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How to Finger a Girl

So you want to give her a good time with your hands but you arent sure what to do or would just like to up your game- not to worry. Let me help. This part will be covering some basic techniques, interesting anatomy stuff you probably didnt know. I cover the G spot,!eepspot, "spot, squirting and what not. #n$oy% &or now, let me show you the basics of fingering a girl 'e(ternal).

n !etal development "male and "!emale genitalia are pretty mu#h identi#al until a #ouple months in. That means that the tissues that later evolve in

either a penis or a vagina 'correct term is vulva but who cares right). Thus, the tissues itself are pretty much corresponding even after its clear its a girl or boy. *nowing this will give you a head start because it will help you get a better understanding of how a certain way of touching+stroking+licking+sucking+biting+etc will feel to her because it will feel somewhat similar for you. ,o what are the corresponding tissues$an %omen Balls &abia Sha!t 'litoral sha!t Frenulum Frenulum( Head o! penis 'litoris

(the frenulum is the smooth silky tissue right below her clit but Im sure you

knew that.) /ow in general, what we as men like, will also feel good to women. 0ust knowing this will really help you become gifted at fingering a girl. Generally speaking this is what sort o! stimulation the tissues enjoy best) Labia like pinching+stretching and soft sliding movements. ,hafts en$oy being stroked. &renulum likes sliding and slight pressure. The clit likes suction+licking+and rubbing 'but not like an idiot). 0ust try it out on yourself. 1ou wouldnt stroke your ball sack would you- 1ou wouldnt pinch the head of your penis either. 1ou need to be aware that particular tissues like a particular way of stimulation 'in general). I often say 2in general because everyone girl is different obviously. They are all wired differently, and their area will vary significantly in si3e, te(ture and color so always keep an eye on her subtle signals and ad$ust accordingly.

She Has a Small *enis-Seriously

+hink o! it like this) she basi#ally has a small penis- a!ter all, women have a sha!t just like men do but its a lot smaller obviously. 4ith men its about

centimeters, with women its about millimeters. 5en get erections, women get 2herections. That means that you even though the tissues are very similar, you wouldnt be stimulating her $ust like you would stimulate yourself. 4e men tend to choke grip $erk off, and women would definitely not appreciate this. 4eird as it might sound thinking of her area like a small penis will also help " L6T when you are eating her out 'more on this later). " little hint7 more sucking, less flicking.

+he 'lit is -ust the +ip o! +he #eberg

Beneath her #lit there is an entire stru#ture o! sensitive tissues that will bring her pleasure so dont !o#us on the #lit like a bull would run towards a red !lag. It pisses me o!! when people talk about the clit as if its some sort of magical button as they often do when talking about the G spot. The clit is $ust the tip of the ice it really is. 8er clit is attached to the shaft 'remember) and it goes in a wishbone shape with two legs called the crus. 8er Gspot is not another wonderbar spot it is $ust the back of her clitoral tissue. 0ust like assgasms are $ust the back of the deepspot. /ow this is important7 9#T4##/ these legs there are two sensitive 2balloons

that fill with blood when she gets aroused these are called the vestibular bulbs. The evolutionary reason for these bulbs are to ensure a tight vaginal cuff when she is being penetrated by a guy. ,o if she is aroused her entire area will fill with blood causing it to look bigger and change in color. 8owever her vaginal opening will tighten a bit because the bulbs push her vaginal walls together7

%arming Her .p
%arming her up properly is not only about taking your time- its also about stimulating her /0+ 1/ area- and that means massaging her vestibular bulbs too. That alone will be appreciate by a lot of girls though you shouldnt make

the mistake of taking fucking forever. "fter all, how annoying can it be if you are super horny but a girl spends ages 2warming you up instead of doing her 2thing. There is definitely a time and place for slow and lots of buildup obviously but sometimes the length of 2warming her up is e(aggerated so keep that in mind. 4arm her up but dont spend all afternoon doing so. +ip 2) Stret#h Her Skin
ts a !a#t) stret#hed skin is more sensitive than "loose skin. That means that

$ust stretching her area a bit 'or opening her up) will also make everything more sensual and sensitive for her. ,imple yet effective. +ip 3) /stablish 1hythm- +hink 4! 5our Favorite Song

