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Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity in Argentina Argentina is well known for being a top tourist country to visit. From its culture driven city of Bueno Aires to the many mountains and rivers to the different climates of Argentina; it makes it a remarkable destination not to miss. Argentina in the biodiversity world is known as being the megadiverse country. With 15 continental zones, 3 oceanic zones and the Antarctic region are all represented in its territory. With this large of a diversity there are many different plants, animals, and species to name a few. (CBD). Each of Argentinas different regions has a wide array of geological formations, species and plants just to name a few are being threatened by tourism. Not only does tourism affect Argentinas biodiversity but so does Argentinas inhabitants. Argentinas profound culture relies greatly on Argentinas biodiversity. If Argentinas biodiversity declines, we can expect their cultural diversity to decline as well. Argentina has such a large culture background due to the many different immigrants that inhabited the land. Different cultures such as the Germans and Italians establishing farming and the Irish controlling sheep farming make Argentinas land highly endangered. With agriculture being a main resources, it has greatly affected Argentinas forests. Argentina is facing deforestation due to the expansion of soybean crops. A census in 1914 revealed that Argentina had approximately 105 million ha of forest. Today, studies estimate a remaining 28 to 45 million ha. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), some 16,288,000 ha of Argentinas forest cover have been lost between 1980 and 2000. (WWF Global) With deforestation occurring, it also hinders tourism in Argentina. If forests are being cut down to

GCU 114 make the crop fields larger it takes away Argentinas natural beauty that people visit and hinders their experience exploring the beautiful lands. Another large area that is being threatened is Argentinas marine ecosystems. Particularly in Argentinas Patagonian Coast, which covers 1,500 miles of the southwestern coastal zone. Argentinas coast is being polluted not only by tourist but by the people of Argentina. The population in the area is continuously growing and with the growth of population, Argentinas natural resources in the area are growing. With the growth it is causing pollution not only to the air, but more importantly to the water. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has created a project to protect the marine ecosystem that is continually succeeding in doing such. They wanted to protect the tourism and the sustainable fisheries in the area but at the same time, they are trying to protect the environment. With Argentinas growing population it does make it difficult to not interfere with its biodiversity, but if they continue to offer and start programs to make their biodiversity more aware to everyone like the UNDP has, their biodiversity would not be suffering. Argentina needs to protect the beautiful land it has not only for tourism but for the natives of Argentina. The natives of Argentina make the country the place it is, and even though they have to thrive and live, they should be aware of what is happening to their ecosystems around them.

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References Argentina - Country Profile. Main Details. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from

Coast. (n.d.). Argentina. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from ems_and_biodiversity/projects/argentina---18-years-of-support-to-protect-the-biodiversity-of-a/

Culture and Society in Argentina. Culture and Society in Argentina. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from

Environmental problems in Argentina. WWF. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from

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