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Particle Swarm Optimization Research Toolbox

Documentation Version 20110515i By George Evers
Clickable Contents
ntro!"ction...................................................................................................1 #tatement o$ %"rpose.............................................................................1 &oc"mentation 'verview.......................................................................1 (oncept"al '"tline.............................................................................1 )he &oc"mentation *s a +elp ,en"...................................................2 -ormats *vailable...............................................................................2 %rere."isite )erminology.......................................................................2 &ecision Variable................................................................................2 &ecision Vector...................................................................................2 (ontrol %anel....................................................................................../ #witches............................................................................................./ #ettings.............................................................................................../ )rial.....................................................................................................0 (ol"mn 1#tatistics %ertaining to 'ne #et o$ )rials2.............................0 )able 1'ne or ,ore (ol"mns2.............................................................0 . #ystem %reparation......................................................................................5 #etting Virt"al ,emory #i3e...................................................................5 #tep 1.................................................................................................5 #teps 2 4 /.........................................................................................5 (hec5ing 6ava Version............................................................................7 #etting ,*)8*B %re$erences..................................................................7 8ine 9rapping.....................................................................................7 (omman! 9in!ows #croll B"$$er........................................................7 :ight;han! )ext 8imit.........................................................................7 #electing a -ont #"itable $or %asting into 9or!.....................................7 %ac5ing ,emory.....................................................................................7 . * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"gh...............................................................................< nstalling the %#' )oolbox 1i.e. =n3ipping the -iles2..............................< 'pening -iles $or E!iting........................................................................< *"to;saving -ig"res................................................................................< -ig"re #witches...................................................................................< -ig"re %osition....................................................................................< =n!erstan!ing *"tomatic np"t Vali!ation.............................................> =n!erstan!ing =ser np"t Vali!ation....................................................10 i

nterpreting Graphs..............................................................................11 -ig"re ?"mbers................................................................................11 'b@ective -"nction............................................................................11 %hase %lots.......................................................................................11 %osition vs. teration.........................................................................12 *naly3ing 9or5space Variables............................................................12 $g......................................................................................................12 thresh_$or_s"cc.................................................................................12 n"m_trials_s"ccess$"l.......................................................................1/ 5........................................................................................................1/ iter_s"ccess......................................................................................1/ x........................................................................................................10 xhist..................................................................................................10 v........................................................................................................15 vhist..................................................................................................15 p.......................................................................................................1A Eval"ating %ositions..........................................................................1A $p......................................................................................................17 $........................................................................................................1< phist..................................................................................................1< l.........................................................................................................1> $histB lhistB 4 lbest_neighb_si3e.........................................................20 g.......................................................................................................22 ghist..................................................................................................22 9or5space 'rgani3ation...................................................................2/ #"mmary..........................................................................................2/ Cnowing 9here &ata is #ave!.............................................................20 -ig"res..............................................................................................20 9or5spaces......................................................................................20 *ctivating an! &e;activating Graphs....................................................2A &e;activating %hase %lotsB %osition vs. teration GraphsB an! Benchmar5 Graph.............................................................................2A *ctivating Graphs o$ %ersonal Bests 4 Global Best vs. teration.......2A *ctivating Graphs o$ -"nction Val"es vs. teration...........................27 nterpreting ?ewly *ctivate! Graphs...................................................27 -"nction Val"e vs. teration..............................................................27 %ersonal Bests 4 Global Best vs. teration........................................27 Global BestDs -"nction Val"e vs. teration........................................27 #witching Between 8best an! Gbest %#'Ds..........................................27 #witching to #tatic nertia 9eight........................................................2< (hanging the #warm #i3e....................................................................2< (hanging the ?"mber o$ terations......................................................2< *ctivating #warm )ra@ectory Graphs....................................................2< :e;"sing -ig"res...................................................................................2< ,ar5ing %ersonal Bests an! the Global Best........................................2< (hanging the 'b@ective -"nction.........................................................2< ii

*naly3ing #warm )ra@ectory.................................................................2> :e;"sing -ig"res...............................................................................2> *ctivating :egro"ping %#' 1:eg%#'2..................................................2> #etting the -ormat $or *"to;#ave! -ig"res........................................../0 *naly3ing #warm )ra@ectory o$ :eg%#'.............................................../0 *naly3ing 9or5space Variables $or :eg%#'........................................./1 #witching )ermination (riterion $rom terations to -"nction Eval"ations ............................................................................................................./1 (hanging the ?"mber o$ )rials............................................................./2 (hanging the %roblem &imensionality................................................./2 (hanging the #warm #i3e..................................................................../2 &e;activating =nnecessary +istories..................................................../2 &isabling Graphs................................................................................../2 *naly3ing the #tatistics o$ ,"ltiple )rials............................................./2 =ser np"t Vali!ation......................................................................../2 Each )rialDs &ata...............................................................................// %er$ormance ,eas"res...................................................................../0 #"mmary............................................................................................../A . ,ore &etails on #elect )opics.................................................................../A #peci$ying Gbest or 8best %#' as the (ore *lgorithm........................./A #etting the nertia 9eight..................................................................../A #etting the Velocity (lamping %ercentage.........................................../7 #electing the 'b@ective -"nction1s2....................................................../< #etting the (enter an! :ange o$ the nitiali3ation #pace...................../> =sing :eg%#' to Escape $rom #tagnation............................................00 #peci$ying the ,axim"m ?"mber o$ terations or -"nction Eval"ations .............................................................................................................02 ,axim"m per Gro"ping....................................................................02 ,axim"m over all :eg%#' Gro"pings..............................................02 ,axim"m over all ,%#' #tarts.........................................................0/ (on$ining %articles to the #earch #pace...............................................0/ Velocity :eset...................................................................................0/ %osition (lamping.............................................................................0/ Generating #tatistics *"tomatically.....................................................0/ Generating -ig"res...............................................................................00 ,ean -"nction Val"e........................................................................00 #warm )ra@ectory..............................................................................00 #aving &ata *"tomatically...................................................................05 Examining #ave! &ata.........................................................................05 ,eas"res o$ E$$iciencyE terationsB -"nction Eval"ationsB an! :eal )ime .............................................................................................................0A V. G"i!e to (on!"cting Fo"r 'wn :esearch.................................................07 *!!ing (onstraints...............................................................................0< +" 4 EberhartDs *pproach................................................................0< *n *lternative !ea...........................................................................0> Enhancing Velocity =p!ates.................................................................0> iii

Enhancing %osition =p!ates.................................................................50 Varying the nertia 9eight ?on;linearly...............................................50 (ontrol_%anel.m................................................................................50 gbest_core_loop.m 4 lbest_core_loop.m...........................................51 np"t_Vali!ation.m............................................................................51 &isplay_#ettings.m...........................................................................51 )itle_Graphs.m..................................................................................51 *!!ing Fo"r %roblem to the )oolbox...................................................51 9riting Fo"r -"nction.......................................................................51 8isting Fo"r -"nction in 'b@ectives.m...............................................52 'ther Enhancements............................................................................50 Bene$iting $rom =p!ates......................................................................50 V. (ontrib"tion #tan!ar!s..............................................................................50 -ollowing ?aming (onventions 9hen (reating ?ew Variables............50 ,inimi3ing +ar! (o!ing via G(ontrol_%anel.mH....................................55 Vali!ating np"ts via G np"t_Vali!ation.mH...........................................5A #teps $or *!!ing an *"tomatic (orrection to G np"t_Vali!ation.mH..5A &isplaying the ,ost mportant #ettings via G&isplay_#ettings.mH.......57 ,aintaining 9or5space ntegrity.........................................................5< #teps to *voi! =nintentional =sage o$ &ata.....................................5< )esting ?ew (o!e n!epen!ently o$ the %#' )oolbox..........................5> ,o!i$ying all :elevant Gbest 4 8best #cripts.......................................5> (ommenting *$ter GelseH.....................................................................5> =sing #hort;(irc"it 8ogical 'perators..................................................A0 *!!ing ?ew *lgorithms to Graph )itles................................................A0 *voi!ing %re;*llocate! Ieros...............................................................A1 &e$ining ?ew #witches 4 %rogramming Variables...............................A/ *pplying (hanges )hro"gho"t the %article #warm :esearch )oolbox. A/ V . %rogram -low............................................................................................A/ 'pen_-iles.m........................................................................................A0 (ontrol_%anel.m...................................................................................A0 'b@ectives.m........................................................................................A0 np"t_Vali!ation.m...............................................................................A0 &isplay_#ettings.m...............................................................................A0 :eg%#'_main.m...................................................................................A0 )rial_ nitiali3ations.m........................................................................A5 ,%#'.m............................................................................................A5 :eg_,etho!s_0*n!1.m....................................................................A5 :eg_,etho!_1.m..............................................................................A5 #ave_!ata_per_trial.m......................................................................AA 8oa!_trial_!ata_$or_stats.m..............................................................AA #tan!ar!_'"tp"t.m..........................................................................AA *"tosave_9or5space_%er_(ol"mn.m...............................................AA Graphs.m..........................................................................................AA V . &isclaimer................................................................................................AA V . *!!;ins....................................................................................................A7 iv

:e$erences....................................................................................................A7 *ppen!ix *E &e$initions................................................................................A< '$ %rogramming/9or5space Variables.................................................A< center_ #...........................................................................................A< center_ #0.........................................................................................A< !im....................................................................................................A< $........................................................................................................A< $g......................................................................................................A> $g_array............................................................................................A> $ghist.................................................................................................A> $ghist_c"rrent_trial............................................................................A> $ghist_mean .....................................................................................A> $ghist_over_all_trials ........................................................................70 $hist...................................................................................................70 $hist_c"rrent_trial..............................................................................70 $p......................................................................................................70 $phist.................................................................................................70 $phist_c"rrent_trial............................................................................71 g.......................................................................................................71 ghist..................................................................................................71 ghist_c"rrent_trial.............................................................................71 nternal_i...........................................................................................71 nternal_@...........................................................................................72 iter_mean_per_trial...........................................................................72 iter_s"ccess......................................................................................7/ iter_s"ccess_mean............................................................................7/ iter_tot_all_trials...............................................................................7/ 5........................................................................................................7/ l.........................................................................................................7/ lbest_neighb_si3e..............................................................................7/ lhist...................................................................................................7/ lhist_c"rrent_trial..............................................................................70 max_iter_over_all_gro"pings............................................................70 max_iter_per_gro"ping.....................................................................70 max_-Es_over_all_gro"pings............................................................70 max_-Es_per_gro"ping.....................................................................70 ,%#'_-E_co"nter.............................................................................75 ,%#'_5.............................................................................................75 np.....................................................................................................75 n"m_particles_2_eval"ate ...............................................................75 n"m_trials_s"ccess$"l.......................................................................75 'n'$$_asymmetric_initiali3ation.......................................................7A 'n'$$_$"nc_evals..............................................................................7A 'n'$$_?orm:_stag_!et.....................................................................7A 'n'$$_position_clamping..................................................................77 'n'$$_:eg%#'..................................................................................77 v

'n'$$_#"ccess$"l=ns"ccess$"l.........................................................77 'n'$$_)erminate_=pon_#"ccess......................................................77 'n'$$_v_reset...................................................................................77 '%#'_ghost_-Es_per_gro"ping.........................................................77 '%#'_ghost_-Es_:eg%#'.................................................................7< p.......................................................................................................7< phist..................................................................................................7< phist_c"rrent_trial.............................................................................7< position_matrix.................................................................................7> r1......................................................................................................7> r2.....................................................................................................7> :an!_se._start_point........................................................................7> range_ #............................................................................................7> range_ #0..........................................................................................<0 reg_$act.............................................................................................<0 :eg%#'_gro"ping_co"nter................................................................<0 :eg%#'_5..........................................................................................<0 :eg%#'_5_a$ter_each_gro"ping........................................................<1 stag_thresh.......................................................................................<1 thresh_$or_s"cc.................................................................................<1 tr"e_global_minim"m.......................................................................<2 v .......................................................................................................<2 vhist..................................................................................................<2 vhist_c"rrent_trial.............................................................................<2 vmax.................................................................................................<2 x........................................................................................................</ xhist..................................................................................................</ xhist_c"rrent_trial.............................................................................</ xmax.................................................................................................</ xmin..................................................................................................<0 '$ -"nctions.........................................................................................<0 'b@-"n_*c5ley..................................................................................<0 'b@-"n_Griewang5 ...........................................................................<0 'b@-"n_J"a!ric ...............................................................................<5 'b@-"n_J"artic_?oisy ......................................................................<5 'b@-"n_:astrigin ..............................................................................<A 'b@-"n_:osenbroc5 .........................................................................<A 'b@-"n_:osenbroc5_Engelbrecht_Van!enBergh ..............................<A 'b@-"n_#cha$$ers_$A ........................................................................<7 'b@-"n_#chwe$el ..............................................................................<< 'b@-"n_#pherical .............................................................................<> 'b@-"n_9eighte!_#phere ................................................................<> '$ -iles.................................................................................................>0 *ppen!ix BE Error (orrection........................................................................>0 @ava.lang.'"t'$,emoryErrorE 6ava heap space....................................>0 Error "sing KKL saveE =nable to write $ileM ?o s"ch $ile or !irectory >0 vi

*ppen!ix (E E$$icient ,*)8*B #hortc"ts......................................................>0 E!iting (o!e.........................................................................................>0 ?avigating............................................................................................>1 ,anaging -iles.....................................................................................>1 *ppen!ix &E (itation o$ )oolbox or &oc"mentation......................................>1 %aste;able Examples............................................................................>1


Statement of Purpose
)he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox is c"rrently !esigne! to han!le contin"o"sB single;ob@ective optimi3ation problems. (hapter G VE G"i!e to (on!"cting Fo"r 'wn :esearchH clari$ies how a motivate! researcher co"l! a!! constraints or ma5e other improvements. will be happy to g"i!e motivate! researchers in a!!ing new $"nctionality as !one at this ,ath9or5s threa!.

Documentation Overview
Conceptual Outline
Preparation )his intro!"ction gives a ."ic5 overview o$ the !oc"mentation an! toolboxB an! the $irst chapter explains how to optimi3e yo"r system $or improve! ,*)8*B per$ormance. Usage uide )he secon! chapter explains how to "se the most pop"lar switches an! settings o$ the toolboxB an! the thir! chapter contains more !etaile! instr"ctions on vario"s topics N s"ch as how to prevent particles $rom leaving the initiali3ation space an!/or how to "se :eg%#' to escape premat"re convergence $or contin"e! optimi3ation. Contribution uide )he $o"rth chapter o"tlines how to "se the toolbox to solve "ni."e problems or to ma5e novel improvements to the algorithms implementable by the toolbox. )he $i$th chapter o"tlines a str"ct"re! $ramewor5 $or e!iting the co!e to ens"re that we all move in the same !irection. )he sixth chapter o"tlines program $low $or contrib"torsB tho"gh en! "sers nee! only concern themselves with the control panel. !cknowledgements )he seventh chapter is a !isclaimerB an! the eighth chapter cre!its contrib"tors an! provi!es lin5s to their webpages. !ppendices *ppen!ix * !e$ines variables an! $"nctions "se! by the toolbox. *ppen!ix B explains how to prevent certain errors $rom occ"rring. *ppen!ix ( contains "se$"l ,*)8*B shortc"ts. *n! *ppen!ix & contains examples o$ how to cite the toolbox an!/or !oc"mentation.

The Documentation !s a "elp #enu

)he !oc"mentation will hope$"lly answer most ."estions abo"t the toolbox an! how to "se it $or novel research. )he table o$ contents is clic5able by topic an! can be tho"ght o$ as an expan!e! help in!ex. (trl O $"nctionality can be "se! to search the contents $or 5eywor!s as wo"l! be !one within ,*)8*BDs help men". $ the !esire! topic is not a!!resse! or its !isc"ssion is $o"n! to be ins"$$icientB please email george PatQ $or $"rther clari$icationR howeverB please ta5e the time to chec5 this !oc"mentation $or the answers to yo"r ."estions.

$ormats !%ailable
)his !oc"mentation is !istrib"te! with the toolbox in .p!$ $ormat since the $ree *!obe :ea!er optimi3es aesthetics better than wor! processorsB b"t .!oc $ormat is available $or those who pre$er to highlight while rea!ing. 'racleB the new owner o$ #"n ,icrosystems an! hence also o$ the 6ava $or which #"n $o"ght ,icroso$t to retain ownershipB also ma5es 'pen '$$ice N a $ree alternative to ,icroso$t an! its b"siness practices that r"ns on 9in!owsB ,acB an! 8in"x. 9hile more basic in $"nctionality an! not yet integrate! with '"tloo5B it is s"rprisingly capable an! low on b"gs $or $reewareE highly recommen! it to anyone on a b"!get.

Toolbox Compatibility
)he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox has been veri$ie! to be compatible with ,*)8*B 2007aB 200>aB 2010a an! with 9in!ows S% an! 7. t is also tho"ght to be compatible with other recent ,*)8*B versions since all reporte! error messages have been a!!resse!.

Prerequisite Terminology
&e$initions in this chapter are not meant to be comprehensive b"t to assign basic meaning to terms "se! herein.

Decision &ariable
* !ecision variable is one o$ GnH variables to be optimi3e! by the !ecision ma5er 1i.e. the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox "ser2. )he n"mber o$ !ecision variables to be optimi3e! !etermines the !imensionality o$ the optimi3ation problem N i.e. the !imensionality o$ the hyperc"be to be searche! by the swarm in p"rs"it o$ either a global or local minimi3er.

Decision &ector
* !ecision vector is the set o$ !ecision variables to be optimi3e! by the !ecision ma5er. n %#' literat"reB this is an n;!imensional position vector since each position ass"me! by a particle represents one can!i!ate sol"tion to the optimi3ation problem.

Control Panel
)he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox evolve! over the co"rse o$ thesis while combating the premat"re convergence problem o$ particle swarm optimi3ation 1%#'2. :ather than har! co!ing changes to test new i!easB variables were create! whose val"es are set within in the control panel. t is essential that a research toolbox give the "ser a consi!erable !egree o$ $lexibility by which to test new i!easB which is what the extensive control panel strives to !o.

:ather than maintaining !i$$erent co!es $or !i$$erent variations o$ the %#' algorithmB switches were create! in the control panel by which to activate an! !e;activate vario"s $"nctionalities. #witches are logical variables occ"pying one byte o$ memory rather than the "s"al eight bytesB an! they chec5 ."ic5ly an! e$$iciently !"ring program exec"tion since no comp"tation is re."ire!. -or exampleB Gi$ OnOff_lbestH eval"ates to Gtr"eH when switch OnOff_lbest in the control panel has been activate! by setting it to Glogical112BH b"t it eval"ates to G$alseH when the "ser has !eactivate! the switch by setting it to Glogical102HR this partic"lar chec5 is "se! within the toolbox to !etermine whether to implement 8best or Gbest %#'.

*si!e $rom switchesB which are simply active or inactiveB the control panel also contains settings which store n"merical val"es. #ome settings store basic %#' speci$ications s"ch as swarm si3eB inertia weightB acceleration coe$$icientsB an! velocity clamping percentage. 'thers control $eat"res s"ch as the n"mber o$ trials to be exec"te!B the n"merical o"tp"t $ormatB an! the si3e o$ $ig"res generate!. )he most important parts o$ the control panel with which to become $amiliar initially areE 1i2 )he switches in s"bsections G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H an! G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H o$ section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?BH 1ii2 )he basic %#' settings o$ section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#BH an! 1iii2 )he graphing switches in s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E#H o$ section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#H. )hese essentials will be intro!"ce! in chapter G . * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghG. )he more $amiliar yo" become with the toolboxB the more settings yo" will master.

Each sim"lation is re$erre! to as a GtrialH. 9hen num_trials is set to 1 atop section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H o$ the control panelB one trial will be exec"te! accor!ing to the settings speci$ie!.

Column 'Statistics Pertaining to One Set o( Trials)

9hen num_trials is set greater than 1B each trialDs best $"nction val"e is a"tomatically analy3e! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox to calc"late an! !isplay the me!ianB meanB minim"mB maxim"mB an! stan!ar! !eviation. Each trial within this set o$ trials will "se precisely the same settingsB b"t each will "se a "ni."ely repeatable se."ence o$ pse"!o; ran!om n"mbers. )he more trials one con!"ctsB the less e$$ect any partic"lar trialDs ran!omness will have on the statisticsB an! the better the in!ication will be o$ the algorithmDs overall e$$ectiveness.

Table 'One or #ore Columns)

)he table $eat"re is only available in the $"ll version o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolboxB so this !isc"ssion can be s5ippe! by "sers o$ the $ree !emo version. * table containing m"ltiple col"mns is generate! when a val"e s"ch as the swarm si3eB inertia weightB velocity clamping percentageB or regro"ping $actor 1i.e. o$ :eg%#' P1Q2 is a"tomatically incremente! per col"mn. &isplaye! atop each table are the basic %#' parameters hel! constant across col"mns. &isplaye! atop each col"mn is the val"e o$ the parameter being incremente!. *n! !isplaye! within each col"mn are the statistics generate! $or the parameter combination speci$ic to that set o$ trials. ,ost basic %#' parameters can be incremente! across col"mns within a tableB while the ob@ective an! acceleration coe$$icients can be incremente! across the tables themselves. )his programming !irection was chosen to a"tomatically increment the inertia weight $or speci$ic acceleration coe$$icients within a table be$ore a"tomatically incrementing the acceleration coe$$icients between tables in p"rs"it o$ a high;."alityB general;p"rpose %#' parameter combinationB s"ch as those presente! in (hapter o$ thesis P2Q. * GtableH can generally be tho"ght o$ as a set o$ Gcol"mnsBH where each col"mn contains the statistics pro!"ce! by a partic"lar parameter combination. -or exampleB a table pertaining to acceleration coe$$icients c1 = 2.0, c2 = 2.0 might contain the statistics pro!"ce! by inertia weight = 0.71 B in which case the next col"mn wo"l! contain the statistics pro!"ce! by = 0.72 B an! so $orth. 9hen only the ob@ective $"nction is incremente!B each GtableH will contain exactly one Gcol"mnH o$ statistics since no parameter wo"l! be incremente! within each table. 0

I* S+stem Preparation
Setting Virtual Memory Size
#ince ,*)8*B is more memory;intensive than the typical 9in!ows programB c"stomi3ing the $ollowing 9in!ows options can improve per$ormance.

Step ,
1i2 1ii2 1iii2 1iv2 1v2 1vi2 (lic5 #tart $ollowe! by ,y (omp"terB %ress *lt O TvB !U to view !etailsB 8eave ,y (omp"ter open with the )otal #i3e o$ yo"r har! !rive visible as !one at the bottom le$t o$ the $ig"re belowB %ress 9in!ows O : to access the :"n !ialog boxB )ype GcalcH an! press EnterB ,"ltiply yo"r har! !riveDs )otal #i3e by 00 1i.e. by 0.00 to $in! 0VB then by 1B000 to convert $rom GB to ,B2 as !one at the top le$t o$ the $ig"re below.

&o not close ,y (omp"ter or the calc"lator "ntil the virt"al memory allocation has been c"stomi3e! below.

Steps - . /
I( running 0indows 1PB clic5E 112#tartB 122(ontrol %anelB 1/2#ystemB 102*!vance!B 5

1521%er$ormance2 #ettingsB 1A2G*!@"st $or best per$ormanceH as shown at the right o$ the image above. 172(lic5 G'CHB b"t !o not close any other win!ow yet. I( running 0indows 2 or &istaB the se."ence isE 112#tartB 122(ontrol %anelB 1/2#ystem an! #ec"rityB 102#ystemB 152G*!vance! system settingsH in the "pper le$tB 1A2*!vance!B 1721%er$ormance2 #ettingsB 1<2G*!@"st $or best per$ormanceH as shown at the right o$ the image above. 1<2(lic5 G'CHB b"t !o not close any other win!ow yet. 0hile still in the Per(ormance OptionsB clic5 the *!vance! tabB which is highlighte! at the right o$ the $ig"re belowB an! change the virt"al memory si3e to be the greater o$E 1i2 )hree times the si3e :ecommen!e! near the bottom o$ the win!owB 1ii2 0V o$ the har! !riveDs total si3e in ,B. )hen set the maxim"m si3e to the greater o$E 1i2 -o"r times the :ecommen!e! si3eB 1ii2 5V o$ the har! !riveDs total si3e in ,B. )hen clic5 #et $ollowe! by each remaining 'C b"tton.

C ec!ing "ava Version

$ yo" have a!ministrative privilegesB yo" may want to veri$y that a recent version o$ 6ava is installe! to ens"re that ,*)8*B will r"n correctly. )his can be !one simply by (trlOclic5ing!ownloa!/installe!.@sp an! clic5ing GVeri$y 6ava versionH. t is not necessary to have the most recent "p!ateB b"t 5eeping at least the version n"mber "p;to;!ate helps avoi! occasional b"gs.

Setting M#T$#% Preferences

3ine 0rapping
,essages generate! by G np"t_vali!ation.mH expect the "ser to ha%e 40rap lines5 acti%ated to a"tomatically $it messages to the "serDs (omman! 9in!ow. )his can be acti%ated b+ clicking 4$ile65 4Pre(erences65 and 4Command 0indow5 1"n!er the G-ontH s"b; hea!ing2 then ticking 40rap lines5*

Command 0indows Scroll 7u((er

Fo" might also want to change the G?"mber o$ lines in comman! win!ow scroll b"$$erH to 25B000 to ens"re that o"tp"ts !o not scroll o$$ the screen i$ tables o$ statistics are generate!.

Right8hand Text 3imit

* right;han! text limit can be activate! by clic5ing GPre(erencesH in the -ile men"B expan!ing the G9ditor:DebuggerH s"bmen"B clic5ing GDispla+BH tic5ing the box to GShow lineBH an! choosing a G%lacementH o$ 2;. (omments type! beyon! this col"mn in the E!itor will a"tomatically wrap to the next lineB which 5eeps comments narrow eno"gh $or pasting into a wor! processor. )he !ashe! line at col"mn 75 is also a vis"al remin!er to brea5 long lines o$ co!e onto separate lines "sing an ellipsisB which 5eeps the co!e itsel$ narrow eno"gh $or pasting.

Selecting a &ont Suitable for Pasting into 'or(

9hen pasting $rom ,*)8*BDs (omman! 9in!ow into 9or!B $ont Courier <ew preser%es spacingB an! #S #incho does the same with a narrower $ont. Both o$ these are available as stan!ar! ,*)8*B o"tp"ts under the 4$onts5 heading o$ the G-ileH men"Ds G%re$erencesH. #etting either o$ these as the ,*)8*B $ont simpli$ies the process o$ pasting into 9or!.

