Dadi Ma Ka Nuskhe Natural Remedies PDF

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Home Remedy for Acidity

Consume a small piece of jaggery after having all three meals and see what wonders it can do to keep acidity away. Take a cup of water and boil it. Add 1 tsp of Aniseed ( aunf! to the water and leave it overnight. "n the ne#t morning$ filter the water and add 1 tsp of honey to it. %rink it thrice a day and bid goodbye to acidity. Take a cardamom and a clove and powder it. Consume it like a mouth freshener after having your each meal. &ot only this remedy will take care of your acidity problem$ but also will keep away bad breath. Take about 1'( liters of water and add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera! to it. )ring to a boil and simmer for 1* minutes. %rink it while warm at least +', times a day for *'- days.

Home Remedy for Acne

.ently apply fresh limejuice on pimples and blackheads. %ab the mi#ture made by combining 1 tsp fresh coriander powder and a pinch of turmeric powder on the pimples$ while going to bed in the night and wash it off when you wake up the ne#t morning. Take a few fresh curry leaves and make a paste. Apply the paste on the acne'affected area and keep it overnight and wash it off with warm water the ne#t morning. Apply the paste made of nutmeg (/aiphal! and raw milk on acne and wash it off after +0 minutes. %o it for about 10'1+ days and see the magical effects. Take some fresh fenugreek leaves and make a paste to apply on the acne pimples overnight. 1or people with oily skin$ the perfect home remedy is to apply a paste made by mi#ing sandalwood and few drops of rosewater on the acne affected area for about an hour and then wash off gently. 1or dry skin$ the best remedy is to take a piece of sandalwood and rub it on a smooth stone and make a paste using a few drops of raw milk. Apply the mi#ture on the acne and keep it for an hour and thereafter gently wash with water.

Home Remedy for Backache

2imejuice serves as an e#cellent home remedy for backache. 3uee4e the juice of 1 lemon and add common salt in it. %rink it two times in a day. 5t will act as a great back pain reliever. As a part of back pain home remedy treatment$ raw potato in the form of poultice is to be applied on the pain affected area. 6sually potato is used to treat lower back pain. 7itamin C that is mainly found in citrus fruits is considered valuable for getting rid of backaches. Consume about +000 mg of this vitamin everyday. Applying garlic oil on the back gives immense relief from back pain. Take about 10 small garlic pieces and fry them in oil on a low flame. 8ou can either use sesame oil$

coconut oil or mustard oil. 1ry till the garlic cloves turn light brown. 2et the oil prepared from garlic cool completely. Thereafter apply it on the back and keep it for about three hours. 5n a couple of days$ you9ll feel its magical effects.

Home Remedy for Blackheads

5n ,': cup boiled water$ add + tsp of soda bicarbonate. team a towel with this. Thereafter$ place the towel gently on your face. %o it for about *'- times. ;ake a paste by mi#ing 1 tsp curd and 1 tsp rice flour. Apply the paste on the affected area. After some time$ wash your face with cold water. Take a pinch of soft portion of glycerin soap and mi# with a pinch of table salt. Apply this mi#ture on the blackheads. %o it for about a week and see the magical results. Take about 1 tsp of juice e#tracted from fresh coriander leaves and add ( tsp of turmeric powder in it. Apply this mi#ture while going to bed. <ash your face the ne#t morning with cold water. ;ake a paste by mi#ing 1 tsp limejuice and 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply it on the affected area before going to bed. <ash it off in the morning.

Home Remedy for Body Odor

To overcome the problem of unpleasant body odor$ use antibacterial soap or deodorant soap while bathing. %uring summers$ it9s a good idea to wear cotton clothes that soak sweat. =ating habits also tend to affect body odor. Avoid consuming refined foods> hydrogenated oils and other processed foods. =at healthy food that contains loads of fiber$ whole grains$ wheat$ soy products and green leafy veggies. To combat the unpleasant armpit odor apply cider vinegar. 5t serves as the best body odor home remedy treatment. Applying baking soda on the underarms helps to kill bacteria and also aids in absorbing sweat. 5n the bathing water$ add a few cups of tomato juice and soak yourself in water for about 1* minutes.

Home Remedy for Body Rashes

The best home remedy for body rashes is

to apply olive oil on the rash affected area. As a part of skin rashes home remedy treatment$ baking powder is applied gently on the rash affected area. <ash the rash affected body part with chamomile tea. Take Aloe 7era gel$ cod liver oil and 7itamin = and apply on the rashes.

Home Remedy for Boils

Apply the juice of onion or garlic on the boils$ as it helps in evacuating the pus. 1or boils filled with blood$ bitter gourd acts as the perfect boils home remedy treatment. Take 1 cup juice of bitter gourd and add 1 tsp limejuice to it. Consume this mi#ture empty stomach in the morning on a daily basis for a couple of months and see the magical results. ;ilk cream is considered valuable in the treatment of boils. Take 1 tsp of milk cream and add ( tsp vinegar and a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Apply it on the blood filled boils. Cumin seeds are beneficial in healing the boils. .rind the seeds in water so as to form a paste and then apply on the boil'affected area.

Home Remedy for Common Cold

2emon can be used effectively to treat common cold$ as it increases the body resistance. Take one glass of warm water and pour some limejuice and a tsp of honey in it and consume it once or twice on a daily basis. Take a tbsp of carom seeds (ajwain!$ crush and tie them properly in a muslin cloth. 5nhale in case of nose blockage. Take 1 tbsp of pepper powder and boil it in a cup of milk. Also add on a pinch of turmeric to it. ?ut some sugar for taste. %rink it once in a day for about three days. Take ,': tsp onion juice and ,': tsp honey and mi# well before consuming.

Home Remedy for Common Fever

Holy Basil: "ne of the effective home remedies for common fever is the holy basil. ;ake a potion using about twelve grams of these holy basil leaves$ boiling them in half a liter of water. This should be given twice daily with half a cup of milk$ one teaspoon of sugar and a 3uarter teaspoon of powdered cardamom (chhoti elaichi! to the diseased. This will help in bringing down the temperature Fenugreek Seeds:

%rink tea made from fenugreek seeds twice daily. 5t is very beneficial as a cleansing and soothing drink. 5t is specifically helpful in dissolving mucus. Saffron: Another useful home treatment is tea made from saffron. ?repare this tea by putting half a teaspoon of saffron in ,0 ml of boiling water. .ive a tsp of this tea to the patient every hour till the temperature returns to normal. Raisins: The e#tract from raisins is 3uite helpful in the treatment of common fever. ?repare this e#tract by soaking twenty'five raisins in half a cup of water and crushing them in the same water. train the potion and discard the skin. The raisin water thus prepared becomes a tonic. Adding half a teaspoon of limejuice to the e#tract for enhancing its usefulness. Take this twice daily. Apricot: A cup of fresh juice of apricots mi#ed with one teaspoon of glucose or honey is 3uite good for fevers. 5t 3uenches the thirst and eliminates the waste products from the body. 5t also supplies vitamins and minerals to the body. Thus$ it helps in toning up the eyes$ stomach$ liver$ heart$ and nerves. Grapefruit: The juice of grapefruit is valuable in all fevers. @elpful in 3uenching thirst$ it also removes the burning sensation produced by the fever. @alf a glass of grapefruit juice should be taken with half a glass of water. Orange: Another ideal food in all types of fever is orange. 5t provides energy$ increases urinary output$ and promotes body resistance against infections. 5t is especially effective when the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered.

Home Remedy for Constipation

)ael fruit works wonders in treating constipation. Consume the fruit everyday for about +', months. Consume a medium si4ed pear either with breakfast or else before dinner. 5t is the best home remedy for constipation as it aids in clearing the entire faecal matter. As a part of constipation home remedy treatment$ it9s a great idea to eat guava with seeds$ which provides ade3uate amount of fiber to the diet and aids in normal evacuation of the bowels. Consume about one or two guavas on a daily basis. "ther effective la#atives are papaya$ figs$ grapes and orange. Consume about four or five dry figs soaked in water overnight. pinach is a perfect vegetable oriented home remedy for constipation. The best is to eat it raw or else you can go in for 100 ml spinach juice mi#ed with an e3ual 3uantity of water and drink it twice in a day.

Home Remedy for Cough

Take three peppercorns and add a pinch of black cumin seeds and salt to it before consuming. "n a hot pan$ burn a clove by stirring. Aeep it in your mouth and suck it. Take 1 cup water and bring it to a boil. 5n this add on 1 tsp turmeric powder and 1 tsp carom seeds (ajwain!. )oil till half. Add 1 tsp of honey and drink it twice a day. .rapes help a great deal in treating cold in a few days. Consume 1 cup grape juice and also add 1'teaspoon honey to it. Almonds are e#cellent for dry coughs. oak about seven almonds in water and keep them overnight. &e#t morning peel off the brown skin. &ow grind them to form a powder and add twenty grams each of butter and sugar and form a paste. Consume it twice a day$ once in the morning and the second time in the evening.

Home Remedy for Corns

2i3uorice serves as the perfect home remedy for corns. All you need to do is to grind three to four li3uorice sticks and add half tsp sesame oil or mustard oil to it. The hardened dead portion of skin also known as corn is to be smeared with this mi#ture while going to bed. 2emon is of great value in the corns home remedy treatment. Cut out a fresh slice of lemon and tie it over the painful corn affected area and keep it for the whole night. Take about a half tsp of papaya juice and apply it over the dead skin of foot and do it at least three times in a day and see its magical effects. The milky juice of green figs is very beneficial in treating the corns of long duration. Apply about half tsp of this juice thrice a day.

Home Remedy for andruff

oak + tbsp of fenugreek seeds in water and grind them the ne#t morning to make a paste. Apply this paste all over the scalp and leave for half an hour. Thereafter wash your hair with ritha solution or shikakai. 5t serves as the best dandruff home remedy treatment and you9ll see the ama4ing results it gives in a couple of days. 1resh limejuice is considered valuable as a part of home remedy for dandruff. All you need to do is to apply 1 tsp limejuice on your scalp for the last rinse. 5t will not only aid in removing stickiness and getting rid of dandruff$ but also lend a glow to your hair. Bubbing snake gourd juice on the scalp has been found to be beneficial in treating dandruff. )eets can be used to your advantage in treating dandruff. )oil its tops and roots in water and then massage your scalp with this water every night.

Home Remedy for ark Skin

?repare a natural skin pack by mi#ing 1 tsp of milk powder$ 1 tsp of honey$ 1 tsp of lemon juice$ and ( tsp of almond oil. Apply the pack on face and wash it off after 10'1* minutes. 5t is an effective remedy to lend glow to the skin. Take a raw potato and cut fine slices. ?lace a potato slice on your face. 5t will help in removing the tan and improving your skin tone. ;ake a paste using limejuice and turmeric powder. Apply it on your face. 5t acts as fabulous natural bleach. ;i# dry orange peels with curd and apply on the blemishes. <ash it off with cold water after 1* minutes.

Home Remedy for iscoloration of !ips

5f the discoloration of lips is caused by smoking$ there is a need to control this habit. %rink plenty of water$ at least 10 glasses on a daily basis. 5t helps in flushing out the to#ins from the body. Take some 7aseline and apply it on your lips. 5t will help to keep your lips smooth and shining. Apply some limejuice on your lips everyday. 5t helps in retaining the color of your lips. Apply some sunscreen lotion on your lips$ so as to protect them from harmful 67 rays.

Home Remedy for ry Chapped !ips

%rink plenty of water everyday. Cut fine slices of cucumber and rub on lips. Apply Aloe 7era gel on your lips. Take a saline bath Apply neem leaves e#tract on your lips.

Home Remedy for Gaining "eight

;uskmelon is considered valuable in the underweight home remedy treatment. Consume muskmelons thrice a day for about :0 days and see its wonderful effects. To gain weight$ adopt mango'milk diet for a month. =at two medium si4ed ripe and sweet mangoes$ followed by a glass of milk. Consume mangoes three times in a day. ;ango acts as a rich source of sugar$ but lacks the necessary proteins re3uired by the body. "n the other hand$ milk is rich in proteins but deficient in fats. Thus$ the deficiency of mango is made up by milk and vice versa. 1or instant weight gain$ you can go in for an e#clusive milk diet$ in which milk has to be taken after every + hours. oak , dry figs in water and consume it two times in a day. Baisins act as a good remedy for increasing weight. Consume about thirty grams of raisins on a daily basis.

Home Remedies
I Love to be in kitchen and enjoy preparing foods but was facinated by ideas that these ingrediantes can be used for common ailments. so i stated seaching on internet how it can be. These simple home remedies tap the chemicals naturally present in herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, etc, to tackle the pain and infection in your body. We beleive in allopathy and beleive that taking a tablet will definetly cure aur ailment. But why we don t beleive in home remedies atleast for throat pain, sore throat, cold and more !ommon reason why to take home remedies" less e#pensive and has no side effect. The following remedies can be used to relieve common discomforts and life s health problems...


Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Curry Leaves 2iberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These leaves have the property of providing vitality and strength to hair roots. &ew hair roots that grow are healthier and contain a normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of spicy condiment$ or may be s3uee4ed in buttermilk. <hen the leaves are boiled in coconut oil$ the oil forms an e#cellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and bring back hair pigmentation.

Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Butter

The butter made from cowCs milk has the property of preventing premature greying of hair. A small roll may be taken internally and a little 3uantity may be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.

Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Vitamins

The vitamins considered useful in guarding against premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid$ para' aminoben4oic acid (paba!$ inositol. The minimum daily re3uirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg of pantothenic acid$ 100 mg of para'aminoben4oic acid$ and + gm of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results$ all three of these vitamins belonging to the ) group should be supplied at one time$ preferably in a form which supplies all the ) vitamins$ such as yeast and liver. The three anti'greying'hair vitamins can also be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus$ taking a sufficient 3uantity of yoghurt daily and a tablespoonful of yeast before each meal is an e#cellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. 5f one wishes to take tablets of calcium pantothenate and para'aminoben4oic acid (paba!$ they should be taken in addition to the yeast and yoghurt$ and not as a substitute for them. OB#S$%& "besity treatment using 2ime /uice'@oney

1asting on lime juice'honey water is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity. 5n this mode of treatment$ one teaspoon of fresh honey should be mi#ed with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water and taken at regular intervals.

Obesity treatment using Trifa a

Trifala$ an herbal combination of amalaki$ bibbitaki$ and haritaki is good for losing weight.

Obesity treatment using !u"ube

The leaves of jujube or 5ndian plum are another valuable remedy for obesity. A handful of leaves should be soaked overnight in water and this water should be taken in the morning$ preferably on an empty stumach. This treatment should be continued for at least one month to achieve beneficial results.

Obesity treatment using #abbage

Cabbage is considered to be an e#cellent home remedy for obesity. Becent research has revealed that a valuable chemical called tartaric acid is present in this vegetable which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. @ence$ it is of great value in weight reduction. ubstituting a meal with cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim.

Obesity treatment using Tomato

"ne or two ripe tomatoes taken early morning as a substitute for breakfast$ for a couple of months$ are considered a safe method of weight reduction. They also supply the food elements essential to preserve health.

Obesity treatment using Finger Mi et

1inger millet is an ideal food for the obese$ because its digestion is slow and due to this$ the carbohydrates take a longer time to get absorbed. )y eating preparations made of finger millet$ the constant desire to eat is curbed$ thus reducing the daily calorie intake. At the same time$ finger millet supplies an abundant 3uantity of calcium$ phosphorus$ iron$ 7itamin )1 and )+ and prevents malnutrition in spite of restricted food.

AR' C$RC!#
$ar% #ir& es Natura #ure at Home
@ome remedies for dark circles are considered to be the best healing method. 5t is natural way of curbing the dark blemishes under the eye which will not cause any harm to the skin. 1! Application of a thin sliced cucumber on top of each eye for 1* to +0 minutes$ twice a day$ relieves stress and cools down the eyes. +! A mi#ture of almond oil and honey should be applied on the affected area every night before bedtime. 8ou will see a remarkable improvement in two to three weeks. ,! Consume at least two to three liters of water on a daily basis. <ater is a very essential remedy in this case and it flushes out the to#ins present in the body. :! Tea bags are known to be very effective in curing dark circles. A cold tea bag should be put on top of each eye for 10 to 1* minutes everyday.

*! ;ake a paste of fresh mint leaves and add a few drops of lime juice in it. Apply the mi#ture on the eyes and the dark circles for 10 to 1* minutes everyday and see the difference in two to three weeks. -! Bose water is considered to be a natural coolant for the body and has been an old home remedy for generations. Apply two to three drops of rose water on a cotton ball and gently massage on the affected area of the eye for five to si# minutes. 8ou will see the result in two to three weeks. This method is considered to be one of the most effective cures for dark circles. The dark circles treatment should be started as soon as possible to avoid it from increasing. $EPRE''ION

$e(ression treatment using A(( e

Apple is one of the most valuable remedies for mental depression. The various chemical substances present in this fruit such as vitamin )$ phosphorus$ and potassium help the synthesis of glutamic acid$ which controls the wear and tear of nerve cells. The fruit should be taken with milk and honey. This remedy will act as a very effective nerve tonic and recharge the nerves with new energy and life.

$e(ression treatment using #as)e*nut

The cashewnut is another valuable remedy for general depression and nervous weakness. 5t is rich in vitamins of the ) group$ especially thiamine$ and is therefore useful in stimulating the appetite and the nervous system. 5t is also rich in riboflavin which keeps the body active$ cheerful$ and energetic.

$e(ression treatment using As(aragus

The root of asparagus has been found beneficial in the treatment of depression. 5t is highly nutritious and is used as a herbal medicine for mental disorders. 5t is a good tonic for the brain and nerves. "ne or two grams of the powder of the dry root of the plant can be taken once daily.

$e(ression treatment using #ar+amom

The use of cardamom has proved valuable in depression. ?owdered seeds should be boiled in water and tea prepared in the usual way. A very pleasing aroma is added to the tea$ which can be used as a medicine in the treatment of this condition.

$e(ression treatment using ,emon Ba m

The herb lemon balm has been used successfully in the treatment of mental depression. 5t alleviates brain fatigue$ lifts the heart from depression$ and raises the spirits. A cold infusion of the balm taken freely is reputed to be e#cellent for its calming influence on the nerves. About thirty grams of the herb should be placed in half a litre of cold water and allowed to stand for twelve hours. The infusion should then be strained and taken in small doses throughout the day.

$e(ression treatment using Rose

An infusion of rose petals should be prepared by mi#ing 1* gm of rose petals in +*0 ml of boiling water. 5f drunk occasionally$ instead of the usual tea and coffee$ it is beneficial for treating this condition.

$e(ression treatment using Vitamin B

%iet has a profound effect on the mental health of a person. =ven a single nutritional deficiency can cause depression in susceptible people. &utritional therapy builds up brain chemicals$ such as serotonin and norepinephrine$ that affect the mood and are often lacking in depressed people. =ating foods rich in vitamin )$ such as wholegrains$ green vegetables$ eggs$ and fish helps restore vitality and cheer in an individual.


1. Take a tiny piece of jaggery (gur) every hour. Just

keep it in the mouth and slowly suck it till acidity subsides.

(Content Source : Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhe by Nita Mehta) (Email :



1. *lean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2.

' 3 times a day. Do not use soap. +range peel is very good in the treatment of acne. ,rind the peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. when oranges are not in season% you may use a powder of dried orange peels. -or this% when oranges are in season% dry orange peels in shade. .owder finely in a grinder and sift it to make it a very fine powder. /tore in an air tight bottle for future use. 0i( & teaspoon lemon juice in & teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) powder and apply on affected areas fre)uently. /ift the cinnamon (dalchini) powder to make it into a very fine powder. *rush a fegarlic (lasan) flakes and apply on the face% once or twice a day. /wallowing & ' flakes of ragarlic regularly helps further. ,rind some neem leaves with water to a fine paste. 1pply on infected area. 0ake a paste of 2 teaspoon each of sandalwood and turmeric (haldi) powder in a little water and apply. ,rind some black cumin seeds (shah jeera) with a little vinegar (sirka) to a smooth paste. 1pply on affected parts. cumin seeds Anaemia


4. 5. 6. 7.

1. 1void drinking tea and coffee immediately after meals 2.

as the tannin present in these interferes in the absorption of iron from the food. Take freshly prepared apple juice an hour before meals or just before retiring for the night. -or proper absorption of the juice% remember the stomach should be relatively empty when you have the juice and also do not take anything for about half an hour after the juice. Juice of beetroot taken & ' times daily is an e(cellent remedy for anaemia especially for children and teenagers. 3ou may combine apple and beetroot for the juice. 0i( & tablespoon amla juice with a ripe mashed banana and eat ' 3 times a day. "ave a ripe banana with & tablespoon honey% & ' times a day. /oak 4 &5 almonds (badam) and & teaspoon rice overnight. 6emove outer skin of almonds and grind to a fine paste. 7oil with &2 cups of milk and a pinch of turmeric powder (haldi). /weeten with sugar and drink for a fedays% once a day. /oak &5 &' currants (munakas) in water overnight. 6emove seeds and eat them. "ave for ' ! weeks. "ave spinach juice of &'8 gm spinach everyday% for ' 3 weeks. -oods rich in iron are honey% almonds% bananas% apricots (khurmani)% raisins (kishmish)% fenugreek (methi) leaves% fenugreek seeds (methi daana)% lettuce or salad leaves% onion% spinach (paalak)% grapes% tomatoes% carrots% gooseberry (amla)% beetroots (chokunder)% apples% pomegranate (anaar). "ave plenty of them if you are anaemic.

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

An ina !ectoris

1. Thoroughly mi( ' teaspoons almond oil with 2.

& teaspoon rose oil. 6ub gently on the chest% morning and evening. 7oil & teaspoon fenugreek seeds (methi dana) in &2 cups water. /train and add ' teaspoon honey. Take twice daily. Animal bite

1. Take 2 teaspoon ground black cumin seeds

(shah jeera)% twice daily. 1nkle swelling 9 pain

2. 0i( e)ual )uantities of castor oil and lime juice.

0assage the affected area with this mi(ture. 1lso drink & cup warm water mi(ed with lime juice and honey A""etite loss (Anore#ia)

1. 0i( and powder e)ual )uantities of carom seeds (ajwain)%

fennel seeds (saunf)% dried ginger powder (sonth)% salt and black cumin seeds (shah jeera).0i( a teaspoon of this : powder and a teaspoon of hot ghee to cooked rice and eat fre)uently. Take ' teaspoon of amla juice and mi( it with ' teaspoon honey and ' teaspoon lime juice. 1dd & cup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. To take out juice from fresh amla% remove seeds from fresh amla and grind the pulp into a fine paste. Tie it in a muslin cloth and s)uee#e out the juice. whenever fresh fruits are not available% dried amla can be used. /oak & tablespoon of dried amla at night in a cup of water. /train it the ne(t morning. 1dd &$4 teaspoon black pepper powder (kali 0irch) and ' teaspoon lime juice. Dilute it if necessary with water and drink every morning regularly on an empty stomach. Take 2 teaspoon black pepper powder (kali mirch) and & tablespoon jaggery powder (shakkar) mi(ed together. ;ali mirch *ut &< piece ginger (adrak) into small pieces. 1dd &2 cups of water. 7oil. /immer for ' 3 minutes. 1dd milk and sugar to taste% and take it fre)uently like tea. Asthma


3. 4.

1. 0i( & teaspoon honey with 2 teaspoon cinnamon

(dalchini) powder and have at night before going to bed.

2. 7oil carom seeds (ajwain) in water and inhale the steam. 3. 7oil 4 &5 flakes of garlic (lasan) in 2 cup of milk. 4.
"ave this every night. ,ives e(cellent results in early stages of asthma. 1dd a handful of drumstick leaves (sahijan) to & cup water. 7oil. /immer on loflame for 3 ! minutes. *ool and strain. 1dd salt% pepper and lemon juice to taste. "ave every day% once or twice a day. w1n e(pectorant and a very effective remedy for asthma is prepared by boiling = cloves (laung) in 3 tablespoons of water. Take & teaspoon of this decoction with a little honey% thrice daily.


6. 0i( > teaspoon asafetida (hing)% ' teaspoon honey%

2 teaspoon juice from betel leaf (paan ka patta)% 2 teaspoon white onion juice. "ave it ' 3 times a day. To take out juice from betel leaf% *love flowers crush to a paste and s)uee#e through a clean muslin cloth. -or onion juice% grate the onion and s)uee#e through a clean muslin cloth. 0i( e)ual amounts of fresh ginger (adrak) juice% honey 9 pomegranate (anaar) juice. Take & tablespoon% & ' times a day. -igs (anjeer) are known to give relief by draining the phlegm (balgam). Take 3 ! dry figs% wash them well with warm water. /oak overnight in a cup of water. ?at them first thing in the morning and also drink the water. Do this for at least ' months. $ackache

7. 8.

