North Suburban Republican Forum: November, 2013

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North Suburban Republican Forum

November, 2013
This month, well discuss the winners and losers from the November 5th ballot. Well meet on Saturday, November 9th from 9:00-10:30 am at the Grill at Legacy Ridge Golf Course. Its located at 10801 Legacy Ridge Parkway in Westminster. Admission is only $7 per person. The doors open at 8:30am. Join us and bring a friend or two. A continental breakfast with pastries, fruit, coffee, orange juice, and water is included.

NSRF upcoming calendar in 2013: December 14 Adams County Sheriff candidates January 11, 2014 Colorado Governor Candidates February 8 US Senate candidates March 8 Fracking 101 April 12 Education update from local school board members May 10 2014 Colorado Legislative Recap

If you have a smart phone, use a bar code app for the QR code on the left, it will take you to our web site,
This newsletter has a conservative Republican viewpoint. It may or may not reflect the views of the NSRF Board of Directors. It is intended for the thoughtful consideration of our members, to inform, educate, and as potential discussion starters.

Table of Contents:
If you havent checked out our web site, these are the latest articles that have been posted November/December calendar Recall Hudak too Colorado Election Results 2013 Election Recap: Some disappointments but overall a very good election night Steve House, Adams County GOP Chair, to run for governor Whos Funding Hudak Defenders Scare Tactics? Nasty Politics Adams County election results If you liked ObamaCare, youll love ObamaCar! How to get involved in local politics How to get involved with the Republican Party Adams County voter information Elected officials NSRF Board of Directors NSRF $20 yearly membership application

If you havent checked out our web site (, these are the latest articles that have been posted:
Mr. President, You Cannot Spin This Election Summary Report Fox News Special Report email letter Secretary of State orders counties to toss votes for ineligible Adams 12 candidate Im ObamaCare You Owe Me Obama Dont Care: 250,000 Coloradans Have Health Insurance Cancelled Due To ObamaCare Its election day in Colorado so how do I vote? Confirmed: $200,000+ in Union Funds Back Dougco School Board Candidates Adams 12 BoE candidate Amy Speers not eligible to run in district 4 No, You cant Keep Your Health Plan Debt Limit A Guide to American Federal Debt Hitler learns about the ObamaCare Exchanges Plan seeks rural political parity through Colorado Senate reapportionment Forget Waldo. Wheres Hick? Elevating Evie: Could the Hudak recall be a win-win for conservatives? Rocky Mountain High Taxes In Colorado, another recall effort over guns seeks GOP Senate control 2013 School Board & City Council Candidates list Big bucks: Unions try to buy Adams 12 Five Star Schools board seats Amendment 66: Unfair and Overpriced Adams 12 Five Star Schools board races pit reform against unions and their big bucks This stunning chart SHOULD wake people up about Americas debt Buying Adams 12 A Parable. Politcs: Hudak recall effort revived Thornton voters to decide on six questions 2

2013 Thornton Ballot Question 2E: Charter changes in the event of a mayoral vacancy 2013 Thornton Ballot Question 2D: Reducing age requirement for city council and mayor 2013 Thornton Ballot Question 2C: Extending term limits for City Council and Mayor 2013 Thornton Ballot Question 2B: Open Space and Parks and Recreation tax extension Barrycades torn down, dumped at White House Bloomberg on Colorado recall: What do you mean we lost? Tax Hike Study: Amendment 66 will kill jobs, personal income, cant promise improvements MSNBC reporter Andrea Mitchell cant defend ObamaCare Adams County Ballot candidates & issues for November 5, 2013 Obamas own words on the debt

