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{40}{160}Downloaded From {500}{700}SUBRip by Cristo | {2844}{2935}(man) God, she's beautiful.|She's got the prettiest eyes.

{2938}{2997}She looks so sexy in that sweater. {3020}{3100}I just want to be alone with her|and hold her and kiss her {3103}{3202}and tell her how much I love her|and take care of her. {3205}{3274}Stop it, you idiot! She's your wife's sister. {3277}{3404}I can't help it. I'm consumed by her.|It's been months now. {3407}{3491}I dream about her,|I think about her at the office. {3516}{3585}Oh, Lee. What am I gonna do? {3612}{3706}I hear myself mooning over you,|and it's disgusting. {3735}{3804}Before, when she squeezed|past me in the doorway {3807}{3868}and I smelt that perfume|on the back of her neck... {3871}{3940}Jesus, I thought I was gonna swoon. {3961}{4090}Easy. You're a dignified financial advisor.|It doesn't look good for you to swoon. {4093}{4127}Elliot? {4130}{4192}- Elliot? Sweetheart?|- Mm? {4195}{4292}Have you tried these? They're wonderful.|Holly and her friend made t hem. {4295}{4372}Fantastic. Your sister|is an unbelievable cook. {4375}{4444}I know, I know.|She has all the cooking talent. {4447}{4518}- No, you've got tons as well.|- I've eaten five of these. {4521}{4611}- Holly, why don't you open a restaurant?|- Mm, we practically are. {4614}{4732}Well... not a restaurant, but...|April and I are gonna do some cater ing. {4735}{4791}- What? You're kidding.|- No, we decided. {4794}{4839}Perfect. {4842}{4921}We like to cook for friends, so...|until an acting job comes through , {4924}{4979}we could make money|doing private parties. {4982}{5080}- Great idea. That's where your talent lies.|- I know. {5083}{5139}Get outta here.|Could I speak to you privately? {5142}{5194}I'm her husband. She tells me anything. {5221}{5275}Hannah, I need more money.|Don't get upset. {5278}{5346}- I never get upset over that.|- This is the last time. {5349}{5419}- I'm keeping strict accounts.|- Please, don't insult me. {5422}{5489}- Someday I'll pay it back.|- I know. How much do you need? {5492}{5542}- $2,000.|- Uh-huh? {5545}{5647}I know it's a lot, but April and I have|this catering idea. It's gon na be great. {5650}{5692}You admit we're great cooks. {5695}{5791}In order to get started, there are a few|things to buy and some old debts to pay. {5794}{5861}Just tell me one thing.|Are we talking cocaine again? {5864}{5958}I swear. We've already got some|requests to do dinner parties. {5961}{6070}Obviously I'm not gonna be a caterer|for ever. We both still go on a uditions. {6073}{6159}Something could come up at any|moment, but the parties are at night. {6162}{6243}I can still take my acting class.|I haven't done drugs in a year. {6246}{6355}# A whimpering, simpering child again {6370}{6473}# Bewitched, bothered and bewildered... {6482}{6564}Mom and Dad are floating|down memory lane again. {6567}{6655}- Have you tried Holly's shrimp puffs?|- They're fantastic. {6658}{6766}|I need an antihistamine for Mom's asthma|before she turns into Cami lle. {6769}{6817}Mom's Camille every morning. {6820}{6903}- At least she isn't drinking.|- Doesn't she look great in that dres s? {6906}{6960}She knows it|cos she's flirting with the men.

{6963}{7072}When she's 80 she may stop straightening|her garter belt when there' s a guy around. {7075}{7184}- Where's the antihistamine?|- Elliot's got them somewhere. {7202}{7267}- Frederick didn't come with her.|- When does he ever? {7270}{7355}He's such an angry...|He's such a depressive. {7358}{7437}- I thought she was moving out.|- I don't know. {7440}{7509}# A pill he is {7512}{7572}# But still he is {7575}{7694}# All mine and I'll keep him until he is {7710}{7752}# Bewitched... {7755}{7802}Watch out, you guys! Beep-beep! {7805}{7904}Your kids are so adorable.|It gets so lonely on the holidays. {7907}{7990}Oh, gosh. Well, that's why|I invited Phil Gammage tonight. {7993}{8070}- Hannah, he's such a loser.|- He's not a loser at all. {8073}{8153}- He's the head of Daisy's school.|- He reminds me of Ichabod Crane. {8156}{8225}His Adam's apple jumps up and down|when he gets excited. {8228}{8301}He's a lot better than your ex-husband.|He's got a good job. {8304}{8357}- He's not a dope addict.|- Give me a break. {8360}{8421}- Am I interrupting any sister talk?|- Mm-mm. {8424}{8506}Good, because there are no|interesting single men at this party. {8509}{8632}Well, listen. Maybe April would like Phil.|Phil Gammage? The tall gu y? {8635}{8708}Oh, yeah, I met Phil.|He looks like Ichabod Crane? {8711}{8780}I love that. That's my type. No, really! {8821}{8868}No, we mustn't get discouraged. {8871}{8977}Hannah will invite some men over|who don't look like Ichabod Crane. {8980}{9101}Maybe at Christmas, or if not Christmas,|New Year's, or maybe next N ew Year's. {9104}{9131}Ouch! {9134}{9189}- It must be here someplace.|- (Lee) Oh, you know? {9192}{9249}I love that book you lent me,|The Easter Parade. {9252}{9317}You were right.|It had very special meaning for me. {9320}{9371}How's Frederick? He didn't come. {9374}{9439}You know. One of his moods.|But it wasn't a bad week. {9442}{9494}- He sold a picture.|- Oh, great. {9497}{9583}Yeah, it was one of his better drawings,|a very beautiful nude study . {9586}{9626}Actually, it was of me. {9629}{9734}It's a funny feeling to know you're being|hung naked in a stranger's living room. {9737}{9828}But you can't tell it's me, although...|You're turning all red, Elli ot. {9831}{9882}Oh, really? {9885}{9951}- So... what else? What are you up to?|- I don't know. {9954}{10003}My unemployment cheques|are running out. {10006}{10073}I may do a course at Columbia|with the last of my savings. {10076}{10127}- Like...?|- I don't know, exactly. {10130}{10179}Sociology, psychology, maybe... {10182}{10237}I always thought|I might work with children. {10240}{10315}Incidentally, I always have|clients furnishing places. {10318}{10420}Someone might be interested|in buying art. Shall I call you? {10423}{10503}Yeah, sure. Frederick would|really be grateful for a sale. {10506}{10550}(Hannah) Hey, guys! Dinner's ready! {10553}{10604}You look so beautiful. Doesn't she? {10607}{10698}I bumped into your ex-husband on|the street the other day. He's st ill crazy. {10701}{10787}- He was on his way to get a blood test.|- Mickey's such a hypocho ndriac. {10790}{10887}I wonder how he'd handle if there was|ever anything really wrong w ith him.

{10890}{10980}- (glass being tapped)|- Now, ladies and gentlemen... {10983}{11037}- Dad...|- (glass rings) {11040}{11117}- Dad...|- No, now this is a toast... {11120}{11190}This is a toast. This is a toast. {11203}{11358}You know, this beautiful Thanksgiving|dinner was all prepared by H annah. {11361}{11433}I had a little help from Mavis.|Also, Holly and April... {11436}{11526}No, no. You did it. She did it. {11541}{11594}And we drink to her, {11597}{11734}and we congratulate her on her wonderful|accomplishment during thi s last year. {11737}{11810}Her great success in A Doll's House. {11813}{11862}(all cheer) {11901}{11977}I played Nora.|I'd hate to tell you what year. {11980}{12082}And it's very difficult to behave|like Torvald's little chipmunk {12085}{12176}without making a perfect ass|out of yourself. {12179}{12278}Now, I think that lbsen would have been|damned proud of our Hannah . {12281}{12325}Speech! Speech! {12328}{12394}No, no. I've been very, very lucky. {12397}{12454}When I had the kids,|I decided to stop working {12457}{12553}and just devote myself to having|the family and I've been very hap py. {12556}{12654}But I've always secretly hoped that|maybe some little gem would co me along {12657}{12715}and tempt me back on the stage. {12718}{12832}Now I got that out of my system, I can go|back to the thing that m akes me happy. {12835}{12896}Bravo! Bravo! {13210}{13306}Is it my imagination|or does Elliot have a little crush on me? {13309}{13389}It's funny. I've had that thought before. {13392}{13452}He pays a lot of attention|to me all the time. {13455}{13535}And he blushed tonight|when we were alone in the bedroom. {13538}{13606}I wonder if he and Hannah are happy. {13609}{13720}It's funny. I still feel|a little buzz from his flirting. {13856}{13930}- You want some coffee or tea?|- (man) No, thank you. {13933}{14004}- How about something to eat?|- No, nothing. {14007}{14066}- Are you sure?|- Absolutely. {14069}{14133}What am I gonna do with you? God! {14166}{14281}Why didn't you come tonight? We all had|a terrific time. You would have enjoyed it. {14284}{14391}I'm going through a period of my life|where I just can't be around people. {14394}{14502}- I didn't want to abuse anyone.|- You wouldn't. They're all so sw eet. {14505}{14581}Lee, you are the only person|I can be with, {14584}{14640}who I really look forward to being with. {14643}{14742}You're too harsh with everyone.|You know that, don't you? {14772}{14868}- Isn't it enough that I can love you?|- You're such a puzzle! {14871}{14970}So sweet with me, and so|contemptuous of everyone else. {14973}{15054}There was a time when you were|very happy to be only with me. {15057}{15147}You wanted to learn everything|about poetry, about music. {15150}{15261}Have I really taught you everything|I have to give? I don't think so. {15362}{15451}Elliot said he might have|a couple of clients for you. {15454}{15531}I'm sure those morons he handles|have a deep feeling for art. {15534}{15623}You never know, they might.|He was just trying to do the nice thin g. {15626}{15679}- Because he likes you.|- Me? {15682}{15748}Yeah. Elliot lusts after you.

{15751}{15835}Based on what? You never even see him. {15838}{15913}When you see him, you come home|full of books he's recommended, {15916}{16015}- or films you must see.|- Oh, no, no. He's my sister's husband. {16018}{16124}And I think if you gave him half a chance,|you'd like him. He's ve ry intelligent. {16127}{16206}He's a glorified accountant|and he's after you. {16225}{16349}And I prefer to sell my work to people|who appreciate it, not to r ock stars. {16370}{16419}You understand? {16614}{16708}- Why can't we do the sketch?|- Standards and Practices say it's d irty. {16711}{16788}They saw the rehearsal. They just|figured out what the words mean? {16791}{16875}- Mickey, we got a half-hour to air.|- The show is five minutes sh ort. {16878}{16981}- How? We timed everything long.|- With no sketch, we're ten minut es short. {16984}{17082}- How can they do that to us?|- It's because our ratings are low. {17085}{17145}- I have a migraine.|- Hey, Mickey! Listen. {17148}{17239}You'd better go to Ronny's dressing room.|He took about 1600 Quaal udes. {17242}{17320}- I don't think he can do the show.|- Why me, Lord? {17323}{17412}You Standards and Practices?|Why is the sketch dirty? {17415}{17471}Child molestation is a touchy subject... {17474}{17545}- Half the country's doing it!|- Yes, but you name names. {17548}{17640}- We don't. We say ''The Pope''.|- That sketch cannot go on the ai r. {17643}{17734}Hey! Who changed|my sketch about the PLO? {17737}{17792}I had to make cuts. It's four lousy lines. {17795}{17868}- The whole premise is ruined!|- It's not so delicate. {17871}{17983}- Everybody's married to every line.|- I don't care! Don't tamper with my work. {17986}{18049}- OK...|- You want 'em cut? I'll cut 'em myself. {18052}{18165}Mickey, listen. Instead of the child|molestation sketch, why don't we repeat {18168}{18238}the Cardinal Spellman-Ronald Reagan|homosexual dance number? {18241}{18340}- I don't feel good, Mickey.|- What did you do? Swallow a drugstor e? {18343}{18392}- I lost my voice.|- Oh, Jesus! {18395}{18473}Ronny, you know, you do|have to go on in 25 minutes. {18476}{18551}Does anybody got a Tagamet?|My ulcer's startin' to kill me. {18554}{18602}You want a Quaalude? {18621}{18683}(Mickey)|Christ, this show is ruining my health. {18686}{18741}Meanwhile, my ex-partner|moves to California {18744}{18846}and every stupid show he produces|turns out to be a big hit. {18849}{18920}Brother, what am I gonna do with my life? {18923}{19042}Speaking of that, I gotta remember|to see my ex-wife tomorrow. {19103}{19144}- Hi.|- I know. {19147}{19252}- Glad you could put in an appearance.|- I got two minutes. The sh ow is killin' me. {19255}{19329}I got a million appointments today.|It just fell this way. {19332}{19420}- I gotta see new comedians...|- Just two minutes on your sons' bi rthday. {19423}{19486}- It's not gonna kill you.|- Happy birthday, fellas! {19489}{19547}(Hannah) Daddy brought presents! {19550}{19638}Hey, a little hug? What is this?|How about a little action from th e kids? {19641}{19698}- How is everything?|- Everything's fine. {19701}{19781}OK, you can open the presents now.|I wanna get a little reaction. {19784}{19831}- How's Elliot?|- He's fine. {19834}{19944}I'm trying to convince him to produce|a play. I think he'll find t

