$ose- regu%ator& or( marAeting a$$ro<a% 'CL3N#3PE30!3M63A"3CA3M834N35N $ro$ose- or sanitar& $ermit( re?uirements of that Part& 'N#30!3M63A"3CA3M83CL34N35N $ro$ose- or another countr&(2 '"030!3M63PE3M83CL $ro$ose:1*M N#3A"3CA34N35N o$$ose- If the Part& $ermits eB$ortation of such a $ro=uct, the Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that the $ro=uct sha%% on%&(( 'N#3CA35N $ro$ose- Each Part& sha%% $ermit a $ro=uct to( 'A"34N $ro$ose- Each Part& ma& $ermit such a $ro=uct to( .e eB$orte= outsi=e its territor& '"03N#3PE3A"3M834N35N $ro$ose- for $ur$oses of generating information( to su$$ort an a$$%ication for meeting 'A"3CA3M834N35N $ro$ose- regu%ator& or( marAeting a$$ro<a% 'CL3N#30!3M63PE3A"3CA3M834N35N $ro$ose- or sanitar& a$$ro<a%( re?uirements of that Part& 'CL3N#30!3M63A"3CA3M834N35N $ro$ose- or another countr&(2 A"tic$e QQ'E'1/! '"0 $ro$ose:11* A"3N#3CL3PE3M630!35N34N3CA3M8 o$$ose- 92 CaH Each Part& sha%% maAe .est efforts to $rocess $atent a$$%ications an= marAeting a$$ro<a% a$$%ications eB$e=itious%& >ith a <ie> to a<oi=ing unreasona.%e or unnecessar& =e%a&s2

Each Part&, at the re?uest of the $atent o>ner, sha%% maAe a<ai%a.%e an a=/ustment of the $atent term of a $atent >hich co<ers a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct111 or a $atent that co<ers a metho= of maAing or

1*M 11* 111

NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 '"0- For greater certaint&, eA *1#"3#ce)tic#$ *"o4)ct in su.$aragra$hs 9 CcHKCeH means a $ro=uct that at



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

using a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct, to com$ensate the $atent o>ner of unreasona.%e curtai%ment of the effecti<e $atent term as a resu%t of the marAeting a$$ro<a% $rocess2 C=H In im$%ementing su.$aragra$h 9CcH, a Part& ma&CiH %imit the a$$%ica.i%it& of su.$aragra$h 9CcH to a sing%e $atent term a=/ustment for each ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct that is .eing re<ie>e= for marAeting a$$ro<a%: CiiH re?uire the .asis for the a=/ustment to .e the first marAeting a$$ro<a% grante= to the $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in that Part&: an= CiiiH %imit the $erio= of the a=/ustment to no more than 7 &ears2

In im$%ementing su.$aragra$h 9CcH, an= as a con=ition for $ro<i=ing the a=/ustment set forth in su.$aragra$h 9CcH for a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct a$$ro<e= consistent >ith Artic%e M2+C.H or Artic%e M2+C=H, a Part& ma& re?uire an a$$%icant that has su.mitte= an a$$%ication for marAeting a$$ro<a% consistent >ith Artic%e M2+C.H or Artic%e M2+C=H to commence the $rocess of o.taining marAeting a$$ro<a% for that ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in the Part& >ithin '8( &ears of the =ate of the first marAeting a$$ro<a% of the same $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in another Part&211+ An& a=/ustment un=er su.$aragra$h 9CcH sha%% confer a%% of the eBc%usi<e rights, su./ect to the same %imitations an= eBce$tions, of the $atent c%aims of the $ro=uct, its metho= of use, or its metho= of manufacture in the origina%%& issue= $atent as a$$%ica.%e to the $ro=uct an= the a$$ro<e= metho= of use of the $ro=uct2(( ( :6S9 Pharmaceutical Products


A"tic$e QQ'E'18- 11)



%east contains a ne> chemica% entit& that has not .een $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= as a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct ';P $ro$ose- for human use( in the territor& of the Part&2( '"0- NegotiatorIs Note- For $ur$oses of $aragra$h 9CeH of Artic%e 8 an= $aragra$hs J an= 9 of Artic%e M, the %ength of the '8(K&ear $erio= shou%=- enhance certaint& regar=ing access to inno<ati<e an= generic $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts for a%%: $ro<i=e incenti<es for inno<ation: $ro<i=e incenti<es for the =iffusion of $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts >ithin the TPP region: res$ect commercia% consi=erations: an= account for s$ecia% cha%%enges in =e<e%o$ing an= commercia%i@ing such $ro=ucts throughout the region C e.g., cha%%enges face= .& sma%%er or %ess eB$erience= a$$%icants, or the time that an a$$%icant ma& nee= to assess a==itiona% safet& or efficac& im$%ications of marAeting a $ro=uct, such as to assess such im$%ications in /uris=ictions >here risAs ma& =iffer from those face= in marAets >here the $ro=uct has $re<ious%& .een a$$ro<e=H2( NegotiatorsI Note- CA reser<es its $osition an= seeAs to =e<e%o$ its un=erstan=ing of these $ro<isions further



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Submission of Information or +vidence Concerning the Safety or +fficacy of a %e& Pharmaceutical Product '"0 $ro$ose: A"3PE34N3N#3CL3M630!35N o$$ose- 12 CaH If a Part& re?uires or $ermits, as a con=ition for granting marAeting a$$ro<a% for a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct, the su.mission of information concerning the safet& or efficac& of the $ro=uct, the origination of >hich in<o%<es a consi=era.%e effort, the Part& sha%% not, >ithout the consent of a $erson $re<ious%& su.mitting such safet& or efficac& information to o.tain marAeting a$$ro<a% in the territor& of the Part&, authori@e a thir= $erson to marAet a same or a simi%ar $ro=uct .ase= onCiH CiiH the safet& or efficac& information $re<ious%& su.mitte= in su$$ort of the marAeting a$$ro<a%: or e<i=ence of the eBistence of the marAeting a$$ro<a%,

for at %east fi<e &ears from the =ate of marAeting a$$ro<a% of the ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in the territor& of the Part&2 C.H If a Part& re?uires or $ermits, in connection >ith granting marAeting a$$ro<a% for a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct, the su.mission of e<i=ence concerning the safet& or efficac& of a $ro=uct that >as $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= in another territor&, such as e<i=ence of $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&, the Part& sha%% not, >ithout the consent of a $erson $re<ious%& su.mitting the safet& or efficac& information to o.tain marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&, authori@e a thir= $erson to marAet a same or a simi%ar $ro=uct .ase= onCiH the safet& or efficac& information su.mitte= in su$$ort of a $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&: or CiiH e<i=ence of the eBistence of a $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&, for at %east fi<e &ears from the =ate of marAeting a$$ro<a% of the ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in the territor& of the Part&2 Submission of %e& Clinical Information or +vidence relating to a Pharmaceutical Product that Includes a Chemical +ntity that has been Previously Approved for $ar"eting in Another Pharmaceutical Product
to the =iscussion in 0inga$ore2 ;P is sti%% consi=ering its $osition on Artic%e OO2E2192 to E2++2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


If a Part& re?uires or $ermits, as a con=ition of granting marAeting a$$ro<a% for a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct that inc%u=es a chemica% entit& that has .een $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= for marAeting in another $harmaceutica% $ro=uct, the su.mission of ne> c%inica% information that is essentia% to the a$$ro<a% of the $harmaceutica% $ro=uct containing the $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= chemica% entit&, other than information re%ate= to .ioe?ui<a%enc&, the Part& sha%% not, >ithout the consent of a $erson $re<ious%& su.mitting such ne> c%inica% information to o.tain marAeting a$$ro<a% in the territor& of the Part&, authori@e a thir= $erson to marAet a same or a simi%ar $ro=uct .ase= onCiH the ne> c%inica% information $re<ious%& su.mitte= in su$$ort of the marAeting a$$ro<a%: or CiiH e<i=ence of the eBistence of the marAeting a$$ro<a% that >as .ase= on the ne> c%inica% information, for at %east three &ears from the =ate of marAeting a$$ro<a% .ase= on the ne> c%inica% information in the territor& of the Part&2


If a Part& re?uires or $ermits, in connection >ith granting marAeting a$$ro<a% for a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct of the t&$e s$ecifie= in su.$aragra$h CcH, the su.mission of e<i=ence concerning ne> c%inica% information for a $ro=uct that >as $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= .ase= on that ne> c%inica% information in another territor&, other than e<i=ence of information re%ate= to .ioe?ui<a%enc&, such as e<i=ence of $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% .ase= on ne> c%inica% information, the Part& sha%% not, >ithout the consent of a $erson $re<ious%& su.mitting such ne> c%inica% information to o.tain marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&, authori@e a thir= $erson to marAet a same or a simi%ar $ro=uct .ase= onCiH the ne> c%inica% information su.mitte= in su$$ort of a $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&: or CiiH e<i=ence of the eBistence of a $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% that >as .ase= on the ne> c%inica% information in the other territor&, for at %east three &ears from the =ate of marAeting a$$ro<a% .ase= on the ne> c%inica% information in the territor& of the Part&2(

'"0- Additional Provisions relating to Pharmaceutical Products +2 Not>ithstan=ing $aragra$h + a.o<e, a Part& ma& taAe measures to $rotect


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

$u.%ic hea%th in accor=ance >ithCaH C.H the Dec%aration on the TRIP0 Agreement an= Pu.%ic CLT3MINC*1H3DEC3+H Cthe DDec%arationGH: ea%th

an& >ai<er of an& $ro<ision of the TRIP0 Agreement grante= .& LTO Mem.ers in accor=ance >ith the LTO Agreement to im$%ement the Dec%aration an= in force .et>een the Parties: an= an& amen=ment of the TRIP0 Agreement to im$%ement the Dec%aration that enters into force >ith res$ect to the Parties2


)2 A Part& that re?uires or $ermits an a$$%icant to o.tain a$$ro<a% for marAeting a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in its territor& .& re%&ing, in >ho%e or in $art, on the $rior a$$ro<a% of the $harmaceutica% $ro=uct .& the regu%ator& authorit& in another territor& ma&, as a con=ition for $ro<i=ing the $erio= of =ata $rotection s$ecifie= in su.$aragra$h +C.H or +C=H, re?uire an a$$%icant that has su.mitte= an a$$%ication for marAeting a$$ro<a% consistent >ith sai= su.$aragra$hs to commence the $rocess of o.taining marAeting a$$ro<a% for that $harmaceutica% $ro=uct >ithin '8( &ears of the =ate of first marAeting a$$ro<a% of the same $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in another Part&2 A"tic$e QQ'E'17! 12 Lhere a Part& re?uires or $ermits, as a con=ition of a$$ro<ing the marAeting of a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct, $ersons, other than the $erson origina%%& su.mitting safet& or efficac& information, to re%& on that information or on e<i=ence concerning safet& or efficac& information for a $ro=uct that >as $re<ious%& a$$ro<e=, such as e<i=ence of $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% in another territor&, each Part& sha%%-11J CaH $ro<i=e a trans$arent an= effecti<e s&stem toCiH CiiH i=entif& a $atent or $atents co<ering an a$$ro<e= $harmaceutica% $ro=uct or its a$$ro<e= metho= of use: an= $ro<i=e notice to a $atent ho%=er of the i=entit& of another $erson >ho inten=s to marAet, =uring the term of the i=entifie= $atent or $atents, a $ro=uct that is the same as, or simi%ar to, the a$$ro<e= $harmaceutica% $ro=uct reference= in su.$aragra$h 7CaHCiH2


For greater certaint&, the Parties recogni@e that this $aragra$h =oes not im$%& that the marAeting a$$ro<a% authorit& shou%= maAe $atent <a%i=it& or infringement =eterminations2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


un%ess such other $erson agrees to =efer the marAeting of the $ro=uct unti% after the eB$iration of an i=entifie= $atent, ensure that a $atent ho%=er ma& seeA, $rior to granting of marAeting a$$ro<a% to an a%%ege=%& infringing $ro=uct, a<ai%a.%e reme=ies .& $ro<i=ingCiH

an automatic =e%a& of the grant of marAeting a$$ro<a% that remains in $%ace for a $erio= of time =esigne= to ensure sufficient o$$ortunit& to a=/u=icate117 =is$utes concerning the <a%i=it& or infringement of a%%ege=%& infringe= $atents: an= /u=icia% or a=ministrati<e $roce=ures, inc%u=ing effecti<e $ro<isiona% measures, to a%%o> for the time%& a=/u=ication of =is$utes concerning the <a%i=it& or infringement of an a%%ege=%& infringe= $atent2



If such other $ersonIs $ro=uct has .een foun= to infringe a <a%i= $atent i=entifie= $ursuant to su.$aragra$h CaH, $ro<i=e measures that o$erate to $ the unauthori@e= marAeting of that $ro=uct $rior to the eB$iration of the $atent2 >hen a Part& =e%a&s the grant of marAeting a$$ro<a% consistent >ith su.$aragra$h 7C.HCiH, $ro<i=e an effecti<e re>ar=, consistent >ith the $ro<isions of this Agreement, for the successfu% cha%%enge of the <a%i=it& or a$$%ica.i%it& of the $atent2119


+2 In im$%ementing su.$aragra$h 7C.HCiH, an= as a con=ition for $ro<i=ing the automatic =e%a& of the grant of marAeting a$$ro<a% s$ecifie= in su.$aragra$h 7C.HCiH for a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct a$$ro<e= consistent >ith su.$aragra$h +C.H or +C=H, a Part& ma& re?uire that an a$$%icant that has su.mitte= an a$$%ication for marAeting a$$ro<a% consistent >ith su.$aragra$h +C.H or +C=H to commence the $rocess of o.taining marAeting a$$ro<a% for that ne> $harmaceutica% in the Part& >ithin '8( &ears of the =ate of first marAeting a$$ro<a% of the $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in another Part&2 A"tic$e QQ'E'1:- Lhere a Part& $ro<i=es for a $erio= of =ata $rotection for a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct of more than '7S6( &ears $ursuant to su.$aragra$h +CaH or +C. H of this Artic%e, that Part& is not re?uire= to im$%ement for that $harmaceutica% $ro=uct
117 119

'NegotiatorIs Note- As use= in Artic%e M27C.HCiH, Da=/u=icateG =oes not mean fina% a=/u=ication2( A Part& ma& com$%& >ith $aragra$h 7C=H .& $ro<i=ing a $erio= of marAeting eBc%usi<it& in a$$ro$riate circumstances to the first such other $erson or $ersons to cha%%enge a $atent2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

su.$aragra$hs +CcH, +C=H C;#year data protection in connection &ith submission of ne& clinical informationH, 7C.HCiH Cautomatic delay of mar"eting approvalH or 7C=H of this Artic%e Cre&ard for the successful challenge of the validity or applicability of a patent H2 A"tic$e QQ'E'1;- Lhere a Part& chooses to a$$%& su.$aragra$h 9CeH of Artic%e 8 an= $aragra$hs J an= 9 of this Artic%e, the fo%%o>ing $ro<isions sha%% a$$%&CaH a Part& sha%% $ermit an a$$%icant to commence the $rocess of o.taining marAeting a$$ro<a% .& $ro<i=ing the regu%ator& authorit& of the Part& information su$$orting a$$ro<a% of the ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in the Part& that is a<ai%a.%e to the $erson at the time the re?uest is ma=e, such as e<i=ence of the $rior a$$ro<a% of the $ro=uct in another Part&2 It is un=erstoo= that, >hi%e a Part& ma& im$ose reasona.%e a==itiona% re?uirements or =ea=%ines as a con=ition of authori@ing the $erson to marAet the $harmaceutica% $ro=uct in its territor&, satisfaction of those a==itiona% re?uirements or =ea=%ines or the granting of a$$ro<a% sha%% .e recogni@e= .& the Part& as necessari%& occurring after the commencement of the marAeting a$$ro<a% $rocess >ithin the meaning of su.$aragra$h 9CeH of Artic%e 8 an= $aragra$hs J an= 9 of this Artic%e: an= a Part& ma& not refuse to grant a$$ro<a% of a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct on the .asis of a fai%ure of an a$$%icant for marAeting a$$ro<a% to satisf& the re?uirements of su.$aragra$h 9CeH of Artic%e 8 or $aragra$hs J an= 9 of this Artic%e2


A"tic$e QQ'E',<- 'P%aceho%=er for s$ecific $ro<ision a$$%&ing to .io%ogics(2( '"0- 1eneral Provisions relating to Pharmaceutical Products and Agricultural Chemical Products A"tic$e QQ'E',1- For $ur$oses of this Artic%e, a ne> $harmaceutica% $ro=uct means a $ro=uct that =oes not contain a chemica% entit& that has .een $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= in the territor& of the Part& for use in a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct ';P $ro$ose- for human use(2111 A"tic$e QQ'E',,- 0u./ect to $aragra$h ) Cprotection of public healthH, >hen a $ro=uct is su./ect to a s&stem of marAeting a$$ro<a% in the territor& of a Part& $ursuant to $araga$h 1 or + an= is a%so co<ere= .& a $atent in the territor& of that Part&, the Part& sha%% not a%ter the term of $rotection that it $ro<i=es $ursuant to $aragra$h 1 or +

For greater certaint&, the Parties un=erstan= that the term D *1#"3#ce)tic#$ *"o4)ctG as use= in this Cha$ter inc%u=es .io%ogic $ro=ucts2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

in the e<ent that the $atent $rotection terminates on a =ate ear%ier than the en= of the term of $rotection s$ecifie= in $aragra$h 1 or +2(( A"tic$e QQ'E'XX'1- {6e#&)"e& to E co)"#2e Ti3e$+ E t"+ o( P1#"3#ce)tic#$ P"o4)ct&} 'N#3CA30!3CL3M634N $ro$ose- Each Part& ma& a=o$t or maintain measures to encourage the time%& entr& of $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts to its marAet2( A"tic$e QQ'E'XX',! {P#te t Q)#$it+ # 4 E((icie c+} 'N#3CA30!3CL3M634N $ro$ose- 12 Each Part& sha%% en=ea<our to im$ro<e ?ua%it& an= efficienc& in its $atent s&stem2 +2 Each Part& sha%% en=ea<our to enhance its $atent registration s&stem .& maintaining eBamination $roce=ures, cance%%ation $roce=ures an=, >here $ro<i=e=, o$$osition $roce=ures that consistent%& $ro<i=e high ?ua%it& rights for grante= $atents, an= en=ea<our to sim$%if& an= stream%ine its a=ministration s&stem for the .enefit of a%% users of the s&stem an= the $u.%ic as a >ho%e2( A"tic$e QQ'E'XX'0! {P"oce&&i 2 E((icie c+} 'N#3CA30!3CL3M634N $ro$ose- 12 Each Part& sha%% en=ea<our to $rocess a$$%ications for $atents, an= a$$%ications for marAeting, regu%ator& or sanitar& a$$ro<a% of $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts, in an efficient an= time%& manner2 +2 Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e a $roce=ure for $atent a$$%icants to a$$%& to eB$e=ite the eBamination of their $atent a$$%ication2 )2 If there are unreasona.%e =e%a&s in a Part&Is $rocessing of a$$%ications for $atents, or $rocessing of a$$%ications for marAeting, regu%ator& or sanitar& a$$ro<a% of $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts, the Part& sha%% en=ea<our to a==ress those =e%a&s2( A"tic$e QQ'E'XX'/! {P"otectio o( U 4i&c$o&e4 D#t#} 'N#3CA30!3CL3M634N $ro$ose- 12 Lhere a Part& re?uires, as a con=ition of marAeting, regu%ator& or sanitar& a$$ro<a% for $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts >hich uti%i@e ne> chemica% entities, the su.mission of un=isc%ose= test or other =ata, the origination of >hich in<o%<es a consi=era.%e effort, that Part& sha%% $rotect such =ata against unfair commercia% use2 In a==ition, each Part& sha%% $rotect such =ata against =isc%osure,


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

eBce$t >here necessar& to $rotect the $u.%ic or un%ess ste$s are taAen to ensure that the =ata is $rotecte= against unfair commercia% use2

Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e that the $rotection of =ata un=er $aragra$h 1, inter alia9 CaH C.H CcH C=H CeH CfH CgH is %imite= to un=isc%ose= test or other =ata, the origination of >hich in<o%<es a consi=era.%e effort: is %imite= to $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts that =o not contain a ne> chemica% entit& that has .een $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= for marAeting in the Part&: is %imite= to $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts >hich uti%i@e a ne> chemica% entit&: is a<ai%a.%e on%& once $er $harmaceutica% $ro=uct: is not a<ai%a.%e for ne> uses or in=ications, ne> =osage forms or metho=s of maAing a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct: is %imite= to a $erio= of time as =etermine= .& the Part&: or ma& .e >ai<e= to faci%itate the marAeting, regu%ator& or sanitar& a$$ro<a% of a $harmaceutica% $ro=uct that is the su./ect of a <o%untar& or com$u%sor& %icense, or a %icence other>ise issue= $ursuant to the TRIP0 Agreement2


