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CASE STUDY CHECKLIST FOR AIRPORT 1. Components of an airport i. Apron a. Standards b. Size of aircrafts c. Any special requirements? ii.

Fuelling Stations a. Location with respect to the other facilities. b. Capacity c. Supply from where? d. Access to and from. Security? iii. Parking Bays a. Size of aircrafts b. Standards iv. Control Tower a. Spaces b. Factors affecting its location c. Design requirements specific to each space if any? v. Terminal Building a. Lobbies i. ii. Size, proportion Area/passenger

b. Ticket counters, Waiting Areas i. Kind of Furniture

c. Check In Counters i. ii. iii. No. of counters Division of classes Any special considerations

d. Security hold area i. ii. Procedures for security check What is being done in case of any suspicion/confusion?

e. Administration

i. ii. f.

Offices inside the airport Difference between the various offices

Duty Free i. ii. iii. iv. No. of shops Type of shops, what all are sold Regulations for setting up in airport Employee movement. Access within the airport

2. Passenger flow within the airport i. ii. Arrival Domestic Arrival International a. Difference between the two iii. iv. Departure Domestic Departure International a. Difference between the two v. Transit Passengers a. International and domestic b. Domestic-Domestic; Intl Intl 3. Baggage flow within an airport i. ii. iii. Arriving passengers Departing Passengers Transit a. International and domestic b. Domestic-Domestic; Intl Intl 4. Lounges i. VIP Lounges a. Who has access b. Departure and arrival ii. Airline Lounges a. Who Has access? iii. iv. Business class lounge? Any lounge where economy passengers can use?

5. Additional services for airports i. Emergency

a. Fire Stations i. ii. iii. iv. v. How many fire engines? Where is it located? Access to different parts of the site Where is there the maximum chance for and accident? Protocol in case of an emergency

b. Medical Emergency i. ii. iii. iv. ii. Catering a. Source of supply of food b. Preparation areas required c. Packing mechanism Space required d. Security 6. Landside parking i. ii. No.s Types of parking Where are the patients first taken? Extent of services that can be taken care of within the airport Nearby hospitals Protocol in case of an emergency

7. Passenger moving systems in airports i. Vertical a. Capacity ii. Horizontal

8. Way finding in airports i. ii. Different types and locations of each, purpose Standards, if any?

9. Security in airports - Vulnerability in airport i. ii. iii. iv. Vulnerable locations within the airport Additional security measures Protocol in case of breech in security Security measures for passengers, employees.

10. Sustainability in airport design i. Measures adopted

ii. iii.

Waste disposal techniques Energy efficiency measures

11. Pilgrim related facilities 12. Managing services in a large structure i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. Water: Water Tank, Supply system, Motor Room, Treatment, Filtration Power Drainage Communications Waste Disposal Air Conditioning: Plant Rooms, Location, Size, Number Lighting Security Fire Safety Parking Sump Tank/ Treatment Plant Delivery/ Pick up: Postal, Courier, Goods Pedestrian Paths Universal Access Ventilation and Humidity Control Sound reinforcement, Ducts, Location, Size, Vertical, Horizontal, Lining, Closing Control Systems: Openings, Lifts, Lighting, etc. Fuel/ s delivery and storage Parking Facilities: Habits, Time, Mode, Area, Number, Location, Safety

13. Luxury features in the airport i. ii. Additional Facilities hotels, bars, food courts Spas, showers?, lounges

14. Structural design of airport i. ii. Systems employed to frame large span Construction time and procedure

15. Lighting in an airport i. ii. Lighting requirements Systems employed


Special features

16. Employee movement in airports i. ii. Security considerations Circulation patterns

17. Dealing with delays in airports i. ii. Protocol Additional spaces if any?

18. Noise control measures 19. Baggage handling systems i. ii. Scanning systems Machinery required and spaces for the same

20. Passenger experience surveys 21. Vehicular access restrictions i. ii. iii. Airside restrictions Location of gates for their movement Security

22. Surrounding development Characteristics 23. Helicopter and Sea Plane landing facilities 24. Hangars - Security

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