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Viewed by Dr Stuart Watson, research specialist registrar in psychiatry Tweet 88

Homoeopathic remedies can help some people recover from depression The benefits of the herbal remedy St John's wort are well documented !ut are there other alternative medicines that can treat depression" #i$e conventional antidepressants, homoeopathic remedies may help some people recover from depression

What is homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that treats the whole person, ta$ing into account mental and bodily types as well as the symptoms of the disease %ne of its main principles is that 'li$e cures li$e', in other words the symptoms of an illness caused by a substance will be cured by the same substance given in homoeopathic form Homoeopathy is often referred to as an alternative medicine, but it is better thought of as 'complementary' because it can be used alongside conventional antidepressants The remedies are made by grinding plants or other substances and then dissolving them in alcohol to produce the 'mother tincture' &rom the mother tincture the remedies are made by a process of dilution 'usually ())*(+ in alcohol or water and succussion 'a process of repetitive violent sha$ing that is believed to energise the medicine+ The dilutions are usually repeated many times, and one of the scientific criticisms of homoeopathy is that the preparations are so dilute that they can hardly contain any of the original substance

, number of theories have been advanced to overcome this criticism, one of which is the 'memory of water'

Does it work?
%ver the last -)) years homoeopaths have gained an understanding of the remedies These remedies can now be matched to the person and their symptoms Homoeopathic remedies are dilute, safe and free of side.effects /t has been argued that they may act as a catalyst, pushing the body's own systems 'including its immune system+ in the direction of a cure However, a consistent scientific e0planation 1 confirmed on repeated scientific testing and trials 1 as to why homeopathy should improve people2s health has not been proven /n &ebruary -)(), the House of 3ommons Science and Technology 3ommittee concluded that the 4HS should cease funding homeopathy, that it was no more efficacious than placebo and that the e0planations of why homeopathy would wor$ are scientifically implausible

Is it safe to treat yourself?

Homoeopathic remedies can be used alone or in con5unction with prescribed medication /t is not always necessary to consult your 67 prior to using homoeopathic remedies 8ou should, however, tell your 67 about any herbal remedies that you are ta$ing 'eg St John's wort+ and you should not discontinue antidepressant drugs without prior consultation 9emedies can be prescribed by homoeopaths and many are registered with the :nited ;ingdom Homoeopathic <edical ,ssociation or the Society of Homoeopathy ,lternatively, remedies can be bought over the counter in certain pharmacies and healthfood shops ,lways consult your 67 if symptoms are persistent, severe or interfere with daily life

Remedies used in the treatment of depression

Arsenicum album
<ade from white arsenic, this remedy is indicated for people who worry unduly about their health or who are perfectionists and overly critical of themselves and others They are at ris$ of depression if they fail to reach their own high standards 7eople who respond to ,rsenicum album are often physically worse in cold weather, very sensitive to pain and suffer most between midnight and -am

Aurum metallicum
<ade from gold and used for people who are wor$aholics with an e0cessive sense of duty This renders them prone to despair, feelings of worthlessness and suicidal thoughts following a perceived failure in their wor$ or personal life 7eople who do well with ,urum metallicum often feel better by wal$ing outdoors

Calcium carbonicum
Suits people whose outward strong, dependable and industrious appearance hides a shy and introverted nature Such people can be left feeling fatigued, an0ious, withdrawn and self.pitying by overwhelming wor$ pressures 7eople who respond to this remedy, which is made from the inner layer of an oyster shell, are chilly people who sweat easily, who periodically feel sluggish and suffer with insomnia 1 especially when away from home

Ignatia amara
Suits those who become depressed after trying to suppress feelings of grief, despair or emotional upset at the e0pense of outbursts of hysteria or mood swings 7eople who respond to the homoeopathic form of the St /gnatius bean may suffer from a lump in the throat and fre=uent bouts of yawning The remedy is often used after bereavement

Kali phosphoricum
!enefits people who are normally clear sighted and e0trovert, who suffer from the effects of e0haustion from overwor$ by becoming shy, see$ing their own company and flinching at sudden noises ,longside the change in mood they often develop muscular wea$ness, yellow discharges and may wa$e early with hunger pangs

achesis muta
This remedy made from sna$e venom can help depression caused by repression, 5ealousy or suspicion Suits people who hate commitment and confinement They may worry about world affairs and be very tal$ative #achesis may treat menopausal depression, particularly if the woman feels worse on wa$ing and suffers with hot sweats

!atrium carbonicum
6entle, unselfish people who care deeply for their family and friends may become depressed after a loss or disappointment They try to hide their feelings from others, which does not help their condition 3onstitutionally, they have wea$ digestive systems and a mar$ed intolerance to dairy products When suffering, they isolate themselves and may listen to sad music 4atrium carbonicum may help in these cases

!atrium muraticum

This remedy is helpful for sensitive, refined, serious.minded people, whose inner feelings are strong and may be of anger, grief or fear of losing control The manner in which they bottle up these feelings may lead to depression They disli$e consolation from others and appear stoical and controlled They need to be alone to cry and can be moved to tears by music 7eople benefiting from this remedy often suffer from migraines and are fatigued by the sun

"ulsatilla nigricans
7eople needing this remedy appear childli$e with emotions that vary from moody and clingy to yielding and sensitive When depressed, they cry readily and en5oy consolation and need the support of others 7ulsatilla is a useful remedy for depression due to hormonal changes after childbirth or menopause The woman will often crave sweet foods and put on weight

Sepia is made from cuttlefish in$ /t is used for weary, irritable people 1 especially when overwhelmed by their responsibilities to family members They direct their irritability towards loved ones and have trouble in e0plaining their symptoms The remedy is used for postnatal depression, loss of libido and menopausal symptoms, especially when accompanied by a sagging feeling in the pelvic area

Suppressed emotions, particularly rage, that can erupt under severe pressure, can be helped with this remedy When the person is well they are mild and yielding, but they can be addicted to wor$ , high se0 drive is often present Stress related headaches, toothache and stomachache are pointers to the use of this remedy

Dosage guidance
The potency '3+ of the remedy is determined by the number of dilutions and is described by a number To select a dose, either see$ advice from a homoeopath or start on a lower potency such as >3 or (-3 The potency can be increased, but it is not necessary or advisable to ta$e potencies above ?)3 without consulting a homoeopath

$ow to take the remedies

,lways read the instructions and listen to any advice given

The basic rule is to ta$e one tablet as directed and observe the effects The dose may be repeated two or three times a day without danger /n mar$ed contrast to conventional remedies for depression, the advice is to stop ta$ing homoeopathic remedies as soon as an improvement is seen /f no improvement is seen in () days, rather than switching to a different remedy, see$ =ualified advice to obtain a better match or see your 67 9ead more* http*@@www netdoctor co u$@diseases@depression@homeopathyA))))>> htmBi0CC-cTw&ew T4 &ollow us* D4etDoctor on Twitter E 4etDoctor:; on &aceboo$

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