hat satisfying. {19947}{20035}I like him. I think he's a sweet guy,|the few times that I've met him. {20038}{20126}Cos he's a loser. He's awkward|and he's clumsy, like me. {20129}{20201}- I like an underconfident person.|- This is really nice. {20204}{20280}- He's been wanting a mitt.|- You have good taste in husbands. {20283}{20340}Thanks. That's a beauty! {20343}{20399}Isn't that great? Come on, let's go! {20402}{20471}Go out by the Sung vase and catch this. {20474}{20515}- Watch the...|- (crash) {20532}{20644}Hannah's sweet, although sometimes|I still do get angry when I thi nk of things. {20647}{20733}What the hell.|At least I'm not paying child support. {20736}{20808}God, I hope there's nothing|physically wrong with me. {20811}{20901}- So what's the problem this time?|- I really think I have somethi ng. {20904}{20978}I'm absolutely convinced.|Not like that adenoidal thing, {20981}{21059}where I didn't realise I'd had them out.|But I was younger. {21062}{21155}I saw your father this week about his|sinus and he complained of c hest pains. {21158}{21250}Well, this guy's the real hypochondriac|of the family. He's, you k now... {21253}{21320}- You said you'd had some dizziness.|- Yes, a little. {21323}{21393}And I think I'm developing|a hearing loss in my right ear. {21396}{21508}Or my left ear. No, I'm sorry...|My right or my left ear. I can't remember. {21511}{21547}OK, let's take a look. {22059}{22170}Well, you have had a significant drop in|the high-decibel range in your right ear. {22173}{22204}Really? {22207}{22288}Have you been exposed to|a loud noise recently, or had a virus? {22291}{22397}No, I've been perfectly healthy. You know|me. I always imagine tha t I have things. {22400}{22516}- When did you first notice this?|- About a month ago. What do I h ave? {22519}{22627}You've had some dizzy spells.|What about ringing or buzzing? {22630}{22679}Yes, now that you mention it, {22682}{22809}I have buzzing and also ringing.|Ringing and buzzing. Am I going d eaf? {22812}{22859}- It's just in one ear?|- Yes. {22862}{22948}Is it healthier to have|problems in both ears? {22978}{23047}I'd like to make an appointment|for you at the hospital. {23050}{23141}- I'd like to have them run some tests.|- The hospital? What kind of tests? {23144}{23195}Now, don't get alarmed. {23198}{23309}These are more sophisticated audiometry|tests than I can run here. It's nothing. {23312}{23372}Then why do I have to go|into the hospital at all? {23375}{23477}I hear fine. So I'm a little weak on the|high decibels. I won't go to the opera. {23480}{23561}There's no reason for panic.|I just wanna rule out some things. {23564}{23656}- Like what?|- It's nothing. Will you trust me? {23669}{23787}Hello, Dr Wilkes? This is Mickey Sachs.|I wanna ask you a question . {23798}{23903}- Sure, Mickey. What's up?|- If you have a hearing loss in one ear , {23906}{24039}and it's not from a virus or a loud noise|or anything, what are th e possibilities? {24047}{24183}Anything. Often it's hereditary.|Flu. Even a small noise'll do it. {24186}{24228}Right, but nothing worse?

{24244}{24349}Well, yes, I guess the dark side|of the spectrum is a brain tumour . {24390}{24437}Really? {24444}{24519}- OK, so here's the new pages.|- Did Cards get these? {24522}{24574}- Not yet, no.|- Let's hope it's good. {24577}{24675}Yeah, really, really.|We'll be down in a minute, OK? {24678}{24753}- (phone ringing)|- Mickey, what's the matter with you? {24756}{24826}I feel dizzy, you know? I don't feel well. {24829}{24893}Do you hear a ringing?|Is there a ringing sound? {24896}{24944}Yeah, yeah. I hear it, I hear it. {24947}{24980}- No, not that.|- Hello? {24983}{25042}Yeah, we're gonna be|working late tonight. {25045}{25093}No, we'll order out. {25096}{25148}If I have a brain tumour,|what am I gonna do? {25151}{25227}You don't have a brain tumour.|He didn't say you had one. {25230}{25331}No, they're not gonna tell you because|sometimes the weaker ones w ill panic. {25334}{25389}But not you? {25392}{25494}- Can you hear buzzing?|- Come on, we got a show to do. {25497}{25578}- I can't keep my mind on the show.|- There's nothing wrong with y ou. {25581}{25659}If there isn't, why does he|want me to come back for tests? {25662}{25729}- He has to rule out certain things.|- Like what? {25732}{25825}- I don't know. Cancer.|- Don't say that. I don't wanna hear that. {25828}{25924}- Don't mention it while I'm in the building.|- You don't have any symptoms. {25927}{25986}I got the classic symptoms|of a brain tumour. {25989}{26059}Two months ago you thought|you had a malignant melanoma. {26062}{26154}Naturally. The sudden appearance|of a black spot on my back. {26157}{26262}- It was on your shirt.|- Was I to know? Everyone was pointing. {26265}{26362}- We've got to make booking decisions.|- I can't think of it. {26365}{26455}This morning I was so happy.|Now I don't know what went wrong. {26458}{26502}You were miserable this morning. {26505}{26589}We got bad reviews, terrible ratings,|the sponsors are furious... {26592}{26678}No, I was happy, but I just|didn't realise I was happy. {26785}{26843}(woman) These are delicious!|What are they? {26846}{26928}- Those are quail eggs. Aren't they good?|- They're very good. {26931}{26995}|My friend April makes those.|Try a shrimp puff. {26998}{27072}- Oh, thank you. That looks good.|- I make those. {27095}{27128}Excuse me. {27131}{27172}Oh, thank you. {27202}{27255}- The stroganoff is ready.|- We're a big hit! {27258}{27355}In this we are. Yesterday I auditioned for|Come Back Little Sheba. Not such a hit. {27358}{27422}You will be. You'll get five jobs next week. {27425}{27520}- Excuse me. Are there any more clams?|- Yeah, a few. Do you like 'em? {27523}{27585}- I can't resist.|- Really? How flattering. {27588}{27676}- Did you try the shrimp puffs?|- You are too attractive to be cat erers. {27679}{27728}- Something's wrong.|- We're actresses. {27731}{27793}- Is this your first job?|- Is the food that bad? {27796}{27824}No, not at all. {27827}{27909}We need more bread and|bechamel sauce for the lasagne. Hi. {27912}{27975}You're an actress with|a great flair for shrimp puffs. {27978}{28077}No, the shrimp puffs are Holly's.|I do the crepes caviare. {28080}{28149}- The quail is responsible for the eggs?|- Let's hope so. {28152}{28221}Here, I stole you a couple of extra clams. {28224}{28320}- Incidentally, I'm David Tolchin.|- Oh, April Knox. Hi. {28323}{28349}- You're Holly?|- Yeah.

{28352}{28408}We're the Stanislavski Catering Company. {28411}{28522}Now I'm gonna tell you the truth. I really|came in because I was b ored by the party. {28525}{28568}How are we more interesting? {28571}{28648}Actually, I'm gonna listen to Aida,|if I'm not in your way. {28651}{28679}(both) Oh, no. {28682}{28776}We saw Pavarotti in Ernani|at the Met, and I cried. {28796}{28823}I cry at the opera. {28826}{28903}(April) I go limp in|the last scene of La Traviata. {28906}{28972}Me too. I have a private box at the Met. {28975}{29079}I bring a bottle of wine. I open it, I sit|there, I watch and I cr y. It's disgusting. {29082}{29139}- What do you do?|- I'm an architect. {29142}{29212}- What kind of things do you build?|- Are you interested? {29215}{29264}Yeah. {29267}{29316}What time do you get off? {29363}{29426}- (Holly) The red one?|- (April) It's magnificent! {29429}{29496}The design's deliberately|noncontextual, but I wanted {29499}{29620}to keep the atmosphere of the street,|and the proportions, and in the material. {29623}{29710}- That's unpolished red granite.|- (April) Is that what it is? {29713}{29774}- It has an organic quality about it.|- Right. {29777}{29884}Almost entirely, wholly interdependent,|if you know what I mean. {29887}{29996}I can't put it into words.|The important thing is, it breathes. {29999}{30084}You know, people pass by vital|structures in this city all the tim e {30087}{30189}and never appreciate them. I get the|feeling you tune into your en vironment. {30192}{30247}Oh, it's really important. {30250}{30313}- What are your favourite buildings?|- Wanna see some? {30316}{30373}- Yeah.|- Well, let's do it. {31428}{31501}(Holly) It's just so romantic.|I just wanna put on a long gown {31504}{31576}and open the French doors|and go on the balcony. {31579}{31692}(David) It's romantic. And it's got a|handsome partner sitting rig ht beside it. {31695}{31797}They fit right in together. And your eye|goes along, lulled into c omplacency, {31800}{31904}- and then... look at this.|- (April) That's disgusting. A monstro sity. {31907}{31985}(Holly) It's really terrible,|and it ruins everything else. {31988}{32078}- (David) It does.|- (April) We have seen a lot of stuff today. {32081}{32176}- Maybe we should start going home.|- Oh, jeez, yeah. {32179}{32284}- Who gets dropped first?|- Oh, gee, I don't know. {32287}{32386}- Well, I live downtown.|- Yeah, we both live downtown. {32409}{32525}- It depends on what way you wanna go.|- I know. If we took Fifth, {32528}{32608}- then we'd get to your house first.|- We could do that. {32611}{32731}- Yeah, but Fifth is so jammed, isn't it?|- Well, sometimes. {32734}{32789}- You live in Chelsea, don't you?|- Yeah. {32792}{32868}Well, I guess if you live in Chelsea,|that's probably first. {32871}{32926}- Oh. OK.|- And then April. {32929}{32968}Right. {33118}{33237}Naturally, I get taken home first.|Obviously he prefers April. {33240}{33301}Of course, I was so tongue-tied all night. {33304}{33370}I can't believe I said that|about the Guggenheim! {33373}{33471}My stupid little roller-skating joke.|I should never tell jokes. {33474}{33558}Mom can tell 'em, and Hannah,|but I kill 'em. {33561}{33691}Where did April come up with that stuff|about Adolph Loos and ''or ganic form''? {33694}{33776}Well, naturally, she went to Brandeis. {33785}{33848}But I don't think she knows|what she's talking about.