Each Part& ma& taAe measures to $rotect $u.%ic hea%th in accor=ance >ithCaH

the Dec%aration on the TRIP0 Agreement an= Pu.%ic CLT3MINC*1H3DEC3+H Cthe DDec%arationGH:


an& >ai<er of an& $ro<ision of the TRIP0 Agreement grante= .& LTO Mem.ers in accor=ance >ith the LTO Agreement to im$%ement the Dec%aration an= in force .et>een the Parties: an= an& amen=ment of the TRIP0 Agreement to im$%ement the Dec%aration that enters into force >ith res$ect to the Parties2(


A"tic$e QQ'E'XX'5! {P)-$ic#tio o( Re2)$#to"+ A**"o%#$}



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'N#3CA30!3CL3M634N $ro$ose- Each Part& sha%% en=ea<our to $rom$t%& maAe $u.%ic the granting of marAeting, regu%ator& or sanitar& a$$ro<a% of $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts2( A"tic$e QQ'E'XXX {A2"ic)$t)"#$ C1e3ic#$ P"o4)ct&} '"030!3PE3M83;P $ro$ose118 : N#34N o$$ose- 12 CaH If a Part& re?uires 'A"3CL3M8 o$$ose- or $ermits(, as a con=ition of granting marAeting a$$ro<a% 'CL3M8 $ro$ose- or sanitar& $ermit( for a ne> agricu%tura% chemica% $ro=uct 'CL3M8 $ro$ose: ;P o$$ose- >hich uti%i@e ne> chemica% entit&(, the su.mission of 'CL3M8 $ro$ose- un=isc%ose=( 'A" o$$oseinformation( 'A" $ro$ose: ;P o$$ose- un=isc%ose= test or other =ata( concerning safet& or efficac& of the 'CL3M8 o$$ose- $ro=uct( 'CL3M8 $ro$ose: ;P o$$ose- ne> chemica% entit&(, the Part& sha%% not, >ithout the consent of 'A" o$$ose- a $erson that $re<ious%& su.mitte= such( 'A" $ro$osethe $erson >ho $ro<i=e= the( 'CL3M8 o$$ose- safet& or efficac&( information 'A" o$$ose- to o.tain marAeting a$$ro<a% in the Part&, authori@e another( 'A" $ro$ose- , $ermit thir= $ersons( to 'CL3M8 o$$ose- marAet( a 'CL3M8 o$$osesame or a simi%ar( $ro=uct .ase= on'0! o$$ose- CiH 'CL3M8 $ro$ose: ;P o$$ose- un=isc%ose= information concerning('A" o$$ose- the safet& or efficac& information su.mitte= in su$$ort of the marAeting a$$ro<a%( 'CL3M8 $ro$ose- or sanitar& $ermit('A" $ro$ose: ;P o$$ose- that un=isc%ose= test or other =ata(: or( 'CL3M8 o$$ose- CiiH 'A" o$$ose- e<i=ence of the eBistence of( the marAeting a$$ro<a%,( 'M8 o$$ose- for 'A" o$$ose- at %east( ten &ears from the =ate of marAeting a$$ro<a% 'A" o$$ose- in the territor& of( 'A" $ro$ose- .&( the Part&2( 'M8 $ro$ose- Lhere origination of such =ata in<o%<e consi=era.%e efforts, 11M ( 'CL3M8 $ro$ose: ;P o$$ose- Each Part& sha%% $rotect such information against =isc%osure eBce$t >here necessar& to $rotect the $u.%ic, or un%ess ste$s are taAen to ensure that the =ata are $rotecte= against unfair commercia% use(


NegotiatorsI Note- A"3CA3M63CL35N can su$$ort the inc%usion of $ro<isions on agricu%ture chemica% .ut sti%% consi=ering the sco$e an= =rafting of the $rotection2 CA is a%so consi=ering the =uration of the $rotection2 NegotiatorIs Note- M8- P%aceho%=er for =efinition for Dconsi=era.%e effortsG2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'CL3M8 o$$ose- C.H If a Part& 'A" o$$ose- re?uires or $ermits, in connection >ith( 'A" $ro$ose- $ermits, as a con=ition of ( granting marAeting a$$ro<a% for a ne> agricu%tura% chemica% $ro=uct, the su.mission of e<i=ence concerning the safet& or efficac& of a $ro=uct that >as $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= in another territor&, such as e<i=ence of $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% 'A" o$$ose- in the other terrritor& (: the Part& sha%% not, >ithout the consent of 'A" o$$ose- a $erson that( 'A" $ro$ose- the $erson >ho( $re<ious%& su.mitte= 'A" o$$ose- the safet& or efficac&( information 'A" $ro$ose- concerning safet& or efficac&( to o.tain marAeting a$$ro<a% in another territor&, 'A" o$$ose- authori@e another( 'A" $ro$ose- $ermit thir= $ersons( to marAet a same or a simi%ar $ro=uct .ase= on'0! o$$ose- CiH 'A" o$$ose- the safet& or efficac&( information 'A" $ro$ose- concerning safet& or efficac&( su.mitte= 'A" o$$ose- in su$$ort of( 'A" $ro$ose- to o.tain( the $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&: or( CiiH e<i=ence of 'A" o$$ose- the eBistence of a( $rior marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&,

for 'A" o$$ose- at %east( ten &ears from the =ate of marAeting a$$ro<a% 'A" o$$ose- of the ne> $ro=uct in the territor& of the Part&(2( 'PE $ro$ose1+*- In or=er to recei<e $rotection un=er su.$aragra$h C.H, a Part& ma& re?uire that the $erson $ro<i=ing the information in the other territor& seeA a$$ro<a% in the territor& of the Part& >ithin fi<e &ears after o.taining marAeting a$$ro<a% in the other territor&2( 'M8 $ro$ose1+1- Lhere a Part& re%ies on a marAeting a$$ro<a% grante= .& another Part&, the reasona.%e $erio= of eBc%usi<e use of the =ata su.mitte= in connection >ith o.taining the a$$ro<a% re%ie= on sha%% .egin >ith the =ate of the first marAeting a$$ro<a% re%ie= on2( 'CL3M8 o$$ose- +2 For $ur$oses of this Artic%e, a ne> agricu%tura% chemica% $ro=uct is one that 'A" o$$ose- contains( 'A" $ro$ose- =oes not contain( a chemica% entit& that has 'A" o$$ose- not( .een $re<ious%& a$$ro<e= 'A" $ro$ose- for marAeting( in the 'A" o$$ose- territor& of the( Part& 'A" o$$ose- for use in an agricu%tura% chemica% $ro=uct(2((
1+* 1+1

NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[NOTE! ARTICLES ORIGINALLY LA>ELED AS QQ'E',0D,/ HAVE >EEN 6OVED TO QQ'A'/D5] A"tic$e QQ'E',0 1,,! [PE/NE/6X/SG! P"o*o&e4 .oi t te9t (o" t1e I te$$ect)#$ P"o*e"t+ C1#*te" o T"#4itio #$ ? oA$e42eB T"#4itio #$ C)$t)"#$ E9*"e&&io & # 4 Ge etic Re&o)"ce& 'PE3N#34N35N3M830!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- 12 The Parties recognise the im$ortance an= contri.ution of tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge, tra=itiona% cu%tura% eB$ressions, an= .io%ogica% =i<ersit& to cu%tura%, economic an= socia% =e<e%o$ment2( 'PE3M63M835N $ro$ose: N#3A"30!3CL o$$ose- +2 Each Part& eBercises so<ereignt& o<er their .io%ogica% 'M635N o$$ose- =i<ersit&( 'M635N $ro$ose- resources( an= sha%% =etermine the access con=itions to their genetic resources an= their =eri<ati<es in accor=ance to their =omestic %egis%ation2( 'PE3N#35N3M63M834N $ro$ose: A"30!3CL o$$ose- )2 Lhere nationa% %egis%ation 'M635N $ro$ose- or $o%icies( esta.%ishes such re?uirements, the Parties recognise that users of genetic resources 'N#3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es( ' 1+) ( or tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es( 'N# $ro$ose- ma&( 'PE3M6 $ro$ose- sha%%(CaH o.tain $rior informe= consent to access genetic resources 'N#3CA o$$osean= their =eri<ati<es(: C.H access tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es( >ith the $rior informe= consent or a$$ro<a% an= in<o%<ement of the in=igenous or %oca% communit& ho%=ing such Ano>%e=ge: an= CcH '5N3M6 $ro$ose- fair%& an=( e?uita.%& share the .enefits arising from the use of genetic resources 'N#3CA o$$ose- an= its =eri<ati<es( an= tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es( on mutua%%& agree= terms2( 'PE3N#3M83CL34N $ro$ose: 0! o$$ose- J2 The $arties recogni@e that1++ 1+)

NegotiatorsI Note- CA3"0 $osition is that OO2E2+) $ro<isions shou%= .e a==resse= in the En<ironment Cha$ter2 The "03;P o$$oses the inc%usion of this $ro$osa% in this Cha$ter2 'M8 $ro$ose: CL o$$ose- For greater certaint& D=eri<ati<eG means a natura%%& occurring .iochemica% com$oun= resu%ting from the genetic eB$ression or meta.o%ism of .io%ogica% or genetic resources, >ithout human mani$u%ation, e<en if =oes not contain functiona% units of here=it&2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

CaH information a.out genetic resources 'N#3CL3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es( an= tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge 'CL o$$ose- associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es(( can .e usefu% in assessing $atent a$$%ications against eBisting e%igi.i%it& criteria: an= C.H the inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& s&stem is one $ossi.%e means to $rotect the tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge 'CL o$$ose- associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es(( an= tra=itiona% cu%tura% eB$ressions of in=igenous an= %oca% communities2( 'PE3N#3M83CL $ro$ose: 0! o$$ose- 72 The Parties affirm that the& >i%% $romote ?ua%it& $atent eBamination of a$$%ications concerning genetic resources an= tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge 'CL o$$ose- associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es(( to ensure that the e%igi.i%it& criteria for $atenta.i%it& are satisfie=2 This ma& inc%u=eCaH in =etermining $rior art, ensuring that rea=i%& a<ai%a.%e =ocumente= information re%ate= to genetic resources 'N#3CL3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es( or tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge 'CL o$$ose- associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es(( is taAen into account: C.H an o$$ortunit& to cite, in >riting, to the a$$ro$riate eBamining authorit& $rior art that ma& ha<e a .earing on $atenta.i%it&: CcH >here a$$%ica.%e an= a$$ro$riate, the use of =ata.ases or =igita% %i.raries containing tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge 'CL o$$ose- associate= genetic resources 'N#3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es((: an= C=H coo$eration in the training of $atent eBaminers in the eBamination of $atent a$$%ications re%ate= to genetic resources 'N#3CL3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es( an= tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge 'CL o$$ose- associate= >ith genetic resources 'N#3A"3CA o$$ose- an= their =eri<ati<es((2( 'PE3N#3A"3M83M635N34N3CL $ro$ose: 0! o$$ose- 92 0u./ect to each Part&Is internationa% o.%igations 'A"3M635N34N3CL o$$ose- the Parties affirm that the& >i%% en=ea<our to('A"3M635N34N3CL $ro$ose- each Part& ma&( esta.%ish a$$ro$riate measures to $rotect tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge an= 'M6 o$$ose- tra=itiona% cu%tura% eB$ressions(2( 'PE3M8 $ro$ose: N#3A"30!3CL o$$ose- 12 Each Part& >i%% taAe a$$ro$riate, effecti<e an= $ro$ortionate measures to a==ress situations of nonKcom$%iance >ith


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

$ro<isions esta.%ishe= in $aragra$h )2( 'PE3N#3M830!3M635N34N $ro$ose- 82 The Parties sha%%, through their res$ecti<e agencies res$onsi.%e for inte%%ectua% $ro$ert&, coo$erate to enhance un=erstan=ing of ho> the inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& s&stem can =ea% >ith issues associate= >ith tra=itiona% Ano>%e=ge, tra=itiona% cu%tura% eB$ressions an= genetic resources2 :This te<t is a place holder, to be reconsidered depending on the outcome of the cooperation section of the IP chapter0((



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

';P $ro$ose- {INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS} {Sectio F! I 4)&t"i#$ De&i2 &} A"tic$e QQ'F'1! {P#"ti#$ De&i2 } Each Part& sha%% ensure that a=e?uate an= effecti<e $rotection is $ro<i=e= to in=ustria% =esigns, inc%u=ing to =esigns of a $art of an artic%e, regar=%ess of >hether or not the $art can .e se$arate= from the artic%e2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

{COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS} {Sectio G! Co*+"i21t # 4 Re$#te4 Ri21t& '1+J(} A"tic$e QQ'G'1! {Co*+"i21t # 4 Re$#te4 Ri21t& / Ri21t o( Re*"o4)ctio } 12 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e1+7 that authors, 'N# o$$ose- $erformers(, an= $ro=ucers of $honograms1+9 ha<e the right1+1 to authori@e or $ a%% re$ro=uctions of their >orAs, 'N# o$$ose- $erformances(, an= $honograms, '1+8( in an& manner or form,'1+M( '4N3CA3N# o$$ose- $ermanent or tem$orar& Cinc%u=ing tem$orar& storage in e%ectronic formH( '1)*( '1)1( '4N $ro$ose- it sha%% .e a matter for nationa% %egis%ation to =etermine eBce$tions an= %imitations un=er >hich the right ma& .e eBercise=(2 A"tic$e QQ'G',! {Co*+"i21t} Lithout $re/u=ice to Artic%es 11C1HCiiH, 11bisC1HCiH an= CiiH, 11terC1HCiiH, 1JC1HCiiH, an= 1JbisC1H of the 5erne Con<ention, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e to authors the eBc%usi<e right to authori@e or $ the communication to the $u.%ic of their >orAs, .& >ire or >ire%ess means, inc%u=ing the maAing a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic of their >orAs in such
1+J 1+7

NegotiatorIs Note- M8 is sti%% ref%ecting the co<erage of re%ate= rights in this cha$ter2 The Parties reaffirm that it is a matter for each Part&Is %a> to $rescri.e that >orAs in genera% or an& s$ecifie= categories of >orAs, $erformances an= $honograms sha%% not .e $rotecte= .& co$&right or re%ate= rights un%ess the& ha<e .een fiBe= in some materia% form2 1+9 References to Dauthors, $erformers, an= $ro=ucers of $honogramsG refer a%so to an& successors in interest2 1+1 Lith res$ect to co$&rights an= re%ate= rights in this Cha$ter, the Dright to authori@e or $rohi.itG an= the Dright to authori@eG refer to eBc%usi<e rights2 1+8 '"03A"3PE3CA3CL3M830!3M63N#34N $ro$ose- Lith res$ect to 'PE3CL3M8 o$$ose- co$&right an=( re%ate= rights in this Cha$ter, a D$erformanceG means a $erformance fiBe= in a $honogram un%ess other>ise s$ecifie=2( 1+M '4N35N3CA $ro$ose- The re$ro=uction right, as set out in Artic%e M of the 5erne Con<ention 'CA $ro$osean= artic%es 1 an= 11 of the LPPT(, an= the eBce$tions $ermitte= thereun=er, fu%%& a$$%& in the =igita% en<ironment, in $articu%ar to the use of >orAs 'CA $ro$ose- , $erformances an= $honograms( in =igita% form2 It is un=erstoo= that the storage of a $rotecte= >orA 'CA $ro$ose- , $erformance or $honogram( in =igita% form in an e%ectronic me=ium constitutes a re$ro=uction >ithin the meaning of 'CA $ro$ose- the artic%es reference= in this footnote( 'CA o$$ose- Artic%e M of the 5erne Con<ention(2( 1)* 'CL3N#3M635N3;P $ro$ose- It is consistent >ith this Agreement to $ro<i=e eBce$tions an= %imitations for tem$orar& acts of re$ro=uction >hich are transient or inci=enta% an= an integra% an= essentia% $art of a techno%ogica% $rocess an= >hose so%e $ur$ose is to ena.%e CaH a %a>fu% transmission in a net>orA .et>een thir= $arties .& an interme=iar&: or C.H a %a>fu% use of a >orA: an= >hich ha<e no in=e$en=ent economic significance2( 'Negotiators Note- Discussions in=icate= no su.stanti<e o./ection to the conce$t, ho>e<er, Parties continue to consi=er >hether the footnote is re?uire=, >here it might .est .e $%ace =, an= ho> it shou%= .e =rafte=2( 1)1 'CA3;P $ro$ose- It is a matter for each Part&Is %a> to =etermine >hen a gi<en act constitutes a tem$orar& re$ro=uction for the $ur$oses of co$&right an= re%ate= rights2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

a >a& that mem.ers of the $u.%ic ma& access these >orAs from a $%ace an= at a time in=i<i=ua%%& chosen .& them21)+ A"tic$e QQ'G'0! {Co*+"i21t # 4 Re$#te4 Ri21t&} '"03A"3PE3N#30!3CL3M8 $ro$ose: 4N3M635N3;P o$$ose- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e to authors, 'N#3M8 o$$ose- $erformers,( an= $ro=ucers of $honograms the right to authori@e or $ the im$ortation'1))( into that Part&Is territor& of co$ies1)J of the >orA 'PE o$$ose- 'N#3M8- o$$ose- $erformance,( or $honogram( ma=e >ithout authori@ation, 'PE3A"3N#3CA30!3CL3M83;P o$$ose- or ma=e outsi=e that Part&Is territor& >ith the authori@ation of the author, $erformer, or $ro=ucer of the $honogram2'1)7( (( '1)9( A"tic$e QQ'G'/! {Ri21t o( Di&t"i-)tio } Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e to authors, 'N#3M8 o$$ose- $erformers,( an= $ro=ucers of $honograms the right to authori@e or $ the maAing a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic of the origina% an= co$ies1)1 of their >orAs, 'N#3M8 o$$ose- $erformances,( an= $honograms through sa%e or other transfer of o>nershi$2'1)8(


1)) 1)J


1)9 1)1


It is un=erstoo= that the mere $ro<ision of $h&sica% faci%ities for ena.%ing or maAing a communication =oes not in itse%f amount to communication >ithin the meaning of this Cha$ter or the 5erne Con<ention2 It is further un=erstoo= that nothing in this Artic%e $rec%u=es a Part& from a$$%&ing Artic%e 11 bisC+H of the 5erne Con<ention2 'N# $ro$ose- For the $ur$ose of this $aragra$h im$ortation ma& eBc%u=e im$ortation for $ri<ate or =omestic use2( 'PE3N# $ro$ose- The eB$ressions Dco$iesG in this $aragra$h refers eBc%usi<e%& to fiBe= co$ies that can .e $ut into circu%ation as tangi.%e co$ies(2 'NegotiatorsI Note- "0 can su$$ort the conce$t su./ect to fina% =rafting2( ';P $ro$ose- A Part& ma& com$%& >ith its o.%igations un=er this $aragra$h .& %egis%ating in the Part&Is %a> that such im$ortation, for the $ur$ose of =istri.ution, is =eeme= to .e infringement2( NegotiatorIs Note- Lith this footnote, ;a$an can >ith=ra> its o$$osition in the first %ine of OO2!2)2 '"0- Lith res$ect to co$ies of >orAs an= $honograms that ha<e .een $%ace= on the marAet .& the re%e<ant right ho%=er, the o.%igations =escri.e= in Artic%e 'OO2!2)( a$$%& on%& to .ooAs, /ourna%s, sheet music, soun= recor=ings, com$uter $rograms, an= au=io an= <isua% >orAs Ci2e2, categories of $ro=ucts in >hich the <a%ue of the co$&righte= materia% re$resents su.stantia%%& a%% of the <a%ue of the $ro=uctH2 Not>ithstan=ing the foregoing, each Part& ma& $ro<i=e the $rotection =escri.e= in Artic%e 'OO2!2)( to a .roa=er range of goo=s2( 'NegotiatorIs Note- The "0 is consi=ering the re%ationshi$ .et>een this $ro<ision an= other $ro$osa%s regar=ing the eBhaustion of IP rights, as >e%% as other TPP countriesI %ega% regimes2( The eB$ressions Dco$iesG an= Dorigina% an= co$iesG su./ect to the right of =istri.ution in this $aragra$h refer eBc%usi<e%& to fiBe= co$ies that can .e $ut into circu%ation as tangi.%e o./ects '"03CA30! o$$ose- , i.e., for this $ur$ose, Dco$iesG means $h&sica% co$ies2( 'A"34N3PE3N#35N3M630!3CA3CL3M83;P $ro$ose- Nothing in this Agreement sha%% affect a Part&Is right to =etermine the con=itions, if an&, un=er >hich the eBhaustion of this right a$$%ies after the first sa%e or other transfer of o>nershi$ of the origina% or a co$& of their >orAs, $erformances, or $honograms >ith the authori@ation of 'CA30! $ro$ose- the author, $erformer or $ro=ucer( 'CA30! o$$ose- the right ho%=er(2( CNegotiatorIs Note- 4N $refers this to .e in the teBt as o$$ose= to a footnoteH2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A"tic$e QQ'G'5- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that in cases >here authori@ation is nee=e= from .oth the author of a >orA em.o=ie= in a $honogram an= a $erformer or $ro=ucer o>ning rights in the $honogram, the nee= for the authori@ation of the author =oes not cease to eBist .ecause the authori@ation of the $erformer or $ro=ucer is a%so re?uire=2 LiAe>ise, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that in cases >here authori@ation is nee=e= from .oth the author of a >orA em.o=ie= in a $honogram an= a $erformer or $ro=ucer o>ning rights in the $honogram, the nee= for the authori@ation of the $erformer or $ro=ucer =oes not cease to eBist .ecause the authori@ation of the author is a%so re?uire=2 A"tic$e QQ'G'8- '"03A"3PE30!3CL3M8 $ro$ose: 4N35N3N#3M63CA3;P o$$oseEach Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that, >here the term of $rotection of a >orA Cinc%u=ing a $hotogra$hic >orAH, $erformance, or $honogram is to .e ca%cu%ate=CaH on the .asis of the %ife of a natura% $erson, the term sha%% .e not %ess than the %ife of the author an= 'M8 $ro$ose- 1**( 'M8 o$$ose- 1*( &ears after the authorIs =eath: an= on a .asis other than the %ife of a natura% $erson, the term sha%% .eCiH not %ess than '"0 $ro$ose: CL o$$ose- M7( 'A"3PE30!3CL $ro$ose- 1*( 'M8 $ro$ose- 17( &ears from the en= of the ca%en=ar &ear of the first authori@e= $u.%ication of the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram, or fai%ing such authori@e= $u.%ication >ithin '"0 $ro$ose: CL o$$ose- +7( '0!3PE3A"3CL $ro$ose- 7*( &ears from the creation of the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram, not %ess than '"0 $ro$ose: CL o$$ose- 1+*( 'A"3PE30!3CL $ro$ose- 1*( &ears from the en= of the ca%en=ar &ear of the creation of the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram2(