This is an update on the Evie Hudak recall. On October 20, 2013 we sent out a CAIRCO update on Colorado Senator Evie Hudak's voting record on illegal immigration. We noted that: 1. Hudak voted for instate tuition for illegal aliens this last 2013 Colorado legislative session. 2. Hudak sponsored and voted for drivers licenses for illegal aliens. 3. Hudak voted for the Colorado law enforcement (dis)trust act that repeals 2006 legislation that made sure local government did not restrain law enforcement and public employees from cooperating with Federal immigration enforcement. We mentioned you might want to ask friends and family in Senate District 19 to consider signing the petition to recall Hudak. The Evie Hudak recall campaign has half of the signatures they need and with a month left to go. This success has brought about harassment of petition signers and volunteers. The opposition to the recall is: - Blocking people from getting out of their cars. - Parking in front of people so they can't leave after signing the petition. - Yelling obscenities at people, usually the elderly and women, who are trying to sign. - Blasting bullhorns at the volunteers at close range - hurts your ears! - Putting out door hangers and robo-calls that insinuate that the petition gatherers could be criminals and child molesters. - Taking lots of video and photos of license plates and of volunteers trying to scare them. - Sticking cameras right in the face of the volunteers

For more information, see the blog post Should Evie Hudak be recalled for her votes supporting illegal immigration?, which includes references to recent articles on this offensive behavior.
The recall effort could use your help. They need: - Petition gatherers to cover more areas. - Volunteers to make phone calls. - Sign wavers. - Photographers and videographers to capture protester behavior. The Recall Hudak office is at 64th and Simms in Arvada. Address: 11651 West 64th Ave, Suite E1, Arvada, CO 80004


See for more information.

This is an opportunity to change the Colorado state legislature to reduce bias in favor of illegal aliens. Consider taking time to volunteer. Please note that CAIRCO is in no way affiliated with this or with any other recall campaign. We do, however, hold our elected public servants accountable for their actions on the immigration issue.


John Brick
Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform

2013 Election Recap: Some disappointments but overall a very good election night
November 6th, 2013

Another election is pretty much in the bag and while there is at least one race undecided, winners and losers have mostly been determined. Analysis does show perhaps a few disappointing outcomes but all-in-all, statewide and local outcomes were satisfactory. Colorado Amendment 66: The billion dollar a year tax hike backed by unions, out of state interests and Gov. John Hickenlooperwent down in flames. Voters once again demonstrated that they have no stomach for throwing good money after bad in an attempt to fix a broken education system without truly meaningful reform. The outcome on this measure coupled with the high profile school board elections across the state should put liberals and unions on notice that parents expect more from the education system. Sadly they wont get it. Colorado Proposition AA: I ignored this issue leading up to the election. Quite frankly I abhor the fact that Coloradans approved the so-called legalization of marijuana two years ago. Increasing access to illegal drugs and then screaming NIMBY when these places setup shop in your neighborhood shows how ignorant voters can be. As for this tax, I am fine with it although I would have made it much, much higher. Thornton City Council: Retreads Mack Goodman (Ward I) and Val Vigil (Ward II) were reelected, a very unnoteworthy accomplishment since they ran opposed. Sam Nizam will be taking the seat in Ward III, largely because he essentially had no opponent beyond a write-in candidate who didnt campaign. In Ward IV, Jan Kulmann delivered a massive slap down of union-backed Adam Matkowsky and will replace Randy Drennen on the dais. Kulmann will provide a much-needed counter to the leftists on council and Matkowsky can now feel free to move on to whatever his next job / location will be. Adams 12 Five Star Schools Board of Education: Rico Figueroa will retain the district 4 seat after union-backed Amy Speers was booted off the ballot due to her illegal entry into the race. The race for School Director District No. 3 is still up in the air with Kathy Plomer currently leading Debbie Christensen by 784 votes. However, Adams Countyreports that there are 8,000 ballots left to count so there is still a glimmer of hope that Christensen can knock off union patsy Plomer. Thornton Ballot Issue 2B: Voters approved an extension of the open space / parks and rec tax. This is good news for the community. Thornton Ballot Issue 2C: Once again voters knocked down self-serving politicians desire to have a seat for life on city council. Council term limits will stay at two terms as they should. Future councilmembers would do well to remember this is the second time we have told them no dont try again.