{33851}{33914}Could you believe the way|she was calling him ''David''? {33917}{34034}''Yes, David.'' ''I feel that way too, David. ''|''What a marvello us space, David. '' {34037}{34100}I hate April. She's pushy. {34112}{34207}Now they'll dump me and|she'll invite him up. I blew it. {34233}{34287}And I really like him a lot. {34307}{34391}Oh, screw it. I'm not gonna get|all upset. I've got reading to do. {34394}{34518}Maybe I'll get into bed early, turn on|a movie and take an extra S econal. {36507}{36596}- Oh, my goodness!|- Oh, Elliot! What are you doing here? {36599}{36677}- I'm looking for a book store.|- In this section of town? {36680}{36777}Well, yes. I'm killing time. I have|a client near here and I'm qui te early. {36780}{36818}- How about you?|- Well, I... {36821}{36894}Oh, yes! You live near here, don't you? {36897}{36973}- Where are you headed?|- I was just going to my AA meeting. {36976}{37050}Why do you still go to those?|You never touch alcohol. {37053}{37183}You didn't know me before Frederick. I'd|start with a beer about t en in the morning. {37186}{37286}- You must have been very unhappy.|- Yeah, unhappy and fat. {37289}{37357}And I still find the meetings|very comforting. {37360}{37466}I'll never understand it. You're so|bright and charming and beauti ful... {37469}{37546}I think to myself ''What problems|could she possibly have?'' {37549}{37619}Don't let me get started on my childhood. {37622}{37710}Oh, you know what? There is a book store|a couple of blocks from h ere. {37713}{37786}If you don't know about it,|you should. You'd love it. {37789}{37838}Well, if you have some free time...? {37841}{37890}- Yeah, sure.|- Thank you. {37934}{37997}Isn't this great?|They have everything here. {38000}{38059}- Yes, it's wonderful.|- What book did you want? {38062}{38110}- What?|- You wanted to buy a book. {38113}{38198}No, I'm killing time. I just want to browse. {38201}{38275}You've picked the right place.|You can stay all afternoon, {38278}{38319}not buy anything and just read. {38322}{38409}Unless, if you have some time,|we could get some coffee. {38412}{38487}- No, I don't have time.|- No, I understand completely. {38490}{38551}No problem. You're busy. I... {38554}{38622}- You seem tense. Is everything OK?|- No, no. {38625}{38668}- No?|- Uh, yes. {38671}{38737}- Everything's OK?|- Yeah. How are you? {38740}{38785}I'm... all right. {38788}{38843}- How's Frederick?|- Fine. {38846}{38916}We went to the Caravaggio|exhibition at the Met. {38919}{39034}It's such a treat to go through a museum|with Frederick. You learn so much. {39037}{39133}- Do you like Caravaggio?|- Oh, yes. Who doesn't? {39136}{39175}Look. {39205}{39283}ee cummings. I'd like to get you this. {39286}{39403}- Oh, no. I can't let you get me that.|- Yes, I'd like to, very mu ch. {39406}{39483}I read a poem of you|and thought of his last week... {39486}{39555}a poem of his and thought of you! {39586}{39635}- You'll be fine, though.|- This is great. {39638}{39731}- I love ee cummings, but...|- Listen. I'd love to get you this. {39734}{39828}- Are you sure?|- Maybe we could discuss it sometime. {39948}{40039}- Well, thanks a lot.|- Thanks for showing me the book store. {40042}{40119}Perhaps you could take me|to an AA meeting sometime. {40122}{40181}- I'd love to see what goes on.|- Yeah, you'd love it.

{40184}{40263}It's really entertaining.|I know you'd have a good time. {40266}{40349}And don't forget the poem on page 112. {40352}{40411}- It reminded me of you.|- Really? {40518}{40571}Page 112. {40574}{40618}- Goodbye.|- Bye. {40794}{40885}(Lee) ''your slightest look|easily will unclose me {40888}{40950}though I have closed myself as fingers, {40953}{41062}you open always petal by petal|myself as Spring opens {41065}{41169}(touching skilfully, mysteriously)|her first rose... {41214}{41274}..(I do not know what it is|about you that closes {41277}{41384}and opens,; only something|in me understands {41387}{41481}the voice of your eyes|is deeper than all roses) {41510}{41639}nobody, not even the rain,|has such small hands'' {42980}{43107}I wasn't too happy with the results|of your ENG or your BSER, eith er, {43110}{43229}which is why I sent you to Tomography,|where you saw that stuff ro lling around. {43232}{43294}You see this little grey area here? {43297}{43386}That grey area's what I had hoped|that we wouldn't run into. {43395}{43484}I'd like you to come in Monday morning|for a CAT scan. {43510}{43598}- A brain scan?|- Mr. Sachs, let's take it one step at a time. {43601}{43726}We won't make any decisions until we|have all the information in f ront of us. {43795}{43861}OK, take it easy. {43864}{43926}He didn't say you had anything. {43929}{44015}He just doesn't like the spot|on your X-ray, that's all. {44018}{44122}It doesn't mean you have anything.|Don't jump to conclusions. {44125}{44168}Nothing's gonna happen to you. {44171}{44239}You're in the middle of New York City.|This is your town. {44242}{44330}You're surrounded by people|and traffic and restaurants. God... {44333}{44410}How can you just one day vanish? {44443}{44522}Keep calm. You're gonna be OK. {44525}{44571}Don't panic. {44587}{44639}I'm dying! I'm dying! {44642}{44707}I know it! There's a spot on my lungs! {44710}{44809}All right, now take it easy.|It's not on your lungs, it's on your ear. {44812}{44910}It's the same thing, isn't it?|Jesus, I can't sleep! {44913}{45000}God, there's a tumour in my head|the size of a basketball! {45003}{45076}Now I keep thinking|I can feel it every time I blink! {45079}{45165}Oh, Jesus!|He wants me to do a brain scan {45168}{45230}to confirm what he already suspects. {45233}{45283}Look, I'll make a deal with God. {45286}{45376}Let it just be my ear, OK?|I'll go deaf, and blind in one eye, may be. {45379}{45448}But I don't want a brain operation.|Once they go into my skull, {45451}{45555}I'll wind up like the guy with the wool cap|who delivers for the f lorist. {45558}{45673}Relax, will ya? Your whole life, you run|to doctors, the news is a lways fine. {45676}{45751}No, that's not true. What about years ago? {45758}{45837}I'm sorry to say, Mr. Sachs,|that you cannot have children. {45895}{45937}Gee. {45940}{45983}Is there no chance? {45986}{46060}This doesn't mean that|you can't have a normal sex life, {46063}{46136}but Mr. Sachs' tests indicate|that he is infertile. {46139}{46204}Small sperm volume and infertile. {46207}{46264}Is there anything I can do?|Push-ups? Hormones? {46267}{46333}- I'm afraid not.|- I gotta get a second opinion. {46336}{46401}- This is the second opinion.|- Well, a third opinion.

{46404}{46454}I realise this is a blow. {46457}{46561}My experience is that many very fine|marriages become unstable {46564}{46671}and are destroyed by an inability|to deal with this sort of proble m. {46674}{46731}I hope you won't make too much of it. {46734}{46858}One can adopt children, and there are|various artificial methods o f fertilisation. {46869}{46956}- I'm so humiliated.|- Could you have ruined yourself? {46959}{47049}- How could I ruin myself?|- I don't know. Excessive masturbation? {47052}{47122}Hey, you gonna start|knockin' my hobbies? Jesus! {47125}{47229}- Maybe we can adopt a child.|- What about artificial insemination ? {47232}{47299}- What are you talkin' about?|- I would get implanted. {47302}{47399}- By a stranger?|- They have banks where they're frozen. {47402}{47489}- You want a defrosted kid?|- I want to experience childbirth. {47492}{47586}- With a stranger?|- Just think about it, that's all I ask. {47589}{47678}Oh, that was a wonderful show.|That's the best show you two ever w rote. {47681}{47784}The funniest show that Mickey and I ever|did was the one we won th e Emmy for. {47787}{47914}I think as far as plain laughs go, that was|probably the best thin g that we ever did. {47917}{48029}Yeah, it was funny, but the show about|the two Frenchmen was funny and warm. {48032}{48124}- We got that idea on that trip to Paris.|- Remember that summer i n France? {48127}{48180}Hannah, you had jet lag for six weeks. {48183}{48274}Yeah, but it was... I guess|we had fun when we were there. {48277}{48328}Sorry. Coffee? {48331}{48394}Listen, you guys... Want some more? {48397}{48489}We had something|we really wanted to discuss with you. {48492}{48591}Yeah. Jesus, this is very delicate. {48594}{48673}And I only bring this up amongst friends. {48698}{48797}This should not go|any further than this room. {48800}{48849}I'm all ears. {48887}{48962}Hannah and I can't have any children. {48965}{49090}Now, I don't wanna get into whose|fault it is. It's my fault that we can't. {49093}{49145}The details are too embarrassing to... {49148}{49285}We've decided, after a lot of discussion,|that we'd try with artif icial insemination. {49288}{49350}Yeah, I'm not so sure|that I like that idea myself. {49353}{49483}And I didn't want to go to a sperm bank|and have some anonymous do nor. {49486}{49531}I just wouldn't want that. {49534}{49631}We felt, if we were gonna do it, we'd like|somebody who we knew an d liked, {49634}{49695}and was warm and bright... {49698}{49756}(Hannah) You can say no.|Feel free to say no. {49759}{49821}We realise it has all kinds of implications. {49824}{49935}The point that we're making here|is that we need some sperm. {49990}{50042}Gee. {50045}{50198}Well, my first reaction, after the initial|shock, is flattered tha t you'd ask me. {50201}{50293}I would be the father. You would|just have to masturbate into a li ttle cup. {50296}{50411}- I can handle that.|- Obviously we wouldn't have intercourse. {50414}{50509}Gosh, listen. I've gotta tell you the truth.|I'm a little uneasy a bout this. {50512}{50630}- I know it's a lot to ask.|- Well, I feel for you, I do. I...

