13th NIVAQ Rules and Regulations (Latest) PDF

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014

13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz (N-IVAQ 2013/2014) RULES AND REGULATIONS

Organised by:

Accounting Club of Multimedia University Malacca Campus (These rules and regulations are subject to changes without prior notification)
These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014). Page 1

13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014


1. The quiz will compose of 3 phases, namely the Qualifying round, the Semi-Final round and the Final round. 2. This will be a two-day event, the first day comprising the Qualifying Round while the second day comprising the Semi-Final round and Final round. 3. All participants must be in formal attire during both days. 4. Each university is entitled to send not more than 2 teams for this quiz. 5. Each team must compose of 3 participating members and 1 reserve member. 6. All team registrations are to be submitted to (please fill in External PRs official Email account) before 5.00pm, 28th February 2014 (Friday). Late registrations will not be entertained. 7. The quiz is open to all Accounting students in all universities across Malaysia. 8. The quiz will cover the following subjects: Auditing Financial Accounting Management Accounting Taxation Accounting Information System Finance Professional/Business Ethics

9. Participants are required to bring their own stationery and calculators. Financial calculators are allowed but programmable calculators are strictly prohibited. Upon confiscation, the organizers will not be responsible to prepare one or to replace any unauthorized calculator for the entire duration of the quiz.

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014

10. Participants are also required to prepare their own laptops for the preparation of the presentation slides for the final round. Their laptops must be compatible with the Microsoft Office software since the presentation slides must be prepared with the Microsoft PowerPoint program. The organisers will not be responsible to prepare a laptop or to replace a faulty one for the participants for the entire duration of the quiz. 11. All decisions made by the judges at each round are final. No further correspondences or appeals will be entertained by the judges upon the decision rendered. Any blatant opposition or disagreement (according to the organisers discernment) may constitute an offense and may result the team in question being disqualified from further participation. 12. In the case of an extraordinary or unusual circumstance pertaining to the eligibility of a potential semi-finalist or finalist, the organisers reserve the right and authority to modify or change the rules and regulations to acquiesce the situation and to establish the decision made. Any blatant opposition or disagreement (according to the organisers discernment) may constitute an offense and may result the team in question being disqualified from further participation. Otherwise, the organisers are bound to abide strictly to the rules and regulations contained herein. 13. The participants hereby consent to the aforementioned and following rules and regulations by participating in this event and any blatant opposition or disagreement (according to the organisers discernment) during the event may constitute an offense and may result the team in question being disqualified or disallowed from participating.

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014


1. The qualifying round will be held on 21st March, 2014 (Friday). The venue is Multimedia University Melaka, Main Hall. 2. The qualifying round begins at 10am and ends at 12pm. 3. Participants are required to answer a standardized quiz form comprising 60 MCQ questions and 1 structural question. 4. Each member (participants and reserves alike) is required to participate individually. The marks from each team member will then be aggregated and averaged to reflect the teams overall performance. 5. This round will be subject to strict invigilation by our committee members. Any and all acts of cheating or any such attempts by a participant will constitute an offense by the whole team and the team will be disqualified from proceeding to the next round. 6. The forms will be marked by our committee. 1 mark will be allocated for each MCQ question and 15 marks for the structural question. 7. The top twenty-five (25) participants who have been chosen to join the semi-final round will be announced at 5pm on the day itself. 8. The video case study for the final round will also be displayed simultaneously after the announcement of the semi-finalists has been made. For further details, please refer to the Final Rounds section on page 8. 9. The marks obtained from this round will be carried forward to the semi-final round. The maximum mark obtainable from this round is 75 marks.

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014


1. The top twenty-five (25) participants from the Qualifying Round will be eligible to enter into the Semi Final Round, which will be held in Dewan Seri Negeri on the 22nd March 2014 (Saturday). 2. The 25 teams will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will compete on the stage sequentially. The group divisions will be based on a random pick from a ballot box. 3. Each group will be given 15 questions, with each team given a buzzer. Answers will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. 4. The Quiz Master will read each question twice. Teams are required to listen carefully to the Quiz Masters reading of each question as they will not be shown to the participants, only read out orally. 5. Teams may attempt by pressing the buzzer, but only after the first reading of the question is finished. Offenders thereby forfeit their attempt and hence, will be disallowed from attempting again for the duration of that particular question. 4 marks will be deducted due to the offense. 6. Participants are allowed to interrupt the Quiz Master to attempt only after the first reading has ended or while the second reading is proceeding. 7. Participants may also request a third reading of the questions and they may also attempt the question while the third reading is going on. 8. The teams have to answer within 30 seconds once the second reading is finished or upon attempt after the first reading is finished, whichever comes first. If a third reading is requested, no additional time will be added along into the 30 seconds timeframe. 9. The second attempter will be given only 10 seconds to present their answer. They may continue answering even if their attempt exceeds the 30 second timeframe (rule no. 8), so long it does not exceed their allotted 10 seconds.

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014

10. Rules no. 8 & 9 can be illustrated through the following diagram:

0 second

30 seconds

x seconds

The 30 second timeframe (rule no. 8) only begins once the second reading ends or once a team attempts the question, whichever comes first.

Assuming that the second attempter attempts at this frame and actually exceeds the 30 second timeframe, they may continue answering as long as their attempt does not exceed 10 seconds (rule no. 9).

