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Prepared by: Subhajit Kundu MBA (marketing) 2nd yr Roll no: Registration No-

Company guide: Mr. Abhishek Mitra Ms. Sreedipa Basu

Faculty guide: Assistant. Prof. Somnath Chaterjee

It is not possible to prepare a project report without the assistance & encouragement of other people. This one is certainly no exception. On the very outset of this report, I would like to extend my sincere & heartfelt obligation towards all the personages who have helped me in this endeavor. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation & encouragement, I would not have made headway in the project .I am ineffably indebted to Mr. Abhishek Mitra and Ms.Sreedipa Basu for conscientious guidance and encouragement to accomplish this project .I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to my faculty Mr. Somnath chaterjee for his valuable guidance and support on completion of this project in its presently. I extend my gratitude to Durgapur Institute of Management & Science for giving me this opportunity. I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically. At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to complete this project report. Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude.

Subhajit kundu Durgapur Institute of Management & Science Durgapur



I Subhajit Kundu do hereby declare that the project entitled Advertising & Promotion Policy of Mindrush Technology. Is an original work. The contents of this project report reflects the work done by me during the Summer Internship project of the Master of Business Administration in Mindrush Technology Pvt .Ltd, Kolkata from June 2013 to July 2013.

Subhajit Kundu Durgapur Institute of Management & Science Durgapur



This is to certify that the project work titled Advertising & Promotion Policy of Mindrush Technology is a bonafide work carried out by me, submitted to Mindrush Technology Pvt.Ltd in partial fulfillment of project work in MBA final year 3rd Semester in Durgapur Institute of Management & Science. The project work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any degree diploma in any other university or institution.

Signature of Project Guide





This is to certify that the project work titled Advertising & Promotion Policy of Mindrush Technology is a bonafide work carried out by me, submitted to Mindrush Technology Pvt.Ltd in partial fulfillment of project work in MBA final year 3rd Semester in Durgapur Institute of Management & Science. The project work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any degree diploma in any other university or institution.

Signature of Project Guide




Project Certificate-





The history and structure of education system in India has not been stable. With India having a history of invasion during the feudal period, the system of imparting education also kept changing. Indian educational system has molded itself on the pattern of British education system. PostIndependence, all governments greatly emphasized the importance of spreading education to all corners of the country. The central and state governments in accordance with constitutional directives have tried their best to implement them. Keeping all these developments in mind, we can safely assume that, although Indian Education System has noticeable blemishes, things have definitely improved in the last decade. Indian education policy makers have tried to prepare a welldefined curriculum, which enables Indian students maintain their position in the top quartile on international stage. Currently, with hundreds of universities and thousands of colleges affiliated to them, India has positioned itself comfortably as a country that provides quality higher education to its people in specific and to the world in general.

Private Initiatives and GATS

Education in India was not open for private participation. However, off late, the government has given permission to private bodies to run schools and colleges for profit. Now the WTO (World Trade Organization) has widened its sphere of control by introducing GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services). GATS is a legally enforceable agreement aimed at deregulating international markets in services, including education. This covers not only services in production sectors (banking, transportation) but also essential social services like healthcare and education. Increased demand for education has led to major changes in supply. Higher education has now entered the market fray. Universities that had a virtual monopoly for decades and even centuries are now encountering a range of competitors - virtual consortia, global branches of universities, forprofit institutions - that are vying for revenues and profits.

Structure The Constitutional

Till late 70s, school education was on the State List of the constitution, which meant that states had the final say in their respective education systems. However, in 1976, education was transferred to the Concurrent list and currently the Centre makes the policies on education while the States just follow it.


Market Structure and Size

India is one of the largest markets for education in the world in terms of number of students. Currently, there are over 1 MM schools in India providing education to over 200 MM students. The number of teachers in India currently stands at 5.8 MM (Source: Everonn RHP).

Type of Institutions Number(In MM)

(i)Higher education institutes and others High Schools Hr./Sr. Secondary (ii) Institutions running Diploma and Certificate courses Polytechnics Teacher training institutions Tech., Indus., Arts & Crafts Total (iii) Universities and colleges Universities Colleges 543 16,009 1,171 1,465 5,114 7,750 1.1 1.0

Indian Education System - Segmentation The Indian Education System can be broadly divided into three segments; namely Schools, which include pre schools and the K12 segment, Professional colleges imparting education in the field of medicine, engineering and management, and lastly, Vocational training institutes, which includes IT training and teacher training institutes.


Higher Education
The growth of higher education in India has been commendable. However, on the flip side, India's spending on higher education (as % of GDP) has been among the lowest in the world. In 1951, India's spending on higher education was 0.2% of the GDP, whichincreased to 1% in 1980s. But the share in higher education dropped considerably in mid-90s to about 0.4% and since then, the spending on higher education has been languishing in this range. Currently, both public and private institutions operate simultaneously. But as far as universities are concerned, only central and state government can open a new university and that too by legislation in parliament and state. Debate over private universities has continued for more than a decade. In 1995, the Private Universities (Establishment and Regulation) bill was introduced in the Parliament. While a central legislation for private universities is still pending for want of a consensus, several state governments have established private universities through state legislation. Today, there are 10 private universities in Indian higher education. The resources and spending of government on higher education is not enough to tackle the rapid growth in the enrollment in higher education, which India is currently witnessing. Also, the management and supervision of the government funded higher education institutes is fairly dismal.To improve quality of imparting higher education and to attract foreign students, the government may have to allow private institutes to operate in the country in a free manner. While free entry and exit of foreign institutes into India may take time due to political issues, private sector initiatives in higher education have started making their presence felt.

Vocational Training
This is the third segment in education services. Vocation is an occupational skill on which a person is specifically trained. Currently, in India there are many privately owned institutes that are providing vocational training. NIIT's ,Mindrushs, Aptech's core IT training business comes within the ambit of vocational training institutes. .