1. 6ub some ginger paste on the affected area. 1pply

oil of eucalyptus on it. $ad %dour

1. @se neem twigs as tooth paste. 2. .owder the dried mint (pudina) leaves.
@se as toothpowder. $aldness

1. 7oil & cup mustard oil (sarson ka tel) with ! tablespoon 2. 3. 4. 5.

henna (mehendi) leaves. -ilter and bottle. 0assage on the bald patches regularly. ,rind the remains of tobacco smoked in a hookah and add to boiling mustard oil. *ool and store. 0assage on the bald patches regularly. 6ub on the scalp & teaspoon oil in which raw mangoes have been preserved for over one year. 6epeat this treatment fre)uently. ,rind & tablespoon li)uorice root pieces (mulathi) in & cup milk with > teaspoon saffron (kesar). 1pply this paste on bald patches at bedtime continuously. ,rind fenugreek seeds (methi dana)% with water and apply on the head. Aeave for at least !5 minutes before washing. Do it every morning for a month. 7ed sores w 1pply honey on the length and breadth of a banana leaf and lie on it for a few hours. ?nsure its contact with the affected parts. $ed &ettin in children

1. ,ive ' walnut halves (akhrot giri) and & teaspoon of 2.

kishmish to the child before sleeping for &5 &' days. 7elching (dakaar) ,rind ' teaspoon each carom seeds (ajwain) and dried ginger (adrak) into a fine powder. 1dd a little black salt (kala namak). Take & teaspoon of this mi(ture with & cup warm water fre)uently. $lackheads

1. 0i( & teaspoon lime juice in & teaspoon finely 2.

ground cinnamon (dalchini) powder and apply on affected areas fre)uently. 0i( & teaspoon each turmeric (haldi) powder and juice of fresh coriander (dhania) leaves and apply daily as a face pack before going to sleep. $ladder Stones

1. 7oil ' figs (anjeer) in & cup of water.

Drink daily for a month.

$lood De'iciency

1. Take ' teaspoon of amla juice and mi( it with two

teaspoonfuls each of honey and lime. 1dd & teacup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. Bhenever fresh fruits are not available% dried amla can be used. /oak & tablespoon the previous night in a cup of water. (CoteD The treatment should continue for at least &'5 days to achieve e(pected results.) 0i( & tablespoon juice of amla with a ripe mashed banana and eat twice or three times a day. /oak ' or 3 dried figs (anjeer) in & teacup water. ?at them along with milk ne(t morning for a month. 7lood pressure E low "ave juice of &5 &8 basil (tulsi) leaves mi(ed with & teaspoon honey. *rush the leaves to a paste and s)uee#e out the juice through a muslin cloth. blood pressure high /ee <"F," 7A++D .6?//@6?< on page =5 7lood sugar w Take ' 3 garlic (lasan) cloves for a few days regularly. 7ody and 0uscles development /oak ' almonds% 8 pista kernels and & teaspoon poppy seeds (khuskhus) in & cup cowGs milk for an hour. ,rind. 1dd some more warm milk. Take daily for 3 months. 7ody dry itch ,rind & tablespoon poppy seeds (khuskhus) with & teaspoon water. 1dd & teaspoon lime juice. 1pply on the affected areas. $ody (eat

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.


1. 1dd ' to 3 drops of almonds oil to pomegranate

(anaar) juice and drink.

2. /oak 4 to &5 almonds and & teaspoon rice overnight.

6emove the outer skin. ,rind into a fine paste. 0i( with some milk and add a pinch of turmeric powder (haldi) and sugar candy (mishri) to taste. 7oil and drink. 6emove seeds from fresh amla fruits and grind the pulp into a fine paste. Tie it in a muslin cloth and s)uee#e out the juice. Take ' teaspoon of this juice and mi( it with two teaspoonfuls each honey and lime juice. 1dd & cup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. Take a tender bel fruit. ,rind it with & cup milk. 1pply on the head and massage well before taking a shower



$ody !ain

1. 7oil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg (jaiphal) in

& cup sesame oil (til ka tel). *ool and apply on affected parts. $oils

1. /lightly roast a big onion on a naked flame. 0ash 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

it and mi( in teaspoon each turmeric powder and ghee. 1pply and tie a bandage. 0ash the garlic (lasan) cloves and apply e(ternally. ,round neem leaves into a paste and apply on affected parts. 1pply a paste of ginger (adrak) powder and turmeric (haldi) (&D&) on boils. ,rind some black cumin (kala jeera) seeds in a little water and apply the paste on the affected areas. "eat black pepper powder in 2 teaspoon ghee until charred. @se this as an ointment. Take fenugreek leaf (methi patta) paste% heat it and when lukewarm% apply on the affected parts of the body. /oak bread in warm milk and sandwich the mi(ture in between the folds of a clean cotton cloth. 1pply this poultice to the boil and hold in place with a cotton bandage. This draws the dirt to the surface of the skin and simultaneously bursts the boil. $ody S&ellin

1. ,rind black cumin seeds (shah jeera) with a little

hot water and apply on affected parts. 7ody weak ness w /oak 4 to &5 almonds and & teaspoon rice overnight. 6emove the outer skin of almonds. ,rind into a fine paste. 0i( in some milk and a pinch of turmeric powder (haldi). 7oil and drink along with sugar candy (mishri) or ordinary sugar to taste. /prinkle the following on a platter of mango slices D & teaspoon honey% a pinch of saffron (kesar)% cardamom (chhoti illaichi) and rose water (gulab jal). Take twice daily. $reathin "roblem


1. 0i( & teaspoon camphor (kapoor) in 2 cup slightly 2. 3.

warmed coconut oil and apply on the chest. 7oil ' tablespoon fennel seeds (saunf) in & cup water till it is reduced to half. -ilter. Take & tablespoon every morning and evening for a few days. 7oil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg (jaiphal) in & cup sesame oil (til ka tel). *ool and apply on affected parts $ronchitis in children

1. 0i( & teaspoon oil of garlic (lasan) and 3 teaspoon

honey and give a small amount three times a day to the child.

$urns by hot &ater

1. Take the thin buds of banana leaves. 7andage directly 2.

on affected areas. Tie the upper part for two days and then lower parts for two more days. burns% scar. 7oil & cup neem bark (neem ki khal) in ! cups water. 6emove from fire and shake li)uid. 1pply the emerging froth on the affected area. 6epeat several times and for several days. $ody $urns

1. 0ash a ripe banana and apply on burns. 7andage

with betel leaves (pan ka patta).

2. Ff you have a minor burn% immediately place an ice 3. 4. 5.

pack on the burnt area for &5 minutes. *ombine ! teaspoon each of lime juice% coconut oil and rub until the betel leaves mi(ture turns white. 1pply on affected parts. 1pply curry leaves (kari patta) as poultices over affected areas. /pread a thin layer of honey over the burn and cover with a dressing. 6epeat this regularly every two or three hours till it heals. 7urns by fire Fmmediately apply glycerine on the burnt area. 7urn a handful of mango leaves to ashes and apply this on the affected parts $ruises


1. /lice a raw onion 9 place over the bruise.

Do not apply this to broken skin. Cataract At Early Sta es

1. 0i( & teaspoon rose water (gulab jal) with & teaspoon
fresh lime juice. 1dd &5 drops of this to the eyes. Chest Con estion

1. 1dd to 2 litre of boiling water% & teaspoon carom

seeds (ajwain) powder along with & teaspoon turmeric (haldi) powder. *ool. Take & tablespoon of this mi(ture along with & teaspoon honey. Chicken"o# )n Early Sta e

1. Fnclude figs (anjeer) in your diet every day. *hildren 2.

irritability 6ub a nutmeg (jaiphal) lightly against a smooth grinding stone in milk and feed children who cry out at night without any apparent reasons. Chills

1. Fnstead of your regular hot tea or coffee% have a glass

of hot water mi(ed with honey and lemon. .ut a teaspoon

of honey% lemon juice and a little grated ginger in a glass and add hot water. /tir and drink. (i h Cholesterol

1. -inely dice an onion and mi( it with & cup buttermilk 2. 3.

along with > teaspoon black pepper (kali mirch) powder and drink. 6egularly intake garlic (lasan) cloves for a few days. 6egularly intake coriander (dhania) decoction made by boiling ' teaspoon dry seed powder in & cup water. (0ilk and sugar can be added to improve its taste. This could be a welcome substitute for tea or coffee.) Cou h

1. 0i( e)ual amounts of honey and ginger (adrak) juice. 2. 3. 4.

-or better results warm the mi(ture a little 9 then have it. "ave & teaspoon% ' 3 ! times a day. Three pepper corns (saboot kali mirch) sucked with a pinch of black cumin (shah jeera) and a pinch of salt gives relief. 0i( & teaspoon pepper powder with ! teaspoon gur (jaggery). 0ake small balls. /uck 3 ! balls$tablets during the day. 0i( e)ual amounts of pepper powder and sugar candy (mishri) by weight. 0i( enough pure ghee to form small balls. /uck one ball$tablet 3 ! times a day. 1void curd% bananas% ice% rice fried and cold foods. & teaspoon of basil (tulsi) leaves juice ' 3 times a day for children. Tulsi leaves can be crushed to a paste and the paste s)uee#ed through a clean muslin cloth to get juice. 0i( a pinch of turmeric (haldi) with warm & cup milk and have at night. Consti"ation )n Adults



1. G1 healthy stomach is a healthy bodyG. 0any diseases

have their roots in the digestive system. *onstipation is a very common problem affecting a lot of people. Brong eating habits% sedentary lifestyle 9 sluggish intestines are the main reasons. Ff the stomach is not cleared well% it leads to a lot of problems such as headaches% gas etc. "owever% use of la(atives should be discouraged as it is habit forming and also harmful in the long run. "ere are some tips to relieve you of your problem. (Ft will take some time but be persistent and you will surely benefit) Take a hot glass of water with & teaspoon honey and juice of 2 a lemon first thing in the morning. Drink one litre of water first thing in the morning. /oak = 4 dates (khajoor) in a cup of water at night. *hurn in the mi(er in the morning 9 drink first thing in the morning. *onsume appro(. '85 355 gms fresh grapes (angoor) every day. Bhen not in season% soak &' &8 raisins (kishmish) in water and have them. 6aisins should be soaked for '! !4 hours and eaten early in the morning. The water in which they are soaked should also be drunk.

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. /imply eat a few li)uorice (mulathi) sticks. +ne of its

many properties is that it is a natural la(ative.

Consti"ation 'or small children

1. /oak = 4 raisins (kishmish) in hot water (depending on the

age). Bhen cool% crush well and strain. Bhen given routinely even to little infants% it helps to regulate bowel movement (however care should be taken so as not to give too much otherwise the child will get loose motions.) *onsumption of = 4 apricots (khurmani) a day or ' 3 cucumbers (kheera) a day or & ' bananas a day is also very useful. 7ulk forming vegetables like carrots% radish% spinach% cabbage or roughage creating things should be consumed. Fnstead of juice always opt for eating the fruit. Bhole wheat flour should be used and processed foods (maida% cheese% confectionery) should be avoided. Taking ' 3 teaspoon of isabgol in milk or warm water either first thing in the morning or at bed time is very beneficial. 0i( 2 teaspoon honey to 2 & cup warm water and have it ' 3 times a day. Colic in $abies

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 7oil a teaspoon of fennel seeds (saunf) in a cup of water.

7oil for ' 3 minutes and keep it to cool for &8 '5 minutes.

2. /train. 1dd & ' teaspoon to every feed of milk of the baby.
Ft helps cure colic. Cold

1. 1 lemon a day keeps the cold away. -or a bad cold%

the juice of two lemons in 2 a litre ('2 cups) of boiling water sweetened with honey% taken at bed time% is a very effective remedy. "ave ginger (adrak) tea. *ut ginger (adrak) into &< E &2< pieces and boil with a cup of water. ,ive 4 &5 boils. /train% sweeten with 2 teaspoon sugar and drink hot. 1 tablespoon of carom seeds (ajwain) crushed and tied up in a muslin cloth can be used for inhalation to relieve congestion$blocked nose. 1 similar small bundle placed near the pillow of sleeping children relieves congestion. 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds (jeera) is added to & glass of boiling water. /train and simmer for a few minutes. Aet it cool. Drink it & ' times a day. Ff sore throat is also present% add a few small pieces of dry ginger (adrak) to the boiling water. /i( pepper corns (saboot kali mirch) finely ground and mi(ed with a glass of warm water% sweetened with 8 = batasha (a variation of sugar candy) can be taken for a few nights. Fn the case of the acute cold in the head% boil & tablespoon full pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.


turmeric (haldi) and have once daily for at least 3 days. cold with phlegm (balgam) and slight cough. Take 4 &5 tulsi leaves and wash well. To & cup of water% add these tulsi leaves% & ' cloves of garlic (lasan)% 2< piece ginger% crushed and ! 8 peppercorns (saboot kali mirch). 7oil the water and keep simmering on fire till the )uantity is reduced to > cup. *ool. /train. 1dd & teaspoon honey. Drink this every morning. Muscular Cram"s

1. 1pply clove oil (laung ka tel) on the affected parts.


1. @se raw onion juice as ear drops. 2. .ut two drops of lukewarm neem oil inside the ear.

