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ELC-407a Control Engineering

Digital Control Systems

Dr. Hany M. Elsayed

e-mail: helsayed@ieee.org Course material available at: http://eece.cu.edu.eg/moodle/

References M.S. Fadali and A. Visioli, Digital Control Engineering: Analysis and Design, Academic Press 2009. K. Ogata, Discrete-Time Control Systems, 2nd Ed., PrenticeHall 1995.

J.H. Chow, D.K. Frederick, and N.W. Chbat, Discrete-Time Control Problems using Matlab, Brooks/Cole 2003.

Elc-407a Lecture 1

Digital computers are the primary means of implementing feedback control loops. They provide the advantages of improved performance and flexibility at reduced cost. The digital computer in the loop can only handle discretetime, quantized signals. A discrete-time control system is a control system in which control signals can change only at discrete instants of time. The controlled process is normally a continuous time process, and hence sampling is used to enable digital control. Thus in a sampled-data control system we have a mixture of continuous-time and discrete-time signals.

Elc-407a Lecture 1

controlled variable c(t) Controlled Process Sensor Actuator S/H D/A A/D

error e(nT)
Controller control signal u(nT) +

reference signal r(nT)

Digital Computer
Elc-407a Lecture 1

If sampling period T and quantization step q are extremely small, digital system would be treated as a continuous-time system. However, for practical reasons we cannot have too small T and q. In this part of the course we study the classical (transform) methods for the analysis and design of digital control systems. Z-transform plays a role analogous to that of Laplace transform in continuous-time systems.

Elc-407a Lecture 1

The Ideal Sampler

A sampler can be viewed as a switch that is closed every T seconds and remain closed for an interval of length h.
x(t) x*h(t)

h T h

We will assume regular sampling with a period T in all parts of the system.
Elc-407a Lecture 1

For simplicity, we assume an ideal sampler for which finitewidth pulses are replaced by zero-width impulses.
x(t) x*(t)

Elc-407a Lecture 1

Definition of the Z-transform

Taking the Laplace transform of the ideally sampled signal:


, then:

Elc-407a Lecture 1

For many important functions, z-transform has a closed form solution in its region of convergence. E.g. for the unit step function:

Review of Some Z-transform Properties


Elc-407a Lecture 1

Real Translation Property:

Thus, multiplying the z transform by z-n has the effect of delaying the function by n samples.

Complex Translation Property:

Which can be used to obtain:

Elc-407a Lecture 1

Real Convolution Theorem:

To show this:

Elc-407a Lecture 1

=0 for h > k.

Now let m=k-h, then:

Elc-407a Lecture 1

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