Pac!ing Memory
)yping Gpac5H at ,*)8*BDs comman! prompt !e$ragments the memory assigne! to ,*)8*B an! improves response time. )ype it whenever ,*)8*B has been in "se $or !ays or many ho"rs an! seems to be lagging.


uided 0alk Through

)nstalling t e PSO Toolbox *i+e+ ,nzipping t e &iles*$ter !ownloa!ing the most recent version o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox $rom right;clic5 the 3ippe! $ileB an! extract all contents to G(EWH. =n3ipping to this location instea! o$ to ,y &oc"ments ens"res that wor5spaces name! transparently with the val"es o$ their containe! variables will not become problematic when combine! with the length o$ the $ile path. 1 $ yo" cannot "n3ip the $ileB yo" might $irst nee! to install a program s"ch as the $ree 7;Iip.2

Opening &iles for .(iting

Browse to the $ol!er that yo" @"st "n3ippe!B right clic5 G'pen_-iles.m, an! le$t clic5 G:"nH. )his opens the $iles most li5ely to be e!ite! an! selects G(ontrol_%anel.m as the c"rrent tabB within which yo" will speci$y precisely what sim"lations to r"n. Settings not sel(8explanator+ b+ name are described b+ accompan+ing comments. n the $"t"reB yo" can comment o"t irrelevant lines within G'pen_-iles.mH to $oc"s on partic"lar $iles to be mo!i$ie!. )he most essential settings are !isc"sse! below to intro!"ce yo" to the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox.

#uto/saving &igures
$igure Switches
#aving $ig"res to ,*)8*BDs X.$ig $ormat is recommen!e! since this $acilitates $"t"re mo!i$ications to titlesB legen!sB $ont si3esB etc. be$ore p"blicationR whereasB $ig"res save! to other $ormats are more !i$$ic"lt to mo!i$y. 9hen switch OnOff_autosave_figs is active in s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#H o$ the control panelDs section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#BH the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox a"tomatically saves all $ig"res as X.$ig $iles. )his switch is active by !e$a"lt. *lso active by !e$a"lt is OnOff_autosave_figures_to_another_formatB which a"to;saves $ig"res to the a!!itional $ormat speci$ie! in setting GraphParams_autosave_format.

$igure Position
9hen saving to a $ormat other than .$igB images o$ the highest ."ality are obtaine! by maximi3ing $ig"res be$ore saving them. )he Figure_Position setting was create! $or this p"rposeB tho"gh it co"l! instea! be "se! to speci$y any non;maximi3e! location on the screen $or $ig"re generation. <

-or nowB letDs set $ig"res to $"ll;screen viewing in the control panel accor!ing to the $ollowing steps paste! $rom s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#H o$ section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#H. Fo" can @"mp !irectly to the setting by pressing (trl O - within the control panel an! typing or pasting GFigure_PositionH. -ig"re_%osition K P1 7A 1>20 105<QR V)o set the i!eal $ig"re position $or a"tomatically V!isplaying $ig"res to yo"r screenE V112 )ype Y$ig"re112Y at ,*)8*BZs comman! prompt. V122 :esi3e the $ig"re to ass"me the si3e an! location Von the screen !esire! $or a"tomatically generate! V$ig"resE $or best !isplayB this is the maximi3e! si3e. V1/2 *t the comman! promptB type or paste Yget1$ig"re112B Z%ositionZ2Y V $ yo" maximi3e! the $ig"re in step 2B this metho! acco"nts V$or the space occ"pie! by all )as5bars s"ch as those "se! by V9in!ows an! '$$ice 1i.e. same as Yget10BZ#creen#i3eZ2Y Vexcept space is reserve! $or all men" bars $or optimal !isplay2. V102 )he res"lt is the 1S0 vector to be "se! as VY-ig"re_%ositionY above. 'nce yo" have complete! the $o"r steps aboveB letDs r"n a basis sim"lation by which to "n!erstan! the e$$ects o$ changes to be ma!e in the wal5 thro"gh. 9ith G(ontrol_%anel.mH open an! activeB please press -5 to begin an example sim"lationR this is the ."ic5est way to begin program exec"tion.

,n(erstan(ing #utomatic )nput Vali(ation

)he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox vali!ates inp"t consistency a"tomaticallyR when the "serDs intention is in$erableB it corrects con$licting switches an! settings. )he $irst paragraph !isplaye! to the G*"tomatic np"t Vali!ationH section o$ the (omman! 9in!ow warns that switch OnOff_graph_fg_mean has been activate! in the control panelB which in!icates that the mean $"nction val"e sho"l! be graphe! vers"s iteration n"mberR howeverB we contra!ictorily speci$ie! that only one trial sho"l! be con!"cte! so that there is no mean $"nction val"e across trials. )he toolbox cannot !e$initively in$er whether to con!"ct m"ltiple trials an! graph the mean $"nction val"e or con!"ct one trial an! graph its $"nction val"e. (onse."entlyB the toolboxE 1i2 noti$ies "s o$ the !iscrepancyB 1ii2 !e;activates OnOff_graph_fg_mean a"tomatically to allow program exec"tion accor!ing to the c"rrent settingsB 1iii2 noti$ies "s o$ the action ta5enB an! 1iv2 recommen!s an alternate sol"tion in case the a"tomatic correction was not the !esire! reparation. n this exampleB since con$licting settings were not severe eno"gh to prevent !ata generationB a message warne! o$ the potential problem b"t allowe! >

program exec"tion to contin"e. 9hen a con$lict is severe eno"gh to inter$ere with inten!e! program exec"tion an! the "serDs intention cannot reliably be in$erre! to $ix the problem a"tomaticallyB a beep will be generate! along with an error message g"i!ing yo" to correct the con$licting switches or settings. )he secon! paragraph !isplaye! to the G*"tomatic np"t Vali!ationH section o$ the (omman! 9in!ow clari$ies that since phase plots an! position vers"s iteration graphs are activeB the history o$ positions has a"tomatically been activate! $rom which to constr"ct those graphs. *"tomatic changes s"ch as these ma5e the toolbox easier to "se by intelligently $ixing problems prior to program exec"tion. ?o changes nee! to be ma!e at this pointR these messages were generate! as examples.

,n(erstan(ing ,ser )nput Vali(ation

'nce G np"t_Vali!ation.mH has ma!e obvio"s corrections an! mentione! any problems tho"ght to remainB G&isplay_#ettings.mH !isplays settings $or "ser vali!ation. t can be seen $rom the G=ser np"t Vali!ationH section thatE 8best %#' will exec"te /5 iterations. ?o mechanism s"ch as position clamping or velocity reset will be employe! by which to restrain particles to remain within the initiali3ation space 1i.e. they are $ree to search $or better sol"tions o"tsi!e the space in which they are initiali3e!B which might be "se$"l $or some application problems where the initiali3ation space is nothing more than an e!"cate! g"ess as to where the global minimi3er might lie rather than being base! on physical limitations or a priori in$ormation2. Velocities will be clampe! to 50V o$ the range o$ the search spaceB which sets vmax K xmax since the initiali3ation space is centere! at the E"cli!ean origin Pi.e. vmax K 0.5Xrange K 0.5X1xmax N ;xmax2 K 0.5X12Xxmax2 K xmaxQ. *ll histories to be maintaine! are !isplaye! $or veri$ication. 'ne trial will be con!"cte!. )he swarm will consist o$ 5 particles. )he inertia weight will vary linearly $rom 0.> in the $irst velocity "p!ate to 0.0 in the $inal velocity "p!ate. )he cognitive an! social acceleration coe$$icients are each 1.0>A1<. )he two;!imensional *c5ley benchmar5 has been selecte! to allow the "ser to veri$y that the graph pro!"ce! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox is correct since the Gac5ley$cnH $"nction o$ ,*)8*B contains a co"ple o$ b"gs. #ymmetric rather than asymmetric initiali3ation will be employe!. 10

$ a trial pro!"ces a $"nction val"e less than or e."al to the threshol! re."ire! $or s"ccessB 5 105 B it will be consi!ere! s"ccess$"l. )he search will not terminate "pon satis$ying the threshol! re."ire! $or s"ccess b"t will contin"e $or the $"ll /5 iterations.

%lease type GyH to con$irm that the !isplaye! settings are correctB an! letDs loo5 at some o$ the graphs that can be generate! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox. %lease be patient while the graphs are generate!.

)nterpreting 0rap s
Graphs are highly important since one can more easily "n!erstan! what can be vis"ali3e!. ,*)8*BDs ability to e$$ortlessly generate power$"l graphs gives it a tremen!o"s a!vantage over lower;level programming lang"ages s"ch as (OO.

$igure <umbers
)o prevent the possibility o$ overlapping graphs sho"l! all graph types be activate! sim"ltaneo"slyB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox reserves a range o$ $ig"re n"mbers $or each graph type. (lic5ing on the ,*)8*B icon shows the !i$$erent ranges o$ $ig"re n"mbers "se! $or the selecte! graph types.

Ob=ecti%e $unction
-ig"re 10B000B000 shows the $"nction val"e vers"s the two !imensions being optimi3e! $or the *c5ley ob@ective $"nction. ,*)8*B !oes an excellent @ob o$ generating /;& $ig"res s"ch as this. 'b@ective $"nctions can only be graphe! in /;& 1i.e. $"nction val"e vs. two !imensions to be optimi3e!2 !"e both to geometric constraints an! the !i$$ic"lty o$ vis"ali3ing higher !imensions even within the h"man min!. #ince ob@ective behavior can change in higher !imensionsB beware that graphs in low;!imensionality may not be representative o$ ob@ective behavior in higher !imensions "nless one is attentive to the $orm"las themselves an! what can be in$erre! $rom them.

Phase Plots
Each o$ -ig"res 1B001 N 1B005 shows a phase plot $or one particle. )hese overlay a 2;& conto"r map o$ the ob@ective $"nction to show how particlesD movements are a$$ecte! by the terrain o$ the search space. )he $irst movement ta5es each particle $rom its position at k K 0 to its position at k K 1B where programming variable k co"nts the "p!ates.


%hase plots she! light on how particles behave in 2;& spaceB which may be "se$"l $or improving per$ormance in more problematicB higher;!imensional spaces. )he next graph type becomes "se$"l in higher !imensions.

Position %s* Iteration

Each o$ -ig"res 1 N 5 shows each !imension o$ each particleDs position vector vers"s iteration n"mber. %osition vs. iteration graphs are similar to phase plots in that they show a particleDs !imensions changing with time. Both graph types show how each particle move! iteratively $rom its starting position to its $inal positionR howeverB position vs. iteration graphs can be constr"cte! in higher !imensions since a color is assigne! to each o$ dim !imensions instea! o$ plotting !imension 2 vers"s !imension 1. )heoreticallyB position vers"s iteration graphs can han!le any n"mber o$ !imensionsR yet practicallyB graphing more than seven !imensions sim"ltaneo"sly co"l! become con$"sing !"e to overlapping lines.

#nalyzing 'or!space Variables

n this sectionB yo" will learn how to analy3e !ata pro!"ce! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox. *$ter "n!erstan!ing this sectionB yo" will be able to analy3e the res"lts o$ the optimi3ation process N s"ch as each iterationDs position vectorsB personal bestsB local bests/global bestB an! the correspon!ing $"nction val"es. Fo" will also be able to analy3e the velocity vectors o$ any iteration. 9hile this !ata can be analy3e! graphicallyB some "sers will nee! to access wor5space variables !irectly to !etermine precise val"es or to write their own toolbox a!!;ins. $ yo" are only concerne! with the graphical $eat"res o$ the toolboxB yo" may s5ip this section an! @"mp !irectly to GCnowing 9here &ata is #tore!G.

)he global bestDs $"nction val"e is iteratively "p!ate! an! store! to wor5space variable fg. )he best $"nction val"eB Gfg K 0.10052BH is !isplaye! in the G:es"ltsH section o$ the (omman! 9in!ow. )he same nomenclat"reB fgB is "se! regar!less o$ whether Gbest or 8best %#' is implemente! 1i.e. even tho"gh the global best is not iteratively calc"late! by 8best %#' "nless switch OnOff_ghist has been activate! to maintain a history o$ each iterationDs best position2. Fo" may type fg at the comman! prompt i$ yo" wo"l! li5e to veri$y that the val"e is correctly !isplaye!.

%lease type or paste thresh_for_succ at the comman! prompt. Fo" sho"l! seeE thresh_$or_s"cc K 5.0000e;005


)his is the val"e o$ the threshol! $or s"ccess as set in G'b@ectives.mH $or the ob@ective $"nction an! problem !imensionality selecte!. )o be consi!ere! s"ccess$"lB a trial m"st re!"ce the ob@ective $"nctionDs val"eB fgB to this threshol! val"e or better.

?otice the linesE ?"mber o$ #"ccess$"l )rialsE 0 ?"mber o$ =ns"ccess$"l )rialsE 1. #ince fg was not minimi3e! to the threshol! $or s"ccessB the trial was consi!ere! "ns"ccess$"l. )his is no reason $or concernB howeverB since the trial was r"n only $or /5 iterations "sing a small swarm si3e $or !emonstration p"rposes. Fo" may type or paste num_trials_successful at the comman! prompt any time to want to !etermine how many trials were s"ccess$"lB tho"gh this will generally be !isplaye! $or yo".

)his co"nts the n"mber o$ "p!ates. )yping k at the comman! prompt showsE 5K /0 %ositions an! velocities were "p!ate! /0 times since /5 GiterationsH were speci$ie! in the control panel via setting max_iter_per_grouping 1i.e. initiali3ation o$ the swarm O /0 ro"n!s o$ "p!ates K /5 GiterationsH2.

?otice at the en! o$ the last line !isplaye!E iter_s"ccess K ?a?. 9or5space variable iter_success stores the iteration n"mber at which the ob@ective $"nction was s"ccess$"lly minimi3e! to thresh_for_succ. 9hen m"ltiple trials are con!"cte!B iter_success is a 1;by;num_trials vector storing the iteration o$ s"ccess $or each trial. ?a? was store! to iter_success beca"se the ob@ective $"nction was not minimi3e! to thresh_for_succ at any point !"ring the trial. ?a?Ds !enote "ns"ccess$"l trials since 0 wo"l! literally mean that at least one particle satis$ie! the threshol! $or s"ccess at initiali3ation so that no "p!ates were re."ire! to achieve s"ccess N a possible scenario sho"l! the "ser select either a large val"e $or thresh_for_succ or a very large swarm si3e. *cci!ental averaging o$ a 0 instea! o$ a ?*? when calc"lating the mean n"mber o$ iterations re."ire! $or s"ccess wo"l! pro!"ce an erroneo"s n"merical val"eR whereasB acci!ental averaging o$ a ?*? wo"l! pro!"ce a ?*?B which wo"l! clearly in!icate to the !eveloper a programming mista5e. 1/

#a$eg"ar!s s"ch as this improve the reliability o$ calc"lations per$orme! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox.

%osition matrixB x, is "p!ate! iteratively accor!ing to the position "p!ate e."ation o$ %#'. Each row o$ x stores one particleDs position vectorE i.e. Gx11B E2H hol!s the $irst particleDs position vectorB Gx12B E2H hol!s the secon! particleDs position vectorB an! so $orth. )yping GxH at the comman! prompt !isplays particlesD $inal positions as shown below. xK ;1.71>/e;002 1.>025eO000 ;7.120/e;002 /.0715e;002 2.50A<e;001 ;1.0072e;002 ;5./025e;001 ;2.2001e;001 ;/.5571e;002 ;>.210/e;001 )he $irst particle came to rest at position vector P;0.0171>/B 1.>025QB the secon! particle came to rest at P;0.07120/B 0.0/0715QB an! so $orth.

)his is the history o$ all positions occ"pie! !"ring the search. %articlesD starting positions are ran!omly generate! !"ring the $irst iteration when "p!ate co"nter k K 0R these starting positions are containe! within the $irst dim col"mns o$ the history 1i.e. in this case col"mns 1 an! 2 since dim K 22. )yping Gwhos xhistH at the comman! prompt shows that the historyDs si3e is 5x70E this is beca"se each o$ the 5 particles recor!e! its 2;& position vector at each o$ the /5 iterations. )he last dim col"mns 1i.e. col"mns A> an! 70 in this case2 contain the $inal position matrix at iteration /5B which is e."ivalent to the $inal val"e o$ x paste! above. )he co!es in )able 1 can be "se! to access the position matrix o$ any iteration n"mber or "p!ate n"mber $rom history xhist accor!ing to the pattern shown in the $inal row. $ yo" plan to write any scripts to access !ataB yo" will want to $amiliari3e yo"rsel$ with the patterns in the tables below. *t this pointB yo" may want to paste some co!es $rom )able 1 at the comman! prompt an! analy3e the position matrices o$ the correspon!ing iterations.


Table ,? 9xtracting the Position #atrix o( !n+ Iteration (rom 4x ist5

Update <umber '4!5) 0 1 2 / 0 5 Iteration <umber '4! @ ,5) 1 2 / 0 5 5O1 Code (or 9xtracting Position #atrix (rom "istor+ xhist1EB xhist1EB xhist1EB xhist1EB xhist1EB xhist1EB 1E!im2 1!im O 12E12X!im22 12X!im O 12E1/X!im22 1/X!im O 12E10X!im22 10X!im O 12E15X!im22 15X!im O 12E115 O 12X!im22

?ote that xhist is only maintaine! when switch OnOff_xhist is activate! at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. 9hen a variableDs history is not activate!B only the $inal val"e o$ the iteratively "p!ate! wor5space variable will be available $or analysis. -or long trialsB !e;activating "nnecessary histories improves exec"tion spee! an! re!"ces the si3e o$ a"tomatically save! wor5spaces. #im"lations can always be repeate! to generate any necessary histories i$ an exact copy o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH is save! along with the version o$ the toolbox "se! to generate the !ata.

)his matrix is "p!ate! iteratively to hol! the swarmDs velocity vectors. *t the concl"sion o$ each trialB it contains the swarmDs $inal velocity vectors. )o examine particlesD $inal velocitiesB please type v at the comman! prompt. vK ;1.51A<e;002 ;>.57/7e;001 ;2.0/5>e;002 ;/.25AAe;00/ 2.770Ae;001 ;A.0505e;002 ;1.20<<eO000 <.><<>e;001 1.7>7<e;00/ ;1.0A05e;00/ )he $irst particle concl"!e! the search with velocity vector P;0.0151A<B ;0.>57/7QB the secon! with velocity vector P;0.020/5>B ;0.00/25AAQB an! so $orth as seen above.

Velocities ten! to !ecrease over the co"rse o$ the search. )he history o$ velocitiesB vhistB is "se$"l $or examining exactly how they change. %articlesD starting velocities are ran!omly generate! !"ring the $irst iteration when "p!ate co"nter k K 0R these are containe! within the $irst dim col"mns o$ the history 1i.e. in this case col"mns 1 an! 2 since dim K 22. )he last dim col"mns 1i.e. col"mns A> an! 70 in this case2 contain the $inal velocity matrix at iteration /5B which is e."ivalent to the $inal val"e o$ v paste! above. 15

)he co!es in )able 2 can be "se! to access the velocity matrix o$ any iteration n"mber or "p!ate n"mber $rom history vhist accor!ing to the pattern that becomes obvio"s in the table. *t this pointB yo" may want to paste some co!es $rom the thir! col"mn o$ )able 2 at the comman! prompt an! analy3e the velocity matrices o$ the correspon!ing iterations.

Table -? 9xtracting the &elocit+ o( !n+ Iteration (rom 4v ist5

Update <umber '4!5) 0 1 2 / 0 5 Iteration <umber '4! @ ,5) 1 2 / 0 5 5O1 Code (or 9xtracting &elocit+ #atrix (rom "istor+ vhist1EB vhist1EB vhist1EB vhist1EB vhist1EB vhist1EB 1E!im2 1!im O 12E12X!im22 12X!im O 12E1/X!im22 1/X!im O 12E10X!im22 10X!im O 12E15X!im22 15X!im O 12E115 O 12X!im22

8i5e other historiesB vhist is only maintaine! when its switchB OnOff_vhistB is active at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section.

)his matrix is "p!ate! iteratively to hol! each particleDs personal best. )o examine the swarmDs $inal personal bestsB please type p at the comman! prompt. pK 1.50AAe;002 ;1.257>eO000 ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 ;2.A7<0e;002 5.00//e;002 ;5./025e;001 ;2.2001e;001 ;/.5571e;002 ;>.210/e;001 Each row o$ p stores one particleDs personal bestE Gp11B E2H K P0.0150AAB ;1.257>Q is the personal best o$ the $irst particleB Gp12B E2H K P;0.0200A5B 0.01>715Q is the personal best o$ the secon! particleB an! so $orth.

9%aluating Positions
)o see *c5leyDs $"nction val"e $or each o$ these personal bestsB please paste 'b@-"n_*c5ley1pB np2 at the comman! prompt. )his passes into the *c5ley $"nction the matrix o$ personal bests an! re."ests that the $irst np $"nction val"es be passe! bac5R since np is the n"mber o$ particles in the swarm as set in the control panelB all 5 positions will be eval"ate!.


'b@-"n_*c5ley1pB np2 ans K 0./7/1eO000 1.0052e;001 2.00//e;001 /.A1>/eO000 2.A/00eO000 )he secon! row contains the lowest $"nction val"e o$ 1.0052e;001B which correspon!s to the secon! particleDs personal best o$ P;0.0200A5B 0.01>715Q shown in p above. )he best personal best is also the global best as will be veri$ie! later. ?otice in the phase plot o$ -ig"re 1002 that the secon! particleB which event"ally pro!"ce! the best $"nction val"eB lan!e! in the general vicinity o$ the global minimi3er a$ter only two movements. -ollowing other particlesD movements along their phase plots reveals that they !i! not have s"ch a high;."ality personal best "ntil sometime a$ter their tenth movement. )his gave the secon! particle an a!vantageo"s hea! startB which helpe! it o"tper$orm the other particles over the mere /5 iterations con!"cte!. ?otice by comparing -ig"res 1 N 5 that the particles pro!"cing the best $"nction val"es 1i.e. particles 2 an! /2 ha! approximate! the global minimi3er relatively well an! re!"ce! their oscillations on both !imensions by iteration /5B while the other three particles were either still oscillating 1e.g. -ig"res 1 4 02 or moving slowly towar! the global minimi3er 1e.g. -ig"re 52. +ope$"llyB the graphs generate! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox will help "s "n!erstan! an! improve the particle swarm algorithm.

)he $"nction val"es o$ the personal bests are iteratively store! to wor5space variable fp. *t the concl"sion o$ a trialB it stores the $"nction val"es pro!"ce! by each particleDs personal best. )yping fp at the comman! prompt shows its contents. $p K 0./7/1eO000 1.0052e;001 2.00//e;001 /.A1>/eO000 2.A/00eO000 ?otice that this col"mn vector o$ $"nction val"es is i!entical to that generate! by 'b@-"n_*c5ley1pB np2 above. t is goo! to 5now how to eval"ate a position matrix or vectorB b"t $"nction val"es can generally be 17

analy3e! !irectly by typing the proper variable name at the comman! prompt.

9hile fp was the col"mn vector storing the $"nction val"e at each particleDs personal bestB f is the col"mn vector storing the $"nction val"e o$ each particleDs c"rrent or $inal position. %lease type f at the comman! prompt to see the $"nction val"e at each particleDs $inal resting position. $K 0.<></eO000 /.7257e;001 1.7702eO000 /.A1>/eO000 2.A/00eO000 9hen the search concl"!e! at iteration /5B the $o"rth an! $i$th particles ha! the same $"nction val"es store! in f as in fp. )his means that they $o"n! new personal bests in the $inal iteration as will be con$irme! below.

)o examine the history o$ all personal bestsB please type phist at the comman! prompt. )hen type p an! notice that the last two col"mns o$ phist are i!entical to p since the latter is hori3ontally concatenate! to the $ormer a$ter each iteration. *s mentione! when comparing f to fpB the personal bests o$ the $inal two particles were "p!ate! in the $inal iteration since their new positions were the best they ha! $o"n! over the co"rse o$ the search. )his can now be veri$ie! by comparing the matrix o$ personal bests at iteration /0 with the $inal matrix o$ personal bests at iteration /5. )o examine the personal bests o$ iteration /0B please paste Gphist1EB 1//X!im O 12E1/0X!im22H at the comman! prompt. )hen type p to compare with the personal bests o$ $inal iteration /5. phist1EB 1//X!im O 12E1/0X!im22 ans K 1.50AAe;002 ;1.257>eO000 ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 ;2.A7<0e;002 5.00//e;002 A.7<5>e;001 ;1.12//eO000 ;/.7/A>e;002 ;>.20/7e;001


pK 1.50AAe;002 ;1.257>eO000 ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 ;2.A7<0e;002 5.00//e;002 ;5./025e;001 ;2.2001e;001 ;/.5571e;002 ;>.210/e;001 )he $irst three particles 5ept the same personal bests beca"se their $inal positions !i! not pro!"ce better $"nction val"es in f than !i! their existing personal bests in fpR b"t the $inal two particles "p!ate! their personal bests since the new $"nction val"es they pro!"ce! in f were better than those alrea!y containe! in fp. *$ter "p!ating the personal bestsB fp was "p!ate! with the correspon!ing $"nction val"es. 8i5e the other histories analy3e! th"s $arB phist has 70 col"mnsE 2 !imensions $or each o$ /5 iterations. *$ter any n"mber o$ iterationsB the length o$ phist will be G1k O 12XdimH as can be in$erre! $rom )able / below. )his also applies to xhistB vhistB an! lhist N all o$ which iteratively concatenate a matrix o$ wi!th dim. *t this pointB yo" may wish to type or paste $rom the thir! col"mn o$ )able / to the comman! prompt to analy3e the matrices o$ the correspon!ing iterations.

Table /? 9xtracting the Personal 7ests o( !n+ Iteration (rom 4p ist5

Update <umber '4!5) 0 1 2 / 0 5 Iteration <umber '4! @ ,5) 1 2 / 0 5 5O1 Code (or 9xtracting Personal 7ests (rom "istor+ phist1EB phist1EB phist1EB phist1EB phist1EB phist1EB 1E!im2 1!im O 12E12X!im22 12X!im O 12E1/X!im22 1/X!im O 12E10X!im22 10X!im O 12E15X!im22 15X!im O 12E115 O 12X!im22

:emember that phist is only maintaine! when switch OnOff_phist is activate! at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section.

8ocal bests are iteratively store! to wor5space variable l. *t the concl"sion o$ a trialB l stores the best position $o"n! by each particleDs neighborhoo! over the co"rse o$ the search.


lK ;2.00A5e;002 ;2.00A5e;002 ;2.00A5e;002 ;2.A7<0e;002 ;/.5571e;002

1.>715e;002 1.>715e;002 1.>715e;002 5.00//e;002 ;>.210/e;001

*s !isc"sse! "n!er s"bhea!ing GEval"ating %ositionsBH the secon! particleDs personal best o"tper$orme! those o$ the rest o$ the swarmR conse."entlyB the $irst an! thir! particles ta5e the secon! particleDs personal best to be their local best since neighborhoo! si3e 2 was speci$ie! in the control panelDs $irst section via setting lbest_neighb_si e. #ince the thir! particle ha! the secon!;best o$ all personal bestsB its position became the local best o$ the neighboring $o"rth particle. )he $i$th particle too5 its own personal best as its local best since it pro!"ce! the thir!;best o$ all personal bestsB which o"tper$orme! the neighboring $irst an! $o"rth particlesB as can be veri$ie! by typing fpB pB an! l at the comman! prompt an! examining their contents. ,atrix l is only create! when 8best %#' is exec"te! 1i.e. when switch OnOff_lbest is active in the control panelDs $irst section2B whereas global best g can be maintaine! in con@"nction with 8best %#' by activating switch OnOff_ghist to monitor how the best position change! over the co"rse o$ the search. '$ co"rseB the global best is not accesse! by the "p!ate e."ations o$ 8best %#' b"t is ma!e available merely $or analysis o$ how the best position changes in Gbest %#' vers"s 8best %#'. Fo" may veri$y that matrix g contains in each row the best o$ all personal bests by typing g at the comman! prompt.