Thornton Ballot Issue 2D: One young, noisy Thornton resident thankfully failed to get his way and age limits for city council will remain as-is. Thornton Ballot Issue 2E: Voters went ahead and bailed out council and their inability to perform their job under previous provisions of the city charter in the event of a mayoral vacancy. With this measure passed, the battles forMayor Pro Tem are going to become highly contentious and should a vacancy occur, council will be one person short of a full body until the next election cycle. Thornton Ballot Issue 2F: The commonsense measure to handle continuity of government in the event of a disaster passed with ease. Thornton Ballot Issue 2G: Unions were given more members within the fire department ranks by the voters due to the expansion of the definition of fire fighter. This is disappointing. Voters dont often understand the repercussions of issues like this unless they do some research. Note: As mentioned above, Adams County still has thousands of votes left to count. The conclusions reached above on the local races are based on tallies as of Wednesday morning and while any of the outcomes could change as the balance of ballots are counted, it seems unlikely (other than the one school board race). It is disappointing that yet again our clerk and recorder has failed to provide timely results from an election.

Steve House, Adams County GOP Chair, to run for governor

The Colorado Republican gubernatorial primary has a new participant. Steve House, a healthcare consultant from Brighton, will announce his candidacy for governor Monday in Adams County. I am very optimistic about the future of Colorado. I see a technology revolution coming that will best be served in states that have three advantages going for them: An agricultural base, abundant and productive natural resources, and a highly educated population, House, who is the Adams County GOP chairman, said in a statement. Colorado has all three of these advantages and with the right leadership in place and a streamlined government we can be a leader. House is now among six Republicans vying to unseat Democratic Gov.John Hickenlooper in 2014. Sen. Greg Brophy of Wray, Secretary of State Scott Gessler, former state Sen. Mike Kopp, former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo and Jim Rundberg have all announced their candidacies for governor.


Were not quite sure, thats who. 11

Complete Colorado reported Friday on another attempt to scare Jefferson County residents away from signing recall petitions for State Senator Evie Hudak (D). Democracy Defense Fund, which had previously been responsible for door-hangers claiming that signature-gatherers were criminals, is now using robocalls for the same purpose. A poster on the Grassroots Radio Facebook page found the TRACER record for the Democracy Defense Fund, registered on October 10, 2013, for the purpose of opposing the SD19 recall. While the principals for DDF are local to Colorado, the Funds entire $25,000 bankroll came on an October 18 donation from a group named Environmental Majority, out ofWashington, DC. The PAC is expressly partisan, and solely focused on elections. The $25,000 expenditure represents more than it had spent in the 2014 cycle up to this point. Not more than it had spent on specific races. More than it had spent, period. The PAC reported receipts of roughly $29,000 in the first half of the year, about $23,600 came through the site ActBlue, which serves as a small-donor platform for progressive and Democrat causes, sort of a partisan Piryx. Of the $21,000 spent, about $9300 went to the Massachusetts special Senate election to replace John Kerry; just under $6000 went to the New Virginia PAC, other money went to various Democrat digital consulting firms. Small Potatoes. Yet, with just over $8000 cash on hand reported at the end of June 2013, the Fund found $25,000 for scare-robocalls and scare-door-hangers in the Hudak recall race. Admittedly, Hudak has a 100% Lifetime rating from the Colorado Conservation Voters. But still, shes a state senator, not a Congressman or a US Senator, and Environmental Majority states: Our objective is straightforward: elect a pro-environment Democratic majority in the United States Congress and raise the political importance of environmental issues, especially climate change. It appears that the decision to funnel the money through Environmental Majority, rather than immediately through Democracy Defense Fund, may have been deliberately made in order to avoid disclosure until after the signature-gathering period ended. DDF has already been fined $50 for being late on one reporting deadline, but according to TRACER, their next filing would be due November 25. The Hudak recall effort has until December 2 to turn in its petitions. Since 2013 is an odd-numbered year, it appears that the FEC will only require Environmental Majority to file a new report by January 31 of next year, well after the Hudak signatures have been gathered or havent been. This means that we may well not know whos been funding the scare tactics that Hudaks defenders have been using until the issue of there being a recall election at all is settled. UPDATE: Colorado Observer notes that Environmental Majority has also given $5000 to Stand With Evie.


