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My Interests

Studying a favourite subject Reading and doing research Organising facts Playing word games !nvestigating problems "hinking Remembering facts%figures Planning events Writing reports ebating an issue Working without help

Mechanical & Practical

Building things Working with hand tools Repairing things esigning things Working with engines #raft$work Woodcarving Working with metal Putting things together "esting e&uipment

Organising sports events Working on environmental projects Growing plants Playing sports Working with animals Gardening Bird watching Boating #amping%working at a camp Working in a park%forest Protecting forests etc'

Working with words

"eaching Selling products or ideas Giving reports Speaking to a group ebating Running for elected office Participating in plays%music *earning a foreign language "raining for speech team !nfluencing others

Working with people

"alking with friends (isiting relatives Working with senior citi)ens Organising parties%special events *istening to others #omplimenting others Writing letters #aring about others, feelings Working with children ./pressing opinions +aking friends easily "eaching others

esigning clothes Singing in choirs Playing a musical instrument Ballet%tap%ja)) or other dance esigning scenery for a play +odelling rawing or painting Writing stories%poems%plays -cting #omputer aided designing Working with make$up%hair esigning layouts

Solving e&uations Solving word problems +anaging time efficiently *ogical problem solving Studying the stock market Budgeting personal finance 1sing applied mathematics 1sing statistics .stimating 1sing calculators%computers

Clerical & Business

Being a club secretary .ntering data on computer #orrecting someone,s writing "aking messages Preparing education materials 0eeping track of money 2und$raising 3andling details Recording inventory #omposing letters%memos Operating office e&uipment Preparing +aterials

Helping others
*istening to peoples, problems #ommunity%voluntary work 3elping the homeless -ssisting with day$care 3elping friends 3elping those with drug problems 3elping senior citi)ens "eaching a new language Being a big brother%sister Organising a school activity

Scienti ic
Observing%recording change 2ollowing direction #onducting e/periments Risk taking #urious about natural events Working in teams *earning new technologies !nventing things !nvestigating solutions to problems -nalysing data

#ampaigning for a cause

Reading scientific materials !nterpreting computer printouts

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