1. /oak ' tablespoon fenugreek seeds (methi dana) in water overnight. Fn the morning grind 2. 3.
into a fine paste. 1pply all over scalp and leave for 2 an hour. Bash with /hikakai or mild shampoo. 7oil a handful of neem leaves in ! teacups of water. 1fter cooling and filtering use for rinsing hair Dehydration due to diarrhoea /oak half a nutmeg (jaiphal) in ' cups water for over ' 3 hours. Take & teaspoon of this infusion and mi( in & cup fresh coconut water. Drink twice or thrice a day. Dehydration

1. 1dd > teaspoon salt% 3 teaspoon brown sugar or

ordinary sugar and ' teaspoon lime juice to & cup of water% mi( well and drink. Diabetes

1. -or diabetes% diet restriction 9 light e(ercise like walking is a must as this controls the 2. 3.
sugar level. ,rape fruit is a splendid thing in the diet of a diabetic. "ave 3 fruits at a time% 3 times daily. 1 tablespoon of amla juice mi(ed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd (karela ) juice and taken daily for ' months will reduce blood sugar. Take dry tender leaves of the mango tree in the shade. .owder and preserve them. "alf a teaspoon of this powder twice a day in the morning and evening proves beneficial. 3 ! teaspoons juice of bitter gourd (karela)% taken every morning on an empty stomach gives good results. *oarsely powder fenugreek seeds (methi dana) and have & ' teaspoon in the morning everyday. (Hary dosage according to individual tolerance level). ?ating &5 fresh fully grown curry leaves (kari patta) every morning for 3 months is said to prevent diabetes due to heredity factors. /oak ' teaspoon fenugreek seeds (methi dana) in & cup water at night. Drink this water first thing in the morning and preferably eat the seeds too. *hew 4 &5 basil (tulsi) leaves in the morning.

4. 5.


*uidelines o' a Diabetics Diet

1. ?at plenty of vegetables like lettuce (salaad patta)% tomato and fruits. @se the following
fruits and vegetables sparingly and with cautionD banana% seedless grapes (angoor)% cheeku% leechi% custard apple (sharifa)% dry fruits% mango% raisins (kishmish)% potatoes% jackfruit (kathal)% carrots (gajar)% peas (mattar)% beans% sweet potato (shakarkandi)% beetroot (chukandar). -oods rich in fibre should be preferred. Daily intake of calories should be restricted.@se proteins moderately. 0ilk 9 nuts intake to be restricted to the minimum whereas have plenty of curds and buttermilk (chhach). 1void all refined foods 9 sweets. Drink 4 &5 glasses of water daily. De"ression

2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 7oil > teaspoon powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) seeds in thin tea water and drink. 2. 0i( &$4 teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder with & tablespoon freshly e(tracted amla juice.
Take 3 times a day. Dental !roblems

1. Turmeric (haldi)% burnt% and finely powdered% can be used as toothpowder . Get some turmeric sticks
from the market and burn them. Make a fine powder with the burnt turmeric sticks and use this powder to Deli+ery %'which $abies clean you teeth will also help in decreasing the tooth ache.

1. 0i( 3 teaspoon lime juice% > teaspoon powdered black pepper and & teaspoon honey in
& cup water. Drink for 3 months. Diarrhoea

1. *ombine & teaspoon each powdered ginger (adrak)% powdered cumin (jeera) and 2. 3. 4.
powdered cinnamon (dalchini) with honey and make into a thick paste. Take & teaspoon thrice daily. 7oil & teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera) in a glass of water. 1dd to this & teaspoon fresh juice of coriander leaves (dhania) and a pinch of salt. Drink twice daily after meals for ' 3 days. 0ash & ripe banana along with a pinch of salt and & teaspoon tamarind pulp (imli ka guda). Take twice a day. Drinking a strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective for stopping diarrhoea. .eel an apple and shred it. ;eep the shredded pieces in a plate for appro(imately '5 minutes until they turn brown in colour% and then eat them. /lice the tender unripe bel fruit. /un dry them. .owder the slices. Take & teaspoon along with warm water twice a day. Take every night% 3 cloves of garlic (lasan)% chopped and boiled in milk. 0ake a paste of & green chilli along with ' tablespoon lime juice and 2 teaspoon camphor (kapur). Take > teaspoon of this paste. ' or 3 teaspoon coriander seeds (saboot dhania) soaked overnight in water and taken ne(t morning with & cup buttermilk (chhach). 7oil > teaspoon powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) seeds in thin tea water and drink. 0i( juice of &8 '5 tender curry leaves (curry patta) with & teaspoon honey and drink. 1pply ginger (adrak) juice around the navel. Fnsert > teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder inside a ripe banana and eat.


6. 7. 8.

Diarrhoea due to indi estion o' 'ood

1. Fnsert > teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder inside a ripe banana and eat. Dog bite Take
2 teaspoon powder of black cumin seeds (shah jeera) twice daily.

Ear )n'ection

1. ?(tract & teaspoon juice from mango leaves. /lightly warm and use as ear drops when
bearably hot. $oils inside Ear

&. "eat ' teaspoon mustard oil. 1dd 2 teaspoon carom (ajwain) seeds and one or two flakes of crushed garlic (lasan). 7oil till they turn red. -ilter. @se as ear drops. ,or Ear "ain due to boils use the 'olo&in :

'. "eat & teaspoon each of garlic (lasan) and carom seeds (ajwain) in ' tablespoon gingelly oil (til ka tel) till they turn red in colour. /train and cool. Bhen cooled to body temperature% put some drops into the ears. Eye Achin

1. .owder e)ual )uantities of li)uorice (mulathi) and cumin (jeera). Take > teaspoon every 2. 3. 4.
day along with & teaspoon honey for a month. ?yes burning w 0ash & ripe banana along with a little curd and waterI take twice a day. 0i( e)ual )uantities of fenugreek seed (methi daana) powder along with /hikakai powder for washing hair. Bash fre)uently. ,rind an onion with & teaspoon each black pepper and poppy seeds (khuskhus) soaked in 2 cup milk. 1pply this paste on the head. 1llow it to dry for &8 '5 minutes. Bash in warm water. 0i( the juice of bottle gourd (karela) and sesame oil (til ka tel) in the ratio of !D&% and heat till the moisture is evaporated completely. +nce cool% use it for massaging the head. E#haustion due to o+er&ork

1. 7oil > teaspoon powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) seeds in thin tea water and drink.

1. 1pply fresh lime juice on the head. 0assage well before showering off.

1. 6ub a nutmeg (jaiphal) against a smooth stone slab with a little water and make a paste. 2. 3. 4.
1pply on affected parts. (CoteD Ft is believed by some rural% old fashioned practitioners that instead of water% oneGs own early morning saliva can be used for better results.) 1dd & teaspoon camphor (kapoor) to & teaspoon sandalwood paste and apply on the affected areas. 0i( a paste of turmeric (haldi) and neem leaves (&D&) in a little gingelly oil (til ka tel) and apply on affected areas. ,rind & tablespoon each turmeric (haldi)% neem leaves and gingelly oil (til ka tel) into a f Eyes (a+in Dark Circles Around .hem

1. Take one teaspoon tomato juice% 2 teaspoon lemon juice% a pinch of turmeric (haldi) 2. 3.
powder 9 a little gram flour (besan). 0ake a paste 9 apply. Aeave for &5 minute 9 wash off. Drink tomato juice with a few mint leaves% little lemon juice 9 salt w /oak cotton wool in cucumber (kheera) or potato juice 9 apply around the eyes. 3ou will find a change in ' 3 weeks. ?yes strain due to TH watching

4. 7oil 2 teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf) in a cup of water till it is reduced to half. *ool. @se
as eye drops (*autionD 7eware of contamination). .ired Eyes

1. Aavender oil offers gentle relief for tired and strained eyes. 1dd a drop of lavender oil to
855 ml ('2 cups) of water and shake the solution well. Dip two cotton wool pads in the li)uid% s)uee#e out the e(cess water and place one pad over each eye. Ff you wear contact lenses% they must be removed beforehand. Eyesi ht /eakness

1. 0i( seeds of cardamom (chhoti illaichi) along with & tablespoon honey. ?at every day. 2. 7oil ' tablespoon fenugreek (methi) leaves along with 2 cup moong dal and &5 small
onions and eat regularly.

3. 0i( e)ual )uantities of fenugreek seeds (methi dana) powder along with /hikakai powder
for washing hair. Bash fre)uently. ,aintin 1 hot poultice of carom seeds (ajwain) used as dry fomentation for hands and feet. ,ati ue Take a glass of grapefruit and lemon juice in e)ual parts to dispel fatigue and general tiredness after a dayGs work ,eet $urnin 0ash & ripe banana along with a little curd and waterI take twice a day. ,eet 0 Sole (a+in Cracks

1. 0i( e)ual )uantities of glycerin and lemon juice. 1pply every night before going to bed.
This mi(ture can be made and stored in a glass bottle.

2. 0assage your feet with castor oil every night (in winters) for ' 3 minutes and then wear 3. 4. 5.
socks at night. ,rind e)ual amounts of neem leaves 9 turmeric (haldi). 1pply on affected area. -inely grind a handful of henna (mehendi) leaves. 1dd ' tablespoon lemon juice and apply on the feet. 0i( the juice of bottle gourd (lauki) and sesame oil (til ka tel) in the ratio !D& and heat till all the moisture has evaporated. 7ottle and use over cracked skin. ,eet 0 Sole (a+in Cracks

1. 0i( e)ual )uantities of glycerin and lemon juice. 1pply every night before going to bed.
This mi(ture can be made and stored in a glass bottle.

2. 0assage your feet with castor oil every night (in winters) for ' 3 minutes and then wear
socks at night.

3. ,rind e)ual amounts of neem leaves 9 turmeric (haldi). 1pply on affected area. 4. -inely grind a handful of henna (mehendi) leaves. 1dd ' tablespoon lemon juice and
apply on the feet.

5. 0i( the juice of bottle gourd (lauki) and sesame oil (til ka tel) in the ratio !D& and heat till
all the moisture has evaporated. 7ottle and use over cracked skin. ,eet Smellin

1. /oak feet in strong tea for '5 minutes every day until the smell disappears.

2. To prepare your footbath% brew two tea bags in 855 ml ('2 cups) of water for &8 minutes
and pour the tea into a basin containing two litres of cool water. ,oot Corns

1. Tie a fresh slice of lemon over the corn (painful area) and keep it all night. 2. 0assage castor oil on the corns every morning and night before sleeping. 0assage for '
3 minutes so that the oil gets absorbed. Fn 3 ! weeks the corns will disappear.

3. 0ash & ' cloves (laung) 9 garlic (lasan) and tie over the corns. ;eep overnight.

Athlete1s ,oot ;eeping your feet clean and dry is enough to discourage the growth of this fungal infection. 6emember% it is infectious and you must keep and wash your shoes% socks and towel separately. To soothe the broken areas of your feet% simply soak them for &5 minutes in a footbath of apple cider vinegar mi(ed with water.

,latulence /oak 3 tablespoon carom (ajwain) seeds in an ade)uate )uantity of lime juice and dry in the shade. Bhen fully dried% powder with a little black salt. Take & teaspoon of this mi(ture twice daily for a few days with a little warm water. (This treatment is more effective when fats and spices are ,e+er

1. ?(tract & teaspoon each juice of tulsi leaves and bel flowers. 1dd & teaspoon honey.
Take twice a day.

2. Tea made by boiling & teaspoon fenugreek seeds (methi dana)% taken twice or thrice a 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
day provides e(cellent remedy. (1 little honey or lemon juice can be added to improve the flavour). ,rind a few roots of the mango tree into a fine paste and apply on the palm and soles of the patients. The neem leaf decoction taken with pepper powder lowers temperature. 2 teaspoon ground pepper is mi(ed in warm water along with & teaspoon palm candy (sugar obtained from palm). This drink is taken at bedtime. w -ruit juice taken fre)uently. 6egular intake of a pinch of saffron (kesar). 1pply sandalwood paste on the forehead to bring the temperature down. 7oil ' tablespoon fennel seeds (saunf) in & teacup water till it is reduced to half. -ilter. Take & tablespoon every morning and evening for a few days. (This filtrate% when used to wash the eyes fre)uently% is reported to strengthen the eye muscles. Ft is a good cleansing lotion for inflamed eyes.)

,e+er o' unkno&n ori in 7oil & tablespoon tulsi leaves with & teaspoon powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) in ' teacups water. Take & cup of this decoction with milk and sugar to taste ' or 3 times a day.

,e+erishness 0i( & teacup fresh lemon juice in tender coconut water and drink.