{50633}{50722}I'm gonna cry. You want|my husband to have a child with you? {50725}{50849}Don't answer now. Just take it home|and think about it for a while . {50870}{50981}I gave blood before...|and clothing to the poor. {50984}{51059}OK, Norman, listen.|I really wanna talk about this at home. {51062}{51149}I think it's a matter for|your analyst, and mine. {51152}{51191}And maybe my lawyer. {51194}{51311}We understand completely|if you feel you'd rather not. {51344}{51463}I didn't mean to spoil the evening.|Let's move on to another topic . {51466}{51560}So you had my ex-partner's baby. Twins. {51563}{51674}And maybe that did cause some trouble,|but I think we were driftin g apart anyhow. {51677}{51752}Now, instead of man and wife,|we're just good friends. {51755}{51840}Boy, love is really unpredictable. {51843}{51902}( # aria from ''Manon Lescaut'') {53110}{53185}Lee? Frederick? Say hello to Dusty Frye. {53188}{53223}- Hi, Dusty.|- Hi. {53226}{53322}Dusty's just bought a huge house in|Southampton and he's decoratin g it. {53325}{53435}Yeah, it's kind of a weird place.|A lot of wall space. How you doi n', man? {53438}{53507}I told him about your work|and he's very excited. {53510}{53579}I got an Andy Warhol,|and I got a Frank Stella too. {53582}{53669}It's very beautiful. Big, weird, you know? {53672}{53776}If you stare at that Stella too long,|the colours just seem to flo at. It's weird. {53779}{53836}Are you excited about|becoming a collector? {53839}{53947}Yeah. I got a lot more to learn, though.|I really wasn't into art when I was a kid. {53950}{54010}Do you appreciate drawings? {54013}{54044}Yeah. {54047}{54126}Oh, hey, wow. She's beautiful. {54166}{54272}But really I need somethin'...|I'm lookin' for somethin' big. {54275}{54344}- Frederick, show him the oils.|- They're in the basement. {54347}{54419}Frederick's done a new series|that I'm sure you'd love. {54422}{54488}- Are they big?|- Yeah, some of them are. {54491}{54540}Cos I got a lot of wall space there. {54543}{54622}I don't sell my work by the yard. {54625}{54665}Oh, Frederick! {54800}{54861}- How's everything?|- Oh, you know. {54881}{54930}I talked to Hannah this morning. {54933}{54995}She said you were going to|the country this weekend. {54998}{55052}Yes, she loves to go out in the woods. {55055}{55129}But I go nuts. It's a conflict. {55186}{55285}- I have to get my teeth cleaned this week.|- Oh, that's nice. {55336}{55398}I figured I'd get|Frederick and Dusty together. {55401}{55494}- Yeah, that's really nice of you.|- This kid, he's earned a trill ion dollars. {55497}{55603}- He's got six gold records.|- Oh, speaking of records, {55606}{55659}I bought that Mozart trio|you recommended. {55662}{55727}The man in the shop showed me|another one you'd love. {55730}{55812}It's another Bach, second movement. {55815}{55897}You have that one? I'd love to hear it. {55900}{56011}Oh, and Holly met a wonderful man|who loves opera, an architect. {56014}{56105}Well, that's nice.|I'd love to see her wind up settled. {56108}{56157}She's a tense one. {56381}{56428}Isn't that beautiful? {56431}{56473}I know this. {56476}{56570}Bach, F Minor Concerto.|It's one of my favourites.

{56651}{56699}Uh... {56702}{56778}Did you ever get around to ee cummings? {56781}{56835}Yes, he's just adorable. {56870}{56973}They have a very large gay clientele|where I get my teeth cleaned. {56976}{57068}All the hygienists now wear gloves|because they're afraid of AIDS. {57071}{57120}Oh, right. {57183}{57269}Did you ever get around|to the poem on page 112? {57296}{57395}Yes, it made me cry,|it was so beautiful, so romantic. {57440}{57497}(Elliot) I want so badly to kiss her. {57500}{57586}Not here, you idiot.|You've got to get her alone someplace. {57589}{57714}But I've got to proceed cautiously.|This is a very delicate situat ion. {57717}{57757}OK, uh... {57760}{57841}Ask her if you can see her for lunch,|or a drink tomorrow. {57844}{57934}And be ready to make light|of the offer if she's unresponsive. {57937}{58047}This has to be done very skilfully|and very diplomatically. {58050}{58099}Did you ever read this one...? {58138}{58207}- Elliot, don't!|- Lee, I'm in love with you! {58245}{58289}- (record jumps)|- What are you doing? {58292}{58370}I'm sorry. I have to talk to you.|There's so much I want to say. {58373}{58458}- I've been in love with you for so long...|- (Frederick shouting) {58481}{58540}Forget it! I'm not interested in selling it. {58543}{58622}I only asked if you had|something with a little puce in it! {58625}{58646}What's wrong? {58649}{58708}I don't care about your interior decorator! {58711}{58816}I can't commit to anything without|consulting her first. That's wh y I have her. {58819}{58920}This is degrading! You don't buy paintings|to blend in with the so fa! {58923}{58997}It's not a sofa. It's an ottoman! {59000}{59087}God, forget it.|Let's just get outta here, Elliot. {59109}{59178}What a weirdo that guy is. Paranoid... {59219}{59280}- What's the matter with you?|- I'll be OK. {59283}{59369}- It's no big deal. We just didn't hit it off.|- No, you go on ahe ad. {59372}{59454}- Are you OK? You're sweating.|- Yeah, I just need some fresh air. {59457}{59561}It's probably something I ate.|I'll walk, you go ahead. Go on. {59967}{60016}- (phone rings)|- Hello. {60036}{60070}Hello? {60089}{60133}Hello! {60326}{60375}Oh, there you are! I was looking for you. {60378}{60447}I must apologies.|I'm sorry. I'm so mixed up! {60450}{60499}How do you expect me to react? {60502}{60564}I know, but I am in love with you. {60567}{60652}- Oh, don't say those words!|- I'm sorry. I know, it's terrible. {60655}{60722}- You know the situation.|- I know. I realise. {60725}{60821}- What do you expect me to say?|- Hannah and I are in the last sta ges. {60824}{60896}She's never said so, and|we're very close. She'd tell me. {60899}{60953}It's so sad. She's crazy about me, {60956}{61033}but somewhere along the line,|I've fallen out of love with her. {61036}{61122}- Not because of me, I hope?|- Oh, no, no... Well, yes! I love you . {61125}{61239}- I can't be the cause of anything...|- No, it was inevitable that we part. {61242}{61295}- Why?|- For a million reasons. {61298}{61394}- But not over me?|- No, we're going in different directions. {61397}{61445}- Poor Hannah.|- But how about you? {61448}{61538}Do you share any of my feelings, or|is this an unpleasant embarras sment?

{61541}{61644}- I can't say anything.|- Be candid. I don't want you to feel bad. {61647}{61738}Yes, I have certain feelings for you,|but don't make me say anythi ng more. {61741}{61857}OK, OK, you've said enough. It's my|responsibility now. I'll work things out. {61860}{61953}Don't do anything for me. I live with|Frederick, and Hannah and I are close. {61956}{62069}- Yes, but you do care about me?|- Elliot, please, I can't be a pa rty to this. {62072}{62142}I'm suddenly wracked with guilt|just talking to you. {62145}{62212}Your guilt is because you feel the same. {62215}{62297}Oh, please, I have to go.|I have to get my teeth cleaned. {62318}{62397}I have my answer. I have my answer. {62421}{62470}I'm walking on air! {62887}{62942}- God, am I glad to see you!|- Hi. How's she doing? {62945}{63023}She's in the kitchen there.|It's the same thing. {63026}{63098}She promises, promises.|And it's all lies, always. {63101}{63144}Don't make it worse, Dad. {63147}{63194}Hi, Mom. How are you doing? {63197}{63279}I'll get you some coffee.|That's enough of that. What triggered it ? {63282}{63339}We were making a commercial|at the mayor's office. {63342}{63391}There was this young salesman {63394}{63507}and your mother was throwing|herself at him in a disgusting way. {63510}{63632}Then she found she was too old to seduce|him, that he was just emb arrassed by her. {63635}{63664}Liar! Liar! {63667}{63795}At lunch, she got drunker and drunker,|and finally she became Joan Collins. {63798}{63904}All my life I've had to put up|with insults from this non-person! {63907}{63994}This haircut that passes for a man! {63997}{64104}He could never support us. It's|a good thing we had a talented dau ghter. {64107}{64172}I can only hope that she was mine! {64175}{64267}With you as her mother, her father|could be anybody in Actors' Equ ity! {64270}{64334}She's talented,|so it's unlikely she's yours. {64337}{64422}Dad, could you stay in the other room|and let me take care of her? {64425}{64550}You never know when she's gonna fall off|the wagon and humiliate e verybody. {64553}{64610}Here, Mom. Drink this. {64613}{64692}You know, you're awful.|You probably were flirting. {64695}{64775}No! I like to joke around and have fun {64778}{64846}and he gets angry|because I get the attention. {64849}{64967}He's gotten sourer as he's gotten older|and I've tried to stay you ng... at heart. {64970}{65017}You promised to stay on the wagon. {65020}{65081}The sacrifices I've made|because of that man... {65084}{65210}He's ruined me with his ego,|his philandering, his... mediocrity! {65213}{65263}OK, stop being so dramatic. {65266}{65325}He's the one that's laid|every ingenue in stock! {65328}{65376}OK, OK. {65379}{65433}- They wanted me for a screen test.|- I know. {65436}{65506}But I knew that he'd get up there|and flounder around {65509}{65615}with his expensive haircuts|and hairdos and clothes. {65618}{65666}He's all show. {65669}{65793}Now, how can you act when|there's nothing inside to come out? {65813}{65893}( # piano playing) {66043}{66158}(Hannah) She was so beautiful|at one time, and he was so dashing, {66161}{66286}both of them just full of promise|and hopes that never materialise

d. {66307}{66420}Then the fights and the constant|infidelities to prove themselves {66423}{66492}and blaming each other. It's sad. {66511}{66627}They loved the idea of having us kids,|but raising us didn't inter est them much. {66630}{66755}But it's impossible to hold it against|them. They didn't know anyt hing else. {66773}{66906}You know, of all of us in the family, you|were the one blessed wit h the true gift. {66909}{67040}My true gift is luck, Mom. I just had|a lot of luck, from my first show. {67043}{67106}I thought Lee was the one|destined for great things. {67109}{67228}Yes, she's lovely, but she doesn't|have your spark. She knows it. {67231}{67315}She worships you.|She wouldn't dare get up there on stage. {67318}{67427}- Now, Holly's not shy.|- Holly's game for anything. {67430}{67475}- Holly takes after me.|- True. {67478}{67539}I'd have been a great dope addict. {67574}{67623}Remember this, Hannah? {69630}{69704}Mr Sachs, I'm afraid the news is not good. {69760}{69826}If I can show you exactly|where the tumour is, {69829}{69922}and why we feel that|surgery would be of no use... {69964}{70028}It's over. {70031}{70090}I'm face to face with eternity. {70114}{70163}Not later, but now. {70189}{70293}I'm so frightened,|I can't move, speak or breathe. {70359}{70447}Well, you're just fine.|There's absolutely nothing here at all. {70450}{70504}And your tests are all fine. {70534}{70631}I must admit, I was concerned,|given your symptoms. {70634}{70705}What caused this hearing loss,|we'll never know for sure, {70708}{70831}but whatever it was, it's certainly not|anything serious. I'm very relieved. {70834}{70883}( # lively jazz) {71248}{71323}What do you mean, you're quitting? Why? {71326}{71427}The news is good.|You don't have canc... the thing. {71430}{71508}Do you realise what a thread|we're all hanging by? {71511}{71575}You're off the hook.|You should be celebrating. {71578}{71645}Can you understand how|meaningless everything is? {71648}{71744}I'm talking about our lives, the show,|the whole world. It's meani ngless. {71747}{71846}- Yeah, but you're not dying.|- No, I'm not dying now, but... {71849}{71941}When I ran out of the hospital, I was so|thrilled because I was go ing to be OK. {71944}{72020}I'm running down the street,|and suddenly I stop. It hit me. {72023}{72109}So I'm not gonna go today,|I'm not gonna go tomorrow, {72112}{72173}but eventually|I'm gonna be in that position. {72176}{72278}- You're just realising this now?|- No, I've known it all the time . {72281}{72337}But I stuck it in the back of my mind {72340}{72431}because it's a very|horrible thing to think about. {72434}{72493}- Can I tell you something? A secret?|- Yeah, sure. {72496}{72584}A week ago, I bought a rifle.|I went into a store and bought one. {72587}{72637}If I had a tumour, I was gonna kill myself. {72640}{72729}The only thing that might've stopped me|is my parents would be dev astated. {72732}{72781}I would have had to shoot them first. {72784}{72863}And then my aunt and uncle.|It would have been a bloodbath. {72866}{72971}Well, you know, eventually|it is going to happen to all of us. {72974}{73097}But doesn't that ruin everything for you?|It takes the pleasure ou t of everything. {73100}{73192}You're gonna die, I'm gonna die, the|audience, the network, the sp