A"tic$e QQ'G'7! {Te"3 o( P"otectio (o" Co*+"i21t # 4 Re$#te4 Ri21t&} 'N#35N3M634N3CA3;P $ro$ose: "03A"30!3M8 o$$ose- The term of $rotection of a >orA, $erformance or $honogram sha%% .e =etermine= accor=ing to each Part&Is =omestic %a> an= the internationa% agreements to >hich each Part& is a $art&2( A"tic$e QQ'G':! Each Part& sha%% a$$%& Artic%e 18 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of iterary and Artistic !or"s C1M11H C5erne Con<entionH an=



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'PE30!3N#35N3"034N3CL3M63M81)M- the corres$on=ing $ro<ision in( Artic%e 1J29 of the TRIP0 Agreement, mutatis mutandis, to 'CA o$$ose- the su./ect matter, rights, an= o.%igations( 'CA $ro$ose: "0 o$$ose- rights of authors, $erformers an= $ro=ucers of $honograms( in '0ection !(2 QQ'G':! [CA/GP/SG/>N/NE/PE/CL/VN/AU1/< *"o*o&e! Each Part& sha%% a$$%&, mutatis mutan=is, Artic%e 18 of the 5erne Con<ention for the Protection of Literar& an= Artistic LorAs C1M11H to the rights of authors, $erformers an= $ro=ucers of $honograms in '0ection !(2 A Part& ma& $ro<i=e for con=itions, %imitations, eBce$tions an= reser<ations to the eBtent $ermitte= in Artic%e 1J29 of the TRIP0 Agreement2( A"tic$e QQ'G';- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that for co$&right an= re%ate= rights, an& $erson ac?uiring or ho%=ing an& economic right 1J1in a >orA, '0!35N3N#3M634N3CL o$$ose- $erformance,( or $honogramCaH

ma& free%& an= se$arate%& transfer that right .& contract: an=

C.H .& <irtue of a contract, inc%u=ing contracts of em$%o&ment un=er%&ing the creation of >orAs, '5N30!3M634N3N#3CL o$$ose- $erformances,( an= $honograms, sha%% .e a.%e to eBercise that right in that $ersonIs o>n name an= en/o& fu%%& the .enefits =eri<e= from that right2 'CL- CcH Each Part& ma& esta.%ishCiH >hich s$ecific contracts un=er%&ing the creation of >orAs or $honograms sha%%, in the a.sence of a >ritten agreement, resu%t in a transfer of economic rights .& o$eration of %a>: an= CiiH reasona.%e %imits to the $ro<isions in '$aragra$h +CaH( ' cross reference to ==.1.42a5#2b50 to $rotect the interests of the origina% right ho%=ers, taAing into account the %egitimate interests of the transferees2( A"tic$e QQ'G'X
1)M 1J* 1J1

'NegotiatorsI Note- A"3CA agree in $rinci$%e .ut >i%% ref%ect further on the %anguage2( NegotiatorsI Note- A" su$$orts this artic%e a= referen=um2 For greater certaint&, this $ro<ision =oes not affect the eBercise of mora% rights2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

No Part& ma& su./ect the en/o&ment an= eBercise of the rights of authors, $erformers an= $ro=ucers of $honograms $ro<i=e= for in this Cha$ter to an& forma%it&2 A"tic$e QQ'G'1<! $easures>3?@ {Co*+"i21t # 4 Re$#te4 Ri21t& / Technological Protection

'"03A"30!3PE3M81J) 1JJ 1J7 $ro$ose: M634N35N3;P o$$ose1J9- CaH In or=er to $ro<i=e a=e?uate %ega% $rotection an= effecti<e %ega% reme=ies against the circum<ention of effecti<e techno%ogica% measures that authors, $erformers, an= $ro=ucers of $honograms use in connection >ith the eBercise of their rights 1J1 an= that restrict unauthori@e= acts in res$ect of their >orAs, $erformances, an= $honograms, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that an& $erson >hoCiH

Ano>ing%&, 'CL o$$ose- or ha<ing reasona.%e groun=s to Ano>( 1J8, circum<ents >ithout 'CL o$$ose- authorit&( 'CL $ro$ose- authori@ation( an& effecti<e techno%ogica% measure that contro%s access to a $rotecte= >orA, $erformance, $honogram, 'PE3CA3CL o$$ose- or other su./ect matter(: or manufactures, im$orts, =istri.utes, 'CL o$$ose- offers 'CA3CL $ro$osefor sa%e or renta%( to the $u.%ic, $ro<i=es, or other>ise traffics 1JM in( =e<ices, $ro=ucts, or com$onents, 'CL o$$ose- or offers to the $u.%ic( or $ro<i=es ser<ices, thatCAH


are $romote=, a=<ertise=17*, or marAete= .& that $erson, 'PE30!3CL o$$ose- or .& another $erson acting in concert >ith that $erson an= >ith that $ersonIs Ano>%e=ge,( for the $ur$ose of circum<ention of an& effecti<e techno%ogica% measure, ha<e on%& a %imite= commercia%%& significant $ur$ose or use other than to circum<ent an& effecti<e techno%ogica%

1J+ 1J) 1JJ 1J7 1J9

1J1 1J8 1JM 17*

NegotiatorsI Note- Artic%e OO2 2J217 shou%= .e =iscusse= after =iscussions on this issue2 NegotiatorIs Note- M8 su$$orts this $ro<ision in $rinci$%e2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA su$$orts this $ro<ision in $rinci$%e $en=ing outcome of =iscussions on eBce$tions2 NegotiatorIs Note- CL is consi=ering $en=ing the outcome of the %anguage of this $ro$osa%2 NegotiatorIs Note- N# reser<es its $osition on artic%e OO2!21* $en=ing the outcome of eBce$tions an= %imitations on TPMs $rotection2 ;P is consi=ering a $ossi.i%it& of $ro=ucing its $ro$osa% on Techno%ogica% Protection Measures2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA reser<es its $osition $en=ing the c%arification of the meaning of DrightsG2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA $en=ing c%arification of crimina% reme=ies2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA reser<es its $osition $en=ing c%arification of DtrafficsG2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA reser<es its $osition $en=ing c%arification of the terms D$romote=G an= Da=<ertise=2G



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

measure, or

are $rimari%& =esigne=, $ro=uce=, or $erforme= for the $ur$ose of 'CA o$$ose- ena.%ing or faci%itating( the circum<ention of an&171 effecti<e techno%ogica% measure,

sha%% .e %ia.%e an= su./ect to the reme=ies set out in Artic%e '1+21+( 17+ 17)2 'CL $ro$oseIf the con=uct is carrie= out in goo= faith >ithout Ano>%e=ge that the con=uct in $rohi.ite=, a Part& ma& eBem$t acts $rohi.ite= un=er this su.$aragra$h that are carrie= out in connection >ith a non$rofit %i.rar&, archi<e or e=ucationa% institution(2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties to .e a$$%ie= >hen an& $erson, other than a non$rofit 17J %i.rar&, 'CA3CL $ro$ose- museum,( archi<e, e=ucationa% institution, or 'CA3CL o$$ose- $u.%ic noncommercia% .roa=casting entit&,( 'CA $ro$ose- an& other non$rofit entit& as =etermine= .& a Part&Is %a>( is foun= to ha<e engage= 'CA o$$ose- >i%%fu%%& an= for $ur$oses of commercia% a=<antage 'CL o$$ose- or $ri<ate financia% gain(( 'CA $ro$ose- Ano>ing%& an= for commercia% $ur$oses( in an& of the foregoing acti<ities2 '0!3A"3PE3CL 177 o$$ose- 0uch crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties sha%% inc%u=e the a$$%ication to such acti<ities of the reme=ies an= authorities %iste= in su.$aragra$hs CaH, C.H, an= CfH of Artic%e '1727( 179 as a$$%ica.%e to infringements, mutatis mutandis. '171( ('CL $ro$ose- No Part& is re?uire= to im$ose ci<i% or crimina% %ia.i%it& for a $erson >ho circum<ents an& effecti<e techno%ogica% measure that $rotects an& of the eBc%usi<e rights of co$&right or re%ate= rights in a $rotecte= >orA, .ut =oes not contro% access to such >orA(2 C.H In im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaH, no Part& sha%% .e o.%igate= to re?uire that the =esign of, or the =esign an= se%ection of $arts an= com$onents for, a consumer e%ectronics, te%ecommunications, or com$uting $ro=uct $ro<i=e for a res$onse to an& $articu%ar techno%ogica% measure, so %ong as the $ro=uct =oes not other>ise <io%ate an& measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaH2 'CL o$$ose- CcH
171 17+ 17) 17J 177 179 171

Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that a <io%ation of a measure

NegotiatorIs Note- CA reser<es its $osition $en=ing c%arification of Dan&G2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA seeAs c%arification as to >hether artic%e D1+21+G is meant to refer to artic%e OO2 2JC17 H2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA reser<es its $osition $en=ing outcome of =iscussion of $ro<ision OO2 2JC17H2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA seeAs c%arification if non$rofit a$$%ies to a%% institutions2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA seeAs c%arification of the intention of this sentence2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA seeAs c%arification as to >hether artic%e D17217G is meant to refer to artic%e OO2 21C1H2 CA reser<es $osition $en=ing c%arification of OO2 21C1H2 '"03A"- For $ur$oses of greater certaint&, no Part& is re?uire= to im$ose %ia.i%it& un=er Artic%es 'M an= 1*( for actions taAen .& that Part& or a thir= $art& acting >ith the authori@ation or consent of that Part&2( 'NegotiatorIs Note- CA seeAs c%arification of this footnote2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

im$%ementing this $aragra$h is in=e$en=ent of an& infringement that might occur un=er the Part&Is %a> on co$&right an= re%ate= rights2( Each Part& sha%% confine eBce$tions an= %imitations to measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaH 'CL o$$ose- to the fo%%o>ing acti<ities,( 'CL $ro$osecertain s$ecia% cases that =o not im$air the a=e?uac& of %ega% $rotection of the effecti<eness of %ega% reme=ies against the circum<ention of effecti<e techno%ogica% measures( 'CL o$$ose- >hich sha%% .e a$$%ie= to re%e<ant measures in accor=ance >ith su.$aragra$h CeH(C=H CiH

'CA o$$ose- noninfringing re<erse engineering acti<ities >ith regar= to a %a>fu%%& o.taine= co$& of a com$uter $rogram, carrie= out in goo= faith >ith res$ect to $articu%ar e%ements of that com$uter $rogram that ha<e not .een rea=i%& a<ai%a.%e to the $erson engage= in those acti<ities 17M, for the so%e $ur$ose of achie<ing intero$era.i%it& of an in=e$en=ent%& create= com$uter $rogram >ith other $rograms19*( 'CA $ro$ose- re<erse engineering acti<ities >ith regar= to a %a>fu%%& o.taine= co$& of a com$uter $rogram, for the so%e $ur$ose of achie<ing intero$era.i%it& of the $rogram or an& other $rogram(: 'CA o$$ose- noninfringing goo= faith acti<ities, carrie= out .& an a$$ro$riate%& ?ua%ifie= researcher >ho has %a>fu%%& o.taine= a co$&, 'CL o$$ose- unfiBe=( $erformance, or =is$%a& of a >orA, $erformance, or $honogram an= >ho has ma=e a goo= faith effort to o.tain authori@ation for such acti<ities, to the eBtent necessar& for the so%e $ur$ose of research consisting of i=entif&ing an= ana%&@ing f%a>s an= <u%nera.i%ities of 'CL $ro$ose- encr&$tion( techno%ogies191 'CL o$$ose- for scram.%ing an= =escram.%ing of information(( 'CA $ro$ose- acti<ities >ith regar= to a %a>fu%%& o.taine= co$& of a >orA, $erformance, or $honogram for the so%e $ur$ose of encr&$tion research( : the inc%usion of a com$onent or $art for the so%e $ur$ose of $re<enting the access of minors to ina$$ro$riate on%ine content in a techno%og&, $ro=uct, ser<ice, or =e<ice that itse%f is not $rohi.ite= un=er the measures



178 17M

19* 191

NegotiatorIs Note- CA is consi=ering these %imitations2 'CL $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, e%ements of a com$uter $rogram are not rea=i%& a<ai%a.%e to a $erson seeAing to engage in nonKinfringing re<erse engineering >hen the& cannot .e o.taine= from %iterature on the su./ect, from the co$&right ho%=er, or from sources in the $u.%ic =omain2( 'CL $ro$ose- 0uch acti<it& occurring in the course of research an= =e<e%o$ment is not eBc%u=e= in this eBce$tion2( 'CL $ro$ose- 0uch acti<it& occurring in the course of research an= =e<e%o$ment is not eBc%u=e= from this eBce$tion2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaHCiiH19+: Ci<H 'CA o$$ose- noninfringing goo= faith acti<ities that are authori@e= .& the o>ner of a com$uter, com$uter s&stem, or com$uter net>orA for the so%e $ur$ose of testing, in<estigating, or correcting the securit& of that com$uter, com$uter s&stem, or com$uter net>orA( 'CA $ro$ose- securit& testing acti<ities that are authori@e= .& the o>ner or a=ministrator of a com$uter, com$uter s&stem or com$uter net>orA for the so%e $ur$ose of testing, in<estigating, or correcting the securit& of that com$uter, com$uter s&stem or com$uter net>orA(: 'CA o$$ose- noninfringing acti<ities for the so%e $ur$ose of i=entif&ing an= =isa.%ing a ca$a.i%it& to carr& out un=isc%ose= co%%ection or =issemination of $ersona%%& i=entif&ing information ref%ecting the on%ine acti<ities of a natura% $erson in a >a& that has no other effect on the a.i%it& of an& $erson to gain access to an& >orA( 'CA $ro$ose- acti<ities for the so%e $ur$ose of i=entif&ing or =isa.%ing a ca$acit& to carr& out co%%ection or =issemination of $ersona%%& i=entif&ing information(: %a>fu%%& authori@e= acti<ities carrie= out .& go<ernment em$%o&ees, agents, or contractors for the $ur$ose of %a> enforcement, inte%%igence, essentia% securit&, or simi%ar go<ernmenta% $ur$oses19):



C<iiH access .& a non$rofit %i.rar&, 'CA $ro$ose- museum,( archi<e, or e=ucationa% institution to a >orA, $erformance, or $honogram not other>ise a<ai%a.%e to it, for the so%e $ur$ose of maAing ac?uisition =ecisions: an= 'CA $ro$ose- C<iiiH acti<ities for the so%e $ur$ose of maAing a >orA, $erformance or $honogram $erce$ti.%e to a $erson >ith a $erce$tua% =isa.i%it&2 CiBH CBH acti<ities for the so%e $ur$ose of maAing an e$hemera% re$ro=uction of a >orA, $erformance or $honogram, circum<ention of a techno%ogica% measure on a ra=io a$$aratus for the so%e $ur$ose of gaining or faci%itating access to a te%ecommunication ser<ice .& means of the ra=io a$$aratus(

19+ 19)

NegotiatorIs Note- CA reser<es its $osition2 NegotiatorIs Note- CA nee=s to ref%ect further on this $aragra$h2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

C<iiiH 'CA o$$ose- noninfringing uses '0! o$$ose- of a >orA, $erformance, or

$honogram( in a $articu%ar c%ass of >orAs, '0! o$$ose- $erformances, or $honograms( >hen an actua% or %iAe%& a=<erse im$act on those noninfringing uses 'CL $ro$ose- or eBce$tions or %imitations to co$&right or re%ate= rights >ith res$ect to users( is 'PE o$$ose- cre=i.%& =emonstrate=( 'PE $ro$ose- foun=( 'CL $ro$ose- =emonstrate= or recogni@e=( in a %egis%ati<e or a=ministrati<e re<ie> or $rocee=ing '0! o$$ose- .& su.stantia% e<i=ence(: $ro<i=e= that 'A"3PE o$$ose- an& %imitation or eBce$tion a=o$te= in re%iance u$on this c%ause sha%% ha<e effect for a rene>a.%e $erio= of not more than three '0! $ro$ose- four( &ears( 'A"3PE $ro$ose- an& such re<ie> or $rocee=ing is con=ucte= at %east once e<er& four &ears( from the =ate of conc%usion of such re<ie> or $rocee=ing2( 'CA $ro$ose- CBiH Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e further eBce$tions an= %imitations to measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaH in re%ation to non infringing uses as =etermine= through a %egis%ati<e, regu%ator&, /u=icia%, or a=ministrati<e $rocess in accor=ance >ith the Part&Is %a>, fo%%o>ing =ue consi=eration of the actua% or $otentia% a=<erse im$act on those non infringing uses2(
CeH 19J The eBce$tions an= %imitations to measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaH for

the acti<ities set forth in su.$aragra$h 'J2MC=H( ma& 'CL o$$ose- on%&( .e a$$%ie= as fo%%o>s'CL o$$ose- , an= on%& to the eBtent that the& =o not im$air the a=e?uac& of %ega% $rotection or the effecti<eness of %ega% reme=ies against the circum<ention of effecti<e techno%ogica% measures(CiH Measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaHCiH ma& .e su./ect to eBce$tions an= %imitations >ith res$ect to each 'CL $ro$osesituations an=( acti<it& set forth in su.$aragra$h C=H2 Measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaHCiiH, as the& a$$%& to effecti<e techno%ogica% measures that contro% access to a >orA, $erformance, or $honogram, ma& .e su./ect to eBce$tions an= %imitations >ith res$ect to acti<ities set forth in su.$aragra$h C=H CiH, CiiH, CiiiH, Ci<H, an= C<iH2 Measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaHCiiH, as the& a$$%& to effecti<e techno%ogica% measures that $rotect an& co$&right or



NegotiatorIs Note- CA is consi=ering $aragra$h CeH $en=ing the outcome on =iscussions on %imitations an= eBce$tions2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

an& rights re%ate= to co$&right, ma& .e su./ect to eBce$tions an= %imitations >ith res$ect to acti<ities set forth in su.$aragra$h C=H CiH an= C<iH2

E((ecti%e tec1 o$o2ic#$ 3e#&)"e means an& 'CA $ro$ose- effecti<e( techno%og&,

=e<ice, or com$onent that, in the norma% course of its o$eration, contro%s access to a $rotecte= >orA, $erformance, $honogram, 'PE3CL3CA o$$ose- or other $rotecte= su./ect matter,( or $rotects 'CA o$$ose- an& co$&right or an& rights re%ate= to co$&right( 'CA $ro$ose- rights re%ate= to a >orA, $erformance or $honogram(2('CL $ro$ose- an= cannot, in a usua% case .e circum<ente= acci=enta%%&2(