11. The following situations dictate the marks which may be given to first attempters: (a) If the first attempting team answers correctly, they will be awarded 2 marks and the Quiz Master will proceed to the next question; (b) If the judges deem their answer partially acceptable, they may award the team with 1 mark and open the question to the floor for a second attempt; (c) If the teams answer is deemed wholly unacceptable, 2 marks will be deducted from their total score for this round and the question will be open to the floor for a second attempt. (d) If the team fails to answer the question within the 30 second timeframe, they will be deemed as having answer incorrectly and their total score for this round will be reduced by 2 marks. The second attempt is not applicable to the first attempters and teams who have failed to heed the aforementioned rule no. 5. 12. The following situations dictate the marks which may be given to second attempters: (a) In the case of situation 11. (b), whereby the first attempters answer was partially acceptable, the second attempter is required to fill out the remaining details. If the judges deem their answer acceptable, they will be given 1

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014

mark. Otherwise, their total score will be reduced by 2 marks and the Quiz Master will proceed to the next question. (b) In the case of situation 11. (c), whereby the first attempters answer was wholly unacceptable, the second attempter will be awarded 2 marks if their answer is correct or 1 mark if it is deemed partially acceptable. Otherwise, their total score will be reduced by 2 marks and the Quiz Master will proceed to the next question. (c) If the second attempter fails to answer within the 10 second timeframe, they will be deemed as having answered in accurately and their total score will be reduced by 2 marks. 13. If no team attempts a question within the aforementioned 30 seconds timeframe in rule no. 8, all teams on stage will have their score deducted by 2 marks. The question will also be forfeited and the Quiz Master will proceed to the next question. 14. If a team has not answered a question within 3 consecutive turns at any point in the quiz, the teams score will be reduced by 5 marks. 15. The initial score for each team is 20 marks. The total score attributable to this round may only be deducted to a minimum of 0 marks. The maximum obtainable mark for this round is 50 marks. 16. Each teams performance will be evaluated by accumulating their scores from the qualifying round and this round and averaging it out on a 1:1 ratio. In other words, their total score thus far will be based on the following distribution: Round Qualifying Semi-Final Total Score (thus far) Weightage 50% 50% 100%

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014

17. The top eight (8) scoring teams will be selected from all the groups to participate in the final round. If a tie occurs during the selection of the top 8 scoring teams, a Tiebreaker round will be conducted. Please refer to the Tiebreaker section on page 10 for more information.

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014


1. 8 finalists will be selected from the semi-final round. This will be a video case study analysis round; participants will present based on their findings and analysis of 1 standardised video case study, which will be displayed upon the announcement of the semi-finalists at 5pm on the first day of the event. 2. Once the video case study has been displayed, the 25 semi-finalist teams shall immediately prepare their slides in the reserved locations with Wi-Fi access throughout Multimedia University Malacca, from 5:15pm to 8:15pm. Participants will be subject to strict invigilation by the organisers committee members during this stage to avoid unfair coalitions or aid from external parties via e-mail or social network sites. 3. The presentation slides will then be submitted to the organisers for safekeeping by 8.15pm and no further adjustments are allowed to be made to the presentation slides upon submission. 4. Only the top 8 teams from the Semi-Final Round are eligible to participate in the Final Round. The eligible teams will then take turns to present their analysis of the case. 5. Each team is given 15 minutes to present their cases. Anything else presented beyond the given time limit will not be considered by the judges. 6. The allocation of marks for this section will be as follows: Components of Evaluation Analysis of Case Speech Quality Quality of Presentation Slides Conclusion and Recommendations Total Score Mark Allocation 40% 25% 10% 25% 100%

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014).

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13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014

7. The 3 winners of this competition will be decided based on the total score derived from their performance in this round and the accumulated marks from the semi-final round and qualifying round. The scores from the tiebreaker round are not considered. The weightage given to the marks accumulated from each rounds will be as such: Rounds Qualifying Semi-final Final Total score Weightage 25% 25% 50% 100%

8. All decisions as to the choice of winners made by the judges are final and irrevocable.

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014). Page 10

13th National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz 2013/2014


1. This round will be implemented as a tiebreaker where the need arises. 2. Each team will be given a buzzer. Answers will be accepted on a first-come-firstserve basis. 3. 10 questions will be asked. This round ends once a team answers 3 questions correctly or has answered the most questions at the end of the round, whichever comes first. This team will be eligible to enter into the Final round. 4. The Quiz Master will read each question twice. Teams are required to listen carefully to the Quiz Masters reading of each question as they will not be shown to the participants, only read out orally. 5. Teams may attempt by pressing the buzzer, but only after the first reading of the question is finished. Offenders thereby forfeit their attempt and hence, will be disallowed from attempting again for the duration of that particular question. 6. Participants are allowed to interrupt the Quiz Master to attempt only after the first reading has ended or while the second reading is proceeding. 7. Participants may also request a third reading of the questions and they may also attempt the question while the third reading is going on. 8. Each question may only be attempted once. No second attempt will be available. 9. The attempting team will have to answer within 30 seconds once the second reading is finished or upon attempt after the first reading is finished, whichever comes first. If a third reading is requested, no additional time will be added along into the 30 seconds timeframe. 10. If a tie still occurs at the end of the round, the eligible finalist(s) will be decided based on the teams performance in the semi-final round.

These rules and regulations are set by the Quiz Protocol Division (N-IVAQ 2013/2014). Page 11

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