onsor... {73195}{73253}- I know, and your hamster.|- Yes! {73256}{73337}Listen, kid. I think you snapped your cap. {73340}{73442}Maybe you need a few weeks in Bermuda|or something, or go to a who rehouse. {73445}{73497}I can't stay on this show. I need answers. {73500}{73594}Otherwise, I'm telling you,|I'm gonna do something drastic. {74051}{74135}- I thought you weren't coming.|- I almost didn't. {74160}{74234}- I didn't sleep all night.|- No, I'm sure. {74265}{74344}What are we doing, meeting|in a hotel room? It's terrible. {74347}{74416}I couldn't think where to invite you|without taking risks. {74419}{74511}I promised myself I wouldn't let this|happen till you were living alone. {74514}{74560}I was so torn when you called. {74563}{74667}I've wanted to call you every day|since I first told you how I fel t. {74670}{74724}I resisted so many times. {74791}{74840}Don't think badly of me. {74905}{74955}This is not an easy situation. {74958}{75007}I know it isn't. {75415}{75464}That was just perfect. {75487}{75549}You've ruined me for anyone else. {75552}{75626}I don't want anyone else ever to have you. {75652}{75715}I was so worried|I wouldn't compare with Hannah. {75718}{75815}Oh, my God. You really do have|those thoughts, don't you? {75818}{75867}All the time. {75870}{75927}I know she must be|a really passionate person. {75930}{76059}Yes, she's very warm and giving,|but it's me that wants to be givi ng to you. {76062}{76183}I wanna do things for you.|Hannah doesn't need me as much. {76186}{76292}Oh, I'm being presumptuous.|Not that you need me... {76295}{76352}I want you to take care of me. {76386}{76455}And I love when you do things to me. {77156}{77216}- You're late.|- Lucy and I kept talking. {77219}{77280}I didn't realise how late it had got. {77302}{77400}You missed a very dull|TV show about Auschwitz. {77403}{77505}More gruesome film clips,|and more puzzled intellectuals {77508}{77613}declaring their mystification over|the systematic murder of millio ns. {77616}{77715}The reason why they can never answer|the question ''How could it h appen?'' {77718}{77764}is that it's the wrong question. {77767}{77861}Given what people are, the question is|''Why doesn't it happen mor e often?'' {77864}{77993}- Of course, it does, in subtler forms.|- I have a headache from t his weather. {78071}{78148}It's been ages since|I sat in front of the TV, {78151}{78218}just changing channels to find something. {78221}{78277}You see the whole culture: {78280}{78334}Nazis, deodorant salesmen, {78356}{78435}wrestlers, beauty contests,|the talk show... {78455}{78549}Can you imagine the level of|a mind that watches wrestling? {78552}{78673}But the worst are the fundamentalist|preachers: third-rate con men {78676}{78762}telling the poor suckers that watch them|that they speak for Jesus . {78765}{78849}And to please send in money.|Money, money, money. {78852}{78957}If Jesus came back and saw|what's going on in his name, {78960}{79059}- he'd never stop throwing up.|- Oh, God, would you please lighten up? {79062}{79171}I'm really not in the mood to hear|a review of contemporary societ

y again. {79199}{79287}- You've been very nervous lately.|- I can't take this any more. {79290}{79363}I'm trying to complete an education|I started five years ago. {79366}{79428}I'm not your pupil. I was, but I'm not. {79431}{79514}When you leave the nest, I want you|to be ready to face the real w orld. {79517}{79570}We're going to have to|make some changes. {79573}{79647}- Like what?|- You know what. I'm suffocating. {79650}{79763}- Are we having this conversation again?|- Yes, we are having it a gain. {79766}{79842}- I have to leave. I have to move out.|- Why? {79845}{79925}- Because I have to.|- What are you going to use for money? {79928}{80013}I don't know. I thought maybe I'd|move in with my parents for a wh ile. {80016}{80130}I always told you you would leave me.|Does it have to be now? {80133}{80213}Maybe it'll only be temporary,|but I have to try. {80216}{80290}Oh, Lee. You are my whole world. {80380}{80465}Good God. Have you been kissed tonight? {80468}{80525}- No.|- Oh, yes, you have. {80528}{80589}- You've been with someone!|- Stop accusing me! {80592}{80644}I'm too smart, Lee. You can't fool me! {80647}{80697}- You're turning all red.|- Leave me alone! {80700}{80759}Christ, what's wrong with you? {80823}{80892}- I'm sorry.|- Couldn't you say something? {80895}{80982}- You have to slither behind my back...|- I'm saying it now! {80985}{81034}So you met somebody else? {81058}{81082}Yeah. {81085}{81186}But you knew it was going to happen|sooner or later. I can't live like this! {81189}{81268}- Who is it?|- What's the difference? Somebody I met. {81271}{81373}- But who? Where did you meet him?|- It doesn't matter. I have to move out. {81376}{81435}You are my only connection to the world. {81438}{81535}Oh, God, that's too much|responsibility for me. It's not fair! {81538}{81608}I want a less complicated life.|I want a husband, {81611}{81712}- maybe even a child, before it's too late.|- Jesus! Jesus! {81715}{81784}Oh, God, I don't even know what I want. {81857}{81931}What do you get out of me,|anyway? I mean... {81965}{82020}It's not sexual any more. {82046}{82138}It's certainly not intellectual.|You're so superior to me in every way... {82141}{82190}Don't patronise me! {82226}{82357}God, I should have married you|years ago, when you wanted to. {82360}{82456}- I should have agreed.|- It never would have worked. {82500}{82599}I told you one day you would|leave me for a younger man. I... {82863}{82949}What passion today with Lee!|She's a volcano. {82978}{83087}It was a totally fulfilling experience,|just as I'd dreamed it wou ld be. {83090}{83200}That's what it was. It was like|living out a dream. A great dream. {83226}{83312}Now I feel very good and cosy|being here next to Hannah. {83315}{83381}There's something very lovely|and real about Hannah. {83384}{83494}She gives me a very deep feeling|of being part of something. {83497}{83594}She's a wonderful woman...|and I betrayed her. {83597}{83660}She came into my empty life|and changed it, {83663}{83752}and I paid her back by|banging her sister in a hotel room. {83755}{83853}God, I'm despicable.|What a cruel and shallow thing to do. {83856}{83914}I have to call her and say|what we did was crazy. {83917}{84018}It can't happen again. I'm not that kind|of man, and I value Hanna h too much. {84021}{84107}I love my wife.|Now I betrayed her. Oh, God!

{84126}{84212}- Where are you going?|- I've, uh, got to get a phone number. {84215}{84273}- I forgot to phone Mel Kaufman.|- It's so late. {84277}{84325}Yeah, I can't believe I forgot. {84352}{84418}If he answers, I'll hang up. {84421}{84533}I'll tell her we can't communicate until|I terminate my marriage. It's immoral. {84536}{84635}Then time will pass, I won't call,|and she'll get the idea. {84638}{84702}Gotta stop this before I get in too deep. {84705}{84803}I'd rather hurt Lee a little|than destroy Hannah. {84806}{84923}It's 1 .30. She can't have a conversation|with me with him around. {84926}{84977}I'm getting hysterical. {84980}{85036}I'll call her first thing in the morning. {85039}{85079}I'll call her at six. {85082}{85199}Frederick goes jogging at six.|I'll call her and nip it in the bud . {85202}{85227}(phone rings) {85230}{85279}I've got it! I've got it! {85301}{85338}Hello? {85341}{85376}Mel! {85379}{85461}I would have hung up if you hadn't|answered and I won't do this ag ain, {85464}{85559}but I just had to tell you...|I feel very close to you tonight. {85562}{85616}Very, very close. {85619}{85663}Good night. {86000}{86082}(Mickey) Millions of books written|on every conceivable subject {86085}{86197}by all these great minds, and in the end|none of them knows anythi ng more {86200}{86268}about the big questions of life than I do. {86271}{86339}Jesus, I read Socrates. {86342}{86447}This guy used to knock off little Greek|boys. What the hell's he g ot to teach me? {86450}{86556}And Nietzsche, with his|theory of eternal recurrence. {86559}{86639}He said that the life we live,|we're gonna live over and over agai n {86642}{86707}the exact same way for eternity. {86710}{86844}Great. That means I'll have to sit through|the ''Ice Capades'' aga in. It's not worth it. {86847}{86921}And Freud, another great pessimist. {86924}{87002}I was in analysis for years.|Nothing happened. {87005}{87128}My poor analyst got so frustrated,|the guy finally put in a salad bar. {87131}{87187}Look at all these people jogging, {87190}{87266}trying to stave off|the inevitable decay of the body. {87269}{87333}Boy, it's so sad what people go through {87336}{87436}with their stationary bike|and their exercise. {87439}{87548}Look at this one. Poor thing.|She has to tote all that fat around. {87551}{87605}She should pull it on a dolly. {87628}{87722}Maybe the poets are right.|Maybe love is the only answer. {87725}{87805}I was in love with Hannah,|but it didn't work out too well. {87808}{87883}I even took her sister out.|Remember that, years ago? {87886}{88000}When Hannah and I got divorced and|she fixed me up with her sister Holly? {88003}{88065}( # rock guitar) {88073}{88163}# I wanna be like you,|said I'm gonna fit into your group {88206}{88306}# I don't wanna be different,|said I'm gonna be just like you {88343}{88434}# Because I'm gonna buy the records|that they play on the radio {88475}{88576}# I'm gonna dance at clubs,|gonna do just what I'm told {88605}{88695}# And I'm bleedin', you know... {88698}{88792}- Why are you makin' those faces?|- I can't hear you. I can't hear anything.

{88795}{88903}- I'm gonna lose hearing in my ear.|- Listen, you're witnessing ge nius. {88906}{88985}My ears are experiencing a meltdown.|I can't hear anything. {88988}{89050}Can't you feel the energy,|the tangible energy? {89053}{89113}The room's alive with positive vibrations. {89116}{89210}I'm frightened. After they sing,|they're gonna take hostages. {89213}{89273}Don't, no, please. {89276}{89355}- You want some? Come on!|- No, you've been doing that all night. {89358}{89447}You're gonna burn a hole...|You're gonna develop a third nostril. {89450}{89532}- Don't, please. Can we go?|- No! {89564}{89656}# Because I'm gonna buy the records|that they play on the radio... {89675}{89753}I love songs about|extraterrestrial life. Don't you? {89756}{89851}- Not if they're sung by extraterrestrials.|- I cannot communicate with you! {89854}{89903}I never knew you were such a tight-ass. {89906}{90002}Both your sisters have such good taste|in music. Where did you go wrong? {90005}{90052}Do you mind? I'm my own person. {90055}{90132}- Can I take you to hear something nice?|- It's getting late. {90135}{90210}- Come on, cos you're being angry.|- I'm not angry! {90213}{90304}You don't believe in ESP, you don't|like rock music, you won't get high... {90307}{90353}It's like I'm dating Cardinal Cooke! {90356}{90405}( # ''I'm In Love Again'') {90505}{90569}# Why am I {90572}{90641}# Just as reckless as a child? {90657}{90720}# Why am I {90723}{90792}# Like a racehorse runnin' wild? {90807}{90869}# Why am I {90872}{90949}# In a state of ecstasy? {90965}{91069}# The reason is cos something's|happened to me {91081}{91134}# I'm in love again {91160}{91226}# And the spring is comin' {91229}{91278}# I'm in love again {91302}{91371}# Hear my heartstrings strummin' {91374}{91423}# I'm in love again {91438}{91514}# And the hymn they're hummin' {91517}{91642}# Is those cuddle-up, huddle-up blues {91645}{91694}# I'm in love again {91719}{91798}# And I can't rise above it {91801}{91854}# I'm in love again {91857}{91938}# And I love, love, love it {91956}{92019}- Thanks for a swell time(!)|- If you didn't like it, {92022}{92062}you didn't have to talk over him. {92065}{92147}- I was so bored.|- Tough. You don't deserve Cole Porter! {92150}{92213}Stay with groups that look like|they'll stab their mothers. {92216}{92311}- At least I'm open to new concepts.|- And you snort cocaine all t he time. {92314}{92364}Do you carry a kilo in your purse? {92367}{92453}This crowd wouldn't know the difference.|They're embalmed. {92456}{92548}I'm glad Hannah got us together.|She's got a great instinct for pe ople(!) {92551}{92617}- I'm sorry it didn't work out.|- Yeah, me too. {92620}{92703}- I've been a little depressed lately.|- I had a great time tonigh t. {92706}{92800}- It was like the Nuremberg trials.|- I'll see myself home! {92853}{92905}(Mickey) Yep, it was quite an evening. {92908}{92972}Holly with her cocaine. Jesus! {92975}{93062}She should have been wearing|a gold shovel around her neck. {93065}{93154}She was polymorphously|insensitive, I think.

