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html In a swath of jungle near Ubud, Bali, the Green School has just finished the second year of operation. The gong announces the beginning of class, where students learn in bamboo pavilions without walls. A hen and two chicks scuttle across the earth floor of the ampitheatre. The staff has just cleared the remaining banana-leaf plates used to serve the organic lunch. In a groundup approach, all of the campus structures, 30 and counting, are handcrafted from bamboo, connecting the design to the pedagogical core of the school.

American Cynthia and her partner, Canadian designer John Hardy, have lived on Bali for over thirty years. In 2007, after selling their renowned jewelry company, they formed a school as an alternative to the walled-in international schools around Bali. Based upon the 19thcentury education model of Rudolf Steiner, which emphasizes experiential learning, the Green School aims to educate future leaders in sustainability. This year, the school enrols nearly 200 students, from nursery school to Grade Twelve.

In making the school, John Hardy did not turn to the international architecture competition circuit. Instead he hired an eclectic team of designers and artists, as well as architects who specialize in bamboo. The late Aldo Landwehr, a Swiss sculptor who was based in Bali, became the first design director. Hardy sketched the masterplan and established the company now known as PT Bamboo Pure to design, build and furnish the school.

This schools structure was built with three different types of bamboo: Petung, Tali and Duri. The roofs are covered for the most part with bundles of Alang Alang grass. The walls are made of bamboo, clay, mud and cotton Early experiments in furniture taught the design team how bamboo performs. For example, bamboo can be divided with a lateral or cross-sectional cut, producing different structural traits. In 2007, they built the first campus structure, the Kul-Kul Bridge that spans 22 meters across the Ayung River. The organic convex and concave curves are partially ornamental, however they follow the natural tendencies of bamboo to bend and twist. The simplicity of construction enables even the layman to understand how the pieces join together. Thus, a stroll around campus is an interactive lesson in building. Visiting the Green School is to enter an entire aesthetic universe, where the architecture is as important as the most minuscule of details. Bamboo signage leads the way around to each class area that consists of a bamboo pavilion with Alang Alang grass roof, bamboo desks and chairs and compost toilets. Students learn music upon bamboo harps and play sports within bamboo fences. View of the Heart of School. Composed of a double ellipse, it contains the core of the school. Three staircases ascend to the upper floors, wrapping around the structural elements

Admissions director Ben Macrory describes the school as a "living laboratory" where the students learn about river ecology, grow rice and even build their own bamboo structures. There is a breeding program on campus for an endangered bird species, the Bali Rothschild Starling. While learning without walls would seem to cause disciplinary problems, Cynthia classifies the school as "ADDfriendly". Dyslexic children who arrive at Green School are, within a week, focused and comfortable within "the chaos of nature". In many ways, the growth of the Green School resonates more along a vernacular tradition than the formal architectural canon. As described in "Architecture without Architects", Bernard Rudofsky's exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, humans traditionally sought challenging sites that create "exhilaration generated by superb landscape". The Green School is built upon steep terrains, so the architecture is a part of, not apart from the context. The overall plan instigates a sense of exploration and cohabitation with nature.

The Green School is built upon steep terrains, so the architecture is a part of, not apart from the context

With the mission to create "global citizens", the Green School makes an architecture that symbolises the philosophy and pedagogy. The most elaborate structure is the impressive "Heart of the School", with three interweaving cones that resemble double helixes. Three spiral staircases link the floors

that house the administration, computer lab, arts spaces and the library. Built from Petung, the most massive bamboo variety, the complex is 60 meters long and soars 19 meters into the sky. Every prominent visitor, such as Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, passes under the alangalang vaults. This pantheon of bamboo imparts the seriousness of the school's agenda. Within the restrictions of bamboo, variations of form flourish. In his Essay on Architecture, MarcAntoine Laugier speculates how the foundation for all architecture relates to the first shelter, made by spanning tree trunks and fallen tree branches. The frontispiece is an etching in which a goddess of architecture gestures toward the truthful structure. "By imitating nature, art was born", Laugier declares. Along a similar vein, the design of the Green School inspires a culture of localised creativity, as opposed to high-tech fabrication. As a craftsman builds upon a few basic techniques and then grows them into infinite variations, the construction of the Green School is akin to the hand weaving of a textile, uniform in the material, yet elaborate in composition.