IT Training
The IT sector currently employes around 1.7 MM people and has grown at a CAGR of 26.6% from FY04 to FY07 (Source: NASSCOM). Thus, the requirement for skilled people in the sector continues to grow at a healthy rate, which will definitely benefit companies like NIIT and Aptech. The Global IT training industry has grown a little over 3% in CY07 and stood at US$24 Bn. More importantly, the IT industry is facing a shortage of employable professionals and going forward, this problem is likely to worsen. So there is ample scope for growth of core IT training companies like NIIT and Aptech.

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Vocational Courses IT Training Company Number of centres NIIT Aptech Jetking Mindrush Public Limited Public Limited Public Limited Private Limited 500 400 100 85

Stages of IT integration

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Companies and Their Market ShareThe market of the IT training services in increasing, because in todays market scenario all the MNCs and the leading and average software recruits those candidates who have extra qualification in their CV beyond domain knowledge.

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Drivers to the growth of IT Training Industry

Increase level of income and education An increased presence of skilled and educated youth in rural India, results in stimulating the development of villages, further, triggering the return of previously migrated youth because of new opportunities and the availability of jobs in It Industry. Training and education reduce dependency on agricultural income. The younger generations are empowered and manage to procure alternative jobs to tap into more sustainable sources of income generation. Thus, alleviating poverty and filling emerging India's talent void. The youth with enhanced skills and alternative sources of income tend to invest and save more to improve their standard of living and create security for the future. This enhanced lifestyle and higher purchasing capacity qualifies them as consumers, thus, opening new markets and expediting the expansion of urban markets to rural and semi-urban areas.

The Main Concern For The IT Education Industry

Human Resource- trainers are the most valuable asset of this industry, the industry require trained and experienced professionals most of all are b-tech graduates, but now a days all the trained people wants to work in the software industry, thats why it is costly to retain a old employee or to find a new one. Infrastructure- Any education industry needs to have a good infrastructure .

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Mindrush Technology is headquartered at Kolkata. Mindrush is an established name with its high technology training and knowledge base solution since September 2007 .Mindrush has grown from an information security training startup to a multi national IT training brand with extensive reach in south east Asia. With its strong presence in UK, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and South Africa apart from other countries, The flagship offering of Mindrush is providing on information security which is delivered to its audience all over the world via computer based Training Courses ,Onsite Training Program and Company/ franchise owned learning centers. We have strong linkages with the industry Being partners with organizations like Microsoft Corporation, IBM,HP and Symantec we have conducted training programs in many big corporate houses of India Mindrush has been training and certifying experts on subjects ranging from Ethical Hacking ,Information Security, Android, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Cloud computing to Technical Analysis with its range of Technology Certification Programs. Global Presence

Clients 14 | P a g e

We have provided our services to some of the best colleges in the India. Included in our Client list are names such as IIT Bombay,Delhi College of Engineering,St.Stephens College, Faculty of Management Studies ,Ambedkar Institute of Technology ,IIT Kharagpur ,IITKanpur ,etc .Some of Our Corporate Clients are DLF India, IBM, SpiceJet, Computer Society of India American Megatrends ,Colt Telecom, Fidelity Investments ,Ventures ,Dew soft ,L&T, Godrej, FICCI, Mantra Ventures, General Motors, Govt Of India and many more. We have also catered to various governmental organizations ,some of them being J&K Police,North Eastern Police Academy, Delhi Police ,FICCI ,Central Bureau of Investigation, Computer Society of India, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and the Indian Army.
Information Security (Ethical hacking) Android Applications Cloud computing SEO/Online Marketing Technical Analysis PHP/My SQL Core Java Advanced Java

Have strong networking and tie-ups within the industry. Being partners with organizations like Microsoft Corporation, IBM, HP and Symantec, we have conducted training programs in most wellknown corporate houses of India. Some prominent names of Institutions and Organizations that we have catered to are as follows: Mindrush has been Training and Certifying experts in Ethical Hacking and Information Security with its Certified Information Security Expert (CISE) certification. Similarly Certifications for Android, are alsoglobally recognized, and provide all the required training, workshops, seminars globally. We take this opportunity to a mutually beneficial collaboration between Mindrush Technology and the esteemed Institute. We are an established name in providing high-end technical trainings for Information security (Ethical Hacking), Android Applications, Cloud Computing. We wish to be the official partner for conducting Technical Training Sessions in your institution, under which, we would conduct Seminars and workshops, summer training on the topics mentioned above.

MISSION STATEMENT "Our objective is to provide High Technology Training Solutions for Individuals and Corporate, in a cost effective manner, without compromising on quality." We currently provide training over subjects ranging from Network Security, Web Application Security, Exploit Development to Malware Analysis. In the near future our aim is to cover an even wide number of HK Domains.

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17th August 2012 - As per Alexa Ranking, we are now the Most Popular IT Education Corporate Website in India (Business Wire). 28th April 2012 Mindrush is now a NASSCOM and DSCI member company. 27th February 2012 - Ethical Hacking and Information Security Training operations begin in South Africa. (Business Wire). 19th April 2011 - Mindrush wins Newsmakers Achievers' 2011 Award for "Best Ethical Hacking Training". 15th January 2011 - New Website Launched! 15th November 2010 - New centers now open in Malaysia, UK & Kuwait. Opening Soon in many more countries! 1st August 2010 - New Centers now open at Bangalore and Pune. 10th September 2007 - Operation started first time at Kolkata.

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Trained more than 40,000 Students globally. Maintaining a CAGR of 300% since Inception. Presence in more than 20 Countries via Classroom centers and Distance Learning Programs. Made Clients including Government of India, FICCI, Colt Telecom, Fidelity Investments, DLF, IBM and Microsoft. Conducted Training Programs for IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi ,IIT Kharagpur ,NIT Trichy, BITS Pilani, BITS Goa, FMS Delhi, Delhi College of Engineering, St. Stephens College, among other prominent institutions. Collective experience of delivering more than 100,000 Hours of High Technology Training.