{93157}{93190}Too bad, too, {93193}{93272}because I always had|a little crush on her. {93448}{93517}( # ''You Made Me Love You'') {94097}{94146}You just have to read the instructions. {94149}{94237}You set one of these things|and you can take pictures underwater. {94240}{94301}When we get to the country,|we'll try it in the lake. {94304}{94353}- Can I try?|- Yeah, OK. {94590}{94641}Are you in a bad mood? {94644}{94705}I don't know. I'm just antsy. {94708}{94781}Yes, I know. The last few weeks|you haven't been yourself. {94784}{94868}And tonight at dinner|you were kind of curt with me. {94871}{94917}- Was I?|- Yes, you were. {94920}{95030}And when I brought up the idea of having|a baby, you jumped down m y throat. {95033}{95106}- Well, I don't think it's a very good idea.|- Why not? {95109}{95188}Because it's the last thing|in the world we need right now. {95191}{95245}Why do you say that?|Is something wrong? {95248}{95320}- I don't know.|- Well, tell me. Should I be worried? {95329}{95420}- Well, you got four children.|- I want one with you. {95423}{95521}Well... I think we should|wait till things settle. {95524}{95575}What does that mean? {95578}{95664}We've been married four years.|How settled can things get? {95667}{95756}You have some very set plans on|how your life should be structured . {95759}{95851}A house, kids, certain school,|a home in Connecticut... {95854}{95913}It's all very... preconceived. {95922}{95995}Yeah, but I... I thought you needed that. {95998}{96055}When we met,|you said your life was chaos. {96058}{96146}I know, but there's|gotta be some give and take. {96149}{96246}Oh, listen. I don't know|what the hell I'm talking about. {96249}{96302}- Are you angry with me?|- No! {96305}{96391}Do you feel, um...|Are you disenchanted with our marriage? {96394}{96452}- I didn't say that.|- Do you love someone else? {96455}{96545}My God, what is this? The Gestapo? No! {96548}{96627}- What are you not telling me?|- What kind of interrogation...? {96630}{96719}Suppose I said ''Yes, I am disenchanted,|I am in love with someone else''? {96722}{96793}- Are you?|- No! {96796}{96902}But you keep asking awful questions.|It's like you want me to say yes! {96905}{97016}What are you talking about?|Of course not. I'd be destroyed. {97019}{97087}For Christ's sake, stop torturing her. {97090}{97157}Tell her you want out and get it over with. {97160}{97255}You're in love with her sister.|You didn't do it on purpose. {97258}{97335}Be honest. It's always the best way. {97338}{97393}Can I help you? {97396}{97473}If you're suffering over something,|will you share it with me? {97476}{97525}Hannah. {97544}{97598}You know how much I love you. {97650}{97739}I ought to have my head examined.|I don't deserve you. {97910}{97990}(Holly) I want to look good,|but I don't want to feel overdressed. {97993}{98052}- No, not at all.|- Well, how about this? {98055}{98143}I really like that.|I think that's a pretty colour on you. {98146}{98225}Ever think you'd be helping me|buy something to wear to the opera? {98228}{98281}I think it's great. I can't wait to meet him. {98284}{98390}He's married and his wife's in and out|of institutions. She's schi zophrenic. {98393}{98464}Sometimes she's terrific,|and then she just breaks down. {98467}{98588}He has a sweet daughter. When she goes|to college, he's gonna spli t permanently.

{98591}{98676}He's paid his dues, but she helped|him through architectural schoo l. {98679}{98731}You found all this out on one date? {98734}{98818}I figured he's dying to open up. It's so sad. {98821}{98893}|Now, what should I wear to my audition? {98896}{98994}I've got a singing audition for a Broadway|musical. Of course, I'l l never get it. {98997}{99041}- Singing?|- Can you believe it? {99044}{99120}- Really?|- Well, I mean, why not, you know? {99123}{99261}- What have I got to lose?|- I know, I just... I didn't know you s ang. {99282}{99342}You think everybody in|musicals sings so well? {99345}{99388}No, no. {99391}{99438}Just that... they sing. {99441}{99490}Well, you know... {99523}{99624}- I sing a little. I mean...|- Oh, I know. No, I know. {99653}{99720}Don't say that, cos confidence|is not my strong point. {99723}{99785}No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. {99788}{99837}I think I can fake my way through a song. {99840}{99889}- Uh-huh?|- Easily. {99942}{100055}- Why? You don't think it's realistic?|- No, I didn't... That's.. . No. {100058}{100170}I just hate to see you put yourself|in a position where you get hurt. {100173}{100230}You know how you take|every single rejection {100233}{100315}as a confirmation that you|have no talent or something. {100318}{100388}- Yeah, well, maybe I'll get it.|- I hope. {100391}{100465}Boy, you really know|how to cut me down. {100468}{100539}What? No, don't be so sensitive.|Can't I say anything? {100542}{100629}Well, I sing! For Christ's sake,|Hannah, you heard me sing! {100632}{100696}OK! What happened? {100699}{100827}We were having a really nice time, and|suddenly everything went to bad feeling. {100830}{100896}Nobody but you can do that to me.|I don't know why. {100899}{100966}Look, everything's going your way. {100992}{101056}You're right. I'm happy! {101102}{101206}Why must I let my insecurities|spoil everything? {101216}{101299}# (Holly ) This year's fancies {101302}{101388}# Are passing fancies {101391}{101441}# But sighing sighs {101444}{101491}# Holding hands {101494}{101539}# This my heart {101542}{101595}# Understands {101612}{101691}# I'm old-fashioned {101694}{101785}# And I don't mind it {101788}{101885}# It's how I want to be {101888}{101988}# As long as you'll agree {102009}{102148}# To stay old-fashioned {102151}{102246}# With me {102249}{102289}- Thank you very much.|- Thank you. {102292}{102352}- It was very nice.|- Terrific. {102355}{102398}April Knox? {102565}{102625}# Someday {102637}{102701}# When I'm awfully low {102713}{102781}# When the world is cold {102795}{102841}# I will get a glow {102844}{102936}# Just thinking of you {102954}{103086}# And the way you look tonight {103124}{103189}(Holly) You sounded great.|You may be surprised. {103192}{103274}(April) I'm glad we have a catering job|this week. I'm low on mo

ney. {103277}{103369}Yeah, we have Mr. Morris Levine's|80th birthday on Riverside Dri ve, {103372}{103454}or Riverside Memorial Chapel,|depending on his health. {103457}{103513}Oh, listen. David called me up. {103516}{103544}What? {103547}{103650}David called me last night.|He wants to take me to the opera. {103653}{103727}- I didn't know what to say.|- You're joking. {103730}{103784}No, he called late last night. {103815}{103880}I, uh... I'm very surprised. {103883}{103949}He wanted to take me to see Rigoletto. {103952}{104024}- And you're going?|- Well, I didn't know what to say. {104027}{104077}First I said no, but then he pressed it. {104080}{104184}He said he'd taken you once|and he really wanted to invite me. {104225}{104285}- But I'm seeing him.|- I know, I said that. {104288}{104390}But he said it was something|he really felt like doing. {104393}{104441}Gee, um... {104444}{104508}I don't know what to say. {104529}{104638}It's just an evening at the opera.|Did I do wrong in accepting? {104661}{104705}Huh? {104831}{104911}Why do you think that you would|like to convert to Catholicism? {104914}{105021}Well, because I've gotta have something|to believe in, or life i s meaningless. {105024}{105157}I understand, but why did you make the|decision to choose the Ca tholic faith? {105160}{105230}First of all because it's|a very beautiful religion {105233}{105302}and it's a strong religion.|It's very well structured. {105305}{105413}I mean the against-school-prayer,|pro-abortion, anti-nuclear win g. {105416}{105466}So at the moment|you don't believe in God? {105469}{105593}No, and I want to. I'm willing to do|anything. I'll dye Easter e ggs, if it works. {105596}{105658}I need some evidence.|I gotta have some proof. {105661}{105749}If I can't believe in God,|then I don't think life is worth livi ng. {105752}{105853}- It means making a very big leap.|- Yes, well, can you help me? {105856}{105920}(wailing) Why? Oh, my God! {105923}{105993}I don't understand.|I thought you'd be happy. {105996}{106068}- How can we be happy?|- Because I never thought of God before. {106071}{106160}- Now I'm giving it some thought.|- Catholicism? Why not your ow n people? {106163}{106287}Because I got off to a wrong foot with|my own thing. I need a dr amatic change. {106290}{106385}- You're gonna believe in Jesus Christ?|- I know it sounds funny , but I'll try. {106388}{106469}- But why? We raised you as a Jew.|- Just cos I was born that wa y... {106472}{106549}- I'm old enough to make decisions.|- But why Jesus Christ? {106552}{106654}- Why shouldn't you become a Buddhist?|- That's totally alien to me. {106657}{106708}You're old. Aren't you afraid of dying? {106711}{106773}- Why should I be afraid?|- Cos you won't exist. {106776}{106822}- So?|- That doesn't terrify you? {106825}{106900}Who thinks about such nonsense?|When I'm dead, I'll be dead. {106903}{106979}- But aren't you frightened?|- Of what? I'll be unconscious. {106982}{107032}I know, but never to exist again? {107035}{107100}- How do you know?|- It doesn't look promising. {107103}{107200}Who knows what I'll be?|I'll either be unconscious or I won't. {107203}{107287}If not, I'll deal with it then.|I'm not gonna worry now. {107290}{107326}Mom, come out!