Green School Bali, Indonesia Architects: PT Bamboo Pure Design team: John Hardy (owner and inspirator); Aldo Landwehr (creative director), Cheong Yew Kuan, Effan Adhiwira, Miya Buxton, Hanno Burtscher, Phillip Beck, Stephanie Gunawan, Erin Johnson, Kendra Spanton, Yulianto Maliang, I Nyoman Kerta, I Gusti Ngurah Putra Wiarsa, Heru Wijayanto (designers), Joerg Stamm (bamboo consultant) Structural engineering: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Gadjah Mada University,

Jogjakarta, Ir. Morisco, Ashar Saputra, Inggar S. Irawati Construction supervision: PT Bamboo Pure Client: Yayasan Kul Kul Built area: 5,534 m2 Cost: approx. 3.120.000 USD Design phase: June 2005 September 2007 Construction phase: February 2007 December 2007

Bamboo bridges that connect the two areas of the campus. The Green School consists of some fifty structures and pavilions that have, for the most part, no external walls

The Green School (Bali) is a primary and secondary school located along the Ayung River Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.



The schools ecologically-sustainable design and focus on sustainability


education for young students have been widely reported. Run as a private school for children from kindergarten to high-school age, the school has attracted world-wide attention.
[3] [4]

The school was founded by John and Cynthia Hardy

in September 2008 with 98 students, with a


mission to provide children with an holistic education with sustainability at its core.

The Hardys

reportedly conceived of Green School in 2006 after reading Alan Wagstaffs Three Springs concept document for an educational village community.

By 2010, The School had 245 students [aged 316],



and 2011 enrollment was over 300.


Most of

its students are foreigners with Indonesians making up only 20% of the intake, and most of them are on scholarships.

According to Australias ABC Radio, This school is attracting world -wide attention because of its commitment to sustainability as the philosophical core of its education curricul um. One 2010 BBC report contrasted that while Indonesia is one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases and has been struggling to improve its record on the environment, The Green School is teaching students to protect and care for their environment.
[7] [4]

1 Ecological Design 2 Curriculum 3 Board of Directors 4 Awards 5 International Media Coverage 6 References

Ecological Design[edit]
The school's 75+ buildings are cooled and powered by renewable energy sources including microhydro power,
[8] [8]

from a hydroelectric vortex,


solar power,


and bio-diesel.


The schools campus


is designed on an organic permaculture system intended to work with the natural ecology of the land, and the schools students cultivate an organic garden as part of their school activities. schools buildings are built primarily from renewable resources including bamboo, traditional mud walls.
[8] [9][10] [3]


local grass, and

The primarily-Bamboo construction of the campus has also been reported including The Heart
[11] [10]

upon as an example of large-scale building potential of bamboo architecture, of the School a 60 Meter long made of bamboo.

stilt-structure constructed with 2500 bamboo poles.

The school

also utilizes renewable building materials for its other needs, and everything - even the desks - is

The school reportedly "prepares students to be stewards of the environment, teaching them to be critical and creative thinkers, who champion the sustainability of the world and the environment."

Ecological sustainability is a mainstay of its curriculum. Subjects taught there include


English, mathematics and science, including ecology, the environment and sustainability, as well as the creative arts. Courses at the school include Global Perspectives, Environmental Management,

and 21st Century Science.

The curriculum combines standard International Baccalaureate programs


with green studies such as carbon-footprint analysis and organic farming.

For example, sixth[3]

graders calculate the school's annual carbon footprint, then plant bamboo to offset it.

Board of Directors[edit]
The school's Chairman of the Board of Directors is Roger J. Hamilton. Other board members include Ronald Stones, Nadya Hutagalung, and Mickey Ackerman.

Green School was awarded the 2012 "Greenest School on Earth" award by the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council. Award for Architecture.
[1][16] [14][15]

The school was also a finalist for the 2010 Aga Khan

International Media Coverage[edit]

The school has been covered in television reports aired on ABC (Australia), BBC (UK).
[7] [4]



and the

Location: Badung, Bali, Indonesia (South-East Asia) Architect: PT Bambu Client: Yayasan Kul Kul Completed: 2007 Design: 2006 Site size: 7'542 m