(hist6 lhist6 . lbest>neighb>size

)o see how the local bests o$ iteration 1 !erive! $rom the positions o$ the same iterationB please type or paste G$hist1EB 12H at the comman! promptB which shows each particleDs $"nction val"e at iteration 1. )hen type or paste Gxhist1EB 1E!im2H to see the positions correspon!ing to the $"nction val"es. 8astlyB paste Glhist1EB 1E!im2H to see the local bests. )he res"lts are paste! below $or yo"r convenience. $hist1EB 12 ans K 1.570>eO001 1.<227eO001 2.12>0eO001 2.12>7eO001 1.5522eO001


xhist1EB 1E!im2 ans K 2.>2<<eO000 <.75/AeO000 1.2>11eO001 ;/.700<eO000 A.1A5<eO000 2./50AeO001 2.A>/0eO000 2.7<20eO001 ;0.5<07eO000 ;A.>>/5eO000 lhist1EB 1E!im2 ans K ;0.5<07eO000 ;A.>>/5eO000 2.>2<<eO000 <.75/AeO000 1.2>11eO001 ;/.700<eO000 ;0.5<07eO000 ;A.>>/5eO000 ;0.5<07eO000 ;A.>>/5eO000 ?otice that when the swarm was initiali3e! at iteration 1B the best $"nction val"e o$ 15.522 belonge! to the $i$th particleB which ha! position vector P; 0.5<07B ;A.>>/5Q. #ince the neighborhoo! si3e is set to 2 in the $irst section o$ the control panel via setting lbest_neighb_si eB the $i$th particle an! its two neighbors too5 that position vector as their local bests. )he secon!;best $"nction val"e o$ 15.70> belonge! to the $irst particleB which ha! position vector P2.>2<<B <.75/AQR the neighboring secon! particle too5 that position as its local best. )he secon! particle pro!"ce! the thir!;best $"nction val"e o$ 1<.227 at position vector P12.>11B ;/.700<QB which became the local best o$ the neighboring thir! particle. )hose three positions comprise! matrix l o$ local bests at iteration 1. )ables 0 shows how to extract $rom history fhist the col"mn vectorB fB o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to any iteration n"mber.

Table A? 9xtracting the $unction &alues o( !n+ Iteration (rom 4f ist5

Update <umber '4!5) 0 1 2 / 5 Iteration <umber '4! @ ,5) 1 2 / 0 5O1 Code (or 9xtracting $unction &alues (rom "istor+ $hist1EB $hist1EB $hist1EB $hist1EB $hist1EB 12 22 /2 02 5 O 12

)able 5 shows how to extract $rom history lhist the matrix o$ local bests correspon!ing to any "p!ate n"mber or iteration n"mber.


Table ;? 9xtracting the 3ocal 7ests o( !n+ Iteration (rom 4l ist5

Update <umber '4!5) 0 1 2 / 0 5 Iteration <umber '4! @ ,5) 1 2 / 0 5 5O1 Code (or 9xtracting 3ocal 7ests (rom "istor+ lhist1EB lhist1EB lhist1EB lhist1EB lhist1EB lhist1EB 1E!im2 1!im O 12E12X!im22 12X!im O 12E1/X!im22 1/X!im O 12E10X!im22 10X!im O 12E15X!im22 15X!im O 12E115 O 12X!im22

*s with all historiesB lhist an! fhist will only be maintaine! when switches OnOff_lhist an! OnOff_fhist respectively are active at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section.

,atrix g iteratively replicates the global best across all o$ its rows to accommo!ate matrix s"btraction in the velocity "p!ate e."ation o$ Gbest %#'. )he global best is not "s"ally maintaine! when 8best %#' is employe! 1i.e. when switch OnOff_lbest is active2R it was maintaine! $or this !emonstration only beca"se switch OnOff_ghist is active in the control panelB which activates a history o$ each iterationDs global best $or analysis. )yping g at the comman! prompt shows its contents. gK ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 ;2.00A5e;002 1.>715e;002 t was seen earlier that the secon! particleDs personal best o$ P;0.0200A5B 0.01>715Q was the best o$ the swarm at iteration /5. (onse."entlyB it was the global best store! to each row o$ g when the search concl"!e!.

9hen switch OnOff_ghist is activate!B the global best is iteratively store! to the row o$ ghist e."al to the iteration n"mber. )yping ghist at the comman! prompt will show the $"ll history o$ global bestsE the top row is the global best $rom initiali3ation o$ the swarm at iteration 1B an! the last row stores the same position shown in g above. *s the search progresse!B both !imensions o$ the global best approache! 3ero since *c5leyDs global minimi3er is the n"ll vector. 22

*t this pointB yo" may wish to type or paste some rows o$ the thir! col"mn o$ )able / at the comman! prompt to $amiliari3e yo"rsel$ with how to analy3e the global bests o$ speci$ic iterations.

Table B? 9xtracting the 4g ist5

Update <umber '4!5) 0 1 2 / 0 5 Iteration <umber '4! @ ,5) 1 2 / 0 5 5O1

lobal 7est o( !n+ Iteration (rom

Code (or 9xtracting lobal 7ests (rom "istor+ ghist11B E2 ghist12B E2 ghist1/B E2 ghist10B E2 ghist15B E2 ghist15 O 1B E2

*s with other historiesB ghist is only maintaine! when switch OnOff_ghist is active at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section.

0orkspace Organization
%lease type GwhosH at the comman! prompt. $ the wor5space !oes not !isplay wellB try wi!ening or maximi3ing the (omman! 9in!ow. )yping GwhosH lists each variable in the wor5space along with its characteristics. #ince capitali3e! variables are shown $irstB variables o$ relative importance are lower case by !esign to ca"se relatively "nimportant variables to $loat to the top o$ the list o"t o$ sight. -or exampleB switches are name! G'n'$$MBH which organi3es them together in the wor5space an! p"shes them o$$ the screen when GwhosH is type!. )yping GwhoH at the comman! prompt shows all variables in the wor5space witho"t !isplaying their characteristics. Cnowing these comman!s will help yo" $in! an! analy3e important !ata.

n this section yo" learnt that the $ollowing wor5space variables are "p!ate! iterativelyE x stores positionsB f stores the $"nction val"es pro!"ce! by xB p stores personal bestsB fp stores the $"nction val"es pro!"ce! by pB g stores the global bestB fg stores the $"nction val"e pro!"ce! by gB v stores velocitiesB an! 2/

l stores local bests. -"rthermoreB histories o$ these variables can be activate! or !e;activate! at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. )ables 1 N A show how to extract the !ata o$ partic"lar iteration n"mbers $rom activate! histories. #ince !e;activating histories improves exec"tion spee!B the copy o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH "se! to generate any partic"lar !ata can be save! an! "se! to regenerate that !ata along with the correspon!ing histories at a later time simply by activating the appropriate switches. )his is generally pre$erable since time is more o$ the essence than excess !ata.

1nowing ' ere Data is Save(

9hen the proper switches are active as they are by !e$a"ltB $ig"res an! wor5spaces will a"tomatically be save! to the G&ataH $ol!er o$ the c"rrent !irectory. Fo" can browse to this $ol!er byE 1i2 clic5ing G#tartH at the bottom le$t o$ 9in!owsB 1ii2 clic5ing on G,y &oc"mentsH in 9in!ows S% or G&oc"mentsH in 9in!ows 7B 1iii2 typing G,*)8*BH to locate the proper $ol!er an! pressing EnterB 1iv2 browsing to the G&ataH $ol!er in the c"rrent !irectory 1i.e. the G("rrent &irectoryH is shown above ,*)8*BDs (omman! 9in!ow in what resembles the a!!ress bar o$ a browser2B an! 1v2 opening the $ol!er with the most recent !ate an! time in its name.

)he G-ig"resH $ol!er is where graphs are a"tomatically save!. Each $ig"re was save! "sing both the X.$ig $ormat an! X.png $ormats. )his is beca"se 1i2 switch OnOff_autosave_figs is active in the G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#H s"bsection o$ the control panelB an! 1ii2 switch OnOff_autosave_figures_to_another_format is active along with GGraphParams_autosave_format K ZpngZG. )he p"rpose o$ saving to !"al $ormats is that i$ an X.png $ile is not to yo"r li5ingB yo" can open the correspon!ing X.$ig $ile in ,*)8*B an! man"ally mo!i$y it. -"rthermoreB sli!eshows o$ recogni3e! $ile types can easily be generate! by right;clic5ing the $irst $ile in the se."ence an! selecting G%reviewH.

6"st as $ig"res are save! to the G-ig"resH $ol!erB snapshots o$ the wor5space are save! to the G9#H $ol!er. )he name o$ each save! wor5space begins with G:,[BH where [ represents the regro"ping metho! employe!. 9hen stan!ar! %#' witho"t regro"ping is "se!B save! wor5spaces begin with G:,0H. 9hen :eg%#' is activate! to liberate the swarm $rom the state o$ premat"re convergenceB save! wor5space names begin with G:,1H. G:,2H is reserve! $or $"t"re "sage. %lease browse to $ol!er G9#H.


R#CTrCD 'Trial Data) -ile G:,0)r1MH contains the wor5space at the en! o$ trial 1. 9hen m"ltiple trials are con!"cte!B the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox will also save wor5spaces G:,0)r2MBH G:,0)r/MBH etc.B $or each trial con!"cte!. *ny time m"ltiple trials are con!"cte!B it is recommen!e! to have switch OnOff_!utosave_"orkspace_Per_#rial activate! atop the control panelDs $irst section to "se :*, e$$iciently by saving the wor5space at the en! o$ each trialB which both improves exec"tion spee! an! re!"ces the probability o$ memory over$low. t is recommen!e! to leave this switch active as it is by !e$a"lt. R#CCD 'Column Data) 9hen a set o$ trials completesB matrices o$ !ata are constr"cte! $rom vectors o$ trial !ata an! save! to G:,[(MH. -or exampleB the graph o$ mean $"nction val"e per iteration re."ires that a matrix o$ $"nction val"es be constr"cte! $rom each trialDs vector o$ $"nction val"es an! average! col"mn; wise. #tatistical analyses are also comp"te! $rom combine! trial !ata. (ol"mn !ata is save! a$ter each col"mn generate! to $ree "p :*,B which signi$icantly improves the spee! o$ exec"tion while signi$icantly re!"cing the probability o$ memory over$low. %ertinent col"mn !ata is reconstr"cte! be$ore saving table !ata. R#CTD 'Table Data) )able $eat"res are only available in the $"ll version o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox. )ables are most "se$"l when incrementing a %#' parameter across col"mns while hol!ing other settings static to "n!erstan! the e$$ect o$ the parameter being incremente!. *$ter each table o$ statistics generate!B the wor5space is save! to G:,[)MH. -or the $ree !emo version o$ the toolboxB this wor5space will not appear.

#ince only one trial was con!"cte! $or only one ob@ective with no val"e incremente! per col"mnB all three wor5spaces are in this case essentially the same.
!ctual 0indows n early versions o$ the toolboxB it was necessary to loa! a save! wor5space to analy3e the settings that pro!"ce! its !ata. create! transparent $ilenames to loo5 into the wor5space thro"gh the $ilenameB which allowe! me to locate the $ile o$ interest witho"t loa!ing m"ltiple wor5spaces. -or exampleB the $ollowing are enco!e! into the $ilename a$ter G:,0(H. G*c5H N the $irst three letters o$ the ob@ective name G!2H N the problem !imensionality Gnp5H N the n"mber o$ particles in the swarm Gv_cl1H N whether or not velocity clamping is active Ggr1H N the n"mber o$ gro"pings per$orme!E relevant $or :eg%#'


G5/5H N the n"mber o$ iterations per$orme! Gn1H N the n"mber o$ trials per$orme! Gca1.0>A2H N the val"e o$ the cognitive acceleration coe$$icient Gcb1.0>A2H N the val"e o$ the cognitive acceleration coe$$icient GvmV0.5H N the percentage o$ the range to which velocities are clampe! Gw_i0.>H N the initial val"e o$ the inertia weight Gw_$0.0H N the $inal val"e o$ the inertia weight G0.10052H N the best $"nction val"e pro!"ce! by the trial G2/*"g;10;20.5>.27H N the !ate an! time the wor5space was create!B which g"arantees "ni."eness o$ $ilenames to avoi! acci!ental overwriting o$ !ata.

9hen naming wor5spaces o$ in!ivi!"al trialsB was mostly intereste! in transparently seeing each trialDs $inal $"nction val"e. *s the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox generate! trials a"tomaticallyB watche! the $ol!er to which !ata was being save! to monitor the $"nction val"e at the en! o$ each trialDs wor5space name. )ransparently !isplaying !ata in the $ilename was pre$erable to cl"ttering the comman! win!ow with o"tp"ts since !ata was sometimes generate! $or tens o$ tho"san!s o$ trials while a"tomatically incrementing parameters in search o$ high;."ality %#' parametersB s"ch as those p"blishe! in (hapter o$ thesis P2Q. 9hen the $"nction val"e was not being minimi3e! wellB close! the application an! $ixe! the b"g rather than wasting time. -"nction val"e G0.10052H is visible be$ore the !ate at the en! o$ wor5space G:,0)r1MHR "n$ort"natelyB to ma5e room $or itB ha! to abbreviate other portions o$ the $ilename.

#ctivating an( De/activating 0rap s

De8acti%ating Phase Plots6 Position %s* Iteration 7enchmark raph raphs6 and

n s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E#H o$ the control panelDs section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#BH please !e;activate switches OnOff_phase_plotB OnOff_graph_x, an! OnOff_graph_Ob$Fun_f_vs_%& by setting them to Glogical102H. Fo" may activate an! !e;activate switches by typing Gtr"eH an! G$alseH instea! o$ Glogical112H an! Glogical102BH b"t switching between 1Ds an! 0Ds seems easier.


raphs o( Personal 7ests .

lobal 7est %s* Iteration

9hile in s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E#BH please activate switches OnOff_graph_g an! OnOff_graph_pB which show how the global best an! personal bests respectively change over time.



raphs o( $unction &alues %s* Iteration

)o examine the $"nction val"es o$ the global best an! o$ each in!ivi!"al particleB please activate switches OnOff_graph_fg an! OnOff_graph_f respectively. ?ow press G-5H to generate !i$$erent graphs $or what will otherwise be the same trial analy3e! aboveR the changes ma!e within the control panel will be save! a"tomatically.

)nterpreting 2ewly #ctivate( 0rap s

$unction &alue %s* Iteration
)he graphs o$ $"nction val"e vers"s iteration in -ig"res 100B001 N 100B005 show how each particle sometimes steps in a poor !irection that a!versely a$$ects its $"nction val"eB b"t the overall tren! lines show progress. )he !ecreasing tren! lines are largely !"e to each particleDs iterative acceleration towar! the global best.

Personal 7ests .

lobal 7est %s* Iteration

)he graphs o$ personal bests vs. iteration in -ig"res 101 N 105B an! o$ the global best vs. iteration in -ig"re 1000B show the bests gra!"ally honing in on global minimi3er P0B 0Q. =nli5e phase plotsB position vs. iteration graphs can be generate! in m"ltiple !imensions since they graph each !imension vers"s the iteration n"mber instea! o$ graphing !imension 2 vers"s !imension 1R howeverB even position vs. iteration graphs can become !i$$ic"lt to interpret $or !imensionalities greater than 7 !"e to the n"mber o$ lines graphe! per $ig"re.

lobal 7estEs $unction &alue %s* Iteration

=nli5e each particleDs $"nction val"e in -ig"res 100B001 N 100B005B the global bestDs $"nction val"e graphe! in -ig"res 1B000B000 an! 1B000B001 never !eteriorates $rom one iteration to the next since the global best is the swarmDs memory o$ the best position !iscovere!. 'nly when the swarm is restarte! "sing Van !en BerghDs m"lti;start approach 1i.e. when OnOff_'P(O is active2 can the global bestDs $"nction val"e increase $rom one iteration to the nextB since with each restart the global best is re;initiali3e! rather than remembere! as with :eg%#'.

Switc ing %etween $best an( 0best PSO3s

n section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H "n!er s"bsection G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?BH !e;activate switch OnOff_lbest to activate Gbest %#'. t may be easiest to press (trl O +omeB (trl O -B type OnOff_lbestB an! press Enter to locate the setting.


Switc ing to Static )nertia 'eig t

9hile in s"bsection G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?BH !e;activate switch OnOff_w_linear to switch $rom a linearly varying inertia weight to a static weight. )he static val"eB w, is set in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#BH tho"gh it !oes not nee! to be change! at this point.

C anging t e Swarm Size

n section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#BH change the n"mber o$ particlesB npB $rom 5 to /. *gainB it may be ."ic5er to press (trl O - an! type Gnp.

C anging t e 2umber of )terations

?ear the en! o$ section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#BH increase the n"mber o$ iterations $rom /5 to 100 via setting max_iter_per_grouping.

#ctivating Swarm Tra4ectory 0rap s

%ress (trlO- an! type G152H to move !irectly to section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#H. n s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E#BH activate the $irst three switches an! !e;activate the remaining seven. ?otice that the comments !escribe the switches.

5e/using &igures
?ear the beginning o$ the next s"bsectionB G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#BH activate switch OnOff_reuse_figuresB which closes each $ig"re be$ore generating another to avoi! the memory over$low or system !rag that co"l! otherwise res"lt $rom generating many $ig"res.

Mar!ing Personal %ests an( t e 0lobal %est

)owar! the en! o$ s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#BH notice that switches OnOff_mark_personal_bests an! OnOff_mark_global_best_alwa)s are active by !e$a"lt. )hese activate blac5 tags on the swarm tra@ectory maps !enoting where the global best an! personal bests are locate!B which $acilitates "n!erstan!ing o$ particlesD movements. 8eave these switches active.

C anging t e Ob4ective &unction

8etDs also change the ob@ective $rom *c5ley to :astriginE press (trl O En! to move to the en! o$ the control panel an! change ob$ective_id $rom 1 to 5. )here is a more !etaile! !isc"ssion o$ ob@ective selection in the next chapter. ?owB press -5 to begin exec"tionB an! con$irm that the !isplaye! settings are correct. %lease be patient while swarm tra@ectory graphs are generate!. 2<

#nalyzing Swarm Tra4ectory

)he small swarm o$ three particles prematurel) converged near the local minimi3er slightly below P0B 1Q. #ince switch OnOff_ oom_on_final_graph is active in s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#H o$ section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#BH the $inal graph 3oome! in on the $inal swarm state. )he thir! particle approximate! the local minimi3er better than the other two particles. ?otice in the $inal $ig"re generate! to $ol!er G-ig"resH that all val"es !isplaye! on the hori3ontal axis are to be !ivi!e! by 10\/B which implies that better acc"racy was obtaine! on the vertical axis than on the hori3ontal.

Re8using $igures
#witch OnOff_reuse_figures ca"ses the same $ig"re n"mber to be re"se! $or all graphsB which prevents memory over$low when m"ltiple graphs are generate!. )his allows ."ic5 generation o$ high;."ality $ig"res regar!less o$ the n"mber o$ $ig"res generate!. )his switch was !esigne! $or "se with #warm )ra@ectory graphsB which ta5e swarm snapshots at reg"lar intervals an! overlay them on high;."alityB colore! conto"r mapsB each o$ which occ"pies :*,. 9hen "se! in con@"nction with switch OnOff_autosave_figs, each $ig"re is a"tomatically save! be$ore generating a new one. )he !ownsi!e is that $ig"res m"st be opene! to be analy3e!R howeverB this is not m"ch o$ an inconvenience i$ yo" 5now how to view them as th"mbnails. )o !o thisB open the G&ataH $ol!er an! the s"b$ol!er name! with the most recent !ate an! timeB which will be at the en! o$ the list i$ viewing by name or !ate. ?extB open the G-ig"resH $ol!er. 'n 9in!ows S%B press *lt O TVB +U to view the .png $iles as th"mbnails. 'n 9in!ows 7B clic5 the !rop;!own arrow "n!er the $ol!erDs search $iel!B an! select the !esire! th"mbnail si3e. $ yo"r operating system is wor5ing properlyB yo" sho"l! now see a"tomatically save! .png $iles serving as vis"al previews o$ the .$ig $iles to their le$t. *$ter previewing an imageB yo" can "se the right an! le$t arrow 5eys to see how the swarm progresse! over the co"rse o$ the search.

#ctivating 5egrouping PSO *5egPSO:egro"ping %#' 1:eg%#'2 regro"ps the swarm when premat"re convergence is !etecte! or when the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations or $"nction eval"ations per gro"ping is reache!R this liberates the swarm $rom the state o$ premat"re convergenceB th"s enabling contin"e! exploration. 8etDs activate :eg%#' via switch OnOff_*egP(O in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H. :ememberB yo" can always locate a switch or setting ."ic5ly by pressing (trl O +omeB (trl O -B typing its nameB an! pressing Enter.


?ear the en! o$ section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#BH change the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations per gro"ping $rom 100 to 150 via setting max_iter_per_grouping. ?ear the en! o$ section G1/2 :EG%#' *8G': )+, #9 )(+E# 4 #E)) ?G#BH notice that the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations over all gro"pings is 250 $or setting max_iter_over_all_groupings. )his speci$ies the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations across all gro"pings o$ a :eg%#' trial. )he val"e !oes not nee! to be change! at the moment.

Setting t e &ormat for #uto/Save( &igures

#peci$y the $ormat to which $ig"res will be save! via setting GraphParams_autosave_format in s"bsection G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#H o$ section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#H. 8etDs change to bitmap $ormat by replacing GpngH with GbmpH. %lease press -5 to begin exec"tionB an! veri$y that the !isplaye! settings are correct.

#nalyzing Swarm Tra4ectory of 5egPSO

n the G&ataH $ol!er o$ the c"rrent !irectoryB browse to the $ol!er with the most recent !ate an! time in its nameE i$ viewing by name or !ate mo!i$ie!B this will be at the en! o$ the list. &o"ble clic5 the G-ig"resH $ol!erB an! !o"ble clic5 the bitmap correspon!ing to iteration 1/<R the maroon rectangle in the $ig"re !epicts the space within which the swarm regro"pe! abo"t the global best to contin"e searching $or the tr"e global minimi3er while remembering the global best o$ the previo"s gro"ping. ?otice the e$$iciency o$ regro"ping within this space vers"s restarting on the original search space o$ range 10.20 per !imension. ?ow !o"ble clic5 the $ig"re correspon!ing to iteration 17<. *$ter regro"pingB the $irst particle $o"n! a new personal best in the well that contains the global minimi3er. )ho"gh this personal best is not yet as high;."ality as the global best in the well above it !"e to its !istance $rom the center o$ the wellB it will !raw the particle bac5 to the well as i$ by c"riosity. %lease !o"ble clic5 the $ig"re correspon!ing to iteration 1<<. )he personal bests o$ the $irst an! thir! particles are now both within the well containing the global minimi3erB an! so is the global best. *lsoB the secon! particle has !iscovere! a new personal best le$t o$ the well containing the global minimi3erB which !emonstrates the exploratory bene$it o$ regro"ping the swarm. %lease !o"ble clic5 the bitmap correspon!ing to iteration n"mber 1><. )he global best an! all personal bests are now locate! within the well containing /0

the global minimi3er. 9ith only three particlesB :eg%#' has s"ccess$"lly approximate! the tr"e global minimi3er in less than 200 iterations. )he sol"tion re$inement phase is now "n!erway with some exploratory momenta. )he remaining $ig"res show the swarm re$ining its approximation o$ the global minimi3er.

#nalyzing 'or!space Variables for 5egPSO

%lease type GwhosH at the comman! promptB an! wi!en the (omman! 9in!ow as necessary to !isplay res"lts aesthetically. ?otice that $or each history maintaine! per gro"ping 1e.g. fhist, ghist, phist, vhist, an! xhist2B Gc"rrent_trialH histories were also maintaine! 1i.e. fhist_current_trial, ghist_current_trial, phist_current_trial, vhist_current_trial, an! xhist_current_trial2R each o$ these Gc"rrent_trialH histories hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history across all o$ a trialDs gro"pings. *$ter saving each gro"pingDs !ata to a temporary wor5spaceB that gro"pingDs histories are cleare! $rom the :*,. #ince Gc"rrent_trialH histories are reconstr"cte! at trialDs en! $rom these save! wor5spacesB :*, is "se! more e$$iciently than were each trialDs Gc"rrent_trialH histories maintaine! across gro"pings. %er gro"ping histories s"ch as fhist, ghist, phist, vhistB an! xhist are cleare! $rom :*, a$ter being save! to the har! !rive at the en! o$ each gro"pingR conse."entlyB at trialDs en!B they store only the histories o$ the $inal gro"ping. %lease type or paste Gwhos ghist ghist_c"rrent_trialH at the comman! prompt to compare the si3es o$ ghist an! ghist_current_trialR notice that the latter stores the global best o$ all iterations over both gro"pings o$ :eg%#'B whereas ghist stores only the global bests o$ the $inal gro"ping. Both histories contain the global best o$ the $inal iteration in the $inal rowE P2.2>55e;005B ;1./>70e;000Q. )o learn more abo"t the !etails o$ c"rrent trial histories or other wor5space variablesB please see their !escriptions in G*ppen!ix *E &e$initionsG. %lease type fg_arra) at the comman! prompt to see the $"nction val"e pro!"ce! by each gro"pingDs global best. )his shows that :eg%#' improve! sol"tion ."ality in the secon! gro"ping by liberating the swarm $rom the state o$ premat"re convergence s"$$ere! in the $irst gro"ping. :egro"ping is more e$$ective than simply restarting the search as evi!ence! by the tremen!o"sly improve! sol"tion ."ality o$ the secon! gro"pingB which stems $rom the e$$iciently si3e! regro"ping space.

Switc ing Termination Criterion from )terations to &unction .valuations

9ithin the control panelB please press (trl O +omeB (trl O -B type G$"nc_evalsBH an! press Enter to ."ic5ly $in! switch GOnOff_func_evalsH in /1

the G)E:, ?*) '? (: )E: * -': :EG%#' 4 %#' *8G': )+,#H s"bsection o$ section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H. %lease activate this to switch the termination criterion $rom a maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations to a maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations. %ress (trl O - againB type Gmax_-EBH press Enter "ntil reaching max_F+s_per_groupingB an! set its val"e to G200000H 1i.e. 200B000 witho"t a comma2. %ress (trl O - again an! press Enter "ntil reaching setting max_F+s_over_all_groupingsB an! set this to G<00000H 1i.e. <00B000 witho"t a comma2.

C anging t e 2umber of Trials

%lease press (trl O +omeB (trl O -B type num_trialsB an! press Enter. (hange this $rom 1 to 5 to generate statistics over 5 trials. n practiceB yo" wo"l! con!"ct consi!erably more trials $or statistical reliabilityB b"t this is merely $or !emonstration.

C anging t e Problem Dimensionality

9hile in section 2B also change the !imensionality $rom 2 to /0 via setting dim to test the :eg%#' algorithm in a more !i$$ic"ltB higher;!imensional space.

C anging t e Swarm Size

#ince the problem to be solve! is now more !i$$ic"ltB increase the swarm si3eB npB $rom / to 20 on the line below dim in the same G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H section o$ the control panel.