*as !roblem

/ome people are allergic or have intolerance for milk% milk products and wheat% wheat products but go through life without ever reali#ing this and keep suffering from acute gas trouble. Aactose intolerance (from milk) is being recogni#ed in the west as also gluten intolerance (from wheat). "ence giving up these two things may greatly benefit you. Fnstead of wheat you can have rice or chapatis of mai#e% jawar or bajara. w 0i( > teaspoon dry ginger powder (sonth) with a pinch of asafoetida (hing). *olden 2ules 'or *as !atients

1. 1void heavy (fried)% spicy food. Do not eat very large meals% instead eat small meals. 2. Try to eat a little% every ' hours% so that the gap between the meals is not too big. 3. Do some e(ercise. ?ven a walk will do wonders.
*astroenteritis 1 decoction of &8 '5 tulsi leaves taken along with a pinch of rock salt (kala namak) helps in the cure. *iddiness /oak cumin seeds (jeera) in lime juice overnight. ;eep this mi(ture under the sun till completely dry. 7ottle it. *hew 2 teaspoon of this mi(ture and drink with a glass of warm water.

*iddiness due to blood "ressure /oak & teaspoon each of powdered amla% coriander seeds (saboot dhania) and sandalwood in a cup of water overnight. /train and drink the ne(t day. *ontinue for a few days.

*outy !ains

1. 0i( mustard oil and rectified alcohol (& part oil to !5 parts alcohol) and use as a lotion. 2. 0ake a poultice of ground fenugreek seeds (methi dana)I use on the affected part.
(air Dullness And Coarseness ,rind fresh fenugreek leaves (methi) to a paste and apply the leaf paste over the scalp before a bath.

(air ,allin

1. Take a handful of neem leaves and boil them in ! cups water. 1fter cooling and filtering% 2. 3.
use the decoction for rinsing hair. 0i( e)ual )uantities of dried curry leaves (curry patta)% lime peel (nimbu ka chilka)% /hikakai% fenugreek seeds (methi daana) 9 green gram (moong saboot) and grind them finely. /tore and use as a substitute for soap or shampoo. 1pply fenugreek (methi) seeds% ground with some water and the paste on the head. 1llow to soak at least for !5 minutes before washing. @se every morning for a month.

(air 3oss 1pply a little almond oil (badam ka tel) on scalp fre)uently and massage.

(air *reyin

1. Bet a lemon half and rub lemon juice into the scalp well. Bash off after it turns dry. 2. ,rind & tablespoon each% pulp of amla and lime juice. 0assage this into the hair before
going to bed. Bash it ne(t morning.

3. /oak shredded ginger (adrak) in honey. ?at a spoonful every morning.

(air .hinnin 7athe the hair in & cup coconut milk twice or thrice a week for a few months.

(ead hea+iness

1. ,rind the fresh amla fruits into a fine paste and apply on affected parts. 2. ,rind ' to 3 cloves (laung) into a fine paste along with 2 teaspoon dried ginger (sonth)
and apply on nose% forehead% etc. (eadache

1. 6oast some ajwain dry on a tawa. Tie it in a muslin bag and sniff fre)uently. 2. 0ake a paste of ' 3 powdered cloves (laung) and salt. 1pply this paste on the forehead. 3. 1 paste made of dry ginger (sonth) with a little water or milk when applied to the forehead 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
also gives relief. 1 ripe apple% after removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion should be taken with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach. *ontinue for a week. This yields good results even in case of chronic headaches. 0i( & teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) in & teaspoon water and apply on the forehead. Ft is very effective in headache due to e(posure to cold air. *rush an onion and apply the paste on the head. ,rind &5 &8 tulsi leaves with ! cloves (laung) and & teaspoon dried ginger (sonth) into a paste and apply. Tulsi TeaD 0i( 4 &5 basil (tulsi) leaves% 2< piece ginger (adrak)% J black pepper corns (saboot kali mirch) powdered coarsely with & large cup ('55 ml) water. 7oil for ' minutes. 6emove from heat% cover and keep for ' 3 minutes. /train% add boiled milk% sugar and drink warm. Aie down covering yourself with a sheet for 8 &5 minutes. Ft is very helpful in headaches% cold% indigestion. Drink ' 3 times a day. (For children reduce quantity to half. ) -ollow the simple *hinese accupressure techni)ue and say goodbye to those nasty headaches. This can be done anywhere and at any time. .lace your thumb on the web of skin between the thumb and inde( finger of your other palm and apply pressure for about two minutes. 6epeat on the other hand. "owever% this *hinese accupressure massage is not recommended for pregnant women. (eadache due to e#"osure to cold air &. 0i( & teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) in & teaspoon water and apply on the affected parts. "eadache on one side w .owder e)ual )uantities of li)uorice (mulathi) and cumin (jeera). Take > teaspoon every day along with & teaspoon honey for a month.


2. 0i( & teaspoon each of the following powders and storeD camphor (kapoor)% nutmeg
(jaiphal)% cardamom (chhoti illaichi) and cloves (laung). Take ' pinches with warm water. "eart attack w Take 2 teaspoon garlic (lasan) powder every day. (eart burn 1dd & tablespoon mint (pudina) leaves to & cup water. Take twice or thrice a day. (eart "ain 7oil 2 teaspoon sandalwood powder in & cup water. Drink thrice daily.

(eart "al"itation 7oil > teaspoon powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) seeds in thin tea water and drink.

(eart "roblem ?at > teaspoon asafetida (hing) along with one large raisin (kishmish) every day. "eart weakness w 6egular intake of ripe bananas strengthens the heart.

(eat e#haustion 1pply some sandalwood oil on the forehead.

(eat stroke "ave the cooling drink GpannaG. To prepare this% cook unripe or green mangoes in hot ashes. ?(tract the pulp and mi( with water and sugar. 3ou may even pressure cook the mangoes if you cannot make provision for the ashes.

(eels ha+in "ain

1. 0i( e)ual amounts by weight of carom seeds (ajwain)% onion seeds (kalaunji) fenugreek
seeds (methi daana) and saboot isabgol. "ave & tablespoon every day first thing in the morning. Ff you like you can grind them slightly in the mi(er makes it more effective. This treatment takes a couple of months but is a sure shot remedy. Cote D /aboot isabgol% tiny very light pinkish particles% will be available with your grocer or if you re)uest him he will get it for you from the wholesale market. Do not use the husk which is generally used by people for constipation as that is less effective but not harmful. Ff saboot isabgol is not available husk can be used but if takes longer for the pain to go. (e"atitis


1. & to ' teaspoon fresh juice of coriander (dhania) leaves is mi(ed in & cup buttermilk and
taken ' 3 times. (iccu"s

1. Drink 2 glass water% slowly. w ;eep a teaspoon of sugar in your month and suck slowly. 2. /wallow 2 teaspoon mustard seeds (sarson) mi(ed with 2 teaspoon pure ghee.

3. ,rind ! cardamom (chhoti illaichi) well. 7oil it in '2 cups or 2 litre water. Bhen about & 4.
cup water remains% remove from fire and sieve it through a muslin cloth. Aet it cool. Bhen warm% drink a glassful. Borks like magic. /uck ' 3 small pieces of fresh ginger (adrak). This helps in hiccups which keep occurring again and again (i h $lood !ressure

1. 6estrict salt intake and drink plenty of fluids (at least 4 &5 glasses of water daily) 2. Drink curry leaves (curry patta) juice initially 3 times a day (& glassful) for & ' months and
then reduce to only once in the morning. "ave it on empty stomach. -or taking out juiceD fill your mi(y with washed curry leaves% add 2 3$! glass water. *hurn well and sieve. 1dd 2 & lemon juice and drink fresh. 3. "ave single pod garlic (lasan)% one pod first thing every morning or if this is not available% have & ' cloves of ordinary garlic (lasan). Ff you get discomfort with having garlic first thing in the morning% have ' cloves twice a day swallow with water any time or with meals. 4. 0i( & teaspoon honey% & teaspoon ginger (adrak) juice% & teaspoon cumin (jeera) powder. "ave twice a day. 5. ,o on an apple diet for a few days. Ft has a diuretic effect and thus brings down the 7... 6. -ruits such as mausami% orange% peaches (aaru)% plum (aloo bukhara)% watermelon (tarboo#) are also beneficial. 7. "aving rice% particularly brown rice as the main staple food is very beneficial. 1s rice has very low sodium content and low cholesterol% it is a perfect diet for those who have been advised to have low salt diets. 8. *onsumption of natural diuretics like coconut water% butter milk% coriander (dhania) juice (make from green coriander in the same way as curry leaves juice) is very beneficial. 9. Aast but not the least% rest% rela(ation and good sleep are effective in keeping 7... under control. 10. Drink coriander (dhania) juice made from fresh dhania (same way as curry leaves juices) 3 times a day. Ff this is not effective% start having fenugreek (methi) juice instead (made from fresh methi) and if this is also not effective% move to curry leaves juice. Drink each juice for &5 &' days at least before you decide. Ff it is not working and then move to the ne(t one. (oarseness

1. Take & teaspoon onion juice mi(ed with & teaspoon honey. 2. .our & glass boiling water on a mi(ture of & teaspoon each of cinnamon (dalchini) and
cardamom (chhoti illaichi). -ilter and use as a gargle when warm.

3. 7oil ' teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf) in barley water and take twice or thrice a day.
(oarse +oice 0i( seeds of cardamom (chhoti illaichi) along with & tablespoon honey. ?at every day.

)ndi estion

1. 7oil 8 = sticks of powdered cinnamon (dalchini) in a glass of water. 1dd a pinch of pepper 2. 3.
powder and little honey. 1 tablespoon of above concoction taken 2 hour after meals relieves indigestion and flatulence (gas). 0i( > teaspoon pepper powder% > teaspoon of cumin (jeera) powder to a glass of buttermilk. "ave this & ' times a day. 1 golden rule to avoid indigestionD get up from the dining table when you can still eat some more or are a little hungry. *hew food well.

4. 1dd & teaspoon fresh grated ginger (adrak) to & cup water. *over and simmer on low
heat for 8 minutes. /tain and drink & ' times a day.

5. /oak one teaspoon of celery seeds in a glass of buttermilk for 8 = hours. ,rind in the
same buttermilk and drink it & ' times a day. )nsect bites

1. Drink ' to 3 teaspoon coriander (dhania) leaf juice mi(ed in & cup water. 1lso apply
sandalwood paste on the affected area.

2. Take & teaspoon basil (tulsi) leaf juice and drink with water. 1lso apply e(ternally.
Fnsomnia (/leeplessness) w *onsume plenty of curd. 1lso massage head with curd before washing. Hery helpful. 3. 1dd ' teaspoon of honey to a big cupful of water and have it before going to bed. 7abies generally fall asleep after having honey. 4. 1 cup of warm milk sweetened with honey should be taken before going to bed. "ave it everyday. 5. Juice of celery leaves (ajwain ka patta) with thick ribs 9 brittle stalks mi(ed with a tablespoon of honey when had at night before retiring helps to rela( into a restful sleep. 6. 1 teaspoon of fried powder of cumin seeds (jeera) mi(ed with the pulp of a ripe banana should be taken at night regularly. 7. ' teaspoon juice of fenugreek (methi) leaves along with & teaspoon honey may be taken daily. 8. /oak & tablespoon leaves of fresh mint (pudina) in & cup water for 35 minutes. Drink every night. (Do not boil.) 9. Take seeds of watermelon and white poppy seeds (khuskhus) and grind them separately. 0i( e)ual amounts by weight. "ave 3$! teaspoon once in the morning and once before sleeping. Take for & 3 weeks as needed. 10. "ave raw onion with meals particularly with dinner. )ntestinal &orms

1. ?at papayas fre)uently. 2. Take 8 &5 seeds of bitter gourd (karela) and crush them. -ry them in a little ghee. Take
twice daily.

3. -enugreek seeds (methi dana)% fried and powdered. 1dd to drinking water and drink ' 3
times daily for ' 3 days.

4. Take & tablespoon juice e(tracted from bitter gourd (karela) leaves. 0i( into a glassful of 5. 6. 7. 8.
buttermilk and take every morning. Take & teaspoon raw turmeric (haldi) juice% mi(ed with a pinch of salt first thing in the morning. /teep some cloves (laung) in 2 cup water for = to 4 hours and use it for enema. -ry & teaspoon dried neem flowers in & teaspoon ghee and mi( with & cup boiled rice and eat twice or thrice a day. /lice and dry the kernel of mango. 0i( & tablespoon fenugreek (methi) and powder. Take & teaspoon in buttermilk.

)rritability 0i( &$4 teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder with & tablespoon freshly e(tracted amla juice. Take 3 times a day 4aundice

1. 0ash a ripe banana along with & tablespoon honey and eat twice a day for a few days. 2. -re)uently intake lime juice. w Take > teaspoon turmeric (haldi) along with a glass of hot 3.
water ' or 3 times daily. 2 teaspoon ginger juice with & teaspoon each fresh lime and mint (pudina) juice mi(ed with a tablespoon of honey% taken fre)uently.

