Botswana BGS

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Government/Business Botswana Public Sector Society Public sector workers -Nurses -Teachers -Doctors -Other public workers

A- The Botswana Government has kept salaries stagnant for three years1 despite rampant inflation2. B- Public sector workers went on strike in demand for a pay rise and as a result, brought the country to a near standstill3.

Background On the 18th of April 2011, public sector workers went on strike in demand of a 16% pay rise after wages had stagnated for three years. State workers embarked on a nation-wide strike with a turnout of as many as 90,000 workers.4 Effects Instead of dealing with the strike delicately, the Government took harsh action; banning workers in essential services to take part in the strikes, and used this as a basis to sack the

Ncube, Sarah. " Botswana orders strikers back to work | The Botswana Telegraph." The Botswana Telegraph | Trusted and Reliable news on Africa & Middle East. The Botswana Telegraph, 4 June 2011. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <>. 2 " Botswana: Nation's Civil Servants' Strike." Home., 10 May 2011. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. < 3 Clottey, Peter. "Botswanas Government Closes Down Schools as Strike Continues | Africa | English."News | English. Voice Of America, 17 May 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <>. 4 "Botswana strike threatens ruling party power - Times LIVE ." Home - Breaking SA and World News, Sports, Business, Entertainment and more - Times LIVE . Times Live, 10 May 2011. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <>.

workers who would not return to their post.5 This failure for the government and society to reach an agreement has caused the initial 10-day strike to continue indefinitely at least until an agreement has been reached. The prolonged strike has taken its toll on the state, grounding public services. i.e. Public schools have been closed down while clinics and hospitals run on skeleton staff. The strike has practically brought the country to a standstill. 6 Aftermath The situation cooled off after the government conceded to a 3% pay rise as well as to reinstate workers laid off during the strike.7However, there is still residual discontent with the government despite both parties reaching an agreement.8 Critique Ronald Reagan was once quoted A Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. The Botswana governments response to the situation has drawn much critic and disapproval from within and outside of the country. The government is being run too much like a business instead of a government; where the needs of the people come first.6 The government has deviated from the fundamentals duties of the government. 9

"UNISON International | the public service union." UNISON | The public service trade union. Unison International, 26 May 2011. Web. <>. 6 "Botswana strike hurts economic achievements | The Independent Daily." The Independent Daily | The first english, daily newspaper in Mauritius.. The Independent Daily, 2011. Web<>. 7 "UPDATE 1-Breakthrough in 6-week Botswana state strike| News by Country| Reuters." Reuters Africa, 30 May 2011. Web.<>.

Trankovits, Laszlo. "Discontent grows in Botswana - 'Africa's Switzerland' - Monsters and Critics." Entertainment and World News on Monsters and Critics. M&C News, 9 Oct. 2011. Web.<>

"UCCSA Slams Botswana Government Strike Response." Global Ministries. Global Ministries, 6 June 2011. Web. <>.

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