A"tic$e QQ'G'11- '0!3CL $ro$ose199- Nothing in this agreement sha%% re?uire an& Part& to restrict the im$ortation or =omestic sa%e of a =e<ice that =oes not ren=er effecti<e a techno%ogica% measure the so%e $ur$ose of >hich is to contro% marAet segmentation for %egitimate co$ies of cinematogra$hic fi%m or com$uter $rogram, an= is not other>ise a <io%ation of %a>2( A"tic$e QQ'G'1,191- {Tec1 o$o2ic#$ P"otectio 6e#&)"e&} 'CL3N#3PE34N3M635N3;P $ro$ose: A"3"0 o$$ose12 'PE30! o$$ose- Each Part& '4N $ro$ose- ma&( '4N o$$ose- sha%%( $ro<i=e %ega% $rotections an= reme=ies against the circum<ention of effecti<e techno%ogica% $rotection measures in their =omestic co$&right %a>s >here circum<ention is for $ur$oses of infringing the eBc%usi<e rights of co$&right 'N# o$$ose- or re%ate= rights( o>ners2( +2 Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e that such $rotections an= reme=ies sha%% not hin=er or $re<ent uses of co$&right or re%ate= rights $rotecte= materia% that are $ermitte= un=er eBce$tions or %imitations to the eBc%usi<e rights of co$&right 'N# o$$ose- an= re%ate= rights( o>ners, or the use of materia%s that are in the $u.%ic =omain2 'PE30!- It is un=erstoo= that nothing in this Artic%e $re<ents a Part& from a=o$ting effecti<e an= necessar& measures to ensure that a .eneficiar& ma& en/o& %imitations an= eBce$tions $ro<i=e= in that Part&Is nationa% %a>, in accor=ance >ith Artic%e OO!19, >here techno%ogica% measures ha<e .een a$$%ie= to a >orA, $erformance or
197 199 191

NegotiatorIs Note- CA is consi=ering $aragra$h CfH2 NegotiatorsI Note- N#3PE3CA3A"3M83M635N34N su$$ort in $rinci$%e $en=ing =rafting consu%tations2 NegotiatorIs note- 0!3CA3M8 is >i%%ing to consi=er a more f%eBi.%e a$$roach to TPM $ro<isions2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

$honogram, an= the .eneficiar& has %ega% access to that >orA, $erformance or $honogram $articu%ar%& in circumstances such as >here a$$ro$riate an= effecti<e measures ha<e not .een taAen .& rights ho%=ers in re%ation to that >orA, $erformance or $honogram to ena.%e the .eneficiar& to en/o& the %imitations an= eBce$tions un=er that Part&Is nationa% %a>2198( )2 0u./ect to each Part&Is internationa% o.%igations, the Parties affirm that the& ma& esta.%ish $ro<isions to faci%itate the eBercise of $ermitte= acts >here techno%ogica% measures ha<e .een a$$%ie=2( A"tic$e QQ'G'10! {Co*+"i21t # 4 Re$#te4 Ri21t& / Ri21t& 6# #2e3e t I (o"3#tio } In or=er to $ro<i=e a=e?uate an= effecti<e %ega% reme=ies to $rotect rights management informationCaH each Part& '4N o$$ose- sha%%( '4N- ma&( $ro<i=e '4N o$$ose- that( '4N- %ega% reme=ies against( an& $erson >ho >ithout authorit&, an= Ano>ing, or, >ith res$ect to ci<i% reme=ies, ha<ing reasona.%e groun=s to Ano>, that it >ou%= in=uce, ena.%e, faci%itate, or concea% an infringement of 'CA o$$ose- an&( 'CA $ro$ose- the( co$&right or re%ate= right '4N o$$ose- ,( '4N- -( CiH CiiH Ano>ing%& remo<es or a%ters an& 'CA3;P $ro$ose- e%ectronic( rights management information: 'M635N34N3CA3;P o$$ose- =istri.utes or im$orts for =istri.ution rights management information Ano>ing that the rights management information has .een a%tere= >ithout authorit&: or( 'CA $ro$ose- Ano>ing%&( =istri.utes, im$orts for =istri.ution, .roa=casts, communicates or maAes a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic co$ies of >orAs, 'CL3N#3M630!34N o$$ose- $erformances,( or $honograms, Ano>ing that 'CA3;P $ro$ose- e%ectronic( rights management information has .een remo<e= or a%tere= >ithout authorit& '4N o$$ose- ,( '4N- 2(


'4N o$$ose- sha%% .e %ia.%e an= su./ect to the reme=ies set out in Artic%e

NegotiatorIs Note- M634N3CL =oes not o./ect in $rinci$%e .ut nee=s to ref%ect further on the %anguage2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'OO2 2JC17H19M(211* Each Part& 'CA3M83;P $ro$ose- ma&( 'CA3M8 o$$osesha%%( $ro<i=e for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties to .e a$$%ie= >hen an& $erson, other than a non$rofit %i.rar&, archi<e, 'CA $ro$ose- museum,( 'M6- or( e=ucationa% institution 'M63CA o$$ose- , or 'CL o$$ose- $u.%ic noncommercia%( .roa=casting entit&( 'CA $ro$ose- an& other non$rofit entit& as =etermine= .& a Part&Is %a>2( 'CL- esta.%ishe= >ithout a $rofitK maAing $ur$ose(, is foun= to ha<e engage= 'CA o$$ose- >i%%fu%%& an= for $ur$oses of commercia% a=<antage or $ri<ate financia% gain( 'CA $ro$oseAno>ing%& an= for commercia% $ur$oses( in an& of the foregoing acti<ities2 'M63CA $ro$ose- Each Part& ma& $ro<i=e that these crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties =o not a$$%& to an& other non$rofit entit& as =etermine= .& a Part&Is %a>2( 'A"30!3PE3CL3M63N#35N3CA3M83;P o$$ose- 0uch crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties sha%% inc%u=e the a$$%ication to such acti<ities of the reme=ies an= authorities %iste= in su.$aragra$hs CaH, C.H an= CfH of Artic%e '1727( as a$$%ica.%e to infringements, mutatis mutandis2(( '0!3N#3CL3M635N34N3CA3;P o$$ose- C.H each Part& sha%% confine eBce$tions an= %imitations to measures im$%ementing su.$aragra$h CaH to %a>fu%%& authori@e= acti<ities carrie= out .& 'M8 $ro$ose- the( go<ernment 'M8 o$$ose- em$%o&ees, agents, or contractors( for the $ur$ose of %a> enforcement, inte%%igence, essentia% securit&, or simi%ar go<ernmenta% $ur$oses2( CcH Ri21t& 3# #2e3e t i (o"3#tio meansCiH 'A"3M63CA3;P $ro$ose- e%ectronic( information that i=entifies a >orA, 'N#3M6 o$$ose- $erformance,( or $honogram, the author of the >orA, 'N#3M6 o$$ose- the $erformer of the $erformance,( or the $ro=ucer of the $honogram: or the o>ner of an& right in the >orA, 'N#3M6 o$$ose- $erformance,( or $honogram: 'A"3M63CA3;P- e%ectronic( information a.out the terms an= con=itions of the use of the >orA, 'N#3M6 o$$ose-$erformance, ( or $honogram : or an& 'A"3M63CA3;P- e%ectronic( num.ers or co=es that re$resent such information,



>hen an& of these items 'CA $ro$ose- of information( is attache= to a co$&

19M 11*

NegotiatorIs Note- CL3M63N#35N3;P $ositions $en=ing outcome of this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorIs Note- N#3;P is consi=ering the sco$e of o.%igations un=er this $aragra$h2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

of the >orA, 'N#3M6 o$$ose- $erformance,( or $honogram or a$$ears in connection >ith the communication or maAing a<ai%a.%e of a >orA, 'N#3M6 o$$ose- $erformance( or $honogram, to the $u.%ic2 C=H For greater certaint&, nothing in this $aragra$h sha%% o.%igate a Part& to re?uire the o>ner of an& right in the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram to attach rights management information to co$ies of the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram, or to cause rights management information to a$$ear in connection >ith a communication of the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram to the $u.%ic2 A"tic$e QQ'G'1/! {Re$#te4 Ri21t&} 12 Each Part& sha%% accor= the rights $ro<i=e= for in this Cha$ter >ith res$ect to 'N#35N3M6 o$$ose- $erformers an=( $ro=ucers of $honograms to the 'N#35N3M6 o$$ose- $erformers an=( $ro=ucers of $honograms >ho are nationa%s 111 of another Part& an= to 'N#35N3M6 o$$ose- $erformances or( $honograms first $u.%ishe= or first fiBe= in the territor& of another Part& 11+2 A 'N#35N3M6 o$$ose- $erformance or( $honogram sha%% .e consi=ere= first $u.%ishe= in the territor& of a Part& in >hich it is $u.%ishe= >ithin )* =a&s of its origina% $u.%ication2'11)('11J( +2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e to $erformers the right to authori@e or $rohi.itCaH .roa=casting an= communication to the $u.%ic of their unfiBe= $erformances, eBce$t >here the $erformance is a%rea=& a .roa=cast $erformance: an= fiBation of their unfiBe= $erformances2

C.H )2

'"03A"3PE3N#3M635N34N3CL3M830! $ro$ose : CA o$$oseCaH Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e to 'N# o$$ose- $erformers an=( $ro=ucers of $honograms the right to authori@e or $ '5N o$$ose- the .roa=casting or(

111 11+

11) 11J

NegotiatorIs Note- CA reser<es its $osition $en=ing the outcome of FN1* CArt2 OO2A21H2 For greater certaint&, in this $aragra$h >ith res$ect to $erformances or $honograms first $u.%ishe= or first fiBe= in the territor& of a Part&, a Part& ma& a$$%& the criterion of $u.%ication, or a%ternati<e%&, the criterion of fiBation, or .oth2 For $ur$oses of this Artic%e, fiBation means the fina%i@ation of the master ta$e or its e?ui<a%ent2 ';P $ro$ose- A Part& ma& com$%& >ith its o.%igations un=er this $aragra$h .& %egis%ating that $erformers an= $ro=ucers of $honograms are $rotecte= to the eBtent $ro<i=e= for in Artic%e ) of LPPT an=3or Paragra$h ) of Artic%e 1 of the TRIP0 Agreement2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

an& communication to the $u.%ic of their 'N# o$$ose- $erformances or( $honograms, .& >ire or >ire%ess means, inc%u=ing the maAing a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic of those 'N# o$$ose- $erformances an=( $honograms in such a >a& that mem.ers of the $u.%ic ma& access them from a $%ace an= at a time in=i<i=ua%%& chosen .& them2( '"03CL3PE3M830!3M63N#3A"34N35N $ro$ose- C.H Not>ithstan=ing su.$aragra$h CaH an= Artic%e 'OO2!21921( ' e<ceptions and limitations A ; step test(, the a$$%ication of this right to ana%og transmissions an= '0!34N35N o$$ose- nonKinteracti<e(, free o<erKtheKair 'CL3PE3M8 o$$ose- ana%og an= =igita%( .roa=casts, an= eBce$tions or %imitations to this right for such acti<it&, sha%% .e a matter of each Part&Is %a>2( '"03A"30!3CL3PE34N3M6 $ro$ose- CcH Each Part& ma& a=o$t %imitations to this right in res$ect of other noninteracti<e transmissions in accor=ance >ith Artic%e 'OO2!21921( 'e<ceptions and limitations A ; step test(, $ro<i=e= that the %imitations =o not 'CL3PE o$$ose- unreasona.%&( $re/u=ice the right of the $erformer or $ro=ucer of $honograms to o.tain e?uita.%e remuneration(2 'CA $ro$ose- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e to $erformers an= $ro=ucers of $honograms the rights to authori@e or $rohi.itCcH the .roa=casting or an& communication to the $u.%ic of their $erformances or $honograms: an= C=H the maAing a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic, .& >ire or >ire%ess means, of their $erformances an= $honograms in such a >a& that mem.ers of the $u.%ic ma& access them from a $%ace an= at a time in=i<i=ua%%& chosen .& them2 Lhere, u$on the =ata of signature of this Agreement, the right in su.$aragra$h CaH has not .een im$%emente= .& a Part&, the re?uirement ma& .e satisfie= .& $ro<i=ing a right to a sing%e e?uita.%e remuneration for the =irect or in=irect use of $honograms $u.%ishe=117 for commercia% $ur$oses for .roa=casting or for an& communication to the $u.%ic2119(
117 119

The term BpublishedC in this paragraph includes phonograms that are made available in accordance &ith Article 3D2?5 of the !PPT. !here a Party has availed itself of the option contained in Article 3D2;5 of the !orld Intellectual Property (rganiEation Performances and Phonograms Treaty 2!PPT5, the obligation contained in :==.A.F A national treatment0 does not apply to the e<tent that a Party ma"es use of a reservation ta"en under that Article.0C



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A"tic$e QQ'G'15! For $ur$oses of this 'Artic%e OO2!21 an= Artic%e OO2!2) N 18 (, the fo%%o>ing =efinitions a$$%& >ith res$ect to $erformers an= $ro=ucers of $honogramsCaH -"o#4c#&ti 2 means the transmission .& >ire%ess means for $u.%ic rece$tion of soun=s or of images an= soun=s or of the re$resentations thereof: such transmission .& sate%%ite is a%so D.roa=castingG: transmission of encr&$te= signa%s is D.roa=castingG >here the means for =ecr&$ting are $ro<i=e= to the $u.%ic .& the .roa=casting organi@ation or >ith its consent111: co33) ic#tio to t1e *)-$ic of a $erformance or a $honogram means the transmission to the $u.%ic .& an& me=ium, other than .& .roa=casting, of soun=s of a $erformance or the soun=s or the re$resentations of soun=s fiBe= in a $honogram2 For the $ur$oses of $aragra$h ')(, Dcommunication to the $u.%icG inc%u=es maAing the soun=s or re$resentations of soun=s fiBe= in a $honogram au=i.%e to the $u.%ic: (i9#tio means the em.o=iment of soun=s, or of the re$resentations thereof, from >hich the& can .e $ercei<e=, re$ro=uce=, or communicate= through a =e<ice: *e"(o"3e"& means actors, singers, musicians, =ancers an= other $ersons >ho act, sing, =e%i<er, =ec%aim, $%a& in, inter$ret, or other>ise $erform %iterar& or artistic >orAs or eB$ressions of fo%A%ore: *1o o2"#3 means the fiBation of the soun=s of a $erformance or of other soun=s, or of a re$resentation of soun=s, other than in the form of a fiBation incor$orate= in a cinematogra$hic or other au=io<isua% >orA: *"o4)ce" o( # *1o o2"#3 means the $erson >ho, or the %ega% entit& >hich, taAes the initiati<e an= has the res$onsi.i%it& for the first fiBation of the soun=s of a $erformance or other soun=s, or the re$resentations of soun=s: an= 'CA $ro$ose-118(*)-$ic#tio o( # *e"(o"3# ce o" # *1o o2"#3 means the offering of co$ies of the $erformance or the $honogram to the $u.%ic,









'"030! $ro$ose : CA3M83CL3M634N35N3CL o$$ose- For greater certaint&, D.roa=castingG =oes not inc%u=e transmissions o<er com$uter net>orAs or an& transmissions >here the time an= $%ace of rece$tion ma& .e in=i<i=ua%%& chosen .& mem.ers of the $u.%ic2( NegotiatorIs Note: CA is consi=ering the nee= for a =eeming $ro<ision simi%ar to artic%e 17 CJH of LPPT2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

>ith the consent of the rightho%=er, an= $ro<i=e= that co$ies are offere= to the $u.%ic in reasona.%e ?uantit&2 A"tic$e QQ'G'18 {Li3it#tio & # 4 E9ce*tio &}11M A"tic$e QQ'G'X 12 Lith res$ect to 0ection !, each Part& sha%% confine %imitations or eBce$tions to eBc%usi<e rights to certain s$ecia% cases that =o not conf%ict >ith a norma% eB$%oitation of the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram, an= =o not unreasona.%& $re/u=ice the %egitimate interests of the right ho%=er2 +2 Artic%e OO2!2821 neither re=uces nor eBten=s the sco$e of a$$%ica.i%it& of the %imitations an= eBce$tions $ermitte= .& the TRIP0 Agreement, 5erne Con<ention '4N $ro$ose- Rome Con<ention,( the LIPO Co$&right Treat&, an= the LIPO Performances an= Phonograms Treat&2 18* A"tic$e QQ'G'Y Each Part& sha%% en=ea<or to achie<e an a$$ro$riate .a%ance in its co$&right an= re%ate= rights s&stem, inter alia .& means of %imitations or eBce$tions that are consistent >ith Artic%e OO2!28, inc%u=ing those for the =igita% en<ironment, gi<ing =ue consi=eration to %egitimate $ur$oses such as, .ut not %imite= to, criticism, comment, ne>s re$orting, teaching, scho%arshi$, research 'CL3M6 $ro$ose 181- , e=ucation, ( 'CL $ro$osean= $ersons >ith =isa.i%ities( '"03M630!3CA3PE35N3M834N $ro$ose- , as >e%% as faci%itating access to $u.%ishe= >orAs for $ersons >ho are .%in=, <isua%%& im$aire=, or other>ise $rint =isa.%e=( 18+ 18)2 A"tic$e QQ'G'E

11M 18*


18+ 18)

NegotiatorsI Note- CA su$$orts a $ro<ision on %imitations an= eBce$tions an= is ref%ecting further2 NegotiatorsI Note- De%egations are consi=ering the re%ationshi$ .et>een Artic%e OO2!282+ an= ne> mu%ti%atera% agreements conc%u=e= un=er the aus$icies of LIPO an= the agreements %iste= in Artic%e OO2!282+2 De%egations >i%% >orA to reso%<e this issue in Artic%e OO2A29 C!enera% Pro<isions N re%ationshi$ to other agreementsH or e%se>here2 NegotiatorIs Note- 0!3CA3PE35N3N#3A" is f%eBi.%e on the inc%usion of the >or= Ie=ucationI as the notion is a%rea=& significant%& co<ere= .& teaching, sho%arshi$ an= research2 "03M8 .e%ie<e the >or= Ie=ucationI is co<ere= .& teaching, scho%arshi$ an= research, .ut is consi=ering further2 FN- For $ur$oses of greater c%arit&, a use that has commercia% as$ects ma& in a$$ro$riate circumstances .e consi=ere= to ha<e a %egitimate $ur$ose un=er Artic%e OO2!262 NegotiatorIs Note- N#3A" is f%eBi.%e on either o$tions referring to $ersons >ith =isa.i%ities2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'CL3N#3M6 $ro$ose18J- It is consistent >ith this Agreement to $ro<i=e eBce$tions an= %imitations for tem$orar& acts of re$ro=uction >hich are transient or inci=enta% an= an integra% an= essentia% $art of a techno%ogica% $rocess an= >hose so%e $ur$ose is to ena.%e CaH a %a>fu% transmission in a net>orA .et>een thir= $arties .& an interme=iar&: or C.H a %a>fu% use of a >orA: an= >hich ha<e no in=e$en=ent economic significance2( A"tic$e QQ'G'17! {I te" #tio #$ E91#)&tio o( Ri21t&} 'CL3N#30!3M635N34N3PE3M8187 $ro$ose: A"3"0 o$$ose- The Parties are encourage= to esta.%ish internationa% eBhaustion of rights2( 'CA $ro$ose- Nothing in this Cha$ter sha%% affect the free=om of the Parties to =etermine >hether an= un=er >hat con=itions the eBhaustion of co$&right an= re%ate= rights a$$%ies2( A"tic$e QQ'G'1:! {Co$$ecti%e 6# #2e3e t} The Parties recogni@e the im$ortant ro%e of co%%ecti<e management societies for co$&right an= re%ate= rights in co%%ecting an= =istri.uting ro&a%ties 189 .ase= on $ractices that are fair, efficient, trans$arent an= accounta.%e, an= >hich ma& inc%u=e a$$ro$riate recor= Aee$ing an= re$orting mechanisms2


187 189

NegotiatorIs Note- De%egations are consi=ering the a$$ro$riate $%acement of this issue un=er right of re$ro=uction or L Q E2 There continue to .e =iscussions regar=ing this issue an= =e%egations ha<e =i<erging <ie>s2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA reser<es its $osition $en=ing the outcome of =iscussions e%se>here in this Cha$ter2 For greater certaint&, ro&a%ties ma& inc%u=e e?uita.%e remuneration2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

{ENFORCE6ENT} {Sectio H! E (o"ce3e t} A"tic$e QQ'H'1! {Ge e"#$ E (o"ce3e t / Ge e"#$ O-$i2#tio & Re$#ti 2 to t1e E (o"ce3e t o( L#A [1:7] o( I te$$ect)#$ P"o*e"t+ Ri21t&} 12 Each Part& sha%% ensure that enforcement $roce=ures as s$ecifie= in this section, are a<ai%a.%e un=er its %a> 'CL30!3CA35N3PE3M834N $ro$ose- an= its %ega% s&stem( so as to $ermit effecti<e action against an& act of infringement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights co<ere= .& this Cha$ter, inc%u=ing eB$e=itious reme=ies to $re<ent infringements an= reme=ies >hich constitute a =eterrent to future infringements2 These $roce=ures sha%% .e a$$%ie= in such a manner as to a<oi= the creation of .arriers to %egitimate tra=e an= to $ro<i=e for safeguar=s against their a.use2 +2 Each Part& sha%% ensure that its $roce=ures concerning the enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights sha%% .e fair an= e?uita.%e2 These $roce=ures sha%% not .e unnecessari%& com$%icate= or cost%&, or entai% unreasona.%e timeK%imits or un>arrante= =e%a&s2 'CL34N3PE3A"3M635N3N#30!3M83CA $ro$ose- )2 This 0ection =oes not create an& o.%igationCaH to $ut in $%ace a /u=icia% s&stem for the enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights =istinct from that for the enforcement of %a> in genera%, nor =oes it affect the ca$acit& of each Part& to enforce their %a> in genera%, or >ith res$ect to the =istri.ution of resources as .et>een the enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights an= the enforcement of %a> in genera%2(