4. -inely grind some bel leaves. Take & teaspoon of this paste along with a pinch of black
pepper and follow it with & cup of buttermilk thrice a day.

5. 1 fine paste of tender papaya leaves% about 2 teaspoon paste% is taken with some water. 6. .our over a handful of lime leaves in & cup hot water and take the infusion. 7. 0ake a fine powder of & teaspoon each crushed li)uorice (mulathi) root% chicory seeds
(kaasni) and rock salt (kala namak). Take 2 teaspoon with water twice daily. 4oint "ains (arthritis5 rheumatism5 out)

1. /)uee#e half a lime (lemon) in one glass of hot water (as hot as you can drink) and drink
it. "ave this 4 &5 times a day. "aving lemon juice might seem like a contradiction to what you have always believed that sour things are bad for joint pains but the action of lemon in the body is alkaline and its rich vitamin * content is valuable in the treatment of joint pains. Fnitially for a few days you might feel that the pain is increasing but gradually it decreases. 2. 1 diet of only bananas for 3 ! days is advised. 3ou can have 4 K bananas a day. 3. 0ake a tea from papaya seeds and have = J cups a day for at least ' weeks. 4. "ave & ' garlic (lasan) cloves or & garlic (lasan)% which has only & clove in a pod% first thing in the morning. 5. 0i( & teaspoon of dry amla powder with ' teaspoon of jaggery (gur) and have it twice daily for a month. 6. 6egularly massage with neem oil. w Take a handful of fresh neem leaves. ,rind them in the mi(er. /train. 1dd lemon juice and drink & ' times a day on an empty stomach (people prone to acidity should not have this). 7. Take e)ual )uantities of asparagus seeds (shatavari)% black cumin seeds (shah jeera)% fenugreek (methi daana) seeds and carom seeds (ajwain). .owder and take 2 teaspoon every morning. 8. *ombine = teaspoons each of ginger (adrak) and caraway seed (shah jeera) along with 3 teaspoon of black peppercorns (saboot kali mirch) and grind into a fine powder. "ave 2 teaspoon with water twice daily. 9. /oak & ' teaspoon fenugreek seeds (methi daana) in a cup of curd overnight. ?at in the morning on an empty stomach or soak & ' teaspoon fenugreek seeds (methi daana) in & cup water overnight. Drink the water first thing in the morning and also eat the methi seeds. 10. +n an empty stomach have 3 ! walnuts (akhrot) or fresh coconut for a few days. 11. Take out & tablespoon juice of fresh leaves of bathua and drink every day on an empty stomach for ' 3 months. Do not add anything to the juice and do not eat anything before and after for ' hours.

Dos 6 Don1ts about the diet Diet should be low in fat% protein and salt. w 1void milk 9 buttermilk. 1void coffee% tea% alcohol% smoking 9 processed foods. Beight reduction is mandatory for overweight people. Take plenty of citrus fruits% fruit juices% fruits% vegetables 9 salads. 1 golden ruleD To be followed religiously with all types of treatments e(ercise the affected joint every day. The e(ercise goes a long way in helping movement% mobility of the joint and also in reducing pain. Kidney mal'unctionin

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. -re)uent intake of coriander (dhania) teaD boil or steep ' teaspoon coriander (dhania)
powder in a glass of boiling hot water. 1dd sugar and milk to taste.

2. 1dd more almonds to the daily diet. Aactation in mothers w -re)uently% cook unripe
papayas (kacha papita) and eat.

3. 2 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) taken every night along with & cup milk. 4. 0i( together & teaspoon each cumin (jeera) powder 9 sugar and take with warm milk
after dinner every day for a few days. 3actation in mothers

1. -re)uently% cook unripe papayas (kacha papita) and eat. 2. 2 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) taken every night along with & cup milk. 3. 0i( together & teaspoon each cumin (jeera) powder 9 sugar and take with warm milk
after dinner every day for a few days.

4. 7oil ' teaspoon cumin (jeera) seeds in 2 cup water. -ilter. 0i( in 2 cup milk and & 5. 6.
teaspoon honey. Drink once a day for a few days. 7oil ' teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf) in barley water and take twice or thrice a day. ,rind a handful of bitter gourd (karela) leaves into a fine paste and apply on breasts.

3actation5 sto""in

1. Tie warmed leaves of dhatura on the breasts. Aegs% swelling and pain w 0i( e)ual
)uantities of castor oil and lime juice. 0assage the affected area with this mi(ture. 1lso drink & cup warm water mi(ed with lime juice and honey. 3ice

1. ,rind the seeds of neem into a fine powder and mi( in some groundnut oil. 1pply to the 2. 3.
scalp. 1llow it to remain overnight. Bash off ne(t morning. 0i( & teaspoon lime juice with & teaspoon garlic (lasan) paste and apply on head. ,rind J to 4 almond (badam) kernels with & to ' teaspoon lime juice and apply on the hair. 3on e+ity

1. 8 to &5 basil (tulsi) leaves taken along with water every morning on an empty stomach
continuously for &54 days. Aow blood pressure

2. "ave juice of basil (tulsi) leaves (&5 &8) mi(ed with & teaspoon honey. w 1dd 3$! cup
crushed li)uorice (mulathi) root to ! cups cold water and allow it to stand for ' hours. Then bring it )uickly to a boil and steep for 8 minutes. 1dd this to the bathwater in the tub. Memory im"ro+ement

1. Take a mi(ture of & teaspoon honey and a pinch of finely powdered cinnamon (dalchini) 2. 3.
every night regularly. Take 2 teaspoon black cumin (kala jeera) powder and mi( it with honey. ?at small )uantities of it twice a day. 0i( & teaspoon each amla root powder and white sesame seed (safed til) powder. 1dd & teaspoon honey and eat every day for a few days. Menstrual "ains

1. 7oil & teaspoon saffron (kesar) in 2 cup water. Aet it reduce to become & tablespoon.
Divide this decoction into three portions and take with e)ual )uantities of water% thrice daily for a couple of days.

Menstruation delay

1. Take 2 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) every night along with & cup milk. 2. .owder & teaspoon dried mint (pudina) leaves and take with & teaspoon honey% thrice
daily. w = to 4 almonds% crushed and mi(ed in & cup milk along with & egg yolk (white)% 2 teaspoon sesame powder (til ) and & teaspoon honey. Take once or twice a day.

Menstruation5 e#cessi+e bleedin

1. ,rind some bel leaves into a fine paste. Take & teaspoon with warm water and drink
some cold water as well.

2. ,rind &5 fresh lead buds of figs (anjeer) and apply on the lower abdomen below the 3.
navel for a few hours. 6epeat this fre)uently. 7oil & teaspoon coriander (dhania) seeds in ' cups water till it is reduced to & cup. 1dd sugar to taste and drink when lukewarm. 6epeat twice or thrice a day.

Menstruation5 "ain'ul and irre ular

1. 1 piece of fresh ginger (adrak)% ground and boiled in a cup of water. The infusion is taken
thrice daily after meals along with sugar. Mornin sickness

1. 0i( & teaspoon each fresh juice of mint (pudina) and lime along with & tablespoon honey.
Take 3 times a day.

2. 0i( juice of &8 '5 tender curry leaves (curry patta) with ' teaspoon lime juice and &
teaspoon sugar. Take in the morning.

3. 0i( &$4 teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder with & tablespoon freshly e(tracted amla juice. 4.
Take 3 times a day. 2 teaspoon ginger (adrak) juice with & teaspoon each fresh lime and mint (pudina) juice mi(ed with a tablespoon of honey% taken fre)uently Mos7uito bite

1. 1pply lime juice diluted with water on body.

Mouth in'ection

1. .owder dried mint (pudina). @se as toothpowder.

Mouth )n'lammation

1. /oak & tablespoon crushed li)uorice (mulathi) root in ' cups water for ' to 3 hours and
use it for gargling fre)uently. Mouth ulcers (chhale)

0i( some coconut milk with honey and massage the gums 3 to ! times a day. ,argle with (or apply) freshly e(tracted coconut milk from a ripe coconut fre)uently. 0i( the pulp of a ripe bel fruit with jaggery (gur) and eat once a day. 0i( & tea cup bel pulp with & teaspoon sugar and eat early morning on an empty stomach for 3 days. 5. *oriander (dhania) decoction prepared by boiling & teaspoon coriander seeds (saboot dhania) in & cup water% gargled when lukewarm% fre)uently. 6. *hew one or two tender leaves of fig (anjeer) and leaf buds fre)uently and wash the mouth with warm water. 7. /oak & tablespoon crushed li)uorice (mulathi) root in ' cups water for ' to 3 hours and use it for gargling fre)uently. 8. 7oil ' tablespoon fenugreek (methi) leaves along with 2 cup green gram (moong dal) and &5 small onions. ?at regularly. 9. -enugreek seeds (methi dana)% fried and powdered. This is added to drinking water. Drink ' 3 times daily for ' 3 days. 10. 1n infusion of fenugreek (methi) leaves gargled 8 = times daily for a couple of days. Mucus in cou h

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. .our & cup boiling water over 2 teaspoon each of ginger (adrak) powder% clove (laung)
powder and cinnamon (dalchini) powder. -ilter. /weeten with & teaspoon honey and drink. Muscular cram"s

1. 1pply clove oil on the affected parts. 2. Apply clove oil as poultice on the affected areas

Muscular pain

1. War the papaya leaf over the fire and apply on affected parts. 2. !eat "in"er #adra$% paste &ith tur eric #haldi% paste #1'1% and apply. 3. (oa$ ) teaspoon li*uorice # ulathi% root po&der in 1 cup &ater and leave overni"ht. +i, into the infusion 1 cup rice "ruel #coo$ed -ro$en rice% and ta$e every ornin".
Nasal con estion

1. *rush a fistful of carom seeds (ajwain) and tie up in a cotton napkin and place it near the

2. .ut & teaspoon cardamom (chhoti illaichi) seeds on burning coal and inhale the smoke.


1. 1pply fresh lime juice on the head. 0assage well before showering off. 2. /teep & tablespoon mint (pudina) leaves in & cup water for 35 minutes. Drink the infusion%
do not boil. Nose bleedin

1. Drop lemon juice in nostrils. 2. @se juice of fresh coriander leaves (dhania) as nasal drops.

3. Dip a cotton bud in rose water and dab it on to the inside of your nostrils to stop the

Nose bleedin due to body heat

1. Aemon juice dropped into nostrils provides e(cellent relief. 2. Juice of fresh coriander leaves (dhania) can be used as nasal drops.
Nose blocka e due to cold and "hle m

1. 0ake into a very fine powder e)ual )uantities of the followingD cardamom (chhoti illaichi)
seeds% cinnamon (dalchini)% black pepper (kali mirch) and cumin (jeera). /niff this powder fre)uently to induce snee#ing.

Nose blocka e &ith se+ere cold

1. 0ake into a very fine powder e)ual )uantities of the followingD cardamom (chhoti illaichi)
seeds% cinnamon (dalchini)% black pepper (kali mirch) and cumin (jeera). /niff this powder fre)uently to induce snee#ing. Nose runnin

1. 6ub a nutmeg (jaiphal) on a smooth grinding stone along with some cowGs milk. 1pply
this paste on forehead and nose. %besity

1. 0i( lime juice with honey and water. Drink a glass of this every morning. 0i( 3 teaspoon 2. 3. 4.
lime juice with > teaspoon powdered black pepper (kali mirch) and & teaspoon honey along with & cup water and drink for 3 months. Take & teaspoon lime juice with & cup water in the morning. ?at &5 fresh% fully grown curry leaves (curry patta) every morning for 3 to ! months. ?at a tomato before breakfast. %ld a e "roblems 7oil & teaspoon ginger (adrak) in & cup water till reduced to 2 cup. 1dd to it 2 cup cowGs milk% ' pieces of cardamom (chhoti illaichi)% 8 strands of saffron (kesar) and & teaspoon sugar. Drink every morning. !hysical &eakness

1. /oak ' or 3 dried figs (anjeer) overnight in & cup water. ?at them along with & tablespoon
honey the ne(t morning. *ontinue for a month.

2. -ry in & tablespoon butter% ' teaspoon each wheat flour% almond paste and poppy seeds
(khuskhus) paste. ?at this along with & cup boiled leaves of fenugreek (methi). !iles

1. 0i( & teaspoon fresh juice of mint (pudina) leaves with & teaspoon lemon juice 9 &
tablespoon honey. Take 3 times a day.