De/activating ,nnecessary 6istories

%lease !e;activate each GOnOff_...histH switch at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section to !e;activate histories. #imply press (trl O -B type GOnOff_fghistBH an! set each s"ch switch to logical102.

Disabling 0rap s
%ress (trl O - in the control panelB type G152HB an! press Enter twice to move !irectly to graphing section G(5) REGPSO & PSO GRAPHING SWITCHES AND SETTINGS. )hen !e;activate switch OnOff_graphs by changing its val"e $rom logical112 to logical102.

#nalyzing t e Statistics of Multiple Trials

User Input &alidation
%lease press -5 now to begin exec"tionB which will a"tomatically save changes ma!e to the control panel. Exec"tion will ta5e a $ew min"tes since 5 long trials are being con!"cte!. n the mean timeB notice that the settings /2

!isplaye! in the =ser np"t Vali!ation section o$ ,*)8*BDs (omman! 9in!ow re$lect the changes ma!e in the control panelE :eg%#' is still applying its regro"ping mechanism to Gbest %#'. * maxim"m o$ 200B000 $"nction eval"ations have been allotte! to each gro"pingB an! regro"ping will contin"e "ntil <00B000 $"nction eval"ations are reache! "nless true_global_minimum is achieve! witho"t error be$ore then 1i.e. $"nction val"es less than 10323 cannot be !i$$erentiate! $rom the tr"e global minim"m o$ 0 by ,*)8*B2. -or all gro"pingsB premat"re convergence will be consi!ere! to have occ"rre! when the E"cli!ean swarm ra!i"s shrin5s to 0.011V o$ the gro"pingDs original swarm ra!i"sB which will trigger a"tomatic regro"ping. 'nce premat"re convergence is !etecte!B particles will be re;initiali3e! within a regro"ping space !e$ine! per !imension to be !irectly proportional to the !egree o$ "ncertainty in$erre! per !imension $rom the swarm state at premat"re convergence. )he regro"ping $actor is 1.2 !ivi!e! by the stagnation threshol!B stag_threshR this inverse proportionality ens"res that the closer particles converge be$ore regro"pingB the larger the regro"ping $actor will beB which ens"res that the regro"ping space is s"$$iciently large to $acilitate an ongoing search $or the global minimi3er. * static weight is now !isplaye! where initial an! $inal val"es were !isplaye! in con@"nction with linear variation.

9ach TrialEs Data

Each trialDs !ata is !isplaye! to the (omman! 9in!ow be$ore generating the next trialDs !ata so that any erroneo"s setting or poorly per$orming parameter combination will become obvio"s as soon as possible. 9hen per$ormance s"$$ersB ,*)8*B can be close! by clic5ing the S at the top right o$ the programB an! G(ontrol_%anel.mH can be !o"ble;clic5e! to change the settings an! try again. 9hile the !ata is being generate!B the $ollowing will explain the !ata to be !isplaye! a$ter each o$ the $ive :eg%#' trialsE fg 1i.e. the $"nction val"e o$ the global best2 will in!icate how e$$ectively the :eg%#' algorithm minimi3e! the thirty;!imensional :astrigin benchmar5. 8i5e "p!ate co"nter k, *egP(O_k initiali3es to 0 !"ring swarm initiali3ationR howeverB instea! o$ re;initiali3ing with each regro"ping as k !oesB it contin"es to increment with each iteration o$ :eg%#'. (onse."entlyB its val"e at the en! o$ each trial is 1 less than the n"mber o$ :eg%#' GiterationsH con!"cte!B which is the n"mber o$ times positions an! velocities have been "p!ate!. 'ne trialDs $inal val"e o$ *egP(O_k may be less than the $inal val"e $or other trials i$ the tr"e global minim"m is achieve! witho"t !iscernable errorB which ca"ses the search to terminate so no time is waste! in comp"tation when $"rther optimi3ation is impossibleE more speci$icallyB once error in the $"nction val"e becomes in!iscernible 1i.e. //

once f < 10323 2 so that only the !ecision variables can possibly have !iscernable error !"e to the complexity o$ the mapping $rom inp"ts to o"tp"tB the search will terminate since !ecision variables cannot be $"rther optimi3e! once error in the ob@ective $"nction becomes in!iscernible. )he thir! trial will !emonstrate this property since the tr"e global minim"m will be achieve! be$ore the trial concl"!es so that contin"e! Goptimi3ationH wo"l! be pointless. )he n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations con!"cte! over the co"rse o$ the trial is !isplaye!. *s with *egP(O_kB this can be less than the maxim"m val"e i$ the tr"e global minim"m is achieve! witho"t errorB which will be !emonstrate! by the thir! trial. )he global bestB gB is !isplaye! a$ter each :eg%#' trial so that patterns in any problematic !imensions can be !iscovere! an! analy3e! as soon as possible. 1'nly one row o$ matrix g is !isplaye!B since each row is the same $or p"rposes o$ matrix s"btraction in the velocity "p!ate e."ation.2 )he range per !imension o$ the $inal regro"ping space is !isplaye! a$ter each :eg%#' trial since it is relate! to each !imensionDs sol"tion ."ality. (oncept"allyB since the range per !imension o$ the regro"ping space is proportional to the "ncertainty on that !imensionB overcon$i!ence on any partic"lar !imension can be co"nterpro!"ctive by preventing proper exploration. *nalyticallyB any !imension o$ the global best that is not well optimi3e! is li5ely a res"lt o$ a range so small as to have eliminate! the global minimi3er $rom the regro"ping space on that !imension. 9hen switch OnOff_k_after_each_grouping is activeB each "p!ate n"mber at which premat"re convergence was !etecte! is store! to *egP(O_k_after_each_grouping. *!!ing 1 to each col"mn o$ this row vector wo"l! pro!"ce the iteration n"mbers at which regro"ping was triggere!B with the !i$$erence being that iterations incl"!e initiali3ation o$ the swarm be$ore it begins "p!ating. 9hen switch OnOff_fg_after_each_grouping is activeB the $"nction val"e o$ each gro"pingDs global best is store! to *egP(O_fg_after_each_grouping. )he trial n"mber is !isplaye! a$ter the !ata above.

&"ring exec"tionB a progress meter will intermittently !isplay the percentage o$ calc"lations complete! an! the estimate! time o$ completion.

Per(ormance #easures
Success Rate 'nce all trials have complete!B the toolbox a"tomatically !isplays the n"mber o$ trials s"ccess$"l accor!ing to the threshol! re."ire! $or s"ccessB the n"mber o$ trials "ns"ccess$"lB an! the s"ccess rate. -or the c"rrent


calc"lationsB thresh_for_succ K 100B as !isplaye! near the en! o$ the =ser np"t Vali!ation phase.
$unction 9%aluations Per(ormed *lso !isplaye! are the mean n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations re."ire! to reach the threshol! $or s"ccess an! the mean n"mber con!"cte! per trial 1i.e. even a$ter reaching the threshol! $or s"ccess2. )he latter is less than the maxim"m o$ <00B000 $"nction eval"ations set in max_F+s_over_all_groupings beca"se the thir! trial re!"ce! the /0;& :astrigin benchmar5 to 3ero with no error !iscernable by ,*)8*B a$ter A>/B120 $"nction eval"ations 1i.e. the ob@ective $"nction was minimi3e! to less than 10323 2. )his shows the ability o$ :eg%#' to enable contin"e! progress long a$ter Gstan!ar!H %#' wo"l! have stagnate!. lobal 7est 'nce the goal o$ minimi3ing the ob@ective $"nction to its tr"e global minim"m is accomplishe!B no $"rther optimi3ation o$ the !ecision variables is possible regar!less o$ the algorithm employe!. Even tho"gh the thir! trial re!"ce! the $"nction val"e to its tr"e global minim"m o$ 0 witho"t !iscernable error 1i.e. f ] 10323 2B there was still some error !iscernable in the n;!imensional !ecision vector !"e to the complicate! mapping $rom n inp"ts to one scalar o"tp"t. *s ta"ght in high schoolB more !igits sho"l! be retaine! !"ring comp"tation than !esire! in $inal sol"tion ."alityR conse."entlyB since optimi3ation algorithms are generally applie! to $"nctions with $airly convol"te! mappings $rom inp"ts to o"tp"tB the inp"ts sho"l! retain greater !ecimal acc"racy than !esire! in the ."ality o$ the $inal sol"tion. t also $ollows that the sol"tion acc"racy possible on each !imension increases as the problem !imensionality !ecreases. Statistics -rom the best $"nction val"e per trialB the me!ianB meanB minim"mB maxim"mB an! stan!ar! !eviation are calc"late!. *s can be seen $rom the statistics generate! $or the /0;& :astrigin benchmar5B regro"ping was ."ite e$$ective at liberating the swarm $rom the state o$ premat"re convergence to $acilitate contin"e! progress. Time ReFuired *lso !isplaye! areE *verage time per trial in secon!sB Elapse! time over all trials in secon!sB teration n"mbers at which each trial satis$ie! the threshol! $or s"ccessB )ime o$ completion.


7est $unction &alue per Trial )he $"nction val"e o$ each trialDs global best is store! to wor5space variable fg_final_per_trialB $rom which the me!ianB meanB minim"mB maxim"mB an! stan!ar! !eviation are calc"late!.

Fo" might want to save a bac5"p copy o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH with these settings intact to $acilitate $"t"re :eg%#' testing.

)his wal5 thro"gh was inten!e! to intro!"ce yo" to the primary switches an! settings o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox. )he next chapter presents more !etails on several important topicsB incl"!ing a more in;!epth !isc"ssion o$ =sing :eg%#' to Escape $rom #tagnation.

III* #ore Details on Select Topics

Specifying 0best or $best PSO as t e Core #lgorit m
mprovements to %#' generally b"il! on one o$ two core algorithmsE 1i2 global best 1Gbest2 %#' or 1ii2 local or neighborhoo! 18best2 %#'. )o activate 8best %#'B set switch OnOff_lbest to logical112 "n!er the G*8G': )+,H s"bhea!ing o$ section GG112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?HH in G(ontrol_%anel.mH. -or Gbest %#'B set the switch to logical102. t is recommen!e! to "se Glogical112H an! Glogical102H rather than Gtr"eH an! G$alseH since !oing so allows switches to be activate! an! !e;activate! more ."ic5ly.

Setting t e )nertia 'eig t

)o "se a static inertia weightB !e;activate switch OnOff_w_linear in section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H o$ the control panel by setting it to logical102B an! set the static val"e o$ w in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H. 9hen switch OnOff_w_linear is activeB the initial weightB w_iB will be "se! $or the $irst velocity "p!ateB with linear !ecrease or increase "ntil reaching the $inal weightB w_f N ass"ming the sim"lation r"ns $"ll co"rseR howeverB i$ :eg%#' or ,%#' is activate!B the $inal val"es o$ the inertia weight may not be "se! since a regro"ping or restart will be triggere! once stagnation is !etecte! to avoi! waste$"l calc"lations in a non;pro!"ctive state. )he relevant portions o$ the control panel are paste! below. )a5e care not to acci!entally change Gi$ OnOff_w_linear KK logical112H in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H since this merely chec5s whether initial an! $inal weights or one static weight sho"l! be loa!e! base! on the stat"s o$ switch OnOff_w_linear. /A

V^VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 'n'$$_w_linear K logical102R V)"rn time;varying inertia weight on or o$$. ... V^VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV i$ 'n'$$_w_linear KK logical112 V n the case o$ time;varying inertia w_i K 0.>R Vinitial val"e "se! in $irst velocity "p!ate w_$ K 0.0R V$inal val"e "se! in $inal velocity "p!ate else Vi.e. i$ a static inertia weight is !esire! w K 0.72><0R en!

Setting t e Velocity Clamping Percentage

n n (onsi!er an example search space [ xmin , xmax ] = [100,100] B where n represents the problem !imensionalityE each !imension has a range o$ 200 centere! at 0. )he maxim"m velocityB vmax B has o$ten been ta5en in the literat"re to be some percentage o$ the maxim"m positionB xmax R howeverB this "nnecessarily creates !epen!ence on the origin o$ the search space tho"gh particle behavior sho"l! be in!epen!ent o$ the re$erence $rame chosen. #ince many real;worl! problems have search spaces that are not symmetric across the originB consi!er the same search space shi$te! 100 "nits to the " " r r r " right by changing the ob@ective $"nction $rom f 1x2 to f 1x 1002 . )he search n n space then becomes [ xmin , xmax ] = [0, 200] . &e$ining vmax as the same

percentage o$ xmax wo"l! pro!"ce twice the velocity clamping val"e as be$ore the search space was shi$te!. #"ch !epen!ence on the origin o$ the search space is easily remove! by !e$ining vmax more generally in terms o$ the range o$ the search space. 9hen the search space is centere! at the origin o$ E"cli!ean spaceB the two approaches are i!entical since the range per !imension in that case is 2 xmax so that a percentage o$ the range is also a percentage o$ xmax. )he !e$inition o$ velocity clamping "se! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox is there$ore consistent with the tra!itional !e$inition $or ob@ective $"nctions whose search spaces are centere! at the origin since a percentage o$ the range is also a percentage o$ xmax . )he !e$inition employe! simply removes !epen!ence on the re$erence $rame so that /7

particles N li5e particles in physics N will behave the same way regar!less o$ the re$erence $rame by which their motions are meas"re!. -"rthermoreB some real;worl! problems have !i$$erent ranges o$ $easible val"es $or !i$$erent !ecision variables. )here$oreB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox !e$ines vmax as a percentage o$ the range o$ the search space per !imension. )o set vmax = 100 $or the example search space "se! aboveB simply set Gvmax_percH to 0.5 in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H o$ the control panelB since the range on each !imension o$ the example is 200 . )his has the e$$ect o$ setting vmax = xmax $or the original "n;shi$te! search space. vmax, j = vmax_ perc range j , where range j = xmax, j xmin, j )his more general !e$inition boils !own to the tra!itional !e$inition $or benchmar5s that "se the same range per !imensionB b"t it allows more $lexibility $or real;worl! applications whose !ecision variables may ass"me !i$$erent ranges o$ val"es. 9hen asymmetric initiali3ation is employe!B the initiali3ation spaceB x [ max , xmax ]n B !i$$ers $rom the search spaceB [ xmax , xmax ]n . n this caseB velocities 2 are clampe! to the range o$ the $"ll search spaceB which correspon!s to xmax 1i.e. the range e."als xmax N ; xmax B which e."als 2 xmax B so that a percentage o$ the range is also a percentage o$ xmax 2R this is consistent with what is generally !one in the literat"re. )he only !i$$erence is that the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox more generally !e$ines velocities as a percentage o$ the range o$ the search space $or real;worl! application problems $or which it wo"l! be nonsensical to clamp particleDs positions base! on the val"e o$ xmax itsel$E e.g. i$ optimi3ing the !imensions o$ a so$a with length speci$ie! to lie between A$t an! < $tB clamping velocities base! on xmax rather than on the range o$ the search space along that !imension wo"l! be nonsensical since 0.5X< $t K 0 $t maxim"m step si3e per !imensionB whereas 0.5X1< $t N A $t2 K 1 $tR obvio"slyB $or a search space o$ range 2 $tB a maxim"m step si3e o$ 0 $t wo"l! be absol"tely nonsensical. ?ote that the range an! center o$ the initiali3ation space are !e$ine! per ob@ective in G'b@ectives.mH.

Selecting t e Ob4ective &unction*s'b@ectives are liste! in alphabetical or!er within $ile G'b@ectives.mBH where each is assigne! an ob$ective_id. &Ds control the or!er in which ob@ectives are teste! in the $"ll version o$ the toolboxB an! they !etermine which ob@ective will be "se! in the $ree version. $ yo" are "sing the $ree !emoB @"st /<

set the ob$ective_id in $inal section G1A2 'B6E() VE#H o$ the control panel to the i! correspon!ing to the !esire! ob@ective $"nction. )able 7 below s"mmari3es the correspon!ence between each ob@ective $"nction an! its ob$ective_id as set by !e$a"lt within G'b@ectives.mH. Fo" may change how &Ds are assigne! within that $ile i$ yo" li5e N these are merely the !e$a"lt assignments.

Table 2? Ob=ecti%e IDEs

Ob=ecti%e *c5ley Griewang5 J"a!ric ?oisy J"artic :astrigin :osenbroc5 #cha$$erDs $A #chwe$el #phere 9eighte! #phere ?? )raining 1via a!!;in2 ID 1 2 / 0 5 A 7 < > 10 11

$ yo" have p"rchase! the $"ll version o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolboxB yo" can test a %#' algorithm across m"ltiple ob@ectives by 1i2 setting #ableParams_num_tables in the control panelDs section G102 )*B8E #9 )(+E# 4 %*:*,E)E:#H to the total n"mber o$ ob@ectives to be teste!B 1ii2 activating switch #ableParams_OnOff_#bl_,ncr_ob$ective B 1iii2 setting ob$ective_id to 0 in the $inal section o$ the control panelB an! 1iv2 speci$ying in G'b@ectives.mH the or!er o$ the !esire! ob@ectives by assigning i! 1 to the $irst ob@ectiveB 2 to the secon!B an! so on "ntil reaching the i! correspon!ing to the n"mber o$ ob@ectives to be teste!. t is recommen!e! to test ob@ectives $rom most !i$$ic"lt to easiest so that any !i$$ic"lties will be !iscovere! ."ic5ly. )he $ree version is able to con!"ct m"ltiple trials a"tomatically $or one ob@ective at a time.

Setting t e Center an( 5ange of t e )nitialization Space

)he %#' :esearch )oolbox allows "sers to speci$y real;worl! initiali3ation spaces rather than re."iring initiali3ation to be either symmetric or asymmetric across the origin o$ n;!imensional E"cli!ean space. *s an exampleB s"ppose yo" are to $in! the optimal combination o$ vehicle lengthB wi!thB an! height to maximi3e $"el e$$iciency. *n! s"ppose that $or any reasonable combination o$ these three inp"tsB one or more vehicle types can be classi$ie! an! teste! in a sim"late! environment. )hen the c"rvat"re o$ the vehicle an! its weight can be mappe! to $rom these three !ecision variables so that only lengthB wi!thB an! height m"st be optimi3e!. $ we />

expect the i!eal length to lie somewhere between 5$t an! 15 $tB the i!eal wi!th between 1$t an! <$tB an! the i!eal height between 2 $t an! 10 $tR the range o$ the initiali3ation spaceB range_,(- wo"l! be inp"t as vector P10B 7B <Q an! the center o$ the initiali3ation spaceB center_,(- as vector P10B 0.5B AQ. )he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox allows "sers to speci$y the center an! range o$ the initiali3ation space as vectors $or practical problems li5e this N leaving the "ser only to write his or her problem to be solve!. B"t $or ob@ectives whose initiali3ation space is the same per !imensionB the "ser can inp"t the center an! range as scalars $or convenience. -or exampleB $or the stan!ar! :astrigin ob@ective center_,(- K 0 an! range_,(- K 2X5.12 K 10.20 can be inp"tB $rom which the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox will internally constr"ct matrices range_,( an! center_,( o$ or!er np by dim.

,sing 5egPSO to .scape from Stagnation

)he motivation behin! :eg%#' is to e$$iciently regro"p the swarm $or contin"e! progress once repeate! attractions towar! the global best have ca"se! to swarm to collapse. )his is achieve! via the $ollowing stepsE 1i2 &etect when the swarm has premat"rely converge! P1QB 1ii2 (alc"late the swarmDs "ncertainty along each !imension $rom the swarm state at premat"re convergenceB 1iii2 &e$ine the range o$ each !imension o$ the regro"ping space proportionally to the "ncertainty on that !imensionB 1iv2 (enter the regro"ping space at the global bestB 1v2 :e;initiali3e the swarm within the new regro"ping spaceB 1vi2 :e;initiali3e each particleDs personal best to be e."al to its c"rrent position as !one !"ring initiali3ation o$ the swarm with Gstan!ar!H %#'B 1vii2 :e;calc"late the velocity clamping vector "sing the range per !imension o$ the new regro"ping spaceB 1viii2(ontin"e Gbest %#' as "s"al within the regro"ping space. )his process is repeate! each time premat"re convergence is !etecte!B which enables the swarm to contin"e improving sol"tion ."ality as shown at the en! o$ #ection E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"gh. )o !etect premat"re convergenceB the normali3e! swarm ra!i"s criterion propose! by Van !en Bergh in his %h& thesis is "tili3e! P/Q. %articles are consi!ere! con$i!ent in their approximation along !imensions $or which no particle signi$icantly !eviates $rom the global bestR whereasB they are consi!ere! to be relatively "ncertain along any !imension $or which any n"mber o$ particles has a relatively large !eviation $rom the global best. )he "ncertainty per !imension is simply calc"late! as the maxim"m !istance o$ any particle $rom the global best along that !imension. Each !imensionDs "ncertainty is then m"ltiplie! by the static regro"ping $actor to !etermine 00

the space within which to regro"p the swarm abo"t the global best. *$ter regro"pingB Gbest %#' begins as "s"al with velocities clampe! to the same percentage o$ the new regro"ping space to which they were clampe! originallyB with the global best remembere! across gro"pings to be improve! "pon. :eg%#' wor5s well with (lercDs e."ivalent parameters P2B (trl O -B G(lercHQE constriction coe$$icients c1 = c2 = 1.49618 B an! static inertia weight = 0.72984. 'ther parameter combinations can be $o"n! to postpone stagnation in %#' witho"t regro"pingB as shown in (hapter o$ thesis P2QR howeverB empirical testing showe! that it is more bene$icial to "se (lercDs e."ivalents with :eg%#' since they pro!"ce ."ic5er convergence to the global bestB which allows the regro"ping mechanism more chances to improve sol"tion ."ality over a search o$ any $inite !"ration. n )able V;2 o$ thesisB :eg%#' achieves better per$ormance by ."ic5ly converging an! regro"ping than Gstan!ar! %#'H achieves "sing high;."ality parameters a!ept at postponing stagnation. -ollowing the steps below will lea! to e$$ective :eg%#' implementation. 112*ctivate :eg%#' by setting switch OnOff_*egP(O to logical112 in the control panelDs $irst section. 122#peci$y the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations per gro"ping by pressing (trlO- an! locating either max_F+s_per_grouping or max_iter_per_grouping at the en! o$ the control panelDs secon! section 1i.e. !epen!ing on the stat"s o$ switch 'n'$$_$"nc_evals2. 8imiting each gro"ping to 100B000 $"nction eval"ations or 100B000/np iterations wor5s wellB tho"gh $or some applications another val"e between 50B000 an! 200B000 $"nction eval"ations might per$orm better. 1/2#peci$y the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations over all gro"ping by pressing (trlO- an! locating either max_F+s_over_all_groupings or max_iter_over_all_groupings at the en! o$ the control panelDs thir! section 1i.e. @"st be$ore the $i$th section since the $o"rth section is not available in the $ree version o$ the toolbox2. 8imiting each trial to <00B000 $"nction eval"ations over all gro"pings or <00B000/np iterations allows eno"gh regro"pings $or the swarm to signi$icantly improve per$ormance over Gstan!ar!H %#'. 1029hile the !e$a"lt val"e o$ the stagnation threshol!B stag_threshB is recommen!e! $or general "sageB it can be change! within the control panelDs thir! section $or speci$ic applications. )his setting !etermines the sensitivity o$ the threshol! at which stagnation is consi!ere! to have occ"rre!B a$ter which regro"ping is triggere!. * larger val"e $or stag_thresh triggers regro"ping soonerR howeverB regro"ping too soon !oes not allow $or m"ch sol"tion re$inement 1a5a exploitation2B an! allowing a goo! amo"nt o$ sol"tion re$inement increases the reliability 01

o$ the "ncertainty in$erre! since particles ten! to bo"nce aro"n! ."ite a bit early in the search. )he !e$a"lt val"e o$ stag_thresh K 1.1104 allows $or a !ecent amo"nt o$ sol"tion re$inement be$ore regro"ping an! generally pro!"ces meaning$"l meas"res o$ "ncertainty. 1529hile the !e$a"lt val"e o$ the regro"ping $actorB reg_factB is recommen!e! $or general "sageB it can be change! within the control panelDs thir! section $or speci$ic applications. * larger val"e o$ reg_fact pro!"ces a larger regro"ping spaceB an! a smaller val"e has the opposite e$$ect. )he regro"ping $actor is !e$ine! to be inversely proportional to the stagnation threshol! since a smaller stagnation threshol! allows particles to collapse within closer proximity o$ each other !"ring the sol"tion re$inement phaseB which man!ates a larger regro"ping $actor by which to achieve a !ecently si3e! regro"ping space. 9ere the regro"ping $actor not !e$ine! as inversely proportional to the stagnation threshol!B tiny stagnation threshol!s wo"l! pro!"ce tiny regro"ping spacesB res"lting in an "n!esirable !epen!ency that wo"l! not $acilitate reliable escape $rom entrapping local wells. )he !e$a"lt val"e o$ 1.2/stag_thresh per$orme! well across a s"ite o$ pop"lar benchmar5s as shown in chapter $ive o$ thesis P2Q.

Specifying t e Maximum 2umber of )terations or &unction .valuations

&eci!e whether to "se a maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations as a termination criterion an! set switch OnOff_func_evals in the control panelDs section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H accor!ingly.

#aximum per


#ettings max_F+s_per_grouping 1"se! when switch OnOff_func_evals is active2 an! max_iter_per_grouping 1"se! when OnOff_func_evals is inactive2 are locate! near the en! o$ section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H. )hese speci$y the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations allowe! by any one gro"ping o$ the swarm. ?ote that stan!ar! %#' witho"t regro"ping consists o$ only one gro"ping an! there$ore "ses these settings as its termination criteria.

#aximum o%er all RegPSO


:eg%#' regro"ps the swarm abo"t the global best when stagnation is !etecte! to contin"e searching e$$iciently rather than restarting on the original initiali3ation space. -or :eg%#'B set the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ationsB max_F+s_over_all_groupingsB or maxim"m n"mber o$ iterationsB max_iter_over_all_groupingsB over all gro"pings towar! the en! o$ section G1/2 :EG%#' *8G': )+, #9 )(+E# 4 #E)) ?G#H in a!!ition to setting a maxim"m per gro"ping. 02

#aximum o%er all #PSO Starts

-or m"lti;start %#' 1,%#'2B which contin"ally restarts %#' on the same initiali3ation space an! proposes the best sol"tion $o"n!B set 'P(O_max_F+s or 'P(O_max_iters towar! the en! o$ section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H in a!!ition to the maxim"m per gro"ping an! possibly the maxim"m over all gro"pings 1i.e. i$ :eg%#' is activate!2. )he "ser is also given the option to speci$y a maxim"m n"mber o$ restarts via setting 'P(O_max_restarts. ,%#'B as presente! by &r. Van !en BerghB contin"ally restarts g"arantee!;convergence %#' 1G(%#'2B b"t the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox allows the "ser to apply the m"lti; start concept to any other algorithm in the toolbox.

Confining Particles to t e Searc


-or problems s"ch as the example aboveB the initiali3ation space may be nothing more than an e!"cate! g"ess o"tsi!e o$ which other val"able sol"tions might exist. +oweverB $or benchmar5s an! many real;worl! problemsB it is 5nown in a!vance that the only $easible sol"tions lie within the initiali3ation space. n s"ch casesB it is bene$icial to con$ine particles to that space. )he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox provi!es two metho!s $or accomplishing this.