0e6t time you are !ingering her 7or !u#king her8 think o! your !avorite song. It might not come as a surprise that women in general appreciate a guy with at least a basic sense of rhythm. #asy to understand, but for some, hard to implement. 9y thinking of a song with a cool rhythm and playing it in your mind you can easily establish a rhythm that will7 9e kinky enough to help her 2push her over the top. 1et 2stable enough to help her get there in first place. :ersonally I often like songs of 9ob 5arley, 5aduk and some lounge but hey, everyone is different. I $ust hope you dont do any 0ustin 9ieber shit. 6h, and 5etallica is probably not your best bet either. +ip 9) ! She is :bout to 'um- ;//* G4 0G
! she is #lose to orgasm, dont #hange :05+H 0G you are doing. 4hy would

you- !oing what you are doing helped her get close in the first place. It took me a while to really get this to be honest. "s I noticed a girl would be close to cumming Id change things up, Id went from circular motions to stroking or Id slide a finger in her. !ont do it. *eep the pace 'rhythm) as it is, keep stimulating her like you did. 4hen actually having se( though, this doesnt apply. Then you often need to 2push her over the edge but going harder+deeper+faster but thats $ust my e(perience. $*41+:0+) Stimulate Her 0< 1/'+
+here is one last thing want to #over be!ore talking about some a#tual !ingering te#hni=ue) the importan#e o! stimulating her indire#t. 4hat do I

mean by that- It means you move the skin "96;# the sensitive areas. &or e(ample7 instead of going for her clit directly, you can push her hood down 6;#< her clit and rub it. This way you wont annoy her, and the stimulation will be smooth and complete. t has the !ollowing advantages) 1ou wont hurt or annoy her. 1ou stimulate the #/TI<# sensitive area. 8elps her reach orgasm faster. /ow this might take some practice. 1ou need to develop a certain level of awareness and sensitivity in your hands and fingers if you want to do it properly. &or e(ample, $ust trace your fingers over one of the veins on the inside of your wrist. 1ou feel the vein beneath the skin right- /ow slide and move the skin over that area. +H:+S %H:+ 54. SH4.&< <4. ,lide+move+stroke the skin over the sensitive tissues. That will really be

something that will help her reach orgasm real fast if you do it right. =of course you can 'and should) also stimulate her 'clit) directly from time to time or a lot of times if she really likes it. ,e( isnt rocket science, its an art.

2> %ays to Give a Girl : 'litoral 4rgasm with5our H:0<S

+hough there are numerous ways o! stimulating a girl- want to #over some basi#s with you. Its best to watch the video but if that wont work for you now

you can $ust continue reading. I made an overview with some pictures where Im showing the techniques on a &leshlight >so nsfw?7 =note that in some pictures the &leshlight is flipped @ABdegrees7) 2. $assaging Her ?estibular Bulbs 7warming up8. 5assage her vestibular bulbs with your thumb and inde( finger in a rhythmic motion at various places. !ont stay in one place, work the entire labia area 'where the vestibular bulbs are).

@. 5assaging vestibular bulbs 3. $assaging Her 'lit. 5assage her clit with your thumb and inde( finger in a rhythmic motion. !ont be afraid to apply some pressure here shell like it. " lot. If you do it correctly her clit will pop in and out. Its a good way of stimulating her indirectly and will feel really good to her.

C. 5assaging her clit 9. *in#hing Her &abia. 4ith your thumb and inde( finger softly pinch and roll her labia and work your way around but not in a predictable manner. <emember, its $ust like your ball sack.

D. :inching her labia @. :pplying *ressure 4n Her Four#hette. "pply some pressure on her fourchette with one of your fingers while kissing her and doing other fun stuff. Its $ust a nice subtle thing to add I think.

E. :ressure on fourchette A. 1ubbing Her &abia. Gently rub her labia with all your fingers. ,lide your hands over her area but make sure you dont use dry hands thats fucking horrible.

F. <ubbing her labia B. Grabbing Her /ntire :rea " good way to stimulate her vestibular bulbs, clitoral legs and her clit itself. 1ou can massage her really nice this way. Gse your thumb , inde( and middle finger.

H. grabbing her entire area C. Stroking Her 'lit D Sha!t. ,lide your inde( and middle finger between het lips catching her clit. Then go in circular, up I down, or sideway motions in a nice rhythm. '<#"L G66! T6 5"*# 8#< JG5).

K. ,troking her clit and shaft E. Stimulating Her 'lit ?ia Her 'litoral Hood. 4ith your inde( finger and middle finger ,LI!# her hood 6;#< her clit and

then go in circular, up I down or sideway motions. Its a really good e(ample of stimulating her indirectly and will feel really good.

