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Malaysian Institute of Management


Thinking Outside The Box

This interactive programme encourages you to think rationally and creatively, beyond conventional constraints. The frog under the coconut shell is isolated from the greater world outside the shell. A manager who is anchored to a fixed set of thinking patterns is similarly handicapped. A manager needs strategies and skills to expand his/her thinking so as to tap thinking to the fullest potential. Instead of being plateaued, thinking can gain a fresh boost of mental zest. Sometimes, to unlearn bad habits can be harder than to learn good habits. This programme seeks to ease managers into new thinking paths so that their thinking is not boxed inside. Objectives Upon completion of this programme, you will be able to: Expose the habitual ways in which you limit your thinking Explore ways and means to escape from barriers which trapped thinking Inspire you to seek new perspectives from which you can achieve new insights and outcomes Designed For First Level Managers Ideally suited for young managers before they get entrenched in mindset Training Methodology This course is based on interactive learning via group discussions and exercises, real case studies and participants will have to write down individual plans to implement what is learnt from the programme. Programme Outline Day 1 Thinking nature or nurture? Thinking about thinking the role of perception Intelligence academic brilliance vs street smart Left & right brain functions Thinking differences Barriers Day 2 Thinking Outside The Box Avoid mindset Shift paradigm Creative thinking Breakthrough thinking

Learning Outcomes At the end of this programme, you will have gained the following knowledge and learning, and be able to: Identify habitual ways which limit thinking effectiveness Apply strategies to escape from barriers which constrain thinking Think with fresh perspectives, and new responses to obstacles, and opportunities that achieve results out of mental reach Administrative Details Fees: MIM Member: RM1,200 Non-Member: RM1,450 Duration: 2 days Time: 9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Dates: 11-12 March 2013 5-6 June 2013 23-24 September 2013

Training Facilitator
Main Trainer:

Peter Chin, AMIM, MIM-CPT

MBA (University of Bath, UK), Accounting (Technician Certification Authority, New Zealand) New Zealand Certificate in Commerce (NZCC),

PSMB Scheme: SBL SBL-Khas CPD Hours: 16

Malaysian Institute of Management > > > Tel: (603) 7711 2888 > Fax: (603) 7711 2999
MIM reserves the right to alter the programme schedule and details without prior notification. Fees quoted are subject to terms and conditions outlined in MIMs Registration Policy.

Driving People to the Future

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