Nasty Politics
Evie Hudak is my representative in the Colorado Senate. Ive voted against her in every election since I moved here. Her campaign literature always seems to be depend on scare tactics and misleading information about her opponents. Unfortunately, its worked for her. She made news earlier this year when she blew off a rape victims testimony in opposition to a gun control bill (one of several that were passed this year). There was an attempt to recall her earlier, but it didnt succeed. Recalls against two other legislators were successful. Theres now a second recall effort against her. I signed the petition both times, and talked with one of the signature gatherers this time around. He said that theyd learned from the successful recall efforts, in that they were gathering phone numbers or emails as well as name and address this time, and they had liquidproof cover sheets on the clipboards this time. Apparently, without contact information the first time, they were unable to verify a large number of signatures challenged by Hudaks p eople, and the cover sheets were to prevent people from walking up and accidentally spilling coffee on the signature sheets. Tonight, I came home to find a flyer hung on my doorknob. It doesnt mention Hudak by name, but its the sort of scare tactic I associate with her. Heres the text of the flyer (any commentary I have will be in italics): PUBLIC AWARENESS ALERT Signature gatherers who have not gone through background checks could be in our neighborhood as soon as tomorrow asking us to sign a recall petition. DO NOT SIGN THE PETITION The petition gatherer at your door, asking for your personal information, could have a criminal record. And, if you sign the petition, your signature and personal information will become public record, available for anyone to access. Because they have to be filed with the Colorado Secretary of State. If you own real property, your personal information is already public record. Dont Give This Company Your Personal Information. Dont Sign The Recall Petition. I like how they characterize the recall effort as a company. Makes it sound like an evil big business. They do this more than once. TO REPORT ANY CASES OF FRAUD, PLEASE CALL 720-588-8496 Here, theyre characterizing signing a recall petition as being defrauded. (End of that side of the flyer)


IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY BEHIND THE RECALL PETITIONS * History of hiring petition gatherers with a criminal history, including sexual assault on a child * History of fraud and forgery allegations in other petition gathering efforts in Colorado Anyone

can allege fraud and forgery, and I understand its not unheard-of for people to try to disqualify signatures on petitions by challenging them in this manner. * History of paying people who leave the state after they have your personal information Democrats have been known to use hired petition gatherers, also. If theyre from out of state, as they sometimes are, of course theyll leave once the petition drive is over. This makes it sound as though the petition gatherers themselves will be taking your personal information with them when they leave. Dont Give This Company Your Personal Information. Dont Sign The Recall Petition . Again, implying that the recall effort is a company that will retain your personal information. TO REPORT ANY CASES OF FRAUD, PLEASE CALL 720-588-8496 Thats most of the text from the flyer. The rest is the fine print: on the first side, it says Paid for by the Democracy Defense Fund, which has no web presence I can find, and when I search on the phone number, Im told that it is not an assigned number. The Denver Post (in the article I linked earlier) says that there was no answer when they called them. On the second side, it has five media references (newpaper name and date or radio station call sign and date). There are no article titles or links to websites on the flyer. Ive searched the Denver Posts archives, and found either a political article or a letter to the editor on three of the four dates, but only one actual article appeared to reference a recall effort, and Im not willing to sign up for a Denver Post account and pay $2.95 per article to examine these articles, so I dont know what theyre referencing in those articles. I hope the recall effort gets enough signatures to go through, but tactics like this work, and theyre what I expect from Evie Hudak.






If you liked ObamaCare, You'll Love ObamaCar!