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CERTIFIED INFORMATION SECURITY EXPERT LEVEL 1 VERSION 2 CISE Level 1 v 2.0 CISE (Certified Information Security Expert) certification is one of the most recognized International certification in Information Security and Ethical Hacking. The Program covers all aspects of Information Security and Ethical Hacking, enabling one to become an Information Security Expert. Online Security Breaches are happening at a very fast rate and experts are needed to check and cure these. ITS (IT Security) Experts are in demand. According to NASSCOM, the demand for ITS Experts is going to rise substantially worldwide. ITS is a THE next big thing in ICT and you should make the best of it. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: Basic Knowledge of Computers and Internet

CERTIFIED PHP PROFESSIONAL In this course, details regarding the basic as well as advance level of web programming will be explained along with basic knowledge of the Internet and web Servers. Some Details about networking will also be covered. Apart from this, we will also cover Network Programming using PHP, JavaScript, DHTML, XML, Content Management Systems such as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, etc and Secure coding Practices. Training Duration: 50 Hours Pre-requisite: Basic Knowledge of Computers and Internet

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Certified Online Marketing Professional Our Online Marketing Training Program is designed for people who have basic knowledge of computers & websites, and have the desire to learn Search Engine Optimization and Online Marketing. In this Training Program, details regarding the basic and advanced levels of Search Engine Optimization, PPC, SMO and Web Analytics will be explained along with basic knowledge of the Internet and Search engines. Some Details about networking will also be covered. As a whole, this is the Training Program that you are looking for to learn Online Marketing from scratch and become an expert Online Marketing Professional. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: Basic Knowledge of Computers and Internet

Certified Technical Analyst This Training Program aims to create professionals who can predict the movement of the stock markets and who can make money even when the market goes down! No Previous knowledge is required to take this training program since this starts from the very basic level. However, at the same time, once your basics are clear, the same training program will provide advanced knowledge as well. CTA (Certified Technical Analyst) certification is one of the most recognized Indian certification in the field of Technical Analysis. The Program covers all aspects of intraday as well as positional trading, enabling one to become an Self Sufficient Technical based Trader. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: None

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Cloud Computing Classroom Training Cloud computing is an agile, secure, reliable, cost effective and scalable method for delivery of computing and delivery of data. End users access cloud based applications through a web browser or a light weight desktop or mobile app while the business software and data are stored on servers at a remote location. In this program we will cover everything about cloud computing, virtualization, private clouds etc. We also cover popular cloud services including AWS, Google app engine and Windows Azure. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: None

Core Java Classroom Training This course provides in-depth coverage of the basics of Java language and the technique of objectoriented programming (OOP) Students learn from hundreds of live-code examples, with the trainer explaining each concept. In addition, students will develop a stand-alone application, starting at problem definition, requirements analysis, system design, and the details of Java coding and testing. Java is an object-oriented programming language in the same family as C and C++ and solves many of their complexities (pointers, memory allocation, multiple inheritance, etc.). Java is also a portable language, and compiled Java programs run without recompilation on Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, UNIX and other platforms. Java is a mature language that can be used to write entire standalone or server applications. Java has become the dominant platform for modern software development for reasons of reliability, maintainability and ease of development.

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This course provides extensive experience with the Java language and its advanced features. In this Java training course, you will learn how to make your Java applications more efficient using Swing, Applet, JSP, Servlet, EJB and communicate with other programs using Java networking classes, access databases. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: None

Android Classroom Training This Training Program has been developed to enable a beginner to understand Android Application Development. We will first understand the Android Application Development Architecture and its basic components. Then, we develop user interface & user layout. Moving on, various topic including android file systems, data storage, interaction with GPS, Telephony and multimedia file is also covered. In short, this program teaches about the topics mentioned above, from scratch. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: Basic Knowledge of Core Java

CERTIFIED INFORMATION SECURITY EXPERT LEVEL 2: Exploit Writing CISE Level 2: EW As more and more Vulnerabilities are being Discovered, Computer Attackers are exploiting them by writing exploits to attack them. Because of the Knowledge Barrier, it becomes very difficult if not impossible for a Regular Security Administrator to understand and analyze the Risks and Scope of a Flaw or a Vulnerability. Things get even worse, when an Enterprise is dependent upon a Vulnerable Application. The Reason is Simple, it requires a good level of knowledge to understand Vulnerabilities and code them and until now, only a Small "Elite" Group of Information Security Researchers have these skills. This Program aims to impart highly technical skills of Vulnerability Analysis and Exploit writing to the participants such that they are able to customize and create

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Exploits for Custom Applications or Widely used Commercial Applications. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: CISE Level 1, Experience with programming in any language is recommended but not required. Familiarity with Linux & Windows is required. CERTIFIED INFORMATION SECURITY EXPERT LEVEL 2: Network Security CISE Level 2: NS This training Program aims at imparting skills required to secure a Network from Internal and External Threats by understanding and analyzing the Vulnerabilities which exist in a Network. We cover building an appropriate Network Security Infrastructure required to Monitor and Secure a Network, wired or wireless by using the correct Hardware, Software and Penetration Testing Ethical Hacking Infrastructure. We will be practically understanding various network based attacks, Intrusion Detection Systems, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Firewalls, Virtual LANs, Virtual Private Networks, Network Encryption, Wireless Network Security, DNS Tunneling and Network Forensics. Training Duration: 40 Hours Pre-requisite: CISE Level 1.

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One of the most difficult marketing decisions facing companies is how much to spend on promotional John Wanamaker, the departmental - store magazine, said, "I know that half of my advertising is wasted but I don't know which half." Promotion is the final element in the marketing mix. After the nature of product is decided, its price fixed and the methods of distribution decided, the manufactures has to take effective steps in meeting the consumers in the markets. In the present consumer oriented markets it is the duty of manufacturers to know what is required by the consumer. It is also their duty to make the customers know where, when how and at what prices. The products would be available.