Environmentalists and designers John and Cynthia Hardy wanted to motivate communities to live sustainably. Part of that effort was to show people how to build with sustainable materials, namely bamboo. They established the Green School, and its affiliates: the Meranggi Foundation, which develops plantations of bamboo plants through presenting bamboo seedlings to local rice farmers; and PT Bambu, a for-profit design and construction company that promotes the use of bamboo as a primary building material, in an effort to avoid the further depletion of rainforests. The Green School, a giant laboratory built by PT Bambu, is located on a sustainable campus straddling both sides of the Ayung River in Sibang Kaja, Bali, within a lush jungle with native plants and trees growing alongside sustainable organic gardens. The campus is powered by a number of alternative energy sources, including a bamboo sawdust hot water and cooking system, a hydro-powered vortex generator and solar panels. Campus buildings include classrooms, gym, assembly spaces, faculty housing, offices, cafes and bathrooms. A range of architecturally significant spaces from large multi-storey communal gathering places to much smaller classrooms are a feature of the campus. Local bamboo, grown using sustainable methods, is used in innovative and experimental ways that demonstrate its architectural possibilities. The result is a holistic green

community with a strong educational mandate that seeks to inspire students to be more curious, more engaged and more passionate about the environment and the planet

Bali Green School Designed with Bamboo
Credits: 2010 B a l i G r e e n S c h o o l

The Green School in Bali, Indonesia, strives to be as energy independent as possible while constructing green buildings using 99 percent natural materials mainly bamboo, grass and mud for its buildings that are cooled naturally. It implemented an experiment in micro-hydro power generation, using a ninemeter vortex generator installed in the river. In addition, it produces methane from cow manure for fueling stoves, along with a bamboo sawdust hot water and cooking system, installed solar panels, and developed a gasification unit that will use rice husks and other organic materials to produce electricity. And theres a lot of organic material - the campus is blanketed by an organic permaculture system designed by international and local experts. Students engage in farming, with the Schools gardens growing rice, fruits and vegetables, and crops such as fruits, vegetables, palm sugar and chocolate are sold at the schools Green Warung that students at the School help to manage. Students are involved in growing and maintaining an edible maze, producing coconut oil from the campus trees, harvesting honey, and breeding fish in campus aquaculture ponds. Our composting systems are already in place and will continue to develop as more and more students, teachers, and staff move to the land. This campus consists of several structures that include classrooms, a gymnasium, conference rooms, faculty housing, offices, a kitchen, cafes and a bathroom. Located in Badung, Bali, the project is 7542 square meters. Green School was named a finalist in the 2010 Aga Khan Awards for Architecture (AKAA), which honors projects that exhibit architectural excellence as well as improve peoples overall quality of life.

The Bali Green School is set in the jungle village of Sibang near Ubud in Bali, Indonesia. 2010 Digital Globe / GeoEye

Bali Green School Ode to Bamboo By Esther Au Yong , S oc ia l Ent r e pr en eu rs h ip Fo rum FAMED Canadian jeweller John Hardy is not a man who does things in half-measures. When he had a dream to teach children how to live sustainably, he not only built Green School Bali arguably the first of its kind in the world, offering a holistic education of traditional math and science subjects paired with a green curriculum and a creative arts programme he used what he believes is the most eco-friendly and sustainable building material on Earth: bamboo. In Hardys case, this penchant and belief in bamboo has led him and his wife, Cynthia, to launch the Meranggi Foundation to encourage farmers to plant bamboo, create PT Bambu as a design hotbed and production facility for bamboo buildings and furniture, and open Bambu Indah, a hotel based on sustainability. Along the way, he built what could possibly be the worlds largest bamboo building, the Heart of School, a grand, imposing, three-storey structure, located within Green School Bali. Located 20 minutes North of Denpasar and 15 minutes South of Ubud, Green Schools eight-hectare campus sits among lush vegetation, divided by the Ayung River. It looks more like a serene, though rustic, holiday resort than a school. The schools tagline is Equipping Children For 2025. By that, the Hardys want, besides teaching the standard International Baccalaureate (IB) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) syllabus, to inculcate in their students the love of learning. The Green Studies programme includes topics like carbon footprint analysis, water studies and even, organic farming and gardening. Within the Creative Arts and physical education programmes, students delve into yoga and batik painting using natural dyes made from vegetation on site, and martial arts, with the Balinese traditional art of Mepantingan being an important component. Students, aged between three and 15, learn by doing, with each child tending to their very own vegetable patch. And as part of that commitment to greening the environment, Green School is built entirely out of bamboo even its blackboards, desks, chairs and lamps.