{107329}{107432}(mother) Of course there's a God,|you idiot! You don't believe i n God? {107435}{107502}If there's a God, why is there|so much evil in the world? {107505}{107572}On a simplistic level,|why were there Nazis? {107575}{107650}- Tell him, Max.|- How the hell do I know? {107653}{107713}I don't know how the can opener works. {107716}{107790}( # choir singing Latin hymn) {109696}{109764}- Hi.|- Hi. Where's Holly? {109767}{109847}She's auditioning for a TV commercial.|She said she'd be late. {109850}{109949}- How's she doing?|- When she's depressed, she's manic. {109952}{110011}I think it was a good idea|to invite her to lunch. {110014}{110139}I hope you say it was your idea. Every|time I try to help, she g ets so defensive. {110142}{110213}She's just embarrassed|in front of you, that's all. {110216}{110262}- So how are you?|- Me? I'm OK. {110265}{110305}- Do you miss Frederick?|- No. {110308}{110381}Elliot and I can't think of anyone|for you to go out with... {110384}{110476}How are you? Are you doing OK?|How's Frederick? I mean, Elliot? {110479}{110606}I guess he's fine. I don't know. He's been|kinda moody lately, t he last few months. {110609}{110687}I don't know what's wrong.|He's distant and difficult. {110690}{110757}When I try to talk to him,|he says everything's fine. {110760}{110852}I just leap to the worst conclusion,|that he's seeing someone el se or... {110855}{110914}Oh, no. Everyone thinks things like that. {110917}{111034}Well, I just came from an audition|which I did not get. So what' s new? {111037}{111125}- They said I was too offbeat-looking.|- What the hell do they k now? {111128}{111183}- And guess who's there, auditioning.|- April? {111186}{111244}- Oh, gosh.|- You got it. I was very polite. {111247}{111321}I maintained my poise. I said hello. {111324}{111409}I never trusted April.|She has eyes in the back of her head. {111412}{111527}She and the architect are now a very|definite item, which I stil l cannot believe, {111530}{111606}although it's put an end to the|Stanislavski Catering Company. {111609}{111673}I have to speak to you,|and you're gonna get impatient, {111676}{111729}but I have to borrow some more money. {111732}{111823}- Well, that's fine...|- What I've decided to do is some writing . {111826}{111923}I've had it with acting. These|meaningless auditions are cattlecalls. {111926}{112009}I can't handle another rejection.|You know, let's face it here. {112012}{112089}I've gotta latch onto something in my life. {112092}{112226}Something with a future.|I'm not 16 any more. It's just... crazy . {112229}{112339}But I've got an idea for a story,|more than one, {112342}{112431}and I just need a few months,|or a year, even. {112434}{112520}I've picked up a lot about|dramatic structure from acting class. {112523}{112653}That's good. It just seems to me|that... six months or a year, {112656}{112714}if you spent it more productively... {112717}{112795}- Like what?|- Well, I don't know. Um... {112798}{112896}Didn't Mom mention there was something|at the Museum of Broadcas ting? {112899}{113010}- That's clerical.|- No, it was in the publicity department. {113013}{113094}- That can lead to other things.|- I knew you'd be discouraging! {113097}{113152}I'm not. I'm trying to be helpful. {113155}{113262}You don't just say one day ''I'm|finished as an actress. Now I'm a writer.'' {113265}{113339}- You mean, not at my age.|- Please, we came to have lunch.

{113342}{113428}Yeah, OK, right. Forget it. What's to eat? {113431}{113513}I just want a salad.|You really think I'm a loser, don't you? {113516}{113574}- You're being ridiculous.|- You are. Stop it. {113577}{113633}- You treat me like a loser.|- How? {113636}{113711}You never have faith in my plans,|you undercut my enthusiasm... {113714}{113775}Not so, no. I think|I've been very supportive. {113778}{113847}I try to give you honest,|constructive advice. {113850}{113903}I'm always happy to help you financially. {113906}{113991}I've gone out of my way to introduce you|to interesting single m en... {113994}{114058}- They're all losers.|- You're too demanding. {114061}{114140}|I could tell what you thought of me|by the men you fixed me up with. {114143}{114202}- That's not true!|- I know I'm mediocre. {114205}{114287}Would you stop attacking Hannah?|She's going through a rough tim e. {114290}{114376}- Why are you so upset?|- You've picked on her since she came in . {114379}{114432}Leave her alone. I'm suffocating. {114435}{114500}What's the matter, Lee?|Why are you so sensitive? {114503}{114569}Listen. You wanna write, write. {114572}{114626}Let's just not talk about it any more. {114629}{114716}Take a year, take six months,|whatever you want. {114719}{114812}Who knows? Maybe you'll|be sitting with a good play. {114815}{114899}What's the matter with you?|You look pale. Are you OK? {114902}{114959}Yeah, you know, I'm just... {114962}{115078}I've got dizzy all of a sudden and|I have a headache. I think we need to eat. {115458}{115607}(Elliot) I can't seem to take action.|I'm like Hamlet, unable to kill his uncle. {115610}{115695}I want Lee, but I can't harm Hannah. {115698}{115772}And in no other area|am I a procrastinator. {115829}{115918}Meanwhile, Lee has no direction.|She's taking courses at Columbi a. {115921}{115968}But just randomly. {115971}{116053}I try not to call her, but then she calls me, {116056}{116199}and then I call, and we try to resist|meeting, but once in a whi le we meet. {116202}{116288}Sometimes we argue because|I can't break up my marriage. {116291}{116411}Sometimes we wind up making love,|and we both feel terrible. {116418}{116467}But it's my fault. {116499}{116611}For all my education, accomplishments|and so-called wisdom, {116614}{116686}I can't fathom my own heart. {116689}{116734}# Krishna, Krishna {116737}{116795}# Hare, Hare... {116798}{116853}Why do you want to be a Hare Krishna? {116856}{116992}Well, I'm not saying I want to join, but I|know you guys believe in reincarnation. {116995}{117066}- What's your religion?|- I was born Jewish. {117069}{117153}Last winter I tried to become a Catholic,|and it didn't work for me. {117156}{117206}I studied and I gave it everything, {117209}{117293}but Catholicism for me was:|die now, pay later. {117296}{117383}- I couldn't get with it, and I wanted to.|- Are you afraid of d ying? {117386}{117444}Well, yeah, naturally. Aren't you? {117447}{117533}Does reincarnation mean my soul|would pass to another human bein g, {117536}{117609}or would I come back as a moose|or an aardvark or something? {117612}{117714}Take our literature,|read it over and think about it.

{117717}{117816}- OK. Thank you very much.|- You're welcome. Hare Krishna. {117886}{117955}Who are you kidding?|You're gonna be a Krishna? {117958}{118053}You're gonna shave your head and put on|robes and dance around a t airports? {118056}{118119}You'll look like Jerry Lewis. {118122}{118171}God, I'm so depressed. {118416}{118485}(Lee) The nights are really getting cooler. {118488}{118581}Summer went so quickly. Soon it'll be fall. {118630}{118696}My literature professor really likes me. {118699}{118772}It was fun being out with him last night. {118775}{118880}Funny, I feel like I'm betraying Elliot,|but that's ridiculous. {118883}{118961}Why shouldn't I see Doug?|Elliot's not free. {118987}{119036}Just go one step at a time. {119062}{119133}Let's see what the next few months bring. {119152}{119203}Hannah? Hi! {119206}{119322}Listen, you'll be happy to know that your|money has not gone com pletely to waste. {119325}{119421}No, I have an actual first rough draft|of something I wrote. {119424}{119474}Yeah, yeah. {119477}{119553}I showed it to Lee and|she gave me some good pointers. {119556}{119647}Listen, I'm pretty near where you live.|Could I just drop it off ? {119650}{119763}When you have some time, read it,|and we'll talk at Thanksgiving . {119766}{119841}OK? All right. Oh, wait, listen. {119862}{119992}I think Lee met an interesting guy|at Columbia. He sounds really nice. {120018}{120129}Yeah, OK, all right. Well,|we'll talk at Thanksgiving. Bye-bye. {120164}{120244}Now, here's a song that Norma sang {120247}{120315}on that trip we made|up to the show in Buffalo. {120318}{120389}And, oh, was she beautiful that night! {120392}{120455}- Come on!|- Oh, yes, you were, dear. {120458}{120558}Don't you remember that night?|She was so beautiful {120561}{120619}that when men saw her|walking along the street, {120622}{120715}they'd drive their cars|right up on the sidewalk. {120718}{120784}- That right, honey?|- A slight exaggeration. {120787}{120836}But only slight. {120862}{120911}( # piano playing) {121475}{121526}You've been very cold to me tonight. {121529}{121569}No. {121572}{121626}Is something wrong? {121629}{121703}Not here.|There are too many people around. {121749}{121790}Hey, Hannah? {121793}{121929}I think Lee is really serious about|her new boyfriend. He sounds really nice. {121932}{122006}I'm so happy for her. I think she's in love. {122009}{122101}- Hey, what's the matter?|- I'm real upset about what you wrote. {122104}{122172}- My script?|- It's obviously based on Elliot and me. {122175}{122259}- Oh, so loosely.|- No, not loosely. Real specifically! {122262}{122301}Is that how you see us? {122304}{122414}Can I not accept gestures and feelings|from people? Do I put peo ple off? {122417}{122481}- It's a made-up story.|- No, it's real exact! {122484}{122540}The situations, dialogue, everything. {122543}{122619}It's full of intimate details|between Elliot and me, {122622}{122700}which I don't see how you|could even possibly know about! {122703}{122757}A conversation we once had|about adoption? {122760}{122846}Lee mentioned that to me,|so obviously you discussed it with her . {122849}{122905}I took the essence and|I blew it up into drama.

{122908}{122997}How could Lee know about these things?|I don't tell her everythi ng. {123000}{123043}Wow. I guess I hit a nerve. {123046}{123156}You make it sound like I have no needs.|You think I'm too self-s ufficient? {123159}{123221}Hannah, that's not what I meant.|You know? {123224}{123291}Everybody relies on you|for so much. You're so giving! {123294}{123351}It's no criticism.|We love you, we're grateful. {123354}{123408}You're grateful but you resent me. {123411}{123500}Wow. I don't wanna have this|conversation. I didn't do anything wrong. {123503}{123574}You told me yourself|you and Elliot were having problems. {123577}{123639}We were, but they're my business. {123642}{123704}I don't see how you could|know it in such detail! {123707}{123793}How does Lee know about these things?|How? They're private! {123796}{123888}- Why don't you share them with us?|- I don't want to bother eve ryone. {123891}{123954}That's the point. I'd like to be bothered. {123957}{124046}How could you know about these things?|Has Elliot been talking t o you? {124049}{124138}No, he hasn't. If I offended you, I'm sorry. {124215}{124290}It's over, Elliot.|I don't know how to be any clearer. {124293}{124358}- I know I deserve it...|- I'm just as much at fault. {124361}{124445}- I have such feelings for you...|- I've got to be honest with y ou. {124448}{124473}I've met someone else. {124476}{124535}- What do you mean?|- I've met someone else. {124538}{124633}- I told you I wouldn't wait for ever.|- It hasn't been for ever . {124636}{124716}It's been nearly a year and|you're still married to my sister, {124719}{124812}which I now realise is fine. You're much|more in love with her t han you know. {124815}{124904}- But we made so many plans.|- And in a way you led me on. {124907}{124965}I truly believed you were|unhappy with Hannah. {124968}{125023}Otherwise I would|never have been drawn in. {125026}{125110}I was very weak. So were you.|Now I've met someone... {125194}{125263}- Dinner soon?|- About 1 5 minutes. {125321}{125400}- But you're in love overnight.|- I care a great deal about him, yes. {125403}{125496}- Lee...|- It's over. Elliot, I mean it. It's over. {125572}{125661}Sweetheart, I loved your script.|I thought it was so clever. {125664}{125734}You're my mother.|Not everybody's gonna be such a sucker. {125737}{125796}I particularly liked|the character of the mother, {125799}{125883}just a boozy old flirt with a filthy mouth. {125886}{125945}- I'm so proud!|- Oh, Mom, thanks. {125969}{126023}Here's a toast to Thanksgiving, all right? {126026}{126116}Are we supposed to have beer?|Yes, let me hear it! {126119}{126164}How's that, Fletcher? {126167}{126266}Doll, to Thanksgiving. Here's a little|toast, doll. Come on, bot toms up! {126281}{126380}Have you been talking to Holly or Lee|about us, about our person al life? {126383}{126423}(Elliot) Me? Of course not. {126426}{126549}Holly wrote things about us that are so|personal, they must have come from you. {126552}{126618}I've got a headache and|I don't like being accused! {126621}{126770}I'm not accusing, I'm asking. Do you|find me too giving, too com petent? {126773}{126848}- Too disgustingly perfect or something?|- No. {126851}{126927}What is it? What's come between us?|How have I alienated you?