Suppose you go to the market to buy soap. The shopkeeper suggests that if you buy two soap cakes, an extra soap cake will be given to you free of cost under buy 2 get 3 scheme. You feel attracted to Gbuy as by doing so you are saving money on one soap. Moreover, soap is an item which is required on a regular basis, and so you can keep the extra two cakes to be used later. This is an approach of increasing sale of a product and it is quite different from what you have learnt in the earlier two lessons. Let us learn more about it in this lesson. Meaning of Sales Promotion Every businessman wants to increase the sale of goods that he deals in. He can adopt several ways for that purpose. You might have heard about lakhpati bano, win a tour to Singapore, 30% extra in a pack of one kg, scratch the card and win a prize etc. You might also have seen gifts like lunch box, pencil box, pen, shampoo pouch etc. offered free with some products. There are also exchange offers, like in exchange of existing model of television you can get a new model at a reduced price. You may have also observed in your neighboring markets notices of winter sale, summer sale, trade fairs, discount up to 50% and many other schemes to attract customers to buy certain products. All these are incentives offered by manufacturers or dealers to increase the sale of their goods. These incentives may be in the form of free samples, gifts, discount coupons, demonstrations, shows, contests etc. All these measures normally motivate the customers to buy more and thus, it increases sales of the product. This approach of selling goods is known as Sales Promotion. You have learnt about advertising and personal selling in the earlier lessons. Personal selling involves face-to-face contact with specific individuals, while advertising is directed towards a large number of potential customers. They also help in increasing sales of goods. Thus, advertising can be used as means of communication to inform potential customers about the incentives offered for sales promotion. Personal selling can as well include communication of the incentives to individual customers. But, sales promotion differs from advertising and personal selling in terms of its approach and technique. Sales promotion adopts short term, non-recurring methods to boost up sales in different ways. These offers are not available to the customers throughout the year. During festivals, end of the seasons, year ending and some other occasions these schemes are 25 | P a g e

generally found in the market. Thus, sales promotion consists of all activities other than advertising and personal selling that help to increase sales of a particular commodity. Objectives of Sales Promotion You have learnt that the main objective of sales promotion is to increase sales. However, there are also some other objectives of sales promotion. The objectives are: i. To introduce new products and services ii. To attract new customers and retain the existing ones iii. To maintain sales of seasonal products iv.To meet the challenge of competition Let us learn about these objectives in details. (i) To introduce new products: Have you ever heard about distribution of free samples? Perhaps you know that many companies distribute free samples while introducing new products. The consumers after using these free samples may develop a taste for it and buy the products later for consumption. (ii) To attract new customers and retain the existing ones: Sales promotion measures help to attract or create new customers for the products. While moving in the market, customers are generally attracted towards the product that offers discount, gift, prize, etc on buying. These are some of the tools used to encourage the customers to buy the goods. Thus, it helps to retain the existing customers, and at the same time it also attracts some new Customers to buy the product. (iii) To maintain sales of seasonal products: There are some products like air conditioner, fan, refrigerator, cooler, winter clothes, room heater, sunscreen lotion, glycerin soap etc., Which are used only in particular seasons? To maintain the sale of these types of products normally the manufacturers and dealers give off-season discount. For example, you can buy air conditioner in winter at a reduced price. Similarly you may get discount on winter clothes during summer. (iv) To meet the challenge of competition: Todays business faces competition all the time. New products frequently come to the market and at the same time improvement also takes place. So sales promotion measures have become essential to retain the market share of the seller or producer in the product-market.

Tools of Sales Promotion To increase the sale of any product manufactures or producers adopt different measures like sample, gift, bonus, and many more. These are known as tools or techniques or methods of sales promotion. Let us know more about some of the commonly used tools of sales promotion. (i) Free samples: You might have received free samples of shampoo, washing powder, coffee powder, etc. while purchasing various items from the market. Sometimes these free samples are also distributed by the shopkeeper even without purchasing any item from his shop. These are distributed to attract consumers to try out a new product and thereby create new customers. Some businessmen distribute samples among selected persons in order to popularize the product. For example, in the case of medicine free samples are distributed among physicians, in the case of textbooks, specimen copies are distributed among teachers. 26 | P a g e

(ii) Premium or Bonus offer: A milk shaker along with Nescafe, mug with Bournvita, toothbrush with 500 grams of toothpaste, 30% extra in a pack of one kg. are the examples of premium or bonus given free with the purchase of a product. They are effective in inducing consumers to buy a particular product. This is also useful for encouraging and rewarding existing customers. (iii) Exchange schemes: It refers to offering exchange of old product for a new product at a price less than the original price of the product. This is useful for drawing attention to product improvement. Bring your old mixer-cum-juicer and exchange it for a new one just by paying Rs.500 or exchange your black and white television with a colour television are various popular examples of exchange scheme. (iv) Price-off offer: Under this offer, products are sold at a price lower than the original price. Rs. 2 off on purchase of lifebuoy soap, Rs. 15 off on a pack of 250 grams of Taj Mahal tea, Rs. 1000 off on cooler etc. are some of the common schemes. This type of scheme is designed to boost up sales in off-season and sometimes while introducing a new product in the market. (v) Coupons: Sometimes, coupons are issued by manufacturers either in the packet of a product or through an advertisement printed in the newspaper or magazine or through mail. These coupons can be presented to the retailer while buying the product. The holder of the coupon gets the product at a discount. For example, you might have come across coupons like, show this and get Rs. 15 off on purchase of 5 kg. of Annapurna Atta. The reduced price under this scheme attracts the attention of the prospective customers towards new or improved products. (vi) Fairs and Exhibitions: Fairs and exhibitions may be organized at local, regional, national or international level to introduce new products, demonstrate the products and to explain special features and usefulness of the products. Goods are displayed and demonstrated and their sale is also conducted at a reasonable discount. International Trade Fair in New Delhi at Pragati Maidan, which is held from 14th to 27th November every year, is a well-known example of Fairs and Exhibitions as a tool of sales promotion. (vii) Trading stamps: In case of some specific products trading stamps are distributed among the customers according to the value of their purchase. The customers are required to collect these stamps of sufficient value within a particular period in order to avail of some benefits. This tool induces customers to buy that product more frequently to collect the stamps of required value. (viii) Scratch and win offer: To induce the customer to buy a particular product scratch and win scheme is also offered. Under this scheme a customer scratch a specific marked area on the package of the product and gets the benefit according to the message written there. IN this way customers may get some item free as mentioned on the marked area or may avail of price-off, or sometimes visit different places on special tour arranged by the manufacturers. (ix) Money Back offer: Under this scheme customers are given assurance that full value of the product will be returned to them if they are not satisfied after using the product. This creates confidence among the customers with regard to the quality of the product. This technique is particularly useful while introducing new products in the market.Thus it is not surprising that industries and companies vary considerably in how much they spend on promotion. Promotional expenditures might amount to 30-50% of sales in case in cosmetics industry and only 10-20% in the industrial equipment industry. Within a industry, a low and high spending companies can be found.