2. 7oil a mashed ripe banana in & teacup milk 9 take ' 3 times a day. 3. 0i( juice of &8 '5 tender curry leaves (kadi patta) with & teaspoon honey 9 drink. 4. Take & tablespoon black cumin seeds (kala jeera) and roast them. 0i( in another 5.
tablespoon of black cumin seeds (unroasted) and powder them finely. Take 2 teaspoon of this powder with a glass of water everyday. Bash ' 3 dried figs (anjeer) very well 9 soak in a glass of cold water overnight. "ave it first thing in the morning. /imilarly have figs in the evening that have been soaked in the morning. "ave them for ' 3 weeks for good results. Ft is effective in ordinary as well as bleeding piles. 3 teaspoon of the juice of the leaves of bitter gourd (karela) mi(ed with a glassful of buttermilk taken every morning for a month is a good remedy for piles. The juice of radish (mooli) or consuming fresh radish is very effective. The juice should be given in doses of =5 K5 ml morning 9 evening. Take 2 teaspoon each of powder of dried pomegranate flowers (anaar daana)% poppy seeds (khuskhus) 9 dried neem leaves% twice a day with milk for bleeding piles. *onsuming buttermilk after food is very beneficial in the treatment and eradication of piles. 0i( > teaspoon carom seeds (ajwain) powder 9 rock salt (white) to your buttermilk. .recaution D *onstipation should be avoided as it leads to an aggravation of piles. !im"les0acne0$lackheads

6. 7. 8. 9.

1. 1pplication of fresh mint (pudina) juice over face every night cures pimples and prevents
dryness of the skin.

2. 0i( e)ual amounts of lemon juice and rose water (gulab jal). 1pply on face and keep for 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
2 hour. &8 '5 days of this application helps cure pimples and also removes blemishes 9 scars. 6ub nutmeg (jaiphal) in unboiled milk to form a paste. 1pply on the face 9 let it dry. Bash off with warm water. Do it ' 3 times a day. 3ou will see the pimples disappearing in 3 ! days. 1 couple of garlic (lasan) cloves% crushed 9 rubbed on the face & ' times a day. This process is further helped by taking raw garlic regularly. "ave & ' cloves in the morning. 1pply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Bash off with warm water ne(t morning. ,rind some neem leaves with water to a fine paste. 1pply on infected area. w ,rind e)ual )uantity of nutmeg (jaiphal)% black pepper (kali mirch) and sandalwood. 1pply on affected area. *lean face with rose water (gulab jal) ' 3 times a day. The orange peel (santare ka chilka) is very valuable in the treatment of acme 9 pimples. .ound the peel with water on a piece of stone and apply in the affected area. Bhen oranges are not in season% dry peel in shade. .owder the dried peels 9 store. !rickly heat

1. 0i( dry sandalwood powder with rose water (gulab jal) to make a paste. 1pply on
affected parts. Bhen dry% wash it off. Ft prevents e(cessive sweating 9 heals inflamed skin. 2e"roducti+e &eakness

1. 7oil & cup milk with 2 teaspoon pepper powder and = to 4 crushed almonds. Take at
bedtime. 2heumatic "ain

1. 7oil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg (jaiphal) in & cup sesame oil (til ka tel). *ool and
apply on affected parts.

2. ' to 3 teaspoon pepper powder is fried in ' teaspoon sesame oil (til ka tel) until charred.
Bhen it is warm% it is applied on the affected areas and massaged lightly.

3. 1 3 inch piece of dried ginger (sonth) is ground with a grape si#ed piece of asafoetida
(hing) in milk. The paste is applied on the affected area. The area is e(posed to the sun for imparting warmth and heat. Scars remo+al 'rom 'ace

1. 7lanch 9 grind a few almonds to a fine paste with ' tablespoon milk and one tablespoon 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
each of orange 9 carrot juice. 1pply well on face and neck. Aeave for 2 hour% then wash off. 1pply one tablespoon finely ground raw papaya on face and neck. ;eep for &8 '5 minutes and wash off. Bash face with coconut water (nariyal pani). 1pply coconut water on face and leave for &8 '5 minute before washing it off. ,rind one teaspoon yellow mustard (peeli rai) to a paste with & tablespoon malai$cream 9 apply on face and neck. Aeave for &8 '5 minutes. This also removes itching as well as blemishes from the skin. Bash 9 grind a few fresh mint (pudina) leaves to a smooth paste. 1pply 9 leave for 2 hour or apply every night before going to sleep. This helps in getting rid of pimples along with the blemishes. 1pply a teaspoon of olive oil mi(ed with 2 a teaspoon of lime juice. Aeave it for '5 '8 minute 9 then wash off. Take the pulp of a ripe tomato. 1dd a few drops of lemon juice 9 rub on the face and neck. Aeave for '5 '8 minute. Bash off. Ff your skin is dry% rub a stick of sandalwood in milk 9 if skin is oily rub it in rose water (gulab jal) and then apply on face. Aeave for an hour and then wash with cold water. Hery effective during summers. -or a dry 9 blemished skin% mi( a tablespoon gram flour (besan)% add a pinch of turmeric (haldi)% > teaspoon orange peel (santare ka chilka) powder% a teaspoon curd (dahi) 9 a teaspoon milk. 1pply on face 9 neck. Bhen skin feels taunt% rub it off with finger tips or wash off with tap water.

Scars due to burn

1. 7oil & cup neem bark in ! cups water. 6emove from fire and shake li)uid. 1pply the
emerging froth on the affected area. 6epeat several times and for several days. Se#ual debility

1. -ry e)ual )uantities of carom (ajwain) seeds and kernel of tamarind seeds (imli ke beej) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
in ghee. .owder and store in a dry% cool place. 0i( & teaspoon of this powder in a glass of milk along with & tablespoon honey. Drink daily at bedtime. 0ake paranthas of wheat flour by adding 2 cup fenugreek (methi) leaves% 2 teaspoon ground almonds% 2 teaspoon poppy seeds (khuskhus) and a little ghee. ?at every day for !5 days. /oak 4 to &5 almonds and & teaspoon rice overnight. 6emove the outer skin. ,rind into a fine paste. 0i( in some milk and a pinch of turmeric (haldi) powder. 7oil and drink along with sugar candy (mishri) or ordinary sugar to taste. Take ' teaspoon of amla juice and mi( it with two teaspoonfuls each honey and lime juice. 1dd & teacup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. (1ttentionD The treatment should continue for at least &'5 days to achieve e(pected results.) 7oil & teaspoon ground fenugreek seeds (methi dana) in a cup of water and drink. 2 teaspoon ginger (adrak) juice mi(ed with honey and a semi boiled egg% taken at night. 0i( > teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder in teaspoon honey and take with a half boiled egg an hour before going to bed.

8. +nion seeds (kalaunji) dried and powdered% & teaspoon eaten 3 times daily along with
sugar or honey.

9. 7oil & teacup milk with 2 teaspoon black pepper (kali mirch) powder and = to 4 crushed 10. 11. 12.
almonds. Take at bedtime. ,rind ' or 3 teaspoon dried pomegranate seeds (anaar dana) and take once or twice along with milk. 0i( > teaspoon saffron (kesar) with milk. Take twice daily. 0i( sesame seeds (til) with jaggery (gur) and eat.

Se#ual under8de+elo"ment in &omen

1. = to 4 almonds% crushed and mi(ed in & cup milk along with & egg yolk% 2 teaspoon
ground sesame seeds (til) and & teaspoon honey. Take once or twice a day.

Se#ual &eakness

1. +nion seeds (kalaunji) powdered% & teaspoon eaten 3 times daily along with sugar or
honey. Skin aller ies

1. ,rind & tablespoon poppy seeds (khuskhus) with & teaspoon water. 1dd & teaspoon lime 2.
juice. 1pply on the affected areas. 0i( & teaspoon lime juice with sandalwood paste and apply all over.

Skin cracked

1. -or dry% cracked hands apply a mi(ture of grated potato soaked in olive oil. Aeave this on
for &5 minutes and then rinse off. Skin com"le#ion

1. 0i( e)ual )uantities of almond oil and honey and apply on the face. /nee#ing w 7oil '
tablespoon fennel seeds (saunf) in & cup water till it is reduced to half. -ilter. Take & tablespoon every morning and evening for a few days. S"rain

1. *hop raw onions (pya#) and put in a towel. .lace this over the sprain to relieve pain and 2. 3.
bring down the swelling. 1lternatively% make a footbath of lavender oil and water and soak your ankle% but do not massage the area. ,rind lime leaves into a fine paste. 0i( it with an e)ual )uantity of butter. 1pply on the affected areas. 0i( e)ual parts of almond oil 9 garlic oil and massage over the affected parts Stomach ache

1. /wallow with warm water% & teaspoon carom seeds (ajwain) and pinch of salt.

2. & teaspoon pure ghee mi(ed with a pinch of asafoetida (hing)% swallow with warm water. 3. 0i( & teaspoon mint (pudina) juice% & teaspoon lemon juice% juice of >< piece ginger
(adrak) and a pinch of black salt (kala namak) and drink it.

4. 0i( a little asafoetida (hing) with water to make a paste. 1pply on and around the navel. 5. Drink & ' teaspoon brandy with a little warm water. ,ives immediate relief from gas. 6. 0i( carom seeds (ajwain) with lemon juice and dry in the sun. 7ottle it and have a 7. 8.
teaspoon whenever you feel that something is wrong with your stomach (very good for stomach digestion% gas% indigestion etc.) 1nd then there is the age old method of using a hot water bottle and lying down on your stomach to get relief. stomach pain around navel ,rind ' teaspoon each carom seeds (ajwain) and dried ginger (sonth) into a fine powder. 1dd a little black salt (kala namak). Take & teaspoon of this mi(ture with & teacup warm water fre)uently. Stomach5 burn

1. Take & teaspoon fenugreek seed (methi daana) powder along with milk or buttermilk
(chhach) twice daily for a few days. Stomach u"set (loose motions)

1. -or children D ripe 9 sweet apples crushed to a pulp (can be steamed) can be given as &
! tablespoon several times a day.

2. 0ashed ripe banana with a little salt% should be taken ' 3 time a day. 3. 1 teaspoon of date (khajoor) paste mi(ed with a little honey% given three times a day is 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
very effective for regulating the bowels 8 &5 gms of amla seed powder mi(ed with buttermilk (chhach) should be taken for & ' days. *rush 4 &5 curry leaves (curry patta). 0i( with a cup of thin buttermilk (chhach) and have ' 3 times a day. 0i( juice of & large pomegranate (anaar) and & glass of sugar cane juice (ganne ka ras). "ave ! times a day 1 -ast with only buttermilk% curd% curd and rice or bananas proves very effective. 1void raw vegetables and fruits such as orange% mosambi% papaya% pineapple and spices. Drink plenty of water to which a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt has been added to guard against dehydration. 1 strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective.

Stomach hea+iness

1. 0i( > teaspoon each powdered cumin (jeera) and black pepper in a glass of buttermilk
(chhach). Drink two or three times a day for ' 3 days. Sunburn0Suntan

1. 0i( ' teaspoon tomato juice and ! tablespoon buttermilk (chhach). 1pply. Bash after 2
hour. w 0i( olive oil with e)ual )uantity of vinegar and apply an hour before your bath. S&eatin e#cessi+e

1. 0i( dry sandalwood powder in rose water (gulab jal) (&D&) and apply over parts where
sweating is e(cessive

.hroat5 hoarseness

1. /oak 4 to &5 almonds overnight in & cup water. 1fter discarding the outer skin% grind the
kernels with 4 to &5 black pepper (saboot kali mirch) in & cup water. /ift it and drink once a day% after adding sugar candy (mishri) to taste. .hroat !ain

1. *rush a few neem leaves with water. 6emove pulp. Barm it up. 1dd a little honey and

2. 0i( & teaspoon lime juice and & tablespoon honey. /wallow tiny amounts slowly ' 3
times a day. .hroat5 Soreness 1pply li)uorice (mulathi) paste like a paint around the throat for relief. ?at a plain betel leaf (pan) with li)uorice (mulathi) ' 3 times a day. Drink tea boiled with ginger (adrak) and a few tulsi leaves ' 3 times a day. ,argle with warm salt water at least twice a day. "owever do not make gargling sounds as this may aggravate the soreness. .ound ' 3 cloves (laung)% garlic (lasan) and add to a cupful of honey. ;eep for & ' days. "ave one teaspoon thrice a day. Drink lots of water (&5 &' glasses) a day since most throat problems are intensified by dehydration. "ave the mi(ture of 2 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoon lemon juice every & ' hours. 1dd two tablespoon of fenugreek (methi) seeds to = cups of water. "eat on low flame$simmer for &8 '5 minutes. *ool to bearable temperature. /train and gargle ' 3 times a day with this. "eat a cup of milk (warm). 1dd & ' pinch of turmeric powder (haldi) mi( well and drink at might. .ooth ache

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. "eat 2 teaspoon asafetida (hing) in ' teaspoon lime juice. /oak a piece of cotton in this
solution and place it in the tooth cavity.