'"030! $ro$ose188: 5N34N3PE3M63N#3M83CA o$$ose- J2 The Parties un=erstan= that the =istri.ution of enforcement resources sha%% not eBcuse that Part& from com$%&ing >ith this 0ection18M2( A"tic$e QQ'H',! {P"e&)3*tio &}
181 188 18M

'CL $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, %a> ma& inc%u=e enforcement $roce=ures esta.%ishe= un=er Parties %ega% s&stems2( NegotiatorsI Note- A"3CL can su$$ort if there is emerging consensus on this issue2 NegotiatorsI Note- The reference to 0ection is inten=e= to inc%u=e enforcementKre%ate= $ro<isions throughout the Cha$ter2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

12 In ci<i%, crimina%, an= if a$$%ica.%e, a=ministrati<e $rocee=ings in<o%<ing co$&right or re%ate= rights, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=eCaH for a $resum$tion '"03CA $ro$ose- 1M*( that, in the a.sence of $roof to the contrar&, the $erson >hose name is in=icate= in the usua% manner 'CL34N35N3A"3M83CA30!3PE3N# $ro$ose- 1M1 ( as the author, $erformer, $ro=ucer 'CA o$$ose- , or $u.%isher( of the >orA, $erformance, or $honogram 'CA $ro$ose- , or as a$$%ica.%e, the $u.%isher( is the =esignate= right ho%=er in such >orA, $erformance, or $honogram: an= for a $resum$tion that, in the a.sence of $roof to the contrar&, the co$&right or re%ate= right su.sists in such su./ect matter2


'"035N3M63N#30!3CA $ro$ose: + A"3PE3CL34N3M8 o$$ose 1M+- In ci<i%, '5N3M6 o$$ose- a=ministrati<e,( an= crimina% $rocee=ings in<o%<ing tra=emarAs, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for a re.utta.%e $resum$tion that a registere= tra=emarA is <a%i=2 '5N30!3M6 o$$ose1M)- In ci<i% or a=ministrati<e $atent enforcement $rocee=ings, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for a re.utta.%e $resum$tion that each c%aim in a $atent su.stanti<e%& eBamine= an= grante= .& the com$etent authorit& satisfies the a$$%ica.%e criteria of $atenta.i%it& in the territor& of the Part& 1MJ(2( A"tic$e QQ'H'0! Ri21t&} {E (o"ce3e t P"#ctice& =it1 Re&*ect to I te$$ect)#$ P"o*e"t+

12 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that fina% /u=icia% =ecisions an= a=ministrati<e ru%ings of genera% a$$%ication $ertaining to the enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights sha%% '0!35N3M63CA $ro$ose- $refera.%&( .e in >riting an= 'M6 o$$ose- sha%%( 'M63CA $ro$ose- ma&( state '4N30!35N3M63CA o$$ose- an& re%e<ant fin=ings of fact an=( the reasoning or the %ega% .asis on >hich the =ecisions an= ru%ings are .ase=2 Each

1M1 1M+ 1M) 1MJ

'"03CA3M6 $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, a Part& ma& im$%ement this Artic%e on the .asis of s>orn statements or =ocuments ha<ing e<i=entiar& <a%ue, such as statutor& =ec%arations2 A Part& ma& a%so $ro<i=e that such $resum$tions are re.utta.%e $resum$tions that ma& .e re.utte= .& e<i=ence to the contrar&2( Each Part& ma& esta.%ish the means .& >hich it sha%% =etermine >hat constitutes the Dusua% mannerG for a $articu%ar $h&sica% su$$ort2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- A"3M83"03PE >i%% consi=er o$tions to a==ress concerns intersessiona%%& an= >i%% in<o%<e the >i=er grou$2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Part& sha%% a%so $ro<i=e that such =ecisions an= ru%ings sha%% .e $u.%ishe= ' 1M7( or, >here $u.%ication is not $ractica.%e, other>ise ma=e a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic, in a nationa% %anguage in such a manner as to ena.%e intereste= $ersons an= Parties to .ecome ac?uainte= >ith them2 +2 Each Part& recogni@es the im$ortance of co%%ecting an= ana%&@ing statistica% =ata an= other re%e<ant information concerning inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights infringements as >e%% as co%%ecting information on .est $ractices to $re<ent an= infringements2 )2 Each Part& '"03A"3PE3N#3CL3M83CA3;P30!35N34N $ro$ose- sha%%( 'M6 $ro$ose- ma&( $u.%ish or other>ise maAe a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic information on its efforts to $ro<i=e effecti<e enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights in its ci<i%, a=ministrati<e an= crimina% s&stems, such as statistica% information that the Part& ma& co%%ect for such $ur$oses2 A"tic$e QQ'H'/! {Ci%i$ P"oce4)"e& # 4 Re3e4ie& / Ci%i$ # 4 A43i i&t"#ti%e P"oce4)"e& # 4 Re3e4ie&} 12 Each Part& sha%% maAe a<ai%a.%e to right ho%=ers 1M9 ci<i% /u=icia% $roce=ures concerning the enforcement of an& inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& right 1M1 co<ere= in this Cha$ter2 + Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e '1M8( that in ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit& at %east to or=er the infringer to $a& the right ho%=er =amages a=e?uate to com$ensate for the in/ur& the right ho%=er has suffere= 'PE o$$ose.ecause of an infringement of that $ersonIs inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& right .& an infringer >ho Ano>ing%&, or >ith reasona.%e groun=s to Ano>, engage= in infringing acti<it&2( '0!3PE3A"3N#3M63CL3CA3M835N34N o$$ose- 1MM(
1M7 1M9

1M1 1M8


'"0- A Part& ma& satisf& the re?uirement for $u.%ication .& maAing the =ecision or ru%ing a<ai%a.%e to the $u.%ic on the Internet2( For the $ur$oses of this Artic%e, the term Dright ho%=erG sha%% inc%u=e those authori@e= %icensees, fe=erations an= associations that ha<e the %ega% stan=ing an= authorit& to assert such rights2 The term Dauthori@e= %icenseeG sha%% inc%u=e the eBc%usi<e %icensee of an& one or more of the eBc%usi<e inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights encom$asse= in a gi<en inte%%ectua% $ro$ert&2 NegotiatorsI Note- A"3"03;P >ou%= %iAe to consi=er this $ro$osa% in tan=em >ith the =efinition of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights in this Cha$ter2 'A"3N#3M63CA3;P30! $ro$ose- A Part& ma& a%so $ro<i=e that the right ho%=er ma& not .e entit%e= to either of the reme=ies set out in + an= + bis in the case of a fin=ing of nonKuse of a tra=emarA( ';P3A"30!3CA3M6 $ro$ose- it is un=erstoo= that there is no o.%igation for a Part& to $ro<i=e for the $ossi.i%it& of the reme=ies in + an= +bis to .e or=ere= in $ara%%e%2( '"0 $ro$ose- In the case of $atent infringement, =amages a=e?uate to com$ensate for the infringement sha%% not .e %ess than a reasona.%e ro&a%t&2( 'NegotiatorsI note- ;P can go a%ong >ith consensus2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+bis. At %east in cases of co$&right or re%ate= rights infringement an= tra=emarA counterfeiting, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that, in ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings, its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit& to or=er the infringer to $a& the right ho%=er the infringerIs $rofits that are attri.uta.%e to the infringement2'+**( +ter. In =etermining the amount of =amages un=er $aragra$h +, its /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to consi=er, inter alia, an& %egitimate measure of <a%ue the right ho%=er su.mits, >hich ma& inc%u=e %ost $rofits, the <a%ue of the infringe= goo=s or ser<ices measure= .& the marAet $rice, or the suggeste= retai% $rice2 '"03CA35N3A"3;P3M83N#3PE34N $ro$ose- )2+*1 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit& to or=er in/uncti<e re%ief that conforms to the $ro<isions of Artic%e JJ of the TRIP0 Agreement, inter alia, to $re<ent goo=s that in<o%<e the infringement of an inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& right from entering into the channe%s of commerce '4N $ro$ose- in that Part&Is ;uris=iction(2(+*+ 'CL3PE35N334N $ro$ose:+*) "03N# o$$ose- J2 Each Part& sha%% ensure that its /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to or=er a $art& at >hose re?uest measures >ere taAen an= >ho has a.use= enforcement $roce=ures to $ro<i=e the $art& >rongfu%%& en/oine= or restraine= a=e?uate com$ensation for the in/ur& suffere= .ecause of such a.use2(+*J A"tic$e QQ'H'/'X C1H In ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings, >ith res$ect to infringement of co$&right or re%ate= rights $rotecting >orAs, $honograms, an= $erformances, each Part& sha%% esta.%ish or maintain a s&stem that $ro<i=es for one or more of the fo%%o>ingCaH $reKesta.%ishe= =amages, >hich sha%% .e a<ai%a.%e u$on the e%ection of the right ho%=er: or C.H a==itiona% =amages+*72

+*1 +*+ +*) +*J +*7

'CA $ro$ose- A Part& ma& eBc%u=e from the a$$%ication of this Artic%e cases of Co$&right or re%ate= rights infringement >here an infringer =i= not Ano>ing%&, or >ith reasona.%e groun=s to Ano>, engage in infringing acti<it& or >here an infringer is a nonK$rofit entit&2(';P $ro$ose- A Part& ma& $resume those $rofits to .e the amount of =amages referre= to in the $rece=ing $aragra$h2( NegotiatorsI Note- A" su$$orts this $aragra$h a= referen=um2 NegotiatorsI Note- CL3M630! >i%% re<ert .acA intersessiona%%&2 NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- M6 su$$ort the $rinci$%e .ut are sti%% consi=ering the nee= for this $ro$osa% in the conteBt of Artic%e J8 of TRIP02 0!3M834N3A"3CA can go a%ong >ith the consensus2 For greater certaint&, a==itiona% =amages ma& inc%u=e eBem$%ar& or $uniti<e =amages2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

C+H+*9 In ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings, >ith res$ect to tra=emarA counterfeiting, each Part& '"0 $ro$ose- sha%%( 'N#3M635N3;P $ro$ose- ma&( a%so esta.%ish or maintain a s&stem that $ro<i=es for one or more of the fo%%o>ingCaH $reKesta.%ishe= =amages, >hich sha%% .e a<ai%a.%e u$on the e%ection of the right ho%=er: or C.H a==itiona% =amages2 C)H PreKesta.%ishe= =amages sha%% .e set out in an amount that >ou%= .e sufficient to com$ensate the right ho%=er for the harm cause= .& the infingement '4N o$$ose- , an= >ith a <ie> to =eterring future infringements(2 CJH In a>ar=ing a==itiona% =amages, /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to a>ar= such a==itiona% =amages as the& consi=er a$$ro$riate, ha<ing regar= to a%% re%e<ant matters, inc%u=ing the 'seriousness 3 eBtent 3 .%atanc& of the infringing con=uct(+*1 an= the nee= to =eter simi%ar infringements in the future2 ARTICLE QQ'H'/'Y '"0 $ro$ose: 0!3PE34N3CA3CL3N#3M635N3A"3M83;P o$$ose- 92 In ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings concerning $atent infringement, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to increase =amages to an amount that is u$ to three times the amount of the in/ur& foun= or assesse=2+*8 ( 12 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its /u=icia% authorities, 'PE o$$ose- >here a$$ro$riate,( 'CA $ro$ose-+*M( 'PE $ro$ose- eBce$t in eBce$tiona% circumstances( ha<e the authorit& to or=er, at the conc%usion of ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings concerning infringement of at %east co$&right or re%ate= rights, 'CA3M83"0 $ro$ose- $atents an=( 'CA3M83"0 o$$ose- or( tra=emarAs, that the $re<ai%ing $art& .e a>ar=e= $a&ment .& the %osing $art& of court costs or fees an= a$$ro$riate attorne&Is fees, or an& other eB$enses as $ro<i=e= for un=er that Part&Is %a>2 M+1*2
+*9 +*1 +*8 +*M +1*

In ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings concerning co$&right or re%ate= rights infringement

NegotiatorIs Note- A" is sti%% consi=ering this $araga$h2 NegotiatorsI Note- Parties are consi=ering the =rafting choice of the >or= that re$resent the conce$t of seriousness2 No Part& sha%% .e re?uire= to a$$%& this $aragra$h to actions for infringement against a Part& or a thir= $art& acting >ith the authori@ation or consent of a Part&2 'CA $ro$ose- For the $ur$oses of this Artic%e, >here a$$ro$riate sha%% not .e %imite= to eBce$tiona% cases2( Negotiators note- N# share <ie> of the artic%e .ut >ou%= rather see it $%ace= some other $%ace: M8 is consi=ering this issue in %ight of Artic%e OO2 2J21): ;P $ro$oses to mo<e $aragra$h2 M to Artic%e OO2 272 Other>ise, ;P >i%% su$$ort 4N $ro$osa%2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

an= tra=emarA counterfeiting, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& '4N $ro$ose- , at the right ho%=erIs re?uest,( to or=er '4N $ro$oseas $ro<isiona% measures( the sei@ure or other taAing into custo=& of sus$ecte= infringing goo=s, materia%s an= im$%ements re%e<ant to the infringement, an=, at %east for tra=emarA counterfeiting, =ocumentar& e<i=ence re%e<ant to the infringement2 1*+112 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that in ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ingsCaH At %east >ith res$ect to $irate= co$&right goo=s an= counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that, in ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings, at the right ho%=erIs re?uest, its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit& to or=er that such infringing goo=s .e '4N $ro$ose- =is$ose= of outsi=e the channe% of commerce or( =estro&e=, eBce$t in eBce$tiona% circumstances, >ithout com$ensation of an& sort2 C.H Each Part& sha%% further $ro<i=e that its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit& to or=er that materia%s an= im$%ements that ha<e .een use= in the manufacture or creation of such infringing goo=s, .e, >ithout un=ue =e%a& an= >ithout com$ensation of an& sort, =estro&e= or =is$ose= of outsi=e the channe%s of commerce in such a manner as to minimi@e the risAs of further infringements2 CcH in regar= to counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s, the sim$%e remo<a% of the tra=emarA un%a>fu%%& affiBe= sha%% not .e sufficient, other than in eBce$tiona% circumstances, to $ermit the re%ease of goo=s into the channe%s of commerce2 11+1+2 Lithout $re/u=ice to its %a> go<erning $ri<i%ege, the $rotection of confi=entia%it& of information sources, or the $rocessing of $ersona% =ata, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that, in ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings concerning the enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights, its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit&, u$on a /ustifie= re?uest '4N- $ro$ose+1)( of the right ho%=er, to or=er the infringer or, in the a%ternati<e, the a%%ege= infringer, to $ro<i=e to the right ho%=er or to the /u=icia% authorities, at %east for the $ur$ose of co%%ecting e<i=ence, re%e<ant information as $ro<i=e= for in its a$$%ica.%e %a>s an= regu%ations that the infringer or a%%ege= infringer $ossesses or contro%s2 0uch information ma& inc%u=e information regar=ing an& $erson in<o%<e= in an& as$ect of the infringement or a%%ege= infringement an= regar=ing the means of $ro=uction or the channe%s of =istri.ution of the infringing or a%%ege=%& infringing goo=s or ser<ices, inc%u=ing the i=entification of thir= $ersons a%%ege= to .e in<o%<e=
+11 +1+ +1)

NegotiatorIs Note- M8 su$$orts this in $rinci$%e .ut nee=s to ref%ect on this $en=ing =iscussions on $aragra$h OO2 2J21)2 NegotiatorIs Note- M8 is sti%% consi=ering this $ro$osa%2 4N $ro$ose- A re?uest for an or=er un=er this $aragra$h ma& .e consi=ere= as un/ustifie= in case such or=er >ou%= .e out of $ro$ortion to the seriousness of the infringement2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

in the $ro=uction an= =istri.ution of such goo=s or ser<ices an= of their channe%s of =istri.ution2 1+2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that in re%ation to a ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ing concerning the enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights, its /u=icia% or other authorities ha<e the authorit& to im$ose sanctions on a $art&, counse%, eB$erts, or other $ersons su./ect to the courtIs /uris=iction, for <io%ation of /u=icia% or=ers concerning the $rotection of confi=entia% information $ro=uce= or eBchange= in connection >ith such a $rocee=ing2 +1J 1)2 To the eBtent that an& ci<i% reme=& '4N $ro$ose: M8 o$$ose- +17 (can .e or=ere= as a resu%t of a=ministrati<e $roce=ures on the merits of a case, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that such $roce=ures conform to $rinci$%es e?ui<a%ent in su.stance to those set out in this Artic%e Cci<i% an= a=ministrati<e $rocee=ingsH 1J2 In the e<ent that a Part&Is /u=icia% or other authorities a$$oint technica% or other eB$erts in ci<i% $rocee=ings concerning the enforcement of inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights an= re?uire that the $arties to the %itigation .ear the costs of such eB$erts, that Part& shou%= seeA to ensure that such costs are reasona.%e an= re%ate= a$$ro$riate%&, inter alia, to the ?uantit& an= nature of >orA to .e $erforme= an= =o not unreasona.%& =eter recourse to such $rocee=ings2 '"03A"30! $ro$ose: 5N34N3M83;P o$$ose+19- 172 In ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings concerning the acts =escri.e= in Artic%e J2'M( CTPMsH an= Artic%e J2'1*( CRMIH, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its /u=icia% authorities sha%%, at the %east, ha<e the authori& toCaH im$ose $ro<isiona% measures, inc%u=ing sei@ure or other taAing into custo=& of =e<ices an= $ro=ucts sus$ecte= of .eing in<o%<e= in the $rohi.ite= acti<it&: C.H '"030! $ro$ose: N#3A"3M6 o$$ose- $ro<i=e an o$$ortunit& for the right ho%=er to e%ect .et>een actua% =amages it suffere= C$%us an& $rofits attri.uta.%e to the $rohi.ite= acti<it& not taAen into account in com$uting those =amagesH or $reKesta.%ishe= =amages:( 'A"3N#3PE $ro$ose- or=er =amages of the t&$e a<ai%a.%e for the infringement of co$&right(
CcH or=er 'N# $ro$ose- , >here a$$ro$riate,( $a&ment to the $re<ai%ing $art& at the

conc%usion of ci<i% /u=icia% $rocee=ings of court costs an= fees, an=

+1J +17 +19

NegotiatorsI Note- PE3M8 are consi=ering the nee= for this $ro$osa%2 'For greater certaint&, ci<i% reme=ies =o not inc%u=e a=ministrati<e measures, =ecisions or an& other actions taAen .& a=ministrati<e authorities2( Negotiators Note- PE3M63N#3CL3CA reser<e their $ositions $en=ing reso%ution of re%ate= $ro<isions regar=ing TPM an= RMI2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

a$$ro$riate attorne&Is fees, .& the $art& engage= in the $rohi.ite= con=uct: an= C=H or=er the =estruction of =e<ices an= $ro=ucts foun= to .e in<o%<e= in the $rohi.ite= acti<it&2 '"03A"30!3N#3M63CL3CA $ro$ose '"0 $ro$ose- No Part& sha%% maAe =amages a<ai%a.%e un=er this $aragra$h( 'A"30!3N#3M63CL3CA $ro$ose- A Part& ma& $ro<i=e that =amages sha%% not .e a<ai%a.%e( against a 'M6 o$$ose- non$rofit( %i.rar&, archi<es, e=ucationa% institution, 'CA $ro$ose- museum, or an& other non$rofit entit& as =etermine= .& a Part&Is %a>( 'CA o$$ose- or $u.%ic noncommercia% .roa=casting entit& ( 'M6 o$$ose- that sustains the .ur=en of $ro<ing that such entit& >as not a>are an= ha= no reason to .e%ie<e that its acts constitute= a $rohi.ite= acti<it&(2((+11 'N#3CA30!3CL3M6 $ro$ose- 192 Each Part& ma& a=o$t or maintain measures to =iscourage <eBatious or unreasona.%e $rocee=ings, inc%u=ing those in<o%<ing $harmaceutica% $ro=ucts that are su./ect to marAeting, regu%ator& or sanitar& a$$ro<a%2( A"tic$e QQ'H'5! {P"o%i&io #$ 6e#&)"e&}