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Deciding on the promotion mix Companies face the task of distributing the total promotion budget over the five promotional tools : Advertising Sales Promotion Public Relations and Publicity Sales Force Direct Marketing. Whatever method a company adopts for promoting its product it must be from above mentioned method. Promotion is the final element in the marketing mix. After the nature of product is decided, its price fixed and the methods of distribution decided, the manufactures has to take effective steps in meeting the consumers in the markets. In the present consumer oriented markets it is the duty of manufacturers to know what is required by the consumer. It is also their duty to make the customers know where, when how and at what prices. The products would be available. Meaning of Promotion The term promotion is the term and includes mainly three type of sales activity : 1. Mass impersonal selling methods (Advertising). 2. Face to face personal selling (Salesman ship). 3. Activities other than personal selling and advertising such as point of purchase display (P.O.P.) show and exhibitions, demonstrations and other non securing selling efforts. This form of activity is called Sales Promotion.

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There are two type of promotion blends :1. Pull Blend. 2. Push Blend. Both of these are closely related to the channel of Distribution. 1. A pull blend is one in which mass impersonal, sales efforts are given the greatest emphasis. The purpose of pull blend to pre-sell to the final consumers. So that they demand the product at the retail level of distribution. The firm adopting this strategy would spend more on advertising and sales promotion rather than in personal selling. These efforts pull down the product from the manufacturer. 2. A push blend emphasizes personal selling. Naturally firms adopting this method develop a strong sales force at both the distributor and the dealer level. This method would tends to push the product through the channel of distribution.

Promotion and Selling The term promotion is very often used as a synonym for selling. But selling is a narrow term which includes only transfer of title or personal selling. Promotion on the other hand is broader in its outlook and includes a variety of activities used ultimately for increasing sales volume.

Promotion and Sales Promotion Similarly the terms sales promotion can not be taken to mean what is commonly does. Sales promotion, is only a part of the promotion. Basically promotion is an "exercise" in information persecution and influence. Promotion has come to mean the over all co-ordination of advertising selling, publicity and public relations. Promotion is a helping function designed to make all other marketing activities more effective and efficient. But sales promotion as such helps only the selling activity still, there exit same difference of opinion on the real connection of the term sales promotion.

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Sales Promotion and Advertising There is no universally accepted distribution between these two terms. To same advertising includes all forms of mass media communication directed towards influencing the end consumer. Sales promotion on the other hand, includes the form of mass communication directed towards information and influencing the channel of distribution (e.g. distributors, retailers etc.). Hence a price of product literature distributed by retailers in sales promotion. These sales promotion merges on one side in to advertising and on the other in to personal salesman ship. It is concerned with the dissemination of information to whole salers, retailers, customers (both actual and potential, and to the salesman). Sales promotion is concerned with the creation. Application and dissemination of material and techniques that supplement advertising and personal selling. Sales promotion makes use of direct mail, catalogues, trade shows, sales contests, premiums, samples, windows displays and other aids. Its purpose is to increase the desire of salesman, distributors and dealers to sell a certain brand to make consumers more eager to buy that brand. Personal selling and advertising do include prospects to make these decisions. Sale promotion provides an extra stimulus. The various schemes of sale promotion at Consumers Level may include Coupons (A Chit of Stated Value) These are given directly to the consumer these coupons are in most cases kept inside the package. The consumers many receive a price reduction of the stated values of the coupon at the time of purchase. The retailer receives reimbursement for the value of the coupon form the manufacturer. Coupons act as a short run stimulus to the sale of the product, since they are directly tied with the purchase of the item. They encourage the retailer to stock the product. What is important is that a coupon offer does not spoil the named price of the brand nor does it un pair the margin of the dealers. But it is not easy to measure the effectiveness of a coupon offer. One over knows how many customer would have bought the product without the incentive. It is also difficult to find out how many customers were held after the coupon offer expired.

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Price-off-offer (Also known as bargain offer price packs) This offer is intended to stimulate the sales during a slump season. In this method the customer is offered a reduction from the printed price list. It is also used when a substitute for competing product enters the market. Many experts on sales promotion fed that Off Schemes are among the weaker and less desirable methods of promotion. These can be trade resentment particularly when the retailer raises the price to retain his margin. Secondly that is not conductive to building up brand loyalty. Consumers may simply shift to the products that offer this scheme. Samples In the hope of converting a prospect into a customer a sample (Some demo classes of the training) may be given. This helps the consumer to verify the real quality of the product. Various pair manufacturing companies offer this method. For developing brand loyalty this method is quite useful. Sampling is a fast method of demand creation because one knows the result as soon as the consumer has had time to use the sample and buy the brand. Disadvantage of Sampler Offering sample in quit expensive. There is the cost of producing samples. The distribution costs are also high. Sample have to be mailed to potential customers or to be distributed through retail shops. There are also problems when the real product does not resemble the sample supplied. Money Refund Offer An offer usually stated on the package is that manufacturers will return with in a stated period part or all of the purchasers money if he is not completely satisfied with the product.