A. ,timulating her clit via her hood F. Slide .p Her 'litoral Hood. "&T#< she is warm dup and super aroused, with a 4#T finger and trimmed nails ,L64L1 slide one finger under her hood a bit and ,L64L1 stimulate her clit directly by going in circular motions 'remember millimeters not centimeters is what counts).

L. ,lide up her clitoral hood

2>. Stroking Her Sha!t. 4ith your inde( and middle finger stroke her shaft by making sure you 2trap her shaft and clit. Go up and down or in circular motions.

@B. ,troking her shaft There are numerous ways of making a girl feel good with your hands, here $ust covered the basics .

8ow to &inger a Girl '5ake 8er ,quirt)

%ant to know how to give a girl a s=uirting orgasmG 8ow to make her feel

good with your hands- 8ow to stimulate her G spot, " spot and !eep spot/o worries Ill show you how in this article and video. In case youre wondering, I actually get laid a lot. Gnlike most people talking about this stuff. 4hether you are already pretty damn e(perienced or $ust starting out knowing how to please a lady with your hands is a great skill to have and there will be some gems in here for even the more e(perienced amongst you reading this. :revent average se( by taking charge of your se( life I mean that.

mportant *rin#iples
9efore we go into the $uicy stuff I want to cover two essential principles first that you need to keep in mind when fingering a girl 2internally namely7 pussy dynami#s and movement vs pressure. Let me e(plain.
*rin#iple H2-*ussy <ynami#s
*ussy dynami#s are the signals she 7her pussy8 will give to you while you are !ingering and #hanging your approa#h based on that. The signals could mean

two things7 This feels goodM. or :lease do something differentM. 4hen you are fingering a girl there will always be a 2dialogue between her pussy and your hand and+or fingers. This 2dialogue as I like to call it, is basically the direct 2feedback youll get when fingering a girl. ! you are doing something she enjoys her pussy will let you know. ! you do something she doesnt enjoy nothing will happen. 9eing in the moment and able to read those subtle signals is a nice skill to have Ive found when it comes to fingering a girl. ,o what does it mean- It simply means that instead of $amming your fingers in 'I hope this isnt you) you slowly$:SS:G/ your way into her pussy by massaging her pelvic floor muscles, her side walls, and the upper wall of the vagina. 4hen you are 2doing good she will let you know 'subconsciously) and her pussy will give some signals that 2it feels good and you can go in deeper. +he most important "signals ve !ound are these) 5ou !eel a !ast twit#h or #ontra#tion- it generally means7 Nthat feels really good baby please continue+go deeperM. She makes a sudden movement- it generally means7 Mbaby please do something different, this doesnt feel good 'enough)M. 9ased on these signals you 2ad$ust your approach. 4omen as we all know, need a little 2buildup so take your time and warm her up by 5",,"GI/G every inch so she is good to go. Thats whats pussy dynamics is all about.
*rin#iple H3-$ovement ?s *ressure 'Important)
+he deeper you go the better it is to apply some pressure and !o#us less on movement. Generally speaking the vast ma$ority of the nerve endings will be

around the entrance of her vagina. ,o the deeper you go, the less sensitive her pussy will be with the e(ception of some 2hotspots 'G ,pot, " spot, and !eep spot). 9ecause her pussy will be less sensitive the deeper you go, doing 2come here

motions and shit like that wont work. ,he needs some pressure. 9y pressure I dont mean as if to press that big red button launching an "tom bomb while you got *remlin on standby I mean you use common sense and apply some pressure. +hink o! it like this) 1our tongue has a lot of nerve endings so kissing 'movement) feels good. 1our lips are less sensitive so a biting will also feel good 'pressure). 5akes sense6nward to stimulating her G spot, " spot and !eep spot. 1ou might be wonderingO

%here /I:'+&5 'an Find the G-Spot, :-Spot and <eep-spotG

ve drawn out a diagram !or you with the blue lines representing the sensitive areas 7the hotspots8. Ill be covering each one in depth and show you how to

stimulate these areas 'or at least how I always stimulate them with good results0).