Bamboo is the latest darling of eco-conscious architects, designers and manufacturers all over the world. The demand worldwide is high for bamboo for clothing, flooring, furniture and as building material. Bamboos environmental benefits arise largely out of its ability to grow and spread quickly in some cases, one meter a day without the need for fertilizers, pesticides or much water. A bamboo grove also releases some 35 per cent more oxygen into the air than a similar-sized stand of trees. One hectare of bamboo can sequester up to 12 tons of carbon a year. Bamboo also reaches structural maturity in four to five years and produces a crop each year (compared to 30 to 50 years for most tropical hardwood trees), helping to improve soil conditions and prevent erosion along the way. Bamboo is so fast-growing that it can yield 20 times more timber than trees on the same area. For the Hardys, bamboo was chosen not because there was lack of a better material in current times, that is. It was chosen with an eye to the future. John said, in an email interview: Green School chose bamboo in the spirit of plenty. With rapidly escalating world cement prices, not to mention the sheer amount of fossil fuel that cement consumes, we must look to alternative building materials. The world needs it. We have run out of cheap natural resources. Bamboo is a renewable resource, which sequesters carbon into the bargain. Some cement was used, however. While most of the cement is primarily underground, a small percentage of the classroom floors are made from cement, but in general we want Green School to be really green, which means less cement. In part, they have also chosen bamboo for the children. Frankly, it is hard to talk to students about sustainability while they are using the last piece of rainforest for their chair and their table. It is the painful truth that they are going to have to stretch to get enough rain forest timber to build their homes. Bamboo is available and plenty, and when it is treated with borax salt, it is rendered immune to the bugs that like to eat it, so it becomes a permanent material. Every student at Green School will have an opportunity to plant his or her own bamboo and, eventually, four to five years down the line, will have a chance to harvest, treat and build something with that bamboo, he added. John has certainly created beautiful structures with bamboo. Not only do they blend in seamlessly with the environment the local craftsmen and their timehonoured traditional building techniques no doubt played a big part in this the Green School buildings are engineering marvels in their own right. Take the schools administrative centre, the Heart of School. Heart of School, built at a cost of US$225,000, is a majestic, three-storey building containing three interconnecting spirals. Towering over 20 meters tall, it enjoys over 2,000 sq m of floor space. Building the structure construction started in late 2008, has taken 2,630 bamboo poles and 10,000 strips of alang-alang roofing. It houses the school library, IT laboratory, meeting rooms, exhibition spaces and offices. Johns passion and belief in bamboo doesnt just end with the school and its children. Through the Meranggi Foundation, he encourages local Balinese farmers to grow bamboo. The Foundation works with farmers across Bali by providing seedlings of commercially viable bamboo to participating farmers free of charge. The Foundation maintains detailed planting records, monitor bamboo growth rates and the associated carbon capture, and secures markets for future bamboo trade. It has now already planted 15,000 seedlings with farmers across Bali. It is estimated that in seven years, that will yield 1,500,000 poles enough to grow 150 new buildings every year. However, the journey is just beginning for the Meranggi Foundation. In an interview with Green School student for the schools student newsletter, Chris Majors, the bamboo nurserys manager, shared that some farmers they approach dont want any involvement in what were doing, and some want hundreds of plants right away what weve learned is not to do hard sells. Work with farmers who are willing and will help spread the bamboo word, he added. A change in perspective will take more than a few months The potential of bamboo has not yet been embraced fully by the Balinese. It will be quite a while before farmers come to us after the first harvests. Such is the reality of the task at hand for the Foundation.

But ever the epitome of someone who lives the life he believes in, John has this advice: If you need a lot of timber in the future, dont look for wood, look for bamboo. It fixes a huge amount of carbon in the soil and this is a good solution in the world of ever escalating problems. It is a rapid solution to some of the problems that are facing us. Plant bamboo.

Green School in Bali

Green School in Bali front This Green School is founded by John and Cynthia Hardy, located in Badung, Bali, Indonesia. This building built to motivate communities to live sustainably. The building is made of bamboo as the material, developed by Meranggi Foundation and PT Bambu. The campus building is consist of classrooms, gym, assembly spaces, faculty housing, offices, cafes and bathrooms. It has a number of alternative energy sources, including a bamboo sawdust hot water and cooking system, a hydropowered vortex generator and solar panels.

Green School bridge

Green School classroom

Green School structure model

Green School kitchen

Green School Field

Green School Hall

Green School

Green School front

Green School soccer field

Green School classroom 2

Green School classroom 3

Green School pond

Green School centre

Green School bridge to class

Green School activity area

natural green school

Green School lounge

Green School natural environtment

Green School wave house

Green School roof structure

Green School dome

Green School classroom 4

Green School classroom 5

Green School classroom 6

Green School classroom 7 Design of University

Tags: Badung, Bali-classroom, Bali-kitchen, bamboo, beautiful school building, Bridge, campus, Cynthia, dome, eco friendly ideas, eco-friendly building, green school, House, John, natural school, peace classroom for children, School, school in bali, Solar panel

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