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Training Scorecard When implementing a training scorecard it is important to track, collect, compile, analyze, and report six different

types of training data collected over different time periods. These types of data are indicators, reaction, learning, application, business impact, and return-on-investment. Indicators. This is the traditional approach to reporting training data. Some examples of indicators are number of employees trained, total training hours, training hours per employee, training investment as a percentage of payroll, cost per participant. Although these measures are necessary, they do not reflect the results of the training program. There are many types of indicators, but it is most important to include in the scorecard the measures of interest to the organization s top managers. Level 1: REACTION. At this level, participants reactions to and satisfaction !ith the training program are measured. Some recommended data to capture on "evel # instruments are$ - relevance of training to %ob - recommendation of training to others - importance of information received - intention to use skills&kno!ledge ac'uired Those four items have predictive validity for pro%ecting actual applications and should be compared from one program to another. Level 2 : LEARNING. "earning can be measured informally !ith self-assessments, team assessments, or facilitator assessments, or formally !ith ob%ective tests, performance testing, or simulations. "earning self-assessments may ask participants to rate the follo!ing items$ - understanding of the skills&kno!ledge ac'uired - ability to use the skills&kno!ledge ac'uired - confidence in the use of skills&kno!ledge ac'uired Level 3 : BE A!IOR A""LICATION. This level measures changes in on-the-%ob behavior !hile the training is applied or implemented. This in(formation often is collected through a follo!-up survey or 'uestionnaire. )ey 'uestions asked concern $ - the importance of the skills&kno!ledge hack on the %ob - the fre'uency of use of the ne! skills&kno!ledge - the effectiveness of the skills&kno!ledge !hen applied on the %ob Level # : B$SINESS I%"ACT. At this level the actual business results of the training program are identified. A paper-based or automated follo!-up 'uestionnaire can be used to gather this data. *epending on the training programs performance and business ob%ectives, data may be gathered on the follo!ing$ - productivity level - 'uality - cost control - sales revenue

- customer satisfaction Level & : RET$RN ON IN!EST%ENT. At this level the monetary benefits of the program are compared !ith the cost of the program. The costs of the program must be fully loaded. The methods used to convert data should be reported. The +,- calculation for a training program is identical to the +,- ratio for any other business investment$ +,-./0 1 ..benefits - costs2&costs0 x #33 A benefit-cost ratio may also be calculated by dividing costs into benefits. INTANGIBLE BENE'ITS. -ntangible benefits are measures that are intentionally not converted to monetary values because the conversion to monetary data !ould be too sub%ective. -t is important to capture and report intangible benefits of the training program, such as$ - increased %ob satisfaction - reduced conflicts - reduced stress - improved team!ork

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