Generally youll be able to !ind ea#h area the !ollowing way) G-spot 4ill feel like a rough patch of skin about @ Cknockles in on the 2upper side of

her vaginal walls. &or most girls its located more to the right but some have the tissue sticking out more to the left. :-spot Generally feels silky and smooth. Locate it by sliding your inde( and middle finger in 'keep in mind7 pussy dynamics) and pushing down with one hand right behind her pubic until you feel this 2angle going downward. <eep-spot It feels smooth and silky $ust like the " spot. Locate it by sliding your inde( and middle finger in pushing down and going all the way in. I have average si3ed hands and I can still reach it generally speaking so you should have no problems 2getting there.

: %ord 4n :ss-gasms
ts the ba#k o! the <eep-spot.If you take a girl in the ass you will be stimulating the 9"J* of her !##:,:6T. &or some reason people claim this to be some new magical spot and their ignorance is annoying to say the least. 9ecause the inner linings and walls between her rectum 'butt) and deep spot are very thin you will be hitting and stimulating that sensitive hotspot from the other side. This is the reason girls like anal se(.

Fingering the G-spot

: lot o! mis#on#eptions seem to be out there when it #omes to s=uirting and G-spot stimulation. Im here to create clarity and settle this once and for all.

The G ,pot 'Graffenburg spot) is basically the back of the entire clitoral and urethral network. Though studies such as one of the 5asters I 0ohnson studies regarding se(uality and anatomy werent sure if there actually is such a thing as a 2G spot I noticed that LBP of girls L6;# it when you stimulate this spot the so Im reclaiming the e(isting of the G spot. The G spot is essentially a tube of erectile spongy tissue around her entire urethra called the urethral sponge as shown in the beautiful :icasso like drawing below I made for you7

urethral sponge "nd when this spongy tissue fills with blood 'aka she gets aroused) her G 2spot will appear 'side view)7

gspotswelling That e(plains its name7 g S*4+ but we now know that its not $ust a 2spot. ;nowing this will serve two purposes) 1ou will know how to stimulate her G spot better.

1ou can make her squirt more easily.

+hings .sually <o There are a lot of things you can do to stimulate a girls G spot but to make it easy for you Ive made some pictures of what I often do and have great results 'if you wanna call it that) with7

H2- ?erti#al push on her G-Spot D 1ubbing.

G spot vertical push H3- Sliding :round her .rethral Sponge.

G spot sliding

H9- $assaging her G-spot.

G spot massaging H@- "Grabbing her *ubi# Bone D $oving .p and <own.

G spot grabbing her pubic bone

"How to make a girl s=uirt is what you o!ten read. Lets make a distinction here real quick women can7 S=uirt 'think showerhead). 6r they can7 Gush 'think dripping). In most cases, women wont ,QGI<T at least not initially. That is because they really need to :G,8 out the fluid and it takes some practice. ,o in most cases she will first gush. Let me tell you my e(perience I thoughts on making girls squirt 'had a couple that were big squirters, some gushers, and some that were as dry as the 5ohavi desert). 6ften the G ,pot is associated with squirting. "nd for good reason a girl who is in touch with her pussy and comfortable with a guy who knows how to stimulate her properly might squirt even if its $ust a little bit of fluid that comes out 'which is usually the case in the beginning) ,quirting is a skill that $ust like any other skill takes some practicing. 9eyond stimulating a girl, making her feel comfortable 'with you) and <#"LL1 warming her up there is not much you can do. n the end in order to s=uirt she needs to) 9e comfortable with you 'establish strong emotional connection). 9e super warmed up 'massage her especially her pelvic area). 9e e(tremely aroused 'finger her a bit mind pussy dynamics). 9e stimulated the right way 'use the techniques e(plained earlier). 8ave a strong mind pussy connection 'good se(ual e(periences on her part). :ush the fluid out 'doing "reverse kegels). If any of these is missing it wont happen ever. 5aking her feel comfortable is a big one by the way. If she feels inhibited in "/1 way it wont happen. 1ou need to create a strong connection with the girl and make her feel really good if you want to share this e(perience with her. Some tips to make her !eel rela6ed) Let her know you arent afraid of bodily fluids 'tell her). 5ake sure she pees before se( 'so her bladder is empty). Give her a sensual massage 'and take your time after all, shes beautiful). 5assaging her and warming her up is super important. 1ou need to focus on 2loosening up her entire pelvic region in particular everything needs to be warmed up if you want to make her feel good.