In an effort to win back the hearts of the American People, the White House today announced its support of the new ObamaCar program. "Too many Americans are driving substandard cars," said White House Spokesperson Jay Carney during today's press briefing. "In fact, there are a lot of Americans who don't even have cars. That is why the President, by executive order, has initiated the ObamaCar Program." The new program will see that all Americans, regardless of age, place of residence, or occupation will be required to purchase a vehicle suitable to meet the standards mandated by ObamaCar. However, Carney was quick to point out that this did not mean that anyone would be forced to give up their favorite ride. "If you like the car you are driving now, you can keep your car. Period." Carney read from a prepared statement by President Obama. "Nobody is going to take it away from you. Period." Carney said this means that nobody will be required to purchase a vehicle they do not want or need. Ever. As long as your current vehicle meets ObamaCar standard features, you can drive it as long as you like. Unless the manufacturer decides to recall it. "But if that happens, don't blame us," Carney said. "That's the free market at work, that's capitalism, at least how we define capitalism, in action. We didn't do that to you." He went on to state that all auto manufactures will be required to produce only ObamaCar-compliant vehicles. 19

The ObamaCar will come in two basic models: The Sporty Runabout

And the Luxurious Executive Sedan

Both models come equipped with the following standard features:

Driver's Seat Child Restraints On-Board EPA Supervisor's console and seat 20

Left Wheel Drive Seating for Eight Air Conditioning (preset to government-mandated 87 degrees summer, 41 degrees winter) Gold Plated Power Window controls (Windows do not roll down, as drive through food is bad for you) AM/FM Stereo with permanently docked iPod preloaded with President Obama's speeches Cruz Control "NSAvigator" GPS Location System Solar-Powered Headlights Powerful 0.5 Liter engine capable of accelerating from 0 to 40 in three minutes flat Lean Forward Design Four Full-Size Spare Tires Fully Enclosed Golf Bag Roof Pods transports up to four sets of clubs in weatherproof safety Built-in Pet Carrier and Seating for Pet Valet Glove Compartment Lobster Steamer Eco-Friendly Burlap Seat Covers Wilson Progressive 14-Point Passenger Restraint system Handicap Access Doors and Chairlift Fender-Mounted Teleprompters Heads-Up Display Closed Captioning 11,000-Page Owners Manual

Log on and order yours today at!

ObamaCar. We Know What's Good For You. And Coming Soon: ObamaCycle!

How to Get Involved in Local Politics

Sometimes it's hard to imagine one person making a difference in this world. A lot of challenges face our society. Some are huge, some are more manageable, but all require the action of at least one person. Start making the world a better place by being that person on the local level. Get involved in local politics and see the world change before your eyes.


1 Participate in town meetings. Mingle with local, state and federal politicians. Learn

about the issues facing your community. Meet others who support the same causes you do. Voice your opinion and see what offices in politics appeal to you.

2 Show your support of the political system by voting in every election. More importantly, bring others to
the polls with you. Talk about the issues with people and inspire them to let their opinions be heard through their votes .

3 Help out at a local political office. It doesn't matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or a member of

the Green Party, all political parties need volunteers. Work one on one with them and learn the political process. Network with others involved in local politics. Get in on the ground floor and learn the ropes. Look into volunteering for organizations who promote causes like the environment, health care, campaign finance or immigration reform .

4 Start your own political organization. Whether it's a local off-shoot of a nationwide campaign or it's

specific to a cause no one has addressed politically, get it going. Involve your friends and family. Have rallies, fundraisers, seminars or even a bowling night. The idea is to spread your passion for the cause and get others to join you.

5 Start a petition on the Internet. Instead of knocking on doors or stopping people at the mall, get people
involved with an online petition. Involve yourself in online political blogs. Post your opinions and get others to join in with you.