&elocit+ Reset
)his approach wor5s by resetting the velocities responsible $or p"shing particles o"t o$ bo"n!s to prevent them $rom contin"ing o"t o$ bo"n!s. t is activate! via switch OnOff_v_reset in the control panelDs $irst section "n!er s"bhea!ing G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H.

Position Clamping
!evise! another approachB which is to simply clamp particleDs positions the same way their velocities are clampe! N i.e. when any !imension is too largeB replace it with the maxim"m val"e o$ xmaxB an! when it travels too $ar in the negative !irectionB replace it with the minim"m val"e o$ xmin. )his metho! is activate! via switch OnOff_position_clamping in the control panelDs $irst section "n!er s"bhea!ing G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H. t sho"l! be note! that when asymmetric initiali3ation is "se!B the initiali3ation spaceB [ xmax / 2, xmax ]n B is !i$$erent $rom the search spaceB [ xmax , xmax ]n . n this caseB particles are con$ine! to remain within the search space rather than within the initiali3ation spaceR this is consistent with what is generally !one in the literat"re.

0enerating Statistics #utomatically

#peci$y the !esire! n"mber o$ trials to be con!"cte! per col"mn 1i.e. per set o$ trials2 via setting num_trials. Each trial is generate! "sing a !i$$erent yet 0/

repeatable se."ence o$ pse"!o;ran!om n"mbersB which is achieve! by incrementing the starting state o$ the ran!omi3er by prime n"mber 100B72> with each trial. 9hen num_trials is set to 1B the $inal $"nction val"e $or the single trial con!"cte! will be !isplaye! a"tomatically. 9hen a set o$ trials is con!"cte! 1i.e. when num_trials L 12B fg_final_per_trial will be !isplaye! a"tomatically $ollowing the me!ianB meanB minim"mB maxim"mB an! stan!ar! !eviation.

0enerating &igures
)o generate $ig"resB $irst activate main switch OnOff_graphs atop section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#H o$ the control panel. )his is li5e the main circ"it brea5er switchE when it is o$$B all other switches are o$$. )hen select the !esire! graph types $rom the G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E#H s"bsection. )wo o$ the more important graph types are emphasi3e! below. $ yo" have ."estions abo"t another graph typeB please post a comment or email me.

#ean $unction &alue

'ne o$ the most important switches is OnOff_graph_fg_meanB which graphs the mean $"nction val"e o$ global best vers"s the iteration n"mber.

Swarm Tra=ector+
#witch OnOff_swarm_tra$ector) allows the "ser to watch the swarm move across a conto"r map o$ the ob@ective1s2 selecte!. )his $eat"re is $or ill"strative p"rposes an! wor5s only with two;!imensional optimi3ation problemsE i.e. problems with two inp"ts or !ecision variables to be optimi3e! N constit"ting the x an! y axes N an! a scalar o"tp"t N constit"ting what wo"l! be the 3 axis N by which to eval"ate the ."ality o$ the !ecision vector. :ather than appearing as a three;!imensional imageB a colore! conto"r map plots each $"nction val"e o$ the 3 axis "sing a color scale in which !ar5 bl"e is assigne! to the lower val"esB !ar5 re! to the "pper val"esB an! a contin"o"s color spectr"m is "se! $or val"es in between N res"lting in a $latB two;!imensionalB colore! image on which particles can more easily be seen traversing the search space. 9hen switch OnOff_contourf is activeB a smooth contin""m o$ colors will be generate!. #moothness 1i.e. acc"racy o$ the graph2 increases with the val"e o$ GraphParams_contour_map_.ualit) 1recommen!e! val"es 50 N 050 !epen!ing on whether particle movement is simply being observe! or high; ."ality $ig"res are !esire! $or presentation2. 9hen OnOff_contourf is inactiveB conto"r lines will be generate! with a n"mber on each line re$lecting the val"e o$ the $"nction at that level rather than "sing the more aesthetically pleasing colore! conto"r map.


#witch OnOff_mark_personal_bests mar5s the location o$ each particleDs personal best. #witch OnOff_mark_global_best_alwa)s mar5s the location o$ the global best on each conto"r map generate!B whereas OnOff_mark_global_best_on_ oomed_graph mar5s it only when 3ooming on the $inal state o$ the swarm at the en! o$ each :eg%#' gro"ping N as controlle! via switch OnOff_ oom_on_final_graph. %articlesD in!ex n"mbers can be t"rne! on an! o$$ via switch OnOff_plot_indices in the G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #E)) ?G#H s"bsection o$ G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#H. t is recommen!e! to set GraphParams_swarm_tra$_snapshot_mode to 0 since the mo!es were !evelope! in chronological or!er with each being seen as an improvement "pon the previo"s. )his "ses contmap/factor to generate a conto"r map slightly larger than the initiali3ation space since particles occasionally leave it when not restraine! "sing velocity reset.

Saving Data #utomatically

*ctivate switch OnOff_!utosave_"orkspace_Per_#rial in section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H to save the wor5space a$ter each a"tomatic trial. *ctivate switch OnOff_!utosave_"orkspace_Per_0olumn to save the wor5space a$ter each set o$ trials. $ !is5 space is a concernB activate switch OnOff_!utodelete_#rial_&ata to a"tomatically !elete $iles to which single trial !ata ha! been save! once all s"ch !ata has been reconstr"cte! $or statistical p"rposes at the completion o$ all trialsB at which point reconstr"cte! !ata will be save! in the wor5space o$ each col"mn. -or the $"ll version o$ the toolboxB yo" may also save the wor5space a$ter each table generate! "sing switch OnOff_!utosave_"orkspace_Per_#able. 9hen :eg%#' is activeB yo" can save the wor5space per gro"ping via switch OnOff_!utosave_"orkspace_Per_Grouping.

.xamining Save( Data

#ave! !ata begins with G:,0H $or stan!ar! %#' witho"t regro"ping an! G:,1H $or :eg%#'B which was !esigne! to a!!ress the stagnation problem o$ %#' P2Q. 9or5spaces save! a$ter in!ivi!"al trials are !isting"ishable $rom those save! a$ter col"mns an! tables via the !esignation o$ the trial n"mber as G)r[E imme!iately $ollowing the G:,[H !isc"sse! above. -ilename G:,0)r/MH wo"l! !esignate the wor5space save! a$ter the thir! trial generate! "sing regro"ping metho! 0 1i.e. stan!ar! %#'2. G:,1(MH wo"l! !esignate the wor5space save! a$ter generating a col"mn 1i.e. set o$ trials2 pertaining to :eg%#'.


-ilenames are !esigne! to transparently !isplay the parameters "se! to pro!"ce the !ata containe! within the $ile so the "ser !oes not have to loa! a $ile an! examine the wor5space to locate the speci$ic $ile $or which he or she is loo5ing. -ilenames also have the !ate an! time the !ata was generate! appen!e! at the en!B which ens"res that each $ilename generate! is "ni."e an! helps the "ser locate the $ile he or she is loo5ing $or base! on when it was generate!. -or col"mn an! table !ataB val"es !isplaye! in $ilenames are pre$ace! with meaning$"l !esignators s"ch as YwY $or the inertia weight an! YcaY an! YcbY $or the acceleration coe$$icients. -ilenames $or !ata save! a$ter in!ivi!"al trials eliminate these !esignators to ma5e room $or the globally best $"nction val"e pro!"ce! per trialB which can ."ic5ly in!icate whether an algorithm is wor5ing or not by watching the $ol!er to which the !ata is being save!. 9ith time an! $amiliarityB having !ata rea!ily accessible at a glance becomes convenientB tho"gh it might seem inconvenient at $irst. -or exampleB i$ the "ser sees in the trialsZ $ilenames that the $"nction val"es being pro!"ce! are ri!ic"lo"sB he or she can imme!iately ."it an! !eb"g rather than wasting time. Excessively long $ilenames ca"se $iles to become inaccessible on 9in!ows systems "nless an! "ntil the "ser is able to shorten the nameB which wo"l! be ."ite an inconvenience as a reg"lar re."irementR conse."entlyB $ilenames are !ensely pop"late! with relevant in$ormation witho"t lengthy !escriptions as to what those val"es re$er. )his res"lts in a system that re."ires some time to ac."ire. 9hile $ilenames are generate! in a "tilitarian rather than aesthetic mannerB one can always loa! the $ile an! examine the wor5space !irectly i$ !oing so seems more convenient than !eco!ing in$ormation in the $ilenames.

Measures of .fficiency7 )terations8 &unction .valuations8 an( 5eal Time

*ccor!ing to ,erriam 9ebsterDs (ollegiate &ictionary Eleventh E!itionB an Giteration is Gthe repetition o$ a se."ence o$ comp"ter instr"ctions a speci$ie! n"mber o$ times or "ntil a con!ition is metBG which literally !oes not incl"!e initiali3ation o$ the swarm prior to the repeate! "p!ate e."ations. G-"nction eval"ation is there$ore a more transparent terminology in most cases since all eval"ations o$ positions are co"nte! N both at initiali3ation an! within the iterative loop. )his incl"!es eval"ations o$ a!!itional positions res"lting $rom any pert"rbation o$ the global best an! eval"ations o$ any a!!itional positions intro!"ce! by certain variations o$ %#' N a!!e! complexity not re$lecte! by a simple co"nt o$ iterations. -"nction eval"ations are conse."ently generally pre$erre! over iterations except possibly in graphsB where they co"l! be mislea!ing since ,*)8*B eval"ates positions one matrix at a timeR conse."entlyB the %article #warm 0A

'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox never "ses $"nction eval"ations on the in!epen!ent axes o$ graphs. )he "ser may choose whether to speci$y a maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations as a termination criterion. )o agree with the "s"al "sage o$ GiterationBH initiali3ation o$ the swarm is consi!ere! to occ"r at iteration one even tho"gh initiali3ation !oes not ma5e "se o$ the iterative "p!ating process an! conse."ently is not literally an GiterationBH as !e$ine! in the $irst paragraph o$ this sectionR conse."entlyB the $irst velocity an! position "p!ates occ"r at GiterationH two. Even tho"gh initiali3ation o$ the swarm is not literally an GiterationBH it is co"nte! towar! the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations $or termination p"rposes. )o avoi! ambig"ityB an! to more acc"rately compare algorithms o$ !i$$erent complexitiesB it is recommen!e! to "se $"nction eval"ations as a general habit in !isc"ssionB tho"gh iterations are pre$erable $or graphs !"e to the iterative nat"re o$ optimi3ation algorithms an! the matrix "p!ates implemente! in ,*)8*B. 9hile $"nction eval"ations are generally pre$erable to iterations except in graphsB bear in min! that an algorithm re."iring more $"nction eval"ations than another is not necessarily less e$$icient in real timeB which is the "ltimate meas"re o$ an algorithmDs e$$iciency. )here are at least two reasons $or thisE 1i2 the complexity re."ire! to carry o"t a $"nction eval"ation varies across algorithms 1e.g. %#' is comp"tationally simple an! operates more ."ic5ly in real time than some other algorithms2R an! 1ii2 an algorithm "sing a smaller pop"lation si3e than another to pro!"ce the same n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations will re."ire more iterationsB which in t"rn re."ires that more co!e be exec"te!R ass"ming a "ni$orm ."ality o$ co!e between algorithmsB exec"ting more co!e wo"l! cons"me more real time. +enceB while $"nction eval"ations are generally pre$erable to iterationsB they are still imper$ect meas"res. *n! while real time provi!es the "ltimate meas"re o$ an algorithmDs e$$iciencyB comparing real;time per$ormance across plat$orms is impractical. $ there are other topics yo" wo"l! li5e to see !isc"sse! in more !etailB please email george PatQ with yo"r re."est.


uide to Conducting Gour Own Research

)his chapter will teach yo" how to apply the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox to meet yo"r own research nee!s N whether $or solving new problemsB improving the particle swarm algorithmB or both. )o $acilitate pasting co!e into ,*)8*BB the .!oc version o$ this !oc"mentation can be !ownloa!e! $rom!oc"mentation.!oc .


#((ing Constraints
"u . 9berhartEs !pproach
'ne simple approach $or a!!ing constraints to the particle swarm algorithm was presente! by +" an! Eberhart in 2002 P5Q. %articles are re;initiali3e! "ntil satis$ying all constraintsB an! personal an! global bests are "p!ate! only with $easible positions. )his ens"res that all starting points an! all points o$ attraction are $easible witho"t a!!ing m"ch complexity to an otherwise comp"tationally simple algorithm. )his approach can be implemente! via the $ollowing steps. 112(reate switch OnOff_0onstraints in the control panelDs $irst section so that constraints will be implemente! only when the "ser !esires. 122(reate a new $"nctionB G(onstraints_satis$ie!.mBH to ret"rn Gtr"eH $or each position/row o$ the inp"t matrix that satis$ies all constraints an! G$alseH $or each other row. )he inp"ts sho"l! be position_matrix an! num_particles_%_evaluateB an! the o"tp"t sho"l! be a col"mn vector 1e.g. (atisfied2 o$ logical 1Ds an! 0Ds. 1/2(reate a new $"nctionB G(onstraints.mBH to correct any violations within position matrix x !"ring swarm initiali3ation. )he inp"ts sho"l! be position_matrix an! num_particles_%_evaluateB an! the o"tp"t sho"l! be the correcte! position matrixB x. G(onstraints.mH sho"l! ma5e "se o$ $"nction G(onstraints_satis$ie!.mBH which will also be "se! in step 5. 102%aste the co!e in 1a2 below to the locations speci$ie! in 1b2. 1a2 if OnOff_Constraints
"n# Constraints(x n!)

1b2a$ter Gx11EnpB 1E!im2 KH withinE ; :eg_,etho!s_0*n!1.m ; :eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.m 152%aste the co!e in 1a2 below to the locations speci$ie! in 1b2. 1a2 if OnOff_Constraints
Constraints_satisfi"#(x n!)

1b2a$ter Gx K x O vH withinE s ; gbest_core_loop.m ; lbest_core_loop.m 1c2 a$ter Gx 1 OP(O_selections.2ox 3 45 6 OP(O_selections7.2xH withinE ; gbest_initiali3ation.m ; lbest_initiali3ation.m 1A2:eplace the co!e in 1a2 below with the co!e in 1b2 at each location speci$ie! in 1c2 so that personal bests will only be "p!ate! with positions that satis$y the constraints. 1a2 if f(Int"rna$_i) %& f!(Int"rna$_i) 1b2 if (Satisfi"#(Int"rna$_i) && (f(Int"rna$_i) %& f!(Int"rna$_i))) 0<


1!2withinE ; gbest_core_loop.m ; lbest_core_loop.m 172:eplace the co!e in 1a2 below with the co!e in 1b2 at each location speci$ie! in 1c2 so that global bests will only be "p!ate! with positions that satis$y the constraints. 1a2 f' & (in(f' (in(f)) 1b2 f' & (in(f' (in(f!)) 1c2 withinE ; gbest_core_loop.m ; lbest_core_loop.m

!n !lternati%e Idea
$ yo" wo"l! li5e to ens"re that all positions enco"ntere! !"ring the search satis$y the constraintsB yo" co"l! implement the $ollowing approachR howeverB it has not been !emonstrate! to o"tper$orm the approach above 1i.e. it has not even been teste! yet2. 112(reate switch OnOff_0onstraints in the control panelDs $irst section so that constraints will only be implemente! when the "ser !esires. 122(reate a new $"nctionB G(onstraints.mBH to correct any violations $o"n! within position matrix x !"ring swarm initiali3ation. )he inp"ts sho"l! be position_matrix an! num_particles_%_evaluateB an! the o"tp"t sho"l! be the correcte! position matrixB x. 1/2%aste the co!e below to the locations speci$ie! in 1a2 an! 1b2.
if OnOff_Constraints Constraints(x n)(_!arti*$"s_+_",a$)at" "n# -an# !ossi.$/ ,0)

1a2 a$ter Gx K x O vH withinE ; gbest_core_loop.m ; lbest_core_loop.m 1b2 a$ter Gx11EnpB 1E!im2 KH withinE ; :eg_,etho!s_0*n!1.m ; :eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.m )his alternative approach corrects all new positions that violate constraintsR howeverB $ail"re to correct velocities responsible $or p"shing particles o"t o$ bo"n!s co"l! res"lt in repeate! violationsR there$oreB a thoro"gh implementation o$ this approach wo"l! acco"nt $or positions $irstly an! velocities secon!lyB both o$ which co"l! be correcte! by G(onstraints.mH.

.n ancing Velocity ,p(ates

$ yo"r research involves enhancing the velocity "p!ate e."ationB yo" can mo!i$y it as $ollows. 112(reate switchB OnOff_89our(witch:, in the $irst section o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH. 122%aste the co!e below over the co!es speci$ie! in 1a2 an! 1b2. 0>

1a2 Gv K wXv O c5Xr5.X1p ; x2Oc%Xr%.X1g ; x2H within Ggbest_core_loop.mH an! 1b2 Gv K wXv O c5Xr5.X1p ; x2Oc%Xr%.X1l ; x2H within Glbest_core_loop.mH

if OnOff_1o)rS2it*3 -Ins"rt /o)r ,"$o*it/ )!#at" "4)ation 3"r".0 "$s" 5i.". stan#ar# ,"$o*it/ )!#at" "4)ation , & 26, 7 *86r8.6(! 9 x)7*+6r+.6(-' or $0 9 x) "n#

.n ancing Position ,p(ates

$ yo"r research enhances the position "p!ate e."ationB yo" can mo!i$y it as $ollows. 112(reate switchB OnOff_9our(witch, in the $irst section o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH. 122:eplace Gx K x O vH in Ggbest_core_loop.mH an! Glbest_core_loop.mH with the $ollowingE
if OnOff_1o)rS2it*3 -Ins"rt /o)r !osition )!#at" "4)ation 3"r".0 "$s" 5i.". stan#ar# !osition )!#at" "4)ation x & x 7 , "n#

Varying t e )nertia 'eig t 2on/linearly

$ yo"r research involves non;linear variation o$ the inertia weightB the $irst step is to create new switch OnOff_w_nonlinear_variation in G(ontrol_%anel.mH. -or sa5e o$ organi3ationB please create the new switch below OnOff_w_linear. )hen change
if OnOff_2_$in"ar 5i.". if in"rtia 2"i'3t is ti("9,ar/in' 2_i & :.;< 5initia$ ,a$)" )s"# in first ,"$o*it/ )!#at" 2_f & :.=< 5fina$ ,a$)" )s"# in fina$ ,"$o*it/ )!#at" "$s" 5i.". if a stati* in"rtia 2"i'3t is #"sir"# 2 & :.>+;?=< "n# if OnOff_2_$in"ar @@ OnOff_2_non$in"ar_,ariation 5i.". if in"rtia 52"i'3t is ti("9,ar/in' 2_i & :.;< 5initia$ ,a$)" )s"# in first ,"$o*it/ )!#at" 2_f & :.=< 5fina$ ,a$)" )s"# in fina$ ,"$o*it/ )!#at" "$s" 5i.". if a stati* in"rtia 2"i'3t is #"sir"# 2 & :.>+;?=< "n#

in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H to

to allow the "ser to speci$y the initial an! $inal val"es witho"t creating new programming variables "nnecessarily.


gbest>core>loop*m . lbest>core>loop*m
*$ter Gi$ OnOff_w_linearH in these two $ilesB a!! an Gelsei$ OnOff_w_nonlinear_variationH to implement the $orm"la by which w is to be "p!ate!.

#ince linear an! non;linear variation cannot occ"r sim"ltaneo"slyB please a!! a chec5 to G np"t_Vali!ation.mH s"ch as the $ollowing. n a!!ition to being a co"rtesy to the "serB this explicit chec5 will prevent "nexpecte! behavior.
if OnOff_2_non$in"ar_,ariation && OnOff_2_$in"ar "rror(-ASin*" t3" in"rtia 2"i'3t *annot ." ,ari"# .ot3 A... A$in"ar$/ an# non9$in"ar$/ !$"as" #"9a*ti,at" "it3"r A... AOnOff_2_non$in"ar_,ariation or BOnOff_2_$in"ar in t3" A... APSO ACGORITHD SECECTION s).s"*tion of t3" *ontro$ A... A!an"$Es s"*tion B(8) FASIC SWITCHES & RECATED ACGORITHDIC A... ASETTINGS.A0) "n#

*t each occ"rrence o$ Gi$ OnOff_w_linearH within G&isplay_#ettings.mBH a!! a correspon!ing Gelsei$ OnOff_w_nonlinear_variationH to !isplay an appropriate message !"ring the =ser np"t Vali!ation phase o$ program exec"tion.

Title> raphs*m
Below each occ"rrence o$ Gi$ OnOff_w_linearH within G)itle Graphs.mBH a!! an Gelsei$ OnOff_w_nonlinear_variationH to !isplay the same title "n!er Gi$ OnOff_w_linearH except with the G8inearly Varying nertiaH entry change! to yo"r li5ing.

#((ing 9our Problem to t e Toolbox

0riting Gour $unction
<aming Con%ention $ yo" are "sing the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox to solve an application problem or wo"l! li5e to a!! a new benchmar5 to the s"iteB $irstly write the new ob@ective into the toolbox as a $"nction. -eel $ree to begin with a $ile s"ch as G'b@-"n_*c5ley.mH as a templateB b"t remember to save the $"nction as a new $ile. )he $irst line o$ this new $ile is shown belowB where G?ameH is "se! generically.

$"nction P$Q K 'b@-"n_?ame1position_matrixB n"m_particles_2_eval"ate2 Each ob@ectiveDs name begins with G'b@-"n_H to organi3e ob@ectives together when viewe! by name in their containing $ol!er. )he $ilename sho"l! be the 51

same as the $"nction nameE in this case G'b@-"n_?ame.mH. :egar!less o$ the nameB the $"nction will be assigne! $"nction han!le Ob$Fun !"ring program exec"tionB which allows the toolbox to "se one generic name $or all ob@ectives as in the co!e paste! below $rom Ggbest_core_loop.mH. $ K 'b@-"n1xB np2
Inputs to be !ccepted #ince generic $"nction han!le Ob$Fun is "se! internallyB all ob@ectives m"st accept the same inp"tsE 1i2 a matrix o$ positionsB an! 1ii2 the n"mber o$ positions/rows to be eval"ate!. n the example line paste! aboveB the $"ll position matrixB x, is inp"t $or eval"ationR the secon! inp"t arg"ment speci$ies that all np rows o$ the inp"t matrix are to be eval"ate! 1i.e. the $"ll swarm si3e2. )ho"gh Gsi3e1position_matrixB 12H co"l! be calc"late! iteratively within the $"nction rather than passing in the n"mber o$ rows to be eval"ate!B the approach "tili3e! len!s itsel$ to e$$icient comp"ting by eliminating the nee! to repeate!ly calc"late 5nowle!ge alrea!y possesse! by the toolbox.

9hen eval"ating a single position vectorB pass in a 1 $or the n"mber o$ rows to be eval"ate! as shown in the co!e belowB which eval"ates the ."ality o$ a m"tate! global bestB gmB within Ggbest_core_loop.mH when switch OnOff_0auch)_mutation_of_global_best is active. $m K 'b@-"n1gmB 12
lobal &ariables #ome ob@ectives also ma5e "se o$ the problem !imensionalityB dimB which is the n"mber o$ col"mns in the inp"t matrix/vector. -or this reasonB dim is !eclare! global in the control panel an! is accessible by any $"nction that also !eclares it globalB which eliminates the ine$$icient nee! to iteratively calc"late Gsi3e1position_matrixB 22H within the $"nction. )he *c5ley $"nctionB G'b@-"n_*c5leyBH is one example o$ a $"nction that ma5es "se o$ global variable dim.

$ yo" nee! to access any other wor5space variable within yo"r $"nctionB yo" can simply !e$ine it to be globalE 1i2 where it is create! by the toolboxB an! 1ii2 within the new $"nction. -or exampleB dim is !eclare! global in the control panel imme!iately prior to its creation so that it can be accesse! by G'b@-"n_*c5ley.mBH which also !eclares it globalR the same can be !one $or any other wor5space variable an! $"nction to grant imme!iate access to variables in the wor5space that !o not change when the $"nction is calle!.

3isting Gour $unction in Ob=ecti%es*m

'nce yo" have a!!e! yo"r problem to the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolboxB the next steps areE 1i2 assign it an ob@ective &B an! 1ii2 52

speci$y a reasonable initiali3ation space within G'b@ectives.mBH which lists all ob@ectives in alphabetical or!er. %lease $in! the alphabetical location $or yo"r ob@ective an! paste the co!e below into G'b@ectives.mH. elsei$ ob@ective_i! KK 12 ob@ective K Z?ameFo"r'b@ective+ereZR i$ 'n'$$_asymmetric_initiali3ation range_ #0 K 2.5AR Vasymmetric P2.5AB 5.12Q center_ #0 K /.<0R Vi.e. 1lower bo"n! O "pper bo"n!2/2 else range_ #0 K 2X5.12R VP;5.12B 5.12Q center_ #0 K 0R V#peci$y the initial center_ # o$ the initiali3ation space 1n"ll vector V!e$a"lt $or each particle2. en! i$ 'n'$$_#"ccess$"l=ns"ccess$"l i$ !im KK /0 thresh_$or_s"cc K 0.01R elsei$ !im KK2 thresh_$or_s"cc K 10\1;72R en! en!
<ame *$ter pasting the co!e above into G'b@ectives.mBH :eplace Z?ameFo"r'b@ectiveZ with the name yo"r ob@ective as yo" wo"l! li5e it to be !isplaye! by the toolbox 1i.e. witho"t G'b@-"n_H at the beginning2.

Initialization Space #peci$y the center an! range o$ the initiali3ation space. $ each !imension to be optimi3e! has the same range o$ potential val"es 1e.g. as is the case with simple benchmar5s2B then the range an! center o$ the initiali3ation space can be inp"t as scalarsB which tells the toolbox to "se the same val"es per !imension. +oweverB i$ !i$$erent !imensions represent !i$$erent variables to be optimi3e! N each o$ which has its own range o$ val"es N a !i$$erent range o$ val"es can be speci$ie! per !imension by !esignating the range an! center o$ the initiali3ation space as vectorsR an example problem o$ this type is given in chapter G E ,ore &etails on #elect )opicsH in section G#etting the (enter an! :ange o$ the nitiali3ation #paceH.
Threshold (or Success #peci$y a threshol! o$ s"ccess $or each problem !imensionality o$ interest. )he higher the problem !imensionalityB the more !i$$ic"lt the problem will become. -or this reasonB the threshol! $or s"ccess sho"l! increase with !imensionality while acco"nting $or the !i$$ic"lty o$ the partic"lar problem. )he threshol! $or s"ccess merely !etermines the s"b@ective $"nction val"e at which a trial sho"l! be consi!ere! s"ccess$"lR yet !espite its s"b@ective


nat"reB thresh_for_succ complements the generate! statistics by showing the n"mber o$ trials per$orming worse than the val"e o$ interestB which gives an i!ea o$ how s"ch o"tlying trials a$$ect the meanB stan!ar! !eviationB an! me!ian.
Check (or Redundant Id !ssignment 8astlyB chec5 that no other problem is assigne! the same ob@ective i! within G'b@ectives.mBH an! set ob$ective_id at the en! o$ the control panel to the same val"e assigne! to yo"r problem within G'b@ectives.mH.