: %ord on Bladder n!e#tions Happen %hen She <oesnt *ush the Fluid 4ut. ,omething I also want to mention7 bladder infections. Girls often suffer from bladder infections and though it can be a result of a wide variety of causes it could be because she was close to squirting but 2held back :G,8I/G the fluid 9"J* in the urethra. ,he needs to :G,8 T8# &LGI! 6GT ", 16G "<# &I/G#<I/G 8#< G ,:6T. 9oth of you need to L#T G6 and let that animalistic side surge. $*41+:0+) S=uirting is 04+ .rine " lot of people think that when a women squirts she is urinating. This is a lie for three reasons7 The fluid comes out the ,kene glands and not the urethra itself. The fluid itself contains more glucose 'which is why it will taste sweet ). It smells different. ,cientists are still not entirely sure how the process works e(actly but we do know that the fluid has a different consistency, smells different, tastes different and comes out a different 2e(it.

She 0eeds to *ee :F+/1 Se6

It 5eans ,he 4as JL6,#.
%hen a girl goes to the bathroom a!ter se6 to "pee it #ould mean she was #lose to s=uirting- whether it was a little or a lot doesnt matter.This is because, as I

showed you earlier, her G ,pot 'which you stimulate when you want her to squirt) is close to her bladder and applying pressure on her bladder and urethral sponge will make it feel as if you is about to pee. /o worries though all is good.

Fingering her :-Spot

/ot a Lot of Guys 4ill *now This Trust 5e
+he :-spot is a very sensitive "hotspot on the "upper side o! her vagina, right above her #ervi6. It can be difficult to find it if you never 2looked for it but in

my e(perience about FBP of the girls really en$oy it when you stimulate this spot and they can orgasm from it pretty damn hard. 9ecause the " spot is deeper within her vagina it is a bit less sensitive so when stimulating this spot we need to start applying some pressure as I e(plained earlier. 4e can still combine some movement with pressure though to get the best of both worlds. In most cases you will need to :G,8 !64/ her belly a bit or to be e(act, the area $ust behind her pubic bone. This is because the spot is deeper and it can be a bit difficult to reach it if you have smaller hands.

%at#h !or the 'ervi6 1ou dont wanna hurt her do you$ost women wont appre#iate it i! you hit her #ervi6 be#ause this #an be pain!ul !or her. 9e careful the " spot 'and !eep spot) and 2above and

2below her cervi( so you need to be e(tra careful not to hit it with your fingers. Go in slow and if you feel something 2harder than that is her cervi( you are in the wrong place. :roceed with caution. +ip From <40G) Hitting Her :-Spot %hen 5ou :re nside %hen you are !u#king her it #an be very ni#e i! you push down on her belly while you slide in really deep be#ause you #an hit her :spot better. ts just a little "tri#k !ound and a#tually enjoy doing it a lot and so do the women so try it out ne6t time you are getting jiggy.
How to Finger Her :-spot I hate the word 2technique. /onetheless, I want to show you how I often stimulate the " spot. Its best to watch the video but if you cant watch it right now you can still checkout these pictures I descriptions7 H2- Sliding D :pplying *ressure.

" spot pressure massaging

H3- $assaging D :pplying *ressure.

" spot pressure running man

Fingering the <eep-spot

+he <eep-spot is maybe the most sensitive "hotspot with the e6#eption o! her #lit lo#ated deep in her vagina, below her #ervi6, on the "lower side o! her vagina. Im not gonna lie, reaching this spot with your hands can be difficult if

you have average si3ed hands. If this is the case $ust get as close as possible. Ive seen videos of girls talking about the deep spot and they often $oke that that is where the vacations, cars and free suits are. " guy that rocks their world knows how ama3ing it can feel to a woman if she fingers+fucks her deep spot. :ersonally it was a big epiphany for me to see how sensitive girls are when you stimulate the deep spot. :retty much every women whom Im fingered this way really liked it and some came pretty hard from $ust stimulating the deep spot alone but not all of them. "s I often says every girl+woman is different so what 2works for one might not 2work for the other and thats cool. Life would be pretty fucking boring if it would be the same every time. 4hat I often did was something along the lines of stimulating the " spot because they are basically the same e(cept the deep spot is 9#L64 her cervi( 'unless she has a tilted uterus but hardly any woman has that so no worries).

H2- Sliding D :pplying *ressure.

!eep spot pressure massaging

'est +out
So there you have it- a tutorial on how to !inger a girl and stimulate her Gspot, :-spot, and <eep-spot. "s I said before this is all based on my

:#<,6/"L e(perience so always be critical and see for yourself what works and what doesnt. Jheck the video if you havent already that should clarify a lot of things.

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