{126930}{127013}- Hannah, my head is throbbing.|- You never wanna talk about it. {127016}{127113}Every time I bring it up,|you change the subject. What is it? {127116}{127184}We're communicating less,|you sleep with me less... {127187}{127258}Hannah, I am very mixed up! Now, please! {127261}{127340}Do you talk to Holly or Lee|behind my back? Do you? {127343}{127399}You must. They seem to|know so much about us. {127402}{127473}Maybe I've asked advice|once or twice, or made a joke. {127476}{127568}Do you talk to Holly, or Lee,|or what? Do you phone them? {127571}{127620}Leave me alone, can you?! {127623}{127694}Jesus, I've told you.|I need someone I can matter to! {127704}{127757}You matter to me, completely. {127760}{127855}It's hard to be around someone who gives|so much and needs so li ttle in return. {127858}{127903}I have enormous needs. {127906}{127990}Well, I can't see them,|and neither can Lee or Holly! {129441}{129510}(Hannah) It's so pitch black tonight. {129552}{129601}I feel lost. {129635}{129684}(Elliot) You're not lost. {129915}{129964}I love you so much. {131173}{131274}I don't know if you remember me, but we|had the worst night of m y life together. {131277}{131330}- I remember you.|- Yes, you do recall? {131333}{131432}I was walking past and I just|saw you and I thought I'd come in. {131435}{131529}- We didn't hit it off.|- We did all but exchange gunshots. {131532}{131588}- How are you?|- Good. You look wonderful. {131591}{131646}- Oh, no.|- Yeah? No, you do. {131649}{131739}It was a terrible evening. Remember|slamming the cab door in my face? {131742}{131825}You came dangerously close|to emasculating my nose {131828}{131913}- in a really horrible way.|- That was a long time ago. {131916}{131963}- People change.|- I hope you've changed. {131966}{132018}- I hope you have too.|- I hope so, for your sake. {132021}{132138}Your personality left something|to be desired, namely a personal ity. {132141}{132198}So how are you? What are you doin'? {132201}{132286}Oh, nothing much. Just some stuff.|Little of this, little of tha t. {132289}{132388}Was that an embarrassing question?|Are you out of work or someth ing? {132391}{132486}- No, well, I've been trying to write.|- Have you? That's intere sting. {132489}{132540}- What kind of stuff?|- Oh... {132543}{132619}- You're not interested in this.|- No, you can tell me. I am. {132622}{132683}Millions must say to you|''I've written something.'' {132686}{132739}- Nobody ever said it. This is it.|- Really? {132742}{132874}- Would you be willing to read something?|- Yes, if it would mea n anything to you. {132877}{132973}I don't know why it would.|You've always hated my taste in the p ast. {132976}{133028}- No, I haven't!|- You have. {133031}{133156}I think it might make a great television|script, and you're so a ctive in television. {133159}{133252}Not any more.|I haven't been in television for a year. {133255}{133373}No, I may have to get back into it cos my|accountant says I'm ru nning out of cash. {133376}{133486}But no, I sort of dropped out for a year,|which is a long, dull story. {133489}{133567}- You're OK, though?|- Yes, I'm fine. How are you? {133570}{133613}- I'm fine.|- What about your script? {133616}{133700}I'd love it if you'd read it|cos I really would value your opini

on. {133703}{133801}But you have to remember while you're|reading and you're cursing my name {133804}{133878}that this is my first script.|Well, it's not my first. {133881}{133967}That was about Hannah and|her husband, but Hannah read it. {133970}{134028}She got really angry and I felt badly. {134031}{134151}- I can't imagine what you wrote.|- It wasn't anything bad, but I don't know... {134154}{134228}So I threw it out, but I have this other one. {134231}{134315}Well, you know,|if you want me to, I would read it. {134318}{134384}I don't know... Could I come over|tomorrow and read it to you? {134387}{134480}Come over tomorrow and read it to me?|You must be joking! {134483}{134560}I've been doing|all my own reading since I was 40. {134563}{134634}I think it's lucky I ran into you. Maybe. {134637}{134686}What about me? I should have kept going. {134689}{134782}I have a nagging sensation|that I should have kept walking {134785}{134841}and not begun this conversation. {134870}{134936}(Holly) ''We go through life|playing the hand we're dealt.'' {134939}{135016}''Craig: And what hand were you dealt?'' {135019}{135131}''Emily: I'm two high pair,|maybe even aces up.'' {135134}{135208}''The problem is,|you've got three deuces.'' {135240}{135289}That's the end. {135311}{135435}No, you can tell me straight.|It's OK. Just tell me what you thi nk. {135438}{135479}It's great. {135482}{135536}I'm... speechless. {135551}{135647}I was not in the mood|to listen to this thing now. {135690}{135784}I don't know what to say.|I'm moved and I laughed and I... {135787}{135846}I was on the edge of my seat.|It's wonderful. {135849}{135930}I'm totally stunned. This is not an insult. {135933}{136037}I'm amazed that you can...|I just thought it was great. {136040}{136104}- Really?|- Yes. I was absolutely... {136107}{136177}What made you think|of that climax scene, {136180}{136264}where the architect is walking home|with his actress girlfriend {136267}{136353}and the schizophrenic ex-wife|jumps out and stabs him to death? {136356}{136451}- It just came to me one day.|- It was just fabulous. {136454}{136509}Gosh, you really think I can write? {136512}{136583}There's one or two things|I would do differently myself, {136586}{136666}but who cares? It was fabulous. {136669}{136794}I mean It. I'm so impressed!|I am. You've made my day. {136797}{136904}It was just great.|I was set to be bored stiff. {136907}{137012}- Would you like to have lunch?|- I would love to talk about the script. {137015}{137073}- I think we could do something with it.|- OK. {137076}{137159}And I'd like to hear what made you|suddenly decide to drop out o f life. {137162}{137224}- Who cares?|- No, I care. {137227}{137294}You used to be so ambitious and... {137297}{137351}God, you really liked it?! {137886}{137994}Gosh, you really went through a crisis,|you know that? How did y ou get over it? {137997}{138132}When I ran into you, you seemed|just perfectly fine. You seem fi ne now. {138135}{138254}Well, I'll tell you. One day,|about a month ago, I really hit bo ttom. {138257}{138366}I just felt that in a Godless universe,|I didn't want to go on l iving. {138369}{138500}Now, I happen to own this rifle, which|I loaded and pressed to m y forehead, {138503}{138563}and I remember thinking.|I'm gonna kill myself.

{138566}{138635}Then I thought. what if I'm wrong? {138638}{138714}What if there is a God?|After all, nobody really knows that. {138717}{138798}But then I thought.|no, maybe is not good enough. {138801}{138861}I want certainty or nothing. {138864}{138938}And I remember very clearly|the clock was ticking {138941}{139014}and I was sitting there, frozen,|with the gun to my head, {139017}{139074}debating whether to shoot. {139077}{139127}(gunshot) {139130}{139265}All of a sudden, the gun went off. I had|been so tense, I'd sque ezed the trigger. {139268}{139375}But I was perspiring so much, the gun|had slid off my forehead a nd missed me. {139378}{139476}- (gunshot)|- Neighbours were pounding on the door {139479}{139553}and, I don't know, the whole scene|was just pandemonium. {139556}{139693}And I ran to the door, I didn't know what|to say. I was embarras sed and confused. {139696}{139800}My mind was racing a mile a minute,|and I just knew one thing. {139803}{139958}I had to get out of that house, just|get out in the fresh air an d clear my head. {139961}{140052}And I remember very clearly|I walked the streets. {140055}{140201}I didn't know what was going through my|mind. It all seemed so v iolent and unreal. {140204}{140290}And I wandered for a long time|on the Upper West Side. {140293}{140425}It must have been hours. My feet hurt and|my head was pounding. I had to sit down. {140428}{140530}I went into a movie house. I didn't know|what was playing. I jus t needed a moment {140533}{140593}to gather my thoughts and be logical {140596}{140679}and put the world|back into rational perspective. {140682}{140731}( # playing a tune) {140891}{140972}And I went upstairs|to the balcony and I sat down. {140975}{141101}The movie was a film that I'd seen|many times in my life since I was a kid, {141104}{141156}and I always loved it. {141159}{141218}And I'm watching these people|up on the screen {141221}{141299}and I started getting hooked on the film. {141302}{141459}And I started to feel; how can you even|think of killing yoursel f?. Isn't that stupid? {141462}{141513}Look at all the people on the screen. {141516}{141600}They're real funny, and|what if the worst is true? {141603}{141705}What if there's no God and you|only go around once and that's it ? {141708}{141767}Don't you want to be|part of the experience? {141770}{141838}What the hell? It's not all a drag. {141841}{141922}I'm thinking to myself;|I should stop ruining my life, {141925}{142049}searching for answers I'm never gonna|get, and just enjoy it whi le it lasts. {142052}{142167}And after, who knows? Maybe there|is something. Nobody really kn ows. {142170}{142310}I know ''maybe'' is a slim reed to hang|your life on, but it's t he best we have. {142313}{142448}Then I started to sit back and|I actually began to enjoy myself. {142451}{142489}# Oh, Freedonia {142492}{142534}# Oh, don't you cry for me {142537}{142586}# Cos I'm coming round the mountain {142612}{142646}Um... {142649}{142751}Look, there's something that's been|bothering me for a long time . {142754}{142874}I just thought I'd tell you what it was|and just sort of clear t he deck here.

{142877}{142981}I've always regretted the way I behaved|that evening we went out . {142984}{143082}- I just thought I'd tell you that...|- Don't be silly. Don't be ridiculous. {143085}{143161}I was the... You know, it was my fault. {143197}{143314}So you wanna go out to dinner again?|Do you have any interest in that? {143317}{143397}- Sure.|- Are you free this evening? {143400}{143448}Yeah, yeah. {143595}{143649}I want ice! Who's got some? {143652}{143689}Oh, there it is. {143692}{143742}Hey, where's Holly? She's late. {143745}{143814}Did you read Holly's last thing?|She's really developed. {143817}{143867}She really writes good dialogue. {143870}{143930}Hannah, can I say you're|going to play Desdemona? {143933}{144017}- Mom, it's only television.|- But it's public television. {144020}{144093}To me, Shakespeare doesn't|get any greater than Othello. {144096}{144197}- You with some big, black stud. I love it!|- Oh, honey! {144819}{144891}(Elliot) Oh, Lee. You are something. {144917}{145016}You look very beautiful.|Marriage agrees with you. {145072}{145191}Everything that happened between us|seems more and more hazy. {145224}{145323}I acted like such a fool.|I don't know what came over me. {145337}{145432}The complete conviction|that I couldn't live without you. {145448}{145505}What I put us both through! {145508}{145632}And Hannah, who, as you once said,|I love much more than I reali sed. {145725}{145811}Hi! Happy Thanksgiving! {145844}{145936}- Hi, Daisy. I didn't miss dinner, did I?|- No. {145939}{146013}Hi, Marge. Happy Thanksgiving! {146016}{146090}Happy Thanksgiving, Amy. {146093}{146162}( # piano playing ''Isn't It Romantic'') {147557}{147606}It's beautiful. {147691}{147741}- Don't be nervous. It's your husband.|- Hi. {147744}{147785}- Hi. How are you doing?|- OK. {147788}{147852}- When did you get here?|- Just a few minutes ago. {147855}{147908}- You look so beautiful.|- Thanks. {147911}{148015}I was talking to your father before.|I was telling him that it's ironic. {148018}{148084}I used to always have|Thanksgiving with Hannah. {148087}{148168}I never thought that|I could love anybody else. {148171}{148305}And here it is, years later, and I'm married|to you, and complet ely in love with you. {148308}{148404}The heart is a very,|very resilient little muscle. {148455}{148577}It would make a great story, I think. A guy|marries one sister a nd it doesn't work out. {148580}{148703}Then, years later,|he winds up married to the other sister. {148707}{148776}I don't know how you're gonna top that. {148803}{148852}- Mickey?|- What? {148885}{148934}I'm pregnant. {153575}{153679}SUBRip by Cristo | {153719}{154119}Downloaded From

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