Ot er .n ancements
$ yo"r research involves more than @"st a!!ing constraintsB mo!i$ying the velocity "p!ate e."ationB mo!i$ying the position "p!ate e."ationB a!!ing yo"r problem to the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolboxB an!/or training *??DsB yo" are welcome to email me $or g"i!ance. will be happy to provi!e g"i!ing hints as time permits to help yo" a!! the nee!e! $"nctionality to the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox as !one at this ,ath9or5s threa!.

%enefiting from ,p(ates

ntegrating improvements into the %#' :esearch )oolbox will allow the contrib"tor to bene$it $rom $"t"re $ixes an! enhancements ma!e to the toolbox. #imply email me any improve! co!e with !etaile! comments !escribing its $"nctionalityB an! will a!! it to the toolbox as time permits. )he "ser comm"nity wo"l! appreciate yo"r contrib"tionB an! $ormal ac5nowle!gement will be ma!e.

&* Contribution Standards

&ollowing 2aming Conventions ' en Creating 2ew Variables
*s m"ch as possibleB please name new programming %ariables so that they will be grouped together when 4whos5 is t+ped at the command prompt 1e.g. switches begin with G'n'$$_BH graph settings begin with GGraph%arams_BH table settings begin with G)able%arams_BH :eg%#' settings begin with G:eg%#'_BH G(%#' settings begin with GG(%#'_BH an! m"lti;start settings begin with G,%#'_H. #ince capitali3e! names !isplay be$ore lower case names when GwhosH is type! at the comman! promptB capitali3e! names are p"she! o$$ the screenR hence switches6 internal %ariablesB an! the li5e sho"l! begin with capital letters6 while outputs an! settings to $re."ently re$erence! 1e.g. np, dim, w2 sho"l! begin with lower8case letters to be more easily accessible. Please use transparent names $or all programming variables to help "sers easily ma5e sense o$ the wor5space an! co!e* -or exampleB a$ter 50

writing an! testing the co!e to calc"late the n"mber an! percentage o$ trials s"ccess$"lB replace! all occ"rrences o$ G?sH with num_trials_successful an! G?"H with num_trials_unsuccessful. )his gro"pe! them in the wor5space with the total n"mber o$ trialsB num_trialsB an! ma!e their meaning obvio"s to all "sers. Be$ore creating new variablesB pleaseE 1i2 press *lt O TeB iU within ,*)8*B to G-in! -ilesBH 1ii2 type the name yo" are thin5ing o$ assigning to the new variable into the G-in! $iles containing textH $iel!B 1iii2 $or the G8oo5 inH $iel! GBrowseH to the $ol!er containing the most recently "p!ate! version o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolboxB 1iv2 change the Gsearch typeH at the lower le$t to G,atches whole wor!BH an! 1v2 press Enter. $ no res"lts are !isplaye!B the variable name is available $or "se.

Minimizing 6ar( Co(ing via :Control;Panel+m<

Please create a switch (or new code so that it will run onl+ when acti%ated* %lease name switches Y'n'$$_P:elevantly_?ame!_#witchQY "sing transparent names. %lease activate switches "sing syntax Y'n'$$_P:elevantly_?ame!_#witchQ K logical112Y an! !e;activate by setting Y'n'$$_P:elevantly_?ame!_#witchQ K logical102Y to enable the "ser to activate or !e;activate switches simply by changing 1 to 0 or vice versa. )his is more e$$icient than changing Gtr"eH to G$alseH or vice versa. %lease !escribe the switchDs $"nctionality with a comment. %lease a!! yo"r name an! email a!!ress a$ter switches yo" create so that $"t"re "sers will 5now who to contact with ."estions 1e.g. 'n'$$_PFo"r#witchQK logical112 V6on&oe_6onZs=niversity.e!"B 6on &oeB 200>2. I( +ou (ind +oursel( regularl+ changing a hard8coded %alue6 tr+ creating a %ariable whose %alue can be set in 4Control>Panel*m <+ -or exampleB in a!!ition to saving $ig"res to .$ig $ormat to $acilitate mo!i$ication within ,*)8*B prior to p"blicationB it became !esirable to eliminate the nee! to man"ally save $ig"res to other $ormats. )o speci$y the !esire! $ormat witho"t har! co!ing itB parameter GraphParams_autosave_format was intro!"ce! in the control panelDs section GGraphing #witches 4 %arametersH. )o avoi! wor5space cl"tterB it is only create! when switch OnOff_autosave_figures_to_another_format is active. Please take care to place new programming %ariables in the appropriate sections o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH. )he control panel is !ivi!e! into the $ollowing sectionsE 1i2 Basic #witches 4 %#' *lgorithm #electionB 1ii2 %article #warm *lgorithm #ettingsB 1iii2 :eg%#' *lgorithm #witches 4 #ettingsB 1iv2 )able #witches 4 #ettingsB 1v2 :eg%#' an! %#' Graphing #witches 4 #ettingsB an! 1vi2 'b@ectives. 55

,ost o$ the settings pertaining to the ob@ective $"nction are set within G'b@ectives.mBH which is calle! $rom section G1A2 'B6E() VE#H o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH. )his script is 5ept separate $rom G(ontrol_%anel.mH since it is re;"se! when ob@ectives are a"tomatically incremente! by the pro$essional version o$ the toolbox.

Vali(ating )nputs via :)nput;Vali(ation+m<

Y np"t_Vali!ation.mY is calle! to chec5 the vali!ity an! consistency o$ "ser; speci$ie! switches an! settings. 9hile !eb"gging new co!eB yo" may enco"nter "ninten!e! parameter combinations that lea! to errors or "nexpecte! behavior. 0hen a contradictor+ combination o( switches and settings in HControl;Panel+mH produces or could concei%abl+ produce unexpected beha%ior6 please write a check within HInput>&alidation*mH to either 1i2 prevent exec"tion altogether an! !isplay a message !irecting the "ser to correct the con$licting inp"tsB or 1ii2 correct the $lawe! parameter a"tomatically by in$erring the "serDs intention an! !isplay a message stating what change was ma!e. *n example o$ the secon! case is !isplaye! below. i$ 'n'$$_graph_$ 44 `'n'$$_$hist V $ the $"nction val"e o$ each Vparticle is to be graphe! 1instea! o$ only the $"nction val"e Vo$ the global best2B 'n'$$_$hist K logical112R Vmatrix Y$histBY which maintains in each Vrow the $"nction val"e o$ the correspon!ing particleB m"st be Vmaintaine!. !isp1PZBeca"se yo" have activate! Y'n'$$_graph_$BY which graphsZ... Z the $"nction val"e vers"s iteration $or every Z... Zsingle particleB matrix Y$histY m"st be maintaine!R Z... Zthere$oreB Y'n'$$_$histY has been activate! $or yo"r convenience.ZQ2 $print$1ZWrZ2 V nsert a carriage ret"rn be$ore $"t"re o"tp"ts. en!

Steps (or !dding an !utomatic Correction to 4Input>&alidation*m5

8ocate the proper location $or the Gi$ statementH. -or exampleB graphing switches are only create! in the wor5space when parent switch OnOff_graphs is active. #o the example co!e above appears a$ter that parent switch has been chec5e! since the attempt to chec5 the stat"s o$ non;existent switches wo"l! terminate exec"tion with an error. Generate a message appropriate to the severity o$ the con$lict. =se the G!ispH comman! to merely !isplay a ca"tion o$ which the "ser sho"l! be aware. )he co!e above exempli$ies this "sage. 5A

)o in!icate a more "rgent messageB GwarningH can be "se! instea! o$ G!ispH. )his @"st a!!s G9arningEH be$ore the message to be !isplaye!. =se GerrorH to !irect the "ser to con$licting inp"ts an! prevent exec"tionB which is appropriate when the con$licting inp"ts are severe eno"gh to re."ire correction be$ore exec"tion. )his wo"l! be "se! when the "serDs intentions cannot acc"rately be in$erre! as they can be in the example co!e paste! above. )o !isplay a !etaile! messageB please "se ellipses 1i.e. GMH2 as !one in the example co!e paste! above to in!icate to ,*)8*B that the message contin"es on the $ollowing line. )his creates a message that wraps nicely within the "serDs (omman! 9in!ow regar!less o$ the win!owDs si3e. *$ter each G!isp1M2H or Gwarning1M2BH please type Y$print$1ZWrZ2Y to a!! a carriage ret"rn so that any other messages will not be r"n together.

Displaying t e Most )mportant Settings via :Display;Settings+m<

-or each new algorithm or enhancementB please !isplay the most important settings $or "ser veri$ication in script G&isplay_#ettings.mBH which is calle! a$ter G np"t_Vali!ation.mH. -or exampleB when :eg%#' is activate! via switch OnOff_*egP(O in the control panelDs $irst sectionB the $ollowing lines o$ G&isplay_#ettings.m will !isplay relevant settings $or "ser veri$ication be$ore program exec"tion. Beca"se the "ser is given !irect control o$ so many settings in the control panelB it is "se$"l to !isplay the most important settings $or veri$ication prior to exec"tion. i$ :eg_,etho! KK 1 !isp1Z:egro"ping %#' 1:eg%#'2 "tili3ingZ2 elsei$ :eg_,etho! KK 2 !isp1Z:egro"ping ,etho! 2 "tili3ingZ2 Vnot as reliable as :eg%#'E co!e Vnot yet per$ecte! en! ... i$ 'n'$$_$"nc_evals i$ :eg_,etho! `K 0 Vi.e. a regro"ping %#' will be "se! !isp1Pn"m2str1max_-Es_per_gro"ping2B Z -EZZs maxim"m Z... Z1per gro"ping2ZQ2 !isp1Pn"m2str1npXceil1max_-Es_over_all_gro"pings/np22... Z -EZZs maxim"m 1total over all gro"pings2ZQ2 else Vi.e. :eg_,etho! KK 0 selects stan!ar! %#' !isp1Pn"m2str1max_-Es_per_gro"ping2B Z -EZZs maxim"mZQ2 en! else Vi.e. i$ iterations are to be "se! instea! o$ $"nction eval"ations 57

i$ :eg_,etho! `K 0 Vi.e. a regro"ping %#' will be "se! !isp1Pn"m2str1max_iter_per_gro"ping2B Z iterations Z... Zmaxim"m 1per gro"ping2ZQ2 !isp1Pn"m2str1max_iter_over_all_gro"pings2B Z iterations Z... Zmaxim"m 1total over all gro"pings2ZQ2 else V1i.e. :eg_,etho! KK 0 $or the stan!ar! case witho"t Vregro"ping2 !isp1Pn"m2str1max_iter_per_gro"ping2B Z iterations maxim"mZQ2 en! en!

Maintaining 'or!space )ntegrity

Ygbest_core_loop.mY an! Glbest_core_loop.mH were written as scripts a$ter tests showe! scripts to be more e$$icient than $"nctions regar!less o$ whether variables were passe! in or !eclare! as globals. )he common wor5space is convenient an! e$$icientB b"t the "ser sho"l! ta5e care to maintain an organi3e! wor5space. t is better $or an error to terminate exec"tion beca"se a variable has been cleare! than to allow $or the possibility o$ a variable being "se! "nexpecte!lyE i$ in !o"btB clear the variable. *n! always clear the variable a$ter its $inal "sage "nless yo" want it to remain in the wor5space $or event"al analysis.

Steps to !%oid Unintentional Usage o( Data

&ariables should be cleared when the+ are no longer needed to 1i2 maintain an organi3e! wor5spaceB 1ii2 re!"ce both the si3e o$ the a"tomatically save! wor5spaces an! the time re."ire! to save themB an! 1iii2 eliminate the possibility o$ an incorrect val"e being "se! $or another p"rpose sho"l! the same basic variable name acci!entally be "se by another contrib"tor. )his can be !one by typing GclearH $ollowe! by the name o$ the variables to be cleare!. )o clear a global variableB type Gclear globalH instea! o$ GclearH an! !eclare the variable global again on the $ollowing line. &ariables should be re8initialized where appropriate 'e*g* with each new table6 column6 regrouping6 or automatic restart o( the algorithm) to ens"re that each variable initiali3es with a $resh slate with each new exec"tion. -or exampleB the variables pertaining to each trial are initiali3e! within G)rial_ nitiali3ations.mHB an! variables pertaining to :eg%#' are initiali3e! within G:eg%#'_main.mH "n!er hea!ing G5Initia$iG" HR"'PSO_(ainH Iaria.$"s5H. 8ist any new variables that yo" have create! in the &e$initions o$ *ppen!ix * so that other "sers will "n!erstan! their p"rpose. )his will help other contrib"tors avoi! "sing the same name $or another p"rpose so that yo"r $"nctionality contin"es wor5ing as planne!. #imply email me any e!its to be a!!e! to the !oc"mentation.


Testing 2ew Co(e )n(epen(ently of t e PSO Toolbox

t is important to avoi! overcon$i!ence in oneDs ability to write $lawless co!e. ?ew bloc5s o$ co!e sho"l! be teste! in!epen!ently o$ the overall toolbox to ens"re that they wor5 as expecte! since slight !eviations $rom expecte! behavior might go "nnotice! in overall per$ormance. 'ne healthy approach is to write new co!e in a new $ileR whether as a $"nction or as a scriptB it will be easier to !eb"g this way. * test $ile can then be "se! to 1i2 pass test val"es $or all expecte! variables into a $"nction an! !isplay the o"tp"tsB or 1ii2 create the expecte! variables in the wor5space i$ a script is being teste! instea! o$ a $"nction. 9hen testing a scriptB this test $ile sho"l! state Gclear allH near the top to ens"re that previo"sly create! val"es !o not poll"te the integrity o$ yo"r tests. #aving these test $iles an! organi3ing them well will help when testing $"t"re mo!i$ications. $ the new co!e applies to the iterative portion o$ the toolbox 1e.g. Ggbest_core_loop.mH or Glbest_core_loop.mBH it may be more e$$icient to paste the co!e !irectly into the calling script once it has been veri$ie! to wor5 correctlyR howeverB this sho"l! be not !one "ntil the co!e has been thoro"ghly teste!.

Mo(ifying all 5elevant 0best = $best Scripts

-or clarity o$ tho"ghtB separate scripts are maintaine! $or the Gbest an! ;best variants o$ %#'. #ome contrib"tions may not apply to all scripts N $or exampleB any pert"rbation or other treatment o$ the global best is irrelevant to ;best %#'B which "tili3es a local or neighborhoo! best rather than a global best. *$ter in!epen!ently testing contrib"tions to iterative portions o$ the co!eB please be s"re to apply them to all o$ the $ollowing $iles as relevantE 1. gbest_core.mB 2. lbest_core.mB /. gbest_initiali3ation.mB 0. lbest_initiali3ation.m 5. gbest_core_loop.mB an! A. lbest_core_loop.m.

Commenting #fter :else<

9hen "sing an Gi$B elseH se."enceB please paste a comment a$ter each GelseH clari$ying to which Gi$H statement it correspon!s. )his improves the e$$iciency o$ e!iting since one can more easily navigate to the relevant section to be e!ite! witho"t nee!ing to re$er bac5 to the correspon!ing Gi$H statement. -or exampleB at the time o$ this entryB Ggbest_core.mH containe! the $ollowingE 8ine /0E i$ 'n'$$_,%#' ... 5>

8ine 100E 8ine 2/AE

else Vi.e. i$ `'n'$$_,%#' ... en!

n the E!itorB hovering the c"rsor over Gi$H on line /0 shows a clic5able lin5 at the bottom le$t o$ the E!itor to the correspon!ing Gen!H on line 2/A. #imilarlyB hovering the mo"se over GelseH or Gen!H pro!"ces a clic5able text box at the top le$t o$ the E!itor !isplaying the line n"mber o$ the beginning Gi$H statementR howeverB the line n"mber correspon!ing to GelseH is nowhere shownB so that its location can only be estimate! to lie abo"t hal$ way between Gi$H an! Gen!H. (onse."entlyB commenting GelseH lines helps 5eep co!e organi3e! an! rea!ableB which is bene$icial !"ring e!iting. +ope$"llyB )he ,ath9or5s will expan! the !isplay boxes in the $"t"re to list all relevant Gelsei$H an! GelseH lines rather than @"st the beginning an! en!ing linesB tho"gh the c"rrent $"nctionality is !e$initely a goo! start.

,sing S ort/Circuit $ogical Operators

In logical checks6 please use 4..5 (or 4and< and 4II5 (or 4or5 since these chec5 the secon! expression only when the $irst expression !oes not itsel$ !etermine the res"lt. -or example i$ 1something KK 12 aa 1something_else KK 02 !isp1PZ)here is no nee! to chec5 the secon! expression since Z... Zthe $irst eval"ates to ):=E. )o maximi3e e$$iciencyB list Z... Z$irst the con!ition most li5ely to be ):=E.ZQ2 en! i$ 1something KK 02 44 1something_else KK 12 !isp1PZ)here is no nee! to chec5 the secon! expression sinceZ... Zthe $irst eval"ates to -*8#E. )o maximi3e e$$iciencyB list Z... Z$irst the con!ition most li5ely to be -*8#E.ZQ2 en! ,*)8*B allows "se o$ G4H an! GaBH b"t these are generally expecte! to be less e$$icient than G44H an! GaaH since they chec5 s"bse."ent expressions regar!less o$ the stat"s o$ the $irst.

#((ing 2ew #lgorit ms to 0rap


*$ter contrib"ting new $"nctionality to the toolboxB please a!! a relevant title to the a"to;titling co!e as $ollowsE 112%aste at the beginning o$ G)itle_Graphs.mH the text below "sing the act"al name o$ a new switchE i$ 'n'$$_?ew#witch else Vi.e. ` 'n'$$_?ew#witch en! 122 +ighlight the existing titling co!eB A0

1/2 102 152 1A2 172 1<2 1>2 wo"l!

%ress (trl O Q to right in!ent itB %ress (trl O S to c"t itB (lic5 a$ter the new GelseH line an! paste the co!e that yo" @"st c"tB (lic5 a$ter the new Gi$H line an! paste the co!e againB ,a5e a note o$ the line the c"rsor is c"rrently onB %ress (trl O +omeB +ighlight the series o$ characters common to each title that yo" li5e to mo!i$yE s"ch as GZ &imensionsRZQBH 1102 %ress (trl O +B 1112 )ype the text with which to replace the common characters N s"ch as GZ &imensionsRZQB Z,y ?ew *lgorithm s Enable!bZBH 1122 %lace the c"rsor over the :eplace b"tton an! tap "ntil reaching the line n"mber note! in step 172 1!onDt worryB yo" can press (trl O I to "n!o i$ yo" happen to go too $arE hope$"llyB ,ath9or5s will intro!"ce the ability to replace all occ"rrences between speci$ie! line n"mbersB b"t $or now the tapping is only a minor inconvenience2B an! 11/2 %ress (trl O # to save the a"to;titling co!e with yo"r new title incl"!e!.

#voi(ing Pre/#llocate( >eros

,*)8*B s"ggests pre;allocating the !imensions o$ vectors an! matrices rather than having them grow within a loop. 9hile this wo"l! be possible when %#' is to be exec"te! $or a speci$ic n"mber o$ iterationsB the exact n"mber o$ iterations is not 5nown in a!vance $or all histories in all cases. *s examplesB 1i2 :eg%#' e$$iciently regro"ps the swarm when stagnation is !etecte! rather than simply exec"ting a pre;speci$ie! n"mber o$ iterationsB an! 1ii2 'pposition;Base! %#' 1'%#'2 ran!omly selects other positions to be eval"ate! so that i$ a maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations is "se! as a termination criterionB there is no !irect translation to the n"mber o$ iterations to be con!"cte!. *!!itionallyB examining the str"ct"res o$ histories at completion to be s"re they are as expecte! is a "se$"l !eb"gging practice that o$$ers extra insight into whether the program has $"nctione! as expecte!. -"rthermoreB pre;allocating a matrix or vector with 3eros co"l! be !angero"s $or an optimi3ation toolbox since 3ero is the optimal $"nction val"e $or many ob@ectivesB an! the n"ll vector is the i!eal !ecision vectorR henceB a b"g in the program co"l! erroneo"sly interpret a pre;allocate! 3ero N not overwritten as expecte! N to mean that per$ect s"ccess was achieve! when it act"ally was not. (onse."entlyB rather than ris5ing the poll"tion o$ !ata with val"es not act"ally generate! by the algorithm N especially 3eros N this toolbox saves !ata to wor5spaces !"ring exec"tion an! reconstr"cts it to generate statistics. 9hen :eg%#' is enable!B this prevents matrix histories $rom becoming excessively long so that growing within a loop is not a ma@or A1

problem. ("rrentlyB the toolbox can a"tomatically save an! reconstr"ct the !ata o$ each trial an! o$ each gro"ping within each trial 1i.e. the latter $or :eg%#' only2. -or vectors whose $inal lengths are not !eterminable in a!vanceB the length co"l! be incremente! by a val"e s"ch as 200 each time an increase! length becomes necessary instea! o$ iteratively increasing the length by 1 each time a new val"e is store!. +oweverB when this approach is compare! to saving !ata per 200 iterations an! reconstr"cting the $"ll vector at the en! o$ the trialB a"tomatic saving an! reconstr"ction is the clear winner since it clears :*, at each chec5point rather than searching $or more contig"o"s :*, by which to increment a vectorDs length per 200 iterations. &"e to the iterative nat"re o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolboxB which re."ires that matrix an! vector histories be written to rapi!lyB incrementing the length o$ a vector by any $inite si3e when its pre;allocate! length has been reache! is less a!vantageo"s than simply saving the !ata to $ree memory an! reconstr"cting the vector at the en! o$ that trial. )here$oreB to anyone consi!ering improving the ."ality o$ the toolbox via pre;allocation o$ vectors whose lengths are not act"ally 5nowable in a!vanceB please consi!er a"tomatically saving the !ata every x iterations rather than a"tomatically incrementing the vector by si3e x when its pre;allocate! length is reache!. ?ote that G:eg%#'_save_gro"ping_!ata.m an! G:eg%#'_loa!_gro"ping_!ata.mB which are "se! to save an! reconstr"ct !ata per gro"pingB co"l! be improve! to save stan!ar! %#' !ata every 200 iterations or so an! reconstr"ct it at the en! o$ each trial. )his wo"l! $"rther improve the spee! o$ exec"tion $or lengthy trials while stillE 1i2 allowing str"ct"res o$ histories to be examine! $or consistency with other val"es s"ch as the n"mber o$ iterations con!"cte!B an! 1ii2 preventing the potential poll"tion o$ !ata with pre;allocate! val"es in the presence o$ an ina!vertent b"g. Beca"se this improvement wo"l! apply both to algorithms whose primary vectors have pre!ictable lengths as well as to those o$ "npre!ictable lengthsB it is an all;encompassing improvement o$ higher val"e than pre; allocating the lengths o$ vectors having pre!ictable lengths. -or relatively short vectors whose lengths are alwa)s 5nowable in a!vance 1i.e. regar!less o$ the algorithm employe!2B a goo! option is to pre;allocate "sing ?a?Ds 1i.e. Gnot a n"mberH2 since ?a?Ds prevent the possibility o$ !ata becoming poll"te! with val"es not generate! by the toolbox. )his was !one $or iter_success, which meas"res the iteration n"mber at which each trial achieves s"ccess. ts length is exactly e."al to the n"mber o$ trials to be con!"cte! as speci$ie! by the "ser in the control panel via setting num_trials. ?otice that the "se o$ ?a?Ds in iter_success prevents the possibility o$ a miscalc"late! val"e being ret"rne! in iter_success_meanB which ret"rns the average iteration n"mber at which s"ccess was achieve! N i.e. since no 3ero or other n"mber can acci!entally be applie! to the mean in A2

the event that s"ccess is not achieve!. )his re!"ces the probability o$ error an! improves the integrity o$ the toolbox. =sing ?a?Ds $or pre;allocation is sa$er than pre;allocating with n"merical val"es since it ac5nowle!ges the possibility o$ mista5en co!e an! prevents any s"ch mista5en co!e $rom ret"rning incorrect val"esB since !ata cannot become poll"te! with val"es that were not act"ally generate! by the algorithm.

Defining 2ew Switc es = Programming Variables

n a!!ition to clearly commenting new co!eB it is important to list new variables in *ppen!ix * o$ this %ro!"ct &oc"mentation to enable others to easilyE 1i2 e$$iciently re$erence each programming variable to "n!erstan! its $"nctionalityB an! 1ii2 avoi! "sing the same name $or new variables N a mista5e that co"l! ca"se some !ata to be overwritten an! other !ata to be "se! $or "ninten!e! p"rposes.

#pplying C anges T roug out t e Particle Swarm 5esearc Toolbox

$ yo" !eci!e at some point to impro%e the name o( a new programming %ariable or (ile contrib"te!B yo" can highlight the text to be change!B press *lt O TEB U to -in! -ilesB browse to the !irectory to G8oo5 inBH an! clic5 G-in!H. )his will show each containing $ile an! the line n"mber o$ each occ"rrence. Fo" can then !o"ble;clic5 the $irst occ"rrence o$ the variable in each $ileB press (trl O + to replace other occ"rrences within the same $ileB chec5 the Gwhole wor!H box i$ applicableB type the new name o$ the variable or $ile to replace the ol! nameB an! press *lt O : to replace each occ"rrence $o"n! 1or *lt O ? to s5ip an occ"rrence witho"t replacing it2. =sing *lt O : is sa$er than "sing *lt O * to replace all occ"rrences since there o$ten exist occ"rrences that sho"l! not be replace! $or one reason or another. )he $ile is then e$$iciently close! by pressing GEscBH (trl O # to save the changesB an! (trl O 9 to close the $ile. )his can also be "se! to h"nt !own an! !eb"g any mal$"nctioning programming variable or @"st $"lly "n!erstan! how any variable is "se!. *gainB please "se transparent names to help other "sers "n!erstan! the p"rposes o$ $iles an! programming variables. t is o$ten convenient to initially write co!e "sing short names that are easy to type an! replace them with more transparent names once the co!e is complete. 1,athwor5s !oes not c"rrently o$$er the ability to a"tomatically replace whole wor!s within all $iles o$ a !irectory/toolboxB b"t have receive! con$irmation o$ an interest to !evelop it in $"t"re versions.2

&I* Program $low

)his is a basic overview an! may be expan!e! "pon re."est. A/

)his is an optional $ile that opens $iles speci$ie! within it be$ore selecting G(ontrol_%anel.mH as the c"rrent tab. )o "se the $ileB right clic5 G'pen_-iles.mH an! clic5 G:"nBH which opens all $iles except those commente! o"t within the $ile. G'pen_*ll_-iles.mH $"nctions the same way except that no $iles are commente! o"t within it so that it opens all $iles.

*ll program settings are speci$ie! within the control panel except $or the initiali3ation space an! threshol! $or s"ccessB which are speci$ie! in G'b@ectives.mH.

'nce the switches an! settings o$ G(ontrol_%anel.mH have been loa!e!B the initiali3ation spaceB threshol! $or s"ccessB an! ob@ective name are loa!e! $or the ob$ective_id speci$ie! at the en! o$ the control panel.