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Trading Stamps A premium in the form of stamps is given by the sellers to consumers while selling goods. The number and value of stamp that the buyer receives depends on the values of the purchase. These stamps are redeemable through premium catalogues at the stamp redemption centres. Buy-Back Allowance This an allowance following a previous trade deal not offer a certain amount of money for new purchases based on the quantity of purchases on the first trade deal. It extends the life of a trade deal and helps to prevent part deal sales decline. It greatly strengthens the buyers motivation to cooperate on the first deal.

Premium There are various forms of premiums provided by the manufacturer as sales promotional devices :(a) Coupons are supplied for effecting price reductions. (b) Factory in pack premium these are popular in the case of Body food and Tin food items, Spoons, Cups, Measuring, Glass etc. and such other items are packed with the product in the box itself. Factory in pack premium are particularly goods for product meant for children. The Binaca Toothpaste packs contain animal shape toys. These are very attractive and qutie popular among the children. (c) Self Liquidating Premiums :The cost of the premium is collected from the buyer himself. But when the buyers pays for it he has to pay only a considerably low price for the premium. This is possible for the manufacturer purchases the items in bulk at a premium and his cost per unit as is substantially low. Other Steps by Manufacturer for Promoting Sales Dealers can be helps in different ways

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1. Communicating Market News:Often this service is reciprocal the manufacturer may acquaint his dealer with the fact relating to his production and prices while the dealer may familiarize him in return with the information bearing on charges in the consumer's demand, their like and dislike complaints and criticism, substitutes etc.

2. Inviting to Sales Conference and Convention:The gestures of regard and respect pave the way for better relation and co-operation. 3. Offering Reasonable Terms of Sale:Of all the forms of encouragement, the monetary incentive evokes immediate response. Hence every producer must offer the most responsible terms of sale such as longer periods of credit and higher rates of descants. 4. Supplying suitable packages and useful things. 5. By taking the return back. 6. By furnishing them with sales literature and display materials. Aggressive Selling Meaning Goods are produced for market. Manufacturers have to make efforts to sell all they produce. When the manufacturers use various sales efforts to obtain increased sales volume for his product it is called aggressive selling or offensive selling. The sales efforts which a manufacturer makes to retain his customers i.e. to protect his already established market against against his competitors is termed as defensive selling. In contrast to this aggressive selling is concerned with the sales efforts made with the express objective of selling more by expanding the market for the product of the selling firm.

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Method of Aggressive Selling Sales promotion efforts use for aggressive selling may be divided in two classes 1. Trade Promotion. 2. Consumer Promotion.

Trade Promotion Under trade promotion methods special incentives are offered to the trader to buy products of the firm. Such incentive may take one or more of the following firm :(a) Cash Allowance :A definite percentage of discount is allowed on the purchase of given unit of a product. (b) Extra Product :Instead of giving any cash allowance extra product is given with each unit of product ordered. For instance if a box normally contains 20 Cakes of Soap, special box contains 25 cakes may be made and sold at the same price as that of the box of 20 cakes. (c) Gifts :-Various gifts are awarded in return for an order of a particular magnitude Consumer Promotion Under consumer promotion method special incentives are offered to the consumers to buy the firms product. The more prominent amongst such incentives are as following. (a) Coupons :A coupon of a giving value is sent to the consumer. By presenting this coupon to the retailer consumers can purchase a particular product mentioned on the coupon at a reduced price. The retailer sells the products mentioned. In the coupon to such consumer (consumers presenting the

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coupons) under and agreement with the manufacturer at a price lower than the user retail price. Thus the consumer get the benefit of reduced price to the extent of the value of the coupons. (b) Self Liquidating Offers :Under this system, the firm offers an article at an attracting price if the consumer send a given sum of money accompanied by a given number of box tops from the packages of a particular product the benefit to the consumer is that he receives the articles at a bargain price.

(c) Bargain Packs :Under this system a product is sold at a reduced price for a short period Bargain pack method encourages new consumers to try the product. It is also helpful in obtaining large displays in the shops. (d) Sampling :The method involves giving the product or a small quantity of the product to a consumer free with the hope that the customer will be favourable impressed with its actual use and will eventually become a regular purchaser of the product. A firm selling new product or an extensively improved product finds this methods useful. Also a firm whose market is hold by competitors whose free sampling almost expensive. The above mentioned methods may be reinforced by adopting. (i) Direct method of selling through. (ii) Offer of door to door selling. (iii) Hire purchase and installment payment methods of selling and by forming combination. Other Methods of Aggressive Selling :(i) Employment of Missionary Salesman also known as Promotional Salesman. These salesman call upon retailers and aggressively promote a product. (ii) Instead of using wholesalers, the firm may develop its own sales force to call directly on retailers.

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(iii) The firm may follow a compromise method by employing a manufacturers agent and giving him a large enough commission to encourage him to sell product intensively and aggressively. (iv) New territory exploitation sales promotion has a particularly important role in developing the companys product in new territories. (v) Increment and promotions. (vi) Letters to dealer and Customer. In fact, an ingenious sales manager can devise any number of incentives schemes for promoting the sales volume.

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Marketing mix of a service sector differs from product marketing mix, in products marketing mix there are only 4 ps which are 1. 2. 3. 4. PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION

But in service sector there are 3 more ps which are 5. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 6. PEOPLE 7. PROCESS

Product As per products concern product line and width are changing as per demand. In Mindrush services are changing rapidly due to changes in demand of the student and the current market. As students are the end customer of the services, company has to change the services as per them. The software companies are demanding more qualified students who have b-tech degree and also some other degree regarding their domain. So Mindrush is introducing some new courses like integrated circuit, i OS development to gain more market share. Price Price is a major factor at service sector, as it is a service sector and it is not a monopoly because of that price drive a different role


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Physical Evidence



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Strengths The Quality Advantage A Buying Experience Like No Other Quality Service across 1036 Cities .