12 Each Part&Is authorities sha%% act on re?uests for re%ief inaudita altera parte eB$e=itious%& in accor=ance >ith the Part&Is /u=icia% ru%es2 +2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit& to re?uire the a$$%icant, >ith res$ect to $ro<isiona% measures, to $ro<i=e an& reasona.%& a<ai%a.%e e<i=ence in or=er to satisf& themse%<es >ith a sufficient =egree of certaint& that the a$$%icantIs right is .eing infringe= or that such infringement is imminent, '4N33PE- an= that an& =e%a& in the issuance of such measures is %iAe%& to cause irre$ara.%e harm to the right ho%=ers, or there is a =emonstra.%e risA of e<i=ence .eing =estro&e=,( an= to or=er the a$$%icant to $ro<i=e a securit& or e?ui<a%ent assurance set at a %e<e% sufficient to $rotect the =efen=ant an= to $re<ent a.use2 0uch securit& or e?ui<a%ent assurance sha%% not unreasona.%& =eter recourse to such $roce=ures2 A"tic$e QQ'H'8! {S*eci#$ ReH)i"e3e t& Re$#te4 to >o"4e" E (o"ce3e t ,1: / S*eci#$ ReH)i"e3e t& "e$#te4 to >o"4e" 6e#&)"e&} [,1;]
+11 +18


NegotiatorIs Note- This >i%% .e =iscusse= in re%ation to $ro<isions regar=ing TPM an= RMI2 Negotiators Note- The sco$e of .or=er measures in this section >i%% .e confine= to counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s, $irate= co$&right goo=s2 The "0 $ro$osa% for inc%usion of, confusing%& simi%ar tra=emarA goo=s is sti%% un=er negotiation an= Parties ha<e =ifferent <ie>s on this $ro$osa%2 'CA $ro$ose- It is un=erstoo= that there sha%% .e no o.%igation to a$$%& the $roce=ures set forth in this Artic%e to goo=s $ut on the marAet in another countr& .& or >ith the consent of the right ho%=er2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

12 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that an& right ho%=er initiating $roce=ures for its com$etent authorities to sus$en= re%ease of sus$ecte= counterfeit '0!35N3M634N3CA o$$ose- or confusing%& simi%ar( tra=emarA goo=s, or $irate= co$&right goo=s ++* into free circu%ation is re?uire= to $ro<i=e a=e?uate e<i=ence to satisf& the com$etent authorities that, un=er the %a>EsF of the 'CA3N#3M83"03PE3A" o$$ose- countr& of im$ortation( 'CA3N#3M83"03PE3A"++1 $ro$ose- Part& $ro<i=ing the $roce=ures(, there is prima facie an infringement of the right ho%=erIs inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& right an= to su$$%& sufficient information that ma& reasona.%& .e eB$ecte= to .e >ithin the right ho%=erIs Ano>%e=ge to maAe the sus$ecte= goo=s +++reasona.%& recogni@a.%e .& its com$etent authorities2 The re?uirement to $ro<i=e such information sha%% not unreasona.%& =eter recourse to these $roce=ures2 1bis. Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for a$$%ications to sus$en= the re%ease of, or to =etain, an& sus$ect goo=s ++) '0!34N o$$ose- un=er customs contro% ++J in its territor&2( '0!34N $ro$ose- that are im$orte= into the territor& of the Part& ++7( A Part& ma& $ro<i=e that, at the re?uest of the right ho%=er, an a$$%ication to sus$en= the re%ease of, or to =etain, sus$ect goo=s ma& a$$%& to se%ecte= $oints of entr& '"03CA3;P3M8 ++9 $ro$ose: CL30!34N o$$ose- an= eBit( un=er customs contro%2( ++1 ++8 '"03A"3CA3;P3N# $ro$ose: M8 3PE3CL3M630!34N35N o$$ose- Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that a$$%ications 'N# o$$ose- sha%%( remain in force 'N# $ro$ose- for the $erio= re?ueste= .& the right ho%=er .ut not eBcee=ing fi<e &ears, or( for a $erio= of not %ess than one &ear from the =ate of a$$%ication, or the $erio= that the goo= is $rotecte= .& co$&right or the re%e<ant tra=emarA registration is <a%i=, >hiche<er is shorter2'N# $ro$ose- A Part& ma& $ro<i=e that its com$etent authorities ha<e the authorit& to sus$en= or in<a%i=ate an a$$%ication >hen there is =ue cause2(

For $ur$oses of Artic%e 1JCaH co) te"(eit t"#4e3#"@ 2oo4& means an& goo=s, inc%u=ing $acAaging, .earing >ithout authori@ation a tra=emarA that is i=entica% to the tra=emarA <a%i=%& registere= in res$ect of such goo=s, or that cannot .e =istinguishe= in its essentia% as$ects from such a tra=emarA, an= that there.& infringes the rights of the o>ner of the tra=emarA in ?uesiton un=er the %a> of the countr& of im$ortation: an= C.H *i"#te4 co*+"i21t 2oo4& means an& goo=s that are co$ies ma=e >ithout the consent of the right ho%=er or $erson =u%& authori@e= .& the right ho%=er in the countr& of $ro=uction an= that are ma=e =irect%& or in=irect%& from an artic%e >here the maAing of that co$& >ou%= ha<e constitute= an infringement of a co$&right or a re%ate= right un=er the %a> of the countr& of im$ortation2 ++1 NegotiatorsI Note- A" su$$orts this a= referen=um2 +++ NegotiatorsI Note- Nee= to c%ean u$ termino%og& in 29 re%ating to Igoo=sI an= Imerchan=iseI2 ++) NegotiatorsI Note- M63CA30!3A"34N35N- sus$ect goo=s nee= to .e =efine= an= re<ert .acA2 ++J NegotiatorsI Note- CA3M63A"- Customs contro%s nee= to .e =efine= an= re<ert .acA2 ++7 '0! $ro$ose- the re?uirement to $ro<i=e for such a$$%ication is a$$%ica.%e to the o.%igation to $ro<i=e $roce=ures referre= to in Artic%e OO2 29212( ++9 NegotiatorsI Note- A"3PE can su$$ort consensus2 ++1 NegotiatorsI Note- M630!34N35N are consi=ering this first c%ause2 ++8 NegotiatorsI Note- Parties are consi=ering the nee= for a footnote to =ea% >ith the sco$e of this c%ause2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its com$etent authorities ha<e the authorit& to re?uire a right ho%=er initiating $roce=ures to sus$en= the re%ease of sus$ecte= counterfeit '5N30!3M634N3CA o$$ose- or confusing%& simi%ar( tra=emarA goo=s, or $irate= co$&right goo=s, to $ro<i=e a reasona.%e securit& or e?ui<a%ent assurance sufficient to $rotect the =efen=ant an= the com$etent authorities an= to $re<ent a.use2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that such securit& or e?ui<a%ent assurance sha%% not unreasona.%& =eter recourse to these $roce=ures2 A Part& ma& $ro<i=e that such securit& ma& .e in the form of a .on= con=itione= to ho%= the =efen=ant harm%ess from an& %oss or =amage resu%ting from an& sus$ension of the re%ease of goo=s in the e<ent the com$etent authorities =etermine that the artic%e is not an infringing goo=2 )2 Lithout $re/u=ice to a Part&Is %a>s $ertaining to $ri<ac& or the confi=entia%it& of information, >here its com$etent authorities ha<e =etaine= or sus$en=e= the re%ease of goo=s that are sus$ecte= of .eing counterfeit or $irate=, a Part& ma& $ro<i=e that its com$etent authorities ha<e the authorit& to inform the right ho%=er 'CA34N $ro$ose>ho has fi%e= a re?uest for assistance( 'M63CA35N3PE34N o$$ose- $rom$t%&( 'M63CA3PE++M 35N30!34N $ro$ose- >ithin a reasona.%e $erio=( of the names an= a==resses of the consignor, eB$orter, consignee or im$orter, a =escri$tion of the merchan=ise, ?uantit& of the merchan=ise, an=, if Ano>n, the countr& of origin of the merchan=ise2- Lhere a Part& =oes not $ro<i=e such authorit& to its com$etent authorities >hen sus$ect goo=s are =etaine= or sus$en=e= from re%ease, it sha%% $ro<i=e '"034N $ro$ose- , at %east in cases of im$orte= goo=s,( its com$etent authorities >ith the authorit& to $ro<i=e the foregoing information to the right ho%=er '0!34N o$$ose>ithin )* =a&s+)*( '0!34N $ro$ose- >ithin a reasona.%e $erio=( of the sei@ure or =etermination that the goo=s are counterfeit or $irate=, >hiche<er is ear%ier2 '"03PE3A"30!3M63CL3CA35N3;P $ro$ose: N#34N3M8 o$$ose- J2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its com$etent authorities ma& initiate .or=er measures e< officio@;3 >ith res$ect to 'A" $ro$ose- merchan=ise that is( im$orte=, 'M63CL3A"3PE35N o$$ose- eB$orte=,( 'CL3A"3PE $ro$ose: 0! o$$ose- =estine= for eB$ort,( 'A"3M630!3CA35N3CL o$$ose- or inKtransit merchan=ise,'PE o$$ose- +)+ (( 'PE30!3M63CL3CA35N o$$ose- or 'A" o$$ose- merchan=ise( '"0 $ro$ose- entering into or eBiting from( '"0 o$$ose- in( free tra=e @ones(, that is sus$ecte= of .eing
++M +)* +)1


NegotiatorsI Note- CA >ou%= nee= to inc%u=e minor amen=ments on =isc%osure2 For $ur$oses of this Artic%e, D=a&sG sha%% mean D.usiness =a&sG2 For greater certaint&, the $arties un=erstan= that e< officio action =oes not re?uire a forma% com$%aint from a $ri<ate $art& or right ho%=er 'M635N $ro$ose- , $ro<i=e= that the& ha<e ac?uire= prima facie e<i=ence that inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& rights are .eing infringe=(2 For $ur$oses of this Artic%e, i Dt"# &it 3e"c1# 4i&e means goo=s un=er DCustoms transitG an= goo=s Dtranshi$$e=,G as =efine= in the International Convention on the Simplification and HarmoniEation of Customs Procedures CT&oto Con<entionH2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

counterfeit '0!3PE3M63CA35N o$$ose- or confusing%& simi%ar( tra=emarA goo=s, or $irate= co$&right goo=s2( 72 Each Part& sha%% a=o$t or maintain a $roce=ure .& >hich its com$etent authorities ma& =etermine, >ithin a reasona.%e $erio= of time after the initiation of the $roce=ures =escri.e= un=er Artic%e OO2 29C1H+)) >hether the sus$ect goo=s infringe an inte%%ectua% $ro$ert& right2 Lhere a Part& $ro<i=es a=ministrati<e $roce=ures for the =etermination of an infringement, it '4N +)J $ro$ose- ma&( '4N o$$ose- sha%%( a%so $ro<i=e its authorities >ith the authorit& to im$ose a=ministrati<e $ena%ties, >hich ma& inc%u=e monetar& $ena%ties or the sei@ure of the infringing goo=s, fo%%o>ing a =etermination that the goo=s are infringing2 92 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that its com$etent authorities ha<e the authorit& to or=er the =estruction '4N $ro$ose- , or =is$osa% outsi=e the channe% of commerce,( of goo=s fo%%o>ing a =etermination that the goo=s are infringing2 In cases >here such goo=s are not =estro&e=, each Part& sha%% ensure that, eBce$t in eBce$tiona% circumstances, such goo=s are =is$ose= of outsi=e the channe%s of commerce in such a manner as to a<oi= an& harm to the right ho%=er2 In regar= to counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s, the sim$%e remo<a% of the tra=emarA un%a>fu%%& affiBe= sha%% not .e sufficient, other than in eBce$tiona% cases, to $ermit the re%ease of the goo=s into the channe%s of commerce2 12 Lhere a Part& esta.%ishes or assesses, in connection >ith the $roce=ures =escri.e= in this section 'artic%e(, an a$$%ication fee, storage fee, or =estruction fee, such fee sha%% not .e set at an amount that unreasona.%& =eters recourse to these $roce=ures
82 Each Part& sha%% inc%u=e in the a$$%ication of this Artic%e goo=s of a commercia% nature sent in sma%% consignments2 A Part& ma& eBc%u=e from the a$$%ication of this Artic%e sma%% ?uantities of goo=s of a nonKcommercia% nature containe= in tra<e%%ersI $ersona% %uggage2+)7

A"tic$e QQ'H'7!

{C"i3i #$ P"oce4)"e& # 4 Re3e4ie& / C"i3i #$ E (o"ce3e t}

12 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties to .e a$$%ie= at %east in cases of >i%%fu% tra=emarA counterfeiting or co$&right or re%ate= rights $irac&
+)) +)J +)7

NegotiatorsI Note- "0 to re<isit after the =ecision on sco$e of a$$%ication e< officio. NegotiatorsI Note- 4N can acce$t Dsha%%G o$tion if the sco$e of 5or=er contro% is confine= to tra=emarAs counterfeit an= co$&right $irate= goo=s2 For greater certaint&, a Part& ma& a%so eBc%u=e from the a$$%ication of this Artic%e sma%% ?uantities of goo=s of a nonKcommercia% nature sent in sma%% consignments2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

on a commercia% sca%e2 +2 '"03A"30!3PE $ro$ose: CL34N3M63N#3CA35N3M8 co$&right or re%ate= rights $irac& on a commercia% sca%e inc%u=esCaH



significant >i%%fu% co$&right or re%ate= rights infringements that ha<e no =irect or in=irect moti<ation of financia% gain: an= >i%%fu% infringements for $ur$oses of commercia% a=<antage or 'A"30!3PE3;P o$$ose- $ri<ate( financia% gain2'A"30!3PE3CA3;P o$$ose- +)9((

Each Part& sha%% treat >i%%fu% im$ortation '0!3M835N3M634N o$$ose- or eB$ortation ( of counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s '4N o$$ose- or $irate= co$&right goo=s( on a commercia% sca%e as un%a>fu% acti<ities su./ect to crimina% $ena%ties2 +)1 '"0 $ro$ose: A"35N3M63N#30!3CL34N3PE3CA3M83;P o$$ose- )2 Each Part& sha%% a%so $ro<i=e for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties to .e a$$%ie=, e<en a.sent >i%%fu% tra=emarA counterfeiting or co$&right or re%ate= rights $irac&, at %east in cases of Ano>ing trafficAing inCaH

%a.e%s or $acAaging, of an& t&$e or nature, to >hich a counterfeit tra=emarA +)8 has .een a$$%ie=, the use of >hich is %iAe%& to cause confusion, to cause mistaAe, or to =ecei<e: an= counterfeit or i%%icit %a.e%s+)M affiBe= to, enc%osing, or accom$an&ing, or


'"0 $ro$ose: A"30!3PE3CA3;P o$$ose- For greater certaint&, Dfinancia% gainG for $ur$oses of this Artic%e inc%u=es the recei$t or eB$ectation of an&thing of <a%ue2( +)1 '"03CA $ro$ose: ;P o$$ose- A Part& ma& com$%& >ith this o.%igation in re%ation to ';P- im$ortation an=( eB$ortation of $irate= ';P- co$&right( goo=s through its measures concerning =istri.ution2( ';P a%ternati<e%& $ro$ose- A Part& ma& com$%& >ith its o.%igation re%ating to im$ortation an= eB$ortation of counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s or $irate= co$&right goo=s .& $ro<i=ing for =istri.ution, sa%e or offer for sa%e of such goo=s on a commercia% sca%e as un%a>fu% acti<ities su./ect to crimina% $ena%ties2( +)8 "0- NegotiatorIs Note- For greater certaint&, the =efinition of Dcounterfeit tra=emarA goo=sG in footnote '1+( sha%% .e use= as conteBt for this Artic%e2 +)M "0- For $ur$oses of this Artic%e, Di%%icit %a.e%G means a genuine certificate, %icensing =ocument, registration car=, or simi%ar %a.e%ing com$onentCAH that is use= .& the co$&right o>ner to <erif& that a $honogram, a co$& of a com$uter $rogram or %iterar& >orA, a co$& of a motion $icture or other au=io<isua% >orA, or =ocumentation or $acAaging for such $honogram or co$ies is not counterfeit or infringing of an& co$&right: an= C5H that is, >ithout the authori@ation of the co$&right o>nerU CiH =istri.ute= or inten=e= for =istri.ution not in connection >ith the $honogram or co$ies to >hich such %a.e%ing com$onent >as inten=e= to .e affiBe= .& the res$ecti<e co$&right o>ner: or CiiH in connection >ith a genuine certificate or %icensing =ocument, Ano>ing%& fa%sifie= in or=er to =esignate a



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

=esigne= to .e affiBe= to, enc%ose, or accom$an& the fo%%o>ingCiH CiiH CiiiH Ci<H CcH a $honogram, a co$& of a com$uter $rogram or a %iterar& >orA, a co$& of a motion $icture or other au=io<isua% >orA, =ocumentation or $acAaging for such items: an=

counterfeit =ocumentation or $acAaging for items of the t&$e =escri.e= in su.$aragra$h C.H2(

'N#3A"35N3M63"03CA30!3M83;P $ro$ose: PE3CL34N o$$ose- J2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties to .e a$$%ie= in cases of >i%%fu% im$ortation+J* an= =omestic use, in the course of tra=e an= on a commercia% sca%e, of %a.e%s or $acAaging+J1CaH to >hich a marA has .een a$$%ie= >ithout authori@ation >hich is i=entica% to, or cannot .e =istinguishe= from, a tra=emarA registere= in its territor&: an= >hich are inten=e= to .e use= in the course of tra=e on goo=s or in re%ation to ser<ices >hich are i=entica% to goo=s or ser<ices for >hich such tra=emarA is registere=2(


'"0 $ro$ose: CA3;P o$$ose- Each Part& sha%% further ensure that crimina% $ena%ties an= $roce=ures are a$$%ie= in cases of Ano>ing trafficAing in i%%icit %a.e%s +J+ affiBe=,
higher of %icense= users or co$ies than authori@e= .& the co$&right o>ner, un%ess that certificate or =ocument is use= .& the co$&right o>ner so%e%& for the $ur$ose of monitoring or tracAing the co$&right o>nerIs =istri.ution channe% an= not for the $ur$ose of <erif&ing that a co$& or $honogram is noninfringing2 +J* A Part& ma& com$%& >ith its o.%igation re%ating to im$ortation of %a.e%s or $acAaging through its measures concerning =istri.ution2 +J1 A Part& ma& com$%& >ith its o.%igations un=er this $aragra$h .& $ro<i=ing for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties to .e a$$%ie= to attem$ts to commit a tra=emarA offence2 +J+ "0- For $ur$oses of this Artic%e, Di%%icit %a.e%G means a genuine certificate, %icensing =ocument, registration car=, or simi%ar %a.e%ing com$onentCAH that is use= .& the co$&right o>ner to <erif& that a $honogram, a co$& of a com$uter $rogram or %iterar& >orA, a co$& of a motion $icture or other au=io<isua% >orA, or =ocumentation or $acAaging for such $honogram or co$ies is not counterfeit or infringing of an& co$&right: an= C5H that is, >ithout the authori@ation of the co$&right o>nerU CiH =istri.ute= or inten=e= for =istri.ution not in connection >ith the $honogram or co$ies to >hich such %a.e%ing com$onent >as inten=e= to .e affiBe= .& the res$ecti<e co$&right o>ner: or CiiH in connection >ith a genuine certificate or %icensing =ocument, Ano>ing%& fa%sifie= in or=er to =esignate a higher of %icense= users or co$ies than authori@e= .& the co$&right o>ner, un%ess that certificate or =ocument is use= .& the co$&right o>ner so%e%& for the $ur$ose of monitoring or tracAing the co$&right o>nerIs =istri.ution channe% an= not for the $ur$ose of <erif&ing that a co$& or $honogram is noninfringing2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

enc%osing, or accom$an&ing, or =esigne= to .e affiBe= to, enc%ose, or accom$an& $honograms, co$ies of com$uter $rograms, %iterar& >orAs, motion $ictures, or other au=io<isua% >orAs2( 72 'A"3N#30!3M63 CA3"0 $ro$ose: PE34N35N3M83CL o$$ose- '"03CA $ro$ose- Each( '"03CA o$$ose- A( Part& '0!3N#3CL o$$ose- sha%%( '0!3N#3CL3;Pma&( $ro<i=e crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties '"03CA o$$ose- , in a$$ro$riate cases, ( for the '"03CA $ro$ose- Ano>ing an=( unauthori@e= co$&ing 'M6- or recor=ing( '"0 $ro$ose: CA3;P o$$ose- or transmitta%( of '"03CA $ro$ose- a ';P $ro$ose- firstKrun( cinematogra$hic >orA, or an& $art thereof,( '"03CA o$$ose- cinematogra$hic >orAs( from a $erformance in a 'CA o$$ose- motion $icture eBhi.ition faci%it& genera%%& o$en to the $u.%ic( 'CA3;P $ro$ose- mo<ie theater(2( 92 Lith res$ect to the offenses for >hich this Artic%e re?uires the Parties to $ro<i=e for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties, Parties sha%% ensure that crimina% %ia.i%it& for ai=ing an= a.etting is a<ai%a.%e un=er its %a>2 12 Lith res$ect to the offences =escri.e= in Artic%e OO2 21'1(K'J( a.o<e, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=eCaH