9hen con$licting switches or settings are !etecte!B the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox attempts to in$er the "serDs intentions an! correct con$licts a"tomatically. ?oti$ications o$ corrections ma!e are !isplaye! !"ring the G*"tomatic np"t Vali!ationH phase. 9hen a con$lict is !etecte! b"t the "serDs intention cannot be in$erre! reliablyB the "ser will be noti$ie! o$ the nat"re o$ the con$lict an! how to $ix it rather than being le$t to in$er as m"ch $rom the error message that wo"l! otherwise be generate! by ,*)8*B. )he more $amiliar yo" become with a"tomatic changesB the more convenient they become. -or exampleB when activate :eg%#' via switch OnOff_*egP(OB !onDt bother activating OnOff_<orm*_stag_det since 5now it will be !one $or me a"tomatically.

9hen the a"tomatic inp"t vali!ation phase completesB the most relevant switches an! settings are !isplaye! $or veri$icationB which allows yo" to !etect be$ore exec"tion begins any setting that yo" may have $orgotten to change.

*$ter veri$ying the correctness o$ !isplaye! settingsB primary $ile G:eg%#'_main.mH exec"tes the $ollowing $iles accor!ing to the switches as they are set a$ter the inp"t vali!ation phase. A0

-or each trial con!"cte!B G:eg%#'_main.mH initiali3es the histories an! co"nters pertinent to each trial an! resets the initiali3ation space.

$ switch OnOff_'P(O is activeB Van !en BerghDs m"lti;start %#' will be exec"te! by G,%#'.mBH which repeate!ly restarts G:eg_,etho!s_0*n!1.mH 1i.e. an! G:eg_,etho!_1.mH i$ OnOff_*egP(O is active2 "ntil termination criterion 'P(O_max_F+sB 'P(O_max_iters, or 'P(O_max_starts is reache!. $ switch OnOff_'P(O is inactiveB G,%#'.mH will not be exec"te!.

-ollowing initiali3ationB each trial begins. -or all %#' varietiesB this co!e exec"tes whichever o$ Ggbest_core.mH or Glbest_core.mH below is relevant base! on the stat"s o$ switch OnOff_lbest.
gbest>core*m )his exec"tes Ggbest_initiali3ation.mH to ran!omly initiali3e positions an! velocities within the initiali3ation space an! repeats Ggbest_core_loop.mH "ntil any one o$ the $ollowing termination criteria is satis$ie!E max_F+s_per_grouping i$ OnOff_func_evals is activeB max_iter_per_grouping i$ OnOff_func_evals is inactiveB 'P(O_max_F+s i$ OnOff_func_evals an! OnOff_'P(O are activeB 'P(O_max_iters i$ OnOff_func_evals is inactive an! OnOff_'P(O is activeB thresh_for_succ i$ OnOff_(uccessful=nsuccessful an! OnOff_#erminate_=pon_(uccess are activeB true_global_minimum, in which case contin"e! comp"tation wo"l! be "seless. lbest>core*m )his exec"tes Glbest_initiali3ation.mH to initiali3e the swarm an! then repeats Glbest_core_loop.mH "ntil a termination criterion speci$ie! $or the gro"ping is satis$ie! as liste! "n!er Ggbest_core.mH above.

9hen :eg%#' is activate! via switch OnOff_*egP(O in s"bsection G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H o$ the control panelDs $irst sectionB Van !en BerghDs normali3e! swarm ra!i"s termination criterion !etects the onset o$ premat"re convergenceB an! the swarm is regro"pe! to $acilitate contin"e! progress.


&ata is store! to the activate! historiesB an! G:eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.mH is repeate! "ntil satis$ying one o$ the $ollowing termination criteria speci$ie! $or the trialE max_F+s_over_all_groupings i$ OnOff_func_evals is activeB max_iter_over_all_groupings i$ OnOff_func_evals is inactiveB 'P(O_max_F+s i$ OnOff_func_evals an! OnOff_'P(O are activeB 'P(O_max_iters i$ OnOff_func_evals is inactive an! OnOff_'P(O is activeB thresh_for_succ i$ OnOff_(uccessful=nsuccessful an! OnOff_#erminate_=pon_(uccess are activeB true_global_minimum, in which case contin"e! comp"tation wo"l! be "seless.

9hen switch OnOff_!utosave_"orkspace_Per_#rial is activeB the wor5space is a"tomatically save! at the completion o$ each trial.

9hen all trials have complete!B each trialDs wor5space variables are loa!e! an! analy3e! to calc"late statistics an! mean $"nction val"es $or graphing p"rposes.

)he stan!ar! o"tp"ts o$ interest are !isplaye!R these are in a!!ition to any o"tp"ts activate! by speciali3e! switches.

9hen switch OnOff_!utosave_"orkspace_Per_0olumn is activeB the wor5space is save! a$ter each set o$ trials.

9hen switch OnOff_graphs is activeB "ser;speci$ie! graphs are generate!.

&II* Disclaimer
&"e to the magnit"!e o$ the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox an! changes ma!e since generating thesis !ataB it is possible that "n5nown b"gs might exist. ?o g"arantee is ma!e that the co!e is $ree o$ $law. t is yo"r responsibility to vali!ate the acc"racy o$ !ata be$ore p"blishing it or otherwise asserting its acc"racy. ?either ,*)8*B nor any other mathematical tool sho"l! be "se! blin!lyE e.g. 1i2 ,*)8*BDs !e$inition o$ the Gmo!eH $"nction pro!"ces mo!e1P1B 500B 500.0001B 500.5B 501Q2 K 1B which is consi!ere! by some to be a mislea!ing Gmeas"re o$ central ten!encyH that re!e$ines Gmo!eH as the most repeate! AA

or lowest n"mber in a list rather than more stably reporting a ?a? or treating every n"mber as the mo!e since each GrepeatsH exactly 3ero timesB an! 1ii2 ,*)8*BDs Gac5ley$cnH $"nction pro!"ces $"nction val"es that are everywhere !i$$erent than those pro!"ce! by the tra!itional *c5ley $"nction N partly !"e to a closing parenthesis place! in an "northo!ox positionB which again res"lts in a mathematical re!e$inition o$ a common $"nction where the "ser expects no s"ch a re!e$inition. )his is not to somehow !isparage ,*)8*BB which is a won!er$"l toolB b"t to ill"strate clearly that no mathematical tool is $ree o$ $lawB an! that all mathematical tools sho"l! be !istr"ste! to a healthy !egree. #imilarlyB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox sho"l! not be "se! blin!ly or as a s"bstit"te $or har! wor5R ratherB it is meant to be contrib"te! to an! improve! by other analytical an! har!;wor5ing researchers. )he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox is tho"ght to be a goo! starting point $or yo"r researchB an! it is hope! that yo" will contrib"te to it. George Evers !oes not g"arantee the acc"racy o$ !ata pro!"ce! by the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolboxB tho"gh it is tho"ght to be acc"rate an! pro!"ces !ata comparable to that $o"n! in other papers when parameters are set i!entically.

&III* !dd8ins
(ontrib"tors to the %#' :esearch )oolbox (omm"nity;Base! &evelopment %ro@ect are motivate! researchers who give bac5 to the pro@ect. << Training !dd8in )his a!!;in by )ricia :ambharose allows ,*)8*BDs ne"ral networ5 toolbox to call the %#' :esearch )oolbox so that any o$ its incl"!e! algorithms can be harnesse! $or training p"rposesE this is m"ch more power$"l than simply "tili3ing basic Gbest %#' $or training p"rposes.

P1Q G. Evers an! ,. Ben GhaliaB G:egro"ping %article #warm 'ptimi3ationE * ?ew Global 'ptimi3ation *lgorithm with mprove! %er$ormance (onsistency *cross 'b@ectivesBH %--> ,+++ ,nternational 0onference on ()stems, 'an, and 0)bernetics, in press. 1p!$2 P2Q G. EversB G*n *"tomatic :egro"ping ,echanism to &eal with #tagnation in %article #warm 'ptimi3ationBH ,.#. thesisB )he =niversity o$ )exas N %an *mericanB E!inb"rgB )SB 200> 1p!$2 P/Q -. van !en BerghB G*n *nalysis o$ %article #warm 'ptimi3ersBH %h& thesisB &epartment o$ (omp"ter #cienceB =niversity o$ %retoriaB %retoriaB #o"th *$ricaB 2002


P0Q S. +" an! :. (. EberhartB Y#olving constraine! nonlinear optimi3ation problems with particle swarm optimi3ationBY in Proceedings of the (ixth "orld 'ulticonference on ()stemics, 0)bernetics and ,nformatics 4(0, %--%7 B 'rlan!oB 2002. P5Q G. Venter an! 6. #obies5iB Y%article swarm optimi3ationBY in Proceedings of the /?rd !,!!@!('+@!(0+@!A(@!(0 (tructures, (tructural &)namics, and 'aterials 0onferenceB &enverB ('B 2002.

!ppendix !? De(initions
t might be help$"l to print the !e$initions o$ wor5space variables $or ."ic5 re$erence while "sing the toolbox.

Of Programming?'or!space Variables
)o re."est the !e$inition o$ a!!itional programming variablesB or i$ any existing !e$inition seems ambig"o"s or lac5ingB please email george PatQ

-or Gstan!ar!H %#' an! the initial gro"ping o$ :eg%#'B the center o$ the initiali3ation space is center_,(-, which is set in G'b@ectives.mH. Each new regro"ping space is centere! at the global best o$ the previo"s gro"pingB which is accomplishe! via line within G:eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.mH.
*"nt"r_IS & '

)his is the initial center o$ the initiali3ation space as set by the "ser in 'b@ectives.m. t may be set as a scalar when all !imensions have the same centerB or as a vector when any !imension has a "ni."e centerR an example o$ the latter is given in section #etting the (enter an! :ange o$ the nitiali3ation #pace o$ chapter G E ,ore &etails on #elect )opicsH.

)his is the !imensionality o$ the problem being solve!. t is static except in the pro$essional version o$ the toolbox when a"to;incrementing ob@ectivesB in which case the !imensionality is allowe! to change with the ob@ective i$ the "ser wo"l! li5e.

(ol"mn matrix f is generate! by passing any n"mber o$ rows $rom position matrix x 1i.e. "s"ally the n"mber o$ particlesB np2 into a ob@ective $"nction an! re."esting the $"nction val"e $or those particles. -or exampleB G'b@-"n_*c5ley1xB np2H ret"rns the *c5ley $"nction val"e o$ each particle in the swarm. Each row o$ A<

f hol!s the $"nction val"e o$ the position vector in the correspon!ing row o$ x. )yping G'b@-"n_:astrigin1x1/B E2B 12H wo"l! ret"rn only the $"nction val"e o$ the thir! particle in position matrix x.

#calar wor5space variable fg stores the $"nction val"e o$ the global best an! is "p!ate! any time a better global best is $o"n!. *t the concl"sion o$ the searchB the variable stores the $"nction val"e o$ the best position occ"pie! by any particle at any time !"ring the search.

)his stores the $"nction val"e o$ each gro"pingDs global best when :egro"ping %#' 1:eg%#'2 is "se! to help the swarm escape $rom the state o$ premat"re convergence to contin"e searching $or better sol"tions. :eg%#' is m"ch more e$$ective than simply restarting the search.

)his row vector stores the $"nction val"e o$ the global best thro"gh each iteration $or one gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or $or one trial o$ stan!ar! %#' 1i.e. since stan!ar! %#' !oes not regro"p the swarm an! conse."ently "tili3es only one gro"ping2. )o enable the historyB activate switch OnOff_fghist in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsection at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. )o access the best $"nction val"e $o"n! thro"gh iteration 5B $or exampleB type G$ghist152H at the comman! prompt.

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_fghist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ the $"nction val"e o$ the global bestB fghistB to constr"ct the history over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he best $"nction val"e $o"n! thro"gh any iteration can be extracte! $rom fghist_current_trial in the same $ashion as $rom fghist.

9hen switch OnOff_fghist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! num_trials is greater than 1 in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#HB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox comp"tes the mean $"nction val"e per iteration across all trials by averaging col"mn;wise matrix fghist_over_all_trials. 9hen switch OnOff_graph_fg_mean is active in section G152 :EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E# *?& #E)) ?G#BH the graph o$ A>

mean $"nction val"e per iteration is constr"cte! $rom row vector fghist_mean.

9hen switch OnOff_fghist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! num_trials is greater than 1 in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#HB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox vertically concatenates each trialDs row history o$ the $"nction val"e o$ the global bestB fghist. )he $irst trialDs history is store! to the $irst rowB the secon! trialDs history to the secon! rowB etc. )his allows the constr"ction o$ fghist_meanB $rom which to constr"ct the graph o$ mean $"nction val"e per iteration.

)his history o$ each iterationDs $"nction val"es is activate! via switch OnOff_fhist at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. ,atrix fhist stores each iterationDs col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es $or one gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or $or one trial o$ stan!ar! %#'. )able 0 in the wal5 thro"gh shows how to extract the col"mn matrix o$ any iterationDs $"nction val"es $rom the history.

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_fhist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ $"nction val"es per particleB fhistB to constr"ct the history o$ $"nction val"es over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to any iteration can be extracte! $rom fhist_current_trial in the same $ashion as $rom fhist in )able 0 o$ section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH in chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH.

(ol"mn vector fp stores the $"nction val"e o$ each particleDs personal best an! is "p!ate! iteratively.

)his matrix stores the $"nction val"es o$ the personal bests thro"gh each iteration $or one gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or $or one trial o$ stan!ar! %#' 1i.e. since stan!ar! %#' !oes not regro"p the swarm an! conse."ently "tili3es only one gro"ping2. )o enable the historyB activate switch OnOff_fphist in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsection at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. )he col"mn vector o$ $"nction val"es o$ the personal bests thro"gh any iteration can be extracte! $rom $phist as !one $or fhist in )able 0 o$ section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH in chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH. 70

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_fphist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ the $"nction val"e o$ the personal bestsB fphistB to constr"ct the history over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he col"mn vector o$ $"nction val"es o$ the personal bests thro"gh any iteration can be extracte! $rom $phist_current_trial as !one $or fhist in )able 0 o$ section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH in chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH.

)his stores the global best o$ the swarm whenE 1i2 Gbest %#' is exec"te! by !e;activating switch OnOff_lbestB or 1ii2 8best %#' is exec"te! an! switch OnOff_ghist is activate! in the control panel to maintain a history o$ each iterationDs global best $or analysis 1i.e. tho"gh the global best is not "se! in the "p!ate e."ations o$ 8best %#'2. )he global best is store! to each row o$ g to $acilitate matrix s"btraction in the velocity "p!ate e."ation o$ Gbest P(OR g11B E2 can be "se! to access the global best itsel$ witho"t repetition across all np rows o$ the matrix.

9hen switch OnOff_ghist is activeB the global best is iteratively store! to the row o$ ghist correspon!ing to the iteration n"mber per gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or per trial o$ stan!ar! %#' 1i.e. since stan!ar! %#' "tili3es only one gro"ping2. )he top row stores the global best $rom initiali3ation o$ the swarm at iteration 1B an! the last row stores the global best o$ the $inal iteration o$ the gro"ping.

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_ghist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox vertically concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ global bestsB ghistB to constr"ct the history o$ global bests over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he global best o$ any iteration can be extracte! $rom ghist_current_trial as !one with ghist in section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH o$ chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH.

)his is one o$ two co"nters "se! $or vario"s p"rposes at vario"s locations in the sense o$ G$or i K 1E10H. -or exampleB the $ollowing co!e "ses ,nternal_i 71

to graph each particleDs position vers"s iteration n"mber accor!ing to the "serDs pre$erre! graphing styles an! to generate an appropriate legen!.
if OnOff_'ra!3_x for Int"rna$_i & 8Jn! K if #i( && > !$ot(8J8JsiG"(x3ist +)L#i( x3ist(Int"rna$_i 8J#i(J#i(6(M 7 !$ot(8J8JsiG"(x3ist +)L#i( x3ist(Int"rna$_i +J#i(J#i(6(M 7 !$ot(8J8JsiG"(x3ist +)L#i( x3ist(Int"rna$_i NJ#i(J#i(6(M 7 !$ot(8J8JsiG"(x3ist +)L#i( x3ist(Int"rna$_i =J#i(J#i(6(M 7 !$ot(8J8JsiG"(x3ist +)L#i( x3ist(Int"rna$_i 5J#i(J#i(6(M 7 !$ot(8J8JsiG"(x3ist +)L#i( x3ist(Int"rna$_i OJ#i(J#i(6(M 7 !$ot(8J8JsiG"(x3ist +)L#i( x3ist(Int"rna$_i >J#i(J#i(6(M 7 $"'"n#(Ax8A Ax+A AxNA Ax=A Ax5A AxOA Ax>A ACo*ationA "n# K "n# "n#

8)) A9r6A) 8)) A99'6A) 8)) AJ.6A) 8)) A9.*6A) 8)) A9(6A) 8)) A99/6A) 8)) AJM6A) AEastO)tsi#"A)

(o"ntersB graph settingsB switchesB an! other variables that are not generally analy3e! a$ter exec"tion are capitali3e! so that they will be !isplaye! $irst when GwhosH is type! at the comman! prompt. )his $loats them to the top o$ the list an! o$$ o$ the screen so that !ata which is expecte! to be o$ interest once the sim"lation1s2 concl"!e are conveniently gro"pe! together on the screen $or e$$icient analysis. )his topic is !isc"sse! $"rther in section Y-ollowing ?aming (onventions 9hen (reating ?ew VariablesY o$ chapter YV. (ontrib"tion #tan!ar!sY. )o avoi! con$"sionB G,nternal_H is pre$ixe! to $"rther organi3e the wor5space by clearly !elineating variables that only ma5e sense to the program $rom an internal perspective rather than $rom the perspective o$ the "ser a$ter exec"tion.

)ogether with ,nternal_iB this is one o$ two co"nters "se! $or vario"s p"rposes at vario"s locations in the sense o$ G$or @ K 1E10H. -or exampleB the $ollowing co!e o$ the J"a!ric benchmar5 "ses it to increment the problem !imensionality as !imensions are s"mme! across.
for Int"rna$_P & 8J#i( f & s)((!osition_(atrix(8Jn)(_!arti*$"s_+_",a$)at" 8JInt"rna$_P) "n# +).Q+ 7 f<

)he mean n"mber o$ iterations con!"cte! per trial is store! to iter_mean_per_trial. #ome trials might re."ire less iterations than others i$ switch OnOff_#erminate_=pon_(uccess is activeB in which case the swarm will stop searching $or better sol"tions once the acc"racy speci$ie! in thresh_for_succ has been satis$ie!. 72

)his stores the iteration n"mber at which each trial reaches s"ccess. 9hen m"ltiple trials are con!"cte!B it is a vector whose length e."als the n"mber o$ trials con!"cte!. 9hen iter_success is !isplaye! as ?a?B the correspon!ing trial $aile! to minimi3e the $"nction val"e to the "ser;speci$ie! threshol! $or s"ccessB thresh_for_succ.

)his stores the average iteration n"mber at which the threshol! $or s"ccess was reache!. t is calc"late! by s"mming the real parts o$ iter_success an! !ivi!ing by the n"mber o$ s"ccess$"l trials. =ns"ccess$"l trials are not consi!ere! in this comp"tation so that iter_success_mean is the mean n"mber o$ iterations re."ire! $or s"ccess$"l trials to re!"ce the $"nction val"e to thresh_for_succ or better.

)his co"nts the n"mber o$ iterations con!"cte! over all trials to comp"te the mean n"mber o$ iterations con!"cte! per trialB iter_mean_per_trial.

)his co"nts the n"mber o$ "p!ates that have occ"rre!. nitiali3ation o$ the swarm occ"rs at k K 0 since no velocity or position "p!ate has yet occ"rre!. )he $irst swarm movement ta5es each particle $rom its position at k K 0 to its position at k K 1B which can be seen by examining the phase plots that are generate! when switch OnOff_phase_plot is active in the control panel. 1:et"rn to wal5 thro"gh2

)his is the matrix o$ local bestsB which is "p!ate! iteratively when 8best %#' is activate! via switch OnOff_lbest in the control panelDs $irst section. *t the en! o$ each trialB it contains the best position $o"n! by each particle over the co"rse o$ the search.

)his is the neighborhoo! si3e as set in the control panelDs $irst section "n!er s"bsection G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H. t is only create! in the wor5space when parent switch OnOff_lbest is active.

)his matrix history o$ each iterationDs local bests is activate! via switch OnOff_lhist at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. )able 5 in the wal5 thro"gh shows how to extract any iterationDs matrix $rom this history per gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or per trial o$ stan!ar! %#' 1i.e. since stan!ar! %#' "tili3es only one gro"ping2. 7/

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_lhist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ local or neighborhoo! bestsB lhistB to constr"ct the history o$ local bests over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he local bests o$ any iteration can be extracte! $rom lhist_current_trial as !one with lhist in )able / o$ section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH o$ chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH.

)his is the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations allowe! in one :eg%#' trial. #ee max_iter_per_grouping $or more in$ormation.

9hen regro"ping is activate! via switch OnOff_*egP(OB the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations allotte! per gro"ping is speci$ie! via setting max_iter_per_grouping. $ it is set e."al to max_iter_over_all_groupingsB regro"ping will only be triggere! when stagnation is !etecte! accor!ing to $orm"las 0.1 ; 0.0 o$ thesis P2Q. )he "ser also has the option o$ setting max_iter_per_grouping less than max_iter_over_all_groupings to prompt swarm regro"ping even i$ a stray particle is still wan!ering abo"t the search space a$ter a consi!erable n"mber o$ iterations. )his seems to improve general per$ormance an! is a5in to a gro"p o$ in!ivi!"als ma5ing a !ecision rather than being paraly3e! by in!ecision sho"l! one in!ivi!"al still !issent a$ter a consi!erable amo"nt o$ time. 9hen Gstan!ar!H %#' is "se! witho"t regro"pingB max_iter_per_grouping is the maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations to be con!"cte! by the trial.

9hen switch OnOff_func_evals is activeB a maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations is monitore! instea! o$ a maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations. )his setting speci$ies the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations allowe! in one :eg%#' trial. #ee max_F+s_per_grouping $or more in$ormation.

9hen switch OnOff_func_evals is activeB a maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations is monitore! instea! o$ a maxim"m n"mber o$ iterations. 9hen regro"ping is activate! via switch OnOff_*egP(OB the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations allotte! per gro"ping is speci$ie! via setting max_F+s_per_grouping. $ it is set e."al to max_F+s_over_all_groupingsB regro"ping will only be triggere! when stagnation is !etecte! accor!ing to $orm"las 0.1 ; 0.0 o$ thesis P2Q. )he "ser also has the option o$ setting 70

max_F+s_per_grouping less than max_ F+s_over_all_groupings to prompt swarm regro"ping even i$ a stray particle is still wan!ering abo"t the search space a$ter a consi!erable n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations. )his seems to improve general per$ormance an! is a5in to a gro"p o$ in!ivi!"als ma5ing a !ecision rather than being paraly3e! by in!ecision sho"l! one in!ivi!"al still !issent a$ter a consi!erable amo"nt o$ time. 9hen Gstan!ar!H %#' is "se! witho"t regro"pingB max_F+s_per_grouping is the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations to be con!"cte! by the trial.

*t the en! o$ each ,%#' startB 'P(O_F+_counter a!!s the amo"nt o$ $"nction eval"ations !one in that start to its previo"s val"eB which was initiali3e! to 3ero in G)rial_ nitiali3ations.mH. 'P(O_F+_counter is "se! by the relevant while hea!ers within G:eg_,etho!_1.mH an! either Ggbest_core.mH or Glbest_core.mH to ens"re that the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ationsB 'P(O_max_F+sB speci$ie! in the control panel is not s"rpasse!E since the val"e o$ 'P(O_F+_counter is not "p!ate! "ntil the en! o$ each startB while hea!ers a!! the n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations !one within the c"rrent start to 'P(O_F+_counter to !etermine the total n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations !one over all starts.

)his is 0 when the swarm is initiali3e! an! increments with each ens"ing iteration o$ ,%#' when switch OnOff_'P(O is active in the control panelZs $irst section.

)his stores the n"mber o$ particles or swarm si3e. t is set in section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H o$ the control panel. t is static except in the pro$essional version o$ the toolbox when a"to;incrementing the swarm si3e to $in! high;."ality parameter combinations as !one $or (hapter o$ thesis P2Q.

9hen calling an ob@ective $"nctionB this is the internal variable that speci$ies the n"mber o$ positions to be eval"ate!. t will typically be either 1 or np 1i.e. the n"mber o$ particles in the swarmB which is the same as the n"mber o$ rows in position matrix x2 an! "s"ally ass"mes the latter val"e to eval"ate each position in the swarm.

9hen m"ltiple trials are con!"cte!B this co"nts the n"mber o$ trials $or which a $"nction val"e less than or e."al to thresh_for_succ is pro!"ce!. 75

)his switch activates asymmetric initiali3ationB which mo!i$ies the initiali3ation space by setting xmin K xmax/2 on benchmar5s instea! o$ xmin K ;xmax. )he i!ea is to increase the !i$$ic"lty o$ locating the global minimi3er. )his tests the e$$ectiveness o$ the optimi3ation algorithm at $in!ing sol"tions that might ina!vertently be excl"!e! $rom the initiali3ation space sho"l! the algorithm be applie! to problems whose sol"tions are "n5nown.

9hen switch OnOff_func_evals is active in the G%#' &*)* )' BE :E)* ?E& 4 #*VE&H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs section G112 B*# ( #9 )(+E# 4 %#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?HB $"nction eval"ations will be "se! as a termination criterionR when inactiveB iterations will be monitore! as a termination criterion instea!. )he maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations per gro"ping is set at the en! o$ section G122 %*:) (8E #9*:, *8G': )+, #E)) ?G#H via settings max_F+s_per_grouping or max_iter_per_grouping respectivelyR these speci$y the maxim"m n"mber allowe! per :eg%#' gro"ping or per stan!ar! %#' trial 1i.e. since a stan!ar! trial consists o$ only one gro"ping2. )he maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations or iterations over all gro"pings within a :eg%#' trial is set at the en! o$ section G1/2 :EG%#' *8G': )+, #9 )(+E# 4 #E)) ?G#H via settings max_F+s_over_all_groupings or max_iter_over_all_groupings respectively.

Van !en BerghZs normali3e! swarm ra!i"s criterion terminates the search when particles are all near the global bestB which is a goo! in!ication o$ stagnation P/Q. *ccor!ing to ."ic5 empirical testing !one !"ring thesisB monitoring particlesZ proximities to !etect stagnation seems more e$$ective than monitoring the n"mber o$ iterations $or which the $"nction val"e $ails to improveB which stan!s to reason since monitoring the so"rce o$ a problem is more e$$icient than waiting $or an "n!esirable si!e e$$ect to occ"r ; the logic behin! preventive me!icine an! $irewalls. #witch OnOff_<orm*_stag_det can be activate! in s"bsection Y)E:, ?*) '? (: )E: * -': :EG%#' 4 %#' *8G': )+,#Y in the control panelZs $irst section. :eg%#' regro"ps the swarm abo"t the global best when stagnation is !etecte! instea! o$ terminating the searchB which allows the $"nction val"e to improve over time. $ switch OnOff_*egP(O is activate! in con@"nction with switch OnOff_<orm*_stag_detB the swarm will regro"p within a regro"ping space !e$ine! accor!ing to the !egree o$ "ncertainty in$erre! per !imension $rom the !istrib"tion o$ particles when stagnation was !etecte! P1Q.