Weaknesses Commodity Price Risks Exchange Rate Risk Opportunities Leading Growth Threats Risk Factors Business Risks

39 | P a g e

Threats from Competitors TATA CMC ARDENT GLOBSYN

Marketing Strategy Objectives Target Markets Positioning Strategies Product

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The project is basically based on Advertising And Promotion Policy of Mindrush

In the project, area of working is decided by the company according to territories wise and given the list of all the Technical,MBA,Others Colleges which are in that particular territories .The project is done through Two stages ,First I have to visit the particular college website to find the name of the concern person of that college, then have to visit those colleges regular basis, to promote the services of Mindrush,second one ,I also have to meet the students to inform them about the training program.


1. Data source : Primary & secondary 2. Research approach : Survey method 3. Geographical area : West Bengal 5. Sample size : 88 Customers. 6. Research instrument : Questionnaire. 7. Contact method : Personal contact

First StageB-Tech,MBA & Polytechnic Colleges-In the first stage I have to visit the college to meet their TPO/PRINCIPAL,and then I have to inform them about the training program of Mindrush .to convince them to conduct a workshop in their institution, and asked them to send their B-tech,BCA,MCA students at Mindrushs learning center for SUMMER TRAINING PROGARME which is in the syllabus of the student which should be done at particular semester, polytechnic student can get the training at any time to enhance their skills, I tried to promote the Online Training program at MBA colleges ,MBA students can go through the training at any stage.

41 | P a g e

Following questions I have used to get the information about the college.. I. What is your name?


What is your mobile no?


Is any IT program had been conducted in your institution?


Which company is providing workshop in your institution?


Which company is providing summer training to your student?


Do you want to conduct a workshop In your institution ?


If you want to conduct a workshop it will be on which subject?


Which company do you prefer for IT training program?


What do you like about the company which is providing Workshop & training to your



Do you like to send the student at learning center of the company for summer training



Do you know about Mindrush?


From where do you know about Mindrush?


Do you like about the training programs of Mindrush?

Here is the list of the colleges which I Have visited in 2 months of project work 42 | P a g e


REMARKS All ready Done

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

George college of management and Science Institute of Engineering & Management Narula Institute of Technology RCC Institute of Information Technology Goverment College of Engineering &Ceramic Technology B.P.Poddar Institute of Management & Technology School of IT, WBUT Bengal Institute of Technology St Thomas College of Engineering, University of Kalyani, Institute of Engineering JIS College of Engineering Techno India Netaji Subhas Engineering College Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Guru Nanak Institute of Technology Govt. College of Engineering and Leather Technology, Salt Lake Camellia Institute of Technology Pailan College of Management and Technology Future Institute of Engineering and Management Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management Indian Institute of Information Management and Business Studies National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Marine Engineering and Research Institute Syamaprasad Institute of Technology and Management Supreme College of Engineering Camellia Institute of technology Camellia Institute of Engineering Camellia School of Engineering & Technology Budge Budge Institute Of Technology BATANAGAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT AND SCIENC Bengal Institute Of Technology Annex College NSHM College of management & Technology,Kolkata

Interested Interested Not Interested Interested Not Interested Interested All ready Done Interested Not Interested Interested Interested Interested Not Interested Interested Not Interested Interested Interested Not Interested Not Interested Interested All ready Done Interested

Not Interested Interested Interested Interested Not Interested Interested Not Interested Interested Interested Not Interested 43 | P a g e

35. Shree SwamiVivekananda Institute Of Science and Technology 36. Neotia Institute of management science 37. Dr.Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College 38. Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology Kolkata,West Bengal 39. Regent Education and Research Foundation Group of Institutions Kolkata,West Bengal 40. Indian Institute of Software Technology (IIST) 41. Ideal institute of Engineering 42. IEM - College of Management 43. IEM - School of Information Technology 44. Heritage Institute of Technology 45. Dr Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College 46. NIAS 47. Adamas Institute of Techno 48. Advanced Institute Of Modern Management & Tec 49. Dream institute of Technology 50. Institute Of technology And Marine Engineering(NITMAS) 51. Footwear Design & Development Institute 52.BUIE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES 52. Ramkrishna Mission Silpapitha 53. North Calcutta Polytechnic 54. Womens Polytechnic 55. The Calcutta Technical School 56. Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic 57. Birla Institute of Technology 58. Central Calcutta Polytechnic MANAGEMENT COLLEGES 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. South Asian Management Technologies Future Business School NPC College of Science & Management Birla School of Management Nopany Institute of Professional Studies Gurukul Management Studies IBRAD School of Management and Sustainable Development 66. Prajnanananda Institute of Technology and Management

Interested Interested Interested Interested Interested Not Interested Interested Interested Not Interested Interested Interested All ready done Interested All ready Done Interested Not Interested Interested Interested Interested All ready Done Interested Not Interested Interested Interested Not Interested Not Interested

Interested Interested Not Interested Not Interested All Ready done Interested Interested Not Interested 44 | P a g e

67. Nexgen Institute Of Business and Technology Interested 68. The Calcutta Anglo Gujarati College 69. Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Interested All ready done Management 70. Institute of Management Study 71. NIPS School of Hotel Management All ready done 72. George College of Management and Science Interested 73. Dinabandhu Andrews Institute of Technology and Interested Management Not Interested 74. Institute of Business Management and Research 75. George College Interested 76. Bhavans Institute of Management Science SCIENCE AND ARTS COLLEGE All ready Done Interested Not Interested 77. BIT Extension Centre Kolkata Interested 78. Bhairab Ganguly College Not Interested 79. Jawahari Debi Birla Institute of Home Science Not Interested 80. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 81. RTG Animate Animation Academy All ready Done 82. St. Xaviers College 83. St. Mary's Interested Not Interested 84. jis group Not Interested

45 | P a g e


Is any IT program had been conducted in your institution? Yes 68% No 32%


Which company is providing workshop in your institution? Tata CMC 42% Globsyn20% Ardent 24% Mindrush14%

46 | P a g e


Which company is providing summer training to your student?


Do you know about Mindrush?

47 | P a g e


From where do you know about Mindrush?


Do you want to conduct a workshop in your institution?

48 | P a g e


If you conduct a workshop it will be on ich subject?


Which company do you prefer for IT training program?