$ena%ties that inc%u=e sentences of im$risonment as >e%% as monetar& fines sufficient%& high to $ro<i=e a =eterrent to future acts of infringement, consistent%& >ith the %e<e% of $ena%ties a$$%ie= for crimes of a corres$on=ing gra<it&: +J)


that its /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit&, >hen =etermining $ena%ties, to account for the seriousness of the circumstances, >hich ma& inc%u=e those that in<o%<e threats to, or effects on, hea%th or safet&:+J7 that its /u=icia% '4N $ro$ose- or other(authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to or=er the sei@ure of sus$ecte= counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s or $irate= co$&right goo=s, an& re%ate= materia%s an= im$%ements use= in the commission of the a%%ege= offense, =ocumentar& e<i=ence re%e<ant to the a%%ege= offense 'M6 o$$ose- , an= assets +J9 =eri<e= from, or o.taine= =irect%& '4N o$$ose- or in=irect%&( through the a%%ege= infringing acti<it&(2


+J) +JJ +J7 +J9

It is un=erstoo= that there is no o.%igation for a Part& to $ro<i=e for the $ossi.i%it& of im$risonment an= monetar& fines to .e im$ose= in $ara%%e%2 NegotiatorIs Note- CL3PE3M83CA is sti%% consi=ering $en=ing consu%tation >ith ca$ita%2 A Part& ma& a%so account for such circumstances through a se$arate crimina% offense2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA35N34N are ref%ecting on the =efinition of DassetsG2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Lhere a Part& re?uires the i=entification of items su./ect to sei@ure as a $rere?uisite for issuing an& such /u=icia% or=er, that Part& sha%% not re?uire the items to .e =escri.e= in greater =etai% than necessar& to i=entif& them for the $ur$ose of sei@ure: C=H that its /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to or=er the forfeiture, at %east for serious offenses, of an& assets =eri<e= from, or o.taine= =irect%& '4N o$$ose- or in=irect%&( through the infringing acti<it&: that its /u=icia% authorities sha%% ha<e the authorit& to or=er the forfeiture or =estruction ofCiH CiiH a%% counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s or $irate= co$&right goo=s: an= materia%s an= im$%ements 'CA34N3M8 $ro$ose- $re=ominant%&( 'CA34N3M8 o$$ose- that ha<e .een( use= in the creation of $irate= co$&right goo=s or counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s: an=


'CL3PE34N35N30!3A"3CA3M83;P o$$ose- CiiiH an& other artic%es consisting of a counterfeit tra=emarA(2 In cases >here counterfeit tra=emarA goo=s an= $irate= co$&right goo=s are not =estro&e=, the 'M6 o$$ose/u=icia%( +J1 'M630!3CL3A"3PE3M834N3;P- com$etent ( authorities sha%% ensure that, eBce$t in eBce$tiona% circumstances, such goo=s sha%% .e =is$ose= of outsi=e the channe%s of commerce in such a manner as to a<oi= causing an& harm to the right ho%=er2 Each Part& sha%% further $ro<i=e that forfeiture or =estruction un=er this su.$aragra$h an= su.$aragra$h CcH +J8 sha%% occur >ithout com$ensation of an& Ain= to the =efen=ant: '"03N# $ro$ose: 5N30!3M63CL3PE3A"34N3CA3M83;P o$$ose- CfH that its /u=icia% authorities ha<e the authorit& to or=er the sei@ure or forfeiture of assets the <a%ue of >hich corres$on=s to that of the assets =eri<e= from, or o.taine= =irect%& or in=irect%& through, the infringing acti<it&(:

that its /u=icia% or other com$etent authorites sha%% ha<e the authorit& to re%ease or, in the a%ternati<e, $ro<i=e access to, goo=s, materia%, im$%ements, an= other e<i=ence he%= .& the authorit& to a right ho%=er for

+J1 +J8

Negotiators Note- The use of the term Dcom$etent3/u=icia%G in this su.$aragra$h >i%% .e re<isite=2 NegotiatorsI Note- The cross reference to su.$aragra$h CcH >i%% .e re<isite= =uring %ega% scru..ing2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ci<i%+JM infringement $rocee=ings2 '"03N#3PE30!35N3CL3A"3M63CA3M8 $ro$ose- 4N3;P o$$ose- ChH that its com$etent authorities ma& act u$on their o>n initiati<e to initiate a %ega% action >ithout the nee= for a forma% com$%aint .& a $ri<ate $art& or right ho%=er(2 A"tic$e QQ'H': {T"#4e Sec"et&} 12+7*'CL $ro$ose- In the course of ensuring effecti<e $rotection against unfair com$etition as $ro<i=e= in Artic%e 1*bis of the Paris Con<ention( Parties sha%% ensure that natura% an= %ega% $ersons ha<e the %ega% means to $re<ent tra=e secrets %a>fu%%& in their contro% from .eing =isc%ose= to, ac?uire= .&, or use= .& others Cinc%u=ing state commercia% enter$risesH +71 >ithout their consent in a manner contrar& to honest commercia% $ractices2' +7+ ( As use= in this Cha$ter, tra=e secrets encom$ass, at a minimum, un=isc%ose= information as $ro<i=e= for in Artic%e )M2+ of the TRIP0 Agreement2 '"03M83CA3N#3;P+7) $ro$ose: 0!3M63PE34N3CL3A"+7J35N o$$ose- +2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for crimina% $roce=ures an= $ena%ties at %east in cases in >hich a tra=e secret re%ating to a $ro=uct in nationa% or internationa% commerce is misa$$ro$riate=, or =isc%ose=, >i%%fu%%& an= >ithout authorit& for $ur$oses of commercia% a=<antage or financia% gain, an= >ith the intent to in/ure the o>ner of such tra=e secret2( A"tic$e QQ'H';! {P"otectio o( E c"+*te4 P"o2"#3DC#""+i 2 S#te$$ite Si2 #$&/P"otectio o( E c"+*te4 P"o2"#3DC#""+i 2 S#te$$ite # 4 C#-$e Si2 #$&} 12 Each Part& sha%% maAe it a 'CL3M8 $ro$ose- ci<i% or,( '4N $ro$osea=ministrati<e or( crimina% offense toCaH
+JM +7* +71 +7+

manufacture, assem.%e, mo=if&, im$ort, eB$ort, se%%, %ease, or other>ise

+7) +7J

A Part& ma& a%so $ro<i=e such authorit& in connection >ith a=ministrati<e infringement $rocee=ings2 NegotiatorsI Note- A" su$$orts this $aragra$h a= referen=um2 NegotiatorsI Note- 5N seeAs further c%arification on Dstate commercia% enter$riseG2 '"0- For greater certaint&, a Part& ma& treat =isc%osure of a tra=e secret to that Part&Is authorities in connection >ith $ro<i=ing e<i=ence of an a%%ege= <io%ation of that Part&Is %a> as not contrar& to honest commercia% $ractices2('A" $ro$ose- for the $ur$oses of this $aragra$h Da manner contrar& to honest commercia% $racticesG sha%% mean at %east $ractices such as .reach of contract, .reach of confi=ence an= in=ucement to .reach, an= inc%u=es the ac?uisition of un=isc%ose= information .& thir= $arties >ho Ane>, or >ere gross%& neg%igent in fai%ing to Ano>, that such $ractices >ere in<o%<e= in the ac?uisition2( NegotiatorsI Note- CA3M83N#3;P su$$orts in $rinci$%e su./ect to fina% =rafting2 NegotiatorsI Note- A" o$$oses this $aragra$h a= referen=um2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

=istri.ute a tangi.%e or intangi.%e =e<ice or s&stem, Ano>ing'CL +77( 'CL3;P o$$ose- or ha<ing reason to Ano>( that the =e<ice or 'CL o$$oses&stem is $rimari%& of assistance( 'CL $ro$ose- s&stemIs $rinci$a% function is so%e%& to assist( in =eco=ing an encr&$te= $rogramKcarr&ing sate%%ite 'CL34N30!3PE3CA3M8 o$$ose- or ca.%e( signa% >ithout the authori@ation of the %a>fu% =istri.utor of such signa%+79: an= '"03A"3N#3PE3M630!3M834N3CA3CL $ro$ose, 5N3;P o$$ose- C.H '4N o$$ose- 'CA $ro$ose- eBce$t in circumstances >here the %a>fu% =istri.utor has not ma=e the signa% a<ai%a.%e to $ersons in the area >here the =eco=ing occurs,( >i%%fu%%& recei<e+71 'CL o$$ose- an= maAe use of,( '+78( or( >i%%fu%%& further =istri.ute a $rogramKcarr&ing signa% that originate= as an encr&$te= sate%%ite 'PE30!3M834N3CL3CA o$$ose- or ca.%e( signa% Ano>ing that it has .een =eco=e= >ithout the authori@ation of the %a>fu% =stri.utor of the signa%, 'PE30!3M834N3CL3CA o$$oseor if the signa% has .een =eco=e= >ith the authori@ation of the %a>fu% =istri.utor of the signa%, >i%%fu%%& to further =istri.ute the signa% for $ur$oses of commercia% a=<antage Ano>ing that the signa% originate= as an encr&$te= $rogramKcarr&ing signa% an= that such further =istri.ution is >ithout the authori@ation of the %a>fu% signa% =istri.utor2( ( '"03A"3PE3N#3M83CL+7M $ro$ose+9*, M635N34N3CA o$$ose- +2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e for ci<i% reme=ies, 'CL3M8 o$$ose- inc%u=ing com$ensator& =amages,( for an& $erson in/ure= .& an& acti<it& =escri.e= in $aragra$h '1(, inc%u=ing an& $erson that ho%=s an interest in the encr&$te= $rogramming signa% or its content2( A"tic$e QQ'H'1<! {S*eci#$ 6e#&)"e& Re$#ti 2 to E (o"ce3e t i E %i"o 3e t} t1e Di2it#$

'"03A"3CA30!3N#3PE $ro$ose, 4N3 o$$ose- 12 Each Part& sha%% ensure that enforcement $roce=ures, to the eBtent set forth in the ci<i% an= crimina% enforcement sections of this Cha$ter, are a<ai%a.%e un=er its %a> so as to $ermit effecti<e action against an act of tra=emarA, co$&right or re%ate= rights infringement >hich taAes $%ace
+77 +79 +71 +78 +7M +9*

'CL $ro$ose- For $ur$oses of $aragra$h 1, Ano>%e=ge ma& .e =emonstrate= through reasona.%e e<i=ence, taAing into account the facts an= circumstances surroun=ing the a%%ege= i%%ega% act2( 'CA3A"30! $ro$ose- The o.%igation regar=ing eB$ort ma& .e met .& maAing it a crimina% offence to $ossess an= =istri.ute such a =e<ice or s&stem2( 'CA $ro$ose- >i%%fu%%& recei<ing ma& mean o$erating a ra=io a$$aratus so as to recei<e an encr&$te= signa%(2 '"0 $ro$ose: CL3A" o$$ose- For greater certaint&, DmaAe use ofG inc%u=es <ie>ing of the signa%, >hether $ri<ate or commercia%(2 NegotiatorsI Note- CL $osition >i%% =e$en= on the outcome of $aragra$h 1CaH2 NegotiatorsI Note- 0! agrees in $rinci$%e .ut >i%% ref%ect further on the %anguage2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

in the =igita% en<ironment, inc%u=ing eB$e=itious reme=ies to $re<ent infringement an= reme=ies >hich constitute a =eterrent to further infringement2(+91 A"tic$e QQ'H'11! {Go%e" 3e t U&e o( So(tA#"e / Go%e" 3e t U&e o( So(tA#"e # 4 Ot1e" 6#te"i#$& P"otecte4 -+ Co*+"i21t o" Re$#te4 Ri21t&} Each Part&+9+ sha%% a=o$t or maintain a$$ro$riate %a>s, regu%ations, $o%icies, or=ers, go<ernmentKissue= gui=e%ines, or a=ministrati<e or eBecuti<e =ecrees $ro<i=ing that its '"03A"3CA3M634N3M8 $ro$ose- centra% +9) ( go<ernment agencies use on%& nonK infringing+9J com$uter soft>are '"03A"3CA3M8 $ro$ose-: 0!3CL3PE3N#3M635N34N o$$ose- an= other materia%s $rotecte= .& co$&right or re%ate= rights( in a manner authori@e= .& %a> an= .& the re%e<ant %icense2 These measures sha%% a$$%& to the ac?uisition an= 'PE3CA o$$ose- management( 'PE3CA $ro$ose- use( of such soft>are 'PE3CL35N30!3N#3M634N o$$ose- an= other materia%s( for go<ernment use2 A"tic$e QQ'H'1,,85! '"0 $ro$ose- Not>ithstan=ing Artic%e OO2!219 '%imitations an= eBce$tions( an= Artic%e OO2!21J2)C.H 'o<er the air .roa=casting reference(, no Part& ma& $ermit the retransmission of te%e<ision signa%s C>hether terrestria%, ca.%e, or sate%%iteH on the Internet >ithout the authori@ation of the right ho%=er or right ho%=ers of the content of the signa% an=, if an&, of the signa%2+99(

+91 +9+ +9) +9J +97 +99

NegotiatorIs Note- M83M63CL35N are sti%% consi=ering this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA confirming >ith go<ernment $rocurement $eo$%e2 NegotiatorsI Note- CA su$$ort for centra% =e$en=s on ho> it is =efine= throughout the agreement2 NegotiatorsI Note- 0!3CL3M635N34N su./ect to consi=eration of $ara%%e% im$ortation issues2 NegotiatorsI Note- =e%egations are sti%% consi=ering this $ro$osa%, an= are a%so ref%ecting on the $%acement of this $ro$osa% in the Cha$ter2 '"0- For $ur$oses of this Artic%e an= for greater certaint&, retransmission >ithin a Part&Is territor& o<er a c%ose=, =efine=, net>orA that is not accessi.%e from outsi=e the Part&Is territor& =oes not constitute retransmission on the Internet2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

{SECTION I! INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS} A"tic$e QQ'I'1!,87 {I te" et Se"%ice P"o%i4e" Li#-i$it+} 'CL35N3N#3M634N3CA30!3M8 $ro$ose: A"3"0 o$$ose- 12 +98 Each Part& sha%% %imit the %ia.i%it& of, or the a<ai%a.i%it& of reme=ies against, internet ser<ice $ro<i=ers +9M '>hen acting as interme=iaries+1*(, for infringement of co$&right or re%ate= rights that taAe $%ace on or through communication net>orAs, in re%ation to the $ro<ision or use of their ser<ices2( 'CA $ro$ose- +2 Limitations referre= to in the $re<ious $aragra$h sha%% co<er at %east the fo%%o>ing functionsa2 mere con=uit, >hich consist of the $ro<ision of the means to transmit information $ro<i=e= .& a user, or the means of access to a communication net>orA: .2 hosting of information at the re?uest of a user of the hosting ser<ices: c2 caching carrie= out through an automate= $rocess, >hen the internet ser<ice $ro<i=eri2 =oes not mo=if& information other than for technica% reasons: ii2 ensures that an& =irections re%ate= to the caching of information that are s$ecifie= in a manner >i=e%& recogni@e= an= use= .& in=ustr& are com$%ie= >ith: an= iii2 =oes not interfere >ith the use of techno%og& that is %a>fu% an= >i=e%& recogni@e= an= use= .& the in=ustr& in or=er to o.tain =ata on the use of information: =2 $ro<i=ing an information %ocation too%, .& maAing re$ro=uctions of co$&right materia% in an automate= manner, an= communicating the re$ro=uctions2( 'CA $ro$ose- )2 Oua%ification .& an internet ser<ice $ro<i=er for the %imitations as to each function in the $re<ious $aragra$h sha%% .e consi=ere= se$arate%& from ?ua%ification for the %imitations as to each other function2 E%igi.i%it& for the %imitations in the $re<ious $aragra$h ma& not .e con=itione= on the internet ser<ice $ro<i=er monitoring its ser<ice, or affirmati<e%& seeAing facts in=icating infringing acti<it&2(

+91 +98 +9M +1*

NegotiatorsI Note- ;P is sti%% consi=ering its $ositions on this 0ection2 NegotiatorIs Note- PE is sti%% consi=ering its $osition on $aragra$hs 1, + an= the ne> $aragra$h ) $resente= .& CA2 Each Part& ma& =etermine, >ithin its =omestic %a>, >hat constitutes an internet ser<ice $ro<i=er2 NegotiatorIs Note: N# is sti%% consi=ering this $hrase2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

'CL35N3N#34N3M8 $ro$ose: A"3"030!3M6 o$$ose- +2 +11 +1+ The frame>orA in Paragra$h 1 'CA o$$ose- >i%% on%& a$$%& if an internet ser<ice $ro<i=er meets con=itions, inc%u=ing( 'CA3CL34N $ro$ose: N#3M8 o$$ose- sha%% .e accom$anie= in a Part&Is %a> .&(CaH 'CA3N#3CL34N3M8 $ro$ose- $roce=ures for notifications of c%aime= infringement an= for( remo<ing or =isa.%ing access to infringing materia% 'CA3CL3M8 o$$ose- u$on notification from the right ho%=er through a $roce=ure esta.%ishe= .& each Part&(: an=( 'CA3N#3CL34N+1) $ro$ose- C.H %ega% incenti<es for internet ser<ice $ro<i=ers to com$%& >ith these $roce=ures, or reme=ies against internet ser<ice $ro<i=ers >ho fai% to com$%&2(( 'CA $ro$ose- J2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e %ega% incenti<es for internet ser<ice $ro<i=ers to com$%&, or reme=ies against internet ser<ice $ro<i=ers >ho fai% to com$%&, >ith an& $roce=ures esta.%ishe= in each $art&Is %a> forCaH effecti<e notifications of c%aime= infringement: or C.H remo<ing or =isa.%ing access to infringing materia% resi=ing on its net>orAs2( 'CA3CL34N+1J( $ro$ose- 'CA o$$ose- )2( 'CA $ro$ose- 72( The frame>orA in Paragra$h 1 >i%% not a$$%& to the eBtent that an internet ser<ice $ro<i=er $ro<i=es a ser<ice $rimari%& for the $ur$ose of ena.%ing acts of co$&right or re%ate= right infringement2( 'CA $ro$ose- 92 This Artic%e is >ithout $re/u=ice to the a<ai%a.i%it& in a Part&Is %a> of other =efences, %imitations an= eBce$tions to the infringement of co$&right or re%ate= rights2 This Artic%e sha%% not affect the $ossi.i%it& of a court or a=ministrati<e authorit&, in accor=ance >th PartiesI %ega% s&stems, or re?uiring the internet ser<ice $ro<i=er to terminate or $re<ent an infringement2( '"03A"30!3N#3PE $ro$ose: 5N34N3CA3M8 o$$ose- 12 '0!3M6 o$$ose+17- For the $ur$ose of $ro<i=ing enforcement $roce=ures that $ermit effecti<e action against an& act of co$&right+19 infringement co<ere= .& this Cha$ter, inc%u=ing eB$e=itious
+11 +1+ +1) +1J +17 +19

NegotiatorsI Note- 4N to consi=er this $ro<ision further2 NegotiatorIs Note- 5N is consi=ering its reactions to the $ro$osa%s $resente= .& CA on $aragra$hs + an= )2 NegotiatorIs Note- M8 is consi=ering its reactions to $aragra$h +. an= )2 NegotiatorIs Note- N# is consi=ering its reactions to $aragra$h )2 NegotiatorIs Note- N# $ro$oses to %ooA at the $%acement of this $aragra$h <is a <is its $%acement e%se>here in the teBt2 For $ur$oses of this $aragra$h, Dco$&rightG inc%u=es re%ate= rights2 NegotiatorsI Note- The $%acement of the



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

reme=ies to $re<ent infringements an= crimina% an= ci<i% reme=ies( each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e, consistent >ith the frame>orA set out in this Artic%eCaH 'M634N o$$ose- %ega% incenti<es for ser<ice $ro<i=ers to coo$erate >ith co$&right o>ners in =eterring the unauthori@e= storage an= transmission of co$&righte= materia%s: an=( %imitations in its %a> 'M63N#30! $ro$ose- on the %ia.i%it& of, or on the reme=ies( 'N#3M634N o$$ose- regar=ing the sco$e of reme=ies +11 ( a<ai%a.%e against ser<ice $ro<i=ers for co$&right infringements that the& =o not contro%, initiate or =irect, an= that taAe $%ace through s&stems or net>orAs contro%%e= or o$erate= .& them or on their .eha%f, as set forth in this su.$aragra$h C.H2+18 'PE $ro$ose- +1M( 'M634N o$$ose- These %imitations sha%% $rec%u=e monetar& re%ief an= $ro<i=e reasona.%e restrictions on courtKor=ere= re%ief to com$e% or restrain certain actions for the fo%%o>ing functions, 'N# o$$ose- an= sha%% .e confine= to those functions(('+8*(CAH transmitting, routing, or $ro<i=ing connections for materia% >ithout mo=ification of its content'CL $ro$ose- +81(, or the 'M6 o$$ose- interme=iate an=( transient storage of such materia% in the course thereof: C5H caching carrie= out through an automatic $rocess: CCH storage, at the =irection of a user, of materia% resi=ing on a s&stem or net>orA contro%%e= or o$erate= .& or for the ser<ice $ro<i=er+8+: an= CDH referring or %inAing users to an on%ine %ocation .& using information %ocation too%s, inc%u=ing h&$er%inAs an= =irectories2 CiiH These %imitations sha%% a$$%& on%& >here the ser<ice $ro<i=er =oes not initiate the transmission of the materia%, an= =oes not se%ect the
+11 +18 +1M +8*