)his prevents particles $rom leaving the search space by clamping their positions to P;xmaxB xmaxQ the same way velocity clamping restricts velocities to P;vmaxB vmaxQ.

9hen stagnation is !etecte!B :eg%#' regro"ps the swarm abo"t the global best $or contin"e! progress instea! o$ terminating the search or wasting comp"tational timeR this allows the $"nction val"e to improve over time. :eg%#' can be activate! via switch OnOff_*egP(O in s"bsection Y%#' *lgorithm #electionY o$ the control panelZs $irst section. *n example o$ the e$$ectiveness o$ :eg%#' is given at the en! o$ (hapter Ds wal5 thro"gh.

9hen switch OnOff_(uccessful=nsuccessful is activate! in s"bsection Y:EG%#' 4 %#' #=((E## ,E*#=:E#Y o$ the control panelZs $irst sectionB each trial will be classi$ie! as s"ccess$"l or "ns"ccess$"l. n some casesB "sers may only be intereste! in the statistics res"lting $rom the trials con!"cte! an! may not be intereste! in classi$ying trials as s"ccess$"l or "ns"ccess$"lR b"t the $eat"re can be a "se$"l way o$ trac5ing o"tliers since any $"nction val"e larger than the threshol! $or s"ccess as set in Y'b@ectives.mY will be classi$ie! as "ns"ccess$"lB thereby essentially co"nting the n"mber o$ o"tliers.

n s"bsection Y:EG%#' 4 %#' #=((E## ,E*#=:E#Y o$ the control panelZs $irst sectionB i$ switch OnOff_#erminate_=pon_(uccess is activate! along with OnOff_(uccessful=nsuccessfulB trials will terminate early "pon minimi3ing the $"nction val"e to thresh_for_succB the threshol! re."ire! $or a trial to be consi!ere! s"ccess$"l.

)his sets to 3ero any velocity component responsible $or p"shing a particle o"tsi!e the search space an! recalc"lates the position so that particles remain within the search space. )o my 5nowle!geB the $irst wor5 on this topic was !one by Gerhar! Venter P5Q.

)his co"nts in Ggbest_initiali3ation.mH an! Ggbest_core_loop.m the a!!itional $"nction eval"ations !one by 'pposition;Base! %#' 1'%#'2 an! the (a"chy m"tation o$ global best. '%#' an! the (a"chy m"tation can be "se! separatelyB an! the co"nt will still be correct. t also co"nts in Glbest_initiali3ation.m an! Glbest_core.m the a!!itional $"nction eval"ations !one by '%#' witho"t (a"chy m"tation o$ global best since 8best %#' !oes not ma5e "se o$ the global best. 77

t is initiali3e! to 3ero within Ggbest_initiali3ation.m or Glbest_initiali3ation.mBH !epen!ing on the core algorithm selecte!.

OP(O_ghost_F+s_*egP(O a!!s over all gro"pings across a :eg%#' trial the val"es ret"rne! by OP(O_ghost_F+s_per_grouping a$ter each gro"ping. *$ter all :eg%#' gro"pingsB it contains the n"mber o$ a!!itional $"nction eval"ations con!"cte! by '%#' an! the (a"chy m"tation o$ global bestB which also wor5s i$ only one o$ '%#' or the (a"chy m"tation is enable!. t is initiali3e! within G:eg_,etho!s_0*n!1.mH as GOP(O_ghost_F+s_*egP(O K OP(O_ghost_F+s_per_groupingH an! accr"es within G:eg_,etho!_1.mH as GOP(O_ghost_F+s_*egP(O K OP(O_ghost_F+s_*egP(O O OP(O_ghost_F+s_per_groupingH. t is then "se! within the relevant while hea!er o$ Ggbest_core.m or Glbest_core.m to ens"re that the maxim"m n"mber o$ $"nction eval"ations allotte! over all gro"pings o$ a :eg%#' trial is not s"rpasse!E G1k_*egP(O O k O 12Xnp O OP(O_ghost_F+s_*egP(O2 ] max_F+s_over_all_groupingsH.

)his is the matrix o$ personal bestsB which is "p!ate! iteratively. *t the en! o$ a trialB it contains the best position $o"n! by each particle over the co"rse o$ the search.

)his history o$ each iterationDs matrix o$ personal bests is activate! via switch OnOff_phist at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. )able / in the g"i!e! wal5 thro"gh shows how to extract the matrix o$ any iteration $rom this history per gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or per trial o$ stan!ar! %#' 1i.e. since stan!ar! %#' "tili3es only one gro"ping2.

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_phist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ personal bestsB phistB to constr"ct the history o$ personal bests over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he personal bests o$ any iteration can be extracte! $rom phist_current_trial as !one with phist in )able / o$ section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH o$ chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH.


9hen calling an ob@ective $"nctionB this internal variable stores the position or positions passe! in $or eval"ation. t "s"ally ass"mes the $"ll matrixB x, to eval"ate each position in the swarmR howeverB any single position or s"bset o$ x may be passe! in as well 1e.g. a pert"rbation o$ the global best2.

)his is the np by dim matrix o$ pse"!o;ran!om n"mbers "se! in the cognitive term o$ the velocity "p!ate e."ation shown below. t is m"ltiplie! element;wise by the !i$$erence between the matrix o$ personal bestsB pB an! the position matrixB x. #atricized &elocit+ Update 9Fuation v ( k + 1) = v ( k ) + c1r1 ( k ) ( p ( k ) x ( k ) ) + c2r2 ( k ) ( g ( k ) x ( k ) )

r)his is the np by dim matrix o$ pse"!o;ran!om n"mbers "se! in the social term o$ the velocity "p!ate e."ation shown above. t is m"ltiplie! element; wise by the !i$$erence between the matrix o$ personal bestsB pB an! the position matrixB x.

)his controls the state o$ the ran!omi3er at which each trial begins toE 1i2 ens"re $"t"re repro!"cibility o$ !ataB an! 1ii2 "se a "ni."e se."ence o$ ran!om n"mbers $or each trial a"tomatically con!"cte! by the toolbox.

9hen each trial is initiali3e! 1i.e. within G)rial_ nitiali3ations.mH2B the "ser; speci$ie! scalar or vector range_,(- is replicate! across each row o$ range_,( to accommo!ate simple matrix s"btractionE this conversion is !one internally to enable the "ser to speci$y the range in the simplest terms possible. -or each regro"ping o$ :eg%#'B range_,( is calc"late! per !imension proportionally to the !egree o$ "ncertainty in$erre! $rom the swarm state when premat"re convergence is !etecte!. )he range o$ each new regro"ping space is per !imension the minim"m o$E 1i2 the original range o$ the initiali3ation space an! 1ii2 the pro!"ct o$ the regro"ping $actor an! the maxim"m !eviation o$ any particle $rom global best along that !imension. )he latter is accomplishe! via within G:eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.mH.
ran'"_IS & r"!(at((in(r"'_fa*t6(ax(a.s(x 9 ')) ran'"_IS:) n! 8)


)his is the initial range o$ the initiali3ation space as set by the "ser in 'b@ectives.m. t may be set as a scalar when all !imensions have the same range or as a vector when any !imension has a "ni."e rangeR an example o$ the latter is given "n!er section #etting the (enter an! :ange o$ the nitiali3ation #pace o$ chapter G E ,ore &etails on #elect )opicsH. =nli5e variable range_,(B which is "p!ate! with each regro"pingB range_,(- is "nmo!i$ie! !"ring program exec"tion.

$ switch OnOff_*egP(O is activeB the swarm will regro"p within a regrouping space !e$ine! accor!ing to the degree o( uncertaint+ in(erred per dimension $rom the !istrib"tion o$ particles when stagnation is !etecte! P2Q. )he regrouping (actor is m"ltiplie! by each !imensionDs uncertaint+ to !etermine the regrouping spaceB while clamping each dimensionEs range to its initial %alueB as shown in $orm"la 0.A o$ thesisB which is accomplishe! via the $ollowing co!e within G:eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.mH.
range_IS & r"!(at(min(reg_fact6max(abs(x - g)), range_IS0) n! 8)

'nce the range o$ the regro"ping space has been !e$ine! as shown aboveB particles are regro"pe! abo"t the global best accor!ing to $orm"la 0.7 o$ thesis. )he velocity clamping vector is then calc"late! accor!ing to $orm"la 0.10 in proportion to the range per !imension o$ the new regro"ping spaceB an! that maxim"m velocity vector is "se! to re;initiali3e velocities as shown in $orm"la 0.11. %ersonal bests are then re;initiali3e! as shown in $orm"la 0.12B b"t the global best is remembere! to be improve! "pon. )he search then contin"es as "s"al "ntil stagnation is !etecte! again.

9hen :eg%#' is activate! via switch OnOff_*egP(O in the control panelB *egP(O_grouping_counter is initiali3e! to 1 within G:eg_,etho!s_041.mH an! incremente! by 1 with each regro"ping per$orme! by G:eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.mH.

$ :eg%#' is activate! via switch OnOff_*egP(O in the control panelDs $irst section to liberate the swarm $rom the state o$ premat"re convergence when it is !etecte!B *egP(O_k is initiali3e! to 0 !"ring swarm initiali3ation an! incremente! with each ens"ing iteration. ts val"e at the en! o$ each trial is 1 less than the n"mber o$ iterations con!"cte! since initiali3ation o$ the swarm co"nts as an iteration b"t not as an "p!ate.


*egP(O_k may be less $or one trial than $or others i$ that trial terminates early as a res"lt o$ the tr"e global minim"m being achieve! witho"t !iscernable error 1i.e. f < 10323 cannot be !i$$erentiate! $rom tr"e 3ero by ,*)8*B2.

9hen only one :eg%#' trial is con!"cte!B this is a vector storing the iteration n"mbers at which premat"re convergence was !etecte!R a!!ing 1 to each col"mn wo"l! pro!"ce a vector storing the iteration n"mbers at which regro"ping occ"rre! since initiali3ation o$ the swarm co"nts as an iteration b"t not as an "p!ate. 9hen m"ltiple trials are con!"cte!B this is a matrix storing each trialDs vector in chronological or!er.

*ctivating switch OnOff_<orm*_stag_det ca"ses the search to terminate when the normali3e! swarm ra!i"s becomes smaller than stag_thresh, which is a goo! in!ication that the swarm has stagnate! P/Q. $ switch OnOff_*egP(O is active conc"rrentlyB the swarm will regro"p within a regro"ping space !e$ine! accor!ing to the !egree o$ "ncertainty in$erre! per !imension $rom the !istrib"tion o$ particles when stagnation is !etecte! P2Q. #tagnation is !etecte! accor!ing to $orm"las 0.1 N 0.0 o$ thesisB which are implemente! within Ygbest_core.mY an! Ylbest_core.mY via termination criterion Ymax1s.rt1s"m11x ; g2.\2B 2222/s.rt1s"m11range_ #11B E22.\222 L stag_threshY.

9hen the best $"nction val"e pro!"ce! by a trial is less than or e."al to the threshol! $or s"ccessB thresh_for_succB the trial will be consi!ere! s"ccess$"l. )he val"e o$ thresh_for_succ is set within G'b@ectives.mH an! sho"l! be appropriate to both the ob@ective an! its problem !imensionality. 9hen switches OnOff_(uccessful=nsuccessful an! OnOff_#erminate_=pon_(uccess are activeB each trial will terminate "pon reaching the threshol! $or s"ccess instea! o$ attempting $"rther optimi3ation. )he threshol! !etermines the s"b@ective val"e at which a trial will be consi!ere! s"ccess$"l. t can be "se$"l in con@"nction with statistics since it shows the n"mber o$ trials per$orming worse than the $itness val"e o$ interestB which gives an i!ea o$ how s"ch trials a$$ect the mean an! me!ian $itness val"esB th"s complementing the stan!ar! !eviation.


)he tr"e global minim"m is speci$ie! in section G1A2 'B6E() VE#H o$ the control panel so that any trial minimi3ing the $"nction val"e to the lowest val"e possible will terminate rather than spen!ing excess time in comp"tation. 'nce the n"mber o$ !ecimal places carrie! internally by ,*)8*B all agree entirely with true_global_minimumB no $"rther optimi3ation is possible. '$ co"rseB when many !ecision variables map thro"gh a complex $orm"la to a $itness val"eB the !ecision variables will not be optimi3e! to the same n"mber o$ !ecimal places as the $itness val"e itsel$.

Each row o$ velocity matrix v stores a particleDs velocity. -or exampleB Gv11B E2H hol!s the velocity vector o$ the $irst particleB Gv12B E2H hol!s the velocity vector o$ the secon! particleB an! so $orth. ,atrix v is "p!ate! iteratively accor!ing to the velocity "p!ate e."ation o$ %#'R so at the completion o$ a trialB it stores the $inal resting place o$ each particle. ,atrix v is initiali3e! within Ggbest_iteration_0.mH or Glbest_initiali3ation.mBH !epen!ing on whether Gbest or 8best %#' is selecte! accor!ing to switch OnOff_lbest. t is "p!ate! in Ggbest_core_loop.mH or Glbest_core_loop.mH.

)his history o$ all iterationsD velocity matrices is activate! via switch OnOff_vhist at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. )able 2 in the wal5 thro"gh shows how to extract the position matrix o$ any iteration $rom this history per gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or per trial o$ stan!ar! %#' 1i.e. since stan!ar! %#' "tili3es only one gro"ping2.

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_vhist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ velocity vectorsB vhistB to constr"ct the history o$ velocity vectors over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he velocity vectors o$ any iteration can be extracte! $rom vhist_current_trial as !one with vhist in section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH o$ chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH.

)his is the matrix o$ maxim"m velocities "se! $or velocity clamping. t is !e$ine! as

within G:eg_,etho!s_0*n!1.mH an! G:eg_,etho!_1_regro"ping.mH. $ the same range is "se! on all !imensionsB vmax will be the same on all <2

!imensions. B"t i$ the range on one !imension is larger than the range on another by any scale $actorB its maxim"m velocity will be larger by the same scale $actor so that the same $raction o$ the search space can be combe! per !imension per iteration. 9hen :eg%#' is "tili3e!B each !imension o$ the range o$ the regro"ping space is !e$ine! proportionally to the !egree o$ "ncertainty on that !imension at stagnation. #ince the range per !imension variesB so !oes the maxim"m velocity per !imension.

Each row o$ position matrix x stores a particleDs position. -or exampleB Gx11B E2H hol!s the position vector o$ the $irst particleB Gx12B E2H hol!s the position vector o$ the secon! particleB an! so $orth. ,atrix x is "p!ate! iteratively accor!ing to the position "p!ate e."ation o$ %#'R so at the completion o$ a trialB it stores the $inal resting place o$ each particle. ,atrix x is initiali3e! within G:eg_,etho!s_0*n!1.mH an! "p!ate! in Ggbest_core_loop.mH or Glbest_core_loop.mBH !epen!ing on whether Gbest or 8best %#' is selecte! accor!ing to switch OnOff_lbest.

)his history o$ each iterationDs position matrix is activate! via switch OnOff_xhist at the en! o$ the control panelDs $irst section. )able 1 in the wal5 thro"gh shows how to extract the position matrix o$ any iteration $rom this history per gro"ping o$ :eg%#' or per trial o$ stan!ar! %#' 1i.e. since stan!ar! %#' "tili3es only one gro"ping2.

9hen switch OnOff_*egP(O is active in the G%#' *8G': )+, #E8E() '?H s"bsection o$ the control panelDs $irst section an! switch OnOff_xhist is active in the G%#' + #)': E# )' BE ,* ?)* ?E&H s"bsectionB the %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox hori3ontally concatenates each gro"pingDs history o$ position vectorsB xhistB to constr"ct the history o$ position vectors over all gro"pings con!"cte! !"ring the :eg%#' trial. )he position vectors o$ any iteration can be extracte! $rom xhist_current_trial as !one with xhist in section G*naly3ing 9or5space VariablesH o$ chapter G E * G"i!e! 9al5 )hro"ghH.

9hen velocity reset or position clamping is activate! to prevent particles $rom leaving the search spaceB xmax hol!s the maxim"m val"es that particles are not allowe! to excee!. 9hen each !imension o$ the search space has the same range an! centerB as is the case $or pop"lar benchmar5s an! many real;worl! application problemsB xmax is scalar an! all !imensions are clampe! to lie within PxminB xmaxQ. -or application problems having a !i$$erent range o$ val"es on some !imensions than on othersB s"ch as $or the </

example problem in section G#etting the (enter an! :ange o$ the nitiali3ation #paceBH xmax is a vector storing the maxim"m val"e allowe! per !imension.

9hen velocity reset or position clamping is activate! to prevent particles $rom leaving the search spaceB xmin hol!s the minim"m val"es that particles are not allowe! to excee!. 9hen each !imension o$ the search space has the same range an! centerB as is the case $or pop"lar benchmar5s an! many real;worl! application problemsB xmin is scalar an! all !imensions are clampe! to lie within PxminB xmaxQ. -or application problems having a !i$$erent range o$ val"es on some !imensions than on othersB s"ch as $or the example problem in section G#etting the (enter an! :ange o$ the nitiali3ation #paceBH xmin is a vector storing the minim"m val"e allowe! per !imension.

Of &unctions
)his section is a wor5 in progress. $ yo" have any ."estions or recommen!ationsB please email george PatQ georgeevers.orgB where yo" may also re."est to be noti$ie! o$ $"t"re "p!ates.

)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the *c5ley $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrix each time the $"nction is calle!B this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. )he ob@ective $"nction is !e$ine! as $ollows.

0.2 r f ( x = 20 + e 20e

j =1

x2 j

cos(2 x j e
j =1

32 x j 32
Ob=$un> riewangk
)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the Griewang5 $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ <0

the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. )he $"nction to be minimi3e! is shown below.
n n xj x2 r j f (x = 1+ cos 4000 j j =1 j =1 600 x j 600

)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the J"a!ric $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. Each particleDs position vector is iteratively mappe! to a scalar $"nction val"e as $ollows. 2 j n

r f (x = x j j =1 k =1 100 x j 100

)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the noisy J"artic $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. Both in!ivi!"ally an! collectivelyB particles attempt to minimi3e the $orm"la below.


n r f ( x = random[0,1 + i xi4 i =1

1.28 x j 1.28
)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the :astrigin $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. #hown below is the $orm"la by which each particleDs $"nction val"e is !etermine!.
n r f ( x = 10n + ( x 2 j 10 cos(2 x j j =1

5.12 x j 5.12
)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the :osenbroc5 $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. %ersonal an! global bests are "p!ate! base! on how well they minimi3e the $ollowing $orm"la. n 1 2 2 2 j +1 j j j =1

r f ( x = ( 100( x

+ (1 x

30 x j 30
)his eval"ates positions accor!ing to the version o$ the :osenbroc5 $orm"la "se! in Van !en BerghDs %h& thesis. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the <A

n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. ?otice that every s"mman! pro!"ce! by an even val"e o$ $ in the :osenbroc5 $orm"lation above is excl"!e! by the $orm"lation below. )he $irst s"mman!s o$ the two $orm"lations are i!entical 1i.e. $or @ K 12B b"t the $orm"lation below excl"!es every other s"mman! pro!"ce! by the $orm"lation above since the $irst s"bscript is always evenB whereas the $irst s"bscript above co"nts all integers $rom 1 thro"gh 1n N 12. Given problem !imensionalityB nB the $orm"lation below s"ms abo"t hal$ as many s"mman!s as the $orm"lation above an! is there$ore a less complicate! $orm"la. n /2 2 2 2 2j 2 j 1 2 j 1 j =1

r f ( x = ( 100( x x

+ (1 x

2.048 x j 2.048
)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the two;!imensional #cha$$erDs $A $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. )he $orm"la by which each particleDs $"nction val"e is !etermine! $rom the two !imensions to be optimi3e! is shown below.

sin( x + x 0.5 r f ( x = 0.5 + 2 2 (1.0 + 0.001( x12 + x2

2 1 2 2

100 x j 100


$ormulation Used b+ PSO Research Toolbox )his eval"ates the val"e1s2 o$ the position1s2 passe! into the #chwe$el $"nction. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re;calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!.

Each positionDs $"nction val"e is !etermine! accor!ing to the $orm"la below.

n r f1 ( x = 418.982887272433799807913601398n x j sin j =1

( x)

500 x j 500
#chwe$elDs crests an! tro"ghs increase in magnit"!e with !istance $rom the origin so that there is no global minim"m or global minimi3er when the search space is "nbo"n!e!R conse."entlyB particles m"st be con$ine! to the search space to prevent them $rom $in!ing positions o"tsi!e the $easible search space pro!"cing better $"nction val"es. )his is especially important since the global minimi3er o$ the bo"n!e! search space is $airly near its e!ge. )o restrict particles to the search spaceB "se position clamping or velocity reset. 9hen the search space is bo"n!e!B the global minim"m o$ 0 occ"rs at vector 020.>A<70AXones11B !im2.
Other $ormulation #ome a"thors "se the $ollowing $orm"lation instea!B which pro!"ces the same global minim"m o$ 0 at vector ;020.>A<70AXones11B !im2B which is per !imension the a!!itive inverse o$ the global minimi3er o$ the $irst $orm"lation.
n r f 2 ( x = 418.982887272433799807913601398n + x j sin j =1


500 x j 500
)he %article #warm 'ptimi3ation :esearch )oolbox "ses the $irst $orm"lation to pro!"ce a global minimi3er that is positive on each !imensionB b"t both $orm"lations are o$ e."ivalent mathematical !i$$ic"lty by symmetry across r r the $ axisE i.e. since f1 ( x = f 2 ( x . )he rea!er is merely ca"tione! that both $orm"lations are in circ"lation $or the p"rpose o$ "n!erstan!ing which global <<

minimi3er pro!"ces the global minim"m o$ 0. *s a simple mnemonicB #chwe$elDs global minimi3er is per !imension opposite in sign to that seen in the $orm"la itsel$.

)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the #phere $"nctionB which is contin"o"sB strictly convexB an! "nimo!al. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re; calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB this in$ormation is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. )he cost $"nction to be minimi3e! is !e$ine! as $ollows.
n r f ( x = x2 j j =1

100 x j 100
9hether the search space is bo"n!e! or "nbo"n!e!B the global minim"m o$ 0 occ"rs at the n"ll vector.

)his eval"ates the position1s2 passe! into the weighte! #phere $"nctionB which is contin"o"sB convexB an! "nimo!al. )he $irst inp"t arg"ment is the position vector or matrix to be eval"ate!. :ather than iteratively re; calc"lating the n"mber o$ particles $rom the !imensionality o$ the position matrixB it is simply passe! into the $"nction via the secon! inp"t arg"ment. )he o"tp"t is the col"mn matrix o$ $"nction val"es correspon!ing to each particle/row eval"ate!. Each position vector enco"ntere! by a particle is translate! to a $"nction val"e accor!ing to the $orm"la below.
n r f ( x = j x 2 j j =1

5.12 x j 5.12
9hether the search space is bo"n!e! or "nbo"n!e!B the global minim"m o$ 0 occ"rs at the n"ll vector.


Of &iles
$ yo" are intereste! in seeing this section !evelope!B please email george PatQ georgeevers.orgB where yo" may also re."est noti$ication o$ $"t"re "p!ates. -or nowB please visit chapter G%rogram -lowBH which !escribes the most important $iles.

!ppendix 7? 9rror Correction

4ava+lang+OutOfMemory.rror7 "ava eap space
)his error was enco"ntere! when generating many swarm tra@ectory graphs. )o a!!ress the problemB intro!"ce! switch OnOff_reuse_figuresB which ca"ses all graphs to be generate! within the same $ig"re N res"lting in a $rame;by;$rame vi!eo. Each $rame can be save! a"tomatically by activating switch OnOff_autosave_figs in the G:EG%#' 4 %#' G:*%+ ?G #9 )(+E#H s"bsection o$ the control panel.

.rror using @@A save7 ,nable to write fileB 2o suc (irectory

file or

9in!ows concatenates a $ileDs !irectory an! $ilename to "ni."ely i!enti$y its location when savingB copyingB or movingB which can become problematic when both a $ile an! its containing !irectory have lengthy names. )his happens more o$ten than it sho"l! since ,y &oc"ments is "nnecessarily $ar $rom the root !irectoryB which pro!"ces "nnecessarily long !irectory names $or most save! content. 9in!ows 7 ma5es some progress in this regar! by removing G&oc"ments 4 #ettingsH $rom the !irectory nameB b"t long $ol!er names within the ,*)8*B s"b$ol!er o$ ,y &oc"ments may still ca"se problems. )his error can be voi!e! altogether simply by "n3ipping the %#' :esearch )oolbox !irectly to G(EWH. $ that is inconvenientE 1i2 close ,*)8*B so that each $ol!er comprising the c"rrent !irectory can be rename!B 1ii2 highlight problematic $ol!ers with lengthy names one at a timeB an! 1iii2 press -2 to assign a shorter name s"ch as G%#':)H.

!ppendix C? 9((icient #!T3!7 Shortcuts

.(iting Co(e
(trl (trl (trl (trl (trl (trl O O O O O O P Q or )ab G : ) + &ecrease in!ent ncrease in!ent Go to line [ (omment line =ncomment line #earch or repl 1Mo$ highlighte! text2 1Mo$ highlighte! text2

1i.e. c"rrent line or highlighte! lines2 1i.e. c"rrent line or highlighte! lines2 1also wor5s in 9or!B 9or! %a!B ?otepa!B an! ?otepa!


ace (trl (trl (trl (trl (trl O O O O O * ( % I F #elect *ll (opy %aste =n!o :e!o

(trl O 0 #witch to (omman! 9in!ow (trl O #hi$t O #witch to E!itor 0 (trl O %age =p )ab "p 1between open tabs in E!itor2 (trl O %age )ab &own 1between open tabs in &own E!itor2

Managing &iles
(trl O ? (trl O ' (trl O 9 *lt O -0 (trl O # ?ew E!itor tab 'pen (lose E!itor tab (lose app #ave 1also wor5s in 9or!B 9or! %a!B ?otepa!B an! ?otepa!OO2 1also wor5s in 9or!B 9or! %a!B ?otepa!B an! ?otepa!OO2 1also wor5s with 9in!ows $ol!ers an! ?otepa! OO tabs2 1also wor5s in 9or!B 9or! %a!B ?otepa!B an! ?otepa!OO2 1also wor5s in 9or!B 9or! %a!B ?otepa!B an! ?otepa!OO2

!ppendix D? Citation o( Toolbox or Documentation

9hen citing the toolboxB please incl"!e the version n"mber to ens"re the repro!"cibility o$ !ataB an! please incl"!e =:8 GhttpE// 9hen citing the !oc"mentationB please incl"!e the version n"mber to avoi! any potential con$"sion sho"l! anyone else try to loo5 "p the same in$ormation in an ol!er version. *lsoB please incl"!e =:8 Gh!!p"//www.#eor#ee$ers.or#/pso_research_!oo%&ox_'oc(men!a!ion.'oc).

Paste/able .xamples
*$ers, +., PSO Research Toolbox (,ersion 20--mm'' , ../. !hesis co'e, 2011, 0 h!!p"//www.#eor#ee$ers.or#/pso_research_!oo%&ox.h!m 1 *$ers, +., PSO Research Toolbox Documentation (,ersion 20--mm'' , ../. !hesis co'e 'oc(men!a!ion, 2011, 0 h!!p"//www.#eor#ee$ers.or#/pso_research_!oo%&ox_'oc(men!a!ion.p'2 1


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