49 | P a g e


What do expect from the training company? Best in Price 19% Best in Quality of Teacher 24% Best in Infrastructure 22% Good in overall 35%

50 | P a g e


Do you like to send your student to the learning center instead of conducting training programme in your institute?

The total number of college is 84,between them 48 26 10 57 % 31 % 12%

Interested Not Interested All Ready Done

o o o

57 colleges were interested to conduct wokshop and summer training program 31 colleges were not interested to conduct wokshop and summer training program 12 colleges had all ready done the workshop and training.

51 | P a g e

Second StageIn the second stage company send me to Netaji Indoor Stadium on 19.6.13 to meet the students face to face and to inform them about Mindrush, on that day pre-counseling was going on, because of that there was a huge number of student. The name of the students with whom I met ,list of them are given bellow.


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1. To increase the market share of Mindrush as per volume of sale and profit. 2. To promote the Mindrushs services. 3. To convince the TPO/Principal to conduct seminar/workshop/training in their institution. 4. To change some advertisement policy of Mindrush, and include some new technique. 5. To have an overview about Mindrush 6. To study the consumer perception about the Mindrush. 7. To suggest few sales promotion techniques to improve the brand awareness amongst consumers.

Before embarking on the details of research methodology and techniques, it seems appropriate to present a brief overview of the research process. Research process consists of series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired sequencing of these steps.

1. Formulating the research problem 2. Extensive literature survey 3. Development of working hypothesis 4. Preparing the research design 5. Determining the research design 1. Collecting the data By observation through personal interview

By questionnaires
2. Execution of the project 3. Analysis of data 4. Hypothesis-testing 5. Generalization and interpretation 6. Preparation of the report

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RESEARCH PROCESS:The research was carried out as per steps of consumer research process. The figure below depicts a model of consumer research process. Define the Objectives of the Research STEP1: Define The Objectives Of The Research STEP2:Collecting and evaluating secondary data STEP3:Designing a primary research study STEP4:Collection of Primary data STEP5:Processing and Interpretation of Data Therefore to achieve the objectives of my research I have used Descriptive method for research

Secondary Data
There was a small use of secondary data,I collected those data from college website which are Concern persons Name and college address, and to know about the price of competitors services.

Primary Data
The primary data of the project is collected by visiting the individual college in the territory that is assigned by the company. Primary Data of the research was collected by me on the time of the project work by visiting the colleges and by meeting students.Basicaly I visited most of the colleges of all over West Bengal.

55 | P a g e

I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. What is your name? What is your mobile no? Is any IT program had been conducted in your institution? Which company is providing workshop in your institution? Which company is providing summer training to your student? If you want to conduct a workshop it will be on which subject? Do you want to conduct a workshop In your institution ? Which company do you prefer for IT training program? What do you like about the company which is providing Workshop & training to your student? X. Do you like to send the student at learning center of the company for summer training program? XI. XII. XIII. Do you know about Mindrush? From where do you knew about Mindrush? Do you like about the training programs of Mindrush?

SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of the colleges is 84 & Sample size of the students is 100

56 | P a g e

Share Of taking training program from various company-

Benefits of taking training from Mindrush Good Infrastructure Globally Acceptable Certification Program Highly Talented Teachers

Reason for not taking training from Mindrush Price is too high Lesser chance of bargaining No extra offers 57 | P a g e

Some Facilities Should Be Added-

Some promotional offer should be introduced. In some areas the advertisement should be done properly o o o BANKURA PURULIA DURGAPUR

I have used some of statistical tools those are

Pie Chart
Bar Chart. Table.

58 | P a g e


In most Of the colleges the training program and workshop is conducting by TATA CMC and ARDENT

Per year more than 50 students are doing their summer training program from the IT training institute of each college

Because of competitive market many colleges are want to conduct the workshop for their students which will give them knowledge beyond their domain knowledge.

General students are also want to do a special training like PHP,JAVA to get a job.

After conducting the survey I have found that the Internet security program is much popular than other programs.

Most of colleges expense more than Rs.50000 for their students in IT training

59 | P a g e

Mindrush has a good brand name golbaly,but it needs to take a good foothold in westbengal.After conducting the survey and field work I have seen that some portion should be improved yet, which will give Mindrush a good competitive advantage. As it is a service sector it has some different features from product industry, so it needs to emphasize on-

1. Infrastructure-Company should make a good expenditure on infrastructure, as it is a service sector it should have proper physical evidence.

2. Course Fee- As per market the course fees of Mindrush is higher than the competitors, thats why Mindrush is somehow lagging behind, so Mindrush need to cut the excess cost or price.

3. The company should increase their learning center. 4. More financing options should be available. 5. The company should provide more consumer value. 6. Follow-ups should be increased. 7. Efforts should be increased for Customer Relationship MANAGEMENT.

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The time was limited, to work with the company,2 months is too short time to cover all the colleges of West Bengal. All the concern people of the colleges was not respond properly in the first time ,so a regular visit with those person is required . Got fewer time to interact with the colleges. Some customers refuse to co-operate and do not disclose their Genuine opinion. Customer information is highly confidential, so organization doesnt disclose it properly. Respondents answers might have influence or bias. Information is collected from the customers and dealers only. Making appointments to the Management personnel is tough job, because they are very busy.

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As the IT industry is growing rapidly and will increase more than this in future so a lot of good skilled people is required. So the company has a wide scope to get a good market share ,and to grab a good foothold in West Bengal.

It has a good chance to spread its business, and to spread its service line and length.

Now the company is only providing training ,in future it can include some other new courses.

As IT professionals are working with them company can also launch a software service.

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This survey was done to identify various problems and level of satisfaction of consumers, advertising and sales promotion of Mindrush, so that efforts might done to satisfy them which would result in building long-term relationships between customer and company. Due to delivery in customer needs and expectations, it becomes a difficult task to satisfy every customer, therefore to satisfy each and every customer the important of building relationship with them existed, for this purpose a number of questions were asked to find out behavior of the customers. This research is also done to know the views of the customer towards the services and quality and services of Mindrush Technology Pvt. Ltd.

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