6 Put yourself out there and run for local office. Civic offices come up for re-election all the time. Find a
position you know you could excel in and start your campaign. Call your local political party and ask if there are offices up for election. Take to the streets and let people know you are the person for the job.
Read more: How to Get Involved in Local Politics |

How to Get Involved in the Republican Party

There are a variety of reasons to get involved in the efforts of the Republican Party. You might believe in gun rights, be pro-life, or wish for fewer taxes. Of course, you may simply think that the Democratic Partys choices for candidates at the presidential, senatorial, or congressional level are not the best choices. There are any number of reasons and issues to get involved with the Republican Party, so when you are ready to join, follow these steps.
1. o

1 Have a valid voter

registration card and if you dont have one, get one. If you feel strongly about this party and their beliefs, register as a Republican. However you dont have to register as a Republican if you don't want to. You can register as an NPA, (no party affiliation) as an Independent or even a Democrat.

2 Do as much research as possible on the Republican Party. Make sure that the issues the party

represents are issues that you believe in and that the candidates representing the party are people you hold in high regard.

3 You may wish to support a particular candidate for local government, or state government or you may

want to support Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate , or Congress and perhaps even the Republican

Partys presidential candidate. Once you have figured out at what level you wish to participate, contact the appropriate party office and ask how you can get more involved.

4 When you contact the appropriate party office, make sure you have a plan for how you want to be
involved in the Republican Party. Your involvement could be as simple as making a donation, or you could volunteer your time by handing out literature or manning a phone at a call center. Most people involved in the Republican Party are volunteers. You may wish to become some sort of aid or spokesperson for a particular candidate as well, but these positions are usually staffed by people close to the candidate. These positions usually require some sort of education in politics, law or the media.

5 Joining a Republican state party might be just the ticket for you. You can volunteer to answer phones,
pass out literature, or something as simple as making a donation. This is all that is required to join your state's Republican party. Also, your Republican state party will deal with issues in your state that may be closer to your areas of interest.

6 Join the Republican National Committee. You can go right to their website and enter in your
information (see Resources). Tell them a little bit about yourself and what you would like to do for their organization. You may want to become a volunteer or even take a job with the Republican National Committee.
Read more: How to Get Involved in the Republican Party |




NSRF Board of Directors & Term expires John Lefebvre-2012 President Dana West-2014 Vice President Jan Hurtt-2012 Treasurer Phil Mocon-2012 Secretary Brian Vande Krol-2013 Membership Gary Mikes-2013 Membership Leonard Coppes-2013 Membership Wanda Barnes-2014 Membership Kevin Allen-2014 Membership

Email Address

Telephone 303-451-5558 303-280-0243 303-451-0934 303-452-4709 303-466-4615 303-252-1645 303-287-9145 303-373-1521 303-319-3011

Join the North Suburban Republican Forum on the Internet and Facebook:

Yearly membership dues are $20, while a couple is $30. Make checks payable to North Suburban Republican Forum (NSRF). It only costs $7 per person to attend the monthly meeting. A continental breakfast and beverage (coffee, tea, orange juice or water) is included. A membership application is located on the last page. Fill it out and bring it along with you.

To subscribe or unsubscribe from our monthly newsletter, send an email with your name and subscription instructions in the body to:


The North Suburban Republican Forum

NSRF Membership Application
We meet on the second Saturday of each month to discuss politics from 9:00-10:30am at the Legacy Ridge Clubhouse at 10515 Stuart Street in Westminster. Doors open at 8:30am. Join us and get involved! A continental breakfast is provided with coffee, tea, orange juice and bottled water. Http:// Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________Zip: _____________________ Best phone number to reach you: H/W/C______________-________________-________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________@_______________________ How did you hear about the NSRF? ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________ ______ New member ______ Current member renewal ______ Individual Membership $20 per calendar year ______ Family Membership $30 per calendar year for couples ______ Deluxe $56 individual/$66 family per year includes 12 monthly fees + yearly dues Paid via __________ cash __________ check #__________ Todays date: _____________________________________________________________________________ Received by NSRF board member: ____________________________________________________________

If you have a smart phone, use a bar code app to scan this QR code. It will take you to our web site.


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