2. 1pply a mi(ture of powdered black pepper (kali mirch) and clove oil on the affected part. 3. .ound some asafetida (hing) in a mortar 9 pestle and add some lime juice. "eat it 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
slightly. /oak a piece of cotton and hold it on the affected area. "eat & teaspoon coconut oil and fry 3 pieces of clove (laung). .owder. 1pply on the affected area. 1pply nutmeg oil in affected parts. 7urn the shells of almonds and powder. @se as toothpowder. /oak a piece of cotton wool in few drops of clove oil. .ress on affected areas. .aste of dry ginger (sonth) applied to gums along with a little salt. .ooth5 yello&

1. 0i( salt with finely powdered rind of lime (nimbu ka chilka). @se this as toothpowder 2.
fre)uently. 7urn the shells of almonds and powder. @se as toothpowder .y"hoid

1. & to ' teaspoon fresh juice of coriander leaves (hara dhania) is mi(ed in & cup buttermilk
and taken ' 3 times.

2. 0ash a ripe banana along with & tablespoon honey and eat twice a day for a few days.
9erti o

1. /teep & teaspoon each dried amla powder and coriander seeds (saboot dhania) in water 2. 3.
overnight. /train and drink ne(t morning. To improve the flavour% sugar can be added. 6epeat for a few days. "eat ' tablespoon sesame oil (til ka tel). 0i( in 2 teaspoon each finely powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) and cinnamon (dalchini). 1pply on head. 0i( J to 4 almonds with J to 4 kernels of pumpkin (kaddu) seeds% & teaspoon poppy seeds (khuskhus) and 3 tablespoon wheat. /oak in water overnight. Ce(t morning% remove the outer skin of the almonds and grind together into a fine paste. "eat separately ' teaspoon ghee and fry 2 teaspoon cloves (laung). 1dd the paste to it along with some milk and boil the whole mi(ture. /weeten with sugar and drink every day for a few days. 9omitin and Nausea

1. Aicking the powder of fried cloves (laung) mi(ed with honey controls vomiting. 2. /ucking a piece of ice also controls vomiting. 3. 0i( ' 3 teaspoon of curry leaves (curry patta) juice with a teaspoon of lime juice (can add
little sugar if needed). Drinking this will control morning sickness% nausea and vomiting.

4. *rush ' 3 cloves of garlic (lasan) and boiled with 3$! cup of water or milk. 7oil till half the
amount remains and then drink. Ft takes care of all digestive disorders.

5. 0i( 2 teaspoon of fresh ginger (adrak) juice with & teaspoon each of fresh lime% mint 6. 7. 8. 9.
(pudina) juices and & tablespoon of honey and drink. /lice a ripe banana. /prinkle some powdered sugar and freshly ground cardamoms (chhoti illaichi) on top. ?at & ' times a day. ?at 2 teaspoon ground cumin seeds (jeera). ,inger (adrak) tea or sucking sliced ginger helps. .owdered cinnamon (dalchini) and sliced ginger (adrak) work by interrupting nausea signals sent from the stomach to the brain. Ff you are a herbal tea drinker% simply sprinkle powdered cinnamon on the tea and drink. To make ginger tea% simply simmer a few slices of ginger in hot tea water.

9omitin due to indi estion

1. -re)uent intake of lime juice is a good remedy.


1. 0ash the garlic (lasan) cloves and apply e(ternally. 2. 1pply the milky juice e(uding from the stems of figs (anjeer) and leaves on the affected

3. .lace some chopped onions in a dish% cover with salt and leave overnight. Twice a day
apply the resulting juice to the warts until they disappear.

4. 1nother alternative is fresh pineapple juice or slices. /ince pineapple contains an

en#yme that breaks down warts% it is very effective in removing warts without leaving behind any marks. 1pply some to the wart several times a day until it has gone. /rinkles

1. 1pply coconut oil on the portions of skin and face where wrinkles set in and gently
massage every night at bed time.

2. /oak shredded ginger (adrak) in honey. ?at a spoonful every morning. 3ellow
pigmentation in eyes due to jaundice

3. ,rind > teaspoon black cumin seeds (kala jeera) in breast milk and introduce a pinch
into the nostrils.

Home Remedies For Common Diseases Using Herbal Plants

Here are a few time tested home remedies for common diseases you can try for better health . Know of others? Write to us and we will share with all and give you the credit.

Fever Cough Wet cough For A lowing Face !ar" Circle around #yes Hair $elated !andruff Insect &ites &ad &reath Fever

Indigestion Constipation Acidity Worms Crac"s on Feet soles %ocal &urns Wounds Anaemia For eneral ood Health

'o "eep fevers at bay( have ) *+ tulsi leaves daily in the morning. 'ulsi leaves should be swallowed and not chewed as they are strong enough to damage teeth. In fever have , teaspoon of -uice of tulsi leaves and bel flowers with honey twice a day. Go top

.i/ ,0 teaspoon of ginger -uice with half teaspoon of honey and ta"e ) *+ times a day. 'a"e , teaspoon of 'ulsi leaves -uice , *) times a day. .i/ blac" pepper powder with -aggery 1gur2 and ma"e small balls. Keep in mouth and suc" slowly. o top

Wet cough
Fry ) teaspoon of leaf pulp of Aloe vera in half teaspoon of ghee. #at with a little honey thrice a day for + days. o top

'a"e -uice of ) lemons in half a litre of hot water sweetened with honey. o top

For A lowing Face

Incase of pimples apply ) drops of lemon -uice mi/ed with ) drops of rose water. Wash after an hour if re3uired. 4aste of neem leaves may also be applied on acne prone area. Apply -uice of pudina 1fresh mint2 on face or paste of nutmeg 1 -aiphal2 to cure pimples. 4imples disappear without scar when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Apply a paste of neem powder and fresh turmeric rhi5ome on face before bath for glowing s"in and to remove scars. Add ) drops of lemon 6 orange -uice to a spoon of honey and apply on face to remove tan. Apply pulp of Aloe vera mi/ed with turmeric powder on face to improve comple/ion. Applying a paste of tulsi leaves on face also does wonders. .i/ Aloe vera gel( paste of marigold flowers( lemon -uice( orange -uice and massage on face for a few minutes and leave on for half an hour. o top

!ar" Circle around #yes

Apply a paste of , spoon tomato -uice( few drops of lemon -uice( a pinch of haldi powder and little besan 1 gram flour2. Wash after ,7 * ,8 minutes. 9oa" cotton wool in cucumber or potato -uice and apply around eyes. o top

Hair $elated
#at plenty of amla 1gooseberry2 as it is a rich source of vitamin C to reduce hairfall. #ating amla powder before sleeping is especially beneficial. Apply pulp of amla on scalp or wash hair with amla -uice to prevent hair greying and falling. 4aste of tulsi leaves can also be mi/ed in this. 9oa" shredded ginger in honey. #at a spoonful every morning for healthy hair. Apply pulp of Aloe vera on scalp improving hair:s strength and te/ture. Wash. .a"e your own herbal hair wash by mi/ing e3ual powdered 3uantities of dried curry patta( lemon peel( shi"a"ai( methi 1fenugree" seeds2( and green gram 1moong saboot2. ;se instead of shampoo. Crush leaves of the five petaled red Hibiscus and apply on head as a shampoo to reduce hair falling. o top

9oa" ) tablespoon of fenugree" seeds 1 methi dana 2 in water overnight. In morning grind into a paste and apply over scalp. Wash after half an hour. o top

&ad &reath
Chew fennel seeds 1 saunf2 or cardamom seeds 1 illaichi2 fre3uently to sweeten your breath. ;se neem twigs as tooth paste. o top

#at plenty of curry patta leaves to improve digestion. Add a pinch of pepper powder and -eera 1cumin2 powder to a glass of buttermil". Have after meals. .a"e paste of ginger and eat before meals with -aggery. Incase of gas( dissolve a little hing 1asafoetida2 in hot water. Apply on abdomen. Take pomegranate juice with roasted cumin seeds powder and jaggery. Take juice of ,inger with jaggery o top

'a"e , <+ tsp of 'rifala powder with warm water at bedtime. 'rifala is the mi/ture of + fruits= Amla( Harada and &ahera. $ipe &ael fruit 1stone apple2 is an e/cellent la/ative. It can be ta"en as a -uice or eaten for ) *+ months. 4ulp from fruits of Amaltas 1 Cassia fistula2 are also well "nown la/ative and can be ta"en by even children. 9oa" about 87gms of pulp overnight in water. 9train and ta"e in morning with sugar. 'a"e a hot glass of water with , teaspoon honey > -uice of half a lemon first thing in the morning. o top

'a"e a piece of -aggery 1gur2 every hour. ?ust "eep in mouth and suc" slowly till acidity subsides. 9uc" a piece of clove 6 laung after meals for ) * + days. ?uice of harad 1'erminalia chebula2 is effective in neutrali5ing acid in stomach. Have triphala powder with honey thrice a day. !rin" coconut water + * @ times a day. +a$e decoction of fruit cover of .o e"ranate. /a$e ) cup &ith honey three ti es a for 7 days o top

'a"e , teaspoon of neem leaf powder twice daily with mil" 6 hot water. !ry the ripe fruit bar" of anar 1pomegranate2 fruit in shade and crush to fine powder. 'a"e , teaspoon with water in evening and morning for + days. /a$in" half0teaspoon "round seeds of papaya &ith &ater for 3 to 4 days. o top

%ocal &urns
Wash affected area with running tap water and apply a thin layer of honey or Aloe vera gel. Apply curry leaves as poultice over affected areas.

o top

'a"e pulp of Aloe vera by splitting open leaf . Apply over wound after cleaning it. $epeat twice daily till wound heals. For chronic wounds( sprin"le turmeric powder on pulp. 4lace it on wound and bandage. o top

Crac"s on Feet soles

.i/ henna powder with a little lemon -uice and apply on the feet. rind e3ual amount of neem leaves and haldi and apply. o top

Insect &ites
Apply a paste of sandalwood or tulsi leaves on affected area. o top

?uice of beetroot( apple or spinach , *) times a day are good remedies for anaemia. Foods rich in iron are leafy green vegetables li"e spinach 1paala"2( salad leaves and fenugree" 1 methi2( bananas( apple( pomegranate( carrots( grapes( gooseberry 1amla2( tomatoes( honey. Have plenty of them. o top

For eneral ood Health

#at amla fruits 1gooseberry2 or drin" it:s -uice to increase body:s immunity. .a"e several holes 6 cut in amla fruits 1gooseberry2 and "eep in honey for a month. #at daily when you can not have fresh amla. o top

Home Remedies for Dark Skin Here are some simple home remedies that you can do to lighten the skin tone and get a lighter complexion. However, they must be done regularly and best results are obtained if they are inculcated as a part of daily routine. Mix 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and tsp of almond oil. pply on face and wash off after 1!"1# minutes. $his pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan. Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. %eep it on for &! minutes and then wash it off with cold water. 't helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.

(lace sliced raw potato on the face. 't helps reduce blemishes and other marks. pplying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. )ime juice is a natural bleach.

*ried orange peels mixed with curd also help reduce blemishes and scars. +ash off this mixture with cold water after 1# minutes. ,oak - almonds overnight. .rind into a fine paste using milk. pply on face and neck and leave it overnight. +ash with cold water in the morning. *o this daily for 1# days, followed by twice a week. tbsp of gram flour mixed with & tsp of raw milk and &"/ drops of lime juice works well for lightening dark skin. pply this mixture and leave it for 1# minutes before washing off. 0epeat for weeks and follow up with once a week. pply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about &! minutes. +ash with cold water, continue for 1# days. pply a mixture of grated tomato with &"/ drops of lime juice on the face. )eave it for &! minutes before washing off. *o this twice a day for 1#"&! days for best results.

1abbage is a negative calorie food that helps in burning body fat. 2ou can take cabbage as a salad or added to other food. $ry to replace one meal with a cabbage meal. &. .reen tea is one of the popular home remedies for weight loss. *rink three cups of green tea to deal with the extra weight. 't is an ultimate fat burner. /. 3at two red tomatoes every morning in breakfast for a few months. $his will help in restricting calorie intake. -. (repare a mixture of 14- teaspoon powdered black pepper, / teaspoon lime juice, and 1 teaspoon honey in 1 cup water. *rinking this mixture for /"- months to loss weight. #. *rink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with lime juice and some honey the first thing in the morning. $his is also a common home remedy for weight loss to dissolve the excess fats. 5. 3ating 1!"1& fully grown curry leaves every morning for / to months may help in weight loss for obese people. 6. 'nclude fat burning foods in your diet plan. $his will help in weight loss for those who want to lose weight naturally. 7. Minimi8e your carbohydrate intake. void rice and potatoes. +heat, barley and mai8e are ideal substitutes for rice in people who has weight problems. lso do not consume oily and fatty substances like clarified butter, butter and sweet potato. 9. 3xercise is extremely important in weight loss. 't is necessary to indulge in mild physical activity after each meal even if you cannot make time to go to a gym.

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