+81 +8+

footnote >i%% =e$en= on the outcome of the cha$eau of this $aragra$h2 'N# $ro$ose- For the a<oi=ance of =ou.t, %imitations regar=ing the sco$e of reme=ies a<ai%a.%e can .e im$%emente= through %imitations on the %ia.i%it& of internet ser<ice $ro<i=ers2( This su.$aragra$h is >ithout $re/u=ice to the a<ai%a.i%it& of =efenses to co$&right infringement that are of genera% a$$%ica.i%it&2 'PE $ro$ose- For greater c%arit&, the fai%ure of an I0P to ?ua%if& for the %imitations in su.$aragra$h C.H =oes not itse%f resu%t in %ia.i%it&2( '"03PE30!3A" $ro$ose: CL3N#34N o$$ose- A Part& ma& re?uest consu%tations >ith the other Parties to consi=er ho> to a==ress un=er this $aragra$h functions of a simi%ar nature that a Part& i=entifies after the entr& into force of this Agreement2( 'CL3M630!3N#3A"3PE3"0 $ro$ose- 0uch mo=ification =oes not inc%u=e mo=ifications ma=e as $art of a technica% $rocess2( 'CL3M630!3N#3A"3"0 $ro$ose- For greater certaint&, such storage of materia% ma& inc%u=e eKmai%s an= their attachments store= in the $ro<i=erIs ser<er an= >e. $ages resi=ing on the $ro<i=erIs ser<er2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

materia% or its reci$ients CeBce$t to the eBtent that a function =escri.e= in c%ause CiHCDH in itse%f entai%s some form of se%ectionH2 CiiiH Oua%ification .& a ser<ice $ro<i=er for the %imitations as to each function in c%auses CiHCAH through CDH sha%% .e consi=ere= se$arate%& from ?ua%ification for the %imitations as to each other function'CL o$$ose- , in accor=ance >ith the con=itions for ?ua%ification set forth in c%auses Ci<H through C<iiH( Ci<H Lith res$ect to functions referre= to in c%ause CiHC5H, the %imitations sha%% .e con=itione= on the ser<ice $ro<i=er'CL3M6 o$$ose- CAH $ermitting access to cache= materia% in significant $art on%& to users of its s&stem or net>orA >ho ha<e met con=itions 'N# $ro$ose- im$ose= .& the originator of the materia%( on user access to that materia%:( C5H +8)com$%&ing >ith ru%es concerning the refreshing, re%oa=ing, or other u$=ating of the cache= materia% >hen s$ecifie= .& the 'CL o$$ose- $erson maAing the materia% a<ai%a.%e on%ine( 'CL $ro$ose- su$$%ier of the materia%( in accor=ance >ith a re%e<ant in=ustr& stan=ar= =ata communications $rotoco% for the s&stem or net>orA through >hich that $erson maAes the materia% a<ai%a.%e that is genera%%& acce$te= in the Part&Is territor&: CCH +8Jnot interfering >ith techno%og& use= +87at the originating site consistent >ith in=ustr& stan=ar=s genera%%& acce$te= in the Part&Is territor& to o.tain information a.out the use of the materia%, an= not mo=if&ing its content in transmission to users: an= CDH 'M6 o$$ose- eB$e=itious%&( remo<ing or =isa.%ing access, on recei$t of an effecti<e notification of c%aime= infringement, to cache= materia% that has .een remo<e= or access to >hich has .een =isa.%e= at the originating site2 C<H Lith res$ect to functions referre= to in c%auses CiHCCH an= CDH, the %imitations sha%% .e con=itione= on the ser<ice $ro<i=erCAH not recei<ing a financia% .enefit =irect%& attri.uta.%e to the infringing acti<it&, in circumstances >here it has the right an= a.i%it& to contro% such acti<it&: C5H 'M6 o$$ose- eB$e=itious%&( remo<ing or =isa.%ing access to the materia% resi=ing on its s&stem or net>orA on o.taining actua% Ano>%e=ge of the infringement or .ecoming a>are of facts or circumstances from >hich the infringement >as a$$arent, such as
+8) +8J +87

NegotiatorIs Note- M6 nee=s to ref%ect further on this $ro<ision2 NegotiatorIs Note- M6 >i%% ref%ect further on this $ro<ision2 CL30!3N#3A"3"03PE $ro$ose- A Part& ma& re?uire that such techno%og& sha%% .e use= in a %a>fu% manner2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

through effecti<e notifications of c%aime= infringement in accor=ance >ith c%ause CiBH: 'N# o$$ose- an= CC H $u.%ic%& =esignating a re$resentati<e to recei<e such notifications2( 'M63N# o$$ose- C<iH E%igi.i%it& for the %imitations in this su.$aragra$h sha%% .e con=itione= on the ser<ice $ro<i=erCAH a=o$ting an= reasona.%& im$%ementing a $o%ic& that $ro<i=es for termination in a$$ro$riate circumstances of the accounts of re$eat infringers: an= C5H accommo=ating an= not interfering >ith stan=ar= technica% measures acce$te= in the Part&Is territor&+89 that $rotect an= i=entif& co$&righte= materia%, that are =e<e%o$e= through an o$en, <o%untar& $rocess .& a .roa= consensus of intereste= $arties +81, that are a<ai%a.%e on reasona.%e an= non=iscriminator& terms, an= that =o not im$ose su.stantia% costs on ser<ice $ro<i=ers or su.stantia% .ur=ens on their s&stems or net>orAs2(

C<iiH E%igi.i%it& for the %imitations in this su.$aragra$h ma& not .e con=itione= on the ser<ice $ro<i=er monitoring its ser<ice, or affirmati<e%& seeAing facts in=icating infringing acti<it& 'N#3M6 o$$ose- , eBce$t to the eBtent consistent >ith such technica% measures2( 'N# o$$ose- C<iiiH If the ser<ice $ro<i=er ?ua%ifies for the %imitations >ith res$ect to the function referre= to in c%ause CiHCAH, courtKor=ere= re%ief to com$e% or restrain certain actions sha%% .e %imite= to terminating s$ecifie= accounts, or to taAing reasona.%e ste$s to .%ocA access to a s$ecific, nonK=omestic on%ine %ocation2'M6 o$$ose- If the ser<ice $ro<i=er ?ua%ifies for the %imitations >ith res$ect to an& other function in c%ause CiH, courtKor=ere= re%ief to com$e% or restrain certain actions sha%% .e %imite= to remo<ing or =isa.%ing access to the infringing materia%, terminating s$ecifie= accounts, an= other reme=ies that a court ma& fin= necessar&, $ro<i=e= that such other reme=ies are the %east .ur=ensome to the ser<ice $ro<i=er 'CL $ro$ose- an= users or su.scri.ers( among com$ara.%& effecti<e forms of re%ief2 Each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that an& such re%ief sha%% .e issue= >ith =ue regar= for the re%ati<e .ur=en to the
+89 +81

'CL30!3N#3A"3PE3"0 $ro$ose- A Part& ma& re?uire that such stan=ar= technica% measures sha%% .e use= in a %a>fu% manner, an= that such measures are su./ect to a$$ro<a% .& re%e<ant authorities2( 'CL30!3N#3A"3PE3"0 $ro$ose- A Part& ma& $ro<i=e that intereste= $arties inc%u=e co$&right o>ners, ser<ice $ro<i=ers or other intereste= $arties, 'CL30!3N#3A"3"0 $ro$ose- as ma& .e a$$ro<e= .& re%e<ant authorities,( as a$$%ica.%e2(



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ser<ice $ro<i=er 'CL $ro$ose- , to users or su.scri.ers( an= harm to the co$&right o>ner, the technica% feasi.i%it& an= effecti<eness of the reme=& an= >hether %ess .ur=ensome, com$ara.%& effecti<e enforcement metho=s are a<ai%a.%e2 EBce$t for or=ers ensuring the $reser<ation of e<i=ence, or other or=ers ha<ing no materia% a=<erse effect on the o$eration of the ser<ice $ro<i=erIs communications net>orA, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that such re%ief sha%% .e a<ai%a.%e on%& >here the ser<ice $ro<i=er has recei<e= notice of the court or=er $rocee=ings referre= to in this su.$aragra$h an= an o$$ortunit& to a$$ear .efore the /u=icia% authorit&2(( 'N# o$$ose- CiBH For $ur$oses of the notice an= taAe =o>n $rocess for the functions referre= to in c%auses CiH 'CL $ro$ose- C5H( CCH an= CDH, each Part& sha%% esta.%ish a$$ro$riate $roce=ures in its %a> or in regu%ations for effecti<e notifications of c%aime= infringement, an= effecti<e counterK notifications .& those >hose materia% is remo<e= or =isa.%e= through mistaAe or misi=entification2 Each Part& sha%% a%so $ro<i=e for monetar& reme=ies against an& $erson >ho maAes a Ano>ing materia% misre$resentation in a notification or counterKnotification that causes in/ur& to an& intereste= $art& as a resu%t of a ser<ice $ro<i=er re%&ing on the misre$resentation2( 'N# o$$ose- CBH If the ser<ice $ro<i=er remo<es or =isa.%es access to materia% in goo= faith .ase= on c%aime= or a$$arent infringement, each Part& sha%% $ro<i=e that the ser<ice $ro<i=er sha%% .e eBem$te= from %ia.i%it& for an& resu%ting c%aims, $ro<i=e= that, in the case of materia% resi=ing on its s&stem or net>orA, it taAes reasona.%e ste$s $rom$t%& to notif& the 'CL o$$ose- $erson maAing the materia% a<ai%a.%e on its s&stem or net>orA( 'CL $ro$ose- su$$%ier of the materia%( that it has =one so an=, if such $erson maAes an effecti<e counterKnotification an= is su./ect to /uris=iction in an infringement suit, to restore the materia% on%ine un%ess the $erson gi<ing the origina% effecti<e notification seeAs /u=icia% re%ief >ithin a reasona.%e time2( CBiH Each Part& sha%% esta.%ish an a=ministrati<e or /u=icia% $roce=ure ena.%ing co$&right o>ners 'N# o$$ose- >ho ha<e gi<en effecti<e notification of c%aime= infringement( to o.tain eB$e=itious%& from a ser<ice $ro<i=er information in its $ossession i=entif&ing the a%%ege= infringer2

CBiiH For $ur$oses of the function referre= to in c%ause CiHCAH, &e"%ice



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

*"o%i4e" means a $ro<i=er of transmission, routing, or connections for =igita% on%ine communications >ithout mo=ification of their content .et>een or among $oints s$ecifie= .& the user of materia% of the userIs choosing, 'N# o$$ose- an= for $ur$oses of the functions referre= to in c%auses CiHC5H through CDH &e"%ice *"o%i4e" means a $ro<i=er or o$erator of faci%ities for on%ine ser<ices or net>orA access+882(( [US/AU/SG *"o*o&eI CL/6Y/NE/VN/>N/CA/6X/PE o**o&e! A QQ'I'1'0J-KJi9K e9 to A"tic$e

In meeting the o.%igations of Artic%e QQ'I'1'0J-KJi9K, each Part& sha%% a=o$t or maintain re?uirements for- CaH effecti<e >ritten notice to ser<ice $ro<i=ers >ith res$ect to materia%s that are c%aime= to .e infringing, an= C.H effecti<e >ritten counterK notification .& those >hose materia% is remo<e= or =isa.%e= an= >ho c%aim that it >as =isa.%e= through mistaAe or misi=entification, as set forth in this %etter2 Effecti<e >ritten notice means notice that su.stantia%%& com$%ies >ith the e%ements %iste= in section CaH of this %etter, an= effecti<e >ritten counterKnotification means counterK notification that su.stantia%%& com$%ies >ith the e%ements %iste= in section C.H of this %etter2 CaH Effecti<e Lritten Notice, .& a Co$&right+8M O>ner or Person Authori@e= to Act on 5eha%f of an O>ner of an EBc%usi<e Right, to a 0er<ice Pro<i=erIs Pu.%ic%& Designate= Re$resentati<e+M*

In or=er for a notice to a ser<ice $ro<i=er to com$%& >ith the re%e<ant re?uirements set out in Artic%e QQ'I'1'0J-KJi9K, that notice must .e a >ritten communication, >hich ma& .e $ro<i=e= e%ectronica%%&, that inc%u=es su.stantia%%& the fo%%o>ing12 the i=entit&, a==ress, te%e$hone, an= e%ectronic mai% a==ress of the com$%aining $art& Cor its authori@e= agentH: +2
+88 +8M +M*

information reasona.%& sufficient to ena.%e the ser<ice $ro<i=er to

'CL3M630!3N#3A"3"03PE $ro$ose- As use= in su.$aragra$h CBiiH, a Part& ma& $ro<i=e that net>orA access inc%u=es cases in >hich net>orA access is $ro<i=e= .& another $ro<i=er2( A%% references to co$&right in this %etter are un=erstoo= to inc%u=e re%ate= rights, an= a%% references to >orAs are un=erstoo= to inc%u=e the su./ect matter of re%ate= rights2 The Parties un=erstan= that a re$resentati<e is $u.%ic%& =esignate= to recei<e notification on .eha%f of a ser<ice $ro<i=er if the re$resentati<eIs name, $h&sica% an= e%ectronic a==ress, an= te%e$hone are $oste= on a $u.%ic%& accessi.%e $ortion of the ser<ice $ro<i=erIs >, an= a%so in a register accessi.%e to the $u.%ic through the Internet, or =esignate= in another form or manner a$$ro$riate for 'insert Part& name(2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

i=entif& the co$&righte= >orACsH+M1 c%aime= to ha<e .een infringe=: )2 information reasona.%& sufficient to $ermit the ser<ice $ro<i=er to i=entif& an= %ocate the materia% resi=ing on a s&stem or net>orA contro%%e= or o$erate= .& it or for it that is c%aime= to .e infringing, or to .e the su./ect of infringing acti<it&, an= that is to .e remo<e=, or access to >hich is to .e =isa.%e=:+M+ J2 a statement that the com$%aining $art& has a goo= faith .e%ief that use of the materia% in the manner com$%aine= of is not authori@e= .& the co$&right o>ner, its agent, or the %a>: 72 a statement that the information in the notice is accurate:

92 a statement >ith sufficient in=icia of re%ia.i%it& '0! $ro$ose-+M)( Csuch as a statement un=er $ena%t& of $er/ur& or e?ui<a%ent %ega% sanctionsH that the com$%aining $art& is the '0!3A" o$$ose- ho%=er( '0!3A" $ro$ose- o>ner( of an eBc%usi<e right that is a%%ege=%& infringe=, or is authori@e= to act on the o>nerIs .eha%f: an= 12 C.H the signature of the $erson gi<ing notice2+MJ

Effecti<e Lritten CounterKNotification .& a Lhose Materia% Las Remo<e= or Disa.%e= as a Resu%t of MistaAe or Misi=entification of Materia%

In or=er for a counterKnotification to a ser<ice $ro<i=er to com$%& >ith the re%e<ant re?uirements set out in Artic%e QQ'I'1'0'J-KJi9K, that counterKnotification must .e a >ritten communication, >hich ma& .e $ro<i=e= e%ectronica%%&, that inc%u=es su.stantia%%& the fo%%o>ing+M1


+M) +MJ +M7

If mu%ti$%e co$&righte= >orAs at, or %inAe= to from, a sing%e on%ine site on a s&stem or net>orA contro%%e= or o$erate= .& or for the ser<ice $ro<i=er are co<ere= .& a sing%e notification, a re$resentati<e %ist of such >orAs at, or %inAe= to from, that site ma& .e $ro<i=e=2 In the case of notices regar=ing an information %ocation too% $ursuant to $aragra$h C.HCiHCDH of Artic%e 192), the information $ro<i=e= must .e reasona.%& sufficient to $ermit the ser<ice $ro<i=er to %ocate the reference or %inA resi=ing on a s&stem or net>orA contro%%e= or o$erate= .& or for it, eBce$t that in the case of a notice regar=ing a su.stantia% of references or %inAs at a sing%e on%ine site resi=ing on a s&stem or net>orA contro%%e= or o$erate= .& or for the ser<ice $ro<i=er, a re$resentati<e %ist of such references or %inAs at the site ma& .e $ro<i=e=, if accom$anie= .& information sufficient to $ermit the ser<ice $ro<i=er to %ocate the references or %inAs2 '0! $ro$ose- To satisf& this re?uirement, the $rocess to .e esta.%ishe= sha%% not .e cost%& or cum.ersome2 An a$$ro$riate e%ectronic mechanism ma& .e use= or incor$orate= in this $rocess2( A signature transmitte= as $art of an e%ectronic communication satisfies this re?uirement2 A%% reference= to Dsu.scri.erG in this %etter refer to the $erson >hose materia% has .een remo<e= or =isa.%e= .& a ser<ice $ro<i=er as a resu%t of an effecti<e notice =escri.e= in $art CaH of this %etter2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

12 the i=entit&, a==ress, '0!3A" $ro$ose- e%ectronic mai% a==ress( an= te%e$hone of the +2 the i=entit& of the materia% that has .een remo<e= or to >hich access has .een =isa.%e=: )2 the %ocation at >hich the materia% a$$eare= .efore it >as remo<e= or access to it >as =isa.%e=: J2 a statement >ith sufficient in=icia of re%ia.i%it& Csuch as a statement un=er $ena%t& of $er/ur& or e?ui<a%ent %ega% sanctionsH that the '0!3A" $ro$ose- is the su$$%ier of the materia% an=( has a goo= faith .e%ief that the materia% >as remo<e= or =isa.%e= as a resu%t of mistaAe or misi=entification of the materia%: 72 a statement that the agrees to .e su./ect to or=ers of an& court that has /uris=iction o<er the $%ace >here the su.scri.erIs a==ress is %ocate=, or, if that a==ress is %ocate= outsi=e the Part&Is territor&, an& other court >ith /uris=iction o<er an& $%ace in the Part&Is territor& >here the ser<ice $ro<i=er ma& .e foun=, an= in >hich a co$&right infringement suit cou%= .e .rought >ith res$ect to the a%%ege= infringement: 92 suit: an= 12 (( a statement that the >i%% acce$t ser<ice of $rocess in an& such the signature of the su.scri.er2+M9

'CL $ro$ose- A

e9 [C]

Li&t o( Geo2"#*1ic#$ I 4ic#tio & ("o3 C1i$e =INES


N#3e o( I 4ic#tio 4a%%e =e Aconcagua

A signature transmitte= as $art of an e%ectronic communication satisfies this re?uirement2



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A%huV 4a%%e =e% 5Wo 5Wo 5uin 4a%%e =e% Cacha$oa% 4a%%e =e Casa.%anca Cau?uenes Chi%%Xn Chim.arongo 4a%%e =e% Choa$a Coe%emu 4a%%e =e Co%chagua 4a%%e =e Co$ia$Y 4a%%e =e CuricY Region =e Aconcagua Region =e Atacama Region =e Co?uim.o 4a%%e =e% C%aro Region =e% 0ur Region =e% 4a%%e Centra% 4a%%e =e% E%?ui 4a%%e =e% uasco I%%a$e% Is%a =e Mai$o 4a%%e =e% Itata 4a%%e =e Le&=a 4a%%e =e LimarW Linares 4a%%e =e% Loncomi%%a 4a%%e =e% LontuV Lo%o% 4a%%e =e% Mai$o Maria Pinto 4a%%e =e% MargaKMarga 4a%%e =e% Mau%e Marchigue 4a%%e =e% Ma%%eco Me%i$i%%a Mo%ina Monte Patria Mu%chVn Nancagua


TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

O<a%%e Paiguano Pa/arete Pa%mi%%a Pan?uehue Parra% Pencahue Pera%i%%o Peumo Pir?ue Porte@ue%o Puente A%to Punita?ui Oui%%Yn Rancagua 4a%%e =e% Ra$e% Rauco Rengo Re?uWnoa RWo urta=o Romera% 0agra=a Fami%ia 4a%%e =e 0an Antonio 0an ;uan 0a%amanca 0an C%emente 0an Fernan=o 0an ;a<ier 0an Rafae% 0anta Cru@ 0antiago Ta%agante Ta%ca 4a%%e =e% Teno 4a%%e =e%Tutu<Vn TraiguVn 4icuZa 4i%%a A%egre 4ino Aso%ea=o 6um.e%



TPP Negotiations, R18 IP !rou$ Inte%%ectua% Pro$ert& 'Rights( Cha$ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


N#3e o( I 4ic#tio Pisco

Co) t"+ Chi%e Co) t"+ Chi%e(

AGRICULTURALN#3e o( I 4ic#tio LimYn =e Pica


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